Tons of Real Tickets at Mariner's Arcade in Wildwood, NJ!

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We're at Mariners Arcade we're in Wildwood, New Jersey on the boardwalk this is so cool we love this arcade it's super clean it's super nice look look at that little bucket they got their own buckets so this is super cool this is a cash arcade so everything is still run on quarters and bills here uh they're known for their coin pushers of which they have a ton of we're gonna do kind of like a variety video so we're gonna show a little bit of everything that they have in the arcade today we have a claw machine video as well that's coming if it's not already out yet so check that out like and subscribe I'm excited we're gonna show you everything that they have here at Mariners Arcade they also have one of the best redemption walls in all arcades across the US so we're super excited to show you that. Oh my goodness Angry Birds Coin Crash which is like the newest hot game this summer I know it came out like late last year but I think a lot of arcades got it this summer look at this all three machines like with towers like ready to go these are all in good positions to play that's incredible. Wow I can't believe it like I'm not gonna play it right now I'm gonna leave that for somebody else but I would 100% if I was just here on a normal day play this tower right here that's awesome. You may recognize this from last summer's video where we got how many of these over the edge did we even get like it was a lot and so when you get one of these tokens over the edge on this coin pusher um they give you this for 10,000 points that's like 10,000 tickets for their redemption so definitely check out that video from last summer because like we cleaned house here. Wow you guys saw us play this at IAAPA but we finally found it at an arcade we said let us know and this is the first place that we found it um so this is the new Spongebob Ticket Coaster game and um how it works is you press this cute little Glove World button the ball will drop down here and you try to time it to get it in the ticket coaster okay and then based on which character you get that's how many tickets you get okay. It's mad at me because I haven't done it yet. Oh there it goes. I already had that one. Pearl that's 30 tickets though okay this game does have a mild amount of flashing so just be aware of that. Mild yeah all right I'm trying to get something that we don't have yet we already have a Squidward tell them what we don't have. Okay we don't have Gary, Spongebob, Mrs Puff and Sandy. Hoping for a Gary oh. Plankton we had Plankton we're getting a lot of tickets though I'll show you guys in a second. Ah plankton again! I'm going crazy I'm going crazy that's going to be Plankton again wait wait yeah! Gary! Oh yeah did we mention physical tickets here? Whoa. Okay so we still need Spongebob, Mrs Puff, and Sandy. Oh that was close. The game loves Patrick I love Patrick. Let's see come on speed up a little bit no okay. Maybe you should go for the ones at the end. Okay. Mrs Puff or Sandy. That I did that way later than before they landed in Patrick. The game loves Patrick. If you think you know how to time this game you don't it's crazy. That's the fun of it. No way okay good. Hey Mrs Puff so now we just need Sandy and Spongebob. What were you going for? Sandy. Oh we did it. Nailed it now we only need Spongebob the pressure is on if we get all of them to light up we get the super bonus of 517 tickets. Very close and he's already going again this is like rapid. Look look. Oh my gosh okay I'm just going to hold it here because he's going so fast I can't keep up. That's a little too early. Okay that um Spongebob one is very tiny. Oh that was way too early. Whoa I love Gary though. Okay. Too early. He's really angry he's like one more car left okay oh my gosh I could play this all day. Okay we've got like three tries left. It's gonna be really close yeah. Oh my gosh are you lining it up with something do you have a skill here? Yeah but that one was really bad but I try to line it up right when the train hits the corner okay for the Spongebob but it's obviously not doing super well. I think that was it that was it way too early again. Whoa. It's so hard to time okay so we're gonna leave this with no super bonus won okay but I don't think we did that bad. That's not terrible. That's not bad. I should have folded those nicely I've left them just go astray all right that's probably like a million tickets or so right? All right this game does flash a little bit but we have the Avengers coin pusher this Mariner's Arcade was the first place that we played this game last year this one only needs two Infinity Stones which is why we're playing it and there's two right here on the edge so I mean I think Katie's got this in the bag like very shortly oh and they're on top of a card so they're gonna slip immediately as soon as you get one more like good push I think they're going to flip. My gosh if I can get one more good push I mean I think that's all you needed yeah literally both of them went off and a card kind of stuck but they'll come off eventually all right so we have one bonus spin up top and then after it reads the second stone that fell off we'll get the big bonus wheel in the middle, let's see 15 tokens that's that'll be some good bonus tokens maybe get that card off. Perfect. Oh yeah look at that oh and a card off nice wow okay and now we should have the sixth infinity stone here there it is oh no one just came out let's see coming over this side. I don't know if they counted the second one. Oh that's weird. That's okay. That's all right we'll get it off. I got this. Your card's like slipping like it wants to fall off there he goes okay. There we go. All right so you at least got one more card there. Oh yeah it just fell out. Okay tell us how we're doing because I can't watch and play. Oh and a card out there oh wow you're doing pretty good your tickets are coming out of the machine so that's always exciting oh wow oh look there you go you got another card you got two cards and an Infinity Stone oh my gosh I can't even talk. Too exciting. All right I love the rainbow effect here I can't wait to see what those two cards are. Let's see give us a big bonus oh you you're so close 500 tickets oh 100 tickets. Okay so I got 17 plays to play out. Okay wow you only put five dollars in here you got an Infinity bonus and you got like three cards that's awesome. Oh a 25 cent game what? Monster Jackpot. Okay it's a little one that I like even better actually so are you gonna load up a few quarters? I guess I will. I mean you might as well it's just a quarter, oh that was close already I love this it's so much easier to film. Oh I can imagine. Very close okay so first one went into 15. Oh oh the second one went into two it was very close to the drop bonus balls but that one's a smaller hole so you usually have to drop straight in it. Okay. Oh a little early. Okay sorry little difficulties on my end um okay let's see what we've got going on oh my gosh so close oh oh I like that they put stools over here too so you can just sit and play this and put quarters in all day. Right I know oh oh. Enjoy that air conditioning five what's the biggest number other than the jackpot on the board? 50? Okay. Oh it went in! Did you see that? It bounced in. We did it yeah! How did that happen? Oh my gosh it bounced into the jackpot. That's crazy look at that. Wow. Oh my gosh. You know what's weird is that ball actually bounced into the jackpot like it dropped into the jackpot and then bounced out and then bounced around the board and went back into the jackpot. That's crazy. I'm gonna have to slow that down and watch that because that was awesome. I still have one more play. Oh okay. Oh do it again do it again. Five. Oh but look how nicely those are falling. Oh yeah I love this. We have one of Katie's recent favorites and it is Yahtzee and this is 50 cents a play but if you put in a dollar it gives you three plays it actually gave you four plays which is interesting I wonder if there's already a play on this machine but she just pops the balls and it just plays like regular Yahtzee so you get you get two pair oh yeah yeah. I always forget which button is which. I know okay so she's got two twos and two sixes now she hopes for another two. Two go to the two no no no go to the six! Oh we got a full house you got 50 tickets right there. Oh my gosh and that's a good score too okay all right keep playing keep playing. Oh my gosh whoa. Um okay you don't have anything yet you have one two two four six so if you want to hold the twos and hopefully get another pair or another two all right pop them this game is just so fun to watch oh what happened? Sorry my tickets they started crawling crawling on my leg I thought it was a bug. Oh you didn't win anything on that one. Oh no that's like never happened to me. That has never happened they got the tower on that Angry Birds just now somewhere over there I heard it I wonder if you can hear that in the video um man you're having rotten luck on this one today. Let's see hold the two sixes. And then pop it again oh you got three of a kind look at you go all right so that's ten tickets and you got one more play. Oh I'll have to play again though oh I'm I'm not that close to the. No you would not be close enough to that bonus to continue playing. Well I guess we'll see on this one. Okay the one on the right just went crazy. What oh no it wasn't three plays, it was only three plays. Oh that's so weird okay here take another dollar, sorry. That's okay. That's so weird it said four credits I don't understand anything about this oh it probably just means like you put in a dollar like four quarters. Oh it didn't take my dollar oh my gosh I'm running out of time! Katie! Did it it counted? It did. Oh my gosh. Okay okay so you got two sixes again. Can I count them again? What? Can I do them again though? Yeah what do you mean? It's not like real Yahtzee right? What does that mean oh yeah yeah it's not like real Yahtzee. Uh-oh. Yeah you didn't get anything that's a chance uh-oh okay so you're playing again regardless but at least that's giving you towards that bonus you need to get 13 points to get the bonus I think you can do it. Okay oh you got you got two pair. Okay so I'm gonna keep my twos and my fours. Wait so that means you already got it yeah because you only have to get a one right here to get this and you got a five I think you got that bonus somehow you got the score bonus, let's see yep. Yeah! So not only did you get 90 you got 97 tickets on that last play look at you go. Oh and I have the one more play. Okay coming up. Let's just do it for fun. Just for fun okay not too great. I guess I'll keep my sixes. Yeah that's that seems to be your game today holding all the sixes oh whoa oh that was so close right three of a kind all right all right let's take a look at those tickets move your leg. Get out of the way! They're stuck on me. Oh my gosh we're gonna add that to our massive bag of tickets already look at that. Wow. All right even more coin pushers they do have a few other games like we had a racing game we have a Scooby-Doo wheel uh just so many coin pushers I'm not gonna lie oh oh a Mrs Pac-Man oh it's only 25 cents all right I'm not subjecting you to watch this but uh I'ma sit here and play this. This is one of our favorite games here so this is the Flip To Win we played this for a long time last season but we've got these two uh 10,000 over the edges that are pretty close here this game's just so crazy like flips them up and then it's like a double coin pusher action. Well I'm getting some good action over here already. You are whoa it moved forward quite a bit let me get uh right up here a little bit less glare for you. So we're playing oh oh my gosh so we're playing with real quarters here this is crazy look at those little squeegees I love it. Spencer is just so good at this game. Okay here comes some falling down of the blue oh more pushing nice job. Oh wow yeah look at this are you trying to get kind of like two at a time up there so it pushes oh. Not really it's just been doing a really good job on its own. I think it's you. I'm trying to get rid of the glare. I know we had this problem last year too oh come on come on. We're getting a ton of tickets. I know because the top is spinning at the same time. Yeah over there that should be good. Oh whoa okay come on squeegee do your work. Okay oh getting a lot of motion around it again oh gosh yeah big bunch just fell out underneath it okay. Oh I just got wild everything yeah okay okay okay. I'm in the way there's tickets everywhere look at this look they put the change machine right here so that we don't even have to move we're just living our best lives okay let me I don't wanna be in his way. Oh we just got twenty more tickets. I'm trying to get out of the glare there if I stand on my tiptoes. Oh oh oh okay okay there's a little gap there that that'll fill but oh yeah. Close now it's close now. Oh you are just lining this up beautifully I'm so impressed. Look at that oh it's getting close all right I got it figured out. Okay it's really pushing over the edge now once those ones underneath it go okay here comes a big blue push. Oh my gosh. I'm kind of freaking out this is so good oh my gosh Oh my gosh. I know a lot moving under it oh my gosh we're getting so many tickets though at the same time this is crazy. Come on big pushes big pushes right here ready you're ready right here. Oh slipped back a little bit. Oh yeah there's two Oh okay now it's leaning forward. I'm running out of money! Oh my gosh you have to get more quarters he's going over to the change machine. Oh my goodness. I love this so you can actually put all the quarters in the bucket which is pretty nice easier to hold around hold them around here if you need a lot oh my gosh I'm just so impressed at how well you're doing. Okay. It's leaning it's leaning guys. There it is! Check it out. 10,000 points! We get one of these big golden tickets nice job Spencer! All right let's see if we can get somebody to give us a little gold ticket. Look at that that is 10,000 points over the edge 10,000 points I love that that's something like super unique that not a lot of places do uh Mariners Arcade super cool I mean check out all those tickets just kept spitting out tickets. This top uh yeah all of these he just got that's crazy like even while he was going to get this ticket it was still spitting out these tickets it's crazy. Okay. Okay let's see if you get all the tickets out of the bag. Why'd you give them why did we do this? Because you won so much. Okay but luckily here they don't count every individual ticket they're going to weigh all of the tickets. That's the way to do it get it? The way oh my gosh okay oh my gosh all right we got this we got this we're almost there nope we're not almost there. We're not almost there he says, there's some on the ground. I think that's it is that it from the bag that's it from the bag we got that in the bucket and then we of course have our 10,000 from over the edge okay. And then we have three cards right? We have three cards as well look at that. Oh my gosh okay let's get our final count for tickets today. Okay and we're not joking when we tell you that they have just this massive redemption area they have literally everything that you could ever want from an arcade redemption area I mean oh mystery Squishmallows Wildwoods souvenirs I love those Silipints, gift cards if you have enough tickets this this is crazy hold on I'm not joking there's even more and there's signed autographed sports memorabilia as well I mean everything here this this just goes on and on candy of course okay Katie give us the news. Oh my gosh first off look at this cute little like. You got a cashiers check for your tickets? I did okay we got 28,660 points. Wow and honestly I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie to you we didn't like go for like a heavy jackpot day we went for like a play everything kinda day so the fact that we did that well just like having fun is amazing so that means if you really wanted to keep coming back to this arcade and adding up all those tickets you could you could cash in big. That's crazy. Check this out now these ticket values or point values were of course high but some people come here all summer and play all summer and save up and I know that there are people here that have literally like over a million points so these are not out of the realm of possibility for some of those folks but these are all autographed either helmets, balls, jerseys, super cool and then we have even more we got baseball going on over here oh my gosh Derek Jeter, Cal Ripken Jr some huge names here, Mike Tyson autographed boxing glove, this is so cool I mean I love that these options oh my gosh and a third case even look at that it just doesn't end here I'm telling you they have everything I mean you could just play here forever and then just keep on going. And of course Squishmallows those are those 24-inch? I don't know they're really big. Those are huge and they've been flying off the shelves 90,000 so we're we're almost halfway there for that not quite we're about a quarter of the way to that. A third of the way! A third of the way to that. What is that math? Well I don't I don't do math very well it's Skee-ball math right no I'm just kidding yeah these have been flying off the shelves but I love it ninety thousand I feel like that's still a fair value for those twenty four inch Squishmallows. Yeah we saw someone win one last night when we were filming that was really exciting. Love it. This is just so crazy 28,000 points I mean I love it this redemption area is huge it's massive it's so much fun we did partner with Mariners Arcade today to make this video so we're not going to take home any big prizes today we're going to give them this cashier's check of point tickets back but we had so much fun here we love coming here we're going to be back here later this year so keep an eye out for another new video and definitely check out the claw machine that we filmed here at Mariners Arcade in Wildwood, New Jersey.
Channel: Winner Every Time
Views: 7,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade big win, arcade jackpot, arcade plush wins, arcade prizes, arcade redemption, arcade tickets, arcade winning, arcade wins, classic arcade, claw game win, claw machine, claw machine video, claw machine win, crane game, crane machine, family entertainment center, jackpot wins, ticket claw machine, mariners arcade, mariner's arcade wildwood, wildwood arcade, wildwood boardwalk arcade, mariner's coin pushers, spongebob ticket coaster, coin pushers
Id: 2SFtvKownIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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