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[Music] Transylvania a place we have all heard of a medieval landscape with mysterious Tales of ghosts werewolves and vampires but is there any truth behind the scary stories [Music] in 1456 a man of the Dracula family Vlad Dracula came into power over these lands he had a particular thirst for blood his enemies would be left out to die on Long wooden Stakes around 80 000 of them in his time gaining him the name Vlad the Impaler stories passed down through the centuries talking of bloodsuckers and creatures of the night inspired a man named Bram Stoker while he was researching he read of the atrocities that had been committed by Vlad Dracula and in 1897 Bram Stoker's vampire novel Dracula was born [Music] Dracula's castle was described as being located high above a valley perched on a rock above where the rivers wind in deep Gorges through the forests somewhere in Transylvania The Majestic 13th century Bran Castle is the most fitting castle in the right area to match Bram Stoker's description Bran Castle holds a bloody history of its own a home to many kings and queens has also seen many a Battle [Music] the region feels like going back in time horse and cart are frequent on the old roads the unspoiled Countryside is filled with Farmers tending to their land and the smell of log fire fills the air we travel to the commune of bran a place that has morphed into a center for vampire tourism a setting which inspired these frightful stories that have spread across the globe and contributed to so much of today's horror culture [Music] foreign [Music] oh we are then taking you to Dracula's car so I'm super excited to see this me too I've got my Halloween dress oh just the witch it's pretty cool place this place right in the heart of brand as well it's like 100 yards from the city center it's the restaurant in there look at this there's like a real traditional Hotel oh yeah yeah foreign it's much nicer Vibe and all the sun's out and shining in Romania here's the car doesn't look too muddy from the back but this side of it is just peppered oh my God the front foreign apples here and stuff as well beautiful this is a nice part Romania I'm definitely preferring the South or the mid towards the South sort of area to the north [Music] so we're going to quickly show you the front of the hotel before we need to start moving on our travels we're actually heading down even further south tonight after we've done filming heading down to butcherest I think it is pronounced I'm not sure let's see what that city has to offer at least we'll be able to get some decent food there that's for sure so here we are in Brian kids parking you can see that Park last night so dark surrounded by mountains and stuff and there's a front of our hotel [Music] one of their moments where Justin pulls the car over so this is why he just pulled over look at that view mountains it's even got snow on the mountains man so I got a chai latte just got decaf coffee I mean look at this smoothie Bowl it looks phenomenal look at the car it is so muddy thing is if your higher car ain't looking like that and then you know you ain't having fun when you're away look at it [Music] [Music] foreign beautiful architecture cloud of lantern up there as well the original artifacts so this year 2022 marks the 125th anniversary the publication of Brahms Stoker's novel Dracula that's actually him who written the novel wow huge dining table incredible woodwork the old chairs chandeliers and I'm super Gothic in here as well the doors in here are phenomenal this is all the metal work incredible craftsmanship this is actually an old cooker here as well tiny little bread oven there look at this chest it's like the ones we see in the abandoned buildings but even nicer so it's actually still set up as well it's like a Time captured bedroom [Music] you can see the original foundations it's not the real complete original ones but maybe this Stone here it's one of them being These Bricks were probably added in a bit later on so Brown was actually born in Dublin at this place Mourinho Crescent 1847. there is in 1906. this is the gothic room I see the wooden beams and the Wolf beautiful gothic art architecture and furniture [Music] another incredible door it's about 1736. [Music] it's built with big Stones really hard as well so this staircase was actually hidden well they found it during Renovations it was hidden behind a stove that secret passageways all throughout this whole castle wow here we go up the spiral staircase maybe that's all still the original Stone oh wow Jess wow this is crazy it's tiny yeah it's so thin secret passageways attention watch your head it's got fingers on my nests didn't have lights all been lit by candle and look how low this is it's for little people oh it's like a living room Library all the old books maybe some of these are dating back a bit further see all that old silverware and here as well look at that it's like China crossed with silver I've never seen that before it's obviously super religious here as well because there's crosses carved into everything all the old glassware as well looks so clean furniture near something else this is all wooden Mosaic work [Music] this is just like the living room coming and chilling out here right next to the fire and that cozy little Nook someone playing the piano look at these wooden beans wow it's like a fairy tale it's like a Halloween [Music] foreign [Music] wow phenomenal look at the Old Tower up there rooftop so this was originally part of the attic and then the soldiers used it to put more on their enemies what the hell is this [Music] sent off problems [Music] is it no it's greasy always breaking it was super busy in it this is like all different projections of different folklore different scary tales and stuff foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] like one of the real ones from back in the day though thank you wow oh wow low dining room humping a door after 1920 this floor the second floor was set up as an apartment for the king check out his little pad I mean it's a nice bow and say it's Fit For A King there's his crown the bed another beautiful dining room tile work on the fireplaces yeah pretty nice this is the route I'm excited to show you guys the outside of this place this is the actual home of Vlad the Impaler for one of his actual homes anyway I'm hoping we can fly the Drone up because it is closed right now but it looks like it's a long way out wow all of Transylvania as a costume from a movie I like the style though Vlad the Impaler and the movie outfit look at these suits [Music] [Music] out into the balcony wow that's beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] even though it's a bit busy I'm still super enjoying myself and I hope you're enjoying the video too I've got Canon yeah wow so these are the windows to be shooting out of probably originally arrows what a beautiful part of the castle gosh it's just getting busier and busier super popular place and I definitely see why and if you guys can see that but there's like thousands and thousands of wasps in that tree looks like a torture autos and torture stuff been there it's like the chunky from Matilda look at that one oh my spiral staircase there's a wind coming up here [Music] oh wow straight out into the gardens so what a crazy experience I just wanted to take off the bucket list for sure Dracula's castle what place what an incredible place and the view from inside the castle too beautiful it's like classic yeah it's classic but we're going to walk through this little market now before we go to the market we're going to check the park because we didn't realize this was part of it so once you leave you can't come in there but the grounds here are beautiful a little pond right now wow look at that beautiful ah Dracula's castle it was a pleasure I bet it has a lot of underground you know in that right but it has a lot of underground probably all under here as well I know imagine if it was abandoned so here we go market time all right yeah we do this part first what about some T-shirts here Jess that's a cool one that is really cool [Music] [Music] that's Crockery [Music] proper Romanian stall over there [Music] beer barrels look at those they've actually got like a pump on it like a tap sorry I think that part over there was the most handmade traditional stuff we met a really cool guy we didn't film him because I'm not sure if we want to be on camera it sounded like he had every every accent he looked like a really cool guy as well he's a bone Carver yeah we're gonna have to go and buy something it smells like burnt wood but I think it's the corn that yeah they're cooking what is it let's have a look there's an ATM though wow a shop of Curiosities [Music] what is this it's unfortunately there's no filming in the uh haunted castle foreign [Music] foreign [Music] driving through Romania is like an incredible experience especially this time of year it's like like the most important looking place you can ever be and the mountains the trees it's like if Croatia had a baby with Scotland this is what it'd be like mountains with loads of trees and stuff [Music] so after exploring Dracula's castle we thought there's probably no better place to take you than the supposed death site of Vlad the Impaler and this location is known as The Witch's Pond a lot of the locals think this this Pond is cursed but others don't with the wiccans and The Druids they come here it's like a sacred Place some of them even pilgrimage from all over the world just to come here wow there's all sorts of superstitions surrounding this Pond it shouldn't be there there's no source of water it never dries out no animals drink from it and it's supposed to be bottomless how can we test that yeah well there's one way one way we can test that that's if one of us goes in the pond it's a beautiful wood so really nice tall trees this Woods is pretty big pretty big kind of in the middle of this bit and it's gonna get lost in there look how thick the trees are to go get to here so now which way there's a split see none of this is marked on the map either it's just like one path yeah two paths yeah I'm guessing go left or right is it because we needed to like damn split in the forest so we went left the mushrooms no mushrooms in it no it's a bit weird doesn't it I feel like I'm at home when I'm in the woods even if it is a creepy one so I hope we're going the right way right now we're just gonna end up yeah there's like a ton of paths yeah but only two marked yeah it's dangerous if he was here at night it'd be pretty freaky he would definitely get lost so I think we've made it to the main track but not sure seems like the GPS is off right now yeah definitely which maybe adds to the Superstition even more about this vacation looks lovely now all the yellow leaves on the floor light coming through like a Floating Leaf it's really weird there's a guy at the end here seeing the Vance but he's just been stood like that the whole time we were coming up before it was like a tree I thought it must be a tree a bit worried about going down there you know I don't know if we just swing it right here and make our way to the lake through the woods yeah I reckon so there's like a whole crowd of them down there getting a bit of a rest care the fingers crossed we don't get lost and we just make it to the witch's pond it's weird because it's like they're camped right ah massive cobweb on me again it's like they're camped like the closest point to the witch's Lake you can on the road hey the GPS is just going all over the place backwards and forwards and suddenly went back here what's that mosquitoes mushrooms what oh no what is that yeah mushrooms there they are tiny little ones there's loads of mosquitoes right in the spotlight right here horrible thing is all the spiders on the cobwebs I'm seeing are actually on them ugh cobweb's going all in our faces and our hair yeah I'm pretty sure I saw the spider no you're right so we're getting close by the looks of things so the GPS is completely messing up doesn't know where we are at all oh God badly look at all these cobwebs I can see the spider still on the web still on the web it's still on the web no we still can't find the pond but it says it's right here now saying we've gone past her I don't know it's a massive we just stopped to look at the film there's a massive spider going up its web right next to Sam's head oh this is horrible in here maybe we should go back to the path and ask those people look at this I don't know if you can see that this is a booby trapped Woods spider trapped I just don't want one in my mouth can you imagine if you oh I didn't want to imagine it thought they're all over me I think the map is just wrong because we're facing towards the farther I'm gonna run over here real quick don't don't let's go together and don't run you run into a spider foreign spider where is it now I've lost it oh so we think we found it but the only thing is there's hardly any water in it we just spoke to the locals there's people there and they said yeah this is it there's no water in it so the superstitions are wrong zip this is the pond Mark but it's definitely not bottomless and it definitely dries out maybe it's going to be like a tourist MythBusters MythBusters we buffed busted the meth so guess what we're actually stood where the pond should be yeah so it's actually a pretty shallow Point yeah but unless the middle of it is really really indeed and it's full it's deep it's big though I mean yeah really wide and it's covered in Moss usually we'll throw a photo in yeah we took a photo in right now but um yeah if anyone was wondering about the richest pond it's uh and now I've got six I just got a notification on my phone maybe there is still some you know energies I think there's some crazy energy here definitely yeah so we are now heading back up north yeah heading back up north as I was actually staying in a tree house tonight should be good should be good I'm yeah I'm super excited never stayed in treehouse before no no we haven't never um and then the fairy tale Village fairy tale Village and we've got a crazy road we want to show you as well and there's Bears there oh yeah a lot of people in the reviews on Google because it's pinned on Google Maps uh photos of bears them seeing bears like a lot it was like 52 reviews of bears pretty much in the last year yeah maybe so we thought we were pretty much in here on our own and we were just scream and Jess was screaming I had a massive spider wrap around my face I had to whack the spider off and then I was worried in my case whoa whoa whoa more bones this is horrible but there's loads of like this was a normal Place yeah and when we first walked past the people they were laughing at us saying that screaming screaming I can't believe how bad we embarrassed ourselves in front of these Romanians and somebody's even hell I was like help me help yeah we came out they were looking in the woods worried and stuff so we're making a quick pit stop for some food Mantra mindful eating let's see what this place is all about [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 593,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dracula's castle, Urbex, Untouched abandoned house, Abandoned houses, abandoned places uk, Urban exploration, Urban decay, Abandoned, Bros of decay, abandoned house with everything left behind, Abandoned house uk, Abandoned house france, Abandoned mansion, Abandoned mansion everything left behind, exploring abandoned places, Abandoned places 2022, Abandoned château, Abandoned castle, Untouched abandoned château, malediction, malediction house, cursed house
Id: xMinOHVbiJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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