Grandma's ABANDONED 1970's Country Home Forgotten in the Middle of Nowhere l WHERE DID SHE GO?

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how's it going nowhere crew welcome back to the channel today I got a pretty nice house for you this is a late 7s Bungalow unfortunately this one and the two neighboring houses are going to be demolished to make way for like two to 300 homes uh developer bought up this entire area and they're going to just be demolishing everything to build those houses um it's a shame because you basically can't have property in Ontario cuz a developer just come buy it out I'm sure the families were very happy with the payout they got got for selling this but uh it's kind of impossible for somebody like me to start buying a house so um it's a shame seeing these ones when I would love to live somewhere like this progress is progress I guess we're going to go check this one out I'll show you a little bit outside and then we'll head in and see what we can find so without further Ado let's go all right boys and girls so this is the front of the home here you can see it's a nice red brick bungalow like I said built uh late 70s I believe 77 to be exact but it's you know in fantastic shape there's really nothing wrong with this home it's simply in the way of a new subdivision um oh we got these very nice iron railings at the front here a nice stone walkway at one point in time this would have been a beautiful garden these Hedges would have been trimmed up really nicely uh you can see they have a beautiful B window but unfortunately it's going to be going to garage house and um yeah you can tell that it's going to be going when you see this they've taken away the hydrometer so there's no power there's no water to this home it's a big shame and then this is the property I'm talking about in the intro we have this absolutely massive of uh property all three of these houses that they're knocking down have huge properties so all of this here one day is going to be two to 300 homes which is just crazy uh it's a huge shame but it is what it is so yeah we're going to head inside going to show you guys what it looks like in there so let's go all right guys so we're going to start at the front door of the house like usual so like I said earlier it was built late 7s this house um from just walking around quickly it looks like it was an elderly couple that lived here there's a few um assist of bars throughout the house so uh that was probably the last occupant of the home it does look like it's been updated in certain spots over the years but uh you know there's some original features which are cool um obviously they did have some pretty nice glass windows was here but they put this uh sticker like privacy sticker stuff over it pretty common I do like the like the pine Wayne scotting that they did it's pretty cool these are probably the original closet doors little Co Closet in here yeah nothing crazy seemingly the only fan available in 1970s I've seen this fan in so many different late 70s early 80s [Music] homes I do like that they have this like farmhouse style trim see that a lot in the old farmhouse is okay they have a beautiful living room right here I would imagine originally this was probably wallpapered but that's a beautiful bay window absolutely gorgeous you can just see how much sunlight it's letting in I don't know if it'll pick up on camera but the uh the carpet has this kind of like squiggly pattern in it which is pretty cool got a nice little gas fireplace right here probably an afterthought has an absolutely huge mantle lovely detail right there but it's actually quite big it fits the room fairly well it matches pretty good now first I thought this was real brick but uh it's like that stick on kind of style so it's still nice still gives the look but it's not a full exposed brick wall unfortunately so going over here this probably was their dining room that was connected to the kitchen again we got those brick tiles here want to look at these this mirrored etched glass it's very cool it's an interesting Style that's definitely original to the house most likely do have this back door here leads right outside there isn't a garage entrance into this house you have to enter from either outside the back door or through the door itself for the garage again we have that nice farmhouse style trim right up at the top there and I mean the kitchen is probably roughly as it was in the late 7s obviously the appliances have been updated but uh the cabin tree looks pretty uh original to me at least okay doesn't appear to open from this side oh it might it's just just really stuck so I'm not going to force it all right what is got a pen hanging out here that's random what does this say Kingsway arms at Aurora retirement center so maybe they went and retired after selling this home really like the knobs on this they look like sunflowers kind of which is cool and the uh the stain the detail on the doors are pretty nice as well nothing crazy I mean the house seems pretty emptied out so don't think there's going to be much left in the uh cupboards this looks like the original backsplash this looks kind of 90s to me personally but 80s as well shelf paper not too bad not too shabby it's kind of interesting this little design here okay so this Hood definitely is original to the house this old Kenmore 3speed this hasn't been changed but uh the stove definitely has I mean that's pretty modern stove right there with the built-in oven I got some keys wonder if this is the uh keys for the front door it's very possible there you go do like this the floral trim with the floral wallpaper to match this is a pretty new Samsung fridge hopefully there's nothing left inside of it I mean it's it's kind of gross it's moldy does have mold starting inside stinks too so I'm going to close it oh didn't close let me just there we go kind of like a farm style little kitchen right here all the matching cabinets are still here the original ones I like this window doily that's kind of cool reminds me of my great grandmother's tablecloths that she used to put I can actually be able to open these from this side yes I am okay so definitely does open from the other side they're just very stuck but again nothing really left behind inside of it I do like that they put this little border trim around the top of the cabinets that's pretty uh it's pretty nice we got this big panel light right over top of the sink going to assume yeah other than the wallpaper for the shelves and the drawers nothing really inside may we might stumble upon like a lazy lazy Susan but I don't think we're going to in this one about in here that's some more wallpaper I always think that's an interesting phenomenon wallpapering the inside of your uh shelving stuff that's kind of weird to me but really [Music] common the light cover is really nice too okay what we got here just a little cupboard this is kind of weird it just gets blocked off at the top there kind of seems like poor planning again another little cupboard right here so obviously this is just going to be a hallway of rooms got the pink walls this is one of the bedrooms right here pretty plain Jane got the gold light switch [Music] cover carpeted it's pretty dirty do a bathroom that's weird goes to the back door I mean that kind of makes sense I guess if you were going to pop in from the back just go to the bathroom quickly it's right at the back here so that is an extremely tiny sink the last time I saw a sink like this was at like a Starbucks that had basically no room but I mean does the trick I guess not even enough space for the soap you have to put it up on the mirror it's kind of funny does this open at least does little medicine cabinet behind the mirror it's pretty nice and I'm imagining that there's not much space in this yeah it's just the plumbing basically under there this is a very very tiny bathroom so much so that the actual toilet is is on the actual trim of the door still got that good toilet paper though yeah so if I open this door it leads back over here which is kind of interesting it makes sense to me though at least I do like this here got the two ducks [Music] swimming very tall wooden Wayne scotting lining the walls it's what I was talking about earlier you have some assist of bars in certain spots of the house so they're probably elderly that lived here going to go back through this bathroom back to the hallway so we're just going to jump across the hallway it was very yellow pretty plain bedroom as well nothing too crazy and we got some border trim up there some floral border trim you can hear that underneath this carpet we got some hardwood it's interesting how people would do that back in the day we've got the bold red curtains another closet with the original doors nothing really inside continue I do like that they use the same trims around the house complement it quite well this is not a bad little bathroom actually at least they have two bathrooms in this house I like the look of these mirrored closet doors for some reason I wouldn't like cleaning it though I can tell you that obviously it's just a coverboard but uh something about the doors I think are interesting they kind of make it feel bigger the room that you put it in seash Shell um little sink I mean toilet a crooked towel rack and then just your shower again like I said before we do have the assist of bar so I do believe they were Elder Le whoever lived here last usually when you got the shower head like this too so it's easier for them to clean themselves I could be wrong though it's just a theory that's pretty bad that's that's pretty Rusty oh you can see the walls are sweating I don't know if you can see that on camera but they're they're wet it is getting pretty cold in Ontario so without heat this house is probably going to freeze pretty bad and then mold which is a was a big shame okay got another bedroom over here again same thing we got the floral trim at the top there the border trim got these floors throughout the entire house pretty much they feel pretty solid so they're probably real wood they put the uh the border trim around the window too that's a pretty cool light got interesting design I have this on the uh the top of the the uh closet right there it's kind of weird nothing really crazy in the closet and we just have one more room left so this probably was intended to be a bedroom but obviously they put piping for it would appear to be a washing machine cuz I mean there's no laundry room so this is probably their laundry room um you got the hot and cold water you got probably a sink right there that's the 120 volt Outlet I believe so yeah this was probably their equivalent of a laundry room little pegboard could have put some uh I mean whatever you wanted gloves [Music] tools and they may have put some cleaning supplies in the closet here at one point wonder if they they may have smoked in this house cuz the walls are uh they're sweating they almost look like they're sweating nicotine not nicotine that's cigarette smoke um yeah they're sweating like and it's very uh like orangey and yellow so probably did smoke in the house all right so we're going to head this way we got to check out the basement still all right guys we're going to head down to the basement it's kind of interesting you got the back entrance here then that leads to the bathroom you can go from the front entrance straight downstairs oh that's a cool gold uh gold railing right there okay cool it's finished down here yeah we got the 70s wood paneling of course I like that stained glass on the window that's really random but that's cool okay got our hot water tank right there it's actually not that old surprised that it's uh sitting down here surprised they haven't repurposed it looks like we got some lenium tiling they're uh wonder if this is aestus fi or not I mean it's a 70s house so it's possible this is cool this little mirrored area got some photos or some stickers it's really random got a few more right there yeah I wonder what they're putting here seems like a little bit of an odd uh little pocket in this basement probably some storage in there if I had to guess I like that the flooring changes like randomly like I guess the lolium was having a maybe peeling cuz like randomly there's like this tile is not the same as the rest of them interesting oh you know what actually they probably had a wood burning stove down here at one point that looks like the exhaust port for it so I wonder if that's what it was that' make a lot of sense seem to really like doing staining glass it's pretty cool Bas looks pretty um this little dividing wall is pretty interesting you have some fake brick you can tell it flexes like nobody's business I mean I understand not putting real brick in just that one little e uh section so I do get it I thought this was a bar first when I walked down has like that bar look it looks like leather but uh it is not it's definitely not these are cool though these mirror tiles with the uh design on them Mir cheeseburger wait they put him on this twice that's funny they must have really liked him this lights cool yeah that's really cool it's very 70s you can just see though that the paneling is buckling right off the uh casing for the stairs wonder if they just use this as a a coat closet I mean no they definitely couldn't have that's a stupid thing to say it's way too small wonder what they're using this for then all right so unfortunately this is a fake fireplace it's just made out of like plastic again like it's nothing really to it it would have been nice if they had a fireplace down here I feel like this basement deserves it but uh yeah this is just for show unfortunately obviously they had a shelving unit right there this would have been the backing for these tiles which is cool I like how these became just decorative pieces I was doing a puzzle the other day with my sister and my mom and my goodness are they annoying to do especially like these little sections there interestingly though they put a newspaper as the backing so that's kind of interesting what's in this room oh it stinks in here it's almost like they had preserves in here they have rat poison on the ground and some mouse traps so yeah this is um probably like just a little cold seller just going to leave the door open honestly it's in pretty decent shape the house though I mean other than right here looks like they're going to be pulling out some of the copper pipes probably maybe somebody was going to try to steal them we do have this mirror here this feels like an Entertainer's basement so I would guess that they probably had a uh maybe a pool table down here maybe some other stuff and they would just hang out down here kind of like a little man cave I don't know I don't know so was basically the entire house guys but I do want to show you their backyard cuz they have quite a bit of property as you can imagine um there's a reason the developers have purchased out the house um it's a shame because now this is a nice little red brick home you got beautiful mature trees and you know they probably had at least 10 acres of property I would think they would have come out here could have just hung out you know it's a it's a beautiful property and like I said the home is going to be demolished unfortunately because the this one and its two neighbors got purchased out by developer and they are uh going to be putting like 300 tow houses so it's a big shame might as well check out the garage I forgot that that existed okay I mean we got the garage here obviously big old clamp little table visce grinding wheel so it's a two-car it's actually quite big but uh nothing crazy to it obviously and there's no entrance to the house so I don't know if this was an afterthought but uh yeah usually You' be able to get into the home this way all right nowhere crew I really hope you guys enjoyed this quick little explore of this late 70s Bungalow um it is quite a shame it's going to be demolished but uh unfortunately you know progress happens and Little Homes like this get bought out and smoked every day pretty much so it's uh it's just a common thing in Ontario it's a shame cuz like this would be a great starter house for somebody like I don't know me but uh yeah the developer probably paid you know one or two2 million for this house people that lived here just simply couldn't refuse just like the other two here they made their money and they you know they retired they left they did whatever they wanted to but uh if you guys enjoy enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button drop a comment down below tell me what you think I love reading the comments uh when they're nice when they're nice not when they're mean some of you guys are very mean in the comments but uh yeah and be sure to hit that subscribe button we're trying to hit 100,000 subscribers by the end of 2023 when I'm filming this it's mid November um you know we're at like 85,500 and some change which is absolutely crazy so thank you guys so much for helping me get there but uh we are trying to hit that ,000 subscriber marks so if you haven't subscribed hit the button now and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 31,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, abandoned canada, urban exploration, abandoned house in the middle of nowhere, middle of nowhere, abandoned country home, forgotten in the woods, noah nowhere, noah noahwhere abandoned house
Id: TSh_V_zfA9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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