I Spent 100 Days in Palworld here's what happened...

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before any hero's journey can begin they must be forged in the fires of Destiny did I craft a character that was unique to my preferences did I create a character that was so unique that he would carve out his own story in these new unexplored lands no I created a generic anime girl welcome to power I gave her heart-shaped eyes because I have a brain parasite that compelled me to do so and because I'm a mature adult I played around with the voice slider before settling on my character I woke on a Beach surrounded by Little Critters called pals are they Pokémon no I encountered this lady who hates Pals because they ate her friends alive or something she did give me wood however in game with that handful of wood I crafted myself some basic tools such as a club and a pickaxe and I began harvesting the resources in the area with those resources I crafted my first pow balls I understand why the woman on the hill was so afraid if I saw this thing coming at me with a wild look in its Eye I'd fear for my life too I used my cudle to give this precarious poultry a bom and used the PO ball to capture it after capturing that chicky pie chicky pea I'm just going to call it a chicky pie I had an idea can I capture a human I had to know so I returned to the angry woman on the hill and bonked her over the head so in response she filled me with a lead when I went to get my stuff back I threw down my freshly caught chicky Pie by accident I thought it was kind of funny I give this woman one last scare before I rolled off into the sunset it was time to settle down on somewhere more permanent and I picked this place between my initial spawn point because it had a fast travel node next to it and I would be using it quite liberally later on I crafted a PO box and what this is it's basically like a PC terminal in Pokémon look I swear I'm trying not to make too many Pokémon comparisons okay work with me what this did is it allowed me to make my home more permanent and allowed me to control my pals around the base and it also acted as a power storage as I was building my base I saw this Mighty memorist and I knew I had to tame it but for now I was still too weak as night fell on day one I finished up building my starter home when I noticed this dude just walking around I honestly thought he was a player at first so I had to investigate yeah turns out this man here is a Wandering Merchant my stomach began to rumble and I was hungry I placed down a campfire next to my house and with the eggs I collected from my chicky pies I made some breakfast I also made some grilled chicky pie don't worry they aren't for mine while taming some yesterday I had a few accidents nothing to worry about after eating a filling meal I began to build a ranch for my chicky pies of course I didn't want my pals to starve so I also plac down a feeding station and a berry crop plot I can see why pow roll is so successful now it takes a person's Primal desire to cultivate and makes it a reality as I was watering my berries this dinos wanted to watch I'd end up catching him later but for now I was freezing I needed to keep warm with these torches before the sun rose on day three I saw these mysterious Flo floing Pals and I thought they looked really cool and since they looked cool I wanted one this pal was called Daydream I found one I liked and began hitting it to make it more compliant there will be no justice system Joe here when it health was low enough I threw a pow ball I caught the Daydream and did a little happy dance with my new pal I approached the sleeping dinum and I hit it over the head with one attack he crippled both me and my Daydream so I began running for my life the dinum chased me to the second hand of the island and it eventually lost interest now that I was off the hook I was free to explore my leisure I found a treasure chest and another fast travel wayo I also found some lore that I didn't read Because reading's hard found this dude just chilling by a campfire when I talk to him he says that Pals make you good so cool I guess the more Pals you have the stronger you become after talking to the skilled Islander I found a fire egg and I couldn't hatch it at this very moment I'd need to craft an egg incubator first I saw on a promotional video that you can ride these things and hey walking wasn't really that much fun so I figured I'd try my luck I hit it with my club and began fighting with it and that didn't go very well at all after getting my stuff back the E deer that I was trying to tame ran away but with luck I did manage to find a herd of them once again with Club in hand I tried my luck it was at this point that I discovered that you can dodge roll my Elite Dark Souls skills did not save me and I died again when I respawned at base I tended to my Berry Farm when all of a sudden an alarm went off I was being raided by hungry Pals I had no idea what any of that meant so I stealed myself for battle a group of hooded hoodland lizards called Le Punk started to run up the hill to my base hoping for a free meal I was feeling quite charitable so I fed them some Knuckles soon I don't know why I didn't tame it at the time I was probably filled with adrenaline my chicky pies fought off the other Le's Punk before I knew it the raid was over and I could leave to collect my dropped gear I returned home to capture some lamb balls for the tutorial Quest it wanted me to get five of them and I got to work I discovered that if you're too close to a pal your pow ball will go right through it which is quite unfortunate I had some wool laying around from the lamb balls and I fashioned it into cloth so I could make my first set of clothes looking cute as a button as usual well done Glam there were some lamb balls across the bridge to my base and for some reason I hesitated on capturing this one and my chicky Pie's finished it off for me thanks I guess and I placed down a shoddy bed I've slept behind dumpsters before and under de breze on cardboard nothing about this bed looks shoddy I would sleep on this bed now that I had my own bed my pals needed some beds of their own and I got to crafting a few with the tutorial tasks completed for now I upgraded my pal box and I could summon more Pals from the inventory to help me around the base after that I planted more berries and this chicky pie decided to show me its cool dancing moves nice and while waiting for my lamb balls to shed their wool I made a tasty lunch for myself before long I had enough wool to convert into cloth to craft myself a parachute when night fell I left my base to tame some nocturnal PALS like these hoot cries I like them because they were wizard owls and hey you know that's good enough for me I found a group of them and I said Hello by smacking one over the head with the bat like a normal person and we got into a huge fight the hoop cries managed to knock out my Daydream but I captured one in return so it kind of balanced itself out while fleeing from the remaining hoot cries I found a depresso and I like him a lot so I captured this one as well when I got back to base I put depresso to work and he was really efficient he even started to gather resources around the base and began placing them in a storage chest for me depresso was a bro a real pal if you will if you placed a down pal in the pal P box they will heal in about 9 minutes or so and since I had time to kill and pow balls to burn I went out on a pal taming spree I started off with this cute little fox Sparks a Firefox white on the nose and I chase these kativa around with an [Music] axe with the help of my hood cries I engaged this x gear and with the skills I've learned after playing power for a few hours became a master of the Dodge roll we got the E tier and that was one of my biggest wins on my way back to base I saw a Nightwing flying lazily above and I wanted to catch it but I couldn't quite yet my travels led me to the small rundown settlement and I had a small chat with a down on his luck pdif officer saying he'll do anything for a buck and I mean anything speaking of doing anything for a buck I've opened up Channel memberships if you like me and the content that I do consider becoming a channel member today with cool perks like private art streams when they happen Early Access to upcoming videos and a viewer poll where you guys can vote on the games you like to see me play and even Discord Act say when I finally get off my butt and make one every dollar spent keeps the lights on and the funny flowing considered becoming a channel member today all right shamess blug over when I got back to base I found out that you can make a string of the same type of structures So I placed down a few storage chests and my ultra pal depresso started crafting them for me honestly I don't want to tell the other Pals but depresso is my favorite I let my fox Sparks out of the PO Box to stretch its legs and much to my amusement it helps you cook food the more I play this game the more I realize how indepth a lot of these game mechanics are you'll see for yourself later on in the video too a herd of what eating Pals well it's a good thing I'm a small anime girl H all right team defend me with your lives I know I'm the one that enslaved you to do my bidding against your will but defend me defend me and my honor defend me they did because that raid was over before I even knew it I'll admit though not a whole lot happened today I was stuck at the pal upgrade bench making my Daydream a collar this collar would allow her to synchronize attacks with me in combat after the collar was crafted I began constructing a forge to smell ore into ingots slowly I was clawing my way out of the Stone Age one of the coolest things in power is that your forges run off of fire Pals fire Pals have the kindling ability and they go around your Bas lighting torches cook food for you and smell your or into ingots stuff like that just tickles me pink I started day seven by crafting myself a feathered hair band it said it was armor and it protected your head from damage slightly just like a apin protects the inside of your house from tornado projectiles I had enough metal ingots to craft a saddle for my e deer and oppresso gave me a hand and then he just left me hanging seconds later thanks man this one task alone took up a good chunk of the day but I got the saddle crafted I was now free to explore the island at a decent pace and run over small Pals because it's funny to watch them roll around more resource Gathering was in my future my P box wanted a stone pit to be built before I could upgrade my base again and I am one to deliver what the almighty pal boox commands with the help of my pals we assemble the Rock quy and like a duck to water depresso and like a duck to water depresso resigned to his fate and began mining while I was on the ball I made a lot of arrows I would use them for an up and cominging boss fight a little later and I needed them to lure the Nightwing out of the sky I noticed my depresso was feeling quite depressed O So to help remedy the situation I tried to get him to sleep hey when you're depressed sleeping for 60 hours a day helps immensely trust me I know from experience depresso was quite keen on not taking a nap H I did what I could the daylight was burning and I wanted to go tame a Nightwing I mounted up on E deer and ran with expedience to where I saw the Nightwing days prior I saw the Nightwing and I Reed my bow and let loose a volley of arrows the Nightwing was quite formidable and did a lot of damage to me my Dodges were near perfect and the Symphony of arrows sang throughout the hills I tried my luck and threw a pow ball at the Nightwing unbeknownst to me at the time but I just threw my last pow ball I had no other choice but to disengage up on the hill I found a pow ball and as soon as I picked it up the Nightwing shot me down again after collecting my stuff there was another free pow ball on the ground and a fast travel I collected them both and then I was back at it I was in gosu mode and wasn't leaving this Valley without that Nightwing we went back and forth until success my first Power flyer was a my armor was damaged but my spirits were high I decided to run back home on foot to see what I could find I managed to find a couple more depress those I caught one and Ne dear went down with my travel slowed I ran to the nearest fast travel Beacon went back to the safety of my base triumphant while I was checking out stuff around the base I saw this shiny Daydream floating around my house I was actually panicking behind the screen a little bit I really didn't want to screw this up I ran inside to craft more pow balls and when I mentally prepared myself engaged the shiny Daydream the range on my palet face were insane because they started to attack the Daydream too was just a tiny sliver of Health left I clutched out a w and captured her she was very close to dying I was shaking the excitement of my first shiny pal was probably the most rewarding thing that happened to me that day at least I ran over to the PO Box to swap Daydreams sorry babe this one's just shinier I couldn't really tell the difference between a normal p and a shiny but this Daydream looked slightly bigger so that's cool with my shiny new pal I was feeling confident and decided to take on this dinos that was patrolling the base I shot at it with an arrow then it proceeded without skipping a beat to one shot my Daydream my other Pals didn't quite like that and they all jumped the dinum leading to an easy capture I was going a bit stir crazy and decided to leave the base for a while and explore as well as Farm Palace for resources I unlocked another fast travel and saw this fellow floating along me being a knce power world player I thought this guy was a mini boss or something not realizing that he was just regular old pal I threw two pow balls in vain and as I got closer to him he shot a poison bolt at my X deer and deleted himself big rip as morning Rose I found another fast travel and decided to head back home I wanted to fight my first world boss today so I organized my pals and set out for adventure using the Fast Travel near my base I traveled to a crumbled castle and caught a tont climbed a literal mountain and met my foe face to face a chillet a ferret Dragon thing that shoots ice my e deer charged at it and got stuck on the cliff causing the chillet to break for a moment but it was crafty and used the bug to get me to come closer clever before I could pull out a PO ball it got nuked and I lost my chance on my way home I tried to Glide over to the mainland and didn't quite make it I also found out that you can drown if you run out of energy I did get my stuff back and ran across a pack of dire hows they looked cool so that means I had to tame one right well that's what I would have done if my pals didn't microwave them in seconds flat I did manage to catch one but it broke out at 60% capture rate I don't know how that happens but it did after heading home I placed down the hot springs and I called it a day for the last week I've had trouble getting my pals to help me around the base and I think I found out the reason why the pals were having trouble getting through the door to my house and they couldn't access the crafting station so with that in mind I crafted a high quality crafting station outside this structure would allow me to craft Advanced armor and tools like metal axes piics and armor which I upgraded the pel armor looked really good I think I was very concerned with my depresso health so I tried throwing him into the hot springs to relax and he just kind of floated in air I don't know why he did this I know I was lacking beds but I've never seen a depresso sleep so I have no idea what's wrong with him I just kind of left him alone when the sun was going down I left base to catch more nocturnal pal and do you remember that skilled eylander from the other day turns out you can kill him for coins I do this a few times in the playthrough I don't know why I did this I probably have some unresolved issues I ran up on the chillet again and this time I had the intent to catch it with the help of ector in Daydream we got it really low and I managed to clutch out a catch when I was leaving to go back home another tomat spawned and I managed to catch that as well hey it was a pretty solid day today the morning of day 12 I caught another tomat I was lucky to find it before it despawned and almost got me but I was too quick for it it did break out of the pow ball a few times back at base I crafted a medieval medicine bench I would never use this in the playthrough I don't know why but I didn't mess with it too much I needed to craft my Nightwing a saddle and I was low on palum fragments so I got to work getting some from around the base I quickly became over encumbered but luckily I was still close to base so the walk back wasn't too horrendous it gave me a moment to think about my life and my regrets gosh darn it wouldn't you know I was low on metal ingots this would become a problem through this entire 50 days I would always be behind on my metal production I've never once looked at a guide or a YouTube video this is my first time playing power world and I wanted to see what I could accomplish on my own just by playing the game you know like the good old days you may also notice that these days are getting shorter you are correct I spent a lot of time farming and Mining metals and chopping wood to me that's boring to watch so I'm not going to focus on it too much yeah I'm going to be one of those I farmed off camera guys but you guys are just going to have to take my word for it we're working on the honor System here on channel Glam I started working on my Nightwing saddle today it took up most of the day my days in pal world are roughly 22 or so minutes and without the help of Pals this project took a very long time to finish nevertheless with the Nightwing saddle finished I took to the skies on my maiden flight and it was exciting to leave the land dwellers behind I admit I got a little too big for my breaches and tried to take out this 38 mamores boss it nearly one shot my chilled and I began to run for the safety of the travel Beacon luckily for me though it lost interest and went back to its normal control when I got back to the safety of my base I began preparing for the boss fight at rain Syndicate Tower as I was crafting a fresh set of pow balls The Syndicate itself decided to raid my base my dinum took it really personal and flattened their entire raiding party in one shot dinam didn't take attitude from no one dinum scared me today was a very big day I I was leaving home to fight my first boss battle at a tower I was kind of nervous because I didn't know what I was getting myself into and if I messed this up I'd look stupid in front of thousands of strangers on the internet and nobody wants to look stupid in front of strangers we arrived at the rain Syndicate Tower and teleported inside our first fight with zo and her massive pal called Gris bolt I was kind of jealous of Gris bolt in a way I too wanted to have a spunky anime girl sit on my back but atas we covet most in life what we cannot have Bol was like a dad after a few glasses of funny juice if you got too close he'd hit you really hard I let dinsom sort out the majority of it during the fight I discovered that if you cycle through Pals they will heal in their pow ball until you use them again I would use this to my advantage and cycle between my Heavy Hitters like dinam and E after a few minutes zo and GIS bolt went down and I had my first major boss completion I was feeling quite ecstatic dinam even teabag zo what a Savage after the fight I was transported to the top of the tower unlocked a fast travel and noticed the settlement down below I parachuted in for a closer look and engaged The Syndicate goons Below in a cage there was an imprisoned pal that I set free and in return it joined my party this fellow was called arox when I returned home I felt invigorated and tried to take out this mamor rest and face the consequences of my actions after I got my stuff back I went AFK to use the restroom I wanted to see what would happen when I was away and apparently it wasn't much when I took a look at the skill tree I noticed that I could use points in an ancient technology tree and unlocked a feed bag and a grappling gun the Feed Bag would automatically feed your Party Pals for you the next day while I was looking over my pals The Syndicate decided to launch another raid on my base and were quickly dealt with by Angry probably overworked pal after the beat down I began crafting my chillet a saddle with the help of Daydream with her help the project took half the time the Nightwing saddle did and after a job well done I began crafting a pal egg incubator and plopped that fire egg that I found a few days ago into it I had a few minutes to burn so I ran into the world again mounted a top chillet I wanted to fight a dungeon Palace see if I could catch it this one was called pen King as soon as I set foot in the dungeon I was gunned down before I could even react so began the Run of Shame back to the dungeon to collect my things this took a while but with the snap of a finger here we are back at it for round two I'm going to be real with you all I don't know why I was using an ice pal to fight another ice pal I realized my mistake is I'm editing this video especially when I had RSX in my pal party I think it's a good time to mention that I played this game for 24 hours straight to make this video I did not sleep hardly a wink and I didn't eat or drink please leave a like it goes a long way but I got what I deserved instead of doing the smart thing and leveling my freshly found AR Soxs I decided to do the roundabout solution and craft myself a fire bow and some fire arrows when I finished with those tasks I checked up on the fire egg in the incubator and when it hatched it turned into another r sox so now I have two decent fire Pals that I I would never use because I'm an idiot day 16 and I was ready to face the day I wanted to fight Pain King once again so here we go I died I tried again and used our Soxs this time I remembered that I had him and he got crumpled in seconds I fought my little heart out but I got crumpled too while all of that was going on I had an Ice Egg incubating back at base and it turned out to be another chillet after collecting my stuff from the dungeon entrance I decided I'd go out and explore the world a bit more I used my Nightwing and flew across the water to another Island and collected a large electric egg in the distance I saw the Sparkles of another shiny pal this one was called Robin quill I thought I'd try my luck and it one shot my Nightwing and I was next it despawned I never saw it again I didn't have a fast travel to the new island so I had to get my stuff back the good oldfashioned way challet and I fought Rock climbed ran through the fields of Pals and snuck around an allout war between humans and Pals I got my stuff back without skipping a Beat I unlocked the Fast Travel just in case this time back at base I threw the egg into the incubator and made the decision to upgrade my base I was tired of living in this Shack and I started tearing down my old house and placed new stone foundations down I was still in the process of upgrading my base when I was hit with yet another Syndicate raid these guys really hated me after that little Interruption I boxed up my pals to let them heal from work related injuries and I continued to build I personally liked the Aesthetics of stone and wood and had a combo of both for my base unfortunately there were gaps between the walls and the door so my quick fixed solution was just to play sandbags to block Intruders I tried to make my Pal's living quarters as comfortable as I could given my limited resources I let some Pals out of the box to help with the workload and by the time this was finished it was day 18 to keep my pals nice and fed I placed down a few buried crop plots and a wheat plot to keep myself fed right away my pals got to work cultivating The Land by planting seeds and watering crops oh I also hatch this Beacon he looked really cool I guess I spent the first bit of day 19 AFK I don't know why I think I was eating a sandwich or something when I stepped out of the base I noticed a shiny lamb ball out of the corner of my eye and I had to have it I mounted up on eer and took care of its Entourage I caught it at the last moment before my Palace could kill it oh was cting it kind of close with that one huh I was running low on pal resources so I went into the world and began terrorizing the locals a little bit I caught a few for good measure as well I can always use a larger Workforce the economy runs on those who are underpaid and overworked I didn't get settled in for too long because I was raided yet again this time by the power world mascot relaxasaurus I thought these guys were really rare at the time and I took this raid as an opportunity to catch one good thing too because the other relaxasaurus got wrecked after a successful day I placed down some fresh crafting stations to build tomorrow I continued to build up my base into day 20 and I actually threw my pal out into the world this happens fairly often and if you decide to to play power world for yourself after watching this video you know exactly what I mean I finally had enough metal to upgrade my basic tools hey it only took 20 days but it felt good to get rid of these archaic relics I once again challenged that mamores that was wandering near my base and I would come to regret that decision very quickly and decisively I thought I had a pretty stacked Army of Pals and that they would smoke anything that was deemed a threat I watched from the safety of the bridge as the mames ran through my entire Workforce I was throwing everything in the kitchen sink at this mamores it was way way too formidable when I tried to switch out more Pals its tornado attack got me I threw more Pals at it and it seemed like we were making some good progress I was down to my last set of Pals after making short work of my team another tornado attack sent me packing after two defeats and my base en shambles and over 40 incapacitated Pals I conceded defeat I surveyed the damage and began repairs I was able to finally craft myself a shield and if you're familiar with Y at all think of it as an overshield that absorbs incoming damage and restores itself over time my shiny lamb ball ran over to help me craft it and uh uh yeah you know what I don't have anything funny to say as I was crafting some maning Pals came to say hello they didn't get very far I did manage to capture leas Punk at the last second this warning message wouldn't go away so I started looking around my base for more Pals that might be in the area and I noticed a dire how glitching out by a tree well well I wasn't one to turn down a free dire H how so I caught it easily one of the coolest palaz hands down I saw in the tech tree that you can craft a dir house saddle and ride it around and I got to work farming leather right away she ran really fast and with her help I farmed up some metal nodes and then I called it a day I set up my forges for smelting for when my pals woke up and crafted up a spere workbench and it would allow me to craft higher quality pow balls wait these things are called sphere pal spheres have I been been saying it wrong this entire time no one told me well we can't dwell on mistakes of the past making an upgrade cooking station was the next thing on my list I was going a bit crazy just sitting at Bas all the time and I wanted to go out and explore I teleported through the Fast Travel Beacon to that new island I discovered a few days ago and immediately was beset upon by really AO Pals called Gail claw they knocked out my dire how I summoned my relaxasaurus to help fight but I got got unfortunately as I was running to get my stuff back I was being shot at and I dodge rolled for my literal life I got my stuff back and made a daring Escape over the side of this Cliff where I found a Floy in distress I took out the As salent and captured it I'm sure it wouldn't mind later on I was exploring a bit more and went to collect a crate that I found on the ground when all of a sudden I was attacked by a robin quill we got into a scrape and it almost took out my Nightwing but we prevailed and added it to our growing collection much to my amusement the relaxasaurus just pukes up water and it looks like it's in a lot of pain with my base chores secured I decided to do a little or farming for the rest of the day was back at it again on day 24 out into the world and catching more PALS like the smell paca I noticed these giant bones and decided to have a closer look after flying around for a bit I found a cave and wanted to go in at the time I didn't realize that it was a dungeon you might remember I asked a question on day one can I capture a human turns out yes you can you can capture a whole dude the game tells you that's inhumane but I consider it a rehabilitation program after wandering around for a bit I found the end boss and well first time didn't go so well with the power of editing here we are back at the end boss again this time it was a jolt hog when I got it low enough I captured it check the end dungeon chests I got a defense pendant which would be helpful and a ruby I have no idea what this is for and the skill point book pretty decent for 5 minutes of work when we left the cave I also captured a celer I was able to craft a musket finally I just needed to clear this dungeon first after fighting my way through swats of goons I found some sulfur and mined it this would be important for gunpowder before long we were at this Cave's end boss a large Rush Roar the smaller Rush Roar surrounding it didn't do much and we caught the big one super easy then loot wasn't anything to write home to Mom about I got a seat ability and I have no idea what this does and I never used it if you guys know what these are for please let me know in the comments after leaving the cave I ran along the river and stumbled upon this poor sign old man he gave me a Spiel that he was a cop and he ended up in power after a work rated accident after saying goodbye he gave me a small impressionable girl a slice of pizza and I was on my married way further into the new island I flew into a Syndicate camp and freed a flam Bell while they were distracted with some hoot cries and then I headed to the Fast Travel Beacon I had full itions on going home but I got distracted by a pair of loop Moon the one I tried to capture kept breaking out of its palis spere the game recommanded that I use a better palis spere but you know what anything can be solved with Brute Force I swear I was trying to leave when I got distracted by this Cognito and I had to capture it because they looked like funny Little Critters you knocked out my Nightwing and I was over encumbered from random stuff that was on the ground I was too nervous to drop anything out of my inventory and I cut it really close as the sun rose into Day 26 I did capture the Cognito right on the start of Day 26 I found some cow looking Pals called masarina they looked silly so I decided I would try and catch one or both if I could they were pretty docile and the first one I captured didn't seem too pleased about the current situation it found itself in after capturing the masarina I found this huge brosaurus looking pal and of course I was compelled to tame it why because it looked cool with the help of my dire howl we got this gentle giant to cooperate and it became mine it did take a few tries though the second masarina from earlier decided to come back for round two and it happily joined the team against its will I noticed some sea serpent looking Pals in the water below and they were called Surfin and yep they look cool had to have one it didn't quite go to plan they escaped all the pal speres and they became really angry I just said screw it ran the opposite direction and released my dinum to mop up the mess a large electric egg that I was incubating hatched into your univolt and we get a better look at him later I started crafting my univolt a saddle and my touchy lamb ball gave me a hand between us Syndicate guy was giving me the creeps he helps around the base sure but it's just so jarring to see a dude decked out in a goic tracksuit among some cutesy anime style Pals I checked up on my hardworking Tom bats and gave them some lovings and it seems like they really appreciated the attention with their hard work I was able to craft Mega spheres at these would allow me to capture more powerful Pals oh I also tamed this duck thing at some point I don't remember doing it but hey it's here the name skirts the YouTube content policy so I won't be saying it out loud it was boss day I wanted to fight some bosses and tame them first I started with a cat witch called Cates the fantasma feline I just ran around and let dinum fight her dinum seed mine attack does a stupid amount of damage holy moly he eventually went down I was really tired and I wasn't firing in all pistons for this fight so I was quite sloppy I let out flamb Bell and as luck would have it cess got stuck on a broken pillar I was very stupid and got too close causing her pathing to reset and she almost one- shot me I let out Nightwing and he fared a lot better cess was gunning for me and all I could do was run around the arena screaming while Nightwing shipped away at her health before I could capture her Nightwing Wombo comboed her and that was that I was mildly upset luckily for me I could beat this fight after a very reasonable cooldown timer I went home and crafted a three- shot bow and a healthy amount of arrows 600 should be enough then I swapped out my Party Pals and headed out again this time to fight a boss called Bushi Bushi was a pal that reminded me of Yojimbo from Final Fantasy and I really liked him thus I wanted to capture him the fight wasn't too difficult Bushi telegraphed his attacks so he was kind of easy to read but if you weren't paying attention he sliced you a couple times I tried to capture him twice and then died unfortunately for me my flamb bell dealt a killing blow on him and he died I didn't get any loot for that fight either and he's on a 1hour cool down rip whole lot of nothing going on today I just farmed door watched my Pal's work crafted myself a lantern that makes it so you don't need a torch in dark areas and upgraded my helmet to metal then I was back at it again mining ore into the night pen King we meet again ready yourself for combat for this day you shall meet your doom I died aha pen King you thought you could best me that easily well you got another thing coming pal I tried to use Nightwing to lower pain King just enough so I could catch him and Nightwing went down it was time for my new univolt to show me what he can really do turns out he can do a lot because Pang King went right from the safe Zone Into the Danger Zone and passed out before I could catch him I resigned to my fate and just left the whole pen King mess behind me univolt and I were running running around exploring this beautiful Autumn Grove when we found a clearing and it was the home to an aledin alran this Dragon I loved everything about this dragon and wanted to make it mine so my team of Pals and I got to work fighting this Mighty Beast aledin was no pushover and she ran through my Palace like a D1 linebacker left with little choice I tried to flee with my dignity intact she was enraged and chased me back down the hill and I made my final stand on this bridge if I was going down I was going down a hero I'm not sure what aledin used to defeat me right here but I just got folded out of nowhere my travel Pals were down for the count and I ran home after collecting my stuff defeated I didn't have time to rest right on the dawn of day 31 I was being raided by too too Birds I figured I'd be proactive and stopped them before they got to my base they didn't get very far and I managed to catch two of them yeah I'm cooking again I was just using this opportunity to show off how cute my character was nothing more I started crafting a weapons workbench finally so I can create better weapons I saw the upgrade for the Toko Toco you can hold them and shoot eggs from them like a grenade launcher I was all over that I needed it I got the gloves crafted and took my Toko Toco out for a test run and let these Pals have it with a spank eggs began to fly like the 4th of July the only drawback was a very short window to use the Ability and a super long cool down to use it again so you got to make a count I crafted another Ranch for my pals as well today univolt and I ran back to where the ephedrin was waiting and we started round two with this fairy dragon I dove in and got to work with Toko too's help we began to bombard the edron unfortunately while quite the spectacle it didn't hardly do any damage I did try to juggle her though I wanted to see if I could keep her in the air with explosive eggs I whipped out the tried and true dinosa he chunked her health to great effect then it was Nightwing's turn then once again I used univolt before she met her end I tossed out a hail marry gigas spere with a 19% capture chance this was it success I wasted no time crafting a feedr in her saddle and with her help I took on the mamores that has been haunting my base for the last 32 days I did die and fell through the map I was freaking out because I thought that I lost all my stuff good and bad news the good news is my stuff is still on land the bad the angry mamor rest was guarding it I didn't dare die again because I thought my bag would despawn I kited desperately jumping off of this small hill and climbing back up when it was safe I chanced it and rolled in to collect my stuff I threw out Toko Toco and discovered that he blows himself up I was quite flabbergasted and took a hit I fought this mamor rest into the night with a gigos spere we caught the amest it was a darn good day good job team I've made some better pal beds and erected please don't laugh a silo this helped my farming palace with better production equaling more food per hour then I crafted some bullets for me musket and that's about all that happened today what are the bullets without a musket to use them I began crafting one with haste you know I got that thing on me it was round two with cess with my musket and the help of my dire how we began willing her health down eventually my dire how did bite it I wasn't playing any more games and whipped out the mamar rest the mamar rest did take the extra damage from cates's flame attacks but its tornadoes did a ton of damage with that I did capture her very smoothly this time caught pen King lacking dude was sleeping and I gave him what for and with my musket I almost onot him holy mackerel pank King also somehow escaped a 97% Giga ball like what didn't escape this time though next up was bushie I let him know I was here with a love tap to the back of the Dome reloading the musket during the fight was a pain so I just let the mam rest at him after a few back and forths bushie was now mine while exploring the bamboo Groves on day 35 I looked up and saw this neat bird looking guy and I wanted to tame it I lost sight of the one that I was tracking but I did find a small group of them and I thought about engaging all three for a moment but sanity prevailed and I lowered my musket the one I was initially tracking must have landed for arrest because as soon as I turned around it attacked me I lined up my shot and almost took it out with one hit I panic tossed a pal spere but it escaped the second time I managed to catch it and all of the van worms in the area aggroed on me it was time to use the big guns aledin mopped up the rest and we headed back home I wanted to craft the van warm a saddle but I was lacking on flame organs so back into the world I went I killed The Islander just because and started terrorizing the fire Pals after farming the organs I needed huh you know what that sounds weird when I say it out loud oh well when we got back home the free pal Alliance decided to pop in for a visit and my pals proceeded to pop them all over the grass in hindsight I should have caught one imagine the sitcom style comedy of the synic guy and a free pal Alliance guy like two roommates are always at ends but they're both jocular and well-meaning don't steal that idea it's a good idea I wanted to fight another boss today and fresh into the morning on Day 36 I upgraded my aledin and I wanted to upgrade my van warm mostly his stamina so he could stay in the air for longer but that isn't a thing I guess oh well I reached my destination and climbed on a small rock wall plucked a pal sphere from the void and entered the cave this place was crawling with Syndicate thugs it felt like you couldn't even move 10 ft without bumping into a tracksuit after cutting my way through the traff I captured at nox aledin was my heaviest hitter now next to mamist I mounted and began fighting even more Syndicate thugs it just never ends I parachuted down this Hall only to find a chest with some pretty mediocre loot unfortunately fought more Thugs and when I went to Dismount aledin I got stuck in the wall left with little option I hit respawn I respawned on a new island somewhat near where I bit it and I ran into a cowardly Islander I didn't really care much for what he had to say and began the long flight back to my belongings I managed to get my stuff back no problem I was really worried it would have despawned the end dungeon boss was a huge Turtle Guy totally not Bowser haha Nintendo am I right nudge nudge wink wink I'm in constant pain didit toys was kind of a pushover I did have a superpowered Al fedrin sure with minimal effort and a lot of Dodge rolling and managed to capture him the chest loot was kind of me honestly as I was flying around I found a Syndicate camp this one had a machine gunner the sheer number of Syndicate thugs the machine gunner this relaxasaurus that wouldn't mind its own business for some reason it was just too much so I retreated and opted to pick them off one by one on this grassy Hill armed with Nery but a trusty musket I was getting some evolutionary War vibes from this Tallyho Lads give them no quarter the machine gun guy was a bit tricky to deal with I tried to catch him a few times but after a few attempts I just gave up that pal that was trapped in the cage was actually a tanzy dang if I had known that I would have just left him in there Tanz is a fairly common pal I found another camp and freed the KNX from this cage all in all this was a huge waste of bullets I did find a huge Dragon egg in my travels with just a small two-hour incubation time nothing to worry about my quest for World bosses continued I explored a new land and saw these curious creatures that looked like mops the small ones were called s and the big one was called a swoa I tried to catch the mustache sweepa but it passed out before I could get to it I did capture a s though second time I caught a sweepa and moved on I stopped a few times to liberate the land from the plague of The Syndicate and when I flew across the lake I saw a massive yman tide this thing was way out of my league but I wasn't one to shy away from a challenge I lined up my shot and tickled the great worm you can probably imagine what happened next people say that pal look like Pokémon but this guy looks like a cedron honestly it took a good portion of day 39 but I got my stuff back I did catch the serpent as well all the tick was shooting in the head and using a super pal sphere yet I still feel hollow I found another boss dungeon and entered this was a relaxasaurus lux the electric version of the relaxasaurus I thought it said relaxasaurus Rex which sounds cooler honestly before this fight I went to eat a can of green beans for dinner and the can opener didn't open the lid all the way I went to force open the can lid with a fork and my hand slipped over the lid causing me to get a huge gash in my right pinky it was really horrendous and there was a lot of blood I legit almost passed out so I apologize if my playing seems a little Jank I was doing this with a mortal wound with the help of mamar rest we caught the gluttonous thunder dragon I was in a lot of pain IRL so I went straight home and dealt with my cut I placed down another grinder and set by new Pals on the base and watched them work for a little while I noticed that dig toys was hit in the mining pit really hard and he was a natural with him I'd never want for stone again short day today my hand was still in pain and I didn't do much I was out and about exploring today in a dark wooded area I ran across a grin tail and began fighting it since it was a lower level it was easy later in the day I found a pack of gory rat I gory rat what kind of name is that I thought this was going to be business as usual but I got flattened when I responded I saw a desert Runway and ran up to him to talk he told me of a desert that laid to the north and I wanted to explore it but before I could go do that I needed to craft myself some heat resistant armor I picked up my stuff and went round two with the Gory rat he was a tough little bugger and I used a good amount of palpares on him until I whipped out the meas sphere once again I was low on metal and set out to farm some so I could craft some heat resistant armor while I was crafting my new set of armor I was raided the Raiders had realized their mistake and began running away and I gave chase this demon goat guy stopped for some reason and I caught it he went to work right in the mines I got right back to crafting my armor I wanted to get into the desert with expedience never mind the fact it took most of the day to craft this armor honestly van worm and I fast traveled and crossed the sea to this new Uncharted land this desert was home to new types of Pals that i' had never seen before like the robin Quil Tera as I was flying I saw it a lovender I engaged in combat with it on the ground with the help of my new Heavyweight Champion mamist the battle raged on for a few minutes every pal sphere I tried to use would just bounce off of the lovender and I had to unfortunately but grudgingly leave the fight but I did leave with something the knowledge of where they spawned so that was a victory in its own way I flew around the desert today looking around for more love Anders I didn't find any at all I just flew around aimlessly looking for who knows what I eventually came across a PF Tower but I couldn't go inside and I found this fast travel location so that would make getting here easier in the future I found myself a shiny Toko Toco and engaged it I let mamores out and the tornadoes began to fly I didn't do much to help so I just ran around in circles when mamores went down it was time for relaxasaurus Lux to take his place a too Toco blew up and took my relaxasaurus with it and then I was next when I got back to the desert I didn't have any heat resisting gear on me and it was race against the clock to get all of my stuff back before I died again luckily I made it just in time I went out to explore the desert and as soon as night fell I encountered something I completely forgot about deserts at night can become very cold I was nowhere near the Fast Travel and my health was dropping like a sack of bricks unfortunately the cold had claimed me I laid down for sleep on day 44 and when the sun rose I was being raided by lenders I was caught without my gear and I was in a full-blown panic I searched desperately through all of my chests for any pal fears the lenders began to retreat and I tried to attack them hoping they would stop to fight back no luck I managed to trap one in the sphar but it broke out and despawned right before my eyes I was super frustrated I had a handful of lenders handed to me and I missed my shot I headed back to the desert to grab my stuff I found a cave to explore and ran across these Pyon knocked they were way too strong for me it was night time again and I was freezing to death I let out AR Sox to see if he would help me warm up but it really didn't make any difference it was once again too far away from the Fast Travel Beacon and I died once again I needed a break from the desert and I decided to stay home today and spend time with my pals and catch up on some chores as the sun went down once again I headed into the desert but I was cold again which is weird because when I first came to the desert I wasn't freezing to death at all so it doesn't make much sense but it is what it is I went back home and started farming The Ore needed to make some cold resistant armor I slowly watched my inceram smell ore into ingots I couldn't do much else so I just chilled when the sun came up I made a lot of hatcheries to hatch all these eggs that I had collected in the past 47 days after all this time I was swimming in ancient civilization Parts a key ingredient to make specialized structures and equipment I finally crafted my cold resistant armor and headed back into the desert after flying around most of the night without any luck I did spot a lavender and fired off a shot to get her attention a huge fight broke out and I used the mix of Pals and gunfire to fight this lovender she was tough and we were barely making a dent we fought well into day 48 it was approaching noon this random Beacon shows up out of nowhere and began to fight the lender and managed to knock her out my blood boiled I saw red we triple teamed this Beacon and knocked it out out of pure spite in hindsight I should have probably caught it and made it work for me forever that would have been a the better Revenge oh well for the rest of day 48 I spent most of my time farming the materials to make a sphere assembly which would allow me to craft more powerful pal spheres I will say I got it crafted but I never used it so I'm going to move straight on to day 49 I got the assembly line placed and Sol of the requirements to get this thing running so I turned 360° and walked away right into day 50 since Mega sphere the question I did craft a decent amount of Giga Spears I headed back into the desert at night and I didn't find any love venders at all I checked the entire Coastline for them too nothing the sun rose into day 51 and I went back home well no lenders but I did feel powerful enough to take on this mamass boss that we've been seeing for the past 50 days I kited it with my musket and cyle between all of my strongest Pals seeing a mam rest that's the size of a semi- chasing you feels a man with a primal fear my mamores was a real trooper and was the MVP of this entire fight he didn't do an insane amount of damage but his tornado attacks allowed me to create gaps between the mamist and myself and I was very meticulous between swapping my pals taking care not to let them pass out however the more the fight raged on the more tired we became until my pals started faint one by one at the last moment we caught the boss manam arrest I quickly ran home to swap out my pals night was approaching and I wanted to take another shot at getting a lovender luckily I didn't have to go very far at all the lenders were spawned right at the teleporter and we engaged in our final fight since the lenders were very strong I used that boss mamist to lay down some serious DPS one lender went down I hit Level 30 and I threw a desperate pal spere time froze the capture number got higher and higher until success I did it I caught the remaining one and headed right home and as the sun rose into day 52 I pet my lender warning new discre and in this episode of 100 days power world we will soon discover that being loud equals funny or having no personality will get you tons of views why is this phenomenon stay tuned to find out I never follow this plot my PC had a blue screen of death wiping the save from my list of Worlds but thanks to a YouTube tutorial I managed to restore it during that week when I didn't play on the save file I played on a different world and learned so much about power world I needed to make some changes and I needed to get this one back on track uh yeah my computer blew screened again and day 52 does not exist I got myself a Gail Claw on day 52 but that footage is gone so here I am making a set of gloves for the Gail claw the best glider in the game and it will never leave my party my starter base was feeling a bit cramped and I wanted to move to a better location for those of you who are curious about where I'm settling next it's right by the pen king boss dungeon on the beach I got my PO Box placed and began the long process of moving I finally finished moving and I had a dragon sword of ancient civilization parts and I made some incubation stations for the pile of Pals that I had accumulated I got myself a Pyon and a wixen I like wixen and I'd use him a lot later on in the video I was also waiting on that huge dragon egg that I got a while ago and I'm just now starting to hatch it I wanted to make some eggs of my own so I built myself a breeding Ranch too this might be way too many incubation stations but hey the more the merrier right after I hatched my final egg at my old base I said goodbye and glided to the fast travel with my Gil claw and went home to check up on all the eggs I was incubating and hatched a few I got some okay ones but I didn't waste too much time at home because I was back at it in the world with vanor worm I flew deep into the bamboo Groves I wanted to catch avern quiv I can't say these names man a giant fluffy Dragon the fight was super easy I think it was because I was just a bit overleveled hey check it out here's an awesome segue I was on the other side of the island and I wanted to tame a beard these little guys produce honey a key ingredient to make cake the item needed to make Pal's breed I don't know how cake does that but oh I'm probably just overthinking this the only problem with vard is that they have a penchant for blowings themselves up even at the slightest of provocations but it did allow me to catch this crazy clip of me ski shooting a Manda I missed all the confusion I did catch a beard and eventually a masanda as well before I went home since I was in the area I took on war sect a Giant Beetle I was a complete pal Master with wixen weaving him in and out of combat before War could do some serious damage with 1% chance of capture I threw the pal sphere and caught him no sweat I woke up today and chose to create a fortress Tavern thing so here's a building Montage man I love building montages I don't have to talk all I got to do is just clip together a bunch of footage isn't that awesome oh well not many people make it this far my videos anyway so hey if you made it this far comment like uh Scooby dooby-doo I don't know just engage I command it or don't you're a grown person I can't control what you do merely suggest please I have a family to feed I continued to build my new base into day 57 here I was creating a workshop attachment where I'll place all of my crafting stations I also used this build to become familiar with power's building mechanics it was kind of wonky but I think I figured out a few tricks to get things to work after getting my workshop built I celebrated by crafting myself a brand new grappling gun and I just noticed as I'm reviewing this footage that I placed a bookshelf with alcohol next to my crafting station well you know nothing ever bad happened happens when you combine sharp objects and adult beverages I wanted to build myself an assembly line and I was lacking the electric organs needed to make one so off to the Wilds I went with war sect and I farmed univolt for some easy electric organs while out and about we stormed The Syndicate camp and I freed a Mal Crist from its cage after that distraction I was back to farming organs before heading home I encountered a kelpy that really really didn't want to come home with me though what's wrong little buddy don't you want to work for me for eternity and leave your family and friends be mind it eventually listened to reason though it didn't really have a choice when I got home I hatched that huge dragon egg and was gifted to yman Tiding ignis this fire snake the greatest fire pal in the game loud equals funny right in the background of my Adventures I was crafting a heater a girl can never be too careful these days am I right fellas I needed ammo so I paid the merchants in the desert to visit and bought a few rounds I was so excited to show the lady from the beginning of the game how much I was thriving in in power world and I paid her a short visit too here's what makes yman tide ignis the best fire pal in the game it has kindling tier 4 and it just smells bars like there's no tomorrow I needed more at some point I crafted a power generator officially marking my escape from the Dark Ages with little else to do for the day I worked on my base throughout the night I found myself in the desert once again this time I was flying over to the wildlife sanctuary to catch a line I wanted one because it was a great utility power for the base I flew across the sea not knowing what I'd find there were a lot of powerful Pals here like aagon I really wanted to catch it so I proceeded with caution this aagon was way stronger than any of my pals and I was out of my league the fight took almost all day and with war sex help I did get it down far enough to capture it unfortunately it broke out of all my pal speres and the regular pal spheres just weren't cutting it so I put it down it hurt a lot and I would find out very soon that I would come to regret this decision antigon knocked out my van worm so I was trapped in the wildlife sanctuary now and as I was formulating a plan to leave I saw this glowing pal down below named orir I knew it was kind of rare so I tried my luck the orer took out most of my battle Pals and at the last moment I threw a gigas spere and caught it so here's what I was talking about at the time when I was fighting aagon I wasn't looking at my pal speres and I didn't see that I had an extra gigas spere left and my regret comes back to haunt me when the sun came up I took a leap and began swimming back to the shore I made it just barely little did I know at the time that there was a fast travel Beacon down the beach and I somehow missed it I attracted the attention of The Syndicate and they began shooting at me as I was trying to scale this Cliff side I took a leap of faith and with my Gil claw I tried to grab the ledge and yeah well guys I tried now began the Race Against Time to get my stuff back I was woefully underprepared for this and I was cooking alive Under the Desert Sun I died right before I could get to my stuff and the third time I did get my stuff back right before I died and I was being chased by some Beacon apparently they shot at me with lightning but with quick reflexes I avoided another trip back to the base in shame I crawled my way back to the desert city and went home it took a while but I finally made my dig twice a headband and with a special ability drill Crusher I was farming or like a Waller I spent most of the day farming ore and dropping it off at my base to be smelted as the sun set I heard the familiar sound of a lucky pal chiming I didn't have any pal speres on me and if I left the area it would just despawn quickly I fashioned a workbench and made a few pal speres and began the fight I was naked to free up some carry weight and paid the price for it a few times I was really squishy and relied mostly on my pals to do the heavy lifting somehow the smell Paca aggroed the mamass boss and they began fighting right at the last moment I saved the alpaca from dying and it joined my team I started off the day with some farming and with the ore I gathered we crafted two cooking stations this would allow me to craft the coveted cake I wanted to breed for an Anubis as soon as possible and this cooking pot would allow me to expedite the process the oranti ignis was a beast at cooking I crafted a handful of gigas speres and headed out to tame some more Pals first up was King Paca and with the help of or zerk we got him tamed up the second boss was the Fang lope and orz zerk is probably too strong for her own good I'm not too terribly shaking up about it I'll get a Fang L later through breeding next I wanted an aqua Brun Cherry it was too dark and I couldn't find it and I spent most of the night just wandering around looking for the cave I found the aqua Bron Cherry cave and let orer burst it down into capture range my thought process was surely it won't be able to take it from 800 hp to zero with one attack well I guess I was wrong after that loss I flew over to the patalia Boss Arena and wanted to try my luck at capturing it with success while flying around I heard the all too familiar chime of a lucky and search the area and I found a cin moth and smacked it to get its attention it made all of the other cinem moths in the area get mad and they started to dog pile me moth pile moth pit and I began rolling for my life sneaking out a cheeky pal spere before biting it what happens next is quite confusing that's not me editing the video to cut suddenly like that that's the actual recording I flew back to get my stuff and noticed that my game was bugged glitched uh the cinem moth capture screen wasn't going away so I guess I caught the lucky all right I won't complain I'm just confused the quick relog solved the issue and I was back at it before calling it a day I found this fell bat boss and I tamed it up no problem today I wanted to start breeding Pals w who not so fast there tiger not me breeding with them making them breed with each other calm down but I was missing one important thing eggs I needed a lot so I went out and tamed more chicky peas chicky pies I never solv this more chicken Pals and to keep my Dairy fresh I placed a cooling box I had some eggs to get started and queued up cake for Jan Tiding yman tide this giant fire snake to cook I'm really becoming unhinged I really just don't care anymore here's where things a little confusing my computer blew screen so much during this playthrough so I'm not sure what the actual day is my notes say it's day 65 but I don't know really I apologize I can't afford to fix it bear with me I could just make a 100 days Minecraft video and put a picture of a small animal crying on the thumbnail that seems to get traction or talk like a plank of wood I don't know YouTube makes me mad I at some point caught a hell eer I scrubed through hours of footage looking for when I caught this guy but I couldn't find it anyway if you breed a hell ZR and a love Ander you get an Anubis I don't know how I didn't make this game while these two love birds reptiles got to know each other a bit better I did chores around the base I mostly spent the day doing odd jobs around the base I was attempting to breed the perfect Anubis worker I say tempting because this was just a dice roll honestly it's all up to RNG if you get the how you want I also farmed ore that was around the base dig toys's drill Crusher was really cool to watch and it's really loud check it out here's a neat trick if you're encumbered you can use your grappling gun to pull yourself over to a chest to free up inventory subscribe for more power world tips and tricks and my computer blue screen again never in my days has my computer blue screened so much as I was breeding Pals I got this insane patalia and I did get a couple of Anubis I began to craft my hell Zer a saddle and just watch how fast Anubis craft stuff oh it's perfect I would end up breeding a lot more Anubis throughout the next few weeks they are just that good I also wanted to breed a perfect Anubis with work traits artisian lucky serious and workaholic I got pretty close but didn't quite make it unfortunately with the hell zepher saddle crafted I took it out for a test flight and it was so much better than van worm friendship ended with Van worm new friendship established with hell Zer today I fought Lily and Len while waiting for Pals to breed wixon and Hill ZR were the MVPs in this entire fight so I just stayed back mostly oh zerk was there too I guess or zerk I don't know when we were fighting I didn't think we'd make it honestly but we managed to just scrape by with a small victory on the ground floor I noticed a foxic and quickly caught it before heading home woh day 69 for the funny number day I tried fighting the cibilic and it didn't go too well on Day 70 I got my stuff back that's it some days are just shorter than others I was tired of of having metal balltel necks with Hell zort by my side we flew to a new metal base location I saw a YouTube video giving the optimal metal and coal base build I forgot the name of the video so I apologize but the layout is fairly simple make a platform in the center of this plateau and here you will build a PO box and place your smelting forges the layout allows resource nodes to respawn unobstructed of course the Mando were not happy about being relocated after clearing out the locals I spent the entire day getting this new base established and I'd finish setting it up a bit more later Anubis is hands down the best labor pal in the game and in the background I was still trying for the perfect one but that was taking way too long so I just decided to print Anubis by making love Vander and helzer get busy any Anubis is better than no Anubis I only have 30 days left too and I got stuff to do I noticed something quite peculiar every time I travel between bases some of my pals were incapacitated now I know we enslave Pals to do our bidding and working conditions could be better and a steady diet of cooked berries probably isn't healthy but I have the sneaking suspicion they're jumping off the cliff near my base nothing set in stone but it seems likely my metal Farm was booming and with this massive success of my new base my metal troubles were all but solved in this playthrough I'm not sure the exact math but I think it generates to roughly about 300ish metal per hour passively which is great oh I would also like to mention I don't remember taming these suzaku I'm going be real taming every single pal takes a backseat in this 100 days I did get pretty far but it wasn't my main focus it probably should have it's easy content I got my second base running at full functionality and it was full hands off now but the most important thing today I wanted to catch an aagon so I flew over to the Nature Preserve and they weren't spawning so I tried my luck catching other PALS like this incin knock it Spirit bombed my hell's eort stranding me once again again but it died thanks to ozerk and the shadow beak that died made me well at least I wasn't stranded anymore I came back the next day hoping for an aagon instead I got myself a lilene one of the best medicine Pals if not the best after we caught her an inceram knocked once again killed my hell for stranding me yet again you think I would learn at this point as I jumped across the ocean I tried to catch a hang you but I caught a case of death instead I came back to get my stuff and headed back to my metal base to AFK for the Dawn I was kind of getting tired of my relaxasaurus Lux he really didn't do much to help out around the base so quivver and I flew out searching for a Manda Lux why Manda Lux you may ask well Manda have the ability to help cut down trees they haul stuff into storage boxes and the mandal Lux would help keep my base powered while I was gone quiv and I engaged the mandal Lux and we were interrupted by syndicate thugs I wasted a lot of Spears trying to get this m sandal luux but we eventually got it and I was doing the Lord's work before heading back home for some reason my Anubis were passing out while I was gone I suspect they were falling off the cliff still and hey while we're here here's a cool trick if you want Pals to recover faster just drop them into your base and your other Pals will carry them to an empty bed for some reason this heals them faster after taking a step back and looking at the numbers every time I post a power old video I see people unsubscribing in droves so I'm going to do what no YouTuber has ever done in a 100 days video speedrun the last 25 days to the Finish sacrificing the absolute bag I make on YouTube just to get out of this video so I can jump to the next one that will inevitably be suppressed by YouTube's ever oppressive algorithm I had a whole big finale planned and I was going to throw in an extra 50 days at the end as a treat but no this is why we can't have nice things so here we go day 76 upgraded all my second secondary gear and fought a boss she kept escaping Spears so I killed her and caught a big gumas day 77 I went out farming Pals getting the bones was trash so I fought King alpaca for sellable stuff and bought them from a merchant day 78 I farmed quartz in the snow and I tried to fight a wo and it soloed my entire team stranding me I died formulated a plan to make pel armor sold a bunch of stuff to get shirts got my stuff back dang day 79 I got tired of waiting for Laurus and Surf and to make palum so I set f it and bread to make a yman tide and made my assembly line finally made Ultra spheres day 80 came back after a long from the Save and I have no idea what I'll do so I guess I'll just tame brown cherry Aqua try to tame zo and Gris bolt didn't work day 81 I made my refined metal armor and bred to yman tide to replace a s water Pals at my base and noticed a huge Improvement day 82 fought mamores to power level Pals and then I fought vet accidentally killed it sadly day 83 found a lucky suzaku wasn't taking no for an answer spent all day fighting it caught it at night I am the luckiest man alive day 84 crafted zaku a saddle flew around looking for an aagon couldn't find one zaku is a great flyer dang day 85 wanted to tame an aagon but couldn't find any headed for the world boss found out if you want to waste a lot of resources use the scatter Cannon had no balls so I left day 86 finally caught aagon day 87 caught valet tried to catch Marcus it didn't work day 88 caught Marcus wanted to have a few levels and wanted to craft a new Shield needed to farm polymer and quartz for new assembly line day 89 crafted assembly line 2 made a new cook station and hypers shield made pizza and power leveled by taming Alpha pal day 90 went out and tamed some new Pals to get more XP tamed to Fe yti ignis and a WBO Boton went to snow biome caught a cibilic and died to cold day 91 Farm pal for oil made electric furnace crafted myself po armor I was a mega tank now and could easily fight zo and Lily I felt so powerful I was practically a demigod day 92 tried to fight dude and orer again didn't do enough DPS made a shotgun sold all of my trophies made a lot of money day 93 bought a lot of shells tried to tame I stallion didn't work power leveled new pound Day 94 went back to fight Frost alion again the little fellow was really annoying and ran through my entire team and ate all of my legendary Spears it's such BS man day 95 I tried to fight Frost alion again I really need to rethink my strategy I might need to use a glider day 96 still after this Frost alion the glider sucks so bad compared to the Gill claw oh my God man I would have had it if the glider didn't suck so bad day 97 still at it MP4 day 98 made a lot of prep to fight Frost tan again was going in with a lot of grenades day 99 s Fett built a PO Box next to the frost alen and just threw all my pals at it died a few times but we got the frost alen day 100 I bred Frost alien knocked and leveled up made as toon a saddle wanted to make relaxasaurus saddle too and this concludes my 100 days in power world if you made it this far thanks for watching this might be my last 100 days video we shall see sorry to leave on such a sour note this is Glam signing [Music] off
Channel: GLAHM
Views: 2,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, 100 days, palworld pokemon, palworld 100 days
Id: 9YKKbwwd28I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 3sec (4203 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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