Exploding A NUCLEAR BOMB In MINECRAFT! (crazy)

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Minecraft's but we've been given nukes yep nuclear bombs and well we're gonna use them honestly guys this one was insane I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in Minecraft before so strap yourself in for a wild one I'll the beginning the video we're gonna be launching some nuclear missiles but make sure you wait until the end because that's where the big surprise dangerous and designator this is my one I picked this one so I get to do okay so let me show you so pretty much what you have to do is you have to right-click your location I'm gonna actually shoot the forest yeah we sign off slow okay today is one person at a time whatever okay and then basically you put the designated in the launch pad oh it's right there so then I just connect this to okay when I click this button it was oh that was so nice explosion but not the biggest of sino against a cation are you yeah this is only like that's like two trees yeah but that's like five times a piece of TNT yeah okay okay I'm just gonna grab my designator out there we go yeah yeah okay wait so the next missile is too strong a chi missile okay that one looks like put it up there whoa okay okay okay okay I'm gonna aim this right Attili stencil nope no no no not here not here crater strike it should we try our building I guess yeah I'm gonna try the tall building with the dolly nine oh wait you're going move away over there already this one over there then okay and then I take the detonator and click here we go and then we're ready oh my goodness flying off of it they also just took like a chunk out of that building that's - two floors over there guys oh great it's already getting bigger and bigger this is gonna get hurt see what the next missile is gonna do guys hey jelly the good thing about being less is that you get a big missile that's right that's true that's true cluster mister let me take out my position thing first there we go jelly you should place that like on this one cuz if it's gonna Buster so should I do the one right up front guys yeah I wish to place it like right here maybe oh my god okay okay the position will be set on though to this roof over here how about that I get ya okay that works then I'll connect the detonator there we go and I'm ready to press the red button when you are jelly three two one oh there we go oh you see the other buildings everything Oh what that is right there oh my god I did not expect that to happen guys that was a bits of pieces out of the whole working chunk out the jelly building as well all the way over here look Oh time to get a little interesting hey guys I'm gonna adjust the position now for the next one I think we can move over change of guys okay okay I'm gonna set it up the same town all right I'm taking the next rookie out and getting into it gonna be so crazy all right here it is God look at that Josh a choose a building sandstone okay yep okay I'm with us seriously all right guys or what is it I mean who needs to read it it's fine oh this one is mega power for those guys before I think they costed twice that was okay wait what does in sender is in sentence lots and lots of fire fire yes I gotta shoot this behind yeah we should hit a forest to do okay this is gonna be brutal it's okay I think we're a bit far away again there we go nose click and are you guys ready yeah I'm so ready everything is burning oh my god whoa what have you done okay I don't know this destruction is getting insane what about fire this couldn't make up games like oh yeah I'm sorry for doing that guys but it needed to be done all right Puritan next up we've got the exothermic misael and so cool I'm gonna I'm gonna have a look what this one can do guys okay let's see what it looks oh my god interesting a huge probably a big learnings you have to kind of get it to the top though but just do it jelly why do you take it along to shoot something okay asking questions don't want jelly that one all right I'll put the thing in position yeah I'm so ready okay three two one oh here we go Oh jelly why did you do jelly where did you send that building I'm sorry Wow there's lava we actually work what the entire uh there's like lava everywhere guys hold up hold up hold up hold up a second whoa wait ready wait just get the chest crazy weird poor he's actually spreading destroyed forests okay I grab the stuff don't worry I grab the stuff alright I think it's time for us to move location jellies kind of turn this building into lava right here yeah that's really realized fortunately actually yeah it doesn't there's not you can't Center here it's fine yeah it's off since okay so next one is endothermic well yes so this is water maybe Oh with water so I think what do you want to shoot with water buddy I guess we'll just I'm just gonna shoot it down over there just in the road interested see what's gonna have are we gonna flood I don't know I [Applause] okay so yeah okay yo wait Oh change the trees guys it's the trees it's still going nuts oh no that was a wide radius dirt the building blocks into ice as well and it turned the locks throws everything we these retreats yet they used to be trees now they're just like snow things there's actually ice inside of this building as well I don't which one this one all right let's see what I got Oh miss I don't know what this is Oh guys there we go oh I think it might actually paint we should shoot this at the other daily building oh my god yes now right I'll create a crater make sure the coordinates are at the top not on the side otherwise I mean it should be good but I'm also no expert Josh so we're I mean I think any of us are a different color guys yeah we're about to find out oh my god is he doing oh it is threading pain oh my it is reading pain everywhere we look it's spreading up wait guys come stand by me are you okay what just happened what is happening jelly you're our test dummy I'll let me help you okay it's my turn can you hurry up jelly bunker-buster the buckles not spreading so hurry up yeah it's ready you know jelly I have an idea what why don't you say it okay no don't worry I'll take all the missiles sure I'll take 30 yeah take the stuff out of the chain JC will happen Bob will be a missile at ourselves I mean I'm thinking but I'd be fun I don't know what happened musician some distance I mean I want to see it so it's a bunker-buster which basically makes a huge hole where it laughs it just kind of like flicked upside down and fell on the floor okay if we would have shot this at the top of the building bye guys destroy the building until that depth well I think we can check the our real quick he'll let me say setup okay let's try it again in the building yeah actually you know what I think we should go and get a different position for the next one I think so - wait did you just say bigger than that yeah Oh much bigger don't worry just up here I think we won okay so I'm gonna grab can this all out I guess I got it I think I'm gonna hit this corner bit gravy diem missile oh it looks cool scrappy diem I don't know how to say that word okay all right this is called the inferno Inferno missile oh that looks great on key that is not a I lost my designator can I borrow yours oh yeah I guess where should I shoot this I huh maybe on these buildings amazing right here again maybe there's like white one over here alright it's ready to go guys Oh oh it just took out the entire top of it oh my goodness intercept fire on everything so if we would have shot this at a wooden building yeah that would have not lasted long at all here guys oh that's gonna be burning for a bit okay guys I'm gonna go ahead and shoot one okay next up we've got the doomsday the last one okay because we have another banger after this one real special one it's special surprise but this is the most destructive rocket there is oh my god Chilly's it's a it's a it's a scrap fed okay I think I I don't know I think you should they said like a lower building that surrounded maybe of distance okay all right I'm gonna stay over here okay if you want to go Danny I'm gonna see it crazy okay we don't need your life story jelly this one's gonna be big okay ready yep coming down this little mini Rockets I have no idea what's going on literally all the buildings are on fire right now luckily this building's made our bedrock so that one's gonna be alright yeah that one's gotta be fine I think but everything else has got to get wiped out oh good that was definitely powerful I'll tell you that that's the most powerful one I've ever seen wait I'm gonna crash we have we haven't even used the last poem yet well guys I agree with the city it is about time for our finale wait there's more let's head over to the side that we were at okay you know the beginning I think this here is breaking okay guys take one kit each open it up there we go oh my god we now have all hands back kit so you might want to the whole process oh cool take that off okay so this is called the gadget this is the ultimate food okay so I'm gonna put mine down but you guys can put some of the parts inside okay okay sure so there's that now if you open it up put some of your parts in there and then let jelly put the rest in I put propellant two propellants in there jelly you can put the rest in buddy crema put two of these things in I'll put yellow more in there yeah I think it's ready now got flattened impor photo neum you got that who told him what I mean plutonium double check double check that it's all good I think I think it's ready to go guys okay so let me just open it I don't want to stand this close yeah that looks good that is good okay so okay I think all I do is I'm today it works by the way guys put on your helmets I know you can take just for the initial explosion you have two three oh my god my screen is shaking okay I'm gonna take my helmet off I gotta see this oh look at the sky way to touch this it's the ashes from the explosion oh wait guys come down here in the middle way it blew up it's like a whole new world wait oh I see is like yeah think the map is like broken that's how I'll just oh okay guys I'll tell you what you know we should do what let's go down into the center then switch back into survival mode we know that's a bad idea I'm gonna put my helmet on you guys ready yep oh so quick okay hope you guys enjoyed that video if you would like to watch some more videos they're gonna be on the screen right now just click him it will take you straight there I mean what else do you doing it's clicking are you just gonna just sit there and do nothing if you don't click them probably it's a quick a video
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,133,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, nuclear bomb, mod, jelly, crainer, slogo
Id: DkEl3u3rfrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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