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you guys know what TNT looks like right I've got one in my hand but let me put one down for any of you that are new here this is a TNT if you put Flynn the steel on it well it explodes just like well this pretty cool right and then it leaves a hole but what if I told you this isn't it today we're gonna be checking out the more TNT mod let me show you a little something there you go look at all of these different T and T's and this is exactly what we're gonna be trying out today let's start with something simple TNT times 5 so that means that this TNT has the power of 5 different TNT's now I don't want to blow up my chest so let's just do it like right here that looks good alright let's play nasty lit and see what happens all right moment of truth whoa that was 5 hang on a sec hang on a second if that was 5 10 20 100 200 500 1000 5000 okay this is gonna be insane before we check out one of those bigger numbers though let's check out something a little bit more interesting water flood TNT that sounds cool alright mr. cow I hope you don't mind this is probably gonna be fine maybe I don't know let's see what the water flood PMT does whoa cow oh it's good guys he's good this just makes a huge block of water I mean I'm not really sure what I expected but I definitely didn't expect for it to be that big oh it's in the ground as well okay I can't see anything in here wait a second what happens if I do it in the water tnt water in what why is it so dark alright we'll do it right here okay there we go so this is now under water let's see what happens oh okay just pretty much way expected alright let's go grab another TNT out of a box of Secrets troll TNT oh that's cool Oh mining TNT alright this one sounds like it could be a bit more effective wait this lava here oh we found a cave okay this is perfect alright so let's pretend that we're mining in the caves and we've got to a dead end so now we put down and she just put it over here let's put down our mining TNT and let's set it off and let's see what happens see if it helps us oh hello look at that that is insane okay that is definitely mining TNT that got the job done all right think it's time we tested out ten and twenty powered TNT let's see what that does alright animals it's time for you to be my testing friends again let's see what times ten TNT does for us see you later buddies oh how are you still alive well that didn't last long honestly I thought it'd be a bit bigger let's try twenty out cow there's no way you're gonna survive this one it's been fun hanging out oh wait that belly did it oh I wonder if it's cuz it hit the water alright let's put it down again sort of over right by these pumpkins alright there we go this should be a bit more interesting oh it's still not as big as I thought it would but it's left these really weird lines that's interesting alright let's go and check out some more different types of TNT gravitational TNT alright that one sounds cool let's put that right with these trees over here I'm not really sure what its gonna do wait oh oh my goodness wait is pulling everything in I'm getting sucked in wait doggies doggies how did the chicken survive oh wait I got let me get whoa it pulls in stuff from so far away and I'm gonna kill another doggy now well no way this chickens gonna survive that yeah now he's gone the flatter TNT okay so I'm guessing this is gonna make the ground flat so there's flying somewhere there's a little bit uneven oh just over here is actually quite good let's put it on like the lowest level right here so I think this just gonna make this entire area just one level though I'm not really sure I guess we're gonna find out let's go a bit further away and see what we can see all right oh it exploded but nothing's happening T&T oh whoa that's actually really cool that would be really useful for building a house they just created a completely flat plot I think it's time for the teleporting TNT not super sure what this one does whoa whoa whoa excuse me that one's just zooming around okay let's put a few of those down that was weird okay one two three four whoa what that's actually terrifying what the heck just imagine if Enderman could actually place those down that would be so destructive oh well so I know you guys are thinking it don't worry just town we're gonna be doing a little something with it soon in the video but I want to save the best till last I think it's time for the slimey TNT I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is gonna create a bunch of slimes he does sound like it wait what wait what it just keeps blowing up is it like a big slime that's getting smaller and smaller I don't know where this guy's going where are you going hello I guess I want to help oh and it's gone I think that's what it was I think it was a big explosion and every time it exploded it got smaller all right what about the festive TNT this is probably gonna have a ton of fireworks coming out of it I'd guess okay that's kind of lame I'm bored of that one already all right let's try eight times 100 TNT we've tried 20 so this is quite a big jump but I think we should be fine let's see oh oh boy look how close my chest sores from being destroyed that would have been so upsetting okay so times 100 is quite big guys it's it's quite big one of our show kabak CNT does that's a weird name is it gonna make a bunch of short cut boxes it's not blowing up Oh what why is that floating wait why am i floating sheep what are you doing oh this is what chokers can do they can meet you levitate wait what happens when the Sheep Falls I'm sorry she peed I think this is it for you buddy oh and it's dead okay rip alright maybe we should keep away from our chest a little bit we do not want to destroy it right now what should we use water absorption cool okay let's do the troll TNT I don't quite know what to expect with this one put it over here it seems fine all right what do you got for me troll let's see how you're gonna show me this time is that it it just does it just explodes somewhere else that is the lamest roll place I've ever seen on a CMT it just it explodes like away from where you are all right let's solve this water absorption actually sure you do that over here this is parada testing first row okay I can't really see but all right there we go we put it inside of the tnt water one let's see what happens oh oh they just completely made the water disappear damn all right let's put that in the ocean just over here by the river sounds like a good idea all right there we go what is gonna happen here this is gonna be weird well it's just completely removed all of the water in the area but it's funny cuz all of the blocks are still the same all right we've got the cost of TMT in the air straight to unity these are obviously gonna be slightly more aggressive ones let's try it out the air strike one first so I think it's gonna jump up and rain down tnt from above whoa destroy my Chester do not destroy my chess okay we're good oh my whoa they're still coming Oh face so brutal ah what is happening oh and I got an achievement for killing a monster is my chest still okay yes it is you know it that's probably our most destructive TNT yet all right let's see if cluster TNT has anything on that one all right there we go let's set it off see what happens cluster oh its bond oh okay that was pretty lame I think it just created a bunch more tnt's but it didn't achieve anything okay alright next up we got the physic sights physic physic TM t uh oh the heck is happening guys guys I'm stuck inside of it I don't know what is happening right now what is actually going on right now whoa hey that one was weird I'm just gonna put that down and never look at that one again so we have a bunch of really intense tMT's in here these are like the buster ones that destroy a ton of stuff what's or the black hole we'll check those out in a bit for now we're gonna check out though the two hundred five hundred and a thousand TNT now these are gonna be real big so we're gonna have to go really far away from our chest two hundred it's gonna be double that last one that we did that was huge Oh what is happening right now oh that isn't as big as the last one is it uh I don't know I mean that was still huge but I can't even imagine what a thousand is like alright let's put down five hundred just over here there we go and let's see what this one has for us all right moment of truth oh I can't see anything oh look at that whoa that is imagine sitting one of those off there's a trap in your house your house would just be would just be gone like your house would not exist okay wait I've got an idea what if I put the a thousand in the crater of the five hundred is this gonna be too much guess we'll find out moment of truth I can't even see anything what what oh that is so in oh wait we're a bedrock okay I'm gonna put one more off I didn't realize we're a bit oh yeah that went off real quick Oh what have I done oh this looks so cool okay we've yeah we've we've definitely destroyed that that's the thousand TNT for you guys so we have a couple of like elemental ones to check out now I think this is the yes this is the lightning storm so it's probably gonna rain down a bunch of lightning bolts on our head okay there's a bunch and then there was that that is okay that's insane which if that does that what does fiery TNT do it's probably gonna be similar right let's see I see a bunch of fire huh yeah that's it's pretty similar I'd say that lightning one was better so and then lastly we have a lava let's see what this one does it's probably just gonna create yeah a big chunk of lava that's kind of brutal though kind of hard to get a ton of lava as well so that one is very good so what is wrath of Zeus mean then because we've got lightning but wrath of Zeus and this one's got yellow text does that mean is even crazier because we're gonna have to find out wrath of Zeus what have you got for us [Music] whoa wait what okay that was insane but it like disappeared straight away well I think it's time to check out the black hole TNT then I don't know where to do it I'm assuming it's gonna suck things in this would probably be a good one to do and let's do this one in the village I I think I think it's time wait I just realized that the church got hit by a tnt so where should we put it I guess we could just put it back in here that's good all right whoa whoa whoa wait well you know this quits come from I'm like writing the TNT I did not expect that to happen the black hole was sucking it squiddy's sucking everything in what the heck is happening so do I just ride this this got bad boy out of here or well I think it's time to check out the Buster's so we have a couple different levels bunker chunk biome world so I'm gonna guess that bunker is like a smallest one so we'll blow up like a small thing like we just blow up this hole Oh okay that is not what I expected to happen okay what so it just creates a huge hole in the ground whoa that's actually really cool not why I expected but it's still cool okay so that one's that one we have three more left chunk but this is gonna just disappear this entire thing well I guess yes sorry guys I'm pretty sure this is gonna be the end of your life that just completely took out an entire chunk in the ground somehow this village is still standing sort of and there's still a villager all right well then we have biome and worlds to go there's no here take this there's no way you can survive at the biome buster so see you later enjoy okay I think this is officially gonna be the end of the village now moment of truth is near the water so might not be as effective as we thought all right it's exploded any minute now we're gonna see the effects and they're gone that is just disappeared now if I told you there was a village there you wouldn't believe me unless you saw this bit why is there cobblestone all the way down that's super weird well I think it is time to check out the world buster I'm gonna go somewhere completely new and do it because I want to be able to see the complete destruction because this is probably the most powerful tnc in the game so somewhere that we've got no see completely in the middle nowhere I think just here is great the world Buster TNT it just looks so normal who would think that so much power could be contained in its I've just smooth it let's go let's do it I'm out see ya wall buster it exploded any minute now maybe wait those sheep are moving and I can't hit them okay something has has happened here uh guys I think it might have crashed my game well I'm not really sure what I expected but obviously the world bustard has destroyed the world like for more bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 14,151,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, minecraft mod, tnt, mod, how to build, playing minecraft
Id: 4vpTF0-F-pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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