This game is messed up...AND FUN!

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jadynn Barnes presents fun with rag dolls the game this game looks like so much fun I've played it a little bit figured everything out I'll show you how to play this so how this works it's all about rag dolls you can create your own world play some minigames play some other made games there's also a tutorial which is ridiculous you should go check that out and a bunch of different other things like I said these this game is it's a let's head into a sandbox create a new world and I'll show you what we're gonna be doing so a look at this this is the world it's a sandbox world and you can build anything you want like check this out like this I can grab a cube grab a small little cube look at me okay I just I just built they look yeah I'm a builder but I'm gonna whip some 90 so let me cut some 90s look over here probably a cracking night so fun with ragdolls what I want to do there's a specific item so if you look on the right-hand side here there's a bunch of special ID like level 3 I can unlock ragdolls and spawn more of me in level 9 destructible items I want to create something with this but first I need to farm some levels I'm only level 2 so and the way to level up right check this out check this out whatever I launched myself off his platform and then hit R for rag but look at this I got experience at the top left so I need to figure out a way to spam experience I mean what if I put a domino up there right knock that over and then I make that fall on my head yeah I think I need more tools for that to happen crap I got a spam levels how do I get levels yeah I think we're gonna have to go to their discord hopefully they had yeah look at the they have a bunch of these maps right that people have created we're gonna check some of these out before I make my own map so I guess what we're looking for Maps news listen I know I haven't played this game before so I have no like like goal for this video so do me a favor let's get this video to a hundred thousand likes within the first 24 hours okay so oh this one it's laggy but but might be able to level you up a lot here we go mind tower high what is this let's see it let's see if I can get a lot of experience from this huh those are all mines I mean it is called mind tower what is this interact cannon okay what is this dude I don't understand oh shoots out mines wait oh wait I get it hold on I get it I gotta get out of this and I fight you all I'm lagging if I jump down here and explode oh go to Brad form oh I'm lagging like crazy it's gonna give me a bunch of experience check my experience on top left is that my arm is that my arm that's my arm oh my god Oh what was the experience that I just get though I'm level three Oh perfect now I saw somewhere but on let's go back to my world I saw somewhere right that if you just some level three I can now get ragdolls yeah and I can choose attacker ragdolls right and if I spam up look at this if I spam B's right look at this they're all gonna attack me look at my experience oh that is sick now they're gonna keep it tagging me hell out yeah I already found a next point I'm level four already all right looks like they're all bad that was fun let's do that again shall we here we go and level five there we go oh crap oh that's giving me a lot of experience okay so I just found a map on this on the discord called meet Factory let's go and check that out shall we like I said I want to get high enough level so I can create the thing that I want to do it if I can get bad to work it's pretty sick okay um oh gosh it's an actual meat factory Wow it's laggy - all right okay here we go gotta make it through hi don't get hit by that help wait how did Oh what oh there's lasers what does that mean why are there laser can I go this way I'm going this way good Betty um Oh dominoes let's go through this hit these not what ahh if they explored it now what do I do look at all the bodies over there oh that's disgusting the bodies are spawning and then they're getting lasered by the laser beams and then they're getting thrown into the meat grinder oh look at him ha ha that's disgusting now I'm in the meat grinder Oh oh this is gross I mean this is a demented creation laughing it's laggy as crap but I'm in the meat grinder oh crap that's demented oh gosh I want to see if I can find something with a ton of exp on the discord oh if people are creating death runs I would feel and this game was gonna have a lot of updates to it Oh XP farmer Wow okay let's get it thank you special diamond aka thank you XP farmer here we go can i hopefully this makes me level up extremely fast level five oh gosh it's lagging like crazy oh no I can't this is so laggy what do I do oh this is taro it's a black hole oh look at look at the experience yep that was way too laggy let's just try this on my own world yeah I think this is the fastest way to level up haha crap oh gosh alright well give me a minute 1 minute 57 seconds later and almost level 7 3 level 7 hey I need 2 more levels ok I just sit here and you know then farming exp and level night very good that's everything that is everything I have every figure now the destructible items glass oh I can do a glass table glass flat wait hold on glass vertical here's it over to do I'm gonna put a line of glass in between me and these attackers I just want to see what happens yeah here we go here comes all that look Oh Oh very great oh well what happens if I jump into it look at all the glass that is so sick I want to make something with all this glass that is gonna be also okay what I want to do one more thing before we make that put a lever a flat fast lever just like that it's over to turn off build load come over here come over here what you got oh there's one more can i what if I ragdoll into this guy oh I missed okay let's try this again alright oh I can put a cannon down I forgot about this hold on like I said I want to build something but first cannon time all right so I'm gonna deactivate build mode [Music] oh I got me a fun little minigame nah I like that I gotta be faster come on lanes are up ladies are our blazer all right man I'm dead check that's actually a lot of fun oh we cried we're gonna have some fun with this game like i said if you want me to play this get hit that like this is fun okay so i'm gonna set this up I'm gonna build a giant thingy maybe now I want to see how this looks one utility later so on there's I've been busy I've been here for about an hour and a half two hours and well it made some stuff first of all look at this I made Domino's can you guys guess with that spells if you can guess what that spells you have to do it all right so I've made somewhat of a maze you got that I'll look at that in a minute but first thanks for look at this this was my main idea that I wanted to look at look at this giant Tower right let's go ahead and throw a ragdoll there [Music] [Laughter] no it's our turn to go down there sorry sorry that I did that too yeah all right here we go hi-yah oh okay ragdoll right doll Wow slow it down zoom it in speed it up slow it down oh look at all the destruction oh that is a thing of beauty excuse me sir sir you can't get away from me sir sure sure I'm sorry oh here we go throws again hi crap here we go game so much destruction so much done alright so that is my first creation on my second creation right like I said I made this um I made this maze I'll show you that in a minute but next up check this out is the dumbest thing I've ever made my wife watch this Oh slow motion look at my dudes face I'm fine Oh everything's okay and then you know if I want to I can go ahead put another can in here right and I'll check this out yep this is going well oh god it's so good all right well not enough destruction for that all right let's get rid of that I've some more ideas with this cannon right but I've used these odd these fans right there's a little fan check this out when I took this out let me get into this line up the shot hi-yah hit the first fan look at this hit this Hey oh the poor fella oh he's got glass stuck in his back oh I'm sorry one more attempt I oh here we go Oh buddy I'm sorry bout your luck oh that's a bad day right there alright so that's my second Chrysler like I said I haven't an additional idea with this I think I could make an endless loop with these fans I'll do that later I think I think the game craters gonna add a bunch of different in these items and whatnot what no one makes a Fuss stuff so this last thing that I was working on I'm working on a maze we got some laser cannons we got some glass I don't know I'm not done with you yet if you guys want me to finish this and do another video on this hit the like button blood definitely do that hold on let me let me show you what the basic idea of this is check this out check this out all right so let's start the game look at it so these guys are set to follow they're trying to get to this flag back here right like I said they're set to follow what cáñamo we reset it let me reset them here they come and then we got the lasers that randomly go off look at the white ones in front Oh Oh white ones down yellow wasn't all yellow and orange just got decapitated green ones in front look at a flat fashion through the glass hi Joe oh here we go one more lady like I said they're gonna be adding different stuff maybe I can make this maze even better but so far I'm pretty good the green guys in front who's gonna win if the green guy makes it past this he wins decapitated decapitated oh oh the dark one's gonna be news for now like I said if you want me to finish this mace hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button if you're new around here hit that little belt look at them get crap doll we'll see you dudes next time so much to capitation Oh thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,635,204
Rating: 4.9604473 out of 5
Keywords: Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Child Friendly, fun with ragdolls, SSundee, SSundee game, New Games, fun with ragdolls hack, fun with ragdolls exploit, This game is messed up...AND FUN, ssundee fun with rag dolls, fun with ragdolls gameplay, fun with ragdolls game
Id: HRfZuIHqqZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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