Testing Nuclear Hacks To See If They Work In Minecraft

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today we're gonna be testing nuclear base hacks to see if they actually work in minecraft this right here is a regular minecraft world and i have five minutes to build a base that can survive a nuclear explosion and i'm gonna have to see if i can pull it off all right so this might actually be perfect i am gonna build my nuclear bunker inside of this village as you may or may not be aware nuclear bunkers have to be safe only have five minutes to pull this off but i actually have a really decent idea for this so we're gonna start off with the bottom the top layer is gonna be made of obsidian now if i'm not able to survive with obsidian we might just have to upgrade to bedrock okay so move out of my way moo moo i'm not gonna lie guys i'm actually really confident we'll be able to survive a baby nuke with this all right so this is what i have so far this is our first the first look at our nuclear bunker now i am very very low on time here so i'm gonna go ahead and just start with the basics and see if this is even something that'll survive the first explosion i need to be able to know what's going on in the surface so i have to build a really small window that's gonna show me kind of what's going on this is probably not a safe idea at all but this is the only thing i can think of we have iron bars reinforced with glass oh my god yeah i know no door just yet but i literally have 30 freaking seconds oh god oh god let me finish seven no 15 no that's not how you count moki come on we all finished preschool at least once what's a preschool i don't know i don't i never won oh wait a second hold up this might make it a little bit safer yo this looks like a freaking nuclear bunker if you ask me all right the time is up mogee if you can go ahead and uh prime up the first nuke bomb that we have here i'm downside of my base in survival mode and uh well i am just crossing my fingers that i'm going to survive this all right what's the first nuke called exactly uh it's a sparkler tnt is that a freaking firework wait did we install the firework mod or the nuke mod i want to see explosions all of them are you ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm terrified go ahead do it do it right well we're going now oh god oh god yo whoa whoa whoa chill i thought we were just doing one oh god i hear explosions yo what is that there's so much more tnt dropping from the sky dude it didn't hit your base at all oh my god oh my god my door's gone my front door no wait yo i'm good yeah let's check out the damage here so it seems like uh wow that did literally nothing that was such a baby tnt oh my god you did say baby nuke so that is that is very true now that i think about it too let's reinforce our our window here just to make sure in case something does get blown up we'll be okay now our front door is definitely a problem you know what comes with nuke smokey uh then radiation exactly if our windows happen to get breached or our front door technically we would die to radiation and uh well that would it would literally kill us within like a couple of minutes so we need to try and make this place radiation proof now if you guys had to survive a nuclear explosion what kind of base would you build would you do an above ground base would you do an underground base would you do lob freaking under the ocean base wait under the ocean oh that's not a bad idea we've officially got a little bit of a farm going here we've got a bed a painting oh and of course you cannot forget about the clock aha now that's beautiful i'm giving myself no time to prep my base for the next round uh mogi if we can go ahead and launch the next nuke that would uh that would be very spicy will do i think i can pull this off guys my nuclear bunker's looking pretty beautiful respectfully beautiful all right i'm going inside i'm going inside by the way moki if you happen to kill me by any chance i i owe you a thousand dollars okay but i didn't tell you this part if i survive all this you owe me a 100 bucks sorry oh oh okay well i'm ramping it up then oh god no all right mogi let's see what you got let's see it it's going oh i can't see it through there i can see it through the door okay a little bit fps lag i'm like literally three frames per second oh my god i'm okay i'm okay i think i'm okay oh i took a little bit damage oh my god oh my god yo the obsidian got breached oh god the obsidian actually got breached how is that possible wait is that the end of the explosion yeah oh let's go what bro wow bro this well even my house survived this is freaking insane now granted to let you guys know you're gonna want to stick all the way to the very end of this video because the final nuclear explosion we have is going to be every single nuke in this video combined into one which will most certainly destroy everything so one issue is we definitely got breached if if there were enough of those nukes placed it would have definitely destroyed my entire base so thank god it didn't oh my god you know what moe there's literally there's literally nothing else i could do to make my base any better i just i just want you to freaking rain rain death upon me sounds gruesome well just make it bigger make it a little bigger make oh i have an idea all right so this has to be one of the best ideas i have chosen to do here i have built myself a literal underground nuclear defense society look at this we have a freaking house we have some grass we have a villager and some pigs and cows dude we literally this is actually kind of scary because there's a lot of underground bunkers nowadays that actually look like above ground it's actually really scary bogey bring on wave number three but make this one special i want to feel pain okay that sounds really concerning right oh god i can't even the worst part about it is i literally can't even see the surface i have no idea what's going on up there oh don't worry i'm just setting it up real quick thank you only you the viewers can actually see what moggy's doing right now and i'll be honest i'm terrified what are you exactly doing oh what's this smokey ellen we've got some redstone going on here i ain't sitting here i ain't scared i haven't died yet dude you're going to oh it looks like so far you owe me a thousand bucks man pull the trigger whenever you feel uh pull the lever whenever you feel safe whenever i feel safe oh gosh you should run i'm not going to run dude mama raise no baby dude listen i am not scared of you look look oops broke your red stuff are you getting triggered are you getting triggered not really it's only your demise oh god oh god i'm sorry hi you're you're you're a gunner oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god to the underground society oh my gosh oh yes i'm making it down i'm making it down little frames oh there's a skeleton down here oh our society has been breached our society has been breached oh my god oh my god oh my god how did all these mobs get down here i did not sign up for this yo yo oh my god i'm taking some damage yo what in the world i never thought obsidian would be breached like this but it has been the next wave of nukes has been set off let's check out the damage this was definitely more of the very very damaging rounds this one literally shook up the entire top part of my base however i must say my underground society did pretty darn well at holding up let's do a quick two minute repair and then we're gonna go to the final round where this one mogi i am literally begging you to kill me let's add another layer of obsidian right here bro i'm actually freaking terrified man i have to say though my door it didn't even get bro well my second door my second door didn't even break that doesn't say anything mogi i don't know what does i think you just need more power we need more power oh don't worry i'll load the front door with tnt honestly do it please do it i'm not even scared oh god my farm got breached too that's not good the farm is one of the most critical parts of all this because uh without a farm then you starve and when you starve you get hangry and okay let's just add a couple more stuff here i would totally just add bedrock here but that would literally just make this so overpowered nothing literally nothing would reach this or would it you know what now that i think about it i'm making one singular bedrock safety pod what do i mean by that well if everything else gets destroyed i can jump inside of my bedrock safety pod here and in theory if bedrock cannot be broken by any of these nukes i should be able to survive them now this pot is gonna be very very small we're doing two layers of bedrock here we'll have a bed right there a torch there it is this is our bedrock pod it is so freaking basic oh my god okay mogee prep the tnt prep the nuke smokey i want to see what we're going up against oh all right well since we're i'm gonna remember you know i'm gonna help you i i i'm dude i'm literally gonna help you with this we have the ultimate tnt oh my god oh my of course you're covering the front door you know what let's also cover the top two because why not oh oh wait this guy oh you're going in way more serious than i was going to mogee this is the freaking best youtube channel in the world bro can't do anything at like baby mode no that's not how we roll okay oh one right well well you know what no we need we need other tnt too mogi we have guys are teasing this one yet so fountain tnt we have pink tnt we have sparkler tnt dude it's like a freaking rainbow dude this is so pretty yes all right mogi i think we are prepped i am going inside of my bunker okay are you ready for this one i i am one second god okay okay ignite it when you're ready i'm staying right here dude i feel he's gonna breach the wall right away oh my god i'm gonna light it ready we're going oh it's going it's going yeah oh god oh my gosh what are you scared oh oh oh oh i'm scared i'm scared i'm frozen when i'm frozen i don't know what happens dude this is so chaotic yo i don't even know there's a pig on my pressure plate he's exposing me to the toxic radiation get out of here oh god bro i don't even know what's happening i'm literally skipping my friend i i don't know this is this is the most i as you can tell i have the best gaming pc in the world did i have one frame freaking pog oh i see the explosions but so far it looks like nothing has breached my base what about off top can i get up top don't worry it'll it will reach your base oh my god oh my god i see tnt at the top of the ladder the top part of my base has been breached for sure oh god look at it bro that's so much tnt wait it's breaking down the ladder oh my wait oh good that's really not good if it gets down maybe six or seven more ladders it's gonna infiltrate the inside of my bunker and then blow me up sure they think we place too much tnt we never place too much tnt mogi i'm the man that has blown up a billion blocks all right there's never such a thing as too much tnt iris how long are you willing to sit there and wait for them for this is going to wait hold up hold up bro i'm terrified yeah i climb up the ladder there's nothing there and then randomly tnt pops up oh just like that one oh how does it look from the surface mogi i'm kind of curious oh well i made it so blocks don't drop but it's still lagging and there's just tnt everywhere oh i took damage that's my first damage okay inside of the bunker inside the bunker go my freaking iron door is broken dude i can't close the hatch this is not good this is this is very very bad oh don't worry you'll die i'm not going to die mogi you're paying me up without oh you are all right oh no the iron golem just died the iron goal would go up here three times oh nope nope nope nope nope nope this is so bad the pig has been floating for the last five minutes i don't even know what's happening is it stopping i'm getting all my frames now no no it's not stopping is it safe to say i've survived this i mean i haven't taken any where did that come from where where that tv no you haven't survived yet where where where that that tnt just teleported through the wall and now it's somehow got on my base oh god oh my god how is that happening how did that happen that there's tnt in my base there's tnt in your base oh i wonder why what oh god oh my god oh my god oh god this is not good this is not good at all okay just slow and steady wins the race right that's what they all say that was like the story with a turtle and a rabbit oh my god there's tnt through the freaking wall dude there's literally no breach in the ceiling i don't understand how it's getting through but then you're like i didn't reach my spot i feel like it is safe to say that we have survived this we've literally been down here for like 25 minutes and still i have not taken any damage now granted we have been infiltrated so technically if this was a nuke radiation would be eating me away and killing me right now but what would you do with a minecraft nuclear bunker moki can see from the surface and how destroyed it is i literally can't get into uh into any game mode right now it is it is dead dead dead thank you so much for watching click right here to watch some more testing nuclear bunker videos because we have plenty and you will learn so much from them anyways guys thank you guys so much for watching we'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Shark
Views: 9,012,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, testing minecraft, minecraft testing, natural disaster, Nuclear Disaster, Minecraft Nuclear Disasters, Nuclear Disasters in Minecraft, Nuclear Hacks, Nuclear Hacks in Minecraft, Bunker in Minecraft, Minecraft Bunker, Minecraft Testing Nuclear, Nuclear, testing nuclear hacks, testing nuclear hacks minecraft, minecraft nuclear hacks
Id: RUyWWby2y5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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