So I've seen this image of this really cool exploded or displaced
levels diagram and I thought, is this possible inside of Revit? And the answer is yes, it is. It is quite possible. So in this video, I'm going
to be showing you how. Let's go. Now quickly, before we jump into Revit, I would just like to ask you to check out my website, I'm going to link it in
the description down below this video and then also up in the cards above so you can check it out there. If you're serious about
learning Revit, that's definitely the best place to be with over 140 hours of content dedicated to all of the interesting and complex
topics inside of Revit. So now without any further ado, let's jump straight into Revit. And here we have my
office building project and this is what I'm going to be
using for this diagram. And it's actually really simple to set up. So what you want to do is you want to go here to the properties panel and then you want to scroll down
and find extents here. You want to find the
section box and turn on the section box which
is going to look like this. Now we actually want to drop this section box to only show the underground level. Now to do this, what you want to do is you go here to the view cube. You right click on the
view cube, you find orient to view floor plans and you
just pick out your floor plan. In this case, this is going to be the underground floor plan. It's going to navigate around like this. That's okay, we can just
go back here and click in the corner which is going
to give us a different view. And this is what we have. So it's showing us that view and the section box has been adapted to that view. Now I like to reduce the section box as much as possible around
this view, just like that. There we go. And in this case it looks really good. I'm just going to hide this site element. And there we go. So now we have our ground level. Now I can select the level here. If I don't want to see it, I can hide it. Or if you want to see it,
you can just leave it there. And of course you can play around with the scope of this section box. So anyways, once you're
happy, you select that section box and then you can hide
that as well just because everything is going
to look a little bit nicer. Okay, so moving forward,
what you want to do then is go back to your 3D views, right click and then let's actually rename this. This will be 3D, underground or minus zero one underground. Okay. And now I'm just going to right click again and then duplicate that view. And this one I'm going to rename. This will be 00 ground level. Okay. So once we have this new view, I'm going to go again to the view cube, right click, and then go to orient to view floor plans. And then this will be the ground level. So again, this is what's going to happen. We go back to that
same button, orbit around. Now we can no longer see the section box because we have hidden it. But what we can do
is go here to this little light bulb icon, click, and
then that's going to reveal the section box, which you can
then adjust to your model. So in this case, I'm just
going to adjust it like this. Now in this case, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to extend this up a little bit further until
we hit our ceiling. Now, the reason why I
want to see that ceiling is because I'm going
to use that ceiling just in order to highlight this
element, and for the diagram. So what I'm going to
do is let's go like this. And actually I'm going to select this interior ceiling just like so. And then I'm just going
to drop it a little bit. So let's drop it to 300cm just like that. So now when I go with my section box like this, it's only going
to view that ceiling. So let's try that. There we go. Perfect. Okay, so once we have done this, let's escape out of the reveal hidden elements. And now we can select that ceiling. Hold the control key if
there are two elements. And now what we can do is we can right click override graphics
and view by element. And then what I'm going
to do here is give it a surface pattern solid and then
apply any color which you like. I can go with red here. And then finally I'm just going to give it some transparency. So let's set this to 80% transparent. Okay. So now basically with
this, we're highlighting what's going on in this area. And you can use additional ceilings just for this demonstration where you can add perhaps different uses for the spaces. But in this case, I'm quite happy with the way that this turned out. And if you want to keep
the shadows, but only on the inside and you don't want to see it down here because this
is ugly, you can then go here to Sun path, go to
Sun settings and then just uncheck ground plane
at level, hit apply. Okay. And now that's going to look like this, which looks a lot better. Now, one more thing that I want to add to this view is some text just giving us the name of this particular level or usage. So what I'm going to do for that is I'm going to go back to our
project and actually let's create a new just 3D
view of the entire project. So here I want to have these large letters at each of the levels. Now we have to host
those letters on something. So for that, we're going
to use the reference plane. But for the reference
plane, first we need to go to one of the views where we can place it. So in this case, I'm going to open up the south elevation,
zoom in a little bit, then I'm going to go here to reference plane. RP is the shortcut. And then let's place one
reference plane like this. Click here on the name
and let's call this text. Okay. And now what I can do is I can come back to the 3D view. I can go to model text. And first, before we
actually click on model text, let's go here to set work plane. And then I'm just going to set it to our text reference plane. Okay. And then we go to model text. And let's call this one ground level. Okay, click OK. And now we can actually place this. Okay, so now this obviously
doesn't look that good. That's okay. We can just rotate this around 90 degrees. And we also want to make this quite larger so we can go here into added text. I'm just going to rename
this so it doesn't have the 600 mm because I'm
going to be making it larger. So let's try 300. Let's see what that looks like. Okay, so this seems to be okay. You also want to align it with that level just like that. This actually might be a bit too large. So let's see. Yeah, let's go with 200. Let's see what that looks like. Okay, this might be better. And now we can just place it here, align it a little bit with that floor plan. And now when we go back to our 3D view, we can turn on the section
box, extend it a little bit. And there we go. We have that ground level. Now it's a little bit too far away. So we can go back to our south elevation, select that
reference plane and just bring it in as much as it's necessary. Go back here. Okay, it could be closer. So again, select the
reference plane, bring it in a little bit and go to that 3D view. Okay, I think this looks fine. You can just move it off to the side a little bit like that. Perfect. And then just go to
reveal hidden elements and extend the section box
to show the entire text. And this is what that looks like. And then finally you can assign a different material to the text. I actually want this to be dark text, so let's try something black. Okay, so we can use any one of these black materials just for that text. Or actually yeah, this is hidden line view. So that's not going to work. So we need to go to that material. And then here in the graphics, we need our surface pattern
to be black. Hit apply. Okay, there we go. Perfect. And then we can even make this thinner. So something like 5cm. There we go. Perfect. And finally, if you want,
you can make this into half tone, which I think
it looks really good. So what I'm going to
do is select everything and then I'm going to go to filter and I'm just going to uncheck
my ceilings because I want the ceilings to stay the way they are. Click OK, override graphics in view. And then I'm just going to half tone those. So when we hit apply,
it's going to look like this. And I think it looks just
a little bit more elegant. Okay, so once this has
been completed for all of the levels, then you want to go
to the project browser, find your sheets, and then right
click create a new sheet. Now here, I'm just going to start or go with this, a two metric
Balkan architect, just because I have created this
vertical sheet for Revit. Now, if you don't know
how to customize sheets in Revit, I have this entire
tutorial on that topic which I'm going to link up in the cards above. So anyways, once you have that sheet opened up, you go back to your 3D views and then you just start layering them. So here first I'm going to place my warehouse underground level. Now what you want to do here as well, you can turn off the title. So no title. Place it just like that here on the bottom. Then let's go with the ground
level and see how when I hover above it, how
we get this dashed line. So that's basically allowing us to snap it to the same place. Again I'm just going to turn
off the title and then I can actually bring it
a little bit lower like so. And you basically continue doing this. So for the next one, I'm just going to go with level one. Place it above that. Okay, I'm not sure if
I've placed it correctly. Okay, now I think it's
in the correct position. You bring that down a little bit. Then we go with a level two like this. This is also offices,
and basically you just kind of stack everything up and just make sure to turn off those titles. And then finally we're going to get to something that looks like this. Now here you can notice I have added these dashed lines. So basically while you're here in the sheet view, you can go here to annotate. And then you can add
basically detailed lines. So you can just pick out some sort of a dashed line and just
add those lines indicating basically how this whole
thing comes together. And then you can also
add this text with all of the information of
what's located on each level. Now, in terms of the text, if you want to have this cool outline,
what you want to do is simply you take any text
and then I'm just going to start with a regular text here. So text okay, so once
you have this text, what you want to do then is select it, go into Edit type and then you
have this show border option. So that's going to give you the outline basically of the text like we have here. Now of course you can adjust the color so you can go here to the color. You can make it any
color you like just like this. And then if you want to have this extension like we have here, you just double click on that text and then you add some spaces and this is basically how you get that effect. And there we go. That's how we can create this really cool presentation sheet
really quickly and easily inside of Revit without really having to modify our original model all that much. So I hope you have enjoyed this video. And of course if you
want to get access to this project file from Revit or
any of my other Revit project files, you can find all of
those on my patreon page which I'm going to link
up in the cards above and then also down in the
description of this video. Thank you for watching guys. Make sure to check out my website. for more Ravit courses. There I have over 120 hours of content and I'm adding more each week. Make sure to subscribe for
more videos and also I've added a video over there that
might interest you as well.