Bowser's Fury Speedruns are incredibly cool

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I like these videos where he explains speedruns. The Minecraft one was really fascinating. That's why I've always loved his videos. The way he speaks is so captivating and soothing. So I'm glad to see another one.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Imaproshaman 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Didn’t know what to expect (I’ve never seen the game) was nonetheless impressed

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Cyanide_34 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

This run is genuinely nuts. Controlling 2 characters simultaneously with one of them only being motion controls is way too much brainpower for me to handle, and SmallAnt's commentary is top tier as always. Excellent watch!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Madous 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

That was a lot of fun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Murdoc_2 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2023 🗫︎ replies
today we are going to be watching the Bowser's Fury any present speedrun it is probably the coolest Speed Run I have watched in a very long time it has 745 views and it is the coolest Speed Run and so today I'm going to explain why it's so amazing uh first thing you start the game there's basically no cutscenes and he is immediately very fast uh by jumping and turning in the air it basically like adds your forwards and die and sideways speed together it's called vectoring Uh it makes you go very fast and it's important to go really fast at the start of the speed run for reasons I'll explain later but specifically the start of the speedrun and the end of the speedrun have to be basically Flawless if you want to save any big amounts of time uh but there's something interesting about this run is that you are not one person in this run you are both Bowser Jr and Mario uh you can control Bowser Jr by aiming your controller so by moving your controller around you'll see a cursor that's on the screen right uh uh there you see that cursor that's that's right here he is going to be controlling Bowser Jr with that cursor with motion controls while he's playing the game so if you ever see that cursor he is going to be moving Bowser Jr Bowser Jr is going to collect uh cat shine shards and he gets the cat power up here uh the goal in this Speed Run is to get 50 cat shines he's gonna get uh 50 cat shines kill eight bosses in 26 minutes um so as you can see the cursor uh Bowser Jr's already got four catch shine shards as he's moving to the next catch line so he already has a cat shine and he hasn't even collected anything yet other than the katsu which is crazy the catsuit's super useful because it allows you to climb walls it also allows you to stall by doing a swipe you'll see him do the swipe a couple of times that's the first three shines uh in a minute and 20 seconds you can see he's already aiming Bowser Junior to a certain area Bowser Jr kind of does whatever he wants on his own but if you aim the cursor and manage to get Bowser Jr below Mario you can bounce on him up to two times and it gives you some extra height which allows him to skip that whole section which is super amazing it like Bowser Jr it when I did a casual playthrough never behaved um but you can see here the cat stalling with the swiping he's able to do that something really funny happens here that uh Nintendo pointed out uh when I was talking to him so he's gonna get the that first cat shine but right here look on the right you'll see the cursor he targets to the right and Bowser Jr just flies up in the sky he accidentally targeted a seagull and Bowser Jr is chasing the seagull instead of A Shard that's in the trees down there but uh while he's gonna get Bowser Jr killing the shards he has a star and he's gonna kill these guys for uh for an extra little bit but you can see Bowser Jr is doing stuff he's doing stuff there's so much going on and uh the last catchline Shard you can't get with uh about the junior so he's gonna get that later but um something you'll see he gets one Shard or he gets one shine and then he leaves and see the vectoring is so fast that he just completely skips the Boost pad he just didn't even touch it like he is going so fast but yeah something about this is there's sort of it's an open world game the world isn't very big but it's an open world game but the thing to reload different areas of the world and that's a crazy skip just bouncing off a Bowser Jr like that that's so cool um uh to reload certain areas of the world you have to go to another section so he's going to this section to get a Shard and now he's going to jump back down to the other one which is reloaded and got another shine ready to go so you'll see that he is now getting the blue coins and this one really shows the versatility of Bowser Jr here because while he's climbing up Bowser Jr is going to be collecting most of the coins okay Bowser Jr is just moving faster than Mario so he's using motion control so just aim it which is kind of amazing I'm sorry I'm talking so fast there is a lot to talk about in the speedrun look at how much speed is built up from just this jumping and turning is this something like fast speed or something did I accidentally play this on 1.2 no it's this is regular speed okay um but you can see like look at how much speed he gains by just turning and aiming these is not easy by the way like jumping and turning to to get to the right spot is not an easy thing to do uh but yeah oh and this we're gonna be seeing this a lot later this this propeller power up it is crazy good but it just keeps it to uh just uses it there to skip a little bit of a section um gets another Shard here um you can see it started to rain um and this is kind of important because uh for a reason I'll explain in a second I'll have a little bit of time to explain why the rain is so important but uh he now has 10 shines and grabs a propeller box and we'll be doing something important here and now there's a cut scene so this game is sort of on Cycles I'll explain it after this boss fight but remember that Bell right there that he just hit uh this Bowser boss fight he's gonna be fighting four or five of these I can't exactly remember uh this is a strat where normally uh Bowser after you hit him uh you'll see right here one two three four and then he gets blasted off right usually you can only hit Bowser four times before he launches you away but he hits him four times jumps and then does a dive so he doesn't get blasted away and then is able to just hit him again and stun locks this fight to make it really really fast because normally this fight takes like a couple minutes for like a casual player but he just blazes through it by just continually smacking him over and over again until the fight's over um which is really uh I'm not sure how tight the timing is on this but it's really impressive if you've played it casually but right now you can see he closes the game why did he close the game first off is to skip a cutscene uh but second off this game is has a lot of Cycles he has to fight Bowser five times the thing is the Bowser fights uh there is a timer between when the Bowser fights are triggered so usually the timers are really long like 10 plus minutes obviously he needs that timer to be gone so by reloading a save the game actually switches timers to the default timer to like a backup timer which is a lot shorter what that causes though is he has to get a very specific amount of shines in a very small amount of time and if he messes up he's gonna miss that cycle and he's just gonna have to restart the whole run so if he ever makes a mistake he just has to reset because he's gonna miss the cycle and he's not gonna be waiting over that Bell to be able to get it the frame that it's active um right here small thing uh he jumps and lands right in front of the cat if he doesn't do that jump it loses seven seconds because the cat talks to him and cries about how their children are all how the children are all gone so um basically this whole time he is fighting against the clock to try and get to that bell with a certain amount of shines in the time limit that he has once you defeat like the first Bowser you unlock Plessy which allows you to travel in the water a little bit faster this is Luigi Luigi usually just runs straight up the tower but because he's getting with Plessy and kind of getting on either side of it Luigi is kind of just walking back and forth and so he just gets to shine with Plessy but yeah here's the cool jump this is a really cool trick where what he's gonna do is he is going to take the recoil from hitting this Dock and jump at the same time the game will add those speeds together and he'll get a really high jump so he grabs the key and just doesn't have to climb up the tower again and can instantly get another shine uh so you can see he gets back on Plessy and I'm pretty sure he's able to go to the next area now you can see right there when he he jumped over the sand so he went under with Plessy that's to button press and when he jumps out he presses the jump button and you can see that gold glimmer that is a speed boost take note of that and I'll talk about it once he's onto a longer section but uh now again he uh he reloaded this area like he did this one went to another one you'll see him jump back and forth a lot um there are some other ways to reload different little areas um and there's a really cool one uh near the end so I'll show you that but yeah the reason why he's jumping between all these areas so much is because he has to reload the areas so he has to get a shot in a different area or at least touch the ground in another area uh he's getting the last cat shine shashard The Shard here for the uh one that Bowser Jr can't get but anyways you can see here he gets back on Plessy and he's getting these gold boosts so what he's doing is if you dive under and then jump out of the water that jump will give you a speed boost but he's canceling the jump with another dive immediately every single time so he's just chaining jumps and Dives together to always have that speed boost which is uh just a little speed Strat it's not even that hard you can do it in a casual playthrough but of course this one just jumping all the way out and this is where the Run gets a little bit crazy because he has the cat suit and he has the propeller box and he has a lot of climbing to do so you'll see him he Dives onto these platforms um to get some extra speed or to land faster to get extra speed but also you'll see Bowser Jr collecting shards he'll be climbing walls he'll be using the propeller to Glide places he'll probably use Bowser Jr to jump off of because jumping off of Bowser Jr resets the Boost you get from your propeller box you only get one boost but if you'd land on Bowser Jr that refreshes your Boost so I think he does do that um right here yeah he'll probably do that right here um so there's a little interesting Tech that he does here actually you'll see Bowser Jr gets caught on this wall down here you see his little Shadow there if Bowser Jr ever gets caught on a wall then he'll just teleport to the to the cursor and you can see the cursor is on a Shard right now so teleport to the teleports of the cursor instantly gets The Shard he'll be using that tech for something really cool later on in the run but this is my I think my favorite glitch in the run because there are glitches in this run there are a few um this is a sort of a DLC from 3D World and if you've played 3D World you might know that there is a glitch where if you crouch on Ice you can gain a lot of speed and so by mashing I think he matches it about 15 times a second he matches the shoulder button at about 15 times a second to do this and this area is where he's going to and you can see he's not going to make it so he bounces off of Bowser Jr once he bounces off of Bowser Jr again and he makes it all the way to the shine and this shine you're not supposed to be able to get it like that you are not supposed to be able to get it like that at all usually you have to wait for Bowser to appear you have to have him shoot a laser at a block you have to go up a pipe jump across some clouds he skips all of that by doing that he's able to just jump down and skip that crappy little skate section that you guys probably know about if you played casually you've gone farther oh just wait until you see him later on in the run when he uses the ice trick again it's even more satisfying it's my favorite part of the Run actually but yeah you can see he uses this propeller box to just go and while he's going he's collecting stuff and this is pretty cool um uh he fights the boss but obviously he's stuck in this Boss Arena he can't do anything right but Bowser Jr can teleport out of the Boss Arena so if while he's fighting boom boom he gets Bowser Jr to collect the cat shards you know he's flying up in the sky he's collecting one while boom boom's trying to attack him and he gets a cat shine he's waiting and right here listen to what he says oh shoot it's not gonna rain oh shoot it's not gonna rain the significance of that is he uses an audio cue of knowing when to be above the Bell because he needs to go to that big Bell before he fights Bowser or right when the Bowser fight is about to start so if it starts oh wait wait sorry we're gonna go back we're gonna go back a little bit um so he finishes the fight and he deliberately gets Bowser Jr stuck in that little hole on the wall you see Bowser Jr he points at at that hole right there he points the cursor at it so Bowser Jr gets stuck and because Bowser Jr is stuck the next the next place that he points Bowser Jr is going to teleport so teleports under that rabbit so the rabbit can't run and he instantly gets the shine if it rains in that boss fight um it sets up an audio cue so he's waiting he's waiting for an audio cue and when the audio queue hits he knows okay now I need to go and if I jump at just the right time the cutscino trigger and he'll land on the Bell as early as possible so there's like no down time uh this second Bowser fight it's a little bit similar to the previous one with some extra little bits you probably know that obviously Bowser's belly is his weak spot but uh Nintendo here spaces it just right where the he's so close to Bowser that if you if you hit Bowser from far away it deals like the normal tiny little sliver of damage right but if you hit Bowser unlike the inside by getting really close to him like that look at Bowser's health that's not a sliver that's like what is that like a quarter of it almost and you know now he obviously does the um he does I think oh and he's done the fight I guess he doesn't even still not that fight he has now done three boss fights 11 minutes into the run right after the boss fight he actually reloads the save instead of closes the game he closed the game before uh to skip a cutscene because if he closes the game uh it skips a cutscene like a really long one but this one doesn't have as long of a cutscene after it so we can just reload the file instead and he has 23 so almost half of the shines that he needs but you can see here he's going to the next section and this you can see oh that's an easy shine to get right uh wrong there's actually an invisible maze that you have to learn and memorize he's memorized the invisible maze so he just ships the whole thing he does the super jump with the uh the Plessy Super Jump by bonking into the wall right here hopefully you notice that jumps over does the rest of the climb with the cat suit and then gets out keep note that there is no shine here anymore and there's also no button on that bridge just it's just something to note and for seemingly no reason he leaves and then turns around oh now there's a button on the bridge so that was to reload this area so the button appears uh by just touching the ground of another Island it reloads the stage so he can get the next shine which is the uh this one but also while he's getting the blue coins he's getting the shards which uh you know any second now Bowser Jr is just gonna pop another shine into his inventory just because Bowser Jr's been doing work when I say Bowser Jr's been doing work I mean he has been doing work with his split brain I don't know how he's doing everything like he's controlling two characters at once um uh how was restarting the game from home faster than regular cutscene it's a really long cut scene it's really long uh he is actually the only player in the world that does this route he made this route himself uh because it's like slightly faster than anything else um so he's the only person that's currently doing this um funny thing about this I'm sure you probably even did this on your playthrough there's a bunch of platforms on the left that you got to climb up to get this shine there's like a time limit as well I think and uh yeah he just he just gets the propeller box and skips it he just he's just gonna skip the whole thing with the propeller box um but oh I think this is my favorite part in the whole run is this my favorite part in the home run I can't remember yep it is no it's not not yet not yet not yet there's another part you you can see where we're going with that though but anyways Crazy Fast killing these these enemies um oh actually Bob spouser Jr there you see that oh my goodness another shine I can't remember where he goes from here I think um oh right so uh that shine technically wasn't a part of this island so by getting this shine it actually reloads the other Island and then Luigi is there which is the little black sludge um and again he's gonna use Plessy to manipulate Luigi's patterns normally Luigi climbs up but he's gonna get ahead Luigi so Luigi turns around and uh you can see here yeah gets Luigi once gets Luigi twice goes ahead of him so Luigi will turn around and can just smack him a sec or a third time super fast you can see how fast that this technique is he's just skipping all of the Boost pads like taking an optimal straight line with that the Boost uh the the jump cancel or the jump Dives it's just faster there are 81 shines that are available before post game and he's gonna be beating 50 of them so he's routed the fastest 50 shines uh that he is able to figure out um yeah he's just gonna do some PVP here PVP why did I see PVP I've been playing too much Minecraft he's gonna kill some enemies also another reason why this Runner is so great is his username is nin Tanner and my name's also Tanner so uh you know just another positive I'll just bounces off about Bowser Jr there uh if you've played this casually you'll know how awful this shine is where this skate is really awkward to control but he just makes it look so easy but this skate is just awful it is especially on these like he just makes it look so easy I wish I was good at the skate as he was man it's just it's so smooth like it just it doesn't even look hard no that that's that is so awkward that skate and yeah also while he's doing that he was collecting uh catch shine shards I hope you noticed that uh and I think there is a Bowser fight coming up so soon but he's going to be getting a couple more things first what is he going to get first uh oh it's the third shine in this little invisible mace he misses the ground pound that's a mistake uh but as long as he makes it to the bell in time a little mistake like that doesn't matter too much because uh you know he's he's gonna make it to the Valentine hopefully we'll see um yeah he's able to get to this shine climb up skip you can see there was like a little maze he knows the invisible platforms where they are so he's able to just jump up to the top and he made it in time so you can see he's waiting for the audio cue he's waiting he's waiting and there's the audio cue so he goes now and the bell is a little bit delayed in this one so you actually have to go during the cut scene or during the dark but he makes it and again he's gonna do the fast strats for the uh the Bowser fight so he didn't actually I don't think he lost any time on that split and uh now there's a lot going on in this one there's a lot going on in this boss fight so I might have to pause it a little bit um you can see Bowser shoots out a bunch of spikes waits for them to drop he picks it up and throws it as Bowser is starting to take off he specifically throws it from that angle so Bowser hits the wall behind and he's able to jump on Bowser immediately he cancels the knockback from Bowser with a ground pound onto the pillar which he's able to grab and throw to hit Bowser again to dive onto Bowser to kill it in a really fast way there's so much going on anyways again there's a really long cutscene after that one it's the the cutscene where like the map is getting cleared of a bunch of the sludge uh so just closing the game and reopening it is just faster than that cutscene and a bunch of dialogue but anyways right here you can see it's it's kind of awkward you know he's turning his camera angle to the right why is he not looking where he's going right uh what he is doing is he's looking at this specific floating island in the sky he is making sure that floating island stays on screen at all times because that actually roams around the map and so by keeping it on screen it will continue to roam around the map as long as it's on screen and he wants it in a very specific position in a couple of minutes and so he's not even looking where he's going he is just keeping that Island on the sky on screen while he's doing other stuff um again here he changed this rabbit together this is what the RAB is normally supposed to do but uh he he teleported Bowser Jr onto the other one but this one he's able to get normally but it chains it together and again he's kind of looking up a little bit making sure it stays on screen and okay it's in the right position for now he doesn't need to look at it anymore also we kind of can't look at it because it's he's underground yeah just getting under other shine I'm trying to think if there's anything else that's like important to say well we have some down time uh this is the first sub 26 minute run uh he is the only person to beat Bowser Fury ever in under 26 minutes um and grabs a propeller box this is my favorite part of the Run it and I'm not even gonna just watch just watch he goes so far it's so sick whoa whoa whoa so satisfying um just keeping that momentum with the vectoring uh normally to get to this area you have to fight a boss like a like a garbage can I can't remember the name of it you have to fight a boss to get to this area he just skipped all that he he's just gonna get this here early you know he has a propeller box he can do whatever he wants yeah you can see here actually look look look at this cutscene look the game is like oh yeah there's a bunch of black sludge around here oh wait no no never mind he got the shine there's not supposed to be any he's doing this big jump without looking where he's going again look at the top of his screen look at the top it's just barely on the screen you can see it right now a little bit better right there that island is hitting this mountain he'll use that later yeah he's making sure it's just in the right place and then he can turn his camera and get another shine that you're not supposed to yet at that point at all um so yeah once that Island's in the right place and it looks like he's still moving it a little bit you can it's kind of behind his webcam he's still kind of keeping you on screen a little bit I think gonna take out Luigi and you obviously can't have Plessy up here but he knows where Luigi's gonna go he's gonna smack Luigi he's gonna be getting the shards two shines at once nose Bowser Jr is going to get that cat Shard and so he just flies away yeah Bowser Jr will get it you love this game it's such a good game this is probably one of my favorite Mario games for movement I wish it was longer it's so good he's gonna go into another boss fight now uh Prince bully is the name not trash can my bad uh uh principally uh this is the boss fight you're supposed to do before getting to that other section that the game was like all surprised okay there's a reason why I call it trash can okay look it looks like it's a trash can right there that's a trash can is it not it's like a metal anyways uh this is a little bit of RNG in it to where the it comes out um he told me that there can be manipulated but it's like brutally difficult too so he just doesn't do it yet he's gonna use Bowser Jr in the propeller box which is just a broken combo to do a bunch of stuff uh but again Bowser Jr's busy collecting shards while he's navigating this this is probably the easiest thing to miss in the whole run if you're just watching this as like a casual viewer look at this platform here there is nothing here there's a power up right there's a power up but there's a rabbit down there and he unfortunately messes up the Strat he's not losing too much time by missing that but it does add some pressure that he has to make the next cycle a little bit tighter now uh but he teleports Bowser Jr to get the shine and it reloads the mountain to the next stage which instantly spawns this one so he doesn't need to leave and come back he gets the rabbit shine to reload it instead and now also this island he manipulated to be in this position with his camera for the last four minutes so we could get that shine instantly as well sorry if I'm getting a little loud it's just so cool I'm just really excited about it I I feel like I'm getting too close to my mic sometimes because Bowser Jr took a little bit he wasn't ready exactly on the Bell you know loses maybe maybe half a second for that whole thing for that missing Bowser Jr because he he made the he he's made the cycle but it was still a little bit tight and again right here just gonna blast through Bowser as fast as possible again using sort of that that Strat that he did in the first phase uh I think this is a strat he did on like the second or third phase he does the ground pound to grab the pillar throw it again and now we're on to the last split he's gonna be done this run in two minutes the whole thing so he's at 49 shines he needs to get one more uh the closest one is right here uh and also after you finish that last Bowser fight you need to wait like 30 seconds anyways before the uh the final Bowser fight is triggered anyways so just by uh you know making taking advantage of the extra time gets this shine and by the time he makes it back to the Bell he will um he'll have this also um I asked him about this uh this next section this cat grab was not on purpose it's just he described it by accident it's just cute a little positive to the Run grabbing the cat on the way by he did kill it but like I made sure to ask him about it I was like was that on purpose he was like no but it's a cool addition um but again he's doing the uh he's gonna get really close into Bowser to get the strong hit hit him deep in his chest and finishes it off with the ground pound there and now it's just the final boss fight that's left and um this final boss fight is outside of the Cycles So the faster you do this boss fight the more time you can save uh and something about this boss fight is Bowser only lets you hit you in certain areas so he's just going straight to that certain area and ignoring Bowser everywhere else and he's just ignoring all the Boost pads and this is the first spot where you can head Bowser and there's a fast threat here where in this fight you have to hit this ball of bells four times I know cardinal sin it should only be three but you have to hit four times and when you hit the Bell you get knocked back away from the Bell so by hitting it from the side it doesn't knock you away from Bowser as much and while he's recovering you could just hit the Bell again and while he's recovering you could just hit the Bell again and uh he didn't go for the super aggressive stat you can actually hit him one more time there but this only loses like a second or two and that's the whole run a boss fights 50 shines in in 25 minutes and 58 seconds really cool movement in this run there's so much going on at all times and I just wanted to show it up because it just doesn't have enough views thanks again to uh to nintana he spent 90 minutes of his Sunday explaining this run to me I had like a bunch of questions so he was able to explain this to me you can check them out on Twitch if you're interested in Bowser's Fury speedrunning there will be a link in the description and if you like my commentating subscribe please thanks for watching everybody
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,689,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, speedrun explained, world record, speedrun, wr, any%, any percent, smallant1, small ant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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