Explaining Killua Zoldyck's Nen Abilities (Godspeed + Electric Aura) | Hunter X Hunter Explained

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[Music] how's it going everybody 2spooky here and welcome back to nan explained where we go in-depth with the various and abilities and how they work in this installment we're tackling Kalu was various in an ability x' as one of the four main characters it's safe to say we know quite a bit about his abilities since we've seen kahlúa develop these abilities throughout the course of the series that being said though kahlúa in particular also has many other abilities outside of just his nen most of which are the result of growing up in his family of assassins being subjected to various harmful forms of torture to strengthen his body in multiple different ways because this video in particular is only meant to focus on ki Lewis nen I won't be touching on all his extra physical abilities unless they directly relate to his nen in some way so just keep that in mind going forward this video will also be referencing a lot of the different nen concepts such as the basic principles so if you aren't familiar with that terminology or you just need a refresher be sure to follow the card in the top right hand corner of the screen which covers the concept of men as a whole before we actually get to his nen abilities or hatsue let's first take a look at Kalu was experienced with men as a whole the first thing to note would be that kahlúa is a transmuter as a little refresher on what exactly that is transmutation is the men type that allows the user to transform aura itself into essentially another existing substance however it should be noted that changing the aura like this is really only copying the properties of an existing substance rather than actually becoming that substance like a conjured object trans mutating aura is also not limited to the properties of only physical substances and can also mimic the properties of various energy sources so far all of killua's hot suit techniques line up with his nen type of beam transmutation abilities but we also know that kahlúa is at least somewhat capable of using enhancement and conjuration nen types as biscuits training required him to do so when first learning how to use the basics of men from wing wing' mentioned that both gone in kahlúa were Naturals and therefore very talented a talent so amazing in fact that the two of them are likely each in 10 million since we watched Kahlua develop his skills with an N firsthand we also know that he's already mastered the four basic principles along with the advanced techniques excluding n and in which he has trouble using some of the notable things to know about his skills with these techniques are as follows he was able to use ten successfully on his first try after only having his aura nodes open for mere minutes and can now additionally keep ten active at all times he was able to use ren in a single night with ren kahlúa is able to extend his aura up to 57 centimeters which he uses to sense enemy attacks from afar since he is unable to use n effectively and he can also use his Ren for up to three hours while projecting it constantly he was additionally able to learn go in that same single night he was able to learn zetsu on his own after watching gone and has since become very efficient with it his assassin upbringing no doubt contributed to that he was able to learn co rather easily on greed island and is now able to use it instantaneously the final thing to mention about his overview with nan usage would be that kahlúa is an expert when it comes to distributing nan throughout his body this was most notably mentioned by Razer who noted that Kula was ability to distribute his name correctly to both his lower and upper half was done with a margin of less than 1% error and while none control is just a basic technique in general being able to use it successfully like that at an expert level is no easy feat especially since Kahlua hadn't been using nan for very long after witnessing this same feat biscuit even mentioned that she wouldn't have expected this level of skill from Kahlua already considering her skill wasn't at that level until she was 20 years old herself all of these examples therefore show us that his efficiency and overall control of nan is already magnificent and while both Kahlua and gon may be considered one in 10 million with their usage of nen it's clear that Kahlua is the one that has better control of his nan as a whole but with that overview out of the way let's move on to Kahlua is various hot sue techniques like we mentioned before all of Kahlua satsu revolves around his natural nan type transmutation essentially all of these abilities surround the con cept of kahlúa transmuting his aura to mimic the properties of electricity now something to note about this would be that in general most in abilities involving transmutation usually mimic the properties of a physical object or substance an example being hisoka's an ability Bunji gum which has the properties of both rubber and gum I could go into that a little more but bungee gum is extremely hard to explain so it's very rare to be able to transmute a source of energy like electricity but obviously it is possible because Kahlua can do it the only thing is for a transmuter to change the properties of their nen to copy something else they need to be very familiar with the properties of that object or substance to accurately copy it which is very similar to how conjurer's need to overly familiarize themselves with the objects that they want to conjure ahead of time at least in most cases so for Kahlua to be able to transmute electricity he would have needed to be exposed to an immense amount of electricity periodically for years which is why when he first demonstrated it to experienced and end users they were baffled that he was actually able to do it the reason Kahlua was able to transmute his aura to mimic electricity in such a short amount of time is simply because of how he was raised with in this old ich family to Train Kahlua to be a top-tier assassin his family essentially put him through hell which includes various types of torture forced poison immunity by exposing him to God knows how many toxins and also being exposed to various levels of electricity since he was only a baby to force his body to develop a resistance that being said although he does have a massive resistance to electric shocks he still feels the pain of it he can just no longer be incapacitated or even slowed down by it so because Kahlua had so much experience with electricity for the majority of his lifetime he is already pre conditioned to understand its properties and was therefore able to accurately transmute his aura to match it in general this allows him to deliver electric shocks to his opponents at any time and just create electric aura in general but something to note would be that by itself the electricity he's able to create on his own isn't very much in fact to even use it properly kahlúa needs to essentially charge his body with some other source of electricity such as tasing himself or holding an electrical plug because kahlúa needs to charge himself to use this ability he only has a set amount of electrical attacks that he is able to use until he eventually runs out and needs to charge himself up again the biggest downfall of this being that he doesn't exactly have a good idea of how much electricity he's using when he does use it or how much he can even store in the first place and for that reason he can also unexpectedly run out mid-fight kahlúa also mentioned to kite that his electricity isn't quite as strong as he would like it to be yet and in general it drains him fairly quickly but now that you know how his hatsue works let's take a look at his named techniques the first technique that kahlúa named was called lightning palm which is basically where he thrusts both of his palms onto his opponent while releasing a powerful jolt of electricity upon contact his opponent at the time was relatively unfazed by this but the technique was able to slightly burn him and stun him for a moment likely meaning that either Kalu was electrical reserves were pretty low at that time or this technique just doesn't pack that much of a punch the second technique is called Thunderbolt which is essentially where Cluett jumps into the air and basically shoots a bolt of lightning down upon his opponent so far from what we've seen this technique wasn't exactly able to do any physical damage but it was able to stun one of the Chimera ant Royal Guards which is a feat of its own if you ask me the third and final technique is called God speed which can be broken up into two sub abilities called whirlwind and speed of lightning both of these abilities involve kahlúa spreading his electrical aura throughout his entire body and using it to stimulate his muscles with whirlwind Kahlua is essentially able to use his electric aura as n like we mentioned earlier Kahlua isn't able to use n by itself so to bypass that weakness this technique essentially gives him the ability of n but at a very short distance basically what I mean by that is Kalu was electric aura with God speed goes throughout his entire body greatly strengthening his muscles allowing greater strength and speed for that matter so what Kahlua decided to do was instruct his electrical men to react the moment something touches or is going to touch his body the best two examples of this are with the darts and against the Chimera and Royal Guard poof in normal circumstances when something touches our bodies the nerves that are touched deliver a message to our brain telling us that we've been touched in that spot which then sends a message to our muscles to react to whatever is touching us however sometimes in very intense situations things happen so quickly that our brain isn't able to react in time and we don't realize what happened until it's already too late so because gods be greatly enhances Kahlua speed and strength to the point where he's faster than his nerves and his brain for that matter he instructed his aura to instead be the device that reacts whenever it's touched rather than his nerves so when something touches the aura surrounding his body his aura is instructed to automatically react and stop whatever touched the aura essentially granting kahlúa greatly enhanced reaction time that doesn't even require his brain this is how Kahlua was able to catch the dart that was aimed at his skull the second it materialized and touched his aura the aura was instructed to grab and stop the dart and do two whirlwinds greatly enhanced speed it makes this completely possible against poof whirlwind was able to draw an electrical circle around and kimochi and if poof entered the circle from any angle Kahlua Zora would allow his muscles to react instantly and deliver a counter-attack the reaction commands can also be changed to many different things based on what Kahlua is up against as it can be for physical objects or touches blood lust or general bad emotions in aura from another or like we just demonstrated with poof someone entering a predetermined area because world one gives Kahlua enhanced strength and speed he was also able to deliver powerful and quick attacks against ub during that fight Kahlua Zora was basically instructed to counter-attack whenever you P was going to attack and during that whole process Kahlua was moving so quickly that it seemed as though he disappeared half the time also during that fight ub even mentioned how helpless he was to fight back the other ability of God speed speed of lightning is essentially the same concept as whirlwind except this time around Kahlua is in full control of his movements rather than instructing his aura to essentially move for him this therefore allows him to run extremely fast and also jump incredibly high [Music] the speed Kahlua is able to run is unfortunately unknown but we do know that he has slowed down significantly by rough terrains and can run much faster on a straight pathway but that does it for clue was various known abilities and how they work hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and hopefully you found a better understanding of how exactly Kahlua Zanon abilities work if you did well make sure to thunderclap that like button and also subscribe with those notifications on so that you don't miss the next installment of Nan explained with that be sure to comment which and inabilities you would like to learn about next follow me on Twitter to keep up with the channel follow me on Twitch for some delicious streams and also pick up some of the new and spooky merch that we now have available all of those links will be in the description without further adieu thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time with a new video [Music]
Channel: 2Spooky
Views: 412,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, nen, nen explained, explained, hunter x hunter, hxh, aura, killua, zoldyck, gon, transmuter, Whirlwind, godspeed, speed of lightning, Thunderbolt, lightning, Lightning Palm, youpi, pouf, electricity, electric, Assassin, anime, manga, hatsu, ren, ten
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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