Explaining Nen: Part 1 | Basic and Advanced Techniques

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This is actually a pretty good video for people currently watching the English Dub since I don't think the Chimera ant arc is referenced at all.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GoodyTwoFuse ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

His explanation of zetsu is wrong

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SomeGUy464636 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 01 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you how's it going everybody sweat clog a here and welcome to today's video I don't really think I need to introduce the topic at hand it's pretty obvious we're gonna be talking about nen but some of you may be wondering well it's like huggy you're a Naruto Channel you haven't even made a chakra video yet why are you making a ded video huh and I get why this may be on some of your minds it does seem a little bit weird but here's the thing chakra is fundamentally very simple and it's extremely easy to understand it wouldn't take much for me to explain it at all then on the other hand is really complicated so let's just get right into the meat of this I'm not gonna waste any time introducing the concept let's just start talking about what nin is how it works and all of its different aspects so to describe it most simply nan is practically hunter hunters counterpart to something like key or chakra well then itself isn't the actual power source that the fighters in this universe draw from it's the name of the technique that people use to tame their power source and use it to create supernatural abilities the name of the actual energy source is aura and aura is conceptually identical to something like key chakra mana or whatever else its life energy produced by the body it's tied to vitality it's like a secondary form of stamina yadda yadda yadda if you've watched practically any other shown in anime you know how this sort of thing works already as is the case with most other fictional universes most people aren't even aware of the existence of aura despite that everybody has it and in theory anybody's capable of taming it unsurprisingly though doing so is generally really tough and requires the help of a pretty good teacher now this is where I think a Dragon Ball comparison is pretty apt because ki and then are pretty similar in this regard and then tutors aren't very plentiful and in early Dragonball key users weren't very common because the same was true about key tutors there were like two people that could adequately teach others how to use ki and they were the turtle hermit muten roshi and the crane hermit master Shen both of whom were pretty picky about the students they were willing to teach now the key differences between hunter hunter and Dragonball in this regard are that there are a lot more than two nin tutors in the world of Hunter hunter and that becoming a student of one of them is a lot more straightforward another thing worth pointing out is that while ki isn't hidden from the public by any one person or group of people in Dragon Ball the hunter Association has made a consistent historic effort to keep men out of the public eye most members of the hunter Association agreed if men were to become common knowledge among the masses it would lead to a lot of problems as a matter of fact the Dark Continent Ark has already taken steps to explore this idea by providing a pretty concrete example of somebody who should never ever learn how to use an N properly in the form of a very corrupt psychopathic Prince of kiken who holds a lot of political power and might end up being king of one of the most prominent countries in the world very shortly at the time of this video this is a very recent plot development but anyway the point is the hunter Association likes to keep men out of the hands of people like this for pretty obvious reasons because the hunter Association seems to have near complete control over the spread of information regarding then the only way to gain access to this information is to become a member of the hunter Association yourself so in much more practical terms to learn how to use an n you've basically just got to pass the hunter exam now this isn't strictly true because after passing the hunter exam it's not like people are immediately provided with a tutor in most cases it seems like all of the characters who have learned how to use and then had to track down a teacher themselves and there are a handful of characters who learned how to use Nimba for becoming hunters like Hisoka alumi and kahlรบa but these are outliers so treat them as the exception not the rule the series also brings attention to a group of people that multiple characters rather unimaginative lead referred to as men geniuses who are capable of using men without even realising that they're doing it and without any proper training this is how the series explains the existence of people like superhuman athletes fortune tellers and other people who possess rather odd abilities I guess in order to establish a sort of parallel between itself and the real world the basic premise is that somebody like Bruce Lee would be considered an ingenious some in universe examples including neon the girl with the fortune-telling powers and Co McGee the gungi world champion so ok up to this point and then might sound a little bit generic you might be thinking to yourself well it does have a few unique concepts incorporated into it but for the most part it sounds pretty similar to something like key or chakra but just wait this is the part where starts to get really complicated and then starts to develop an identity of its own so let's start out with the training process that a person needs to undergo in order to learn how to use net it's very lengthy and it involves mastering a bunch of different concepts and because of this it took both gone and kilo multiple arcs to devel just a ground-level basic understanding of everything that net entails including all of its major principles and most of its mechanics step one of the training is pretty standard and just involves the conditioning of one's body to be able to manipulate the flow of their aura so that they can properly use men at a basic level this can be done one of two ways the first method is very safe but extremely time-consuming whereas the second method is very quick but equally dangerous and as such is frowned upon by most members of the hunter Association now both methods do accomplish the same thing they're just two different approaches to carrying out the same process which is to allow the are n nodes in a person's body to open giving them the ability to control the flow of their aura the first of these is done organically and gradually through meditation and other forms of spiritual training whereas the second involves another person forcing these are nodes open which as you may expect leaves a lot of room for something bad to happen particularly if the person either doesn't know what they're doing or just feels like being a dick it can result in the death of the person on the receiving end which is why it's widely frowned upon and isn't typically used it's explained that one way to force a person's aura nodes open is to unleash a malicious aura attack on to them pressuring their body to instinctively awaken its aura in order to defend themselves as if it does not do so the person will likely end up either dead or severely injured wing the mentor who taught going in kailua how to use nen knows of a much safer method of doing this that involves manually jolting the aura nodes in a person's body open safely giving them access to basic menus without having to go through the lengthy meditation process aside from the slight risk of death or serious injury this method doesn't seem to carry any negative side effects since it's how Gon and Killua had there are nodes awakened and they both seem to be doing just fine on a site note after having ones are n nodes awakened that becomes apparent to the person in question that aura is invisible to most people the only way a person can see it is if the aura nodes in their eyes have been opened which is why - most people Hisoka seem to be performing actual magic tricks during his battle with castro when in reality he was just using Bungie gum and by extension his aura to pull off a lot of the insane that we saw throughout that fight as a matter of fact though he soaked his aura should have been invisible too many Ning users as well as it took Keela and zhu xi using geo to be able to see it now I haven't even explained what Gil is yet so let's move on to men's advanced techniques and it's our major principles gaining the ability to control the flow of one's aura is just the beginning of learning how to use net there are a lot of ways that it can be applied and all of these applications are given their own unique name the first four of these applications and ends four major principles are considered the most basic ways that a person's aura can be employed and learning each of them is practically mandatory for developing a basic understanding of men's fundamentals the first of these applications is called 10 which means envelop or shroud this is without question the easiest way to employ one's net it's nothing more than the simple practice of keeping ones are n nodes open at all times though it also involves containing the aura that should now be leaking out of a person's body in a neat and compact shape that surrounds the users body in a visible shroud for most people 10 begins as an active technique that one must remain focused on to perform though with constant practice one can make 10 into a passive ability that they are able to maintain subconsciously 10 doesn't do a whole lot aside from acting as the foundation for most of men's other applications though mastering it does provide a handful of benefits the first is that a master of 10 will experience decreased aging as they are able to keep their vital energy contained around them and prevent it from leaking out of their body busts causing it to the case lower and allow them to live a longer life the second is that 10 protects a person from basic malicious men attacks like the one illumi used on Koloa during the hunter exam and the one that Hisoka used to test both going in kilowatt at heavens arena 10 also serves to defend its user from basic physical attacks that aren't amped by aura though it won't really do much in a battle against another men user the next application Ren meaning enhanced focus is on bolstering a person's physical capabilities namely their strength and durability this is accomplished by increasing the amount of aura the body outputs and can be used to amp the strength of basic physical attacks or increase the effectiveness of one of the men's other applications by training to use this technique a person can not only increase the length for which they are able to maintain Ren but they can also increase the amount of aura that they have at their disposal getting any sort of significant results takes a lot of time however according to Biscay the average person takes about a month to increase the duration of their ren by 10 minutes out of combat anyway as you'd expect using ren comes at the cost of draining ones or a supply faster to explain it practically just imagine you're playing skyrim and you use a spell that increases the power of all your other spells what causes your magic meter to drain twice as fast pretty simple and easy to understand now most of the time ren can't do anything by itself it functions to boost the effectiveness of anything it's used in conjunction with but in very situational instances it can be used offensively if malicious ren is projected at a target who is either incapable of using men or is not currently surrounded by ten they may be vulnerable to one of many different side effects all of which are negative including things like paralysis and even death i already mentioned a few examples of this happening in the series Allu me using it on Kahlua and Hisoka using it on both gon and killua but as i explained earlier the use of ten alone is generally enough to protect a person from these negative effects one final thing worth noting is that ten can be used in combination with wrens who contained the explosive amount of aura being released from the body meaning that a person can still exercise control over their power even all it's being amplified the next of these applications is zetsu not that kind Setsu or no zetsu is basically just a technique that reverts a person back to the state they were in when they weren't able to use men it closes off their aura nodes which both cuts off their use of ten and stops any rogue aura from leaking out of their bodies ETSU has a handful of different potential uses but it's incredibly dangerous and ill-advised to use zetsu unless absolutely necessary because it leaves a person extremely vulnerable like I just explained ren loaded with nothing more than hostility is enough to kill somebody who isn't protected by ten so getting hit by a full power rend punch while in zetsu probably really painful zetsu is mainly used for stealth though since closing off ones are nodes makes them impossible for other nen users to detect at least in most cases it's possible to get around this for instance if you use zetsu in close proximity to another nen user and you have a strong enough aura they'll sense the disappearance of your nen which may do even more to alert them to your presence than not activating zetsu at all would have additionally Nobunaga and machi were aware that gone in Kela will were tailing them despite their efforts to mask their aura so it seems that somebody keen enough can detect the presence of somebody nearby even if they are using zetsu though they may not be able to determine that person's exact whereabouts according to wings shutting off the flow of aura is also helpful for relieving fatigue presumably because it allows the body to rest temporarily by stopping the outward flow of energy the last of the four basic principles is hot su or release and hot su is getting its own video it is without a doubt the most complex aspect of men and there's no way I'd be able to explain it here without making the video like 30 minutes so before then let's go over some of men's more high-level techniques these are all applications of men that draw from one of the four major principles by applying an advanced form of one or more of them to achieve something that a person normally wouldn't be able to when using one of the basic applications so the first and most simple of these is in or a concealed and it's basically just the better version of zetsu in makes a person's aura impossible to perceive but it doesn't completely strip them of it so in other words Auto will still flow from a user of ins body it just becomes impossible for anybody to see or detect it using any means whatsoever well almost any means whatsoever actually but I'll get more into that in just a sec anyway like zetsu in is an incredible stealth tool and can even be used on men based constructs like crap because men chains for example it's also how Hisoka was able to hide his Bungie gum from Castro like I mentioned earlier the only way that in can be countered directly is by using yo another advanced an end technique now I mentioned Gil earlier but didn't explain it in any amount of detail yo or focus is an advanced form of Ren where a person expels a large amount of aura as they would when using Ren normally then allocates it to a specific part of their body yo can be used to counter in by condensing aura into the user's eyes which significantly augments their eyesight and allows them to see suppressed aura and man constructs of course it can also be used in many other ways such as by concentrating all of one's aura into that person's fist or doing the exact same thing but with one's foot instead which would make that person's next punch or kick respectively much stronger than it normally would be even when using a basic form of rent of course Gil leaves all but one area of a person's body without any aura to protect itself leaving them extremely vulnerable to any potential oncoming men attacks aside from this though yo doesn't seem to have any drawbacks next up is shoe or enfold which is probably the most basic advanced nin technique conceptually speaking shoe simply allows a person to extend the reach of their aura so that it envelops an object this is how ghido was able to power up tops that he used in his battle against gone at heavens arena and gon and killua chose to cast the technique on a shovel when they were learning how to use it during their training on greed island shoo does more than simply power up the affected object it allows a person to use that object as an extension of their own body this of course explains why Gong took so much damage after being hit by the tops laquida was controlling because in theory the tops packed just as much of a punch as Guiteau himself would have now these next few applications are all combinations of one or more of the four major principles n or circle begins as an advanced form of Ren where a person employs Ren and then uses n to extend the radius of their aura normally when using R and a person's aura only takes up a very small amount of space as it takes the form of a layer that's only about a few millimeters thick to properly use and a person has to extend the radius of their aura to at least two meters before using ten to contain their aura and give it proper shape most of the time it takes the shape of a circle though this isn't always the case as seen with Peru anyway the point of n is to give a person sage mode s sensory capabilities Nobunaga explains that n allows him to feel the shape and movement of anything that enters his circle and further explains quote a true master can count with his eyes closed the number of leaves falling around him and detect an assassin 15 metres away now while 50 meters might sound like an extremely large radius especially considering no blue Nagas is only four metres Z no soul dyke has an n radius of 300 metres and one of the royal aunts Peru who can sense everything within a radius of two kilometers anyway for most people and use burns through a lot of aura very quickly so it's not something that they can maintain for very long but it's an extremely effective technique when one suspects that they might be in danger and when used with full mastery or to the absurd degree that p2 manages it it acts as an excellent security tool relating to the user everything that goes on within a ridiculously large amount of space now then up next is Ken another combination of both Ren and ten Ken or fortify is basically just this really thick or a shield it involves using Ren to output 10 times the amount of aura a person normally does before using 10 to convince all of that energy into the space that aura normally takes up the result is an incredibly dense aura barrier that's extremely good at defending against all kinds of attacks now obviously this is an extremely tiring ability to use but it works really well it defends against techniques from any direction and it's without a doubt the best defensive counter - CO CO or temper is an offensive application of men that uses ten zetsu ran a hot sue and go all at the same time like kill it involves focusing all of a person's aura into one part of the body with the additional use of zetsu to completely stop aura flowing to any parts of the body that the user has not specified now this is extremely dangerous to use because it leaves a person even more vulnerable than Gil does but Biscay explains that it is a seriously powerful application of men and it's capable of doing severe damage to somebody even if they're using them to protect themselves the final application of men is called ryu or flow and it is an advanced application of two advanced applications at the same time it's a little bit complicated but yeah anyway ryu uses both yeow and ken in combination with one another this is probably the most complicated of the abilities that I've talked about so far since it involves altering the amount of aura distributed to a person's individual body parts in real-time throughout the course of a battle a person performs Ken to create a thick veil of aura around themselves before using yo to slightly redistribute this aura to various parts of their body it allows a person to both defensively and offensively employ men at the same time and aside from hot sue is probably the aspect of men that gives its users the most freedom in combat to provide an example of how it's used go and could distribute 70% of his aura to his leg in order to increase the power of an oncoming kick while leaving 30% of it to defend the rest of his body then after landing this kick he could immediately distribute 90% of it to his arm in order to greatly amplify the strength of an oncoming punch and so on and so forth though it takes the longest amount of time to master out of all of the non hatsune in techniques it allows its users to employ their aura more efficiently than any of the other techniques do as it allows them to repeatedly and rapidly choose which part of their body they either want to defend or augment the strength of anyway I'm pretty sure that covers all of men's basics next week I'm going to be explaining sooo and everything related to it so look forward to that but when I do get into hot sue and all of that other I'm gonna be talking about a lot more spoilery stuff now real quick for those of you who still haven't watched hunter hunter yet but may have had your interest piqued by this video I have a solution for you very was kind enough to sponsor this video and for those of you who are unaware there is a congregate app for a whole bunch of different content providers like machinima RiffTrax roosterteeth and a handful of others but because of how much I talk about anime on this channel I'm pretty sure that the two you guys are gonna be the most interested in our crunchyroll and Funimation most of you have probably heard of both of these by now across the two of these apps you can watch just about any anime Under the Sun including hunter hunter yuu-yuu hakusho which was made by Yoshihiro Togashi the same guy who wrote Hunter hunter Dragon Ball super Cowboy Bebop Code Geass my hero academia attack on Titan Psychopaths and a whole bunch of others so make sure you click the link in the description and check out what they have to offer speaking of if you use this link you'll get a free ad free 30-day trial of Verve premium which will get you access to all of the content I just mentioned for a full free 30 days but make sure you act quickly because the promotion isn't going on forever it ends early January and after that it will revert back to a 7 day free trial if you need anything else to convince you you can also watch everything on it without an internet connection which is pretty dope so like if you find yourself stranded on top of Mount Everest for whatever reason I mean at the very least you can pull out your phone and start watching some Naruto or whatever once again click the link in the description get yourself some free anime help the channel out in the process and if you find out you don't like Verve enough to pay for it then you can just cancel your membership no big deal anyhow that covers just about everything that I had to talk about so hope you guys are looking forward to the hot suit video next week make sure to stay tuned for that most importantly though hope you guys have a fantastic new year till my next video talk to you later swag cog a out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 543,958
Rating: 4.9396234 out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, swagkage naruto shippuden, hunter x hunter, hunter x hunter explained, swagkage, top 5 hunter x hunter fights, top five naruto fights, swagkage anime, hunter x hunter anime, hunter x hunter manga, hisoka vs chrollo, hunter x hunter coming back, hunter x hunter returning, hunter x hunter comeback, hunter x hunter chimera ant, hxh coming back, hxh return, hunter x hunter hiatus
Id: QKGAbIkyr2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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