Explaining Devil Fruits - Everything You Need To Know | One Piece Explained

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How is it going everybody Too spooky here when it comes to the one piece universe the thing I've always been most knowledgeable about has been the many different devil fruits and how they operate in fact I'd even consider it my Specialty because of that I decided I'm going to be starting a series where we go over the different devil fruits Individually and really analyze what each fruit is capable of and how they work but before we can get to them Individually, I figured it would be a good idea to go over devil fruits as a whole everything from the different categories and sub-categories Weaknesses and other information surrounding the fruits in general this way Everyone can be refreshed on the information and maybe even learn something that you didn't know before So in today's video we are going to be explaining devil fruits To begin we're going to be quickly touching upon what little we know about the Origins of devil fruits as far as where devil fruits came from we have yet to learn anything about their true origin Aside from shanks mentioning that devil fruits supposedly came from the sea devil in the beginning of one piece It was insinuated that devil fruits are very rare so rare In fact that most people think of them as a myth until they see the double fruit powers with their own eyes This one, of course Drastically changed later on when we are seeing new devil fruits left and right but this shows us that the vast majority of devil fruits Exist within the grand line and a new world rather than in the different blues Even though there seems to be an endless amount of double fruits at this point We still see examples of people not knowing they exist even in the new world for instance Shira ho she had no clue of their existence the people in wanna believe that the powers received from them are merely Sorcery and of the women of Amazon Lily didn't know of their existence either Appearance-wise the devil fruits come in many different shapes and sizes similar to normal fruit But the easiest way to tell them apart from normal fruit would be that they are Generally a different color and have a swirly pattern all over and when eaten these fruits apparently taste god-awful But shortly after consumption the user will learn what abilities the fruit contained all with its name contrary to popular belief You don't need to consume the whole fruit to gain its abilities instead Only one bite is required for the powers to transfer to the individual who took the bite It's not possible for multiple people to each take a bite out of the fruit to gain the same abilities instead After the first bite the fruit just becomes a normal horrible tasting fruit in addition to that It is possible for a double fruit to exist more than once But never at the same time when a person eats a devil fruit and obtains its power That power will not exist anywhere else in the world until the current user dies when they do Eventually die the devil fruit power will then be reborn? Into a new devil fruit of the same kind as before where it can then be discovered by a different person and consumed Repeating the endless cycle because many of the devil fruits have existed multiple times in the past A lot of them have been documented into a book called the devil fruit encyclopedia We don't know much about the book itself because it has only been shown or mentioned a small handful of times But we do know that the vast majority of devil fruits and their abilities can be found within the pages However, most of them do not have an illustration to accompany of the ability So it's hard to identify the fruit before eating it We also don't know how common this book is throughout the one-piece world But we do know there is at least more than one copy So I'm willing to bet this book is about as rare as finding a devil fruit itself before we move on I should also mention that it's possible for inanimate objects to somehow consume a devil fruit and its abilities as well The method was discovered by Vega Punk, but details of how this is possible have never been mentioned When it comes to classifying a double fruit its classification can fall under three different categories xoan logia or paramecia xoans are double fruits that grant the user the ability to Transform into some sort of animal or creature the majority of xoans have three different transformations Which are the human form which is the individual's original form the human beasts form Which is where the user transforms into a mixture of both of the original form and the fruits Respective animal and then the beasts form, which is where the user completely transforms into their respective animal or creature It is possible for other transformations to be achieved through training or through outside sources such as choppers Rumble ball But the average xoan user only has the three that we just listed the main strength of zonin type double fruits is a Significant physical strength boost along with enhanced senses and any specific abilities granted from the specific animal or creature Xoans don't exactly have any specific weaknesses, but they are generally considered the weakest of the three categories Mainly because the majority of them rely on brute strength and their strength is determined Specifically on the strength of the animal or creature the fruit is representing So if you gained the strength of let's say a wiener dog You wouldn't exactly be able to become a Yonko any time in the near future Additional abilities are also achieved on a fruit - fruit basis So a lot of them are specific to each individual user But it's also possible to gain extra abilities depending on the animal in question For instance if the animal is some sort of bird. The user would also gain the additional ability to fly I should also mention that if an animal were to eat a zone containing the abilities of the exact same species It would give that animal absolutely no new abilities, but all the weaknesses of having a double fruit power So this category also comes with a small risk because a human zone devil fruit does exist which was eaten by chopper So if a normal human person were to have eaten that fruit before chopper came across it They would have gained a grand total of zero Abilities, but all the normal devil brute weaknesses Logia are devil fruits that grant the user the ability to create control and transform into a specific element or force of nature Depending on the element or force in question The user is also granted numerous other abilities and techniques surrounding the existing properties of that element or force Because logia users are able to transform into their element They become intangible in the process and can therefore easily avoid most attacks? Haki attacks are the only way to truly hurt a logia user aside from their natural weaknesses But we'll touch upon those a little bit later not all logia are able to become intangible though However, pretty much all of them can logia devil fruits are also considered the rarest of the three devil fruit categories finally onto paramecia Paramecia devil fruits are a bit harder to outright explain or classify But basically anything that is not already considered a loggia or xoan is considered paramecia by default most Paramecia devil fruits grant some sort of superhuman ability or power such as body modification changes to the surrounding environment Producing a substance or some other transformations that are not considered xoan one thing I want to add before we move on to subcategories is that some of the paramecia devil fruits are very? Very similar to some of the loggia devil fruits which confuses quite a few people when it comes to certain fruits classifications I actually made a whole video discussing the difference between logia and paramecia a little while back and how to tell the difference between the two I Highly suggest you go. Give it a watch after this video is over To better understand the difference and why certain fruits are classified the way they are there will be a link in the description Otherwise, feel free to give it a watch now and come back to this video afterwards To begin I should mention we have yet to see any sub categories in the logia category So we'll move right to paramecia The only sub category for paramecia that we know of right now is known as a special paramecia so far We've only seen one devil fruit that actually falls under this sub category, which is the mochi mochi Nomi now We don't have an exact definition or explanation of what makes a special paramecia a special paramecia in the first place But it should be known that this particular fruit was originally labeled as a logia until its Classification was changed in the volume release of the same chapter that it was named from what I was able to deduce a special Paramecia has almost all the same characteristics as a logia the user can transform their body into their respective Substance and they can create and control the substance outside of their body The only two differences from a logia would be that the user is not actually Intangible and instead only appears to be and the substance in question is not an element or force of nature I talked a little bit more about special paramecia x' and how they could potentially Operate in my differences between logia and paramecia video that I mentioned before so once again Feel free to check out that video for more potential information on this particular subcategory Now xoans have by far the most sub categories So we'll go through these one at a time The first we came across in the series is known as a carnivorous Soin now carnivorous xoans aren't much different from a regular zone but what sets them apart from the letter would be that carnivorous Owens are generally animals that are naturally more predatory by nature which makes them more dangerous and powerful in different aspects of combat these animals in particular Also usually have different potential weapons such as very sharp teeth or sharp claws two examples of a carnivorous Owen would be the Inu Inu Noemi model wolf and the naku naku Noemi Model Leopard both of which are natural predators and bloodthirsty by Nature this bloodthirsty nature also Generally carries over to the user themselves in battle making them a force You don't want to mess with the second zone subcategory is known as an ancient zone Ancient zones are a much rarer zone type that allows the user to transform into extinct or prehistoric animals We've only seen two examples of these so far which are the Zozo Noemi? Model mammoth and ex Drake's unnamed ancient zone that allows him to transform into some sort of dinosaur Naturally as a huge mammoth and a dinosaur ancient zones are physically much bigger and stronger than your average zone fruit like carnivorous Owens the ancient zones are also equipped with Natural weapons like the huge tusks on the mammoth or very sharp claws and teeth on the dinosaur at this given time not much else is known about this category other than the fact that the animals in question can cause significantly more damage than normal zones and carnivorous Owens The third subcategory is known as a mythical zone mythical zones are a much much rarer zone type In fact mythical zones are considered the rarest type of devil fruit in the series Mythical zones allow the user to transform into what can only be described as creatures found in myths and legends The only two examples we've seen so far is the hito He don't know me model dai-butsu and Markos unnamed mythical zone that allows him to transform into a Phoenix What's most unique about this category is that in addition to gaining that strength boost that every zone? receives the mythical xoans also gain different abilities that make them seem like a Paramecia or even a logia fruit as well? In fact Marcos Phoenix fruit has characteristics of xoan paramecia and logia all in one Making it what I believe is the most versatile devil fruit in the series to date We'll probably talk about these two fruits in separate videos later on down the line But regardless mythical zones are essentially legends brought to life the final zone Subcategory is more or less in a category of its own which is the artificial zone Like we said earlier Vega Punk found a way for inanimate objects to consume a devil fruit well in addition to that Vega Punk has also done numerous other experiments involving devil fruits and in the process of all those Experiments came up with a way to replicate a devil fruit But apparently it was rather flawed Caesar clown Venn did his own research And was able to replicate his own version of artificial devil fruits called smiles Which are the artificial zones these artificial zone fruits are flawed in their own way but also grants the consumer zoeng like abilities the thing that puts artificial xoans aside from the regular ones would be the fact that artificial zones only allow the user to partially transform into an animal rather than completely such as being able to only Transform the users hands into bear claws rather than the rest of his body also transforming into a bear and things like that every consumer of an artificial xoan also grows black horns for whatever reason we currently don't know if these Artificial zones are subject to normal devil fruit weaknesses like a normal devil fruit But we do know that they are said to come with unknown side effects due to the fact they are artificial Now that we know all of the different categories it's only natural to touch upon the weaknesses that every devil fruit user is susceptible to the main weakness is Essentially the sea itself because once an individual consumes a devil fruit they will no longer be able to swim or submerge themselves in water of any kind if the devil fruit user were to attempt to Swim their body would become completely helpless in one way or another such as sinking right to the bottom. Although it's very broad There are a few different specifics surrounding this weakness however for instance the user will not be affected by moving water and Instead only water that is still so water such as rain or waves will have no effect on the user It's also possible for the user to submerge themselves underwater so long as their body is not touching the water So if the user were to be wearing, let's say scuba gear that covered their entire body It would be possible for them to swim underwater without becoming helpless and drowning The user will also be unaffected by very small bodies of water this weakening effect only occurs Once the user is deep in water So if the water barely covers their feet for instance They will remain completely unaffected once the user is in this weakened state They will be completely unable to use their devil fruit abilities However, if the users body was permanently changed from the ability in question it can still be manipulated by others such as when luffy was completely submerged underwater by our long but other Individuals were still able to stretch his neck above the water so that he could breathe It should also be noted that fish men have the ability to breathe underwater So if a fish man were to eat a devil fruit, they would also lose their ability to swim but if they fell in the water they wouldn't drown they'd just be sitting at the bottom of the sea unable to move and Consequently not dine instantly because they can still breathe. Just fine if nobody came for them They just you know eventually starve So either way a devil fruit users biggest weakness is the sea itself Especially since the majority of double fruit users are pirates or Marines that are sailing the Seas So a risk of falling in the sea and drowning is always lingering The next big devil fruit weakness is a mineral which is known as sea stone this mineral apparently emits the same energy as the sea and Therefore whenever it is in direct contact with a devil fruit user The user will fall under the same type of helplessness as if they were submerged under the sea itself the only difference Is that the amount of sea stone in contact with the user does make a difference for instance? The Marines developed special sets of sea stone handcuffs that will weaken a devil fruit user and nullify their abilities But the user will still be able to walk along with other physical movements So they aren't completely paralyzed as if they were under the sea being completely surrounded by sea stone We'll also Generally weaken the devil fruit user even if they aren't directly touching it the sea stone can also be formed into different weapons such as a spear or even bullets the bullets are technically not Canon, but personally I feel like it could be possible and I also feel this would be the most dangerous Example of sea stone to date as it could easily kill a double for use any kind the other devil fruit weaknesses are a case-by-case Basis involving natural weakness and superiorities natural weaknesses are pretty straightforward You see a natural weakness to a different fruit is based on the makeup of the two abilities such as fire being naturally weak to water or snow being naturally weak to heat as far as how Superiority --zz go some double fruits have abilities that are strikingly similar Like they're almost the exact same fruit but either by nature or simply by the Abilities the double fruit in question is superior to a different double fruit such as the tonton Nomi being vastly superior to the kilo kilo Nomi Both of them are essentially the same ability of weight manipulation But the tonton Nomi can become much much heavier than the kilo Kilo Nomi making it the superior of the two or as we saw with the magu magu No, me and the Mara Mara no me in the case of one piece Magma is listed as a higher order than fire which is why sikozu ki was able to overpower aces fire abilities with his magma abilities you could argue that fire is technically Naturally stronger than magma but in one piece that just isn't the case and magma is instead superior to fire it should also be noted that armament haki is Technically considered a devil through weakness as this haki allow someone to bypass natural devil fruit defenses for a head-on attack But hockey is a topic for another video, so I'm not going to go any further with it today In some very rare cases It's possible for devil fruit users to awaken their devil fruit Which further increases the abilities of the user in some way and from what we've seen this increase is fairly drastic I'll definitely touch upon awakening more in a future video since at the moment We don't know a whole lot about it right now for instance We currently have no idea how someone even goes about awakening their devil fruit in the first place from what we've seen with paramecia Both current examples of awakening were able to change the surrounding Environment into the substance that they can produce from their own bodies and further Manipulate the transformed environment making their abilities seem much more like a loggia in Comparison and when it comes to xoans the awakens own user Appears to transform into a gigantic version of their respective animal gaining even more strength But at the cost of seemingly appearing less human and more animal by nature and also seeming less intelligent at this point in time we have yet to see what an awakened logia devil fruit user could possibly be capable of doing But I can imagine it'll be pretty catastrophic You may be wondering why people don't try to get their hands on multiple devil fruits to further increase their strength with two different abilities From what we've learned from Bluenose statement to Jabra Grande line Scientists have experimented with the effects of eating too devil fruits in the past and doing so results in the individual's body Destroying itself from the inside to the point where their own body will explode without a trace Rob Lucci even commented that it's enough of a risk to eat just one double fruit and eating two is just Asking for death this rumor or perhaps that this evidence has spread throughout the one-piece world Which is why no one that we know of has attempted to eat more than one fruit That bean said somehow Blackbeard was able to consume two devil fruits and harness both respective abilities without his body exploding we currently don't know how this is possible if it has something to do with his original fruit the Yami Yami know me or Something else entirely or maybe the research about two devil fruits causing you to explode just isn't true either way Blackbeard seems to be the only exception to this rule thus far and it's currently unknown if he's able to eat even more than two But on that note that's pretty much everything. You'll need to know about the general information of devil fruits Obviously, there's some information that I left out, but it's a bit hard to touch upon everything in just one video So if you guys learn something new or you just gained a better understanding of devil fruits as a whole well Be sure to drop a like I would really appreciate it also be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next video and like I said earlier be sure to comment which Individual devil fruits you would like to learn about next since we're going to be covering a lot of them individually In a new series if you can't get enough one piece content We'll be sure to click here for the difference between logia and paramecia like I suggested earlier for even more helpful information Otherwise click here for the top 10 wasted devil fruits in one piece or click here for five facts about the zombies from thriller bark Thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time
Channel: 2Spooky
Views: 2,612,404
Rating: 4.822772 out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, Devil Fruits, Devil Fruits Explained, Devil, Fruit, Top, 10, best, strongest, wasted, paramecia, logia, zoan, mythical zoan, ancient zoan, artificial, mera mera no mi, magu magu no mi, ito ito no mi, luffy, gomu gomu no mi, weaknesses, awakening, awaken, katakuri, mochi mochi no mi, special paramecia, origins, explained, explaining, everything you need to know, facts, one piece explained, logia vs paramecia, difference, wano, manga, anime, episode, full
Id: bMLiZ5kIBvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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