I Leveled my Lawn using ONLY items from Home Depot

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leveling your lawn can make it look amazing the only problem is sometimes not all of us have the resources and the time to get a bunch of materials delivered to our house so in this video i'm at my local home depot and i'm going to show you guys exactly everything you need to help you get started leveling your lungs [Music] all right so now that we're here the first thing i want to do is pick up some material for our leveling mix and the first part is going to be this stuff right here this is miracle grill moisture control potting mix and the reason i like using this say versus a topsoil is that this is sterile and there's no chance that you can introduce weeds with this stuff whereas if you buy a bag of topsoil you can introduce god knows what kind of wheat into your lawn and you might introduce sweets to your lawn that you've never seen before or never even heard of before that are like near impossible to get rid of and aside from it being sterile since it contains mostly peat moss and coconut shells it's going to be able to hold in a lot of moisture and after you level your lawn your lawn's going to be under stress and any type of control that we could do to make sure that we're ensuring the most moisture to feed it is going to be beneficial in the long run and you're going to get a faster recovery now aside from the organic materials that we just picked up i like to add sand to the mix this right here is medium grit size sand i always get the question if i were to buy sand from the store what kind of sand should i buy and my answer is always this medium sand right here what's good about this is it doesn't have super large pebbles in it that'll get sucked up in your mower but it's also not fine enough to get washed away in the rain so this is definitely the best option the only problem is if you take a look at the price it's seven dollars a bag which for 50 pounds is definitely a lot of money if you're looking for a more budget option then you can use this play sand down here it's the same amount of weight it's 50 pounds and if you take a look at the price right here it's 327 a bag so this is definitely a more budget-friendly option but if you want to get the absolute best results then i will go with the medium sand right here [Music] so this rake right here is going to be a key item in our leveling process it's called the landscape rake and what's special about this say versus any of the other rakes is that it has a 36 inch wide spread which is going to give us that smooth flat surface because the wider the spread the more even it's going to be if you try to use a rake that you have like already in your shed it's probably about 14 inches wide and when you try to level it out you'll end up causing ruts any time that you're spreading that material all right so the next tool that we have here is a commercial size push broom this is arguably the most important tool that we're going to need for our leveling project and the reason being if you take a look at any other like standard leveling rakes that are on the market what makes them special is that when they go back and forth they're able to massage the dirt into the canopy so with the landscape rake we're not necessarily going to be able to do that but with this push broom when we put it on the ground we'll be able to massage that material to get down into the canopy so your existing grass that you have on the ground doesn't die in my last video i had a whole bunch of people that commented and said you know what george thank you so much for recommending the gorilla car because i don't know how i would have did this leveling project if i didn't get one so i would say this is definitely almost mandatory they're a little bit pricey you could see 119 dollars but it's gonna make a world full of difference when you're able to easily move your material around because any time you get like these wheel barrels and you have to pick it up with your back it's just gonna not motivate you to continue with your leveling project all right so now that we got everything we need let's head back to the house and i'll show you guys how to mix all this stuff alright so over here we have our first bag of medium sand i like to open up this bag dump it out and then after that i like to apply the potting mix on top of it before we add our second bag this makes it easier to mix up while it's in this cart so like i was saying earlier in home depot this is medium grit size sand if this were play sand then you would see dust going everywhere you would hardly be able to breathe when you pour it out and it just kind of becomes a mess and personally i don't like working with the place in plus this stuff levels the lawn much better you're gonna pay a premium but in my opinion it's worth it alright so when it comes to this potting mix right here a little bit goes a long way you don't need to use the whole bag to mix up in here so personally what i like to do is with every two bags of sand i like to use about a third of the bag so i'll use probably from here up so you could just take it out with your hand and just transfer it into there and if you see any big sticks like this just be sure to take them out because that's not going to help you in your leveling process the reason it has these sticks in here is because there's a lot of peat moss in it all right so now that we have our potting mix in the car we're going to go ahead and add our second bag of sand and don't worry about mixing it up perfectly because when we dump it onto a lawn and we start leveling it'll naturally mix together and that's it we're all good all right so we're going to take this load down here to my my boulevard strip right now it's the middle of march so honestly no grass is really growing around here seems like i always do these videos every time that like grass is not growing but i want to get a little bit ahead of the season so any of you guys that are down south maybe you might be starting the level i could help you out all right so the first tool we're going to use is this landscape rake right here now if you take a look down here you can't see it on camera but there's a low spot underneath this pile and also in the surrounding areas so this landscape rake is going to act like a butter knife spreading butter on toast we're not going to use the right side we're going to use the flat side right here and we're just going to kind of smear it across the lawn as best as we can and just with one swift pass you see how level that is right now now all we have to do is just keep on spreading it out around and that's going to bring our low spot up higher all right so now that we have everything spread out what we want to do is make sure that the sand gets into the canopy so our grass can continue growing we're going to use this push broom right here and this practice is actually more common than you might think if you go to like baseball fields you'll see that they have rooms attached to the back of their leveling tractors and the reason they do that is because it spreads out the sand evenly across the field and it just makes it more uniform and in this case the bristles of the brush are going to act as a comb to comb the sand down into the canopy now again just like using the landscape break you don't have to put a lot of pressure you just want to go back and forth gently and as you could see over here if you take a close look you'll see more grass is coming up from the top and that's the key we want the grass to be sticking up so it can get sun and that's what will ensure that our lawn doesn't die so this is a very important process all right so now that we're done brushing our material in if you take a look at the lawn you can see that majority of the grass is popping up through the sand now it's not going to look perfect the first time that you level your lawn but if you just keep on watering it and throw a little bit of fertilizer on it you'll get a full recovery in about three weeks now if you plan on leveling a lawn that's bigger than say 1 000 square feet or 2 000 square feet then it definitely makes more economical sense to get the materials delivered to your house but there are a few situations where i think going to the store and getting bags of material is actually a better option so the first situation is if you have a smaller lawn like mine say it's around 1 000 or 2 000 square feet and you don't mind taking a few trips back and forth to the store you could definitely use bags of sand and soil to level your lawn i've done it many times and it works out great and the second reason would be is if you're trying to do spot leveling in your lawn and you're not necessarily trying to make it perfectly flat the whole lawn now you could definitely buy bags of sand and soil and just do some spot leveling around the yard no problem that'll work out great one of the biggest questions we get asked is how much material do we need to level our lungs well as a general rule of thumb you're going to need about between one cubic yard and one and a half cubic yards of material to level 1 000 square feet so for you guys who are not 100 sure how cubic weights work if we take a look over here one cubic yard of sand equals 2500 pounds and if you're buying bags from the store that'll equal 50 bags of sand which will be one cubic yard so for every thousand square feet of lawn that you want to level you're going to need 50 bags of sand and hey if you want to know all the mistakes that you can make leveling your lawn make sure you check out this video here i really appreciate you stopping by to check out my video and with that i'll see you soon peace [Music] you
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 424,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Level Lawn, Lawn leveling, Lawn Level, Lawn leveler, Leveling lawn, Lawn Care, Leveling rake, Lawn leveling rake, How to level lawn, Diy leveling rake, Home Depot, Diy level lawn, Mistakes leveling lawn, How to make a lawn level, Lawn leveling tool, How to make lawn flat, Flat lawn, Sand leveling, Level lawn sand, DIY, Level lawn sand or soil, Bumpy lawn, Lawn leveling drag, Lawn lute, Princess cut lawn care
Id: gNhTNiLDyzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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