99% Of Cyclists Make This Mistake When Buying A New Bike

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the number one mistake 99% of people make when buying an expensive bike is to get the size that they think they need only to find it uncomfortable potentially get an injury or have to swap out pricey components they then see a bike fitter who attempts to fit their bike which is sometimes the wrong size this is then a square peg into a round hole and it's a mistake I've made myself with serious consequences well fear not thanks to modern tech you can ensure you have a perfectly fitting bike before you've even bought it regardless of the type of Rider that you are I'm going to show you how wouldn't it be better to get fitted to a bike before you even buy it so you get the size that is perfect for you and it means that you don't end up with a saddle that hurts your bum and having to swap it or changing out an expensive integrated bar and stem well I know what you're thinking yes that sounds great but how can I get fitted to a bike that I haven't even bought yet well that Tech already exists this is celer Italia's ID match it's a bike fitting system which uses machine learning and Ai and it can tell you which size bike from any brand you want is ideal for you without the bike actually being there to show you how it works and the other impressive things that this system can do I'm going to get a fit thanks to VR fell here in Norfolk in the UK who have the system in their showroom they also have a very large collection of very tasty factors I keep keep drooling over but I'm going to go get my kit on let's do [Music] it the fit works by way of an adjustable jig and motion capture device the smart thing that though is it combines this Hardware with AI and machine learning which means that every time this system performs a fit anywhere in the world that data gets fed into the system and it learns it gets better and more precise at fitting changed and ready to go now something I want to Cave at though before we do the fit which is that if you're buying your first bike and you're on a budget that might not stretch to getting a fit as well and a fit is n totally essential but if you're buying a high-end bike and you're not sure of your size and you know you're going to be doing a lot of riding on it potentially big epic rides challenges events then getting a fit before you spend all that money is absolutely the way to go the fit is far quicker than other ones I've had and it begins with your shoes determining your cleat position and then your saddle I already know the saddle I want this one the SLR boost but if you want to try a different one seller Italia have an incredibly comprehensive range and look how quickly they can be swapped out with no Allen Keys [Music] required so we've performed my initial fit and it's determined my Optimum road bike position but how does that correspond to like an actual du frame I want well this is the beauty of the system on here and this is my favorite part is a database of every single bike frame that you'd want and in any size and so using the fit data it tells me which model and which size is going to fit me the best but not only that how to set it up in terms of the the saddle height that I would want and the layback but also what Hardware to go for so the appropriate length stem and say seat post with respect to layback so I'm going to put in a pinell f so there's a few really interesting things going on here um the machine has has produced the pinell Dogma F frames and it's ranked them in order of size as to which is going to fit me the best now the one that it's saying is closest to what I now need on a bike is a 57 well 575 57 and a half um pinell interestly does like half sizes between the conventional sizes and the next one that's the best for me is a 56 which is what what I have um which is quite interesting a 56 can still fit me but it just requires more adjustments so if we adjust the variables here of the stem length and the the spaces under the stem it tells me that in a 57 and a half um if I run no space es which is that looks good as well doesn't it um and a 120 stem that is pretty much perfect for me it says I'd be out by sort of 3 mil um on on the stem length but that's kind of you know where you want to be in that ballpark compared to the 56 where it says I should use a 130 stem and use 20 Ms of spacers to get a sort of equivalent uh position and even then it's not quite as Optimum as it was compared to what we found on the jig now the interesting thing for me is I I've I've done what what I'm saying in this video I got that 56 without having a fit because I just generally go for a 56 in in most bikes and it shows that actually you know I could have got a better size that fits me better if I'd gone and done a fit first but I know what you're thinking that's all well and good that's a you know an AO position on a an aggressive bike not everyone wants that what if you want something that's a more relaxed endurance position well that's something I want as well because well earlier last year I did a mental endurance ride in Switzerland the Tason it was a th000 km triple everesting and I made the mistake of using this kind of position which I use all the time and don't really feel discomfort for or I didn't before and then took that and just thought if it's not broken don't fix it take that and do an ultra the problem was is that that then exposed problems I have within my fit and it's made me realize if I was to do an ultra event a long endurance thing again I would go much more relaxed so I'm going to ask the machine to use its algorithms and AI to put me in what it reckons would be a much better um endurance position and let's see how that differs to this redoing the bike fit with the AI set for a more relaxed endurance position changed the fit but not how I thought I should also point out that while the AI experiments with different changes this is overseen by a human bike fitter who can also listen to me and make human tweaks if required 10 minutes later we had a result so've done the endurance fit Hayden what's what's the system spitting out now we're going to look at your handlebar stack and reach now it's primarily changed your handlebar stack it's not made any adjustments to your handlebar reach so what we're looking to do or what the software is let to do there is basically increase your your handlebar height which is then in turn effectively going to take some pressure off your neck also it may shift some of the weight from your hands onto your saddle slightly and give you slightly more of kind of offset weight distribution yeah in doing that whilst keeping your same hand while reach should help maintain your kind of nice relaxed posture on the bike but take some of the weight off your hands and take some pressure off your neck it's a bit counterintuitive to me though cuz I would have thought that um when you go more endurance like people go oh you coming shorter and higher but it's not you're saying it's not changed the rid kept that good like the same yeah that's not always the case cuz sometimes what we find is if you if you pull your reach shorter so if you maintain the same stack hype that just made the bars closer to you it yeah It ultimately tucks you up it can change your posture on your bike and it can also cause you to round your back too much and what you can get to there is is a more tension through your neck because you have to lift your head slightly more so you get end up with a much more acute neck angle well that's I had that problem so there you have it thanks to VZ for showing us the system I really hope you found this insightful because people spend a fortune you know when they get a serious bike and they obsess over the details of it and and all the bits on it but often don't take seriously enough the most fundamental thing which is the fit and how you sit on it and I think if you if you want to see an example of just how catastrophic it can be if your fit isn't right for what you're intending to do on your bike well you can watch me attempt the torion at 1,000 we've got a video uh for that and um also let us know in the comments what things you've changed on your bike after you've bought it I'm going to go now um but yeah love you bye
Channel: GCN Tech
Views: 354,320
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Keywords: bike fit, selle italia, neck pain, bike fit issues, numb hands, flexability, fitting, custom bike, pro bike, top end bike, carbon bike, bike too big, super bike, knee pain, back pain, hand built bike, ID match, GCN Tech, GCNTech, GCN, GCN Cycling, Bike Tech, Cycling Tech, Cycling, Pro Cycling, Road Cycling, bike tech, cycling tech, cycling, tech, road, bike, road bike, bicycle, ஔ, 5319, Ѯ, ҩ, Ѵ, Ҁ, ѽ, Ә, Ѩ, 𑫡‎, ዩ, ិ, ꤬, ꗶ, ፕ15, ଙ, 𖬫, ሙ, ළ, ꚱ, bike fitting, Selle Italia ID match, n1
Id: E-sfmXJ8-Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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