Exorcism in Islam

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[Applause] [Music] me [Music] all praise is due to allah and may allah's peace and blessings beyond the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day the topic exorcism in islam is perhaps a bit strange for many of you who may not understand what exorcism actually means but you have heard about it and there are a lot of stories that circulate in the muslim communities around the world concerning it and perhaps you might even have had a neighbor or a relative who has undergone an exorcism so this evening i intend to clarify for you the true islamic point of view with regards to exorcism as i mentioned in all muslim cultures exorcism is being done in a variety of different ways some of them may be acceptable [Music] many of them may not and it is important for muslims to know what is acceptable and what is not with regards to all aspects of islam because the religion which prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam brought and which was delivered to the ummah the first generation when the verse was revealed today i have completed my religion allah completed the religion already so there is no need there is no room for additions or subtractions if it is complete it means it is complete as a whole so just as in all of the various areas of islamic practice knowledge etc tradition culture it is important for us [Music] to remain holding on firmly to the original teachings whether it's salah whether it's zakah or it's hajj or it's fasting all of these practices basic commandments were done demonstrated by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he told us to do them the way he did them so there is a right and a wrong a right way and the wrong way the way he did it and did them is the right way and any other way which doesn't conform with what he taught and practiced is considered the wrong way so to the topic exorcism and this topic was the subject of my phd dissertation which i delivered defended in the uk university of wales back in 1993. that's quite some time ago it was subsequently published in the uk in birmingham at al-hidayah a bookstore this is a copy of it so there is actually a book but its title is the exorcist tradition in islam but it's the same thing exorcism in islam this focus more on the exorcist and how they're practicing it we're looking on exorcism in a more general sense and how it should be practiced so to begin with exorcism is derived from the greek word xor kizo meaning to bind with an oath to link and act with an oath which is connected to a higher or more powerful [Music] individual god spirit whatever and it denotes the expulsion of malevolent spirits from possessed persons objects and places so it combines calling on a deity or power with the expulsion of evil spirits from people from objects as well as from places and we will look at that in a bit more detail as we proceed so this is achieved this exorcism is achieved by mentioning an adoration in which the name of a more powerful spirit or gods are invoked and their help their aid is sought that's the general definition of exorcism to understand the context this context where there are spirits or beings that may possess persons objects and places it is important for us to understand the general view of the spirit world from the islamic perspective of course each religion system has a variety of different perspectives we are focusing here as with the title is exorcism in islam on the islamic view from the islamic perspective there are three beings or three classes of beings that may be called spiritual beings whether we refer to them as being sentient beings they have a a sense of awareness and it's sufficient for us to say spiritual beings beings of a spirit nature because sentient beings could include animals and in recent times we have had in australia and other countries people passing laws and including dogs amongst sentient beings and of course when people don't believe in spirit in a spirit world then the issue of just consciousness becomes exaggerated and dogs are now considered equivalent to human beings they have their own consciousness and everything else and we should treat them as such but from the islamic perspective we have angels the jinn and human beings human being is essentially a spiritual being is from the world of the spirit you can remove an arm or a leg and you're still conscious you're still yourself you haven't changed physically yes you may have changed but spiritually you're still that person so you didn't lose any part of yourself when you lost an arm so there is a spirit contained within us which defines each and every human being the jinn likewise are essentially spiritual beings and so are the angels however they have different capacities abilities and different interactions with human beings in the case of possession because once we're talking about exorcism what has to precede it is possession something has to enter a person object or place for you to seek its expulsion to seek to get it out so in other systems in hinduism christianity etc the source of possessing spirits are mainly mainly human spirits they have a belief that if somebody dies tragically that person's spirit remains tortured in this world until it is fulfilled somehow some way so that human spirit is what possesses other human beings from the islamic possession perception this is not the case angels again from the christian tradition the fallen angels could also be sources of possession possession of human beings but from the islamic perspective there is no such thing as a fallen angel fallen angel in christian tradition represents angels that rebelled against god disobeyed god but in islamic understanding angels do whatever they are commanded to do they don't have the option of disobeying god in terms of the [Music] source as we said of possession it is only the jinn the world or creatures or beings from the world of the jinn and let me just say here that the jinn from the islamic process perspective the correct islamic perspective do represent another set of beings in a parallel world with ours who are different from us and not as some uh modernists have claimed that really the jinn just represented clever foreigners that there are other human beings but they were foreign to a given region they're called the jinn because of that and because of their cleverness they had a way to undermine human beings to trick them and do different things so they were called the jinn from the islamic perspective no we have clear statements of the prophets allah in which he said that the jinn were made from fire or a fiery wind they are quranic verses that make that reference also and that the angels were created from light and human beings were created from clay so their origins differ there are of different origins all together so they are different existing beings to deny the jinn is to deny a portion of islamic knowledge which prophet muhammad clarified for us and which allah delivered to us allah spoke about the jinn were they not important he would not have included them in the quran there are many things which are not included in the quran so the fact that allah included it and i'm not going to say the fact that we had a surah by the name of surah al-jin because that name was given later the name was not revealed okay so we don't want to mistake that the fact that allah describes and discusses and speaks about the world of the jinn and warns us against their mischief and the prophet saw sallam elaborated on all of this tells us that there is a reality to the jinn of course again we do have some in the muslim community who while recognizing the jinn do not accept or believe in possession they say yeah the jinn are there they're another world different from ours etc yes but they don't possess human beings that is their opinion however we will see that in the texts from the sunnah of rasulullah salla there is sufficient evidence to affirm the fact that the jinns do possess can possess human beings so in terms of origins we said these three spirit beings have different origins in terms of their forms they differ the angels and the gin in on a basic level are invisible to human beings in their natural form in the case of prophets they saw them allah gave them the ability to see them and made them visible to the prophets of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and in human form in the case of angels of them were seen by the companions of the prophet sallallahu islam and we all are familiar with the well-known hadith of the five pillars of islam and iman where that individual had come and sat in front of the prophet sallam and asked him about islam then asked him about the pillars of iman and and after he had left the prophet said that was jibril they called this hadith jibril this is angel gabriel who had come in a human form and asked these questions so we know that they can take that form and the prophet muhammad did refer to satan who from the islamic perspective is from the world of the jinn allah describes him saying can i jinn though some people saying well no no actually he was among the angels so he must have been an angel if he was expected to bow when the angels were told to bow but he was elevated by allah to be amongst them and that didn't change the fact that he was actually from the world of the jinn because as we said one of the basic characteristics of the jinn is that they have free will they share that with human beings they can disobey allah whereas angels cannot also the angels in the jinn have multiple categories [Music] the prophet sallam described some of them in the case of the jinn he did explain that we do have some gin that may take snake form and also take dog form the black dogs that are totally black that is where they may be visible seen by human beings but in general they are invisible like angels so in terms of abilities the humans and the gin share a number of common abilities they both eat and drink and people might want to know well okay what do they eat we don't need to go into that it was important uh islam would have given us full explanation prophet sallam gave us just an idea as to what was acceptable for the muslims among the jinn that any food on which allah's name was mentioned for those who believed among the jinn this was food for them and he mentioned also that the food for their animals somebody might say what did you have animals too yes rasam said they eat the droppings of the animals of this world how they eat the droppings we don't need to go into again you know we're dealing with a world which does not accept speculation so if you read any books where people go into talking about the world of the jinn and tell you the kind of cars they drive and all this guy listen know that this is nonsense okay it's nonsense anyway the jinn interfere with our world and if they didn't have any connection with our world then there was no need for allah to tell us about them he informed us about them because they do interfere with our world and affect our world in different ways and it is important for us to have knowledge about this so that we can protect ourselves and not be deluded by that interaction and interference the first example for those of you that may not be familiar is in dreams the prophet told us that we have three types of dreams sad scary dreams are from shaytaan from the satanic world of the jinn good dreams true dreams two categories are from allah you have a good dream which makes you feel good it points towards good but this is a gift from allah subhanahu ta'ala and if that dream comes true it is also a special category called the true dreams which are from allah also and the prophets may allah's peace and blessings be on all of them their revelation when they started to receive revelation it started in the form of dreams as the prophet sallam explained to us in the form of true dreams that they would have dreams and these dreams would come true as they had them they also the third category he mentioned was the ramblings of our mind the ramblings of our mind where you read about something and at night you end up dreaming about the same thing that you read that's just your mind offloading material in the form of your dreams so the prophet sallam did tell us that good dreams true dreams you may tell to your friends those people are you trust etc who can share in your happiness but the evil dreams the bad dreams from shaytan he said don't tell anybody when companions came to him and told him such dreams he would laugh at them and said you know shaytan is just playing with you one man came to him and said he dreamt that his uh in the dream his head was chopped off and it was rolling and he was running after his head trying to catch his head and the prophet saws said this is just shaytaan playing with you those dreams you don't tell anybody why because you tell them that next thing you know they're dreaming about your dream that night so keep your sadness and your foolishness to yourself that's the main concept in our thoughts also the jinn are able to influence our thoughts the prophet saws spoke about shaytaan satanic forces coming into our heads and saying to us for example you know who created the heavens who created the earth who created the seas who created the land and then who created allah right at that point we stop we seek refuge in allah from shaitaan and move on i should just mention that if your children ask you that it's natural don't think that they've become possessed by shaitaan right because you're telling them allah created this allah created that allah created everything eventually it will come to their head and they say well who created allah okay that's an innocent question right don't say i would have been lame initiated under a cheap refuge from allah in allah from your own children right you have to give them an answer and there's an answer nobody created allah you know if they need more you give them a little bit more but enough to say nobody created allah allah created everything and everybody and nobody created allah also the prophet sallam told us about our homes that you know if we don't say bismillah when we're coming into our homes remember allah within our homes when we're eating and different things like this that the satanic forces can enter into our homes and affect us in one way or another or at least be present and the potential for harm coming from their presence is always there and also at the time of birth uh the boss of solomon told us that the satanic forces will also affect the child when it's coming into this world and that's one of the reasons why it is from the sunnah according to majority of scholars it's authentic sunnah that you call the adhan when the child is born right not in the right ear or left there just called the adam and also sickness there are some sicknesses the prophet sallam had said like the plague etc it comes or it is instigated by the world of the jinn and in terms of at the time of death the prophet sallam used to seek refuge in allah that satan wouldn't cause him to stumble even himself at the time of death that at the time of death that's the last opportunity for the satanic forces to take you off the track die in a state of disbelief and lose your akhira as to the issue of cohabitation between the jinn and human beings whether it takes place and it is potentially possible and there are recorded instances of it at any rate it is unanimous amongst muslim scholarship that nobody can say i'm married to ajin though we do have it i've been to different parts of the muslim world and people tell me so-and-so is married to a jinn he has a jinn wife so as a jinn husband no because besides the fact that there are different species it's like somebody came up coming up and say my cow is my wife you know we're gonna say what we're not gonna accept this you know that's a whole nother species we're not allowed to marry cows you do have people who cohabit with cows but it's not acceptable so similarly even imam malik and other scholars did speak about this even you know it's not acceptable because a woman she's comes pregnant you know she doesn't have a husband she said you know she's before the court she says it's a jin i have a jin husband so you know these issues like this you know become very confused once you give the okay to to such practices or possibilities now if we look at possession in arabic it's called sarah we have some verses which the scholars speak about as proof from the quran like verse 275 from surah al-baqarah where allah said [Music] those who consume interest only get up like one who satan has tripped from his touch however this is subject to interpretation somebody could say that's not clear proof that's not proof that shaitaan has possessed that person yes it does talk about satan's touch the person is touched by shaytaan [Music] but is that possession taken over completely well we find that in the hadith one of the hadiths authentically reported in muslim is the hadith of where he mentioned being on a trip with the prophet muhammad and they came across a woman who was sitting on the road waiting for him with a child in her arms and she approached the prophet sallam when he came close and raised the boy up to him and said that he's subject to fits regularly in the day every day he's having convulsions continuous conventions so the prophet saws took the boy put him in the saddle this camel with him he opened the boy's mouth and he blew in the boy's mouth three times and said in the name of allah i am the slave of allah get out oh enemy of allah in the name of allah i am the slave of allah get out oh enemy of allah so those who use this hadith as proof saying that who was the prophet salaam speaking to if there was nothing possessing this child this young boy who was the prophet assalam speaking to he obviously was addressing some entity so there are a number of other hadiths various stages of authentication which reinforce this narration similar narrations now the question is what are the signs of possession how do we know who is con possessed and who is not in this case the woman lifted the boy up and complained of convulsions convulsions which the boy had and the prophet saw sallam accepted the boy treated the boy and i should mention that later on when they came back she came back to meet them and the prophet salam asked her well how is your child she said from that day onwards he was fine he was fine from that day onwards so convulsions the prophet sallam took as a sign he understood and treated that boy in that way however there is another narration from abdullah ibn abbas he was talking to his students and at one point he said shall i point out to you somebody who is among those who were promised paradise in this life they said yeah please do point point the person out to us so he pointed to a woman a black woman who was in the masjid come into the masjid and he said she went to prophet muhamm and asked the prophet salallahu to pray for her she told him that she had these convulsions these fits from time to time in the day she would have it she'd fall down on the ground and shake and so she asked him to pray to allah to remove it from her so he informed her saying that if you wish i can pray to allah and he can remove it but if you are patient with it allah will give you paradise if you are patient with it allah will give you paradise so she said okay or messenger of allah i'll be patient with it however when i fall down with fits my clothing shifts and my aura some of my aura becomes exposed some of my private parts of my body which nobody else should see becomes exposed so please pray to allah that i don't become exposed so he prayed to allah for her that she was not exposed so the question is scholars muslim scholars question why in this case didn't he just address the entity and tell it to get out as he did in the case of the boy he said well this was indicative of two states two different circumstances one in which the source of the convulsions was demonic from the world of the jinn satanic and the other one was medical it had a medical basis to it now he could have prayed and it would be removed as a miracle because it was a medical condition not a jinn possessing her so that's why he gave her the option to be patient with that trial and allah would give her paradise so in the case of convulsions we know that they have more than one origin from the practice of the prophet saws himself and medical science has divided people who have epileptic fits because it's convulsions they call it epilepsy epileptic fits into two cardiac categories one they call symptomatic epilepsy and the other one they call idiopathic epilepsy symptomatic is the one whose reason and origin can be figured out a child fell on his head after that he started to have these things some incident happened which caused some imbalance in their system which led to it and the other one whose origin they can't figure out after all the treatment they can't figure it out and much of them don't respond to medicine at all that's the second category that they call idiopathic from my research among the various exorcists and i traveled from one end of the muslim world to the other doing field research for my thesis i interviewed exorcists those who claimed that they were doing exorcism according to the sunnah as to those who are doing it according to their own ways there were many many many many but i just focused on those who said we are doing it according to quran and sunnah well in the sunnah in accordance with what the prophet saws taught so among them i sought to find out what were the common [Music] signs that basically most of them agreed upon as the signs of possession because when i discussed with many of them and from my own research and other systems most felt that the cases of real possession were few and far between some said between 10 and 15 of people are really possessed the rest are psychological psychological feelings and states that they may be in which created this impression gave them this feeling etc but they're really not possessed of course those who have made exorcism their business like psychiatrists if you go to a psychiatrist he will always find something wrong with you according to him everybody's got some phobia it's got some kind of obsession or some kind of something everybody's sick it's good for business right it's good for business similarly these exorcists in pakistan they call them amils amil different places that give them different names they will tell you everybody is possessed and when i travel around the world i talk differently that's what some of them everybody says you even you yeah okay everybody's possessed because as i said it's good for business you know but those who seem to me to be honest and serious about what they're doing and really trying to do it right they were saying no there are very few who are really actually possessed so amongst the signs that they were saying was like multiple personalities and this is something documented in western psychiatry sociology psychiatry psychology people with multiple personalities completely different individuals within the same body this is well documented they really don't have an explanation there's many suggestions as to maybe it was because of this and that and you know but they really don't have a clear explanation for it so meaning that if somebody in your family or neighbor or whatever people you know you find them changed they're now talking in a different voice they have different uh gestures and movements it's like this is a foreign person you really feel this is a different person altogether that this may be among the signs of possession also it's been recorded people have spoken in other languages which they never learned people spoke in other languages which they never learned they were not familiar with this is among the stronger signs there was a case in sri lanka some years back of a little boy born in a muslim family who whose family they spoke sinhala the language of the main body of sri lankans but the child didn't speak for about the first four years of its life it didn't speak and when it started to speak it started to speak in tamil tamil which was the language of the hindus and it asked the child was asking to go to the temple and the child was doing the rights of the hindus in their worship their puja they was doing this and it became popular knowledge and people were making pilgrimage from tamil nadu hindus were making pilgrimage to sri lanka to go to this boy to ask him questions he would be telling him this and that and the other it became a big big thing even the president of the country prima dasa he you know uh embraced it as a indic indicator that you know we're all one you know because buddhists they also have shared the belief of you know reincarnation so it's quite possible that that child was a hindu in his previous life he's come back and you know all this other kinds of stuff right so we have documented cases of this nature and one of the signs that um they mentioned was preternatural strength you know it's the the person is a frail person all of a sudden they they've got the strength of you know weightlifter you know you wonder where did all the strength come from you have to fight to hold this person down you know five six different grown men may be holding down this little know this is among the uh signs combined with the others which could point towards it then some added also uh reaction to quranic recitation that when quran is recited the person doesn't want to hear it they turn away they scream they shout they put their finger in their ears you know so this is uh taken as among the signs and um people have also stepped into use of oil and water on which quranic verses have been read that if this is sprinkled on them they react and all this these are among the signs although this could be psychological this could be psychological because really the prophet sallam did not prescribe recitation over oil olive oil or whatever or over water and using it as a means of treatment because we'll look at the treatment that should prophesy prescribe for the exorcism that wasn't included but for those people that have made it a business that's big business when you go to the shop special shop where they sell things maybe they're selling all kinds of things there among them there will be you know bottles of water and you know different prices on these bottles why these bottles quran has been read over but this one was read over by sheikh sudais so you have to pay a big amount of money this is now really powerful right you know and so on and so forth you know so it becomes like a business and uh we don't have a real foundation for it in the sunnah so beware what the prophet sallam has taught us is more than enough it is sufficient for us now with regards to the reasons for possession the reasons for possession scholars have identified as basically four one it may have to do with desire desire for power control the gin gain uh satisfaction as people who have desires for power have when you're able to control somebody control their life affect their life these kind of things you know people with evil intent will do that even amongst human beings shay artill inc welcome we have satanic elements amongst the human beings and the jinn so that desire may be for power control they add also love that there is some kind of attraction of this type where people have suffered as a result of it it could be also second category is that of just mischief you have mischievous human beings who just like to make problems create confusion create harm make people uncomfortable that as you have amongst human beings there is also amongst the jinn those who may do this out of mischief and then there's another category that which seeks misguidance because possession etc can be a powerful means of drawing people into different forms of idolatry so this is used and this may be the most insidious form where people are drawn into shirk end up worshiping other than allah committing acts of shirk etc you know seeking cures etc so this becomes a particularly dangerous area and this is why we've been informed about it because of people who fall into shirk as a result of it and then the last category the fourth category is that of inadvertent uh acts that as we can accidentally harm each other it's possible from among them that they could accidentally harm us also now in terms of the types of possession they may be divided into one partial possession and this may be voluntary for people who are seeking contact with the world of the jinn that spirit world that evil spirit world to be able to do things in this world you have people who become what they call mediums a medium where you may go to such and such a person who is a medium and that person goes into a trance or into a state and then next thing you know that person is talking to you as if it was your dead father whether in the voice of your father or in a strange voice but talking about things which they shouldn't have known and this area of mediumship is experienced by people all over the world you also have fortune tellers and magicians who utilize this mode of mediumship to be able to do things like accurately predict incidents from the future fortune tellers of course there are many types i mean most of them are just playing on your natural life you come to see them they're reading your lines on your palm or they're reading your tea leaves or whatever and they tell you you're going to travel oh yeah you're not married okay you're gonna have children so they're telling you things that hey most people travel most people have children you know and other things like that from your life you'll have a fight with your mother-in-law in other words they're just playing on your normal life experiences that's found in everybody they so they focus on those that are the most common and they say them to you and of course for you when you have the fight with your mother-in-law [Music] the fortune teller he told me i was going to have a fight with you you forget all of the other things that he told you was going to happen that didn't happen but you just remember that one about the fight with your mother-in-law right this is human nature and the prophet sallam told us you know about how those among them [Music] are able to gain accurate information because you have recorded cases of some fortune tellers who accurately predicted incidents that happen in human history to details not just generalities but to details so how do they do it with the prophet saws explain that it was through the agency of the jinn the jinn getting access to information of what is going to take place which is known to the angels revealed to them by allah and they're able to access some of that information and they pass it on to the fortune tellers who are properly connected with them engaged in different acts of sacrilege to make that connection the other kind of con of possession is that of possession of objects and the classical case of possession of objects is the case of the golden calf of prophet musa in the time of prophet musa when he went to receive the torah and assameri told the people who were waiting behind that musa has gone up top of the mountain but actually his god's down here he told the people to gather their gold melt it down he supposedly took some dust from the footprint of an angel throw it in the mix and he came up with a calf and of course when he's telling the people that this calf this is what musa has gone up to the top of the mountain to worship he's right here that's who musa has gone to worship the people of course looked at him and said well i don't think so but then what happened the calf said when the calf said moo everybody dropped down prostration that was it you know that was the proof so possession of an object and we had some years back back in the 90s one day when the hindus who normally who worship ganesh that's their favorite the elephant head god and how he got an elephant head is quite funny story but ganesh right according to what they would do is that part of their puja worship is to pour milk over his head they pour it on the other idols too but anyway in the pouring milk one day they were pouring milk on the head of ganesh and the milk normally would just pour down and end up in the dish below plate platter below the milk instead of just going down it started to go into the mouth and it was all over the world it was in india i remember temples in uh in the u.s the uk they reported the same thing of course scientists were saying oh this is capillary action you know these statues of ganesh were made from stone and you know stone has air bubbles in it spaces in there so they it was just the spaces the milk was just going in but it was happening with metal there wasn't sufficient explanation but it happened for just one day what was the conclusion for hindus ganesh is god that i mean after you've seen that that's convincing so possessing the object to create belief or strength and false belief it happened in the time of musa in ganesh and in other people's times also there is a connection between possession and magic evil eye and all these other things because that connection is the gin i won't go into that topic because that's a big topic in and of itself but there is a connection now in terms of the way to deal with a possessed individual the prophetic way what did the prophet assalam teach us to do looking over the various hadiths in which he treated people [Music] who in one way or another seem to be possessed etc i came up with the major three four major steps that the prophet sallam followed if there was a charm involved in it where somebody has worked with a magician person involved in magic warlock or whatever who has created a charm that this charm should be undone if you find it if you're able to find it and beware again of the people who are practicing this as a business who will tell you the reason why this is happening to you or whatever is happening to it's your mother-in-law yeah they're quick to blame your relatives it's your aunt yes they aren't over in india she's the one doing stuff of course you don't have any evidence and that may create enmity between you and your family members so be aware of this nobody has the ability to judge this way some people they will send pictures to amiles and others who claim to treat those who are possessed they'll send the picture and then the army will look at the picture photograph and say okay this person has six jinns on them wan jin got them when they were six years old when they were playing and another jinn got them when they were believe me that is a lie nobody can look at a picture and determine how many gins when the jinns where the jinns affected that person this is all lies tricks playing with people's minds to get their money so if you have been given a tawease you know because there are those who say okay to protect yourself from the world of the jinn and the evil possession and this type of thing you wear this around your neck or you wear it around your arm or you put it around your waist this will protect you actually these are the things which will draw the jinn to you it's not going to protect you it will draw the jinn and then when the jin gets you then you go running back to me hey you said okay i have another one for you it's gonna cost you a bit more because that one was like yeah this is much stronger this is a weaker one right so these are games they're playing with people and if you have such you're experiencing it it's happening with your family etc then my advice to you is destroy it people say but we opened it up we found some verses of the quran in it burn it just destroy it because yes they may put verses of the quran in it pieces of verses or a few words but you'll see other things in there there'll be numbers and 786 786 watch out for 7.86 right people are obsessed with 786 believing that 786 means bismillah it doesn't this is numerology and it could just as well mean there is no god and muhammad wasn't a prophet you can put those letters together and they will add up to 786 also so beware of 786. if you have it get rid of it so destroy the charm that's what the prophet sallam did when he came under the influence jin influence of magic which affected him physically so this is a form of the touch of shaytan satanic touch demonic touch [Applause] which didn't affect his revelation revelation which came to him but affects some of his own perception thinking that he did things which he didn't do thinking that he didn't do things which he had done seeing things which are far away as if they're close things which are close as if they were far away this affected them in this way and allah sent angels to him in his dream and informed him that it was the work of a particular individual in medina a jewish magician there by the name of asam who had prepared this charm and put it in a well and so the prophet sallam told ali ibn abi talib to go and find it to get up and come back take it apart and the two last verses of the quran two last chapters were revealed and they were read for breaking spell the other in step in terms of the prophetic way was to address the spirit as rasalam did the name of allah addressing that spirit of course you're not going to say i'm the messenger of allah okay that was for rasulullah you see you can say for yourself i'm a slave of allah get out oh enemy of allah the third is through recitations from the quran itself the prophet sallam gave us an affirmed recitation of for example daily over that person not a specific amount of times mentioned some people may tell you to do it this many times or that many times you do it on a daily basis also ayatul kursi prophet sallam had spoken about ayatol kursi as being a barrier keeping satanic forces away from the human being and surah al-baqarah last two verses of surah baqarah and surah baqarah as a whole drive satan away from the home for some three days and nights and even the basmallah that prophesy said that the basmala will reduce the strength of any satanic affliction and as i mentioned before the adhan as well as the akama because the prophet salallahu said that whenever the adam is made satanic forces run away and similarly the akama after the time is over they may come back with the akama they are driven away again and the prophet sallam had also given us specific formulas to recite like bismillah that is in the name of allah may you be well become well from every illness that you you be cured and from the evil of the envious one when they're envious and from the evil of the evil eye he also taught us that is i seek refuge in the law in the most complete names of allah or words of allah from every satanic uh and poisonous pest and from every evil eye the prophet sallam also recommended some medicines ajwa dates in the morning seven that it can prevent gin attack gin affection and also truffles truffles is available in the marketplace here they call it it's a kind of mushroom type thing which grows in the desert they sell them maybe a little expensive but the prophet salam had recommended drinking the water from truffles most people do most of the other things that i mentioned but they don't use the truffles also the prophet sallam had suggested also bathing in the water if somebody seems to have brought evil into your home etc asking them to make wudu and save in the water and bathing with it and the last method which is attributed to the prophet saw sallam but which islamically is not considered to be acceptable and that is beating now there is narration that the prophet sallam parted a boy in his chest and then recited over him and they used that to beat people to death but there's a huge gap between what the prophet sallam did and what they're involved in doing and it's happened cases in the uk in egypt other places where in exorcisms people have been beaten to death there's a big one in the uk back in the 90s and the individual had a young girl maybe in her early teens she was so beaten up she had her her ribs broken he was beating her with an ashtray a glass big heavy glass asteroid beating her and made her drink red pepper wouldn't give her any water she had to just consume this red pepper it was just staring her up till she died he was arrested but people will tell you when the exorcist beats you he's not actually beating you he's beating the gin that is possessed you so when you scream out that's the jinn but i in my research when i met with people after treatments and i asked them how do you feel it's like i'm painting i'm sore my body you know they were complaining of you know serious and there were bruises etc you know so no matter what they tell you yeah it's it's really hitting the jill people are suffering and the prophet salallahu had said that muslim and salem al-muslim the true muslim is one from whose hand and tongue one from whose tongue and his hand people are safe so this practice of beating is not acceptable and any of the other practices whether it's star wars as i mentioned or they have this practice of in some places tying fingers tying toes you know they say this keeps traps the gin inside the person and then they chase the gin up the body until it reaches into the hair they take out some hair put it in a bottle and set it on fire burn it up and say we killed the jinn and then the person who was suffering with ah they feel this something happens they feel as if something has been lifted from them but it's psychological this is what it is you know so you have people who claim that they're able to trap jinns you know you can hire them to come to your home and trap the jinns in your home it's good money and in the name of treating people who are possessed etc there's a lot of abuse that takes place actually sexual abuse because most of the people who come with the problems are who women and the people who are doing the exorcisms are who men and the abuse takes place abuse takes place amongst doctors who are trained doctors who made the hippocratic oath you know not to you know abuse the people who they're treating etc you know yet it happens thousands of cases every year in the u.s doctors arrested for abusing female patients in their care well believe that amongst these exorcists it's a hundred times over and i've heard many horrendous stories of women telling me they're going to be treated and were abused so beware this treatment of the prophet sallam it didn't involve putting your hands on the person and for touching a woman who you can marry the prophet saw said it's better you have an iron spike driven in your head so beware of those who claim to treat in that way so that concludes basically the [Music] exposition on exorcism except for one remaining question the question that people ask when hearing the subject and hearing what islam has to say they say well christians are doing the same thing you've seen it in movies read in the newspaper the priest comes with the cross in his hand you know he's in the name of jesus christ sprinkles water on them or whatever and the person is secured and the hindu priest he will bring people and he in his own thing the name of shiva or screams out home and that person is cured and the buddhists not to be outdone they have their and people are being cured so they say what is this muslims do it and they're cured christians do it hindus do it buddhists do it so what is this how do you explain that well the explanation is that in the case of muslims exorcising somebody in the name of allah because you have some muslims who will say in the name of muhammad get out and they and the person gets cured so they fall under the same category of the christians and the others who cure using shirk what happens is that in those cases the possessing entities are not leaving because they're forced out but because their job was done the people have committed shirk shirk has been confirmed for them that strengthens their belief in whatever shirk they are engaged in so no longer to need to be there anymore they can leave now so that is the distinction between the two externally it all looks the same it's just like everybody raises their hand one prays to buddha another one prays to shiva another one prays to muhammad and then others who pray to allah and everybody's prayers gets answered it's the same thing how is it all the same or is there really no god you can go either way reality is that people say well you know if praying to god is the real one then it should just happen for those who raise their hands praying to god that way it would be known but believe me if it became known in the world that anyone who raises his hands and prays to allah as a muslim their prayers are answered but everyone else's prayers aren't answered do you think they would remain a non-muslim in this world no the test of this life would be finished ended the test is there why because everybody raises their hand and everybody gets prayers answered also everybody gets prayers not answered so it goes back to the truth and knowledge of the truth and the practices etc to know and distinguish between falsehood and truth so that covers basically the topic this evening if in case you were waiting to see if i was going to do an exorcism on on the stage that's not a part of the presentation i know some of you have brought your people somebody sent me notes and said okay we have some people with us can you do something for us afterwards no i studied this you know this was the research i did not to become an exorcist so inshallah we can stop here and we can move into our question and answer session inshaallah seeking knowledge and obligation made easy thought about studying for a long time tuition fees keeping you from actually starting islamic online university has led a revolution in online learning [Music] the world's first tuition-free degree ba in islamic studies access the knowledge any place anytime anywhere it just doesn't get any easier than that classes texts assignments completely online set your own schedule for the semester no overseas travel required for the exams subjects taught by qualified english speaking scholars weekly live sessions and virtual classrooms with curricula based on those in el medina university in saudi arabia al-azhar university in cairo and other reputable institutions around the world why wait any longer you pay just a 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Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 77,755
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Keywords: Exorcism in Islam Dr. Bilal Philips, THE WORLD OF THE JINN, islamic lecture bilal philips, Khutbah, Aspire Mosque, english sermon, digital minbar, bilal philips, islamic online university, iou, islam way of life, Masjid Aspire, islam online, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, jinn posession in islam, possession in islam, muslim exorcist
Id: 44ceGxLSnhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 6sec (5046 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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