Exodus Chapter 30 Part 1

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zara Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel no RG that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson we know that there are many components in biblically based worship and all of those components are given to us through the Word of God that we can learn from Tabernacle worship temple worship in order to impact how we draw before the Lord for the purpose of giving him thanks praising him and exalting his name and we're going to begin in our study to seat knee with chapter 38 new chapter force in the book of Exodus and initially we're going to see that there's an instrument a vessel that is part of the worship experience and that vessel that instrument is the altar but not the bronze altar that we spoke of earlier in our study the book of Exodus that was in the courtyard outside that holy place and outside that other holy place the most holy place know we're speaking about a different altar and this is the incense altar now we know something when we look at the book of Revelation and also in the book of Hebrews we are given Grey instructions concerning this altar for incense and when that incense went up to the Lord we see that that that accompanied with that smoke that incense offering what accompanied it was the prayers of the people for example we know that does that Zechariah and I'm not talking about the Prophet but the priest who was the father of John the Baptist's he went in according to a lot at the right time being called by God through this lot to offer up the incense offering and as he did so and the people were praying and their prayers ascended with that smoke we know that Zacharias or Zahara in Hebrew he was given revelation about a son that was going to be born to his barren wife Elizabeth and we see that that son John the Baptist was the forerunner that prepared the way for God's redemptive work and understand that there is a close relationship between redemption and the kingdom it's only through a redemptive experience that you can have a kingdom hope and a kingdom experience so notice here in the first part of chapter 30 of Exodus we're going to be dealing with the incense altar but we have to be careful because there are those that will present and say the book of Hebrews it speaks in Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 4 about the incense altar and in the book of Hebrews it's got it in the wrong location compared to what we see here and that simply is not exactly correct because we're going to see that there are two incense offerings one is made twice a day every day and it's made in the holy place that's where the haria Zacharias the father of John the Baptist was in that holy place not in the most holy places but there's also and we see this for example in Leviticus chapter 16 and whenever you hear that 16th chapter of Leviticus I hope you know something I hope you know that that entire chapter is dedicated to one day a special day a most special day I'm speaking about the day called Yom Hawk to Puri the Day of Atonement or atonements as it literally stated in Hebrew and we'll see this today so there was the incense altar that was in the holy place but there was also incense made once a year on the Day of Atonement and that would have been in the most holy place the Holy of Holies now when the writer of Hebrews and there's no mistakes in in the Bible we make the mistakes not the Holy Spirit he inspired these authors to write down everything in the original text perfectly no errors and here's what we need to remember when we look at the book of Hebrews especially when we look at the work of Messiah he is presented over and over as our great high priest and the chief day for the high priests was Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement and therefore and speaking about and this was the context for Hebrews chapter 9 there's an emphasis on the instance altar that was used on the day of atonement not the normal one now the incense altar in a general sense is unique and the reason why I say that is this when we went through earlier on in the book of Exodus the various vessels instrument the tabernacle and what would become the temple furniture like the altar the table show bread the aroan have bread the Ark of the Covenant the menorah and such we came in not contact with the incense altar it's not until now and this separation has a purpose to it and one of the purposes that speak about the uniqueness of it so with that long introduction let's begin the book of Exodus and chapter 30 once again Moses is receiving this what we would call Tov meet this this pattern that God has given to him of what was in the heavenly area now Moses is called to supervise in oversee a replica in this world and what's the purpose once again worship that we could draw near to God and really it's when we do what is necessary to draw near to God that God draws near to us chapter 30 and verse 1 and you shall make a altar for the burning of incense and this altar is going to be made of a Keysha would make it with acacia wood and say eat now so much of the tabernacle furniture had acacia wood as its foundation likewise look at verse 2 we're going to find that it is like a square because it's length is going to be one cubit it's with is going to be one cubic so its length and its width is 1 cubic each and then it says a square it should be but its height is going to be two cubits and then it says from it there's also going to be its horns horns of the altar so all of this is very reminiscent of the normal altar but there's a change we find that this this incense altar is going to be covered over like the our own huh Britt the Ark of the Covenant and like other instruments it is going to be covered over with pure gold and that's going to be true for its and it's a word dug GOG is Ruth so it's it's top portion and also Kiro Tov also its walls its sides all around and its horns as well and you shall make for it for this incense altar you shall make a golden crown all around it so this is like a decorative aspect of it for the top portion verse verse 4 and also this altar is going to have two rings of gold you should make for it and it is going to be from underneath the crown like the crown molding the decorative part of this altar underneath it it's going to have these two rings and we know something we know that that's underneath its crown on the two sides it's two sides you shall make of it on it's two sides and there shall be and it's the word but teen houses now these are places containers and what are they for they're for the rain in order that notice what it says an order that you shall show place there these body what our madeand they are poles we've talked about this for many other of the instruments the Ark of the Covenant had these these poles also the tabernacle in the most holy place had the the table of showbread that had these rings so does this altar so it has these rings that you put in the the poles in order that you might carry it with them first five and you shall make these these poles some of the Bible will say stabs and they're different in some way you should make them out of a cache of wood covered them with once again gold verse six and you shall set it this is this altar this incense altar you shall set it before and pay great attention you set it before the parole kit what is the pro kit that veil many of you are familiar we talked about this bill earlier in our study several weeks ago and I also mentioned this is the same veil that we read about in Matthew chapter 27 and verse I believe verse 51 where it was was torn in two from the top to the bottom so you put it before the Purohit before this this veil which is and the idea here is which is against meaning it's facing the the ark of the testimony which is before the court that is that mercy seat which is upon the testimony which and he says here I will meet now this is a word if we look at this word which is a verb in its noun form it's the odd which is like a committee and committee meets for discussion and God is saying I will meet you there at that location verse 7 and you shall burn the incense upon it who shall do that Aaron so Aaron shall burn the incense upon it the incense of Samim you tortes Ameen now this is a spiced incense in the morning in the morning when you and this is word make good the the narrowed now this is talking about the menorah that golden lamp steam we know that it is kindled in the evening and in the morning we reset it that is the priest who was called to do so by light he would go in and he would reset everything put in oil make sure the wicks are proper everything ready to light it later on in the day at that the evening time immediately before the evening so he tells Aaron here that he is going to be the one that that initially Kindles this incense offering of spices each morning and you do that as you clean the narrow out the candles and it's wicks it's oil it's not wax candles but it's the place where the light emits from when you're cleaning that you do so having lit the incense offering so as he does that with the menorah the incense goes up which once again relates to the prayers of the Saints verse eight now we're dealing with the evening time and we read and when Aaron likes the the candles and here again it's the word in modern Hebrew for candles but once again it's the place where the oil was with the wick out of it that was kindled so when you do it in the Twilight as we talked about last week this word ban ha are buying this is this time shortly before dark so you do that in the late afternoon and when you do it in the afternoon and you light the candles once again you have this incense offering being burned and the next word is to meet which means always so this service in the morning and in the evening when you clean and set and order the menorah giving it ready for the evening you Kindle the the incense offering and likewise in the evening as you light the menorah once more you also Kindle this this instance offering these spices and you do it every day twice a day and you do it before the Lord throughout your generations verse nine now this is a unique offering this incense offerings and we're told look at verse nine and you do not offer up a burnt offering concerning it that is you don't offer up a offering of a strange incense so don't offer up a strange and cents only what God commands and now it says and though burnt offering and no grain offering some will say meat offering but it's really a grain offering so no burnt offering which is in the morning no grain offering which is an afternoon you don't do it with it nor do you do a libation pour upon it a libation none of these things the incense of offering stands alone it's separated from these other offerings which are made verse 10 now it gets interesting because we're told something additional and it's only really with the understanding of this passage and looking at it because of what we learn from it from the book of the vinegars chapter 60 and then what is said in Hebrews chapter 9 can we properly understand it look at verse 10 and Aaron will atone concerning its horns these are the horns of this incense altar he's going to do that and it says here he's going to do it a hot mission ah one time a year now what is he going to do that well he's gonna do it one time a year from the blood of the sin offering of tapori now I would circle this I don't know how it's translated in your Bible but let's read verse 10 very carefully we had the word atone like the day of atonement here it's a word keep Aaron so vasee pair our own ow car note of a hot day Shanna Shanna and Aaron shall atone concerning its horns the horns of this altar once a year and what does he atone these horns with from the blood of the sin offering of Capri Capri is the biblical way to refer to the day of atonement so what we know here is on the day of atonement he does an extra service now we can see this if you hold your place in Exodus chapter 30 and you go to Leviticus Leviticus chapter 16 this is taught if you look for example at chapter 16 verses 12 and 13 it says that Aaron this high priests that he shall take full of the sensor so he places on the sensor a full amount of coals of fire from upon the altar which is before the Lord now this is unique this is done on yom kippur eve and he makes a handful of spices this instance spices which are are very thin and he brings them from the house of the pearl kit now this would be from the holy place not the most holy places but notice what he says in verse 13 he brings them into the most holy place and he sets this incense concerning or upon the fire which is before the lord and it will cover the cloud of incense it is going to cover what how to pour it so what we find here and this is so significantly Aron he has these unique incense he goes into because most of his work is done in the most holy place the codis go - inna the holy place but he takes from the coals of the general altar now this is where the the bull was offered up he takes a blood from but he also goes and takes the coals from the altar the incense altar in the most holy place he brings those coals he places them upon apparently another altar and this is what the writer of Hebrews was speaking about and then he takes that hand full of special incense and it says he places it upon the fire before the Lord that's in the most holy place and it covers this cloud covers the of incense covers the court that mercy seat which is the covering of the Ark the Covenant the arc of testimony which is in the most holy place not the holy place but the most only place the Holy of Holies which is over the testimony and when he does this he won't die so this gives us an answers to questions the apparently contracted country contradictive statement that some people see in hebrews chapter 9 and verse 4 it's not when the writer of Hebrews is speaking of this he's speaking about it from the context of Yom Kippur that's what he's teaching about because he's emphasizing messiah as or high priests so let's go back to to verse 10 back in Exodus 30 and Aaron shall atone concerning the horns its horns the horns of the altar once a year from the blood of the sin offering this is the sin offering that was altered offered up on the normal altar in the courtyard the bronze one on yom kippur eve he does is once a year to make atonement concerning himself throughout your generations kodesh Kody Sheen who latter night the holy of holies it is unto the Lord so now we know that this work we're talking about is in the Holy of Holies the most holy place which is only entered into on the day of Yom Kippur so now that that seemly conflict that so many people like to to twist and try to attack the Word of God and the book of Hebrews and oftentimes the New Testament in general we have the solution well now let's move very quickly to chapter still in chapter 30 and verse 11 we're entering into a new Torah portion parsha ki Tisa and we're just going to do verses levin through 16 we're going to do it very quickly and this has to do with the census and notice what we read here verse 11 and the Lord spoke to Moses saying cheat ISA at Rosh bnei yisrael for when you lift up the head of the children of Israel for their census so notice a census is being taken but uniquely it's not like the census that David did that got him in trouble that was one of faithlessness not based upon the instructions of God David counted all the men of war that's not what we're told to do here this is a unique one and taking the census notice it's that phrase cheat ISA rosh to lift up the head now the context here is getting things ready for the daily worship and worship this expression to lift up your head is a statement of encouragement and a statement of and here's the key god acknowledging you god acknowledging you in worship so once again look at verse 12 for you will lift up the head of the children of Israel for their census every man shall set a atonement Co fair for his soul before the Lord now what this is talking about is a payment and that payment is for the daily worship service and not just a daily worship service but also for the day of Kippur service the children of Israel did not offer up anything it was the priesthood that did so it was them through this daily or this once a year daily once a year sacrifice that we're talking about now when the census was taken so it says that that this should be for the atoning of the children of Israel soul when they are are registered when they are counted that there shall not among them that is a plague when they are counted now if you count them just regularly it brings about a judgement we saw that in the life of David when he counted them not for God's purposes but for his purpose to know how strong he was militarily so that he could go to battle and take plunder God didn't tell him to do that this is not proper and the plague came verse verse 13 this one and it means everyone should give all the ones who pass through the census it says that they should give each one should give maahes eat ha shekel that is that half shekel and it's the holy shekel now that is a weight the weight that was prescribed and what is that it is 20 Gera so the the shekel that's holy that is used for this census it weighed 20 Garris and it couldn't be be changed it was a unique coin for this purpose and it says every man is called to give that as a half shekel offering to the Lord verse 14 for everyone who passes through the census and who's qualified for that every man who is 20 years old and older so you have to be 20 to give this this half shekel offering which supported the work in the tabernacle and then the temple thereafter it was given once a year for all the daily sacrifices that were made for the community not speaking about individual sacrifices and offerings not speaking about holiday offerings but speaking about the daily one the morning in the afternoon so we read here everyone who's twenty years and older a male he shall give this offering to the Lord verse 15 now if you're rich it says the rich one should not add to it and the Dow Dow is one who is in a meager financial situation that word out to me almost destitute so this one can't give less than the half shekel to give it as the offering unto the Lord for what purpose for the atoning of your souls in order that there might be a change in one spiritual condition and in this case everyone's equal everyone gives a symbolic testimony in support of the word in faith of the temple service that's what this is about verse 16 our last verse and you shall take thee somebody once a silver that's fine but it's relating to money the silver shekel you shall take that silver that money for the atonement and here again hot tip or een atonements because we're speaking about the daily one and also gilma couple Reem you take it from the children of Israel and you set it concerning meaning give it for the purpose of the work of the tent of the meeting that is the tabernacle the tent of the meeting when it stood and it shall be for the children of Israel this daily work that goes on first in the tabernacle and then when the temple was established in Jerusalem it was for a purpose and what's that purpose for a memorial before the Lord that the Lord will remember we would remember our need for atonement we'll talk about that but that God would remember his covenant purposes we want atonement so that there's no hindrance between us and receiving God's covenant promises so it's a reminder before the law meaning us coming before the Lord in order to make atonement concerning your souls meaning that it has a spiritual purpose to it so again we see how important how much information is given in regard to this incense altar and why it is immediately after speaking about the incense altar we go into the maha Zita shekel that half shekel offering because it's foundational and it's also inclusive of the major work that was done in the tabernacle and then after in the temple that the people could find forgiveness that their situation could be restored back to God in order that they could worship Him and be recipients of those Covenant 'el promises from God worship is so vital in changing us and positioning us where we can become the recipients of the good things of God and as we saw it is worship that that causes God to acknowledge us if we're not interested in worship worshiping God properly then God's not going to be interested in acknowledging us in our circumstances when we have problems he's not going to be actively involved in our life all of this was for a memorial that we might remember and by doing so that we would position ourselves by this worship service where God would remember his covenant promises to us and that he would move to fulfill them over and over we see how important worship is while stop with that until next week Shalom from history well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with it Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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