Exodus Chapter 32 Part 2

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[Music] shalom and welcome to via israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zara avraham institute based in israel although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web at loveisreal.org that's one word loveisreal.org now here's baruch with today's lesson we are fully dependent upon god's revelation if god does not reveal to us his truth his word then we have no way of just stumbling upon that which is right and good we won't know what righteousness is we won't understand what is the will of god we are utterly dependent upon his revelation and this evening in tonight's study we're going to see much revelation there is much in the second part of exodus 32 that encourages us trains us equips us prepares us so that we might live a life that is right and that's the key we want to live according to that which is right in god's eyes for he is our judge we don't have to give an account to anyone else only to him and therefore we need to purpose our hearts we need to focus our very very mindset upon his truth and that is one of the foundational messages of this passage so with that said take out your bible and look with me to the book of exodus chapter 32 the book of exodus and chapter 32 now we left off last week with moses having ascended into mount sinai there he received the two tablet stone tablets as we emphasize written with the finger of god and in the midst of this we see that israel fell into idolatry they fell into a desire of their flesh wanting to do their will rather than god's will relying upon their own understanding rather than the revelation of god and they began to sin in an abominable way before god in this holy place and we pick up with moses about ready to descend back to the people so again exodus 32 beginning with verse 17. now as moses descends notice who he meets first he speaks to yahushua that is joshua the son of noon that's one who would take over after moses this one who would actually lead the people into the land of promise and notice joshua speaks verse 17 and joshua heard the sound of the people in shouting now the people they're making a great noise they're lifting up their voice but not in praise and adoration not thanking not remembering their redemption not understanding how god has led them here and for what he has led them to this location for so joshua heard the sound of the people shouting and he said to moses the sound now this word is the word coal with a koof not a cuff means voice or sound and it's going to be repeated several times in the next verse so joshua hears the sound the voice of he says war in the camp now why did joshua think that this was war well because it was in one sense it was a spiritual battle taking place that the children of israel god's covenant people were losing because they had turned away from the instruction of moses now here's a principle you need to write this down when we turn away from the instruction of moses we are embracing the enemy and we are going to be defeated in battle just that simple now we're not saved by the instruction of moses his commandments but if we want to live a victorious life we are going to take the relevance of the instruction of moses and under the leadership of the holy spirit we're going to apply that truth for those purposes to be manifested in our life so they did not do what moses told them in exodus 19 they were not paying attention to what was taking place on mount sinai they were all focused upon what they desire and when they had an opportunity to turn away from moses leadership moses the man of god the servant of god they did and they chose aaron and notice that they began to instruct aaron what to do and aaron was not a godly leader because he listened to the people he participated in their plans rather than what a godly leader is and that is leading people in the purposes of god his plans his will so joshua heard this and he heard that there was war in the camp verse 18. and he said this is most likely moses response he said end cole meaning this is not the sound and then we have to pause for a moment the next word is a word a note it is going to appear three times the third time it's going to be translated in the vast majority of english bibles in an incorrect way it takes this word the first time it renders it the second time it renders it one way the third time totally different and there's absolutely no basis for their their understanding of it the word singing it has nothing to do with singing so let me translate this very literally and consistently for what it says verse 18 he said once more more than likely moses this is not the sound a response of power or might the word is the same word that the name gabriel the mighty angel of god is named after and it's the phrase here call a note which means the voice or the sound of response of what might he's saying it's not this then he says the and called a note once more that same phrase it's not the sound of response of khalusha weakness what he's saying here in choosing these two words he chooses these words might and weakness what he's saying here is that this is not a human undertaking this has great spiritual implications not in the positive sense in a godly sense but in a demonic sense the people here are no longer under the authority of god but they have turned away from that as they embrace idolatry now we're coming to the idolatry in a moment we've already seen they've made that golden calf that molten calf from gold they ate they drank they rose up they played that's what we saw they are embracing idolatry that is what they're hearing what joshua is discerning and when we are in the midst of idolatry shalom which means god forbid when we are in the midst of idolatry it is an invitation to demonic influence and demonic activity that is what is being heard and discerned here it's not physical in nature there's physical implications but it's demonic in nature and that's why he says call a note now he's going to say what it is the word n means this is not now we don't have this word we simply have the word call a note the voice response i hear he simply hears not saying that word doesn't appear there and this shows you how how many translations don't actually deal with the text they just go and see what someone else says and if it doesn't have their preconceived theological doctrine that they want to impart in the text or some other agenda for their translation they don't really even deal with translating it they just copy it or they want to read it in english and make it smoother but they don't deal with the original language so you look at translations and see do they have the word singing or something else all it says here and i'll read it in hebrew so we can be assured that last part after the word weakness kalusha it says call a note the voice of a response i am hearing what response the sound of what well the implication is idolatry and when idolatry is going on there is a spiritual battle not physical but spiritual going on and this is what's taking place at mount sinai a place where god intended it and when we go back to exodus 20 and we see that god was coming to the people to impart to them a change a miraculous change where they would understand his will what to do and what not to do and would not have the ability anymore to sin that they would not sin a great thing god wanted to do but what happened they fell into idolatry and they receive the outcome of spiritual failure and we'll see what that is in a moment move to verse 19. and it came about when he drew near to the camp he saw the calf that would be that golden molten calf calf that was made he saw the calf and the dancing now this is important because yes david danced before the lord but more often than not dancing is problematic in the scriptures not always i said more often than not there can be godly dancing but more often than not what we see is that dancing leads to the the will of the enemy let me give an example of this we see in the gospel accounts we see that there was a young woman she danced before before a leader and that leader was so moved and and and inspired by that dancing not in a good inspiration but a demonic inspiration that he uttered things that was rooted in pride saying up to half my kingdom i'll give it to you and what did that young girl ask for you know the answer to this the head of john the baptist so dancing it is biblical to dance unto the lord but i warn more often than not it is not one that's pleasing it needs to be extremely extremely cautious dancing before the lord so he saw the calf and the dancing and moses was angry and what did he do he cast from his hand now it's interesting you'll find that there's many different rabbinical interpretations here and they're wrong they'll say different things than what it strictly simply says here is which means simply that he it from his hands and the tablets he cast from his hands the tablets and he broke them so he willfully intentionally through cast from his hands these tablets that were written with the finger of god that we concluded with last week and he intentionally broke them where below the mountain now this is important because under the mountain what's significant about that under the mountain shows the spiritual location of the people there was a reason why god did not let them ascend god knew their spiritual condition and god he commanded that they stay there and obey his instructions but they did not and now at the foot of the mountain we see that the people were spiritually deficient and therefore what was the outcome the breaking of the commandments those tablets and this is what we see when we are spiritually inadequate when we are rooted by the passions of our flesh when we do not adhere to the instructions of moses we are going to be in a spiritual location and condition whereby in the end the commandments of god are going to be broken this is what we see imparted to us from this text the way that it's written to us verse 20. and he took this is once again moses he took the calf which they had made and he burned it with fire signifying judgment what's the obvious progression of the revelation you break the commandments there's going to be judgment so he took the calf that they had made he burnt it in fire he ground it up unto doc meaning very fine and the implication is like powder and he sprinkled it upon the face of the waters we don't know what waters perhaps and he made them to drink who's them he made the sons of israel to drink it meaning that they had to suffer the consequence of their actions now some would suggest that one of the strongest desires is thirst and drinking shows the desires of the flesh it also shows here that it would not be something pleasing to drink down and therefore when we follow sin when we ve when we we transgress the instructions of moses we're not going to be satisfied we're going to be made to receive that which is not pleasing that which is not satisfying that which we of our own venetian would not take of an oven in and of ourselves so moses gave drink to the children of israel verse 21 and moses said to aaron what have you done now i again would would differ with many of the commentators aaron is guilty aaron was led astray aaron participated he was the leader that brought about and it's going to be said three times this great sin great as an evil sin but it means a large sin so he and moses is speaking and he recognizes the guiltiness of aaron because he says here what have you done or what have the people done this people done to you for you have brought upon it a great sin now moses understands that the people were were the incentive they were the ones that were encouraging it but nevertheless a leader is responsible for his leadership if he hears the people instead of hearing god this is an error and that's why it says what has this people done to you for you and it's very important that we see this you singular aaron for you have brought upon it or against it this great sin a large sin verse 22. and aaron said do not be angry my lord he's speaking to moses you know the people that with evil it is so he's saying you know that this people have a propensity to evil what's evil well good is the will of god evil is against the will of god and what he's saying here is that this people have a propensity a tendency to do that which is against the will of god now israel's an example do they have that tendency yes they do is that a unique tendency that's only among the children of israel obviously no all humanity has that tendency it's a human nature because we were conceived in sin because we're all children of adam so he says you know the people that with evil he is meaning people i translated he is it is they are but in hebrew it's singular verse 23. for they said unto me make for us and i can't overestimate that phrase we saw it last week we see it again now make for us not for god not in obedience to him not to honor him god's not their thought here they want to make their own gods they are associated and rightly so moses and the god of israel they want to reject moses in order that they reject the god of israel and therefore they say notice it very carefully verse verse 20 2 verse 23 they said unto me make for us gods which will go before us we want gods these idols to go before us because the man moses who brought us up from the land of egypt wasn't moses it was god we do not know what has become to him and here again i would suggest to you this is a lie moses went up he said he was returning moses constantly went before god in different situations and brought back revelation they were quickly to reject moses the first opportunity because they weren't interested in god's revelation they wanted their own gods their idols that golden calf that would go before them why well as i said that golden calf can't travel in and of himself he can't lead man has to carry him and man carries their gods where where man wants the god to go so they oh we're following god no we're following our own desires we're hearing god know we're hearing our own voice we're serving god though we're serving our own flesh and let me share with you today it is very common very common for people to use the term jesus yeshua jesus whatever language they speak they use that right that glorious name but they they attach to it their own beliefs their own desires their own will and say this is what god has told me now i was asked to listen to a video this week of a man who said that he had a encounter with with 72 demons that there was a young woman and apparently he was at a conference and afterwards uh he ministered directly to this young woman and there were other people around i'm not suggesting that there was anything inappropriate from a morality standpoint but he says that he ministered prayed with her for her for five hours and in that demons from her spoke and he said that she had 72. and he began to to ask these demons who are you what what are you called by and it was so convenient that all the the big sense of of rh abortion oh i am the the demon of abortion i am the demon of this i am the demon of this now i do believe that there is demonic influence in abortion but then he says i'm the demon and he uses a particular theological doctrine now i followed up because he gives a teaching on that theological doctrine and what he says concerning it is absolutely incorrect and the point i want to make is this people flippantly say god told me if god tells you something it better be in this book or it better be something that can be supported by this book he says god told me god said god led me or this demon he told me that his influence is in this theological doctrine and i know not just a belief the scripture confirms this so a demon did not tell him that and when you go and hear this story in my mind is just a little bit too self-serving and it's no different than what we see here people want to say god said when it's really they said and the children of israel they want look at the text once more they tell aaron make for us gods that will go before us because this man moses who brought us up from the land of egypt we do not know what has happened to him yes they do he went up on mount sinai to meet with god this whole exodus from egypt the the climax was this experience 50 days after the exodus there's even a holiday to remind us of that 50 days after this important event they are lying and lying always is an attempt to justify man's desires idolatrous will so this moses we don't know what happened to him verse 24 and i said to them to whom there is gold remove it and give it to me and i casted it i threw it into the fire and the calf this calf came forth now he ignores some information if you go back up to verse 4 the same 32nd chapter you see that he took from their hand and he formed it with a instrument like a chisel he did it that's what verse 4 tells us but here he says something different he says he just received the gold and threw it in the fire and miraculously the the golden calf in that form came out that is not the case verse 25. and moses saw the people that and we have a very important word the word parua parua in modern hebrew can mean wild fact we use that term for the wild west in speaking about uh america many many years ago we we can speak about something that is while not reflecting an order the proper order now it can also be translated as unkept something that has has fallen apart not maintaining the proper uh specifications the special right instructions something along these these ways so moses he looked he had discernment he looked at the people and he saw that the people that it was a wild a unrestrained people for aaron says look at it which means for speaking about it aaron released or uncover or undid uh meaning he brought this about four and the word here is shimtsa shimsa is a word in fact many people if you know a little bit of yiddish shimmuts schmutz is is something that is dirty grimy unclean a spot a stain and what he's saying is this aaron you by your action you manifested how unruly how wild this people was how they were stained and notice what it says before the ones who rise up against them here's the key aaron what moses is saying aaron by your leadership you expose israel to the enemies those who rise up against her realize this is the principle that's being taught we need to realize there is an enemy we have an enemy and that enemy uses unclean spirits demons and human vessels in order to attack us and when we are unruly when we are not demonstrating a proper walk that testimony what we're doing is giving an invitation we are calling we are summoning the enemy to come and bring defeat upon us and ultimately god's judgment because when we get spiritually grimy and dirty it brings about judgment that's where this passage is going because of this sin of that molten calf that golden calf israel is going to experience judgment verse 26 and moses stood at the gate of the camp what's what's done at the gate this is where the elders give their leadership that is this is where discernment judgment is given so moses and this is something seen throughout the scripture judgment is at the gate so moses positions himself at the gate of the camp and he said who unto the lord with me and it means unto me but will translate it in english better who unto the lord is with me and they gathered unto him all the sons of levi now this confirms god's choice of the tribe of levi now some point out something here that's very important it says coal not with that that koof but with the kaf not the sound or voice but when it's with the cop it's all so all or every son of levi from that tribe at this time and this would include aaron in other words many see this as suggesting to the reader aaron's repentance he went with moses he wanted to reaffirm his allegiance to the purpose of god so all the sons of of levi were there verse 27. and he said this is still moses he said to them thus said the lord the god of israel every man placed his sword upon his hip or thigh and pass and return from the gate to gate meaning every gate of the various tribes you pass through and return from gate to gate in the camp and kill every man his brother every man his neighbor ish every man among his his relatives now what's being said here moses asked who's with me and many people went to him including all the sons of aaron specifically he he told the sons of aaron listen we have a job to do we need to place judgment upon those who are unrepentant and those who are unrepentant who aren't standing with us this is what the sword is for and we see this look at verse 28 and the sons of levite not anyone else but the sons of israel of levi did they did just as moses and fell from the people on that day beyond hahu that day always a context of judgment three thousand men so three thousand of the children division when moses came back and he said i'm standing at the gate of the camp and judgment is going to be mediated out who is with me meaning who's going to repent all the children of levite all the sons of levi they were there and god used them he reform reaffirmed his choice of them and they went throughout the camp slaying all those who were not with moses all those who rejected moses they were put to death and as we say three thousand men three for the number of weapons three thirty three hundred three thousand three for the purpose of documenting revealing something verse 29 and moses said fill your hand today unto the lord now he's speaking to the levites and this is an idiom meaning this day you have fulfilled your hand you have received authority you have been called and now you're acting under authority that's what this is speaking about a man against his son and against his brother meaning that you acted to put those to death and you placed upon them meaning this that you have placed upon you have placed upon the children of israel those who survive this day a blessing now this is a very important principle le tete to give unto you this day blessing meaning judgment righteous judgment produces a blessing and the levites they have been placed this would include the priests later on because all priests are from the tribe of levi they have affirmed received once more and demonstrated this authority and their receiving of it by by carrying out god's will acting under his authority to make judgment but he is placed upon the people what that day blessing it is only when right judgment is mediated out that the people can be blessed when the people need judgment and there is no judgment there is no consequences for wrong teaching wrong behavior the blessing won't come upon the people it's when we judge and that's why judgment is not in in hate but it's in love that's why the scripture says whom the lord loves he disciplines that's what we're seeing here verse 30. and it came about on the next day that moses said to the people you have sinned a great sin now this is the second time this is the second time we see that expression about a great sin we see it at the end of verse 21 we see it here in verse 30 and we'll see it again in verse 31 in a moment but once more and it came about on the next day moses said to the people you have sinned a great sin and the you here is in the plural you all have sinned a great sin and now i will go up unto the lord perhaps i will atone in behalf of your sin and it says just that ooh lie perhaps that i will be able to secure this is the intent atonement in regard to in behalf of your sin verse 31 and moses returned to the lord now the reason why this is here and it's being done the next day is to teach the people this is what moses does when he goes up unto the lord it's not a a place of danger nothing's going to happen to him he's in the secure place he's in the presence of god and he's doing that for the purpose of serving god in order to receive revelation to receive what god has for the people and bestow it upon them and until he comes back you wait don't make that same tragic heir that was motivated in sin which is always to do their desire they had taken advantage of that are they going to do it this time they are not so moses returned verse 31 to the lord and he says ana this is a term of of petitioning it is a term of requests it's the most polite language ana he says the sin of this people it is a request and moses acknowledges here's a third time it was a great sin that they have done in making this god of gold this idolatry but but moses is interceding he's petitioning god and he says verse 32 and now if you lift up now most bibles will say forgive and that's the implication of it but it means to lift up and now if you lift up their sin but if not he says remove please me from your book which you have written now we have to be careful because the book of revelation speaks about the lamb's book of life and we need to be very careful here because what does john do in the book of revelation he takes things known things from the hebrew scriptures and he takes them that which is known and understood and he alters them in a new way taking that context taking that truth and applying it to a new revelation so even though we can learn things from this book in our understanding of the lamb's book of life they're not one in the same book now my purpose is not to go into a discussion of the lamb's book of life but it's a different book and moses is saying something here moses is saying i am with this people i am just like a good captain goes down with a ship moses is saying something i am with this people for good or bad i am connected with them i'm their leader and whatever happens to them i'm taking responsibility so if they cannot find forgiveness if my leadership did not bring them to the fulfillment he says then i failed and therefore erase my name from your book but notice god's response verse 33 the lord said to moses see he doesn't agree with this he says who sins against me i will remove him from my book moses you just can't petition it's based upon sin what are we learning here there are spiritual laws and these laws cannot be changed so god says it's the one who sins against me that is removed out of this book now this gives us insight because who sins against god that they would be removed from this book all humanity and that's why there's another book and that is the book of life and it belongs to the lamb and it's only when we receive the lamb messiah yeshua jesus christ it's only when we receive him that we find ourselves inscribed in that book of life and here's the good news that that that name is there for eternity we see very clearly this book's different now i know what it says in the book of revelation we can turn there in some other time but realize that there is a wonderful promise from the lamb's book of life this is a different book and we see that the one who sins against god i will erase him what is this speaking about well atonement is good that's what moses says in verse 30. i will secure perhaps atonement but the lamb doesn't provide atonement the lamb of god messiah yeshua provides redemption verse 34. and now he says you lead the people to whom i've spoken to you so moses received revelation that there's going to be one that god spoke to moses about you lead the people to the one i spoke about behold my messenger now it's word malach sometimes that word can mean angel but it can mean messenger not an angel necessarily so my behold my messenger he will go before you now this is going to be important later on in the next chapter but we'll just set it aside now behold my messenger will go before you and in that day that i and we have a very important word it is the word it's translated many different ways if you go to an interlinear use the bible study company you go and you go to the interlinear you click on that word and you go to strong concordance you'll find several different uh definitions to visit to redeem to punish several others so what is this word before we finish up and we translate these last few verses we need to ask ourselves what is this word all about in this word for example in modern hebrew it is a word that we use for depositing money in a bank account it's used for other reasons as well and it's a central word for example a central command in the israeli government works with the military and such is also used as this word in a different form but same three root letter word and three-letter root letter three-letter root word that we're speaking about and it means to deposit something to place something in and hear done god is saying this is a powerful word he says i'm in this situation i'm among you and what is god going to deposit that which these circumstances the condition of the people require that's why sometimes it's visited the people he visits he's there he comes but sometimes it's to punish sometimes it's to redeem it all depends god does what is right based upon the situation that he finds when he visits them what is required based upon his spiritual laws he will do so it can be judge it can be punished it can be a flick or it can bless it can be reward all of these things and what god is saying and this word is tied to this messenger now we're going to see later on that this messenger is also linked to messiah many interpret this to be a reference to messiah and i would go along with that and we'll see why later on but he says behold my messenger he will go before you and in a day the day that i will visit surely visit upon you their sin god's going to do something in regard to that sin and what is that well notice how our chapter concludes and the lord and his word vigof the word nagif is a plague another word from the same root what we find here is that their sin god looked at them and we find that there's going to be a plague placed upon them and this plague is a form of judgment and notice what it says the lord struck them we could say with the plague who the people that had done had made this calf which aaron had made now this is shown here to imply the the joint responsibility the joint guilt of the people and of air that they are going to be visited with what god's punishment later day but it's going to come and this teaches us something important about the nature of sin sometimes that punishment comes immediately and sometimes it's delayed well we'll talk more about the significance of this one of this word and how to rightly understand it in this context and the one we'll learn later on so that we can rightly and properly perceive what god's up to how god's functions in order to bring about a godly change among his people but until then we'll stop may god bless you and shalom from eretz israel the land of israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of loveisreal.org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel.org there you will find articles and numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Id: 97Jhm95eN0c
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Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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