Exodus Chapter 29 Part 1

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel Arg now here's Peru with today's lesson well we know that we've been talking about worship for the last several weeks we've seen instructions in regard to the construction of the tabernacle the various materials that God demands that are used in its construction and also we've seen instructions concerning the priests and not just that they are to serve the Lord in a unique way and not that just they're from one tribe the tribe of Levites and from a specific household the household of Aaron Aaron and his sons but also we've seen that that the high priests that he has special garments and also the regular priests the sons of Aaron that the priests would also have an attire according to the instruction according to the commandments of God and tonight we're going to begin Exodus chapter 29 a new chapter we're gonna deal with the first half of this chapter and we're going to see Moses officiating and basically sanctifying the priests bringing about their inauguration for service unto God I hope you see that these two words are closely related word for service and the word for worship sometimes in Hebrew that word avodah which is simply translated work but it can mean service a specific type of work and that work which is related to worship as a word Abu Dharr can mean just that in a general sense worship and God has spent so many verses we have spent so many weeks simply talking about the preparation for Tabernacle worship and we see a fundamental principle now this is all happening when the children of Israel are still at Mount Sinai and we're going to see that that the issue has not concluded yet they're there and we think of the giving of the Ten Commandments and also the giving of in a broader sense the laws the commandments of God but all of this comes within the context of worship and it's going to be a God instructed worship that is going to allow the people to move from Mount Sinai and travel in that mid bar in that wilderness in order that they arrive at the proper location and we're going to see that it's because of what we talked about in our call to worship that they did not prepare their heart in order to seek the Lord that caused them to lack faith meaning that that worship did not impact them properly because their thoughts their preparation their actions their worship was not such that it brought about the desired change and I say desire change I'm talking about the change that God desired in them that they would see things from his perspective and be able to enter into the but because they did not they took that journey that 40-year journey in the wilderness and even though God used it had they been faithful had they worship him properly they would have been transformed in order that their journey into the land would have been much quicker they would have had efficiency in their life in regard to the purposes of God and that's something that we should understand I want to repeat myself and say that it is worship proper worship spirit lead worship worship that's rooted in the instruction of God that brings about a change in our life whereby our life becomes more efficient and instead of wandering instead of wasting time and enduring things that God did not want us to endure we will go through these things rather than having efficiency through worship to achieve the things of God and to be positioned in the will of God well take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Exodus chapter 29 as we deal with the first half of this chapter in the inauguration the sanctification of the priests for service look with me to verse 1 Exodus 29 and verse 1 vazaha devar and this is the thing or the word or the matter now the word devar is a very general term but it's speaking about in this case something specific and that is sanctifying the priests for work for their service in order that worship that the people might be able to worship God in the way that God instructed in the way that God demands for or the outcome the purposes that God wants fulfilled so we read here and this is the thing which you shall do to them and then are the priests and Moses is supposed to sanctify them in order that they be prepared to serve so in this passage throughout this entire chapter even though that we're going to look at the first half it's all about positioning the priests in a state whereby they will be able to serve God so this is the thing which you shall do to them to sanctify them lekha Han Lee now 2 hen comes from the Hebrew word Cohen which is priests but in this case and we've talked about it lekha Han is to serve to minister unto me and this under source and I think so much of worship today violates this biblical point and that is worship is unto Him it is unto the Lord that we might serve that we might minister unto Him and it's not because God lacks something because he's missing something it is for us to demonstrate faithfulness to him read on in the second part of verse 1 Moses in order to it nagas rate this this priesthood he is supposed to take one bull from the herd it says Ben bokar that is a son of the herd and also two Rams and then the last word in verse one is the word to me mean to me mean means that which is perfect now I realize that some Bibles will say without blemish but it doesn't say without blemish obviously they have to be without blemish but it says perfect and that word perfect has to do with a fulfillment of what we might say is the end and when I say in its the goal it's the purpose so one bull from the herd and also two Rams that are are perfect and what else he says in verse two let him matzah now many of you know the word mud so we're talking about matzah and that is in regard to that which is unleavened realize something and I believe I mentioned this a few times the temple area had bread but the bread there was on 11 and that unleavened bread was in a variety of different forms we're going to see here look again at verse 2 there's going to be left mud soaked unleavened bread but there's also going to be not just matzah in the normal way of thinking but also hallowed Mutz out here again if you come from a a Jewish background you're probably familiar with a special bread which is is partaking of on the Shabbat called column and this is the same word it's in the plural hollowed and this kala is not the bread that we get on Shabbat because this kala has to be with out any comments without any yeast or leavening agents so it's unleavened kala and it's mixed with oil and the third type of of matzah this unleavened bread the third form is a a type of wafer that's also unleavened and it is anointed some might say it's soaked in oil and this matzo whether we're talking about the lesson or the hollow or the wafers the Ricky came it is of wheat flour that you should make them making them are these three forms of unleavened bread the wafer the challah and the normal unleavened bread from wheat flour you shall make them verse three and you shall set them upon one basket now one of the things we're going to see here is that the number one appears frequently and the word one in Hebrew is the word Akkad and from the word Akkad we get the word dude which is unity and worship has that you have unifying purpose to it so many times the word one is repeated to emphasize unity again and you shall set them these three types of of unleavened bread the three forms of it usual set them upon one basket and you shall bring them cause them to come near meaning to God to that tent of meeting you shall bring them near in this basket there's one basket and also with that you should bring with them the bull and the two Rams verse four and Aaron and his sons you shall draw near bring near to the the door of the tent of meeting and look at the end of a verse verse four we had the phrase vay ricotta Oh Tom may mine now some would say and you shall wash them but this washing is not a scrubbing most commentators would would agree that they were already very clean this washing is not for cleansiness this washing is really more of an immersion and it simply goes along with other places this word is used for speaking about immersion in what's known as a Nick vein so immersing them in preparation for worship and this immersion has to do with a change of status where that which is common is set apart for a purpose and that's what Moses is doing he's sanctifying he's setting them apart for purpose to lead worship verse five and you should take the clothes these priestly garments and you shall dress Aaron with the tunic and with the robe of the ephod and with the ephod and the breastplate and you shall and what's interesting is that you are to gird him but this word for girding is the same word that the word f food comes from and this teaches us that the f owed a vest but it's more of a girdle remember I said that one of its purposes things were attached to it United with it was to hold everything in purpose and this F owed this vest it is of a a work that requires intelligence that's what it says at the end of verse 5 now verse 6 and you shall set mitts Neph it the the turban and this word how myths ethnicity has to do with the headdress that is specifically for the high priests so you shall set the myth sniff it upon his head and you shall place the holy Nezzer now Nezzer comes from a word which means to to be set apart we all know about the Nazarite vow that's mentioned in the book of of nun for example numbers chapter 6 now there we know that it's for a purpose and in that same way they are being set apart for purpose for serving but again once emphasize here is that Nezzer which we talked about last week and we use the word sits it's referring to the head plate that had written upon it holy unto the Lord Kadosh idli I do not so it's this piece that he's speaking about that is holy has a sanctifying purpose which is upon the mid sniff it upon the turban only the priests turban verse 7 and you shall take the oil this is the anointing oil and you shall pour it upon his head and you shall know him and his sons you shall draw near and you shall place upon then you shall dress them with the tunic and look at verse 9 and you shall gird them with the sash Aaron and his sons and you shall place upon them this is specifically to Aaron sons the regular priests because we're dealing with their head covering and their head dress is not a myth sniffing but it's a big boat which is something different it's more of a cap or a hat not a turban now something I want to point out is if you go back to the end of verse 5 I said that you shall gird Aaron and that word for girding remember has to do with that vest to hold things in place but when we deal with the priestly garments not the high priests garments but the priestly garments they don't have an F foot they have a tunic more of a cloaked and we read here that you are supposed to gird but it's a different word you gird them with the sash this sash is kind of a a belt that is tied so you you gird them do you belt them with the sash Aaron and his sons and then it says you place you you put the caps upon them that is the priests and they shall be for me for a priesthood kuna and this is for servants for those who are called to be priests and this is a coca-cola and eternal is how usually it's it's translated but as feared with you many times this has to do with a a kingly or excuse me a kingdom implication and then he says look at the end of verse nine whom a late yacht our own via beneath this is that you fill the hand and we talked about this last week that you grant them authority you you put them in their place you cause them to fulfill their they're calling their role and this also has a and we'll see it at the end of our study tonight in verse 22 that that you caused them to have this authority to fill their role and this has to do with inaugurating them as priests setting them in order setting things in fullness for this service of God now verse 10 and you shall offer up the bull before the tent of the meeting and how do you do that well this word offer can also mean caused to come near so bring near the bull before the tent of the meeting and Aaron he places his hand and not just him but also his sons they placed their hands upon the head of the bull and now look at verse 11 this has to do with the offering the sacrificing of this bull but many Bibles I saw simply says and and he shall kill it's not the world word kill it's the word for for slaughter and is very important because killing has one connotation to it to end life but this word Satan has a different purpose it's a ritualistic slaughter it's that which must be done that causes no pain to the animal in order that the blood be be received so look at what it says in verse 11 and you shall slaughter in a ritualistic meaning in certain terms in a spur SycE methodology you shall slaughter the bull before the Lord at the door of the tent of the meeting verse 12 and you shall take from the blood of the bull and you shall set it upon and all of this is this inauguration this sanctifying preparing preparing the tabernacle and the priesthood for worship we're verse 12 you shall take from the blood of the bull and you shall set it upon the horns of the altar with your finger and this would be to place to make contact with that horns the horns of the altar with your fingers stained with blood upon the horns of the altar with your finger and all the blood you shall shall pour out at the foundation of the the altar so with your finger you place it upon the horns of the altar those four horns that we talked about several weeks ago and the blood all the blood that remains what do you do he says here very carefully with the blood that remains all the blood - spoke that you shall pour out not throwing it not sprinkling it but you shall pour it out upon the foundation of the altar verse 23 and you shall take all of the flat now the fat here is a word colette and it's the fat that covered the inter organs of this bull and also the appendix of its liver this is the additional organs that it's attached to deliver and also the two kidneys and also the fat which is upon them these different organs and you shall burn them at the altar now the word here for burning is the same word for offering and incense now it's significant because it's not just burning them but it's for the smoke to rise up unto the Lord that's why the word hick TARTA is used here verse 14 and the flesh of the bull and the skin or the hide of it and also it's wastes so the bull you are to take after you receive its blood you take its flesh its skin its hide and its waste and you shall burn with fire outside the camp and this burden of the flesh and it's waste all of this is a hut taught who which mean it is for a sin offering now this should stand out because what that does and nearly all the commentators emphasizes that it's this burning up of the bull outside and this is important outside the camp that provided a sin atonement and what comes into my mind is what we read in the book of Hebrews where Messiah suffered outside the king and that we go outside the camp to be with him to unite with him it's a testimony and it foreshadows the rejection of those who belong to Messiah so it's very important that this is done all within the context of a sin-offering verse 15 now we deal with the RAM and the ran that one Ram now remember were spoken of earlier of the two Rams that were perfect now we take look at verse 15 we take one of them that word Akkad appears again we take one ram and once more Aaron and his sons placed their hands upon the head of the RAM now there's a change not in vocabulary but in grammar when we dealt with the bull even though it says Aaron and his sons place their hands upon the head the word for placing meaning setting the hands was singular but now we see it's plural so they set their hands upon the head of the RAM and look at verse 16 the same word that we saw in verse 11 for this ritualistic slaughter and I used the word ritualistic meaning it does kill that bull and it kills this this Ram but the purpose is not death the purpose is blood and we're told later on in the Book of Leviticus that life is in that blood we're just told about a sin offering and the purpose is that this sin offering would me eight life to those who are spiritually dead so one gives it life in order that we might have life look again at verse 16 and the term ritualistic means part of the tabernacle service or the temple service later on that they were done all of this was done with specific instructions that's what ritualistic meaning for a purpose based upon instructions at a specific location so you shall slaughter the RAM and you shall take its blood and we have a different word this is a word for Liz rope which is to throw now I mentioned a few weeks ago and we'll see this later on there are a few different words for dealing with the blood one is a word for placing the blood we saw that placing with your finger the blood upon the horn of the altar literally the four horns of the altar we see and we will see the term for sprinkling the blood later on towards the end of our study but this is the word this broke and it means to furrow it's a very lavish term in the sense of casting something it's not specific it's a very broad word so look at what he says here middle of verse 16 and you shall throw meaning the blood upon the altar around meaning all around and the RAM you shall shall set four pieces now this is the word that we get a surgeon from a different form surgery or a surgeon so it's a word for cutting but in a very specific manner and when you cut you have pieces so you cut four it's pieces and you wash its inner portions and it's legs and you set its pieces with its head and all of this is put together it's surgically cut up but then it's put together and to do what with look at verse 18 once more take part to that you burn but it's word for burning like an incense and the emphasis is it's not the incense offering we'll talk about that in a week or so to come but it has to do with the smoke rising up not an incense smoke from base Amin these spices but rather from the flesh but still the smoke goes up and there's what it says and you shall burn up all the ram upon the altar and it isn't Ola a burnt offering that's what the word Allah means everything is consumed and it is unto the Lord Rath Nicole which means a pleasing fragrance now some of the commentators say that it's not the fragrance but rather the word here for fragrance is related to the word its word wrath which is related to the word Ruach which is spirit which is probably related to the the smoke going up and it's this offering the smoke offering that is pleasing that is is acceptable unto the Lord it's also a che Latin I who now it's very important that we pay attention and we know Hebrew well because it's the word Ishay and I've heard people read from the Torah mainly in America that may not be as as acquainted with Hebrew as Israelis and this word is shake and it's written the same word way as a word woman so we need to be clear that we don't say the word ishshah' but he shade because this is a fire offering and it's from the word ash ash is a word fire so it's a fire offering unto the Lord it is and that last phrase who meaning it is it makes it emphatically it emphasizes this verse 19 all of this is preparation remember how we begin our worship tonight he did evil because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord all of this is necessary preparation for what Moses is doing all of this is about sanctifying the priests but this is preparation for their sanctification look now to verse 19 and you shall take the aisle how shiny the second Ram and once again we go back to the earlier verb which is Singler and Moses has set his hands also his sons their hands upon the head of the RAM and once more here's the third time and you shall slaughter this word specifically according to instructions it's not just killing for the sake of killing there's a purpose for it it's part of a a precise ritual at the tabernacle and then we have something similar in the temple so that you richly slaughter this this ram and you take from its blood and you shall set it upon now notice this ram has a different purpose you take from its blood and you put it upon the earlobe of Aaron and upon the air lobe of the sons his sons and notice it says the right earlobe so this blood of the second RAM it's slaughtered in the exact way but the blood is dealt with differently it's not for sanctifying the altar or any other reason it is for sanctifying the priests Aaron and his sons and I want to read this section because three things we're told about this blood you place it upon the right earlobe and then we're told upon the thumb of their hand and what thumb the right thumb and also upon the toe and this is the big toe of the right foot their right foot and he says notice once more they are octa and and this would probably be the remaining blood it says upon the altar all around you throw the blood the blood that was not placed upon the earlobe or upon the thumb or upon the big toe of their right foot the remaining blood you cast you throw and this is just that you throw it in a very lavish way upon the altar savy all around verse 21 and you shall take from the blood which is upon the altar so important I highlighted that we take the blood that specifically was thrown upon the altar altar a place of sacrifice and we're going to see that this has a sanctifying influence unless you experience this sacrifice from the altar you cannot be set apart for the purpose of God you can't serve Him this is a message to the priests and it's also a message for us if we don't have the blood of our great High Priest Messiah we're not set apart to serve Him verse verse 21 and you shall take from the blood which is upon the altar and from the oil the anointing oil and here we have a different word we had the word veja zeta this word is word for sprinkling the first word Liz rope is for casting throwing it in a very broad sense but this is sprinkling it in a much more precise manner so you shown it's all speaking to Moses he's doing everything you shall sprinkle it upon Aaron and upon his garments and upon his sons and upon the garments of his son sons that are with him so they are all being sanctified at the same time with this blood and also with this anointing oil his sons and him together with him look at the end of verse 21 and sanctify him and his garments and his sons and the garments of his sons and this is second time it says with him now this phrase Itoh is emphatic with him because they served together they have a common purpose and it all relates to worship so they're being sanctified to worship God in behalf and in collaboration with the children of Israel now look at verse 22 our last verse tonight and you shall take from the fat of the RAM and the tail and this is the fatty portion of the tale the word here is a word aulia and this is a word that every time I've come across it in a synagogue when I hear the reading of the Torah I always wanted what what it is it literally mean it's not a word that we use too much today and it speaks about the fatty portion of a tail of this this Ram and we also see that we take its fat which covered the inner organs and also the appendix of the liver and the two kidneys and also the fat which were upon all of these organs and also notice the right lake this is a word choke there's some some conversations about what portion many would say the the thigh that upper portion of the lake we'll come back to this at a different time but let's just translate it very broadly on the right leg you take the right leg and all of this and the word right is being emphasized this is the fourth time and it says for the RAM and then we have mid Lu M who now me Louie is a word for fullness there's a debate between Rashi and the vast majority of other commentators we had this word this is not the first time we've encountered it it's the second or third and it has to do with inaugurating a service putting the priests into action but Rashi he says here he wants to emphasize the the base meaning of this word Malay bellowing but it comes from the word Malay which is fullness and he's saying that all of this what we're talking about if we go back up to verse 22 you should take from this ran the fatty portion and also the fatty portion of the tail and its inner organs and also the appendix of its liver and its kidneys and fat witches are pawned these organs and also it's right foot he sees this as a peace offering now peace is in the sense of completion and instead of using the normal word for peace Shalom he uses word Malay which simply teaches us that peace is about fulfilling the will of God so all of this is being done to fulfill this inauguration of the priests now I want us to realize something and this is a a preview for next week we need to remember when we go back to the first part of chapter 29 not only are you talked spoken of Moses is told to take one bull from the herd and two Rams but remember I emphasized these these unleavened bread whether they be unleavened bread as in matzah or unleavened bread as in collet which is without eise a special type of kala that was used in the temple and the tabernacle or whether these wafers we haven't dealt with that yet so the service is not completed we're going to complete it next week when we begin in verse 23 but let me conclude with these words and that is how specific the instructions were for Moses to do to put things in order that they might be prepared for worship we haven't completed it we've seen week after week specific instructions concerning the tabernacle the priestly garments how to construct them how to place them upon the police how to put them in the proper place their measurements all of these things very specific in order that worship would be done right and that means based upon the will of God the desire of God the instructions of so that it mediates a new life and the outcome is not death well again I'll close with that until next week may God bless each of us and may you experience the fullness of the will of God in your life because you obey fully the Word of God until next week Shalom from history well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,161
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Id: NSZhA3_l0Tw
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Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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