Exodus Chapter 2 Part 2

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via afta Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson are you living in a way that is causing God to take notice looking at your behavior looking at your speech looking at your life and God responds this is someone that I want to use this is someone who displays my character because when we look at Moshe Rabbeinu that is Moses he was someone that behaved in a way that caused God to choose him now I realize for for some of our friends that statement seems to be backwards no they would say the choosing comes first and then there will be a change in behavior now that is not altogether incorrect but realize something when we look at the scripture we see yes we saw that God did indeed have a purpose with most shame that he brought him into a family gave him leadership in the sense that there was good leadership in his life through his mother especially and we see that God was at work but never less when we look at this scripture that we're going to study this evening we see that Moses is behavior well it was something that God saw and brought about Moses call in his life so look with me to where we left off last week the book of Exodus chapter 2 and we're going to begin in verse 11 the book of Exodus chapter 2 and we're going to begin in verse 11 and this scripture it's important for a variety of reasons one of which it has certain things contained in it that illustrate some good methodology for rightly interpreting the scripture and there's wisdom here that we can take hold of that we ought to implement into our life so God will use us for greater and greater assignments we read in verse verse 11 and it came about in those days that Moses grew now that word for grow can also becomes large becomes great and it's not simply when we look at the context it is not simply about Moses getting older or getting bigger but rather it's about him growing in stature behaving in a way that causes him to have a reputation for him to be known so once more it came about in those days what days well we're gonna find out what days this passage is referring to that Moses he became great he grew and notice what it says and he went out to his brothers now these are not his physical brothers meaning siblings but rather and the Word of God is going to confirm this in a moment this is his fellow Hebrews remember he was brought into the household of Pharaoh he was raised then to be an Egyptian but his mother as we emphasize she had still an influence in his life and he never lost track of the fact that he was a Hebrew and now he's going forth and we're going to see what caused him to be great in stature what caused him to be selected by God to be called and we find that he went out to his brethren and he saw their sufferings their civil in Hebrew and it means to suffer it can be translated as an affliction their pain so he saw their suffering and he also saw an Egyptian man and here's an example of that civil it says and he saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man from his brother's now here again if you look we find in verse 11 in the middle and now at the end of verse 11 that same phrase 1/2 and now we understand it's speaking about one of his Hebrew relatives meaning from that same people group not necessarily a family but simply a a person of of descent from Jacob and notice what he does he sees this he's aware of it and verse 12 and he turns thus and thus means simply that he looked this way and he looked that way to see if anyone would would witness what he was about to do he saw this Egyptian beating we could say today a fellow Jew and therefore when he looked and saw apparently there was no one there it says vrk and ich and he looked that there was no man what did he do he struck the Egyptian and this word oftentimes has to do with a blow a hitting and this is certainly supported in the context that brings about death now by the way if we look at this verse properly they end of verse 11 and the beginning of verse 12 it speaks here McKay Vai yah now it sounds different with our ears but it's the same word and this gives us insight what Moses did was not seen simply a Hebrew punishing someone smacking around somewhat a fellow Hebrew but the same word is used and this teaches the reader and there's no other interpretation that Moses acted in order to save a life this was not simply a disagreement that got the physical somewhat but rather this Egyptian was smacking this Hebrew in the same way that Moses smacked him and the Egyptian died so once again Moses is saving life this is what the Hebrew text is revealing to the reader in the verse 12 what did he do yet may may who behold and he he hit him or covered him up in the sand so Moses he did not want this body this corpse to be found he didn't want it to be investigated he would rather simply for people to believe that this Egyptian disappeared and they might wait several days before looking for him or even making it an issue so he buried that's the nation he buried but literally he hit him in the same verse 13 and he went out on the second day and behold now this second occurrence tells us the heart of Moses that he is not a murder this is not what motivates him but he wants justice for the Hebrew people he is someone that cares deeply about their condition and therefore it says look again at verse 13 and he went out on the second day and behold two Hebrew men it seem that is quarreling they are arguing and once more this word can imply a struggle a physical and a violent struggle and notice that that Moses does something he we saw this earlier on he is willing to get involved to interject himself in a situation that's that at that time is between two individuals maybe it's not his business his place well Moses would think differently see Moses is very different than Cain who who wrongly said am I my brother's keeper I don't have any responsibility to get involved I'm not over him wait a second we are called to love our neighbor as herself we are called to to display the character of our Savior and do you think Messiah would get involved see what we're talking about tonight is having a a character that causes an individual to interject himself for justice for righteousness and Moses displays this and this is foundational in God using Moses so he sees these two Hebrews quarreling and he said to la Russia he said to the wicked one so he was able to discern right and wrong now here again this is something that's important one of the things that we have to be able to do is to judge rightly now be careful because one of the favorite verses of the non-believer the critic of the word of God is is don't judge we hear that so many times don't judge you're not my judge well biblically we have a problem because this word in the New Testament has more to do it's a word Cree no and it has more to do with condemning judging is evaluation we are always called to evaluate in a action a situation to discern what is right and what is wrong and this is what Moses is doing he's saying here two these two individuals he speaks first to the wicked one the one that's wrong and he says why and this tool shows us this third time of this word appearing why do you strike your neighbor it's the same word ray uh which is via hata Loretta come oka love your neighbor as yourself he's saying why are you striking and here again this implies significant violence violence that can lead to to death so he says why are you striking your neighbor verse 14 and he said this would be this wicked one he said who put you a man who's what man has made you official and official and a judge over us now that is a way of saying why why are you getting involved in this what does this have to do with you you just stay out of it you have no authority in this manner yes we do this is a wrong statement that this wicked one saying we are called to be the light of the world we're called to be the salt of the earth we're called read carefully the prophecy of Sahara Zechariah it says several times throughout those chapters execute justice do we take that seriously when there is injustice do we get involved see a person that has a heart that's pleasing to God when they hear about injustice their their nature their new nature in Messiah is to want to get involved so this man he has it wrong he says what man has made you an official meaning having authority and a judge over us and then there's what he says he asks a question again he says will you are you intending to kill me just as you've killed the Egyptian now Moses thought no one knew about this but yes this information now was becoming public perhaps the one that Moses delivered he told other people perhaps Moses although he looked this way and that way didn't see anyone maybe someone still saw what he had done and now this this fellow Hebrew he says you about to kill me just like you killed the Egyptian and if that information was indeed public and made it way back to the Egyptian officials well that could mean that Moses would have been put to death for defending a Hebrew well that would have been inexcusable among the Egyptians so notice what it says here and Moses feared and he says surely or indeed the Hebrew word a hen surely this thing is known verse 15 now in verse 15 there's a kind of change we find that Moses isn't speaking but it's more of a narrative we have kind of a Holy Spirit commentary about what's going on in Moses's thought process verse 15 Pharaoh will hear this thing and he will seek to kill Moses and Moses fled from before Pharaoh and he dwelt in the land of Midian and he set upon the well now a couple things that we need to see Moses immediately left he fled the situation and there's a couple different explanations for this but but one that speaks to me prayerfully is that Moses was concerned not only for his own life but that because he was a Hebrew that this would also bring about greater punishment upon the Hebrews and he was thinking to himself I am NOT a a force for blessing the Hebrews but if I hang around here I might be the cause for greater suffering so Moses did something he left he as the scripture says he fled and he went and dwelt in the land of Midian or Midian and notice something that's so important look at the end of verse 15 we read here and he set upon thee well now this is a water well and what it has to do with is marriage so often in the scripture when the Bible takes us when it speaks of when someone comes to a well realize it's foreshadowing marriage we see that for example and Jeremiah excuse me the book of John and chapter 4 the woman at the well what happens they speak about marriage we see that with Eliezer when he goes he comes to a well and there he meets rifki who would be come the wife of Isaac the one that Eliezer ascent to find a wife for several places in the scripture when a well is mentioned we find a marriage soon to come and this is the same thing here verse 16 now verse 16 the scriptures going to show us how Moses has a character that gets involved that is concerned about right that acts against injustice look at verse 16 and to the priest of Midian were seven daughters and they came and they were wanting to draw water now the word here is a word did Lena it's in the feminine plural so it's these seven daughters and the word here well the Hebrew word for a bucket is Glee and this is the verb that that the word Glee bucket to rise from what do you do with the bucket you draw up water and that's what these seven young women they were doing they came to draw water and to fill up the troughs that is they brought they were shepherds and they brought their flock to this well for the purpose of watering them giving them drink but notice what it says end of verse sixteen to give drink to the flock of their father and verse 17 and the Shepherd's came and these would be men shepherds and they acted in an unkind way now normally a well had to do with a public property oftentimes a village a city would have a main source of water that was shared by everyone so it was no problem that these seven daughters came to do this but these Shepherds they acted inappropriately says and the Shepherd's they came and they cast them away verse 17 second half very important the next word is and it's a conjunction Moses he's witnessing things and notice this is what we've seen saw earlier in the text we see the x-rays of Aiyar which means any soul Moses see things and it causes him to go into action that's something we need to ask ourselves when you see something that is unfair in just do you do something does it cause you to rise up and get involved now there's a couple different ways that that the Hebrew Bible could speak it could say vaya mode and he stood up but it uses a word the word kun Raisa and this is significant because so many places in the scripture when this word appears it has to do with being rise up or raised up for the purpose of a call and it kind of foreshadows when you look and become familiar with the Hebrew language the biblical hebrew language the language of the Tanami it can give you insight that that that helps you understand what's going to happen so moses verse 17 part 2 and moses rose up and he saved them and he gave drink to their flock so he got involved and he brought things to their completion they just didn't do part of it he was thorough and this is significant verse 18 and they came these seven daughters that's the context they came to ruel now we might know him better as yet row or Jethro the priest of Midian but realize something he has several names and one of his name's is Ruel and this is significant because when we look at it it's the same word for neighbor and the phrase God so we have this idea of a neighbor of God and that's how we should think of everyone as God's neighbor and therefore we should act in that way we should want God's neighbors to have justice what we do to God's neighbors are going to be like what we do to him so rural this name has significance it is their father and he said to them Vollmer madula my heart that is he said why have you hurried and come today meaning why have you acted so hastily with such urgency he said you should have invited you should have said to the Egyptian man that that saved us immediately from that from the hand of the shepherds and also that drew water for for us and gave drink to the flux he says you should have brought him here today that's what you should have done not heard Lee depart and he said to his daughters where is he so they come they heard Lee leave this one and well as they're telling him this he wants to know where is this man why did you heard Lee leave him why did you not bring this one who acted in this way I mean this is a man that I'd like to know is what he's saying verse 19 and they said an Egyptian man saved us from the hand of these Shepherds and also drew for us and gave drink to our flock and he said verse 22 his daughters where is he why have you left this man call him that he will eat bread meaning that he will eat with us dine with us and we had the phrase aware that is a term that that Moses he agreed to it or this was pleasing to him so both of these things can be said we're in verse 21 and it was pleasing to him he agreed with it Moses and it says here to set with the man that is to set with well and they gave and he gave this man gave to him sapore his daughter to Moses now we see how quick things have happened Moses comes to this home and lo and behold what happens just like we should have anticipated a well-meaning a marriage so si pora the daughter of Jethro or rural in this passage he is given to Moses now this is important for a variety of reasons first of all we know going back to the book of Genesis the scripture says it is not good for man to be alone how do we understand that a man will not be as effectual serving God doing the purposes of God alone so God supplied supernatural supernatural II a spouse and this is what he's doing for Moses Moses has received a wife and we're going to learn very quickly that this wife is indeed a helpmate to Moses she is going to to complete what is lacking in his life both spiritually and physically she is going to be a positive influence on him for the purposes of God once again look at the text verse 21 and Moses agreed it was pleasing to him to set with him that is this man and he gave see poor his daughter to Moses and she bore a son and called his name that his Moses called his name gear shone gear shone means to dwell there now this was Moses intent that he was going to dwell in Midian but here's the biblical truth God looked upon Moses he saw a character trait how Moses would get involved for the purpose of executing justice to defending the weaker that he would risk himself notice there were shepherds but Moses he didn't fear he didn't back down he didn't say well there's more of them than me why if we're on God's side what difference does it make who's on the other side Moses acted in faith he acted in obedience to the purposes of God and therefore Moses sensitive to the will of God but realize something it says here based upon the name of his first son dear shown that he intended just to dwell in mid young verse 22 second part 4 he said I am a sojourner in a foreign land now two things some would say that this word guerre has to do with temporary dwelling and that may be be the case the term toch of usually refers to something more permanent but the word gare can also mean someone who is a stranger in a foreign land now this word no Korea is very important because it's usually the word when we think of the phrase Gentile usually the Hebrew word boy comes into mind but biblically that we're going to mean a people or an individual sometimes Jewish sometimes not sometimes refers to one that has no covenant elationship with God but the word no Cree it always refers to one that is a foreigner from the people of God someone that is outside the Covenant of God and it's very significant when we read in this text because realize one of the most important terms and concepts words in the Bible is a word land and this is what we see here we don't see the word Adama ground but the word here Eretz Nuria a foreign land and usually this word noon huh fish it has to do with that which is not connected to the will of God not related to the purposes of God and here's the problem Moses has in that area that is outside of where God wants him to be why he's a Hebrew and what we can anticipate is that God is going to halt Moses away from where he is to his purposes and oftentimes and here's an important truth where I am today is not where God wants me to be ultimately and many times in order for me to get to where God wants me to be I have to take a journey meaning this it is not always a straight line it is not just a direct journey just like sometimes we get on a plane and we have to go to sometimes several other locations in order to finally get to where we want to be and this is what Moses is going to have to do if he's going to get to the land that God wants him to be in he first is going to have to go down to Egypt Egypt and that experience in Egypt is a necessary one and what's the purpose of going down to Egypt Redemption and this is so important II it's not for the purpose of destruction it's not for the purpose of God's anger but rather because of the spiritual condition of the people of God they were placed in exile so that they could experience Redemption they wouldn't respond to the voice of God they weren't interested in the Covenant of God they weren't understanding the concept of faith and so they had to go into Egypt that is exile so God could cause them to have a redemptive experience and be in the spiritual position where they would be open for the redemptive work of God see here's the problem many times people are in a position both physically and also spiritually their mindset how they discern the things that God's up to well they can't so God puts them into a differed situation a different position a different place in their life so that they can begin to think as God wants them to think that they can respond or cry out for God in their life and that's what's going to happen to the people of God under Moses leadership look now to verse 23 and it came about in those days many days that what happened that the king of Egypt died and the children of Israel they sighed they groaned would be better a might be a better word and the children of Israel groan from the work that is that work that was enslaved that they were enslaved to do and what did they do vie is aku they cried out now they cried out not in in desire for God not in a desire for for a spiritual change in their life they cried out because of their suffering it was simply a natural not a spiritual but a natural response to the work that they were were were having afflicted upon them and we find never less their cry went up to God from their work their situation as bad as it was God took notice of it why now this is an important thing they the language here very clear they were not reaching out to God but God because of the suffering of his people he reached out to them very important place God began the initiative God took note of them long before they took note of God realized something and that is the redemptive work of God the the work of salvation it always begins with God God is going to use that hard labor that affliction those things that are going on you see the cause of it no is he allowing it yes we'll use it absolutely for his will and God is beginning courting his people but we're going to see a very important truth in regard to how there is a responsibility odd people to act in light of what God has already begun look again it says and their cry went up to God literally high Elohim the one god verse 24 and God heard their groanings and those would need a very important that I would put a circle around the next one two three four hebrew words which means via score elohim IDI burrito which means and god remembered his covenant now the reason why i say put a circle around this phrase is because it's foundational this is a a proof text that gives us insight concerning the word to remember liz core this word to remember always has a covenant 'el context when God remembers an individual it's because of a covenant 'el connection this is what caused God to begin to move in their situation not because they deserved it not because they were spiritually minded not because they said god help us so that we can obey you know the only thing that they had going in their life was that they were part of a covenant relationship with God were they faithful that covenant no they were not were they mindful that covenant no they were not but God was and he is forever never underestimate the power of a covenant with God when you're in a covenant with God even when we are faithless he is eternally faithful the wisest thing that you can have is a biblically established covenant a new covenant with God through Messiah sure so it says here and God remembered his covenant the covenant with Abraham and yet skok and jackals now the patriarchs are mentioned realize this when there's ever in the scripture a reference to the concept fathers and the term fathers is speaking about the patriarchs Avraham Yitzhak and Yakov what should come into our mind faith and promise here God is remembering his promises and he's going to be faithful God is going to move to bring about a change so that his covenant Allah promises can be received by his people even though at this time they're not interested in that they're not thinking about that that is not what what is at the forefront of the Hebrews but it is in the forefront of the mind of God verse 25 and God saw the children of Israel of AIDA Elohim and God knew now many Bibles in fact if you go and you just put in Exodus 2:25 into your search engine and you come to example to Bible hub Bible hub will always give you a variety of translations you will find that that so many English translations they take such liberties with the text I want you to to see what it literally says verse 25 by Y our Elohim at B'nai Israel of AIDA Elohim let's translate it literally now my advice to you after this live stream and a few hours it will be available on on YouTube and Facebook a few hours later than that it will be on a variety of our Internet platforms and my encouragement to you is to watch the the video once more not all of it but just this last part and do so with your your phone or with your tablet or whatever device did you use go to Bible hub and put in exodus 225 and you're gonna be amazed they'll give you approximately 25 different versions of the Bible and your to see how many of them take such liberties write this down this is what it literally says via our Elohim and saw God now in Hebrew the verb normally comes before the noun but in English we would say and God saw what did he see at B'nai Israel at we don't translate that it just points out the the direct object and what's the direct object what God was looking at what he saw and that is B'nai Israel the sons of Israel or the children of Israel now for the most part there's no problem with how most of the translations understand that it's the next phrase just two words of AI e da Elohim ba is and and the use of this this letter changes the imperfect to perfect which is in Hebrew the future to the past so it means and the subject is God God knew so all it says here is God saw the children of Israel and God knew God knew everything God knew what he was going to do this word Vai EDA is a term of intimacy God looked upon the children of Israel and he knew them and he loved them see this is the same word in the book of Genesis when it says and Adam knew his wife it's a term of of great intimacy and it foreshadows a covenant what covenant well we're gonna be talking about the law of Moses and also the relationship between Redemption and the law of Moses as we continue in the weeks to come we're gonna see that so much of what's revealed in the book of Exodus by the way we can call that book of Exodus the book of redemption because it outlines for us redemptive truth but we have to be careful I mean does that mean everything that happened and the exodus from Egypt it's going to be repeated exactly in the last days it does not but we see paradigms we see principles that will be repeated they were repeated in the redemptive work of Messiah on the cross he died on Passover we see his resurrection on what's called were sheet we see the context the festival of unleavened bread all these things give us a better understanding a more accurate perspective for understanding done and in the weeks to come we're gonna learn spiritual truth from the book of Exodus that has redemptive ramifications to show us the character of God how he responds what he does and what should be our response to his faithfulness now the book of Exodus such an important book in growing a people bringing them through various experiences so that they can be faithful representatives of God so let me ask you a question before we close are you faithfully representing God that's what being a witness a disciple is all about are you living in a way that God looks at you and he's pleased that he looks at you and says I want to use this person more and more or are you frustrating discouraging causing God to look at you and be grieved because you're uninterested and things of God take consolation the children of Israel in Egypt they work where God wanted them to be they were far away but God knew them God knows you God had a plan for them God has a plan for you God brought change into them God will bring bring change into you the question is do you desire that change do you want to be used by God do you want to know his perspective so that you can accomplishes accomplish his purpose that's what true faith is all about well until next week may God bless you and Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 2,982
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Keywords: Book of Exodus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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