Genesis Chapter 21 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Baruch with today's lesson would you like to know a principle that is going to save you a lot of frustration hurt sorrow that would give your life purpose that will lead you in the proper direction rather than living aimlessly in this age it's very simple agree with God and do not scoff at the things of God but value them see them as precious see them as instruments that are blessing people because that's what God's up to when he reveals something when he's at work all these things is so that he can bless people don't scoff at what God's up to that could bring blessing into your life given your life purpose giving you Direction helping you walk in the proper ways rather than in the ways of sorrow that leads to death and emptiness well to get your Bible and look with me to the book of Genesis and chapter 21 now what we see here is an account of God's faithfulness and God is faithful to his word this is going to be driven hard in this passage so that we need to receive it and not just receive it up here but receive it in behavior to make decisions realizing what God says he's going to do therefore I might as well agree with him so that I can reap the faithfulness of God that are a blessing rather than experience see even when we're faithless God is faithful and when we are faithless and God is faithful you know what's happened we're going experience God's faithfulness in judgment he's faithful to judge the unbelieving because unbelieving leads to disobedience disobedience leads you into sin and sin breaks all this sorrow this frustration this grief this loss and you know what else sin ends in death and eternal death and when we look prophetically there is a relationship between sin death and eternal contempt we don't want to experience God's eternal contempt we want to be people that proclaim through our words and our deeds life and God's rejoicing live in a way that brings about God's praises not God's displeasure so look as I said to the book of Genesis and chapter 21 what we see here is a fulfillment remember God spoke to this family I'm speaking about Avraham and Sarah and he promised them that they were going to have a child a son was going to be born to this old woman this old man because God has said he's going to do it look if you would to verse 1 Genesis 21 and verse 1 and the Lord visited Sara just as he said now two things here in this chapter we're going to see that more often than not when when the Lord is referred to it is with the term Elohim God but when this chapter opens up we find the phrase the Lord and this speaks about the transcendent God the God who is not bound by anything that is not limited to anything God who is all powerful all knowing and he does beyond what we can imagine I mean no one thought that Sara and we'll see this in a few minutes that Sara was going to have a son but God said it and now we're going to see the outcome of his promise now another important word here is the second word in the text where it says picaud picaud well in modern hebrew this means to make a deposit to deposit something somewhere and it speaks here about God's activity God's moving that's why in this context it speaks about God visiting but it simply means God is moving to bring about the outcome of his word and that's what we should want we should want a good word which means a word that is an agreement with the will of God so the Lord visited Sara just as he said and notice it says just as he said and the Lord did now we're back to the Lord the Lord did to Sara just as he spoke so this is redundant and redundancy is for the purpose more often than not in the scripture of emphasis and God uses two words amar and D bear he said and he spoke and it's simply to emphasize the word of God that God is true to his word so let me ask you something do you really believe that that what God has said and the best place to hear God is right here from his word do you believe the promises of this book is true that what God says he's going to carry it out and when is he going to carry it out that's where we're going move on to verse 2 God promised that she would give birth and he has began that promise because it says here Sara conceived that was the first step she conceived and she bore to Avraham a son now there's going to be a strong connection in this passage between the word son and yet Scott we're only going to see one time that the term son is used in regard to you smell when he's alluded to but over and over we see that son goes with Yitzchak this child who is going to be born once more look at the text Sarah conceived and she bore to Avraham a son to his old age now the word here for old age is a word as I ken is that Ken means an elder and not just in the scripture someone who has many years but someone who has much experience and what that experience comes wisdom and here's how many of the rabbinical commentators see this they see Avraham maturing and it was only when he had matured that he was able to receive this promise and that's an important principle for us see God God wants us to have much more than we currently possess when I say much more I mean that in the broadest sense just don't think materialistically but all things God wants us to have abundance we're gonna see in this passage of Scripture that there is a a preference for hinting towards the kingdom what we're learning in chapter 21 are principles that have relationships to the kingdom of God things that hint that point allude to Kingdom things and we can only receive the kingdom promises when we are matured when we have wisdom when we have allowed the experience of walking with God to mature us so that we can't anticipate the things of God why should we anticipate the things of God well in this context so we can move and be position where God wants us to be Avraham it was born to him by Sarah a son in his old age and those what the scripture says la moet now remember I said that there were hints and references to the kingdom and the scripture says that this son was born to him when he was mature in his maturity in his old age when la mou ii d now many of you know this word mouid it speaks about an appointed time one of God's appointed times and these appointed times I believe I mentioned this in an earlier message this week when I talked about the fact that these appointed times Paul says and I give you the reference the Apostle Paul says in Colossians chapter 2 look at verses 16 and 17 he says that the festivals of Israel among other things but let's just focus in on this context the moa deem these appointed times these festivals and they're the Lord's festivals they are shadows of things which are to come and what is he referring to when he says in Colossians two things which are to come he's speaking about the kingdom Kingdom things so here's the biblical truth the more you learn about God's appointed festivals what he says in Leviticus chapter 3 mode i mode i are my festivals the more we learn about these festivals such as Passover on leaven bread the festival called receipt the first fruits also Shavuot Pentecost also yom teruah the Feast of Trumpets Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement and also Sukkot the Feast of Tabernacles and also show many at Sarat the eighth day assembly what we learn about these festivals that all too often most believers that don't come from a Jewish background and many who do that have left that that tradition they think well that's of the past no Paul says in the New Covenant that these things point to the future they have Kingdom implications so the more that you learn about the moa deemed of festivals the more you're going to understand about the kingdom and not just the kingdom but also about the king because it says the shadow of these things our Messiah that is Messiah is the substance that casts this shadow so the more you learn about the festivals the more you'll understand kingdom truth the more you'll understand about the king himself it says at the appointed time which God had spoken to him so over and over II seen three to four references in these first two verses just as God had said just as God has spoken just as God had declared at that time in that way in that manner God is demonstrating faithfulness look to verse 3 and Avraham he called the name of his son here's another reference to Yitzhak being his son the one that was born to him which Sarah born to him so over and over it's been emphasized Sarah bore to offer I'm a son this son came about through Sarah who said that Avraham did and it was because for Sarah and then Avraham doubted that we have the problem of yes well that's going to be dealt with in a very significant way towards the end of this this passage that we're studying tonight look at verse three once more and Avram called the name of his son that was born to him which Sara bored bored to him yetsko now let's pay attention for a few moments about that name Yitzhak Yitzhak means basically he will laugh and this verb the sad a cat coof it's important why well it's important because it's mentioned throughout this passage and it speaks about the outcome of the promise of God is joy so in this section of Scripture when we're talking about Avraham and we're talking about the joy the happiness that both Avram and Sarah has this word surfaces what I said saadet cut coof it's important because it speaks about a joy a joy that is natural when I say natural you can't stop it something happens it's funny you laugh instinctively and this has spiritual implications to it when God's promises are fulfilled it's going to instinctively cause you to rejoice many people have said this term again saadet at coof it is going to have what we could call a kingdom worship by context to it so Avram says his name this child that was born the son is going to be Yitzhak verse 4 we see a connection and this is certainly true in Judaism today that the child receives his name when he receives the Brit Mila this circumcision therefore look if you would to verse 4 and Avraham he circumcised Yitzchak his son do you see this over and over Yitzhak is his son now in a fleshly since we see that your smell is as well but when it's speaking about his son it's talking about the key to the inheritance the key to the promise so Avraham he circumcised yet Scott his son when on the eighth day just as God commanded him now God commanded people to circumcised on the eighth day in the Torah and this is a reference that Avraham the man of faith this man of faith is receiving Torah revelation is that important when you walk in faith when you respond to what God has revealed to you you are naturally going to be a recipient of Torah revelation it is going to be how God moves and leads in your life and you just cannot look at this passage and come away with any other outcome you say well wait a second would it be better to say that when we walk in faith were led by the spirit same thing why do I say that because the scripture says those who walk in the spirit fulfilled the righteousness of the law so the righteousness of the law the law does not produce righteousness it does not make one righteous but it manifests righteousness in the one who walks in obedience to it it manifests it's not a source of it's the outcome of so Avraham did this circumcision on the eighth day and this is important why eight we've talked so many times about the number eight having to do with Redemption eight being a kingdom number eight being restoration so all these things are being spoken of here and realize once more if we haven't said it enough circumcision what should come into your mind just one thing the death of the flesh it's only when the flesh is dead that we can live in the spirit it's only when the flesh is dead that we live in Redemption that is manic manifested it's only when the flesh is dead that we're going to be experiencing the restoration of God that he's going to restore the things that the enemy has has taken away because we have believed the lies we have gone after the counterfeit promises rather than the real promises of God so Avraham he circumcised Yitzhak his son on the eighth day just as God had commanded him verse 5 and Avraham he was a hundred years old when yet Scott his son was born to him now this is important because again we find yet Scott Benno after when we studied this this passage over and over we see that phrase Yitzhak Benno gets Kochba no Isaac his son because son is synonymous with air and in this case it's connected to the promise verse verse 5 once more and Avraham he was a hundred years old what is this speaks to completion that which is in its entirety or wholeness so it was only when Avraham reached this this completion this holdest him being a man that walks in entirety meaning in obedience to the things of God that he received Yitzchak the the manifestation of the promise of God remember what Paul says that Yitzhak is the child of promise it's Ishmael who were coming to who is the child of flesh the child that does not walk in obedience so he's a hundred years old when yes Scott was born to him yet Scott his son verse six and Sara she said God has made me laughter now this is that same word which the named yet Scott comes from and what happens is this she now is laughing in a different way she is laughing not in doubting what God has said but because she has become a recipient of the promise of God and now she's doing it not within herself but she's doing it in an outward expression an expression of joy and here again this word is related to a kingdom expression so she is laughing and she says God has brought it about and all the ones who hear everyone who hears will laugh basically with me or for me that people who rejoice with what God has done they'll have that similar experience because of Sarah they're going to share in the outcome of the promise that's what this passage is saying verse 7 and she says who has spoken to offer him who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse sons now she has a nurse son she's nurse 1 but here's the implication the promise goes beyond why she is speaking in faith and we ought to do that a time what is speaking in faith well let me tell you what speaking of faith is not speaking in faith is not saying you know what I want this and because I want this I'm going to speak faith over it and because I speak faith over it God's gonna give it to me that's that's not faith whatsoever that is kind of a hocus-pocus theology that is not pleasing to God no speaking faith is this God had told this family that she was going to have a child and that through deceit there was going to be a nation a nation that was launched more than the stars are in the sky more than the sand is upon the seashore and because of that and here's the important thing because of that she is anticipating so she's no longer thinking small she's not doubting God she says you know what I'm going to give two sons not just one but two sons for I have borne a son to his old age or for his old age or because of his maturity so she gave birth to a son that is a fulfillment of God's promise and that's how we need to see this passage of Scripture verse 8 now Yitzchak is maturing he's born and now we see a reference to him being nursed by his mother and we see this progress this growth this maturity why do I say that well verse 8 and the child grew and he was weaned so he stopped being nursed and he started eating real food and Abram made a great festival on the day that that yet Scott was weaned now two things need to be said about this this passage first of all there was rejoicing Avraham saw progression see as God begins to move to fulfill things in your life rejoice aloud this this this process to be one that leads you to worship you don't have to wait until the conclusion to be thankful let me give you an example this one of my my favorite passages in the scripture is when Dawid learned a scriptural principle do things God ways now this is because he wanted to do a right thing he wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem but he started it the wrong way he did it in the natural he did it in a reasonable way he built a Aguila - to transport the ark that's how we would do it today in a materialistic in a physical manner but that's not the way the Word of God commands so as only after he failed doing it the fleshly way their reasonable way the logical way that he later on said I'm going to move this Ark biblically and he had the the Levites carry it with this pole that these poles could never bear the weight but God is the one who who who is manifesting the supernatural through the ark and they took six paces now they had and we know where they were they were at a place called Curia yari the the city in the force we might call it we can go to that area today there's a modern curiata Yaron just the west of Jerusalem on the way to Tel Aviv so it's about 12 miles or so we could say 20 kilometers and and just think if you had to walk 20 kilometers 12 miles I mean how many steps would that be well probably a couple thousand or more but Dawid after they took six paces he stopped and they had a great time of worship now that's the principle here I mean the promise and the fullness has not come about but we see stages give God thanks worship Him for the entire process not just the conclusion because you know what sometimes the journey is is so important that we can't lose sight of the journey just focusing on the in point the journey is where we experience God in an undeniable way so Avraham look again at verse 8 he made a great great feast on the day that yet skok was was weaned and Sarah she saw notice son of Hagar the Egyptian which she had borne to Avraham and what was the son doing well this son was and it's a different form of this word for where the name yet Scott comes from instead of laughing instead of being joyful we have this term which means mocking so he wasn't rejoicing over this progression he was mocking it and this is very important because this is the Hagar spirit because Hagar remember what she did when she had Ishmael when she was a one who gave child a son to offer him as it says here what did she do she began to exalt herself over Sarah she put herself and here's what we call it she had a replacement theology and any form of replacement theology is bad news she said Sarah out and I'm in this is contrary to the promise of God and people want to say Israel out and we are in well that is that same contemptible theology just in a different form so she had that mocking of Sarah and now her son with that same character he's going to mock his counterpart which is yet Scott the son of Avraham verse 10 Sarah saw it and she said to Abraham as a response to this look at verse 10 cast out this maidservant and her son she doesn't say your son she says the maidservant son and this is known as the Egyptian maidservant what does Egypt come to mind two things exile and the world the world and exile these are not the things of the kingdom no redemption is the things of the kingdom so she's got it backwards that is Hagar Sarah's got it right so she says cast out this this maidservant and her son for he this is the son of this maidservant shall not inherit with my son with Yitzhak now there's a play on words because when when Ishmael was mocking it is the word here Missa heck and Yitzhak is the proper way so we see very similar but just one letter can mean such a difference and that's why we have to agree with the Word of God not just take portion of it I mean if we look at it from a percentage standpoint yesh mal had 75 percent of the word he just made a small change but this small change brought contempt and we'll see what it produced in his life and the life of his mother so she says Sarah speaking this son is not going to inherit with my son with yetsko look if you would to verse 11 what was Abraham's response well he didn't like it it says in verse 11 and the thing was evil very evil in the eyes of Avraham and evil many of your Bibles may not translate it this way but it's the word raah in its verbal form and raah means opposite of God's will Avraham at this time did not see this as as embracing the will of God what Sarah said casting out this woman and casting out her son he didn't agree with it he thought this was wrong evil against the will of God and the word may is there exceedingly evils how we could translate it but notice notice something let's read the whole verse verse 11 and this was evil in the eyes of Avraham concerning notice he says his son now Avraham thought that that that Ishmael was his son too but not in this context when we get to the binding of its very soon in a couple weeks we're gonna see that that God says I'm gonna give you a foretaste God says Yitzhak is your son your only Son God does not recognize your smell and in this passage when God speaks it is Yitzchak which is been no shall offer on the son of Avraham but when Avraham speaks here he makes the wrong wrong statement because he sees equally Ishmael as his son why do I say he's equally wrong on this well look now to verse 12 and God said to Abraham do not let this be evil in your eyes concerning the young man and concerning your maidservant now notice there's something very significant God did not use the word son he certainly didn't say your son he changes it to the word the ark a young men and when he says to Hegar he says your maidservant he's speaking about this relationship it's really sarah's maidservant but because Avraham he took her to himself and he ought not course Sarah told him to but she was acting in faithlessness and we can talk more about this and we have at an earlier lesson but it's very significant that God changes language and does not call Ishmael the son of Avraham he says for all which she says that as Sarah says him to you Shama bacala obey it's the work Shema here but it always demands a result and that's why it's equally acceptable to say obey so what Sarah says unto you obey her voice for in its will be called to you a seed now this is vital because that word seed is related to promise earlier in God's discussion with Avraham in this time of making that covenant in Genesis chapter 12 he also says there's mercy but understand mercy to a limited extent for gets Ishmael and Hagar he says in verse 13 also the son of the maidservant and once again doesn't say your son also the son of the maidservant I will set him as a as a people as a nation for he is your seat so here God clearly refrains from the word son but here's what I want you to see and this is so vital that you learn how to interpret the scripture because God is not saying you know what I have compassion for your smell I have compassion for Hagar and I'm going to bless them for who they are because of their situation that's not what the scripture says it is very emphatic that you you you have to understand when you look at scripture there are clues for where the texts emphasize certain things and here what's being emphasized is that God's provision for them is all because of Avraham what do we glean from this well it's true only the covenant with Avraham that God's going to make provision he's not doing it he's not rewarding the fact that your smell mocked Isaac he is not rewarding Hegar because of what she said when she wanted to elevate herself no all of the is coming about because Avraham God's doing it for him not for them their favor that they found from God is because of their connection with Avraham and in that same way if you don't have a connection with the seed of Avram that is Messiah Yeshua you are not going to find favor at all well look to verse 14 and Avraham he got up early in the morning and he took bread and a bottle or a flask of water and he gave it to Hegar and he set it upon her shoulders and the the lad that is its yesh male and he sent her and she went and here's a very important word it's a word of a theta this is the word for four wandering aimlessly wandering without purpose now she had a physical provision for this world why did God give through Avraham this bread and this water well because they were worldly minded they were interested in worldly things so they got a worldly possession God gave them provision but notice worldly provision is limited it wears out and in the end it brings about death so she's here she is wandering aimlessly and without purpose and here's the truth the biblical principle when you mock the things of God when you stuff the promises of God when you are not submissive to the Word of God what's gonna happen you are not gonna have direction in your life you are going to live without purpose or simply not a proper purpose and you're going to be going aimlessly you're going to be wandering here and there seeking trying to find but you're not going to find so she is wandering in the will a bear shaiva first 15 what did I tell you the water runs out from the the bottle and she she cast the the yella that is her son underneath one of the the trees so she puts him there he's probably worn out the water has given it's hot and she just puts him lacing underneath one of the bushes now this is to hide whenever things are hidden it's because something is contemptible something is shameful we're seeing the results of what him mocking the promises of God so she's sets him under one of the bushes verse 16 and she goes and she sets mayn't naked her heck meaning she sets at a distance she doesn't want to be near what what her son Ishmael is going to experience and it says here that she's far away how far Kim taka VAE keshan basically the distance that you can shoot an arrow from a bow bow for she says I do not want to see the death of this this son this child and she set down before and she lifted but I say before before this situation she sat down and she lifted up her voice and what does she do she what now here again principles she mocked Sara she wanted to replace she she wanted to change the purpose of God into what please turn what was right in her eyes and that spirit that same mentality we see place in the next generation in her son you smell and what did it bring about it brought about a life of aimlessness a life without purpose one going here and there and one brain watt death before them now we're gonna see what God does in this situation as we carry on next week but I would encourage you to read it again and pray through it and see these principles that I shared with you and discern how the word of God works in order to reveal these biblical truths well God is a wonderful God he has fantastic promises promises that are going to lead us to worship Him in a new and exciting way see we have the privilege of choosing we can either pursue the promises of God value them be passionate about them see their value and respond to that or we can be like Hegar and you smell that machs what god's up to because we think we have a better way a very foolish mentality that is going to lead you to feeling distraught empty and the provisions of this world are going to wear out and you are going to be empty see there's many people today that are empty but when we have a promise mentality that is a thought process that focuses on the promises of God you know what we're gonna have we're gonna be full we're gonna be content we're gonna have that peace that passes all understanding while closed with that until next week may God richly bless you Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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