Ecclesiastes Chapter 11

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Baruch with today's lesson you and I are called to live a victorious life we need to be people that take our resources and invest them in the locations and for the purposes that are according to your truth and the greatest asset that we have is the Word of God that through the Word of God and the fear of the Lord when you put those together the outcome is wisdom a wisdom that overcomes the enemy a wisdom that demonstrates that you are indeed a God that builds up people edifying us that we might display your presence in this world we are grateful that we have your word and what we're going to do now is to turn to the book of Ecclesiastes and chapter 11 the book of Ecclesiastes and chapter 11 now in this chapter King Solomon he is going to give us insight when you look at this Lebanon chapter you need to always remember where he's going and that is a transition at the end of this book where he trusts in God and understands that obedience to the Word of God is the only thing that there is not produce a futile a life of vanity I want to say that again you and I need to affirm that if we want meaning to our life I'm not talking about the afterlife I'm not talking about the privilege by God's grace to enter into the kingdom either when Messiah returns and gathers us up or when we die though I'm talking about while we still remain in this body flesh and blood the only thing that gives true significance to our life is when we live in obedience and it's through a salvation experience that you and I can be transformed into obedient servants so this is what we're going to see at the conclusion of next week study when we study Ecclesiastes chapter 12 but this week in chapter 11 we're going to see passages of Scripture words from King Solomon that challenges us to see if really we are making write proper godly decisions so look with me as I said to the book of Ecclesiastes and chapter 11 and we're going to begin in verse 1 now these words are relatively simple to understand what he's trying to convey though the wisdom is not for us to understand these words but the wisdom is the one who is willing to apply them to their life to walk in obedience to God's truth so look at verse 1 we read here cast your bread upon the face of the waters now when we do that what's going to happen to that bread well that bread is either going to be eaten by fish or because of the water it is going to begin to break up and dissolve and because of that notice what Solomon says once again he says cast your bread upon the face of the waters for in the abundance of days you will find it now in the scripture whether we're dealing with Hebrew the Old Testament or the New Testament in the original texts there are no punctuation there's no periods there's no question marks but this verse because of other grammatical indicators it should be understood as a question and it's a simple one if someone cast their bread upon the waters after many days are they going to find it and the answer is no so the question is this when we look at the word bread in the Bible bread is synonymous not just with food in general but but more often than not bread which has a very special status in Judaism if you visit Israel and you go by someone's home or go by where the garbage is taken in place you'll see bread on fences you'll see bread at different places because according to Jewish tradition it is forbidden to handle bread in a disrespectful way to just throw it into the garbage because bread biblically relates oftentimes to life and therefore we need to treat life with special attention that we need to give at dignity and how do we do that through the commandments so King Solomon is asking a question the question is if we put our life in some place where it's going to dissolve where it's going to be consumed if we take our life meaning our resources and what we have and we place it in the wrong location are we going to find much of our life leftover after much time and of course the answer is no so it bids a question and that question is what are you doing with your life with the resources that you have are you investing them in a way that is going to be after many days and many scholars see that term after many days speaking about at the end of the H in the end of the age are you going to find your life now let me give you a very important scripture we read in the New Covenant that our life if you are believer that your life is hidden in messiah and it's only when Messiah comes back at the end of the age when he is manifested then our life will be manifested with him so if you have not cast your bread upon Messiah if you have not placed your life in his life then what's going to happen at the end of the age well you're not going to have much to show for the kingdom transition you are not doing the things that is going to secure you a blessed Kingdom experience here's a problem many people believe well because I've accepted the gospel I'm going to be in the kingdom that is a true statement everyone not based upon anything we have done but only based upon what Messiah has done his death on that cross his shedding of his blood because of his sufficiency his work of redemption it is perfectly absolutely sufficient to safe because of that everyone who receives the gospel by faith will be in the kingdom of God but don't think that settles everything because remember what Messiah said he speaks in that Sermon on the Mount and he says there is going to be those who are great in the kingdom of God and those who are going to be least in the kingdom of God and we should strive to be those who are great those who let me put another way those whom God is well pleased with you don't want to come into the kingdom of God see what does the scripture say Messiah he speaks about Sodom and Gomorrah we are going to in a little over a week we are going to talk about in another study our study of the book of Genesis when we look at Genesis chapter 19 in part 2 we're going to see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and when we think about those two cities Sodom and Gomorrah we think of evilness we think of wickedness we think of places that were right for God's consuming wrath and we're right about that but did you know that Messiah taught that in that day of judgment at the end of this age it is going to be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than places like bedsider and cuisine and Capernaum Kafar Nachum why because those three places in the Galilee Messiah he did much of his work there was great messianic revelation in those locations and because by and large of those locations rejected him they did not with their life respond invested in him in his truth in the gospel what happened boy says it is going to be better more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than those places so let me ask again are you casting your life in a proper place are you taking what God has given to you those resources whatever they might be whether their time or talents or or resources financial whatever it may be are you investing that properly that in many days that is at the end of the age when Messiah returns all that you have done is going to be found because if you cast your bread upon the waters in many days are you to find it no you're not and there's many people who when Messiah comes they're not going to find life they are going to be grieved because they have wasted a life so let me ask you a question are you wasting time now God is gracious the scripture says he is a restorer of times but that is for those who truly repent and begin to submit to the instruction of the Holy Spirit base the pond the truth of his word well let's move on to 2 verse 2 we read here give a portion to 7 and also to 8 now someone would read that that is not trained in Judaism and they would just be confused by that what does that mean to you give a portion 10 helic leash if I go Lakshmana give a portion to seven also to eight well here's what it's saying the number seven here again numbers are important in the scripture if you don't understand the truth about the message of numbers in the Bible you can't deal with this scripture properly now we have said many times that the number seven relates to holiness or sanctification here's a easier way to understand it it's related to those two things seven relates to the purposes of God so he says here give a portion give your life the portion that has been given to you that's what it means you're about killing the portion that God has given to you give to the purposes of God and in doing so well what's the next number it is the number eight and the number eight is a kingdom number it is a number of redemption and there's an important relationship but the number 8 and redemption and the number 8 and restoration so if you want as we talked about a few minutes ago if you want God to move in your life to bring about a restoration to to give back to you that waste of time to make those days that were wasted to transform them to regain what you lost in the time of the end with what you have that remains you need to realize the requirement to begin to be Kingdom minded for that to happen so he says look again verse verse 2 give a portion for seven or to seven and also to eight for you do not know what will be evil upon the earth now why is that second half there see we don't know the evil and evil well that can be understood as the attacks of the enemy those things are that are contrary to God's will now someone hears that and they say well that's an attack on the sovereignty of God no it's not we need to realize that God has established this world laws for this world spiritually and also laws of nature now remember we talked about when we began this time of worship when we turn to Psalm 24 and we spoke about how God he established the the earth he set it upon the foundations of this earth upon the seas and he also laid it upon the the rivers so God set things according to his purposes according to his plans according to his loss and therefore he allows human beings he allows angels he allows hasit on the Satan to do certain things up to point and in the end all of these things are going to bring about a kingdom perfection but those things that were done in disobedience even though God is free to use them he is free to get glory from them that does not mean those who do that are acting in obedience and that they're going to be rewarded for those things just because this wonderful perfect sovereign omnipotent God can take whatever and turn it to good it does not mean that person who did whatever whatever is wrong whatever is sinful that they are going to be because God turns it into good that they're going to be rewarded that is outlandish no they're going to be judged so what the scriptures saying go back to the second half of verse 2 what we read here is this verse 2 part 2 for you do not know what will be the evil upon the earth so because you don't know what the attacks of the enemy is you better beware in the midst of God's will there is and and write this down learn this principle there is safety in obedience there is protection when we are in the midst of God's will when we're living a kingdom life and that's what that first part of this verse spoke to when it says give a portion to 7/7 the purposes of God and also to eight live in a kingdom character and if so it prepares us for the future we don't know what that future is going to be we don't know the attacks of the enemy the obstacles that we're going to encounter but if we prepare properly by investing our life in the things of the purposes of God the will of God and in the kingdom of God god knows what evil is going to be and he can't direct our paths he can protect us and he will cause us to be and I love this expression I say it often he will cause us to be more than over comers look now to verse 3 now if the clouds they be filled with with rain upon the earth they will empty it out that's just logical you say now is is really required a person like King Solomon this wise in the visual to make a statement like that if the clouds are full of rain it's gonna empty it out when the clouds do so it's gonna fall to the earth that's true it also says it gets better and it gets clearer we also read and if a tree should fall in the south or in the north and the place that it falls the tree there it will be well that's that's obvious what's the purpose of these these statements well rain is seen biblically as a blessing and God is going to move in this world to bless the question is are we going to be where the blessing false or now a tree falling that is seen in the Hebrew mind as a curse so this verse that we're looking at speaks of blessing and curse and in the place that God curses the curse is going to be and the place that God blesses the blessing is going to be so what is our response to ask God to bless us ask God to protect us from the curse well that's not what this word of God is instructing us what the word of God is instructing us is to be wise enough to go to where the blessings are falling and to move away from where the curses are we need to have our life redirected we need to be position by the illumination of the Holy Spirit where we need to be to be bless so there's going to be blessing there's going to be cursing but we need to be where the blessings are and how do we do that well he's going to give us more information so that we can experience such things look now 2 2 verse verse 4 it says keeper of the wind now this is a word Ruach and we're gonna come across it a couple times the word rock can be spirit and it can also be wind and oftentimes it's sometimes difficult to know what she's speaking about but look here verse verse 4 the keeper of the wind does not so what he's saying here is when someone pays attention to the wind and and that wind is blowing he doesn't so it's not the right time to sow and in windy times why well in that day how did people so they would throw their seats and if you're throwing them and it's windy well what happens you don't find the seeds falling in the right place and it also says in the second part of verse 4 and the one who sees the clouds does not harvest meaning this if you go out and you see clouds meaning we've already saw clouds are synonymous this same word word says if the clouds be full of rain so it says here if you're looking perceiving and you see clouds you're not going to harvest so there are signs for sowing and there are signs for harvesting and there's also signs that say this is not the time to sow and this is not the time to harvest so how do we figure this out well he's gonna tell us and the answer let me just give you a preview you need to hear from God if God is not directing you about the Hynes you're going to miss out let me tell you naturally we're gonna have bad timing in the flesh left to ourselves based upon how we see things with their own human intellect with our own human wisdom because of the knowledge that we find in books and colleges and university and I'm not against those things but if we rely upon them to give us insight to make decisions that is going to be pleasing to God we're going to be sadly mistaken we're going to make poor decisions we find truth in one location description so if we're not utilizing truth in order to be where God wants us to be and in order to find his timing that's what this is talking about two things being were he wants us to be that was the previous verse and now in this verse verse 4 being sensitive to the proper timing and he gives examples from a very very human standpoint from an agricultural point there is times to so and times to reap and vice-versa well in the spiritual domain and by the way everything has spiritual connections there's times as so and time to reap in the same way that you're dependent upon God to know where to be and how to get there you are also dependent upon him to find the proper timing of your life otherwise what's going to be the outcome the outcome is that you're going to be very frustrated because you're going to rely upon other sources of guidance and direction in your life and when you do that well that is an invitation to be deceived by the enemy so let's press on look now to the next verse verse verse 5 just as you do not know the way of the Ruach whether it's wind or spirit you can determine that it says as bones in a room that is full so what's he talking about here well you don't understand the ways of either the wind we don't know when the wind is going to go one way or another I mean how many times have you heard the weather forecasts that it's going to be a windy day and you get out lots of times they're wrong and vice versa see we don't know and don't control and cannot perfectly anticipate the wind likewise we left to ourselves based upon human intellect we cannot anticipate how the spirit is going to move and therefore if we're not hearing from God as it says in the book of Revelation in chapter 2 and 3 and what do we know about Revelation 2 and 3 well in those two chapters there are seven messages two congregations congregations that belong to Messiah and what Messiah says at the end of each of these seven messages he asks a question it says let the person here who has a spiritual ear some ask you a question do you have an ear that sensitive to the spirit if you don't well you are going to be in the wrong place you are going to have poor timing in your life and you are going to be very frustrated so here when we look at verse five notice what he says just as you do not know the way of the wind or the spirit as likewise the bones which are in her womb he says you don't know them you can't see those bones now today with ultrasounds it's a little bit different but understand the context how a baby grows those bones what takes place in that child coming to its fruition we really don't understand how that happened so he says it's the same way thus you do not know the deed of God that is God's work so if we don't know left to ourselves what God's up to the work of God where he is working and where he's not if we don't know in and of ourselves we are in a very futile position so what does the scripture trying to say to us we are in need of Revelation we are need for God to speak to us for him to guide us to direct us to illuminate his purposes his plans his decisions in her life if not we are going to choose poorly and that's why so many people are frustrated with life so many people give up and they pursue things that are deceptions they pursue things which are counterfeits they think that these are things that that God has provided to make them happy but in the end they don't just like the person who is addicted to drugs they need more drugs and more drugs and more drugs the amount just increases and increases until what they take so much they overdose and die and look at the epidemic today of what type of drugs opioids I never heard that word until about four or five months ago and these drugs are by and large if I'm right I believe they are painkillers and I think that says so much that people are addicted to painkillers not because we're not getting with this epidemic because there is so much physical pain that people are suffering no people I think it is a sign people are addicted to these drugs because they are hurting they are hurting spiritually and they take these things and they don't solve the problems just deaden did they mess the problem that's what Satan does he's a counterfeit he tries to cover that problem but he does not deal with the problem well what we see in the book of ecclesiastes especially next week at the end is how we can find the real solution how we can find that guidance that direction in our life and it comes from an a person who has been saved by God's grace and who allows that that that grace to mature him a mature her to walk in obedience there is a connection between the grace of God and living an obedient life to Kingdom truth so look again at our scripture says here thusly you do not know the work or the deeds of God which he will do everything now what does it mean here that he will do everything well once again if we rely upon the sages of old when it speaks about everything speaking about the kingdom of God what's in the kingdom every good and perfect gift now where do we see that biblical rationale for that well in the book of James word says every good and perfect gift comes down from heaven and there is biblically a connection between heaven and the kingdom many times in the New Kingdom or the New Testament we talk about the kingdom of heaven so if we're going to be experiencing the fullness of life it is through the work of God that his work is done in our life and here's the key not just that he goes to work in our life but the key is that he goes to work through our life accomplishing his will what does that mean that we understand that we are his vessels in order that he might accomplish things through us and when we rejoice and when we submit to that and desire that things are going to be radically different in our life well let's go now to verse 6 in the morning you sow your seed and in the evening do not let your hand rest now what does it mean don't let your hand rest means don't stop keep going now in the scripture we see something in the daylight is a time for and we see this so often in the rabbinical literature if you look for example at the the choke on that rope it talks about mixing studying with work and when do we we do the work in the daytime and what do we do the studying well we do so at night with the candle under candle light so we're talking about two things that we're supposed to do work physically that is what we call in Hebrew parnassia working in order to support yourself labor in other words now there's different types of labor some work physically with their body others work with their minds some do so with their mouth whatever but it's labor and then there's that that study and their Chohan aruch says also pierre k 'vote to be more specifically says that it is wise to mix these two things together why well notice what the scripture reveals to us about them verse verse six in the morning so your seat and in the evening don't take your hand away meaning don't take your hand away from the book why because you do not know which of these is going to be prosperous which is going to produce something and therefore it says both of them are necessary sometime it's that physical labor that God accepts and he turns into a blessing sometimes it's the study of his work being faithful committed to learn biblical truth that God uses that in order to bless you you don't know which one that he's gonna use in order to make prosperous since two of them or both of them they aim shanem and the word aim oftentimes many Bibles will translate that if but it is just legitimate depending upon the context to translate the word aim in Hebrew Aleph mem mem Sofie to translate it sense since both of them since both of them are at one and what are they Toby both of them are good so we need to have a balance in our life between study and work oftentimes God teaches a spiritual truth through work through labor and oftentimes through the study of God's Word we learned principles of business of workmanship so both of them are as one they both produce good things now verse 7 ooh Motoko or the word my talk is a word sweet now sweet can also be understood as pleasant so sweet or pleasant is a light and good for the eyes is to see the Sun now what's he talking about here well the seen the Sun daylight this is a time of opportunity what does Messiah say he says as long as I'm in the world Yeshua says you know you can do work the daylight but there's coming a time when night is coming and no one is going to be able to work so here when he says in verse 7 please look once more sweet is the light and good for the eyes is to see the Sun so it's talking here about good is when there's opportunities so the question is are we we taking advantage of those opportunities are we utilizing the time that God has given to us to serve Him why well notice what else is said move now to verse 8 for if the years are many that will that a man will live and all of them he will rejoice so he's giving a situation look again for if the years are many that a man will live and in them he rejoiced bake pulla and in all of them really is a better way to translate it and if all the years he rejoices it says but he will remember the days of darkness isn't that true I mean we can have years when we look at that year and say you know what that was a good year God was gracious God was blessing God was moving in my life and there was gladness now what happens well there's also going to be with that in that year days of darkness and what happens well it says here the man is going to remember those dark times see we tend sometimes to forget the good and focus on the back and that is when we have an attitude of negativity when we allow the bad the dark times to color all of our experiences rather than what remembering the good focus on the good you know in Judaism there's a very important principle and that is to think good I can tell you you know people sometimes they do things and at first glance we go well I'm offended by that or we think that wasn't nice or that that was the wrong thing to do or that was insensitive whatever it might be don't have thoughts like this give always be quick in your mind to give the benefit of the doubt and when you do so when you extend that you know what it's gonna do it is going to turn you more into a positive person if someone's late and you know I bet he didn't go out from his home in time I bet he thinks I wasn't important enough to get there on time he waited to the last minute and all and and that's because he doesn't respect me he doesn't like me he doesn't trust me doesn't think whatever what are you doing you're sowing negativity about yourself in this situation so think positive thoughts maybe God redirected his way maybe there was something else that happened don't focus on the why take advantage of that time see often times people get so caught up in negativity when opportunities arise they don't see them because they're focusing on the wrong thing so this scripture is very important read further on verse 8 for if many years a man will live and in all of them he rejoices but he will remember the days of darkness for many they will be for all will come to what Hevel or futility now that's that word that we see so frequently in the book of qohelet the book of Ecclesiastes Hevel and it means that which is futile that which is vain and what is he talking about here well you have to understand the context and how the words work with one another see when we rejoice in the good times you know what that is praising God let me ask you when someone praises God focusing on the good things and giving God gratitude for them is that gonna have a good outcome bring good results or negative results I think you know the answer to that and likewise when we focus in on the the negativity the difficult times are hard times the dark times when we allow them and remember the the balancing years of gladness days of darkness well that's pretty good and what we find here is this notice what he says at the end he says all of this will come to nothing what's he speaking about well he's speaking about those dark times if we rejoice with God if we give Him gratitude if we thank him and praise Him and or him and speak of his majesty if we focus in on thanking him for the good things all those negative things those dark times they are going to come to what they are going to be absolutely futile against us now futility where does it come from you know who plants that the enemy does Satan does Satan loves to see people fret worry get down casts be dejected be full of despair why because when you are in that mindset all your thoughts are to yourself and when you are thinking of yourself you know what you're doing you are waving an invitation for the enemy to come in and increase the sorrow the sadness the disappointment that despairs the the defeat but when you see everything that Satan is about is to stop you from worshiping God because he knows the power of praise let me ask you a question what was Satan's job in the Kingdom of Heaven and the answer is he was in charge of praising God he knew about the power of priests and because he is an individual what's his thing I said Todd what does that mean it means the adversary or it's about adversity the adversary brings adversity into your life how does he do that well he became this this has a tongue because he cease to praise God and what is he about that same thing turning you into people that are negative turning you into people that stop praising and thanking God look for the good things believe the best about people because in doing so you may be sowing seeds of change into their life so many people feel that their life well they feel that no one respects them no one cares about them everyone is just going their way and they're just an obstacle to the desires of other people people are all focusing on self and when you live differently when you practice the spirit of the Torah I like that phrase when you practice the spirit of the Torah what is the spirit of the Torah via hata LaRocca Tomoka love your neighbor as yourself and when you love your neighbor and they sense that love that commitment you investing in them you speaking transformation into their life you know what transformation is going to come about so we read here don't let these seeds of adversity adversity blossom thrive grow and be fruitful in your life no realize that when you praise God all those things all those attacks and seeds of the enemy are going to come to futility that's what he says well look now at verse 9 be glad young man in your childhood now we're gonna talk about the word youth in a second but this is the word yadu teka which is Hammond's derived from the word child so he says young man rejoice in your childhood and let him do good your heart let your heart do good in the days of your youth now the word here that's so important is a word heart I say frequently what does someone do with their heart they think so we need to remember what this word this phrase begins with it says vitia nabela they may be hora TECA now it begins with let this one do good but you need to remember when we said the word toph or a formation of that word as in the case here what should come into our minds the will of God so with this scripture saying is this let your thoughts be good meaning be and the will of God for if you do that notice what it says in the days of yore and it uses word for not childhood but but young years your late teenage years and walk in the ways of your heart that heart that's focused upon the will of God and with the sight of your eyes know that all these God will bring into judgment so he tells us realize that everything every thought and thought leads to actions right what does the scripture say as a man thinketh in his heart so is he we could translate it as one thinks in his heart he is going to perform he's going to do his heart is going to produce deeds and what does the scripture say realize that what you think is going to produce outcomes and all of those outcomes are going to be what judged by God so your childhood you better think properly you need to set out on a proper foundation and that's why it's so important for parents to do what we say each and every week that you wear together when we talk about vision on item the venetie which means and teach diligently your children your sons your daughters teach them diligently about the Word of God and that is going to lay the foundation for when they are older and they begin to make decisions they do so with a heart that is established in the will of God that's what this verse is speaking about well one more verse and we'll wrap up look at verse 10 and remove us now the word costs is a word anger I realized some English Bibles translated differently but we need to take the Word of God as it's given so I believe some translations say sorrow or sadness not the word that's a it's a word to us remove anger from your heart get rid of it every time that you are angry and I know the scripture that says be angry and do not sin but this is not talking about a righteous anger now this is talking about anger from a worldly standpoint see don't be so emotional about the world when the world rises up against you I mean should we be shocked by that is that a surprise to you that we had enemies did not Messiah say they hated him and they're gonna hate you that they persecuted him they're gonna persecute you so when we're not being persecuted when we're not being hated we should be surprised so don't have anger in your heart he says in its commandment remove anger from your heart and pass away the evil from your flesh now what's this word evil well it is a word which means in conflict or the opposite of the will of God and when and here's the biblical principle when I am angry I'm not going to be perceiving God's will what I'm angry the outcomes going to be rah that is that which is contrary to the will of God and what did we just learn we learned in the previous verse that he's going to bring every action that we do under his judgment so once again a commandment look at verse 10 our last verses remove anger from your heart and caused to pass from your flesh evil for your for the childhood and the youth is all what all heaven now we just said they are foundational yes they are but you know what this scripture is speaking about finishing well see you can be a good little boy a good little girl you can set a trouble when you're young in those teenager years but you know what's really important what does Paul say Paul says you know the race is not one simply by having a good start no it's the finish that counts let me speak to those who are maybe a little bit older than I am now we don't know how much time that we have left not too long ago I checked the newspaper of the town that I went to high school with and what I checked Gil obituaries and what's happening is I'm seeing more and more people dying close to my age a little bit younger a little bit older so no one knows how much time that a person has but in just talking in generalities speaking to those who are older do you realize what this scripture and this chapter ends with is an admonition that is a very serious warning that you need to finish well I mean if only you have one day left and it's tomorrow live it for God better yet if you have to live both of them forgot if you have a month a year whatever livid in obedience let me tell you I'm gonna make you a promise when you live your life for God in submissiveness to the leadership the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to manifest your savior your Lord Messiah sure there's not going to be one day that you live for him that you're going to regret when you step into the kingdom of God but let me tell you for those days those hours those minutes however little that you don't live for him that you live for itself you live under the delusion of this world being blinded by the enemy you are going to live and enter into the kingdom of God with regret when up close with this one time I was speaking I said something about we're gonna regret that for all of eternity and a good friend of my my wife and myself this person heard this and was really troubled by that and to be honest and just truthful right now that probably was an incorrect statement I mean what I was saying was you know that wrong deed that outcome is going to have eternal consequences and we can't we can't avoid that but we need to realize something God is not going to have his people live for eternity with tears about that no God what does the scripture say when we enter into his kingdom that he's gonna wipe away every tear and he is going to transform we're gonna have knowledge of how we failed those things that did produce eternal consequences that were not according to his will that we regret but God he is forgiving he is loving and he in the only way that he can is going to remove those things he is going to draw our tears wipe them away because when that Kingdom when it begins in its fullness it is going to be a kingdom of joy of gladness and we're gonna have eternal praise eternal Thanksgiving for what we are experiencing each and every moment in reality time will be no more we will just have eternity with our Savior our Lord well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: 5r7u9MjaaZQ
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Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.