Genesis Chapter 1 Part 2

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Baruch with today's lesson what you believe about creation is going to impact every aspect of your theology why is that because when we look at the book of Genesis we see a connection between the way that God created the world and His Word so if we doubt his word we're not going to understand creation and when we doubt the way that God created things that is the way that the scripture reveals to us creation if we doubt that we're going to doubt his word and whenever we do not apply his word to our life whenever we don't submit to it recognize its authority in every aspect of our life what happens well the purposes of God his will is not going to be realized in our life and through our life and that's such a shame why because it's only when we are in God's will are we going to know his intimacy are we going experienced his blessings his promises then and only then are we going to know the joy of the Lord and we're gonna have that contentment and we're gonna have that peace all those things that inwardly our soul is yearning for see there's a relationship between the will of God and and being satisfied being in a condition whereby we truly can exalt and worship and praise our Lord so when someone undermines the account of creation and scripture they are attempting to destroy one's faith one's ability to know experience and serve God and be a recipient recipient of those things that God wants us to have well we started a study of the book of Genesis last week and we're now ready for Genesis chapter 1 and verse 6 and again I want us to caution ourselves about rightly dividing the word of God see many people unfortunately they allow science to impact how they see scriptures and many people many very popular Bible teachers what they are doing more and more is trying to to reconcile the scriptures to science and that is a serious err why is that well if you know anything about science you know that science is constantly unchanged that which was scientific fact well that's what it was 10 years ago 20 years ago but science is constantly evolving what science is doing is learning so that which was scientific fact now 20 years 50 years later it is not fact there's something that replaces it so why do we want to be under the authority of that which is oftentimes incorrect in the process of being corrected redacted why not submit to the very truth of God and what we're seeing today is this science as it grows and matures and learns we're finding that the changes in science are actually supporting God's revelation of creation what people did not think 50 years ago about creation because of so-called scientific fact now they're learning more which is not undermining what the book of Genesis teaches but supports it and I'm gonna give you one very important example that today that truly destroys evolution the evolution that Darwin and those that followed him in that same direction the same air that he made we're going to see that science today rejects now you may have not heard that that's because that science is slow to let go what the leading scientific minds are saying concerning creation well it doesn't get down to the great schools the high schools and the colleges for for oftentimes many years and we see something else because evolution has been the favorite tool of those who are God haters those who want to undermine Scripture they're not going to let go of that quickly until they find something that can replace it and the problem is science isn't offering in that science is providing that rather science is confirming what we see in the book of Genesis and again I'm going to give you one very important example that in a few minutes well take out your Bible look with me Genesis 1 and verse 6 last week we completed the first day of creation which is literally one day not the first day but one day and now we're going to be looking in this message today's two and three begin in verse 6 and God spoke he Rekia which means let there be and I want to pay close attention to that word Rekia now in some of the old english translation we have the word firmament but it basically refers to sky in the broadest sense now some Bibles will also use the word heavens and that's fine if we understand today when we're looking at creation we're not necessarily speaking about the heavens that other dimension where where God dwells remember what the rabbi's teach the rabbi's teach when they speak about the temple they always want to make a distinction and we see that as well in the book of Hebrews for example between the temple that was in Jerusalem and the temple that's that's up above in the heavens where God throne is now we're not talking about that today we're talking about the sky where birds will fly where planes will go up up in that that area so we read in verse 6 and God spoke let there be the Rekia the sky or the heavens in the midst of the waters now water is very important in regard to God's creation there is a relationship between the waters and creation now the reason why the rabbi's see this this emphasis on water the reason why God put it there they and I believe this is accurate because water is always related to life sometimes blessing or a blessed life but usually water and life goes together so we're seeing how today we know without water one can't live very long Society can't less so we see at the very foundation of God's account of creation is how important water is now look again at at verse 6 and God spoke let there be the sky in the midst of the waters now water is always plural in Hebrew it can have a singular meaning or in this case a plural meaning and what we find is we're talking about this creation in a form a form that is different than we see today because God brought this world into his order into a state that reflected his will after six days of creation and now we're only on the second day so there was a change in that condition compared to what it's going to be at the end of the six days of creation and at that time meaning in the second day what we find is that there was water and God did something he made a separation a distinction between what's going to be called the upper waters and the lower waters now do we understand that and it's full of sense no but but it makes sense I mean there's lower waters what we're talking about seas and oceans and lakes and streams and ponds and all sorts of things there's water on earth that's what he's going to be speaking of and there's also water in the heavens where do we see that well in rain so nothing is is out of order here nothing is incorrect nothing is is unfactual about what he's saying he's saying that there's going to be a sky he put it in and what that sky going to do well read on in verse 6 via he moved ill been mine lay mine then it came about a distinction or a separation between waters two waters that upper water and the lower water now we haven't come across those definitions those terms yet but we will in a moment the upper water and the lower water but I want to focus again on what I alluded to briefly last week and that was this word for for distinction they have dill now why is that important because it's only through God's creation which is the outcome of his word that we can see distinction and that distinction is so important because if we don't recognize these distinctions were not going to be able to choose wisely and what brought these distinctions into being his word so it's through his word that we can make distinction that is execute discernment in our life and that's one of the the means of the story of a tenth creation we should give it attention not just for understanding how this creation came into being but also how we need to respond in and to creation making this distinction between right and wrong good and evil and that's exactly one of the underlining messages of this account of creation so when you undermine you reject you throw doubt upon God's creation what's going to happen well the result is that we're not going to be able to make the right distinctions and if we don't we're not going to be able to make the right choices and therefore we're not going to find ourselves walking in God's will but we're gonna find ourselves apart from God's will and reaping the outcomes of disorder in our life once again verse verse 6 and God spoke let there be the sky in the midst of the waters and it came about a distinction between water to water verse 7 and God made the Rekia this the sky and he made a distinction between the waters which were below the the rikiya that is below the sky and between the waters which are above the sky but he can and it was so now I want to pause for a moment to talk about this phrase in Hebrew via he and sibley means and it was so what is that to teach well remember the emphasis of the story of creation is the Word of God and as God speaks meaning as his word is so will it be this is to tell us when we look at this creation we see order we see the things that God had said and it's a reality it is discernible by us we can't make the right conclusion here's what the scripture wants us to do this is the purpose of this account of creation if if God's Word brought about this creation then God's Word is going to bring about what the rabbi's call the second creation and the prophets allude to it what is that second creation the kingdom of God God's creation came into being through his word and God's kingdom will come into being through his word in the same way we can look at creation say yes God's Word is true we can look at those promises about the kingdom and know yes that is truth we can't take hold of that we can live according to it and vacation it is going to be so all of this is to speak about the the faithfulness the trustworthiness of God that is we can rely we can depend upon him his creation teaches us that look now to verse 8 and God called the Rukiya Shamim he called the sky by that term usually translated heavens but once more we're not speaking about where the throne of God is where God dwells now we know in one sense God is omnipresent he's everywhere but we're not talking about this unique place where the scripture reveals that God in a unique way dwells no we're talking about the sky the natural sky whether we're speaking about it down low or a pie we're speaking about sky in the broadest sense so God called the sky the heavens via he air via he bokor young-shin II and it came about a evening it came about a morning the second day now look at that term the second day I mentioned to you at the end verse 3 it says yom Ahad one day the purpose of that term one day not the first day but one day is to give us an understanding give us a definition of what a day is an evening in the morning but here it does not say and two days because this took me two days to do well I did it on Tuesday and I did it on the following Sunday two days see two days does not speak about when these two days were just an allotment of time not the connection between these two allotments so God uniquely with with intent for the purpose of Revelation he chose the phrase young Shanee meaning the second day to tell us it followed immediately thereafter and even in the morning now there are these individuals that want to say well and evening back then and an evening today is not the same time a morning then in the morning now is very different today it's speaking about 24 hours but back then billions of years that's not what the Scriptures saying and to find what a day was there's no reason to believe that the day is anything other than what it is in our existence 24 hours so God is speaking and he says in the term young Shanee it's the day immediately thereafter we're talking not about six different epochs and times that could comprise billions of years but six days one following the other immediately let's move on now to verse 9 and God spoke and it uses a term ekabo it comes from the Hebrew verb which means to hope now you say well now I look at mine it says let it be gather together assembled well that's true there's a connection between assembling together and hope what is that connection well hope is when we gather together when we assemble the Word of God the promises of Scripture and when we assemble that and see what God has said it gives us a right expectation that is hope there's nothing uncertain there's no doubt involved it's simply a matter of time and God and His Word gives us insight upon when these things are going to be feet be fulfilled so God here is using a word although in one senses means together together it's related to hope hope is the outcome of the will of God it is the fulfillment of the promises of God and we see this being displayed to us in this account of creation once more first time and God spoke let the waters be gathered together underneath the the sky so we're not speaking about that water which is above the Rekia or the shamayim but we're speaking about the water which meet at larkey or meet accomplish a mine underneath the sky so we're speaking about the water which is upon earth but earth hasn't even taken its shape yet earth right now is just a a bastion of mine or water together so what does he say he wants to bring a change and God spoke let the waters be gathered together which waters underneath the heavens into one place the term here is Macomb a hut now the term Macomb for place it can refer to God because God is omnipresent and the number a HOD one can also refer to God so things are being put into God's position where God wants them to be and it's only then this God's going to say behold it's very good see there's something that stands out here only in the day that we're in right now we just completed the second day so we're in the third day we're going to see that twice Pam I'm ki Tov twice we're going to head the phrase for it is good and that makes that third day unique and what is the unique aspect things are being brought into their proper place water is being the example of this water sympathizes life so it's only when our life gets into that proper place with God McComb Akkad one place both of those words relate uniquely elsewhere in the scriptures to God it's only when our life gets into that place with God is it going to be good and what happens well read on in that same same ninth verse and the the Yabba sha ha yabba sha is well it's the modern hebrew word for a continent but we're speaking about land so it says in verse verse 9 and the yah Basha the land was manifested now it's important that it says not that it was or it became to be all that's true but there's a change in language and every time there's a change in language it's for the purpose of Revelation God wants us to realize something it's when things get into place there's a revelation you don't know what to do with your life you don't understand what you're going through this problem what's the solution what does God want from me what does he he's calling me to do all these things well you need to submit to his word get in the place that God wants you to be because in his will is revelation that's what this story is trying to convey to us I use the word story perhaps a better term would be account its historical and no way is this legendary is it myth is it's simply a story to illustrate no it's historical truth but this historical truth has a purpose attached to it and that is to teach us principles for righteous living so verse verse 9 and God said let the waters underneath the heavens be gathered together in one place and there was a manifestation a real a revelation of the the land and it was so it came about verse 10 and God called the Yamaha the the continent he called earth or land that same word earth or land so what he's speaking about here is the earth and the earth comprises of water and land but he's first speaks about the water moving for the purpose of manifestation manifesting the earth why because that's where we're going to dwell it's only after speaking about the land that he says something different if you read on it says and God does something he says and he called the the land earth and in the place of the gathering of the water where it says mcveigh ha mine and we need to pause because that place of gathering together the water is the Hebrew word McVey now some people Messianics oftentimes English speakers will say the word mikvah it's not mikvah it's the word mcveigh and it's where water comes together it is also a place in Judaism for immersion so we could translate that word mcveigh as a a baptismal a place for immersion in this case that's not what we're talking about we're talking about water coming together also in the place that God wants it to be and what does he say here he called that young mean it's from that same word waters but there's something interesting the word here is young in the plural what's yum-yum is a body of water sometimes we usually translate that word young as sea so the word young mean is plural but it's unique because if we look at it we see that same word water it's a play on word in Hebrew but the root is young and young is any body of water we have the Hebrew word Agha which means a lake but sometimes a lake can be called a young it's a general term here it's in the plural yuh meme so we're talking about all the bodies of water underneath the heavens so now earth has come into its form the earth is now comprised and the Word of God tells us this between land and water and that's a scientific definition what's the earth land in water of course that land is made up of many different aspects particles types but generally speaking the earth land and water but read on there's something very interesting here after speaking about this land in this water it says and God saw and this is the first time it's mentioned here in the 3rd day via via our Elohim ki Tov and God saw that was good so there's a connection between this planet Earth and the will of God no other planet yes there are other celestial bodies but in a unique way in God's revelation this one is connected to his will what God wants to bring about in order that the kingdom of God might be established verse 11 and God spoke and he says let the earth or more precisely let the land sprout forth sprouts now the reason why I said sprout forth sprouts is because it's the same Hebrew verb one is the verb 1 is the noun so we need to be consistent and then the next word but maybe translated her budge for herbes is simply the word SF which is grass or vegetation so what God is saying and this passage is after that he puts the earth in its proper form that he ordered the waters in the right place and the earth the land of the earth in its right place now the earth was able to produce vegetation it was able to be fruitful and why do I say that well the scripture says it look on to verse 11 and God spoke let the land sprout forth sprouts and vegetation but here's something very important and we're getting to the heart of what I promised you I said a few minutes ago that I'm going to give you one example that that truly destroys this whole evolution theory what Darvin Darwin brought forth and today because of genetics because of DNA we have proof that Darwin was wrong that it's not possible scientifically to embrace his theory but what the scripture says supports the latest scientific discovery and this was written 3,500 years ago Moses knew exactly what to write because God perfectly inspired him now why am I saying this well verse 11 and God spoke let the land sprout forth sprouts and vegetation and then it says mazaya Zehra now why is that important well the term here must Rhea Zira is the word for seed producing now this is important because every vegetation that we're talking about here produces its self meaning there's going to be and that's what the word Zahra is seed producing vegetation and we're speaking about vegetation in the broadest sense whether we're talking about plants or shrubs or trees all types of vegetation how is it produced it's produced by its own seed and here's something that's true you have a apple tree only producing apple seeds now I don't care if you go billions of years you'll never have when you just leave an apple tree alone you'll never have it produce anything other than Apple seats no people today are messing with hybrids and all types of of crossing things together in order to produce new species or new types of species whatever it may be but in the natural left alone you never have that you have apple trees producing apples which have apple seeds and an apple tree is only good to be an apple tree now can there be variation among apple trees yes there can be but they're all a type of apple tree you never have an apple tree becoming an oak tree you never have an oak tree becoming a palm tree those things don't happen you can take billions of years it doesn't matter they did not all come from the same origin other than God being that same origin that he created them but he created them how we'll look again it's very very precise talking about these these sprouts this vegetation these trees it says are see producing trees of fruit and it makes its fruit here it is Lamy no according to its own species the word here is mem you'd noon so feet mean mean is gender can mean a male female or a type or a species so what does the Word of God say God says that there are different species of things and when we look at his account very carefully we never find species changing into other species they always stay to their own they produce their own type of seed their own type of offspring which is according to its kind that's what we're going to read now you know what that's exactly what genetics and DNA states today you don't have a gorilla becoming something else you don't have him becoming a pussycat you don't have a grizzly bear becoming a rabbit you don't have these things taking place and it doesn't matter what time period you want to place it's an impossibility and genetics and the study of DNA supports this you can't have this this this corruption you don't have all life originating all types of life all types of animal and insect and fish and bird and human and what type all originating from the same DNA and then to through change mortify smort metamorphosis becoming mutation becoming something different that theory that Darwin gave is not supported today and it's not supported with the literal interpretation of the scripture the Bible knew always the Darwin was wrong and now science knows that but here's the problem they are so slow to let go of it those that are are working on PhDs they know this but but the problem is when it comes to teaching that that college freshman or the sophomore in general science they stick with the lies and the fallacies of evolution even though they know today it's not the case and they teach the children this deception why because it undermines the authority of Scripture and what much of science is about undermining the Word of God rather than saying science it will eventually confirm what the scripture reveals and over time when you look at history over the last when you look at science over a period of 200 years you find that more and more is supporting Scripture it's only a matter of time before what is recorded here science will also say is truth move on we read here and God saw and this is the second time behold it was good it came about and evening it came about a morning and the third day so more and more when we look into scripture and we compare scriptures account to creation and we look at the latest scientific discoveries we find that science doesn't undermine Scripture no it supports it see God knew because he was the creator that an apple tree could only be an apple tree that you couldn't change it naturally now man can come in and and spiced together and mix and hybrid and do all these things but but in nature it doesn't happen now what's the important aspect of that well we're gonna see later on about the creation of man and we're gonna see that God made them according to the species each type male and female and in that same way a male can't become a woman and a woman can't become a man you say well there's a surgery that can do that there's there's medicines that can begin that change yes but it's artificial it's not according to creation it's not according to nature it's a violation of the natural laws and you know what else is this it is rebellion against God's order and that's why today it's so popular so popular for people to support you know what if you want to change gender go ahead and the government wants to make it easy for you they're giving you different bathrooms they're giving you funds for if you're in the army and you want that they give you funds for that to go through that surgery so more and more we see that that resources governmental resources are being invested in this why because all too often the government is invested in attacking scripture why because they don't want to be under God's Authority they want to be the authority and only those who are willing to submit to truth are going to find God's will only them are going to find God's joy his peace his contentment and where's that in the midst of obedience see God's Word his revelation to us positions us it gives us the potential to obey Him and that's a good thing but that's what the world believes is evil and what the world is rebelling against so you need to make it very personal to yourself are you wanting to submit or are you wanting to rebel are you wanting God's order or do you want the disorder of this world it all comes down to a choice that you and I make based upon what we do with the revelation of Scripture well I'll close with that until our next study when we will begin again in Genesis chapter 1 and we'll continue on with the fourth day well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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