Exodus Chapter 2 Part 1

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via afta Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson God is indeed faithful to provide he will move according to his truth and he will do so at his appointed times Israel they have been in bondage for many many years through many generations but because of the faithfulness of a few as we studied last week those midwives who feared God who served him who did things according to his will not according to the threats of Pharaoh God saw their faithfulness and God began to move in that next generation that generation to bring forth his Redemption and notice what we see here because of their faithfulness of these two women it moved another woman to be faithful and this is the mother of Moshe Rabbeinu yoga vet and this woman feared God as well ticket your Bibles and look with me to the book of Exodus and now we're ready for Exodus chapter 2 we see how God works in order to bless his people one family as a time and never underestimate what one family can do look at verse 1 we read here and a man from the house of levy that is a Levite biblically we know that a unique way that tribe has been called in a unique purpose to be servants spiritual leaders but servants never less for the rest of the tribes now when we think of the Levites there's another group of people that usually come into our mind the KOA neem the priests but realize something all priests they derive from Aaron who we've already met Aaron for example the brother of Moshe Rabbeinu and we know something that the priests come from Aaron but they're still part of that same tribe the Levites so God is going to work with those who have a call in their life the Levites look again at verse 1 and a man from the house of Levites the levy he went forth now this is important because we see this man acting in faithfulness he went forth and those what it says he took from the daughter of Levi that is from the tribe of the Levites he took a wife now this mentioned something to us because marriage whenever a family is is built and that's what we're talking about here when this man went and this means he walked why is that important because it speaks about a lifestyle it speaks about behavior now biblically we learned later on that there's an emphasis for Levites to marry Levites for priests to marry daughters of other priests because this call to be a Levite is a very stringent one and it assists it's not an absolute mandate but it a strong spiritual recommendation because a daughter of a Levite she would be raised in home with this stringent Smiths with this call therefore she would be more appropriate for a custom to what it meant to be a Levite in a house of Levites she would be better able to marry another Levite so traditionally we see that Levites would marry daughters of Levites and that's exactly what happened here it shows that this man who would be the father of Moses that this man took his call seriously now some would argue and say but wait a second the tour has not been given that's true but God has revealed truth he has those that have heard his voice like Avraham yet Scott Yaakov and those individuals that God has spoken to revealed his word and apparently Levite he has taken hold of this and he's someone who wants to walk with the Lord and that's why the first word in chapter 2 is this word vile F and he walked this man from the house of Levi and he took from the daughter of the Levites and notice what happened verse 2 now the message is this even though and realize this was difficult times there was an emphasis from Pharaoh to exterminate the Jewish people killing all the male children those who were going to be born we talked about that last week but this man didn't lose faith this man didn't see an end in future rather he saw a beginning that God would be faithful and therefore he didn't look at the situation with hopelessness why should I get married if I get married and have a child if it's a son it's just going to be tossed into the Nile he didn't see it this way he went out of obedience believing the Word of God now remember the Word of God says be fruitful and multiply here again did the people have the written word they did not but the revelation of God was available through prophecy and we see that Moses he received prophecy but before him we need to remember the patriarchs heard from God so he took from the daughter of a Levite and notice verse 2 it says and she that is the woman conceived now normally when consumption is mentioned it is shown by the presence of God that he's at work in the situation he is wanting to bless because children are a heritage from the Lord they are the fruit or the blessing of the womb so God is still moving God is still blessings he still has purpose so this woman conceived and notice she bears a son and this son notice it says and she looked at him ki toh who now I don't know how it's translated in your Bible but ki tofu means for she looked and she saw that he was good now many English Bibles they will translate it that he was handsome that he was was you know someone of fair look presentation but all of that is wrong it's a simple Hebrew word Tove which means good and why is it significant because the word Tove meaning good should be understood as relating to the will of God and I share that often it's important words appear over and over and the purpose for this appearing of these same words is to teach us truth so she saw how we should rightly understand it she saw that this young child this one who was just born that he was good meaning he was related to the will of God now the husband he wanted when he walked and took a wife he wanted to fulfill he saw a future but here in chapter 2 we're going to see that there's an emphasis on the mother of Moses we're not good encounter I'm Ron the husband of Yaakov ed that is the father of Moses for several chapters the emphasis is going to be on the woman on the mother she's the one that saw at as she looked at this child that he was connected to the will of God so what should she do well the law was that a son had to be cast into the Nile but what did she do she hid this child and notice what it says she Lucia Yara King now Uriah is moon but your ass can also be an ancient Hebrew word for month' today we have the word Kodesh it also appears in the Bible but the word ERF meaning moon and its use as a month because every new moon there's a new month so she hid this son of hers for three months now three can be a number for testing for example when you're sure he tested Peter when he says do you love me three times so this woman she was tested and she hid her son keeping him alive for three months look at verse 3 but it came about when she could no longer hide him what did she do when it was beyond her own ability it says that she took him and this is what it says and a basket now your Bible says basket realized something it is the same word for Ark not the Ark of the Covenant this would be our own but it's word daiva which is Ark like in know ARC now this is significant because Noah and his family eight people all together they wanted a new beginning and that new beginning was going to be provided by God for them through being in the ark and the messengers this same word is selected now I realized that in English they don't like the word Ark here because we think of this large boat and the context here is something much smaller but it is sad when we think that we should alter the scripture by giving it a different translation than it has in the book of Genesis no Moses he was placed in that Ark would we call a basket frequently but he was placed in that arc because she did so with that same faith that same trusting of God that that Noah had and his family when they entered into the ark look again at verse 3 and she when she was no longer able anymore to hide him she took him and notice an ark and Ark of and once more don't know how its translated in your Bible but it speaks about the same type of plant that we get papyrus from what we we write on long ago ancient paper and she took this this papyrus and she used it with something it says that she with kind of like asphalt now she uses two words here asphalt and this another word which means asphalt sometimes in Bibles they call it pitch but it's something that is sticky something that is used for a sealer so with this this type of asphalt and sealer what did she do she sealed up this arc she made it so it would float this papyrus and we keep reading on it says and she put in it in the ark the child now this is word Yellin and by the way we find the same word in a different form but same source same root word being used to describe Messiah as well so Moses is the first Redeemer and machette Yeshua he's the final Redeemer but this word should cause us to think about Messiah look again she set in it in the ark the child and she set it in the Sousou is the reeds now we're talking about reeds that grow out of the water near the shore so she put just like Noah's Ark entered into water because of the flood in that same way we find that she put her ark much smaller with only one passenger Moses she put it as well in the the river by these reeds on the shore of the nile verse 4 and she stationed now it's a word to take a stand or to be positioned and it's interesting because this is the same word that appears later on in the book of Exodus when Moses and the children of Israel that they stood on the other side of the Red Sea and they saw the salvation the salvation that God provided that is when he brought them through the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his troops were defeated so this language it foreshadows we see it elsewhere in regard to God's faithfulness to his people and therefore God's going to be faithful once more in this situation look now again to verse 4 she stationed this is the mother yo yo you'll heaven she stationed his sister at a distance why to know what would be done to him now she just didn't put him in and forget it she put a watchman in this case a woman his older sister to be there to look out and to see what came about she wasn't washing her hands of her son she was doing something that I believe that the Word of God placed upon her heart to do in order to teach us in order to teach us about deliverance how God brought brought the children of Noah and his wife and their spouses how he brought them to a new beginning God here in the choice of these words were communicating to us that there was going to be a new beginning for the children of Israel verse verse 5 verse 5 were not focusing any longer on the family of Moses but on Pharaoh's family now here we're seeing the Providence of God because you know many people would go down to the Nile in order to bathe people would go and do many things along the seashore it was used for a variety of purposes but it just so happened at the time and at the place where they placed that small Ark with Moses inside into the water along the shore at that time at that place who happened to come we'll look at verse 5 and the daughter of Pharaoh went down to bathe in the Nile and she went there with her young ladies that means and it's word here Naro tyfa with her young attendants so we don't know how old the daughter of Pharaoh was but she had young women attending to her needs so she would go down there they would carry perhaps the towel and her clothes and such and they would also serve as kind of a lookout to make sure no one would come where she was bathing it was a reference to modesty and therefore notice what it says verse five the daughter of Pharaoh at that moment at that place went down went down to bathe in the Nile with her young ladies with her and they walked along the Nile and she saw notice she saw the Ark in the midst of the reed that is long these these reeds that would come up from the water she saw and notice she saw this Ark and she sent for her her maidservant that she would take it now notice here according to the Hebrew point pronouns she saw this this Ark and it captured her attention what was it doing there now it was proudly made from those same reeds but it was made a unique way like the Ark and it captured her attention she sent a maidservant in order to take it and the word here it refers not to Moses she didn't know Moses was in it but to take the ark verse six she took it in its sense verse six and she opened up and she saw him that is Moses notice it says again this is the second time at high yell at the child and behold and there's a change in word na are now norm now our is used throughout Hebrew more often than not to refer to a young teenager so we have a teen oak a baby then I yell at a small child and then a na na R and then the and then finally ich so it's somewhat unusual but in many places in the scripture a na r can also be referred to an infant what's the significant usually when a baby is referred to by this Hebrew word it is to show significance and that's exactly its use here there is significance with this child what is it he is connected to the will of God let me say that a different way he is connected to the will of God and for some reason Pharaoh's daughter when she looked that message not necessarily the will of God but something unique she saw in this child and the moment that she was looking at him notice both hey this young infant he cried out and with that cry so she saw and she heard and noticed she had compassion upon him now there's another thing that that really stands out in this text she is Pharaoh's daughter we're gonna see in a moment she knew what this young child was this baby boy she knew the order that the Hebrew infants that were male they had to be put to death but she was Pharaoh's daughter see other women they might fear to disobey Pharaoh to disobey Pharaoh to mean a great punishment even death but she was Pharaoh's daughter and I hope you see the Providence I mean she could get away with what other young women couldn't what other young woman wouldn't even want to get away with but when she heard that child cry it says here that she had compassion she took pity and furthermore she said from she said from the children of the Hebrews is this one so she knew the situation very well but she didn't care she because of what touched her heart this mercy she was going to raise this child verse seven now the mother remember she just didn't say I'm trusting you God I'm putting him into the water and that's it she had her daughter who we will know later on is Miriam Miriam was there she was watching to see what would happen and immediately look at verse 7 his sister this would be Miriam his sister said to the daughter of Pharaoh now she's there and she speaks to Pharaoh's daughter and she says shall I go and call for you a woman from the Hebrews to nurse that is a nurse from the Hebrews meaning the Hebrew women that she would nurse for you at high yell at once more this child now this is the third time other words are used to describe him but this is the third time that this word and phrase at hi Ellen the child is mentioned I mentioned that this word specifically is used in regard to mashiac as well the Messiah so she comes she would have been known from her language from her act set because the Hebrews all lived in Goshen they learned the language of the Egyptians but according to tradition they did not lose Hebrew they spoke their own language they retained it so she would have been known by Pharaoh's daughter to be a Hebrew child herself and she went and she says do you want me to fetch for you not for him not for us for you do you want me to bring a nurse from the Hebrew women in order that you through her can nurse this this young child verse eight and she said to her that is Pharaoh's daughter said to her go and she went and notice what she's called she's called ha al ma now this is important because this is the word that's used in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 remember what it says a virgin shall conceive and bear a child why is that important because that word as well Alma is used in regard to Messiah and here's what's important Messiah is Redeemer and therefore this word Alma should also be be given to us in the context of redemption in other words throughout this passage God is communicating with the reader through the selection of words that were inspired to be written down he is streaming out Redemption Redemption this all has to do with God's plan to redeem his people out of bondage now I want to talk a few minutes about this word Alma now there's debate liberal individuals those who doubt the authority of Scripture I was speaking to my right rifki two-seat nning as we were coming back from our study and I mentioned a professor that I had in seminary and even though he was a very nice guy he was very confident meaning not insecure because I vehemently disagreed with him and I remember asking him why do you interpret this verse this way and the message was this there was something supernatural God was doing but instead of looking at it from prophecy from God speaking forth something miraculous that he was going to do rather he gave a different interpretation he didn't see with future implications but something that happened in the past and he did not give it a supernatural context but something physical and I asked him why is it that that people oftentimes in seminaries why do they want to explain away the supernatural why do they want to always look at prophecy saying well this is prophecy but it spoke about a past event not something with any future ramifications I don't understand why these individuals enter in to that type of of call profession labor work if they just want to doubt the authority and the power of God so many people want to look at this word Alma and what is written in Isaiah 7:14 and just say you know all this word means is a young woman I mentioned the word na r for a young man now in the feminine we have Nara and there's many in fact if you would do a study you would find that many times people in theological writings in reference books they will tell you that the word Alma is a Miele near death a synonym for the word Nara meaning just a young woman that is false the word Nara means a young woman it's a very generic word but the word alma has to do with a woman of righteousness that means a woman who is committed to the will of God and to be committed to the will of God you have to be committed to the Word of God and here's the message there she was faithful in carrying out her call me now if we're speaking about a woman a woman who is unmarried who is serious about the Word of God and as a righteous woman if she's not married she's going to be a virgin so this word should rightly be define as a righteous young woman who has never been with a man that's an Alma and it's usually attached to that which is related to the will of God the purposes of God so that's why here in the text in verse 8 where it says and the Alma and it's ha Alma and the young woman righteous godly connected to the will of God the purposes of God this Alma went and she called the mother and here's a fourth time of the yelling of this child now what's important is this I mean the mother is being brought right back immediately into the life of Moses why is that because she is going to discipleship disciple him she is going to be an influence in Moses life and we're going to see because of the influence of his mother that Moses is good to see himself differently and how is that well next week when we continue on in our study we're going to see that Moses goes forth he leaves Pharaoh's house I realized something he is a man now he was raised to be the son of Pharaoh in that environment but here's what's important he did not have an Egyptian identity he had an identity with the Hebrews and where do you think that came from there's only one answer according to the context of Scripture and that is because of the influence the discipleship of you'll heaven his mother she raised him with the identity of one of the Hebrews she was highly influential in his life look again we find that that this Alma this righteous young woman she called the mother of the child Moses mother verse 9 and the daughter of Pharaoh said to her will you go with the child this child and nurse him for me so she's asking will you go and do this for me now who do you think would desire to nurse this young boy obviously the mother but she's being asked to do it now here's what's important normally the Hebrews would beseech the Egyptians the Egyptians are the one with authority power this is sue this is Pharaoh's daughter Arrow's daughter and she doesn't command she doesn't order she could but she says will you go the the word is significant by the way it's the same word that begins chapter two when it says and and Moses father were talking about this this Levite AMRAAM is his name he goes it says here a man from the house of levy goes and he takes a daughter of a Levite what's a medicine chair we find this word go in this context is related to faithfulness and God's faithfulness is being manifested through the daughter of Pharaoh when she says to Moses mother will you go with the child and nurse him for me and notice the last part of verse 9 she says and I will give your wage now notice what's happening here now we mentioned earlier on in our call to worship from the book of Isaiah chapter 48 and verse 17 that when we make God to be our teacher when he guides her life he will guide us into prosperity I'm not speaking about material prosperity alone but he is going to equip us provide for us what we need in our life he is a faithful provider and what we find is this that God because of the obedience of this woman she did all she could she wasn't listening to Pharaoh she wasn't listening to the influence of others she wasn't paying attention to the law of the Egyptians she was doing what the fear of the Lord led her to do to hide this child and she did it to her fullest ability but the scripture says when she could not any longer she did something and I agree with hazael that is the sages of Israel that she was led by God it was through revelation that she built an ark like Moses excuse me like Noah built and are in order for a new beginning and because she obeyed what happened well she earned a wage there was a response there was a reward the Hebrew word a scar a reward so Pharaoh's daughter says I will give to you your wage and the woman here again talking about Moses mother you'll have it it says and the woman took this is what the sixth time the child and nurse her nursed him now look at verse 10 verse 10 will be our last verse tonight and when we look at it it emphasizes a change look at verse 10 and the child the seventh time and the child grew and he was brought she took him into the house of Pharaoh so when no longer no longer was she nursing him she was he was brought by her into brought to the daughter of Pharaoh meaning into the house of Pharaoh and he became to her for a son now this is important because now she was raising him but always with that influence that influence from mother and look again verse 10 and she came to her he became to her for a son and she called his name mâche why well she said because from the water I draw him meaning I took him up now this is important because water in the same way that we find the ark was brought out of the water into we're brought up to a mountain and in that same way was brought up from the water into a high place what is that the house of Egypt now this is important for a very particular reason the house of Pharaoh it is a government and we see that Moses was brought out of the water in order to enter into Pharaoh's house this is a reference to the government and this is to tell us that he was being prepared to be a leader to be a ruler God's providence God's plan was to influence Moses to bring him up that he might be a powerful leader but don't forget about this identity he never lost his Hebrew identity he was not called to be a leader of the Egyptians but a leader of the Hebrews for what purpose for the purposes of God now here's the message that I want to close with and that is this we have faithful women in the book of Exodus all of them are operating with the fear of the Lord and this is true for Moses mother and her influenced more than anything else she instilled in Moses the fear of the Lord and the fear of the Lord notice the scripture says and the Proverbs it's the beginning of wisdom wisdom is the ability to utilize the knowledge the understanding of God to put it into action and that's what Moses is going to demonstrate next week that he is a man that's indeed moved by the truth of God the wisdom of God in order that he might carry out the purposes of God so let me ask you this are you someone that is motivated through the fear of the Lord and does that fear the Lord produce wisdom giving you the insight and how you're supposed to put truth into action with the objective one objective and that is that the will of God might be realized and what we're going to find is this that the will of God through Moses is to take the people out of exile out of this world and bring them into a promised land here's what I want to close with we're going to see that there's an emphasis when we speak about God's purposes his will his establishment of his rule in this world that is Kingdom there's always always always always a connection to the Land of Israel and it is so tragic today that we have too many people holding this book but do not understand the revelation of this book in regard to the significance of the Land of Israel that God has sanctified it that means he has placed in this land purpose and what Moses is going to do is that Moses he comes out of Egypt but he comes out alone and he goes to the wrong location and he does so alone know God's purpose he gave him a Hebrew identity to be the Redeemer of the Hebrew people with the purpose to bring them into a right relationship with God where is that found in the wilderness why wilderness dependence upon God the necessary preparation in order that the people get right with God trusting God believing in God to enter into the land of God where they can begin to serve God so let me say this when we look at this book of Exodus it's always to bring about a people prepared to serve God so is that your objective is that your passion to be someone who accomplishes the will of God to think of yourself above all things as a servant of the Lord that is what Moses is throughout this book of Exodus and on into Leviticus and numbers in Deuteronomy this man Moses he was saved uniquely the Providence of God positioned in Pharaoh's house in order that he might be used by God in order to accomplish the purposes of God and how he was thought of in the scripture is the servant of God what a wise thing to be are you striving to serve God well I'll close with that until next week Shalom from Israel but before I say good night I want to encourage you to remember at this time in another 6 or 7 minutes if you have Sirius XM radio and there's 34 million people in the United States to do you can go to Family Talk channel 131 on your radio and you can listen to our program lost in translation it's an hour program I begin the first half with the teaching and in that radio program we're dealing with the book of John and then the second half I'm joined with Ronnie Houlihan and also Dean Kelly oh and Tom Levine as we speak about the Word of God and we want to learn more about what is lost in the translations so that we can understand the truth of God and apply it to our life so again those with Sirius XM once you listen tell a friend and also tell people about midnight from Jerusalem we're trying to do more and more to get biblical truth to into the hands more and more people and we would be so grateful if you would as participate with us by inviting a friend sharing that we're on multiple internet platforms in the United States were on numerous networks like Daystar god TV super channel 55 GEB and a host of others both in America and throughout the world because we're committed to sharing the Word of God to change lives and get them ready for a kingdom experience well now I will close goodnight until next week Shalom well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 3,726
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: MI9I-q1Qsz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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