Bible Numerics

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and welcome back robber breaker here today's message is going to be on Biblical numerix this is a message I've been wanting to preach now for a while and it's it's something that's really not that spectacular a lot of people say man I'm enjoying your your messages are they're just wonderful and it's like okay this one won't be that wonderful this is more of a teaching message but in the Bible numbers have meanings and as we go to the bottom we look at different numbers we find this recurring theme over and over well this number is connected with this and this number is connected with this and this number oh it's connected with this so there's a lot that I'd like to say today don't know how this is going to go but this I just believe that this is something I need to teach on as this will be something I'll be referring to later on in the coming messages that come I believe it was last week I preached on Bible patterns and I showed different patterns in the Bible and how God is a God of WoW just as amazing God a mathematician God is a great mathematical genius and one of the things God does he uses numbers and he uses codes and so there's some people that believe there are different codes in the Bible that can be found through numbers we looked at this book here last time the mathematical perfection of the King James Bible by periander explana and how God is just a mathematical genius and how God uses numbers well today we're going to look at numbers some people might call this teaching gematria I don't like that term gematria but I guess that's the word that they use when when numbers have meanings but I'm not going to use that term Clarence Larkin uses the term scripture numerix and he has a chapter toward the end of his book on the greatest book on dispensational teaching all the world scriptural numerix and he talks a little bit about this as well if you go to Bible School they teach this kind of stuff and why am i teaching this well like I said it's going to be something that I'll refer back to in future messages but also it's just fun to know okay this is what this this number means in the Bible and it's interesting to see how God is just so amazing how he uses numbers Clarence Larkin calls him the great geometric geometric geometry how he uses numbers so we're going to go through this going to look at this I don't think this is going to be very long if you will this isn't going to be the longest message that I've ever preached but it will be beneficial in the future as we look at new messages I can point back to this one now one things I want to say kind of off the cuff here I guess I had a guy send me some of these Bible code things and it's just amazing it's amazing not only does God use the different numbers but how God uses the Bible code he sent me a couple of things maybe I'll put one up here and you can see it but you went Isaiah chapter 53 one of the greatest the prophecies in the Old Testament of Jesus Christ and his sufferings on the cross and guess what you type in Messiah or whatever it's just amazing how you see all around Isaiah 53 well there is there's Jesus Christ he's mentioned so if you look at the Bible code you can't help but see that Jesus Christ is the Messiah but also one of the things he said was every xx letter so again numbers and then that spells out Messiah or Jesus so this is a little different than the Bible code this is more like a numbers code but it's basically teaching that every number has a meaning behind it not I don't know all the numbers I'm just going to go through the basic ones and try to give you scripture to prove this as well and I don't really have that many Bible verses to go to today I just want to briefly put up here what are the different numbers what do they mean so let's start with well let me go ahead and start with one verse because I want to read a Bible verse at least so I'm 71 and verse 15 david says in Psalm 71 15 my mouth shall show forth thy righteousness and my salvation all the day for I know not the numbers thereof what an odd thing for a man to say to say my mouth we'll speak about your righteousness and your salvation all day long because I don't know what your numbers are of their Oh was he saying there's some numbers involved with righteousness some numbers involved with salvation I don't understand that verse but I was looking in my Bible verses about numbers and how many times the word number shows up and how many times the word number shows up it was just interesting David said there's some things that I don't know and some of things I don't know about are the numbers well what I wanted eight today to do is teach on scriptural numerix or biblical numerix we're going to look at different numbers and what they mean so first of all we'll go with one and go let me go ahead and just write them up here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 we can still go down put 12 down here everyone for 13 we do that's about as far as I'm going to go is number 13 and over here I might put a 14 I might put out 40 or some other numbers but we'll see as we go along well first of all the number one as you would probably assume is the number of unity or a unit just one unit symbolizes the unity of God in the ephesians 4 4 through 6 we have seven distinct ones in the bible one body one spirit one hope one lord one faith one baptism one god so one is the number of unity or a unit of one thing simple i mean oh okay that's pretty basic like i said did you teach this they teach this in Bible School and some of its redundant but then some of this hopefully will be a blessing and something that you will learn to is the number of Union two is two things coming together as one such as the union of marriage two shall be called one flesh the union of Christ and the church the reunion of the two natures of Jesus many things here I'm looking at Larkins thing here and how he gives these different numbers and it's like it is what he has here good enough to explain or something like that but this is interesting he has some interesting things here so 1 & 2 are the simple basic ones now when we come to the number 3 3 is the number of divinity or Trinity and when we get to this number I think it's important that we understand something I've had some people emailing lately and it say I don't believe in the Trinity and I think hi why would you say such a silly thing I don't believe in the Trinity when it's all through the Bible as a matter of fact it's in the very first verse of the Pipal how can you miss out on the Trinity and say I don't believe that God is a Trinity well then are you reading your Bible even at all in Genesis chapter 1 in verse 1 it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth verse 2 says and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light now you continue reading down here and it's God doing this God doing that God doing this alright now let's go to chapter or excuse me we're still in chapter 1 let's look at verse 26 and God said are you ready for this let us make man in our image after our likeness three times God says a plural us our our God is a Trinity God is one God with three parts now how a person can't understand this I don't know but it says that God created man in his own image verse 27 in the image of God created he then so let's look at a man what is a man well 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 in verse 23 tells us what a man is 1st Thessalonians 5:23 says that every man born of this world has 3 parts yes 1st Thessalonians 5:23 says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit but soul and body be preserved blameless into the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so one God with three parts just as there's one person with three parts God is a Trinity people say well Trinity's not in the Bible yeah the word Trinity is not there but the doctrine is you see we are a triune being that means we have three parts we are one person but we have three parts so when you look at me well all you see is my body and I'm sorry you have to look at it I know I'm ugly but when you see me you see the body one of the three parts on the right I'm here real quick body soul and spirit now the job witnesses are the worst about this because the Jehovah Witness occult teaches that there's no Trinity and they teach that you have no soul and that when you die you don't go to hell because they believe there's no such thing as hell but as you read the Bible the Bible says the body this is the outward part it says inside the body is the soul and inside of that is a spirit when you're born you're born dead so you're born without a spirit that spirits empty when you die without Jesus Christ the soul goes to hell or if you're saved the soul goes to happen I don't understand how these people say I don't believe in a Trinity when it's all throughout the Bible but what we find is that even though we are created in God's image we can't do what God can do God somehow or another can do something that we cannot do in that God can divide his three parts whatever he feels like it and yet we cannot we are three parts are together and cannot be separated so when you see me you see my body my soul my spirit I can't take my body and put it over in Texas take my soul put it up in Alaska and then take my spirit and put it down in Key West Florida I can't separate myself the only way else have any sense raishin is when I die and my soul separates from my body as it says in Genesis that lead was Rebecca died and says and her soul was in departing so I am made in the image of God with three parts just as God has three parts but God can do something that I can't do one of the three parts of God over here let's coordinate on those three what's the body of God the Father Jesus what's the soul will that be God the Father and then what's the spirit I'll just abbreviate it that's the Holy Spirit so the three parts of God corresponds with our three parts just like God said we remain in his image but yet God takes those three parts and can separate himself and we can't he said what are you talking about we'll go to Matthew chapter 3 matthew 3:13 then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him in John forbad him saying I have need to be baptized the ink comes out to me and Jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he suffered him and Jesus the body of God when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were open to him and he saw the Spirit capital s of God descending like a dove lighting upon him so the Holy Spirit of God is descending while Jesus is down here on the earth so the body is here the spirits up there now look at this verse 17 and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased whose was the voice the voice was God the Father so God the Father in Heaven holy spirits in heaven and Jesus is down here one God but three different parts that somehow he can divide up and yet we're made in the image of God three parts that we can't divide ourselves so it's one God with three parts and three is the number of divinity 3 is the number that God shows and it's the number um well many other things that I could say about 3 and the number 3 but it's interesting how many things in the world have to do with the number three like a family you have a family what you have father mother children three parts the son has three parts there's only really three main colors blue yellow and red and all the other colors can be made by mixing those colors together there's three animal they're three kingdoms the animal kingdom the vegetable kingdom the mineral kingdom matter exists only in three forms gaseous liquid solid the forces of nature are gravity light electricity many different things all tie in with the number three so three is a number that's quite amazing but it really ties in with the divinity and how God is creator look at the atom an atom has three parts you know I say this because there's a lot of people out there and say well I'm a Taoist I believe in Taoism and the dualism in the two parts of everything so sorry you're missing something it seems like all throughout nature it's always three neutron proton electron you've got to have three mater can't even exist without three so that's the number three what's the number four four is the number of the world or maybe we could say of Earth and in the Bible for is an interesting number there's four seasons so you have four seasons she also have four directions north south east and west for these angels are standing up in the Bible in Revelation and says they're on the four corners of the what the earth or the world so the number four identified with the world or with earth they're actually four elements earth wind fire and air the four elements now there were four rivers that flowed out of the Garden of Eden a four chair of them so I don't know if that has anything to do with anything but Larkin mentions the four cherubims so four lines up with the world the earth and so four has to do with that so when you see four in the Bible you see something quite interesting okay now let's go to number five what is the number five well many Bible schools will say well that's the number of race well it's actually the number of death the number five has to do with death I don't have a problem with you making it more than one meaning try put grace up here as well but the number five clearly clearly is the number of death look at this with me Genesis chapter five and verse five now what's so neat is about when you learn these numbers we find an interesting thing these chapter and verse division marks in the Bible almost come alive there are some verses in the Bible that appear to not only teach what the verse teaches but you find some interesting things as the number applies to what's actually happening in the first Genesis five five is the first verse in the Bible where it says and someone died Genesis five five five the number death death twice Genesis five five and it says and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died well that's interesting the number five is the number of death now a lot of people say well five is also the number of grace grace has five letters Jesus has five letters Jesus is great well Jesus also died death has five letters so as you're reading through the book of the Bible you find out that the number five shows up a lot of times and it has a lot of connection with dying five is the number of death well that brings us to the next one number six what is six well the Bible clearly tells us what this is I wrote six up here sorry sometimes I preach so much during the day I do three or four videos and my mind starts to to go this is the third video of today just trying to get a heads Beiste this is the number of man or the number of the beast okay so number six is clearly found in Revelation chapter 13 let's go to Revelation chapter 13 because it tells us of a number here and it tells us what this number is Revelation chapter 13 I hope you're understanding where I'm coming from like I say in Bible at school you go to Bible School they'll teach you what I'm teaching here today they'll say we're going to look at Bible geometrics or are geometric a Bible numeral geometry is the word I'm looking for Bible Jim geometry Bible numbers and they'll tell you these same things that I'm saying up here it's not just something that someone's pulled outta left field it's something for years people have believed for many different reasons why well let's look at this Revelation chapter 13 in verse 18 it says here's wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man what is the number and his number is six hundred threescore and six so six is the number of man and of the Beast did you know that men and beasts God created on the sixth day according to the book of Genesis so man is number is six maybe we'll see something interesting go to first Timothy chapter 5 verse 6 and you can get an idea of where I'm going with all this and and how it applies to the scripture first first Timothy chapter 5 verse 6 it talks about someone who is dead while she liveth hmm interesting dead while she's alive first Timothy chapter 5 verse 6 says but she that liveth this in pleasure is dead while she liveth well she who is he talking about here a widow a woman who was part of a man so when a man and woman get married they become one flesh well she's dead five while she lives verse six man so it's interesting five six dead men she's a dead woman whoa man so as you read through this you find some interesting things how Bible verses just so happen to correspond sort of with the thing that it's talking about at least death is in the verse dead while she liveth and death is the number 5 5 6 chapter 5 verse 6 many many different things like that and be fun if you emailed some what do you find that shows this as well a different verses but chapter 6 is a excuse me number 6 is the number of man but also the number of the beast and instead in the Bible we find the number six many times in fact Nebuchadnezzar built an image and his image was sixty by six by six which is a lot of sixes and he was a man he wanted all people to worship but it was also an image to worship was the type of the Beast the Antichrist so many different numbers in the Bible now the number seven seven is the number of completion or perfection in the Bible now for some reason that's God's favorite number I guess it seems like everything has to come back to the number seven when God says something up in fact even to this day they call it not lucky number seven why is it a lucky number you look through the Bible you find that the number seven is everywhere there are seven trumpets seven vials seven cups seven candlesticks around the mercy-seat seven feasts Jesus Christ spoke seven words from the cross several different sayings we not just going to all the sevens in the Bible of so many different sevens if you get a chance go to the cloud church or YouTube and look up my sermon on the seven thousand years of human history and we find out that there's really over only seven thousand years of human history god when he wrote the Old Testament he shows that seven over and over and over again here's a chart in Larkins book where he starts out there were seven literal days of creation of course there were six and the last day God rested then he shows that there's seven weeks of feasts starting at the feast of firstfruits and sees the Pentecost you get seven weeks exactly so there is a seven days then there's seven weeks in which God does something take that cover up there then we have a week of months as we look at the different feasts if we start on Passover and it on Tabernacles here have a feast of weeks Oh a week of days seven days makes a week a week of weeks a week of months and then a week of years in the Bible God commands the Jews that for six years they can plant and on the seventh year they're supposed to leave that to rest and let that field be vacant for a whole year and that helps bring back the nutrients and the minerals and everything we have a week of weeks of years here as well which would correspond to what seven Sabbath's of years we have a week of millenniums the seven thousand years of human history that I told you about earlier so it just seems like as you read the Bible you cannot get away there he has on the bottom the seven ages or seven dispensations so you cannot get away from this number seven as you read through the Bible it's all over it why is that well for some reason that's God's number and it's made up of three plus four it's made up of God the divinity doing something in the world and what does he do he completes what he wants done so it's interesting how these numbers how these things just seem to go together it's it's mathematical it's genius it's God a mathematical genius through numbers showing us different things now the number eight is the number of new beginning something new or new beginning I hope you're still with me I'm just trying to get this presented as a sin so that as I do future videos hopefully I can reference back to this but number eight is a number of new beginnings on the eighth day Abraham had to circumcise his children what was that that was a sign it was a token it was to show them hey we are going to follow God we're going to start a new beginning we were born this way but God wanted them on the eighth day to do this all these different things happen on the de Noah was the eighth person from Adam what happened a new beginning the flood came so there's all these different things that happen on the number eight the feast of tabernacle lasted for seven days but on the eighth day was the holy convocation what was that that was a day where was a new beginnings to start a new cycle and I started something new so you got eight new new beginning a new start interesting well you've got 7,000 years of human history like I said earlier and then the Bible says to be in the end of Revelation after the seven thousand years of human history after the Millennium will be a new heaven and a new earth well of course there won't be time anymore but if there were that would be the start of the eight thousand year the new beginning the new heaven and the new earth so you've got all these numbers that tie into different things and it's just amazing when you look at the Bible numerix how God has set things up to where the numbers means something next we have the number nine Larkin doesn't have the number nine here nine is the number of fruit in the Bible if you go to well where is it bleep it's Galatians there's nine fruits of the spirit nine different fruits of the spirit let's go to Galatians nine is the number of fruit in the Bible in the Galatians I believe it's toward the end there Galatians chapter five and verse twenty twenty-two now the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance so nine different things make the fruit of the Spirit so nine the number of fruit now there's more that I can say about that but that's that's a good start and it's interesting to see the number nine and like I said as you read through your Bible what you need to do is don't just read and skip the number in front of the verse read the verse and then look at the number and say no does this number have a meaning that might go along with this verse I had a brother in Bible School that did that and he'd come ever week to school and say man I've been reading my Bible taking paying careful attention to the numbers after he learned this he's just like well how I find in so many cool things in the Bible and how the numbers just line up so well in so many different ways awesome awesome maybe you can find that as well that's why the Bible tells us to study to show our self a proof you don't just read the Bible when you study it because you get stuff out of it that prove that only a divine God could have made that book in such a way that it's mathematically just awesome awesome number 10 10 is the number of the Gentiles ten is the number of Gentiles it's made up of the number four and the number six four is the world six is maton so man in the world taken over well the history of the world the majority of the world has been run by the Gentiles except for the short period of time in which the Jews were over the earth and one day they'll be back in the tribulation let's see that there's the ten horns in John's beast in the book of Revelation what is that that's ten Kings in the tribulation that rule what does it say it says until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled well that will be fulfilled in the tribulation we had 10 well another thing that's interesting here as well is that there are ten how would I explain that we that speak English the majority OSU we use feet for measurement so we say there's 12 inches to a foot but most of the gentile nations they use the metric system and the metric system is all tied into the number ten so it's different it's different sin Gentiles use the number ten and how interesting that we today use the number twelve when we get to the number twelve you'll see why a lot of heavily influenced in Britain from Jews so 10 is the number of the Gentiles and there's something else I want to say about that but I guess that's our 10 toes on Nebuchadnezzar's image there were ten kingdoms ten kings so many different tins in the Bible it's hard to remember them all but ten ten is the number of the Gentiles 11 is the number of judgment in the Bible and I won't have time to go into that but judgment you can find as you read through the Old Testament a lot of times verse 11 God judges so and so God judges so and so number 12 is the number of Israel or the Jews and that's easy to figure out because there were twelve tribes of Israel so Israel has twelve tribes it is the product of the divine number three in the number four the world number multiplied there were twelve tribes of Israel twelve stones in the high priest blessed pray twelve cakes of showbread twelve wells of water at a lamb twelve spies were sent into Canaan Joshua placed twelve stones on the bed of Jordan Elisha built an altar of twelve stones I mean there's just 12 this twelve that twelve this all through there were twelve apostles of Jesus Christ Jesus said can I not send twelve angels twelve leagues and angels or legions of angels he healed a woman of 12 years old so many different 12s in the Bible and they all seem to tie a tie in to the Jews of Israel matter of fact there's 144,000 witnesses which is 12 times 12 it's 12 times anyway we were told that in the regeneration the Twelve Apostles will sit on twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel so twelve without a doubt is a clear number that ties in with the number Israel the people of Israel now thirteen is the number of rebellion I'll think Larkin has this in either nope he doesn't he just omit sit there was a guy named Nimrod Nimrod was the thirteenth from Adam if you don't know what Nimrod is you need to study him out Nimrod built a kingdom called Babel which is babylon babylon started religion called the mystery religion Mystery Babylon all idol worship comes from this area so Nimrod was a bad bad dude and he was a mighty hunter before the Lord but he also rebelled against God and started worship for falling angels and Nephilim and things like that so thirteen is a number of rebellion well the only other number that I can actually put up here I guess would be the number forty so I guess I'm going to put that I guess I'll just put it here forty is the number of probation number of probation at the flood it rained 40 days and 40 nights Moses was on probation 40 years in Egypt 40 years in the desert and 40 years with Israel and the wilderness the spies were 40 days spying out the land and Israel wandered 40 years in the wilderness the reigns of Saul David Solomon each lasted 40 years exactly how strange that it was exactly 40 years your life to fight Israel for forty days nanana neva was given 40 days to repent Elijah fasted forty days and forty nights Jesus was tempted forty days and prepared eleven times during forty days after his resurrection appeared eleven times during forty days after his resurrection punishment was by flogging or whipping people was limited to forty stripes save one all these instances show that God was not hastiness judgments gave me an apple time for a fair trial there are other numbers mentioned in Scripture such as 7120 144 etc but not necessary to pursue the subject further so Larkin says I'm going to stop there but it is interesting and it is a something that I think we should at least be familiar with so that's why I went into this today and hopefully it's been a blessing shoot you so many other things that I wish I could say but I just wanted to get that out there I know this is a short sermon but one unity two union three divinity four world five grace or death six man beast 666 seven is completion or perfection H new beginning nine fruit ten Gentiles eleven judgment twelve Israel thirteen rebellion and then 40 is probation so as we read through the Bible we find some amazing things and there's so many different things in the Bible that that are indeed amazing that we can look at so I would encourage you as you read through the Bible that you take a look at these numbers tell you to pay attention to some of these Bible verses when you read them and look at the numbers and say what does that mean anything a lot of times when a number is next to another number it makes a sentence you know like let me see how you make a sentence for an example okay just an example like fruit to the Gentiles is judgment you know I mean sometimes there's numbers in a row like that and sometimes they have meanings and so whenever I see numbers I always think geometry Oh what are those numbers mean do they mean anything do they make a sentence but you don't want to go too deep into this there are whole youtube videos where people go so far into this you tell you're like man I think they need to be in the same asylum those people are crazy because they're going so deep into the numbers so this is something that I don't want you to go too deep into but I do want you to know what the numbers are what they mean and hopefully take this because in future when we go through the types I'd like to preach on Bible types I'm going to preach on the 18 types of Antichrist in the Bible let's 18 6 plus 6 plus 6 equals 18 well isn't that just coincidence that there's exactly 18 types of Antichrist in the entire Bible well that's just wow what a coincidence right or is it all tie into these numbers in such a way that the numbers actually do mean something so that's about it I guess I'll stop there I hope this has been a blessing to ya if not well maybe tune back next time but I just wanted to get this out so that when we continue our verse by verse we can have this basic knowledge when we continue our sermons every weekend I can always point back to now you that sermon that real short one back then where I said this number means this and we'll understand it all better by and by so there it is one lady asked me what you get out of the way whenever you preach so I can take a picture so if you want to take a picture of that there it is and pray for us we will see you back next time on the cloud Church and I hope this has been a instructive video I feel like I I could say so much more there's a lot more than I want to say but I really believe that the Lord would have me get this out just so you'll have this information so we'll see you next time next week and hopefully the sermon will be on Bible types we're going to look at different types in the Bible not different patterns like we looked at before but how the Bible talks about a certain guy and how that guy the things that happen in his life are a type of things that happened in the life of Jesus Christ so we'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 211,402
Rating: 4.7742662 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Numerics, Biblical numerology, geomatria, bible numbers, biblical numbers
Id: wDeL_US9xP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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