Examples of Pride in the Bible: Jacob - by Zac Poonen

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okay let me give you another example that's Jacob and you know the story of Jacob these are examples written for our instruction abraham was proud I'm chosen one it says about Jacob in Genesis chapter 25 in verse 23 when his wife Rebecca was expecting twins the Lord said to Rebecca and also to Isaac at that time Genesis 25 verse 23 it's not just to children in your womb there are two nations in your womb one is the nation of Israel and another nation one will come through Jacob the other will come through Esau but the last part of verse 23 the older Esau will serve the younger Jacob will be the leader even though he's the younger twin and yet Jacob knew that and yet when the time came when Isaac said I don't want to go into all those details you read that in Genesis 27 I will bless you he called he saw and said Isaac knew that God had said the younger one has to be blessed but the Bible says that Isaac loved the deer meat called venison deer meat so much that I says forget about what God said ice love meat that Esau can cook and bring I'll bless you Esau and Jacob Rebekah heard it and told Jacob hey listen your father's gonna bless he saw today as soon as he brings the meat Jacob could have said I don't have to help God my grandfather Abraham tried to help God and you know what happened Ishmael was born I don't have to help God God can if God has said I'm gonna give a blessing I'll get it I don't have to fight for it ever said that he listened to his mother you know the number of believers who listened to their mother more than they listened to God I have met numerous people like that they listened to their parents and want to God there are some of you sitting here I know we have listened to your parents more than you listen to God learn a lesson from what happened to Jacob his mother said I want to give to you God's blessing really listen to God and not to your mother if she takes you in some other direction honor God in a Jacob could have said mom God's told me I'll get the blessing I can trust him I don't have to try these secret techniques of pretending to be he saw and telling lies no and because he cheated he had to run away and recwell God finally dealt with him Genesis 32 God did not forsake Jacob even though he deceived and told didn't trust him one day when Jacob was alone Genesis 32 24 Jacob was left alone you know the reason why God does not meet with some of you I'll tell you because you'll never take time to be alone with God you like to meet God in the meeting here of the crowd of other people yeah there's a blessing here definitely but there are personal encounters that we need to have with God that you can have only when you are alone Jacob was left alone that's the time God met with him and it says here God wrestled and it says a man wrestled so does God was trying to teach him for 20 years and more I'm being trying to wrestle with you to humble you break you to stop trusting in yourself and to trust me but he did not succeed and then we read that God dislocated Jacob's thigh verse 25 and after that he had to limp he was a young man by the standards of those days when people lived up to 150 years and all a young man and from that day onwards he had to walk with a cane when if you see a 25 year old young man walking with a cane if some of you are 25 if you have to come walking with a cane to the church every Sunday how will you feel pretty humiliating alright for people who are 60 or 70 but 25 year-old young man walking with a cane because his his hip socket was dislocated by God and that's when God told him now I have broken you Jacob now onwards verse 28 you will be called Israel because you have prevailed it's very interesting the only time the time rather the time that God could tell is Jacob you become an Israel is when he broke him it was that pride in Jacob he thought he was very smart he could deceive his father in Lord Laban and all that God broke him and when you turn to the New Testament you see this wonderful verse and some of you already know it but let me mention it to those who don't know Hebrews 11 it's an amazing verse you know that Hebrews 11 is the chapter of amazing miracles Abraham had a son as an old man Samson [Music] his mighty power manifested in killed lions Jericho the Joshua pull down the walls of Jericho Moses split the Red Sea all these things are mentioned in this and people were raised from the dead it says here in verse 35 but in the midst of all these miracles fantastic miracles it's written about Jacob what is his miracle Hebrews 11 21 he leaned on the top of his staff that's his miracle he's walking with a cane what sort of a miracle is that to come in Hebrews 11 I think it is the greatest miracle in a bruise 11 that God succeeded in breaking a proud man to teach him like you're leaning upon this cane Jacob lean upon me for the rest of your life and so he had revelation which his father Isaac did not have is a very interesting story when Isaac wanted to bless he was blind that's how Jacob could fool him and he gives the blessing to the wrong person Isaac gives the blessing to the wrong person because he's blind do you know it says in Genesis towards the end of Genesis that Jacob was also blind when Joseph brought his two children eldest son Manasseh younger son Ephraim to Jacob and he made sure that you know the right hand is the hand of blessing so he brought Manasi towards Jacobs right hand and Ephraim towards Jacobs left hand and said hey my father's blind let me bring him there and you know what Jacob did he crossed his hands and Joseph said no no no and the wonderful words of Jacob you read that in Genesis my son I know I know that's what a man of God says I know I know things you don't know this younger boy is going to be blessed and you read the rest of the Old Testament Ephraim was blessed more than Manasi where did Jacob get such a revelation because he had learned to lean upon his staff he had learned to lean upon God he was not the proud man he was in his younger days and if God can bring you and me to that place where all our life will say till the end of my life Lord I will lean upon you you will get revelation - God will show you amazing things in Scripture that other people can never teach you
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 1,660
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: hcv0I4ZEx9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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