Don't try to Run Others' Lives - Zac Poonen

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see for years I was only a father then some years ago I became a grandfather thirteen years ago our first grandchild was born and then know you have many grandchildren and I became a father-in-law over the last 14 15 years so when I go to the homes of my children I see them doing things which I may think hey that's not the way to bring up children and the Lord tells me you had your turn to bring up children now let them do it their way Thank You Lord and I keep my mouth shut and I say that's not the way we did it in our home the Lord said you had time to do it in your home now let them do it their way but there's a tremendous lust in the flesh of Adam to express my opinion I want to stand before God and say I have never done it in these 15 years in any of my children's homes and I will never do it till Jesus comes because I have learned don't be a busybody in other people's matters it's a it's a mark of the devil is those who are inspired by the devil because the devil is called the accuser of the brothers in Revelation 12:10 and there's a spirit of accusation when we are giving an opinion to somebody the way this is the way I did it who said are you God or something that your way is only perfect way no so I'm telling you what I have I just decided that and so I have a wonderful relationship with all my children and with all my daughters-in-law every one of them they love me because I don't interfere in their life I pray for them before god stop with . . and if they ask me for advice of course I give it and I've discovered the more I keep myself out of their way they more they come and ask me for advice because I don't intend him to fear it I see if there's something wrong I pray for them you believe in prayer I'm not talking you may not be a father-in-law you may be but this lust to interfere is there in the flesh and I tell you this if you've been in this church and you hurt me I've come to this church for 14 years we have 14 years we are at conferences here many of you have been here many years but I'm telling you from my experience of 40 years in India there are people who have heard me for years and have not changed in this area they make a nuisance of themselves everywhere now I'll tell you why I want to show you this other verse in the same 1 Peter 4 where it says don't be a busybody in other people's matters it says something more of how we can avoid being a busybody in other people's matters 1 Peter 4 and it says in verse 17 mark a mark of the people who belong to God's family I want to be a part of God's family the household of God it is called here it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God and it must begin with us first so the judgment must begin with me first I must judge myself first Lord in what area should I judge myself just the things he has mentioned earlier verse 15 am i a murderer jesus said anger is equal to murder do I get angry he said that in Matthew chapter 5 the Pharisees limits the Pharisees sin was murder in the New Covenant the equivalent is anger like he said in the Pharisees Old Covenant standard was adultery the new command II coolant is dirty sexual thoughts so am i a murderer and another no words in terms of new covenant do I get angry with people let me judge myself judgment must begin verse 17 with me first before I pass opinions other secondly it says a thief now I don't think we steal money I don't think anybody here steals money do you steal a person's reputation testimony by saying something negative about him so that that person has got a bad opinion you have stolen his reputation by the way you've spoken about that person you're a thief as much a thief as the fellow who stole somebody's wallet you don't see thief is not only money I tell preachers do you steal people's time I see if you get up in the pulpit and you've made no preparations for what you want to speak you haven't waited on the Lord you've not sought God's will you have not studied the scriptures and you get them ramble on and ramble on from Genesis to Revelation and waste people's time you're a thief of their time ask yourself how much is the wages hourly wages $15 an hour okay they said therefore 15 if they sat there for one hour listening to you rambling rambling or even half an hour seven and a half dollars per person sitting there You've stolen already $400 from those people that day by wasting half an hour of their time I say it's like I remember a board in front of a manager's table it says if you have nothing to say don't say it here I like that I like to put it in a pulpit if you got nothing to say don't say it here if you got something you say it'll help people then say it otherwise don't say it dear brothers we can think we're not thieves evildoer don't suffer as a murderer or thief as an evildoer something that harms another person do you harm somebody's reputation and afterwards discover I never realised that person did it with a very good motive on what I heard was not absolutely right I had made mistakes I remember some years ago there was a brother who's in charge of the audio equipment in our church in Bangalore young brother very fine young brother capable person younger than my youngest son but a very good person in something went wrong that day which I felt was a serious mistake not just a minor error but something more serious than that and I went up to him and I said you should have been more careful you should not have done that and afterwards I realized he never did it it was somebody else who did it boy can you imagine how I felt somebody had told me that this guy did it and I did not even check it up so I'm not being guiltless I've been guilty and I went to him immediately as soon as I heard it I went to him and I put my arm around his head brother I'm really sorry really sorry that I judged you without knowing the truth please forgive me I want to be very much more careful next time so I'll tell you I have learned by making mistakes
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 8,460
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: VB6IaRJ4pzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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