Recognizing The Value Of Others - Zac Poonen

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it says in 1 Corinthians 2:12 you could never find anything like this in the Old Covenant Oh you recognising the part that another member of the body has to play in the body and no one can say see it says in 1 Corinthians 12 21 me I cannot say to the hand I have no need of you nor can the head say to the feet I have no need of you it's good for all of us to ask ourselves in whichever church you are do you feel that your ministry is so gifted and so important that some of those other people you can do without them that is one of the clearest proofs that you have not seen the body of Christ it's a something you have to see you know there are people who we see a lot of non-christians have not seen the way of salvation they have to fit in there to work and work and work and get forgiveness of sins but God is opening our eyes to see the way of salvation our free leaders it's something you see God opens our eyes and I believe that God has to open our eyes and yet open your eyes if you are humble to show you that you need that person and especial especially those who are very gifted and who have a sense of self-importance and feel that they are very important to the body of Christ it's very easy will I don't need that person and it says here on the contrary verse 22 do you understand this ask yourself the members of the body which you think are weaker are necessary you look around at Christendom nobody feels that way the only one the great preachers the great healer he's necessary what about the weaker members they are there or not there doesn't make a difference who has understood the body of Christ who has seen the body of Christ that the weaker members are necessary which seemed to be weaker there's a ministry that some brothers can do that even the most gifted brother and the body of Christ cannot do you need to understand that especially those who are gifted however gifted you may be in one area there are many things you cannot do with some other brother has to do to complete that Ministry of the body and if you have a church where every person recognizes that you build the body of Christ and that's the purpose of teaching is to enable everyone to recognize I meet my brother and he needs me and very value one another and don't think you know the Bible says everyone seeks their own love does not seek its own when we think of enduring in love until the end in the next chapter it says one of the characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13:5 it does not seek its own I remember preaching this in one church and somebody came to me and said do you think there's anybody who doesn't seek their own everybody seeks their own I said yeah that is true in Paul's time also all sought their own but there was a Timothy who did not seek his own there are not many generally speaking even in the church all seek their own how will this benefit me you know you can join a church because you say yeah this is a good place for my children to grow up nice place the children are well behaved and it's good for my children to be in this influence you're an utterly selfish person who has not understood ABC of the body of Christ you're seeking your own how will this benefit my children yeah my children can play in the music and they can develop uh-huh what have you seen at the body of Christ do you feel that other person is necessary but thinking of promoting ourselves what will benefit me the people are nice they'll help you when you're in trouble if you have joined the church like that I want to say to you in Jesus name you have not seen ABC of the body of Christ and not only that I want to say to you in Jesus name you're a hindrance to your local church because one fundamental truth of this body is there's no part of this body that seeks its own the hand does not seek its own their eyes ears they do not seek their own any part of this body that seeks its own is what the doctors call a cancer my layman's understanding of a cancer is a group of cells that will take all the nourishment to itself and it will grow and grow and grow and grow that's a cancer what can I get out of this what can I get out of this and you may not realize that the cancers in the body of Christ who have that spirit they do not realize that everyone is necessary and as I said here one characteristic of love is love does not seek its own 1 Corinthians 13 verse 5 I told you it's not surprising that in the Christian Church most people seek their own does true in Paul's day please turn to Philippians chapter 2 and verse 19 to 21 if you want to find an outstanding example of a godly young man it's Timothy 1 clip Ian's - 19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly because listen to this Paul had so many co-workers he's not talking about unbelievers I mean if you say unbelievers don'ts are seeking their own Oh that's understood all unbelievers seek their own or you say these these carnal believers they seek their own but when Paul's co-workers they're seeking their own somebody wants to be known as you know and earlier on in Philippians he says because I am in prison some people are getting a chance to preach because Paul is in prison and say great now we can prove what great preachers we are because Paul is out of the way they're seeking their own and here he says I don't have anybody else other than Timothy Paul you've got so many co-workers here with you none of them know he's not talking about his entire team of co-workers like Titus and all the wonderful people they were somewhere else or Luke and all that but the ones who were with him they're among them he says Timothy is the only one I can say I don't have anybody like that who is genuinely concerned for your welfare when you look around at Christendom today you have preachers who are concerned for their own welfare how will this benefit me if I become a pastor of this church how will it benefit mean if I go here how will it benefit me how will it benefit my children but to be concerned for the welfare of others and then it says everybody seeks after their own interests not those of Christ Jesus and if we belong in that category that I'm seeking my own interest not the interest of Christ Jesus I am a hindrance to the body of Christ and that's why we don't see the body of Christ being built in many places because it's very difficult to find people like Timothy it's very rare like I said every part of the body seeks the good of the other and I want to say brothers and sisters it's an amazing thing that Jesus came to build the body and when we love the church we will do what Jesus did as we read in Ephesians 5 Christ loved the church and gave himself for it visions 5:25 many of you belong to local churches can that word be written about you that you love your church your local church so much that you'd give yourself for it you don't want any honor you don't want any gain of course we always teach that we don't want any money but I fear that many people who do not want money do want honor and that is as bad as wanting money many many people even in our churches and similar churches say oh I don't preach for money but you want to honor brother and there's zero difference between seeking for honor and seeking for money absolutely not you can find fault with that other preacher who goes on on television seeking for money if you're seeking for honor you're just in this absolutely the same category your money is honor that's all his money is rupees your money is honor but true disciple of Jesus like Christ would love the church and gave himself up for it and if God can find two or three people like that he can begin a church anywhere and the devil will always seek to corrupt such a church by introducing people in there who seek their own and so if this is the case we all need to recognize what we've emphasized in the church of our boundaries a humble person is one who recognizes that I have a boundary every part of this body has got a boundary it can only operate in that area and the New Testament speaks a lot about that I must recognize my boundary in my relationship with my wife and a lot in Indian culture you know how the husband is like a king his wife has got no boundary boss over the wife a true child of God will recognize that my wife has got a boundary I cannot go inside that boundary it's like going into somebody else's territory if somebody is there's a verse in Proverbs which says don't remove the ancient boundary marks you know that's the way they marked property was by putting a stone there and a post stone here in Estonia that's the boundary don't move it that means don't go into that person's boundary and I don't think any of you would do it in terms of property you will not move a property marker to take your neighbor's property you will never do it but you can go into the boundary of your wife or go into the boundary of her brother I'm not supposed to immerse respect it even children have boundaries there was respect that I must never humiliate a child publicly I was very careful about that in disciplining my children when there were visitors around and if one of them misbehaved I would never punish him then and say okay we'll deal with that later because if I punish him then it's a double punishment I'm humiliating him before those visitors he's got a dignity as a little child it's a boundary I must not go into I must not humiliate him I have to punish him as a father but not humiliate him like I said about my wife maybe there's an area that God is given to her in the kitchen perhaps or other areas of the house I must not go in there I must respect her just like she respects me and even in the church we must recognize people's boundary and that's why every person has a certain dignity about him that God is given I must recognize that I must never humiliate a person by making him feel small in the eyes of others that is recognizing my boundary that is being concerned not seeking my own but seeking the good of the other and I've often thought of his verse in Ecclesiastes where it says in Ecclesiastes in chapter 10 that when God has put a boundary wall around you and you break through that wall it says in Ecclesiastes 10 and verse 8 in the last part a serpent can bite you God has drawn a boundary wall around you beyond that is the boundary of your wife or the boundary of a brother or someone else and I say well I don't care I want to assert myself a serpent will bite you and that's how many people have lost the grace of God a serpent has bitten them because they have not recognized the grace God has given to somebody else I want to encourage all of you brothers in your local churches please recognize that grace God is given to that weak brother to the one who cannot speak as well as you can God gives honor to that weaker person and if you are like God you will give honor to that weaker person if you ignore that and break the boundary wall and God says it says you're a serpent Oh bite you and that's the reason some people suffer sometimes from even sicknesses because they have gone outside their boundary let me repeat that verse in 1 Corinthians in Chapter 12 where it says you know you want to be like God we all want to be like God and it says one characteristic of God is in the body 1 Corinthians 1224 he gives more 1 Corinthians 1224 God gives more abundant honor to the member which lacks gift this is very different from Christendom in Christendom most honor is given to the one who's got a gift he's got a gift of preaching he's gift of healing oh dude a great honor to him anybody can do that in the world they do that the world they give honor to the one who's got gift but God is different he gives honor to the member which lacks gift that's why Jesus would pick up little children they had no gift the little children what could they do they can't sing they can't talk they can't give any money he picked them up and said the kingdom of God is like this if you can be like a little child you can enter God's kingdom and if you want the kingdom your church to be like the kingdom of God it'll be like the kingdom of God when if everyone in there is in his heart attitude like a little child not in understanding the Bible says and understanding be mature but in your attitude of spitefulness or revenge or back when you cheat baggage small two-year-olds come back by it be like little children recognize your boundary recognize and recognize the grace God is given to another person sometimes it can be jealousy I've seen people who want to promote their own children in the church somehow give them some prominence they'll never do that to another brother who may be more gifted you want to promote their own children it happens all over towards an all over Christendom such people do not know the Lord I don't I don't believe they know the Lord at all because with God there is no partiality I want to say to you elders of CFC you try to promote your children you're not like God I'll tell you in Jesus name you're not like god you're a partial person who is seeking your own and you will destroy the body of Christ in your locality get rid of that attitude love Jesus more than you love your son and daughter I'm telling you what I have seen very very important I saw this we wanted to get a list of potential leaders in our church and some people sent the names of their own children little kids potential leaders can you believe it and ignore all the others these people been in CFC so many years what have they learned God with God there is no partiality you can be many years in CFC and seek your own seek your own seat your honor and get no light on it it'll be a great day when God gives us light on areas of our life where I'm seeking my own and not recognizing the grace given to somebody else who is not my relative who is not my son who's not connected to me within it was maybe different from me in so many ways but I recognize God has given that person a grace maybe he's not educated like I am God has given him a grace if we recognize that we can build the body of Christ in our locality maybe your wife is not so smart as you are recognize the grace given to her to be your helper jihi God saw that you needed that type of wife to be your helper value I believe that if we recognize the grace God's given to other people will value them I want to value every brother and sister that God has given me in the church I want to value that my wife I want to value the Chilean God's given me even if God's given you or you have a child who's in some way value that child in God's great wisdom he gave use something that's no miss God never makes a mistake recognize your boundary that's limited perhaps now because of that child in your home good God is limited your boundary praise the Lord Lord I accept it course do your best to get whatever treatment you can for that child that's fine but recognize God's hand in all these things trying to limit you and humble you so that he can give you grace that's great our Father there is so much we have to learn after so many years we have accumulated knowledge like anything we can teach and teach and teach and teach and teach and yet in the ordinary relationships of life very often we cannot recognize the grace given to someone who we feel is inferior to us or doesn't know as much as I please have mercy on us Lord in all of our churches help us to be free from partiality supposed to humble ourselves he was Grace we pray in Jesus name Amen
Channel: CFC India
Views: 5,187
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Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: MLry-BNraF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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