Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen? - Zac Poonen

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but John the Baptist you know the devil hates that type of message and we read that Herod imprisoned him John Matthew 4 verse 12 Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody you know there are many things that God does which I tell you honestly I cannot understand just like you experienced things in your life that you can't understand as soon as I opened the Gospel of Matthew there are things I can't understand and then I say Lord that's because I'm human my way of thinking is so human God who sees the overall picture sees the end from the beginning sees 6,000 years of man's history sees all the millions of people in the world he thinks in a different way just like my little children when they were small two three years old they don't think like I think I see a broader picture they see a small thing the same way I see with God I'm like a little baby God sees the whole picture I'll give you one example why should John be taken into custody man who's preaching such a fiery message can't God killed Herod and keep John preaching that's how that's what I do when God says no I let Herod live and let Herod kill John that's crazy to me doesn't it sound crazy to you but is it not crazy it's because I don't have the wisdom of God you see how there are certain things we cannot explain I'll give you another example you know in Matthew chapter 2 it says the wise men went to hurt all the wise men when you go to Bethlehem fine and you find Jesus come and tell me I also want to worship Him he wanted to kill him and the wise men were warned by an angel don't go back to Herod and they've disappeared and Herod was waiting waiting waiting waiting for nearly a number of months anyway and when he discovered that they duped him and there's some child born who was going to be a king is gonna replace me as King of the Jews you know what he did it says in mark Matthew chapter 2 that he sent you know the story he sent soldiers to kill all the children in Bethlehem that were below two years old imagine a little town where every child below the age of two was killed I say Lord why what would I have done if I were there I would have killed Herod what would you have done tell me would you kill Herod or would you allowed all these babies to be cured I say Lord my ways are not your ways I'm a stupid man your ways are far superior to my ways but I can't understand it I'll tell you today even today I can't understand why God did not kill her what are all those little babies to die and all those mothers I don't know how many hundreds of mothers crying and weeping but I say Lord your ways are perfect I just say that this is just the beginning of Matthew 2,000 years of church history why was James the Apostle killed when he was thirty years old was it because there were hundreds of apostles no they were all eleven and one of them is killed I can't understand a few days later Peter can the angel comes and releases Peter why didn't the angel come three days earlier at least James I would have done it and God doesn't do it that's just no James time is over he's gonna die I'm just giving you these examples my brothers and sisters because some things can happen in your life like that and you may say I wouldn't have done it like that agreed but if you honestly tried to live in the will of God and trusting him and honoring him there are many things that can happen in your life which you may not be able to understand maybe you have a sick child now you don't know why why is God given me and so many others even ungodly people terrorists have healthy children why the true disciple of Jesus should have a sick child I don't know well there are a thousand things I don't know because my mind is like a little cup and the ocean of God's wisdom doesn't fit into this cup you know what I do I humble myself and say Lord I don't know teach me your ways teach me the principles of your government I want to learn it and if you're humble God will teach you and I'll tell you I've learned a lot more in these 55 years then I knew at the beginning and if I remain humble I will learn more in the next few years I've learned a lot about God's ways but not everything still I want to encourage you never grumble or complain because you grumble and complain because you think your wisdom is superior to God it's not if you prayed for a child and God took away that child in death I don't know why he did it I can comfort you but I can't give you an explanation but I can say this God's ways are not our ways but his ways are far better as much better as heaven is above her as much higher as heaven is above earth that is our confession of faith think of Christians who were tortured in prisons for so many years why didn't God release them even in this last hundred years even right now in places like China and probably a day coming in India why should that man who sacrificed his job and gone to North India to preach the gospel why should he be killed by anti-christian people no in the last one year why should his house be burned why should his children be made fatherless when he went there sacrificing a good job he had to preach the gospel out there why does God it out I say Lord I don't know but I still say your ways are best that I will never change I will have no complaint now I want to say this my brothers and sisters if you ever have a doubt about that you're gonna have serious problems in the days to come in following Jesus because you'll be putting your puny little mind against the almighty wisdom of God and thinking you know more that is the height of stupidity that's what I'm trying to say the government of God the primary requirement is you
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 11,656
Rating: 4.9031477 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: uV6fk99rxLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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