Ex SATANIC high priest John Ramirez. MUST SEE!

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want to welcome on my guest john ramirez  john ramirez how are you doing tonight it's it's come on devil stay right where you at because  we coming for you tonight come on come on i am   so excited i know everyone's been asking you  know i i told you previously that i always do   these polls asking who do they want on the podcast  and i've had you requested for the last few months   and i told the lord okay lord whenever it's your  timing i know you're going to connect us i know   you're going to set it up and so i believe this  is all god's timing um right now is the time for   this god is doing something i know there's many  of you that are hungry i have asked him tonight   to share his testimony i told him look don't don't  be worried about time don't fill you know i can't   say this because this i told him just be real  be raw we want to hear about it and paul says   in second corinthians 2 11 so that satan will not  outsmart us we need to be familiar with his evil   schemes okay and this is why paul said to put on  the armor of god so that we could withstand the   strategies the enemy has plans he has strategies  the devil's not part-time the devil's not lukewarm   the devil's not complacent the devil's not  hot halfway and one of the problems guys is   that the world has a stronger conviction than the  church the world has more passion more commitment   than the church the demonic realm is not plain  sunday morning hour-long pacifier christianity   the devil is serious about stealing killing  and destroying and so john ramirez i want to   say i've watched your videos i've sent your videos  to many pastors i appreciate you i'm excited to be   connected and i just want to give you the platform  to share your testimony um tell us about how it   was in witchcraft what you did and whatever else  you want to share man you could just go for it   amen thank you so much for whatever we just want  to open up in prayer yes and uh just anoint this   place a place is already anointed but we're going  we're going to believe god right now in the name   of jesus father we just stand at all who you are  father god you sit on the circle of the earth   father we give you the a ways right now in  the name of jesus christ father we tell the   devil today we are the church that we we  fear not we move not we not on [ __ ] we   are shakeable unmovable indestructible father we  come today in the mighty name of jesus christ we   sit in the place of authority on the third heaven  with city with jesus christ and the highs are the   highest of the heaven that means every devil every  witch every warlock every sushi every root worker   is under my feet every witchcraft  every demonic round in the spirit   is on that every satanic altar tonight is under  our feet if there's devils watching right now if   there's witches watching right now warlock stay  right where you at cause i'm coming for you in   the name of jesus two things that's gonna happen  either you run to the altar tonight or you run   back to your car you run back to your house or  you run back into the closet father in the name   of jesus christ we put the blood of jesus upon  the airway upon this amazing opportunity lord to   glorify the name the name that is above every name  the name that even devils tremble demons tremble   the devil tremble the world tremble at the  name of jesus christ not muhammad not buddha   none of that none of that stuff but jesus christ  the one that even in his gravesite they said he's   not here come home everybody else is here so we  stand out all who you are my god we tell you lord   anoint us and we put a hedge of protection  around us and every person that's listening   in jesus name amen man so good hey man my brother  you know i just i just want to share you know   one thing before i get into my testimony i i want  to let people know that uh my my my life is so   different they're nearly a believer not better we  were talking about that earlier today my life is   not better than any other believer i i still pinch  myself and that's you know i'm just done fine   sometimes my life feels so surreal because i i  can't believe god can save someone like me i mean   i i i was like you know i deserve hell i deserve  eternal death i deserve i mean boxies and health   for my lifestyle and who i was for 25 years not 25  days or or 25 weeks 25 years that's a tonic devil   to the highest level of the satanic round i was i  was a general in the kingdom of darkness there was   no christian believe it or not that was able to  stand by the power of darkness that i had in me   not because their god wasn't all powerful because  their god was all powerful but the vessel was weak   the vessel was weak the russia was fragmented the  vessel uh was leaking and the investors didn't   have no arsenals to fight back with that's  what happened today that the church don't   have arsenals to fight back with the church  don't know how to put the devil in his place   the church don't know how to set the captives free  the church doesn't have to treat spiritual warfare   i mean who did most spiritual offending  jesus christ himself when he walked the earth   you know jesus cast that devil hear the sick and  uh jesus to confront every demonic devil and you   can imagine in in on on his ministry so how is  it that the church today we're not confronting   the devil head on we talk about the devil  on sunday we talk about the devil on sunday   but we don't confront the devil we don't  confront the devil because you know what   either you don't confront the devil because you  don't know what you don't know spiritual warfare   or you don't confront the devil because you're in  bed with the devil and you can't cast out a devil   that you're sleeping with if you're sleeping with  the devil you can't cast them out because you're   going to need them the next week amen you know  with you know so so we we need we we you know   what what hurts me the most before i get into  my testimony because my testimony can be real   wrong tonight i'm going to share some things that  i'm going to share but but the thing the thing is   that christians are sitting good christian awesome  brothers sisters sitting in the church fragmented   hurt pain mentally destroyed in their minds  because you know one thing about the devil   one thing about witchcraft if you can't beat the  devil here you can't beat them in the battlefield   if you can't beat them here you can't beat them in  the back a lot of christians go to the battlefield   to fight but they're defeated here you see so if  the devil has space if the devil is renting prop   real estate in your mind if he has strongholds  in your mind he has patent cycles of repeat   of of things that you still captivated captured by  in your mind so you capture your minds you can't   go into the battlefield and fight the good fight  because you're already defeated here so so so a   lot of times christians going to christians  going to the battlefield unequipped unequip   no armor no armor no and the armor is really that  that holy [ __ ] put on the holy spirit put on the   holy spirit so so so here is is it's where the  enemy lives here that's why the bible said you   know do you have the amount of christ so so i i  want to set up a platform to to let the people   know that that i it was so easy for me to destroy  christians wow it was so easy for me to captivate   chris's mind thought will and emotions in the  spiritual realm because i know how to step into   the spiritual round change your channel in  your mind come back to the spiritual round   and then and then change up your mind will  emotions go back in and change it and then   all i made to you was a spiritual corpse it was a  spiritual corpse after i was done because i knew   i understand words got power see in the demonic  round words got power the bible says that life   and death lays in your tongue prophets 18 21 and  i know that you know we know that in the spirit   we know that we know that in the demonic we know  the demonic the words got power matter of fact if   you can in the demonic everybody have money for  witchcraft like uh animal blood black roosters   candles uh coffin boxes because you know we  need coffin boxes to put people in to put them   see i could take out i was able to take a coffin  box and put your personality in with your name   in there your character in there and watch it for  21 days put black candles around 21 days and then   speak into your life whether it's cancer speak  definitely suicide oppression depression and i   was able to transfer that into the to the natural  man of who you were if i had a picture if i had   clothing i was able to capture that intri into or  if i if i wanted to make you uh homosexual i know   how to release a homosexual spirit on you i know  it's a homosexuality you're not born with that   that's a spirit so i know how to release that  and how there is perversion spirits on people   i i know how to release uh uh you know in  their marriages i know how to raise discord   in the marriages division of marriage divorce  spirit husband spirit wise i would release the   spirit of loss in the marriage i could destroy  the marriages i gave i gave people miscarriages i   destroyed the baby in the womb because i knew that  the baby was the church of the door jesus christ   in the wrong side witchcraft so the baby can die  in the womb so so so so i came from a place of   and i want to just go into the testimony even  even even even to the point that the number 21   in the kingdom of darkness means python in the  kingdom of darkness is an african deity named   african digit zimbala that's the same serpent  that showed up in the garden of eden that i had   a contract with so i out of the 25 years as a  devil worshiper i was possessed by that spirit   and that and what happened when you get  possessed by that spirit you fall in the ground   and you swerve like a snake wow but i see are you  sure like a snake because there's a contract that   you have with that demon same thing that they  that's the same demon that tricked adam and eve   that's the same the devil so i for 25 years i  got possessed by the devil and fell on the ground   and saw my apartment my aunt and my my on and my  uh cousin they came to my apartment i don't know   how they opened my door because they came because  they had they have to know how to take that spirit   from you from your body after it was done so  so so so my my my connection with the dark side   was operating leaving my body and operating  from the second and first heaven and in the   in in the spirit in the territory spirits on  the ground and familiar spirits you know so my   my situation started all because of the age of  seven years old seven years old i was playing at   a broken lot see i wasn't recruited by witches  people see there's people that do witchcraft   there's people you got satanic people out there  that they did join into the satanic occult because   someone knew someone and that person recruited  that person and that person said you know   or someone got tower car readings and they said  hey come on in we do tolerate carving and that's   how they join the occult i need to join your coat  that way my coat my first initiation to the occult   was a necklace that fell from the second heaven  which is the seven powers of darkness it's called   podencia the is a necklace that felt  the seven powers of the second heaven   which is which which all seven principalities the  nectar fell from the ground hit my feet at the age   of seven i picked it up i put it in my pocket  and i and i heard my mom's voice saying to me   john come home and it was in my mom's voice with a  demon wow they wanted me to run home because they   didn't want someone to take that i was hanging out  with this bully in the neighborhood i said hang   out with him a lot and he he i didn't want him to  take the necklace from me and when i got home i   put the necklace at the age of eight years old i  was heading to the witch house with my aunt or my   mom and that's why i got my first car reading  because the witch actually when i walked in   the witch knew that that somehow i was connected  at the age of seven with the satanic world of the   dark side so they had what they did was they told  my mom that i was gonna lose my eyesight and if i   didn't do a ceremony uh dressing white for seven  days and then wear the five colors of santeria   which is chango yamaya or dala and o ya which  is the mother of the cemetery jeremiah is the   mother of the ocean which is a marine spirit one  of the most powerful marine spirit of the ocean   that is a it's a demonic demon that is played  in the movie the little mermaid a little mermaid   which is a marine spirit activate it's like  actually when you see starbucks and you see that   you see the symbol starbucks you see  the symbol starbucks that demon that's starbucks has a contract with that demonic spirit  that's right that's why they're so successful   starbuck is so successful because they their  logo is a heavy starbucks that's a marine spirit is a spirit that shares the ocean and it's  all african deity from the from the tribe of   judo by trying the 15th century so i'm i go  back from that i go back from that lineage   all the way to puerto rico from puerto rico to  the united states and then when i make all my   contracts i'm i'm connected with haiti cuba cuba  is the motherland of witchcraft cuba haiti miami   is the motherland witchcraft because you have  all the cuban people there they do they believe   in santeria they did the only the only place  that they legalized they legalized by the court   system to kill animals as we know because see  witchcraft need the blood of animals to survive   they need without the blood and animals they  don't have no power so they need a blood   animal to survive and continue their co-practices  to the blood animals and sometimes when they do   and when there's no human sacrifices it's not for  the power it's because they wanted this they want   to slap god in the face and say look we can take  a life too so it's not just because you see in the   satanic world from the age of eight when i got in  when i got in when i got my first car reading and   then that week later they did the first ceremony  for me i lost my whole childhood and it all   started because my father was a warlock my grandma  i got an aunt right now she's a witch she doesn't   like me saying that but get over it i call you for  what i call you for who you are right if you adopt   that call your doctor if you're a lawyer i call  it but your way to your witch so her situation   she revenge her death her father's death that's  right listen to me my brother this is what i   told christians tonight either you're in or you're  out say it say it either you're in you're out you   can't you can't serve two masters you can't be you  can't be in the natural come on and don't want to   live in the spirit because you see my grandfather  my my father's father was a christian but he had a   generation of curse of alcohol wow alcohol he was  he was a drunk and he couldn't shake that devil   off and because he couldn't shake the demo off one  day he got into a he got into a spat with with the   witch of the town and the witch of the town told  her i'm killing you you're going to see how i'm   going to and your god can't do nothing about  it sure enough she killed them the witchcraft   she killed the witchcraft because  he was a lukewarm christian   he was a lukewarm and he killed them and that's  how the lenny started in my family because my   aunt got into the witchcraft to revenge her  daddy's death and then when we came to the   u.s we bought the witchcraft to the u.s wow my  the ladies on my father's side and that's how i   that's why that generation the curse came upon  me because at the age of 30 my even at the age of   eight as i started doing the ceremony i started  to see demons in my house i went i started i   started at the age of eight i was already going to  demonic church wow at the age of eight ages eight   i was going to demonic church i was sitting in the  dominant church from seven in the evening to five   in the morning say that again think about it seven  in the evening to five of them that's what they   call bahilia in their australian church on a vigil  that's what they don't we don't do no on that   video anymore come on we don't do that we don't  stay up at night for jesus anymore say it so so   in the demonic church we have to stay up all night  long for the devil so we stayed i was eight eight   years old losing sleep all night long staying up  for the devil about a demon church being trained   this is the thing that the demon church trains  they people they train to have spiritual eyes   and they teach you spiritual warfare say it and  then they teach you how to connect with demons   they have different powers different power  different contract different covenants that   just come into the demon the monogram because  we copy everything that the church has wow so   we so we have them we speak in tongues thank you  say that say that we speak in tongues we speak in   demonic tongues we fall backwards in the spirit  like y'all do the only difference between you   the only difference between me and them now  i got the presence of god they don't come on   i got i carry the presence of god they don't carry  that that's why they don't have nothing on me   because i carry their presence but everything  every format every situation they have and i   did everything all that [ __ ] and then at the  age of seven eight years old they're really   teaching you how to make contract with demon who  what what demons what spirits are in cemetery   what's marine spirits on the ocean rivers  mountains and you connect with these demons what   demons on the second level of spiritual warfare  and the second heaven what demon principalities   really and then demons on the first heaven and  then demons on the ground and territory spirit   you start to make contract you start to understand  the patterns and cycles of witchcraft how to do   witchcraft how to take control over region over  people how to shut down churches how we are   so organized we are sore guys so committed  to the demonic work the witchcraft i did on   people the animal blood the killings of animals  screaming all night drinking the blood sitting   and drinking the blood chopping heads of goats  and then licking the blood out of the goat's head   live you see the you should see the eyes of the  goat and then cutting myself and you're drinking   my blood drinking my blood then sitting and then  we had a pop it's called the cardone i sat by the   pot naked all night long speaking to the devil  the devil will show up the aura of the presence   of this monster will show up and talk to me in  my conscience all night long when we can't sit   in church for one hour and talk to jesus so  yeah so so we we so how is it that and then   i should project it i would i would learn how to  leave my body and astral project i know how to   put my body to sleep even though when i didn't  want to know how to put it asleep because i had   a contract with a demon that would it's called  the civil court it's not really a civil court   but it's just a metaphor thing of a contract with  certain demons to astral projectile i could if i   had an assignment to curse your family if i had an  assignment to break your marriage i would actually   project end up in your house in the spirit see  everything that you were doing in the spirit   and put the curse and put the division in discord  and put it i put a a sexual demon on your husband   so your husband can sleep with the hoochie and  mess up the marriage wow wow so i was and i was   getting paid i was getting paid for all this i was  getting paid because in the witchcraft world is   all about the money that's when the church makes  it all about the money when the church says it's   all about the money then you you you you know by  the witch preach preach you know by the witch you   know by the way so you hear this party preaching  that's witchcraft when you hear this mind control   uh there's my control devils people preaching  this mind control of of bringing instead   of bringing conviction different combination  that's witchcraft i did it all i i know how to   get into the mind manipulate oh you have to see  a thousand here if you got 10 people over here   you have a you have a spirit of witchcraft  because you know god knows what the kingdom needs   god knows how to release it and he know who  to trust it who would you trust it with so   so so another thing i wanted to say i would take  human bones my brother i take human bones from the   cemetery because i had contracts with people that  didn't buy you could buy you could buy uh i would   say you could buy five or every human bones is a  thousand dollars wow shall buy human bone and then   the human bone that i would buy it would be from a  cancer person that died so i would take the human   bone make a contract with the cancer devil take  the bone and then and then wax it all night long   to use the powder of the bone it would turn down  and then i put your name on the brown piece of   paper and in a coffin and then i would spread it  spread it and then start using calling you calling   you i will that's why christians that's what  christians when they go to sleep they wrestle they   rest on their sleep they sleep but they don't rest  because someone is calling your name in the spirit   to put witchcraft and steal your spirit but the  lord is protecting you you're fighting in the   spirit round but you understand you wake up in  the next thing you say i was warned all night   i was fighting all night i don't know why i was  fighting i don't know what we're doing it's the   witches that are after your anointing because  if i can strip you for another thing it's like   superman if i if i can bring kryptonite  to the fight superman don't mean nothing   if i can rob you from your anointing samson you  got none to fight with so they mean what that   what they do is witches or size you up and size  up the size of your anointing see i will size up   christians and size up the size of their anointing  and i knew what to bring to the fight and i know   your anointing wasn't strong enough to endure  the fight and then and then when i got into the   spiritual round in the fight because there's a  there's a door to the spiritual round that you   need you know how to you have to get in and when  you get into the spiritual round once i'm in that   door and despair i size you up i size up your  anointing and then once i size up your anointing   i know what to bring to the fight because i  know i do you know how i i do with the fight   i i i use the 10 rounds of the fight  because i weigh you out wow wow i i   said i'll weigh you up and if i can wear you  out spur the distraction bondage distraction   stronghold i bring all these spirits with me  while you are so when the real fight shows   up in the late rounds you have nothing to fight  with and i got you i put the nut on your corset   and that's what i used to do i was i was  i was a phd doing this to christians to   christian and then i used to i was i had a  friend of mine that would throw house parties   and invite christians they go over and get  drunk and i will come and steal this and steal   the anointing i will go there and steal they sell  i will open the amount of door christians going   into house parties getting drunk christians going  to clubs getting drunk christians playing the game   playing the game in the devil's camp you can't  beat the devil in his territory this guy anoints   you and send you to the territory of the enemy and  then you can beat him but you can't come and think   that you got the armor when you naked spread your  naked so i i knew when people had the armor and i   knew when one time i was leaving my building one  time i was leaving my building and this is one   thing god is so amazing one time i was leaving my  building i heard this this crap i heard this crap   it was like worship i mean it was worship praise  the lord but at the time was crap i was a member   of worship i said who's playing this not this  nasty music in my neighborhood and i came down   and i went to the corner where they were standing  at it was a group of christians it was nikki cruz   uh people yeah wow [ __ ] cruise it was called  troops troops and sneaky troops yup young people   so when i went i released witchcraft upon them and  when i released they released a fire right back   and they hit me and brought my witchcraft to the  floor and the witchcraft hit me in my chest hit me   in my chest and almost broke my chest i felt like  i felt like someone punched me right in my chest   i said what they hit me with i never hit i never  had i never had christians hit me that hard so so so i i was trying to get my breath while my  tears were coming out that's how hard it hit me   they hit me so hard my tears were coming out i  felt human i felt i couldn't believe it then i   chased them again to try to hit them again  and then the wall of fire came around them   i couldn't touch them and it because they've been  in the holies of holies wow they've been with god   and i couldn't touch them and even when i used  to i should project and leave my body that i   used to curse region you see if i could you see  my assignment was to leave my body extra project   and curse the region because if i can curse the  region i can curse the people and that's why today   today today today if you look at the churches  today at large if you look at the churches at   large today i just want to get into this other  part you look at the churches at large today   okay let's be honest let's be real the churches  are dead yeah why didn't they because they can't   they can't handle the spiritual chemical warfare  that hit the church because the devil the devil   has like re demonic principality have gone  over the church spew on the church and put the   church to sleep so it's called it's called it's  called this you fell asleep on the lap of delilah   your father sleep in the lap of the  ladder not delilah has taken your hair   has taken your anointing and and you're preaching  jesus but you can't hear jesus preaching to you   so so that was my assignment i should project and  curse the reading curse the church i will take   the four corners of the corners of your church or  your neighborhood i find a location where the four   corners split the crossroads of your region i find  it the north to south the east and the west and   i lock it down with animal blood and my blood and  i put it together and mix it together and i'm not   i knock it down because it's a demon called  echo a gimmick called echo it's a principality   you ever seen uh and the demon likes to drink  blood so i give them my blood and the blood of   animals and i put in the corners and and then  and then that demon echo that's why you see a   lot of drive-bys and how many people get killed  in the corners wow you see drive by say that   when you see drive-bys you see things happen when  the car jump off the corner and kill someone in   the corner we see drive-bys in the corner it's  always a corner drive-by because that demon   is requesting blood wow unreal it's a question  blood blood of young people it was blood of young   people because that's how he maintained himself  strong and hungry and out of contract with that   demon so i will actually project leave my body  curse the neighborhood weaken the neighborhood   bring that ice i know how to bring  down the full wall and then spit around   i know how to bring down the full walls of the  church and leave them naked and then come in   and they sit in the church i will come to them i  will come to your service and sit in your church   think about the demonic the demonic disrespect  i had for the churches and god i would get drunk   i would get drunk i would drink 6 16 17 corona  i would drink a pint of bacardi lemon drive my   car have demon possessed and get in front of my  house and tell god god up in heaven i look up   in heaven so you come down i smack in your face  you want none of this i would tell jesus christ   that i would smack on his faith i'm a god thank  you for my praising god that god has to thank   god i mean he took my mercy told my mercy  god got to send a god to this enlightening   and and drop me dead at that very moment but thank  god he didn't and i it was a lot of ignorance   and stupidity that i spoke the way i spoke and  and and one of the things i used to do it's i   had a contract with jezebel i had a contract  with jezebel i had a contract with demons   that that's why i don't understand how christian  they were doing the ice bucket challenge come   on say it say it the ice bucket challenge when  you were doing a contract with a demon when you   did the ice bucket passes for doing ice bucket  challenge wow who the heck you were challenging my one of my last ceremonies that i did one of  my last seminars that i did it was called it   was called sansi which is a haitian ceremony and  you close the deal with the devil with the ice   bucket challenge you put ice they obey your  ice and chris is doing ice bucket challenge   for what reason come on you and what for what  purpose and reason are you imitating the devil   wow it's amazing and and as i was growing  up into the demonic realm every every every   situation that i grew up in the demonic realm  it was closer and you don't meet the devil   right away because you get caught you mean you  mean familiar spirits you made territory demons   you made demons on the first heaven and then  you made demons on the second habit which all   principalities on the top there and then you  sit with the devil and then you meet the devil   and my dad my daddy got killed at 33 years old he  got shot in the face for a woman that wasn't even   his when he had a good wife home and my daddy  used to beat my mom's he used to be give her   black guys every weekend he would beat my mom's my  daddy would demon possess because he was a waller   and he would send me to the botanicals to buy  ingredients he would send me to the botanicals   not knowing that i was going to the  botanicals being trained by my dad   and my dad had contract with demons and warlocks  and me my brother would see these demons   and warlocks in our family witches in our family  and their demons will walk around the house   we see them are human beings in the house my dad  would turn the living room on fire and tell my   brothers and i take off your clothes and he'll  put us to the fire sacrifices to the fire my   father would do that and me and my brother will  have the worst nightmares tormenting nightmares   and we wake up screaming because the demons were  trying to get into our bodies and captivate our   bodies were little and their last in the in like  and then i was the one that was chosen by the   demons because i was the eldest of all my brothers  and then my second brother was chosen second   and we were we were going to demon church together  from seven in the evening to five in the morning   and my brother was my brother was transvestite my  brother was homosexual he was bisexual married to   a real woman and he was a warlock wow imagine that  that's my my second oldest brother named jimmy   and through all i got i got married halloween my  brother i got a demonic wedding tell me about that   i got married halloween i i no one came to  my wedding i had a list of people coming   this and we're going no no way people i had a  demonic wedding and we had principalities came   and baptized my wedding rings with blood in  my own blood my my and my wife my my wife   my wife at the time we were wallet we got it  we got and then they put two candles together   they tied it with black and red string  which represents the devil and that burials   in the ground so the death doors are part and  everything and god broke that witchcraft from   me when i when i got saved and and and and then  and then i would go i would sleep in cemeteries   i would sleep in cemetery to get power i see  christians sleeping on top of graves come on   sleeping on top of graves because they want to  get that person's anointing you're getting demonic   devils in your body you're getting the money down  you're taking down my demons how you gonna sleep   i'm gonna slip on top of captain crewman's come on  great because i want her anointing i are you are   you crazy all you're gonna take home is demons  from the spirit making character cool man cathy   kuhlman is sitting with jesus having breakfast  she wants nothing to do with you anointing   her anointing is not hers it belongs to  the holy spirit so how is it that we we   we we mimic the witchcraft floor but we don't we  don't we we're not great originals we're not great   originals so even at the demonic wedding drinking  blood uh killing animals getting married in the   halloween halloween is the most developed holiday  talk about halloween in the world you sacrifice   your kids to the devil by dressing them up you  sacrifice your church by doing by doing harvest   there ain't no harvest harvesters out there their  little self what harvests are you talking about   i mean i mean pastors were no anointing pastor  without discernment get out there celebrating   these things memory or dress your kid like moses  dress a kid like joshua dress your kid like esther   you're the demons that you're dressing your family  with because essa's not here moses in here and and   noah's not here you're dressing because when  you celebrate the halloween no matter how you   twist the name to it when you tweet you're still  the devil's holiday you can't take good friday   and twist it to nothing else it will still  be good friday come on it will still pick   good friday you can't twist it so we we coming  to the realm of the demonic and agreement with   the devil and you sacrifice your kid so when your  kid is 15 16 and he on drugs and your daughter is   a prostitute you ask yourself why oh i grew up  my daughter in church when she's sleeping around   because you open the door you dressed her up like  you dressed up like the little mermaid and you   dressed up like little esther and i'm demonic  i my brother i understand the demonic round   from the devil's side i got the devil's  play ball that i got the devil's playbook   from from eight years old to the age of 35 i got  saved there was pl i did all the ceremonies in   witchcraft all the ceremonies in witchcraft  that's why i was able to become a general   during high ranked devil worship in new york city  from new york city to haiti from haiti to cuba to   miami and back to new york i will actually project  and go over to europe and curse europe wow i would   ask to project and go to europe i never break at  the time i never got on the planet i knew i knew   i know what it looked like in the spirit but i  would curse it i would leave my body cursed yeah   i would curse region i would drink the the  ceremonies of animal blood the taste of my   blood the human bones that the witchcraft and  halloween i leave leaving again in december   it december is the most organized month  for the witches the high-ranked witches   the real witches the warlock because  they they get we fasting in january   the 21 day fast but the witches got a beat because  they're already doing this stuff in december   wow so in december they're already moving  principalities from one reason to another   ushering different principality they're setting  up this demonic stage so when we show up when   we show up in january for that fasting get  ready a month ahead of us wow unbelievable   it's like the witches that came out the other  day and they said on the 21st of june they   were going to do witchcraft they knew what  they were doing they used the number 21. not   too many not too many witches can use the  number 21 without the devil's permission   wow because if you if you use the number 21  without the devil's permission that will kill you   you have to have permission now they're doing  now they come so i i got a week before a week   and a half before i pray i burnt down the contract  in spanish and scrolls and covenant of the 21 i   dismantled the number i did i confused the devil's  camp i put confused between between between the   witches and the warlocks and the altars and the  demons i shut down the first and second heaven i   paralyzed everything demon around every demonic  satanic thing sacrifices already i've already   burned it down with the fire god the blood of  jesus so when they came to the when they came   to the fight they were disarmed they had nothing  to fight with so that's why it took place that's   why i said donald trump sent me to the white house  come on i'll take care of your witches i'll take   care of your witches because pull away ain't doing  nothing come on come on come on don't nothing   paulo i talk about devil but you can't confront  him and jeffrey roberts ain't gonna do that either   because you gotta be born for this stuff you  gotta be you gotta be a spiritual sniper and   special offer jesus christ and not that i'm better  than them because i love them and i respect them   i respect the ministry i love them but listen i'm  not gonna invite you to a spiritual warfare fight   when you're supposed to be in the kitchen come on  come on so we we so i i want to say you know one   of the things i wanted things i lost i lost all  these years from my daughter at the age of two   to the age of 11. i showed my daughter to the dark  side i decided she got ceremony done in santeria   with the demanding spirit called so she can be  when i didn't finish she can finish my daughter   was already dedicated to the dark side she  dressed for 365 days in white as the bride said and five to plus five days because the contract  you make with the demon is five days made five   five number five belong to a chill number seven  belong to yamaya number nine belong to chango   chango is a demonic chango because the demons  they go into one spirit realm to another so i said   in the witchcraft world when i saw my soul to the  devil i got the mark covered i got the mark 21   carved into my flesh out of 17 people they sold  their soul that night there were screams that   night the devil came for the souls in the blood  and i sold my soul that night to the devil and the   only person that was standing that all the blood  that was lost because when you lose blood you you   get weak and you you pass out people passed out  and i was the only one because i was the only one   standing that night and all these people passed  on they were screaming at night men men they   were hardcore men that went to jail men that were  hardcore people from the streets so they saw that   night 17 of us so i sold to the devil that night  and the only person that was standing through the   blood sacrifices and my blood shedding all over  the place i had blood i had marks in my chest here   mark in my back they took the machete and they  had to cut me here because the devil wants you the   devil wants your mind see the mind of christ is  the holy spirit in you so the devil had to cut you   open here in order to like to let the spirit come  into your mind so i i have a cut if you shave me   i have a cut here i have a i got cuts in my back  i got cuts here and here i got cuts here here   i have cuts there i got cuts in my  arm to cross sideways a backwards   all because all the all that blood came out all  that blood came out and then the devil came at 12   o'clock and i signed the contract and the only  person that was still standing throughout the   whole process that night throughout the night and  animals that we we must have killed by 200 animals   and the only person that was still standing  you hit animals wailing and screaming like you   never heard an animal scream because because the  demons came to drink the blood and and then the   blood was on the floor the animal you had to  sleep on top of the blood on a concrete floor   to finish your contract or wake up in the morning  so the demons can they can manifest into your body   they can manifest into your body and that went  through all that process and the only person that   got the mark of the the map of 21 carved into this  flesh the 21 rose to the dark side i was the only   person that caught that thing into the flesh and  the in the in the warlock the guy the guy that was   a warlock the guy his name was tribal the guy that  was a walleye he came straight from cuba and he   was fidel's right-hand man in witchcraft in cuba  and he escaped cuba dressed like a woman to custom   because herman fidel had a fallout fidel castro  had a fallout and he came to america he came to   texas and he was one of the biggest drug laws in  texas listen to this he was one of the biggest   drug laws intended it was chavo and he shot him  45 times with a machine gun and then rushed him   to the hospital and they said he got less than  three days to live call his family and the devil   said he dies when he dies three days later he  walked up the hospital like nothing happened wow   wow because the contract he had with the  demonic world same thing i have friends that   were african-american there were there were black  americans black americans and when they get demon   possessed they should be spanish wow i know little  girls that were eight and eight years old nine   years old they gave me possession fly in the air  stay in the air flying like this in the air in the   air flying because the demon will get into their  feet see the demon get into this in which in the   witchcraft pearl there's two ways the demon get  in you the demon territory demons demons on the   ground you have to take your shoot off when you  go to demon church so they can come into your feet   and snatch your body the principality  the principalities i had my head shaved   and i was dressed in 365 days in white plus seven  seven is the number the most powerful number in   santeria and the most powerful demon gemini even  one even when i gave my life to the lord and uh in   my early years i had the dream which in my yacht  she came out the ocean this marine spirit this   thing it was my it's my first book it came out the  ocean it was talking to me to try to persuade me   to come back to the witchcraft for her and i told  her in a dream i remember in the dream i was i was   talking to her and she gave me this false peace  that came over me felt like the holy spirit and   she was talking and said don't you remember the  days we had together don't you remember how much   i loved you wow don't you remember all the things  that i did with you and i took care of you and i   nurture you in the spirit round why would you want  to leave that what what would you want to leave   us how much we love it we miss you john come back  come back even and i said no i don't i don't think   i can come back i said i don't think i could see  myself coming back i i don't see and me talking to   this demon in my spirit at night but she bought me  she took me out of my spirit and brought me to the   ocean to talk to me to talk to me and it was it  was such a satanic moment in my life and my second   satanic moment in my life was uh as the devil was  still as a devil worshiper i was still between two   worlds my brother was between jesus and and and  and and the devil and they they summons the devil   summons me to this meeting and there was stuff it  was about 20 something 21 people in this meeting   and the devil i sat in the meeting but i didn't  want to be there because i felt like i was being   attracted to jesus and everyone sit in that  meeting and and the devil came out at 12 after   12 o'clock the devil came to the meeting he he  he he captivated a person's call medium he went   into the person's body and the devil looked at me  and said my son how are you doing into my tongue   i'm not gonna i'm not gonna repeat it but in the  amount of time he said how are you doing i said   i'm okay and then you're supposed to rep reply  back in the amount of chunks i would talk to him   back in the amount of time he would talk to me  but we understood each other it's like talking   english like you're not talking right now but we i  know what he was saying to me and i was saying to   him in the amount of tongues and he said he said  you know what god throws out of heaven i said i   don't know why and he said because he was jealous  of us and that's why he threw me out of heaven   because he was jealous of us and that's what  he throws out what so what would you say i said   well i don't have nothing to say at this moment i  told him and he said okay i'm gonna leave you with   that thought and i'm leaving now but i'll come  back and we'll talk again that's when i had to   that's why i did and then at night i would  sleep in my bed in jezebel lay in my bed   and i would infiltrate the devil wanted me the  devil wanted me to go to five at least four to   five clubs a night look for christians  yeah tell me you used to actually go in   clubs and recruit people for christian darkness  for the devil for the kingdom of darkness i would   recruit people from the kingdom of adoption i  would tell them this is how you this is how they   open i will open doors say hey you know what i  got something very mysterious to tell you and   when they say what what did you have to tell me  you already gave me gateway into the spirit round   i already already opened the door wow see when  witches come up to me and witches come up to me   and say i got something to tell you i said well  let me tell you mine first then after i hit you   on my eyes after i hit you with my anointing  then you if you if you're still here then you   can tell me whatever you want to tell me so i  and so i know how to take the territory first   i know how to take the territory first  because the devil's out the territory   territory in your home territorial mind territory  in your body territory and your purpose territory   in your destiny territory in your marriage  territory with your children the devil is   all about territory he could take the territory  he could own legal rights and if he go on legal   rights become bondage and become bannon becomes  stronghold they become strong become bonded he   owns half of you and that's why the church there  was a pastor that bought from underground church   to china from china they brought them to all the  american churches the big american churches that   bought them and after they showed them all  these mega churches they asked them what do   you think what's your feedback what your heart  says about all this in america he said i'm so   surprised that you've got this much done without  the holy spirit wow wow i was like god forgive us   so i want to this this is this is my my story  right here i was i came home from a club matter of   fact before i came home over two weeks before this  happened to me i was going to sacrifice my first   human being wow i came from a club i parked my  car and the devil was sitting in the car with me   and the devil were having we were just having  talked like like two homies he said john how   much you love me i said you know i love you i love  you like my dad why would you question me on that   he said there's a person on the 12th floor that's  in the bronx he's on the 12th floor and he he's   going to try to mug you but if you if you if  you he's going to be on the door to the left   of the doorway to the roof when you get up there  go behind the door don't be afraid because i'm   going to be with you i was going to have demon  possess he said you bring him into the park you   bring him into the apartment you stab him in the  neck because i had the pot right next to the door   i had the pot the meeting place you see  the the the the tabernacle of the holies   of holies moses went in there and spoke to god  moses the tabernacle of the old testament the   pot with the bones the cemetery dirt the the  handcuffs all the blood animal dirt that is   my meeting place of the devil so i had that way  150 pounds right behind my door to make i i was   going so i went up to the roof i grabbed try  to grab the guy and bring him to my apartment   he was he would dress all in army fatigues when  i put my hands on him he felt he felt he felt   the devil my eyes were burning red so i was  trying to drag him he was trying to fight me off   and i was driving to my apartment because i had  nine i had nine machete knives into into my pot   and that's that that's a different thing that you  do in the demonic run don't need to be explained   in the pot because i don't want people  get ideas and try to do the same thing   in the pot so it represents every contract  with nine different demons nine different   principalities that's what that means so i i was  going to take my knife and stab him in the neck   cut his arms off cut his legs off and cut his head  off and then put it to the demon so the demon can   walk the earth like a human being in the natural  so that was my contract but he he was so fast he   left and i i missed him a week later i was sitting  in front of my television watching jeremy springer   i was i used to love to watch every  spring at one time that was a crazy show   watching jeremy springer and for the first  time i heard the voice of god said to me my son   knew the voice of the devil i know the voice of  principality territory spurs and many spirits   i know every voice i mean i was connected with  the voice of so connected with familiar spirits   feminist spirits are the ones that do tarot  cards they're the ones that do tarot cards   they don't want to set up christians when you go  to tarot cards and you do you call that 900 number   they tell you the past present and future it is  a demon talking to you about your past because   feminist spirits know the past they walk the  earth they know the president because they don't   want the afflicted they don't want to afflict you  and bring chaos into your life and you don't have   jesus they're bringing chaos to your life they're  telling so i'm the medium i'm telling you about   what's going on in your life and you're like oh  my god i'm so impressed you don't know me he knows   everything about me that's the demon telling me  that wow wow so so the demon is telling me about   your past of course familiar spirit no they walk  the earth they see your past they see your present   now i now i tell you i'll tell you  what if you don't do the ceremony   and you don't know it's cleansing you don't know  the spell oh your kids are going to go on drugs   i see oh i see your older son going to a car  accident i said all these things to you like oh   my god or your husband's going to cheat on you  your husband is chasing a woman i will say all   these things and then you would say i said but i  can fix it for you give me five thousand dollars   i can fix it for you oh i don't know i don't  know that's a lot of money i said well if you   don't do it in 30 days it's gonna happen in your  family you leave i send the demon with you wow i   send the demon with you so you can't stop what you  can't see wow and now the demon got legal now the   demon got legal rights but you sat with the demon  for an hour doing covered target cards now he owns   the legal rights so he goes with you perform  all these things do all these things to you   destroy your life do you come back before within  the day they say oh my god everything you did   everything you said happened my son was in a car  accident oh my husband i called my husband the   phone number in his pocket all right my husband  came with lipstick and his shirt would i do what   i do give me the five thousand dollars i called  the demon back everything goes back to normal   for a season i already banked you for five grand  i play that game i have money and type of money   when i play that game with people and tell me  about there was a lady that uh a lady that came   to you that wanted to kill her the girl that  her husband was cheating with the mistress yeah   tell me about that tell me that story that that  chapter was called amazing grace in my book uh   out of devil's cartridge because she the lady came  up to me she said hey i knew the lady she was into   witchcraft but not high level like ranked lol ryan  cleverwich and she said my husband is cheating   on me with a woman at work and i said oh really  i said really i said and i knew her husband i   used to hang out with him and drink beers and  you know hang out listen to spanish music so   i was like oh my god and then she said but could  you kill the woman and then he'll leave she won't   be in the picture my husband won't be interested  in her because she'll die i said sure i'll kill   her for you let me let me talk to the devil  see how much money we're going to charge you   right so i thought killing her would be like 10  grand to kill the woman trap i was gonna do it's   gonna be worth like ten thousand dollars but i but  she was walking she was gonna she told me she told   me the story in my house she was leaving at the  door and she said she turned back and she grinned   looks like a jezebel she said by the way  i forgot to tell you she's a christian   i said oh my really she's a christian how  do you know she said yes it's a christian   i said for sure she said yeah i said oh yeah i  have to tell you how much i'm going to charge   i'd kill her for free i hate christians i hate  those hallelujah people i kill her for free   i said don't worry about it give me her name  give me her first name last name and a picture   she gave me this stuff i bought a coffin box  i put the woman in it i put her personality i   put her character i put her i put her thinking  her mindset i put everything in there i did i   put other ingredients in there no we don't need to  get into that other ingredients them animal blood   animal blood animal blood in an actual  coffee and you put all this in actually   yeah actual coffee i put a dog i put a dot in  there i opened the doll up right and i put meat   in there right and then i put a demon assigned to  it so hot inside garage so inside skara and then   i put a coconut and i put all i put different  i opened up the coconut is to open up my head   open up the coconut is to open up a head and  i started putting all kind of demonic things   in her head and then shaking it so if i shake  it i can confuse the person to commit suicide   attached to a demon so when i did all these things  to her 21 days went by and then they say she's not   dead yet she's not dead yet and i was like how  could she not be dead so one day i'm sitting   home kind of frustrated because i have to listen  to this lady tell me that woman haven't died yet   and i'm like what the heck is going on  this whichever kill anybody i know that   i got this witchcraft from the pits of hell  this boy's coming to kill someone in a week   this is nothing i said this is this this woman  should have been dead the death one day i was   sitting there and the devil comes and says we need  to talk and i said yeah i said what about he said   you can't you gotta you gotta lay off that  woman i said what do you mean they offer   my reputation is on the line let's kill her  already why are we having you killed it yet   i said well you haven't killed me yet i  did all the witchcraft i didn't miss a beat   i did all the ingredients i did everything i've  been up for 21 nights watching her and her funeral   i said watching at her funeral i've been watching  her do in my spirit in her funeral and while she's   not dead yet the devil said how'd god say leave  her alone you can't touch her come on wow i mean   think about it this woman i don't know her never  met her maybe she fell into sin at an ignorance   and god knew and god still covered her  grace and mercy cover her from me killing   her and god let it go there was a guy that  came into my what i had my i had a yorkie   you know yucky dog yeah and with my daughters my  daughter said me my mom going to babysit the door   i said okay when you coming back a week i  said i'm gonna do it for you because you're   my daughter am i doing for your mom i'm doing  it for you but i fell in love with the yorkie   they took three weeks before they came back for  the dog i said not your dog anymore i claimed it   i can't beat the dog so i kept the yucky they did  they didn't want to get they could take it the dog   fell in love with me i used to give him mcdonald's  in the morning mcdonald's at night the dog fell in   love it's a dog for the love for me so i turned  around i turned the dog fell in love with me so   that i lived in port chester in the bronx saint  park says in the bronx to have the security that   if you come you have a dog they could not be  your dog give you a summit there was like uh   like a police without without being the police  but they patrolled the neighborhood there was a   community security so they came and knocked on my  door and four guys came four guys came to my door   and three of them said john we're with him  we're with this guy but we're not with him   we know who you are my my whole door was full of  animal blood i would kill animals running right   in front of my door i would kill and bathe my  dog with animal blood because you see moses put   we copy everything yeah holsters put  the blood at the pulse of the door   for protection so we take we take animals we  take black roosters kill them drink the blood   and put the blood that's left over on the door  so we put blood at the door for protection   the same thing they did in the old testament we  copied the same thing so i had my aunt my dog   was full of blood the jamaican guy that he should  clean my building he will miss my floor he said   when i come to your door there's something so  evil i can't touch it i have to run back down to   the other floor he's not getting touches so when  the guy they came knocked and the guy said to me   the three the four police officers said three  of them said john we're not with him we don't   want to lose our job we just came with him  but we're not with him we know who you are   you're the son of the devil and we don't want  no problems with you the police are saying this   yeah felicia fordham king and the guy said my  my uncle he's a devil worshiper too so i came   here to give you a summons for your dog i said  listen to me how many uncles you got he's only   one i said get dirty because when i got it for you  and for your uncle i said you won't last a week   and i said you never i said you're gonna give me  summers i put witchcraft on this guy by thursday   he lost his job he was accused of statutory rape  and he got sick they fired him i mean i destroyed   the guy's life the witchcraft in four days that's  the kind of contract i had i gave people people   said oh my my uh and this is this is under  the blood of jesus christ people come and say   my my people come and say hey my my husband got a  woman pregnant i would kill the baby in the womb   witchcraft kill the baby in the wrong and i will  put witchcraft on the purse listen my witchcraft   was so i was so demonic that one day two jamaican  guys one jamaican one haitian guy came to my   door they knocked my door i was married i was  still married at the young time me my ex-wife   uh was to marry they came and knocked at my door  and they say at three in the morning they said we   are witches and this is our apartment and i said  that's not your problem i rented from this lady i   got the lease she said she made up that lease she  rented it from us and she celebs she saw me said   to you she's keeping the rent she's not paying us  we want you out of this apartment because we're   gonna do witchcraft i said really i said you know  who i am they said no we don't care who you are as   i'm the son of the devil and the devil favor me  the devil loves me and you're going to pay a price   my brother i put witchcraft on them i put  witchcraft on the lady i lived different one   year rent free no one came to pick up the rent  wow i destroyed i destroyed them all after one   year rent free i tell my wife let's just move  out because no one's gonna come pick up the   rent so we'll find another apartment when i came  to the street i found the lady she lost her mind   she was collecting she was collecting  soda pop bottles in the streets   homeless the witchcraft i did to her i made a  home i put witchcraft for my brother and put   them in jail for five years i put witchcraft from  those two guys one of them would be headed one of   them was beheaded i will put witchcraft on people  just to see i will go into i will go into icus   and take death from one room and put in the other  so the other person can die for the fun of it   wow our people our people i would put people in  bellevue i know how to steal the person's mind and   put them in bellevue so they would lose their mind  i would put witchcraft on people just to practice   my witchcraft to make sure my voice is sharp make  sure that my contract with their definitive shark   one day they had a meeting they left me out of the  meeting and that cursed the devil out they called   me the next day say oh you left the electorate at  the meeting the devil's not happy with you i said   i cursed the devil out i said all kind of stuff  to the devil the next day the devil had a meeting   with all these high warlock principals all these  warlocks that had a contract with principality to   never have meetings with them the devil said i  wanted to see where your heart was at with john   ramirez and they said the devil told him i can  kill every single one of you tonight but john   remembers i love he is my he's been my child since  he'd been eight years old he said he been there   he'd been baptized in the demonic at the age of  seven years old with that necklace that fell from   the seventh heaven from the second heaven seven  powers of darkness he is my true son i hate your   people i hate all of you i kill you all you ever  mess with john rememberings again you all will   be limited because whom i love he does everything  i come to he's so obedient to me he's so faithful   to me because that's what he know all the secrets  of the kingdom because he's more faithful than you   are together and and it was and they was terrified  because they had a death sentence and i went to   i went to funerals of witches that died there  was one witch that the devil said i don't know   there was one witch she was high-ranked witch  and the devil said to her i don't i don't love   your i don't love your your your your your your  partner anymore get rid of her they say she said   i love her i can't get rid of her why would  i want she was a lesbian she give her that   and she said i can't get rid of her i love her  you know what the devil did possess a homeless   guy took the homeless guy took a hammer and hit  the woman over the head 17 times and killed them   killed the lover and then the woman that  disobeyed the devil she got a's the devil   hit it so she can die they could she went to  every ace test she took every a test in america   here in the us here in new york city they told you  you're not you're ace free we don't find nothing   she died when they did the appetizer she had  full blown aids but never hit it wow there was   another person the punishment in the kingdom  of darkness was crazy there was another person   that did a he did a every year you're supposed  to do a celebration to the devil and the   principalities depending which principality you've  been crowned with in in in santeria he did he did   a party and he took the attention of the demon the  principality he put on himself he did a fashion   show the next day they found the next day they  found dead in south to stab 25 times wow wow the   number of that demon so that was a punishment  even even in 1997 and now i wanted to take a   sabbatical because i wanted to be a good dad for  the first time and i yeah i was i said i'm gonna   be a good dad to my daughter my daughter deserves  a good day my dad was nobody my dad didn't take   me to the park my dad didn't buy me a bike my  daddy took me to yankee stadium my dad never   bought me a baseball wow i said what should i be  like like that i'm going to be a good dad to my   i'm going to try hard to be a good dad to my  daughter the devil took my eyesight for one year i   was registered with the commission of the blind as  punishment to take the sabbatical from witchcraft   completely blind that was training me i had to  walk with an icing dog that was training me how   to full money how to know how to use money as a  blind person and one year later my i i dedicated   my life deeper to the devil and my eyes i came  back in 1999 october i had a list of hit i was a   hit man in the spirit round i had a list of people  that i was going to put a hit on to witchcraft in   1999 i came in one morning from returning people  from the dark side and clubs and i sat there and   god said to me the lord jesus christ said to me my  son i'm coming soon what are you going to do with   your life wow the voice that voice was audible  the boys had a peace but it had an authority   in that voice i shook myself i know every voice  of every devil i know voice of demons principality   territory spirits familiar spirits i know every  voice i had every contract you can imagine   and i heard that voice that voice has such  an authority but such a peace i mean it was   undescribable i knew that was a new voice  i said that gotta be the voice of jesus   and i i couldn't believe i couldn't shake it off  and i left it alone and i couldn't shake it off   and then a week later i sat in my bed for the  first time ever i was depressed i was oppressed   and i know i didn't know what to do with myself  i didn't know what to do myself i said maybe i   commit suicide and my daughter can keep the money  because even though i was a bad father i love my   daughter you mess with my daughter i'll kill your  goldfish i kill your dog i kill captain witchcraft   that's how crazy i was i was demented i didn't  have a conscience when i had to do witchcraft   to some some mother to kill her baby in her womb  i you you you got to be so demonic yeah and so   out of conscience i was so out of conscience in my  spirit in my life that i did witchcraft on people   i destroy marriages i destroy people's family home  i destroy people with car accidents i destroyed   there was a lady there was a lady came up to me  she stole twenty thousand dollars a foot locker   and she said i'm going to jail could you get  me out of this i said give me ten thousand   dollars i'll get you out i did witchcraft  to the lawyers they got into car accidents   i put confusion and i put confusion into them she  never did a day in jail but she was a prisoner of   the devil in the spirit of whatever doors  you open to the devil he's going to collect   and all that witchcraft all that demonic thing and  on top of that sat on my bed set him up and i told   him i said i don't know then i went to this is  the part i want that's what church ain't ready   for this church you're ready for this not that  i'm not glorifying the devil i hate the devil   i hate witchcraft i hate the satanic i hate  the dark side i hate this but the church how   is it that i go to church i sit there come on  worshiper i get demon possessed in the church   i grab the pastor by the throat i pick him  up on the air he's turning blue in his face   and he can't rebuke the demon out of me and save  himself he can't even save himself meanwhile you   have to have like 10 to 12 men to get my hands  off his throat because he was dying and and the   grips on my hand the devil had him in the throat  like this picked him up in the air choking him he   was he was turning blue and he couldn't rebuke  the demon enemy but he had no power wow wow and   it happened twice before i sat in my bed and i  said jesus i don't know who you are i hate you   i don't do nothing with you your church is weak  you have no power i don't hate you my father what   were you and my father said beat my mom what were  you with me my brothers went hungry what were you   gonna have to sit by the window as a young little  boy and watch that people won't burn the building   down because only three family and the family was  the family supposed to be 30 30 40 family building   only me and my brothers and their family squatters  as a little boy squatters nothing to eat what were   you where were you where were you my mother what  were you what were you what were you you didn't   do nothing for me you didn't beat my dad up you  didn't you didn't you didn't took the blows in my   mother's face you need to take the blow i went  hungry we had to go to school to eat breakfast   because there was no breakfast in my house i ain't  serving you you weak i said i want nothing to do   with you i said i'd rather die i'd rather die  and go to hell before i become a christian oh but   but that night i was falling today anesthesiology  and all i said was if you're bigger than my daddy   the devil then you show me tonight wow and jesus  and jesus took the patriot jesus took the pepsi   challenge jesus turned around took me out of my  body put me on this train i was going hellbound   this train was so real this train was it was more  real than the oxygen debris i was on this train   hellbound jezebel was on the train calling me  trader the train was going so fast i mean i never   seen nothing this fast on the earth this speed on  the earth the train was going so fast and people   in the train you couldn't see their faces but you  could see the fear and you could see the fee on   them they knew they were going to a place that  they weren't coming back and the train hit hell   and when the train had held the doors open and  there's this fire this this heat came into the and   i stepped when i when you step in hell when the  ground breathed like a human person they grabbed   a [ __ ] wow the grand priest is alive hell hell  it's like a body it's alive down there and then   when i when i stepped into hell the first thing  i said i don't belong here what am i doing here   of course you belong there your decisions take  you there jesus never said no one to help but your   decisions do so i i fell into and i started to  walk in the ground then i saw some people from the   witchcraft listen what are you doing here how did  how how did we get out they said maybe you go that   way they're always pointing fingers but the people  that were alive on the earth they were still alive   on the earth that means they're not making heaven  that's what god showed me they're not making him   they're not going to repent so i'm walking to the  portals of hell and as as i walked it got it was   so pitch black i mean it was like a narrow it was  like a narrow tunnel and i ended up on this tunnel   and i was trying to find my way out window door  whatever it takes just give me a dog give me a   window but every time i step on the ground you  can hit the ground breathe it's like it's like   it's like when your tummy when you're full yeah  when you're like the ground was breathing that   and then the fear in hell the fear in hell it  wraps around you like a person and defeating hell   it's alive it's not like the one here like you're  driving your car someone cuts you off you panic or   whatever you shake it off that's nothing compared  to the one that helped the one in hell it's a   it's like a person grabbing you in a bed hug and  you see the tournament it's like a tournament on   you and you can't shake it off and and your heart  wants to come out of your chest your heart wants   to come out and i'm running to the portals of hell  and as i run i hit the ground breathing harder   and then i hear wailing awareness like this this  this cry like like like like i can't even describe   the cry that you hear in the background and you  know that that cry is so demonic so so like unreal   and then then you feel like you feel like things  on your face you feel like things are on your face   and you and the desperado thing comes on you as  i as i walk to a port of hell the devil comes out   he said he said he'd come out he said john i loved  you you're my son wow you're my son says the age   of eight years old what what are you doing to  me why are you leaving me i'm so heartbroken   i'm so disappointed first of all the devil can't  love you you made an image of god come on hello   you made an image of god it's also i said i don't  know what to do i said he was talking to me in   the amount of time i said i don't know i don't  know what to do i'm so confused why am i here   what am i doing here i i don't know what  to do i'm not leaving you i promise you   i'm not leaving you i'm just let me let me get  my thoughts together he said you're leaving me   you're leaving me i know you're going to leave  me i know you're going to leave me i why would i   why i made a mistake i taught you all the secrets  of the kingdom of darkness the pattern of exactly   are reaping the entrapment i put a human being  how i created all these religions to trap human   beings to 20 my role to the dark side i trade  i make i let you get contracts with demons and   principalities and territory demon i i i groomed  you from the age of eight years old i grew up i   had groomed you i i protected you from people that  trying to kill you and hurt you and i was there   for you all the time you owe me don't leave me you  owe me i said but i i know i know but i i say and   then he wants to grab me then he said i'm gonna i  have to grab you because i have to destroy you as   much as it hurts me i have to destroy you because  you you would turn on me and you would tell people   about me wow and i said no i won't no i won't when  he went to grab me the cross jesus christ up here   the cross how could a cross a three foot the royal  cross or three feet up here in hell when i had   shorts and a t-shirt and the devil when the devil  went to grammy there was he the cross intercepted   him and he felt it he felt he fell to the ground  like nothing as he fell to the ground like nothing   i took off again into the deeper parts of hell  and the tunnels are like this in hell they're   like they got courage and i'm curving to the  tunnels and trying to find a way out and then i   feel i feel i feel something even more evil coming  and it was him again this time his horns came out   his horns came out he i mean he was so he was like  you ever seen someone that looked like a lobster   they took the suntan to the beach like that he was  that color wow in and out he was in and out and he   told me i'm gonna destroy you as much as gonna  hurt me i have to destroy you i don't want your   spirit go back into your body i have to kill you  and when he went to grab me i said no don't kill   me yet let me show you something on the mark so  you see these marks here that's going to kill you   i said that's going to kill you if you touch me he  said fool that's my contract i own you that's why   i gave you that contract because i own you and  i came to collect when he went to graham again   the foot the cross of jesus christ appeared in  hell i mean amazing amazing grace appearing l and   when he went to grammy again i shot into my body  like an arrow all i could tell you when i went   into my body i felt like i was in icu and people  were doing these electrical paddles on my chest   just trying to bring me back that's that's the  thing i felt and when i came back into my body   jesus christ said i'm giving you one chance and  one chance only to repent and come follow me   he said because you you you are wicked you are the  worst but i give you a chance to come live for me   i my brother i had a hundred thousand dollar  witchcraft from human bones skulls i had cemetery   dirt from all nine cemeteries or the five boroughs  wow i had dirt i had dirt from different from   different jails because i can take dirt from  different jails and put it on you and put you   to jail i did that to my brother put my i put my  brother i had because there's a demon to operate   in the jails he's a territory of jails with  handcuffs i put my brother in jail for five years   wow i my own brother put him in jail for five  years to witchcraft i had the i had jail from the   psychotic most psychotic places in the world that  people lost their minds so if i take that dirt and   put your name in it and and put a demon on it and  steal your mind and put you in those places they   put a straight jack and send you there i had that  kind of connection i had those i had covenants and   contract with demons from the oceans to the rivers  to the mountains on the second heaven first sermon   territorial today those contracts were the  contract the demons that i was able to operate   and go into like the cemetery with 21 pennies and  candles and that's initiation to get in because   that was my sign that i had permission to go in  and buy demonic spurs to put it on you so you   can die the way they die oh and i had all these  contracts drinking animal blood marrying halloween   put witchcraft for my daughter  so she can be the next uh jezebel   okay all that and jesus jesus jesus still  wanted me and then and and the grace of god   took took me and when i went to  church people said oh that's demon boy   that's demon boy he got no calling he got nothing  he's just demon boy you know he demon but just   buy my bible and put tabs on he's stupid he don't  know nothing he don't know nothing but jesus never   stop loving me jesus said jesus said to me jesus  said to me i loved you from the very beginning i   was with you when your mom was getting beat up i  was with you when you went hungry i was with you   when you were in an abandoned building  squatting with your family i was with you   all the days of your life i'm going to be with you  you're going to be my vessel of honor you're going   to be the one that i'm going to use against the  devil's camp to destroy to dismantle to up with   the curse at the root to shut down the heavens  and don't operate confuse the demons confuse   their language i'm the one you're gonna use that  you're gonna be my weapon in my hand in my hand to   destroy the enemy and set the captives free you're  gonna teach my church how to spiritual warfare   you're going to teach my church how to fight back  and take the territory because when the revival   comes when the revival comes lord so whenever  i come junkies are going to get saved come on   prostitutes going to say ain't going to be no  good people getting saved all these people going   to have residue what are you going to do with  the residue of these people they might get saved   but they're gonna still have residue what are you  gonna do how are you gonna teach them how you're   going to separate how are you gonna sell food how  are you gonna walk them from one how are you gonna   walk them from one side of the rest seat to the  other so they can have the victory they say you   gonna write books you're gonna do i mean god told  me everything and i couldn't believe it i was like   i thought i made a mistake i thought after he  picked the wrong address after he picked the   wrong address and all this and people laughed  and people it took a year and a half before   they took me out to a fellowship wow they took  it took a year and a half before they invited me   one day i got invited to return tuxedos and  i sat in the back of this little astro van   it looked like we're crossing the border we  stole something and all the christians in   there were like seven christians in there i was  like number eight sitting in the back they were   like hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord though  pastor preached an awesome message what a wonder   all this stuff that was saying right they said  john what do you say i said i don't know what   to say i don't know how to say hallelujah i don't  know how to say these things i i don't know they   were laughing and today the only person in that  whole van is serving jesus christ is me come on   wow you see because i wrote a contract with  jesus i said whatever one with the devil i   wrote one with jesus 700 club got the contract  the 700 club got to get a hold of the contract   they said i'm doing lives and jesus christ  i want no parole i'm on death row come on   and i signed it i said jesus this is between  me and you we are we're going we're going to   do i said to jesus we're going to do or die to  the end together i'm riding with you do it all   my brother do it all and then in 2002 the  devil suck and punch me took my eyes off at   three and a half months i was legally blind  again wow chris on a good friday i had four   hours surgery and when i came out to surgery the  doctor said listen there's no hope for you blind   so go home and pray for miracle i  went to church to worship the king   on good friday i i called my friend up i said  come pick me up take me to church he said but   the doctor said you should stay home i said i'm  going to church to worship the king because i'm   going to worship jesus in my condition not in my  victory wow i'm going to worship him on this side   of the red sea now when i cross over so i worship  jesus and one day out one day i was in church   and the lord said to me john you remember 1997. so  yeah i was blind he said out the devil never gave   it back i said i was the one you gave that that  was glory he said you gave the devil the glory   but i was the one in my sight i was the one to  give you eyesight today and today i got 20 25.   come on the doctor signs can explain come on how  do i get my side by they can't explain it how   my eyesight came back and how is it that i'm not  legally blind it's on paper it cannot be explained   come on so i see so much in jesus christ that i  don't doubt no more i'm fearless i don't move on   unshakeable do i get sucker punched yet do i get  back up and i get back i bring it to the devil   that he never seen in his life i'm more determined  in the enemy i'm gonna determine any witch i've   been to i've been i've been in the caribbean with  the witches that they come to my meeting warlock   he come to my meeting he said to me i'll destroy  you and i'll destroy your meeting like this   i said really i said did you bring all your  arsenal with you but then when i opened up   this can a weapon on you i told them i said i said  you i said i want to make sure it's a fair fight   i i challenge madeleine manson his girlfriend got  saved because i did deliverance for her come on   madame manson i said i told them too i left them  a message i said when i go to california a lot   whenever you want to meet you let me know i said  because once i lay hands on you you will never   rip a bible again because we need to confront the  devil this is what's going on with the church come   on this is the church this is this is the church  today the church is spiritually anemic the church   is preaching a jesus that is not in the bible  wow there's no way in the bible the church that   the church is preaching we're preaching a fantasy  to people we're preaching a fantasy to people we   are the sons of steven of the church today we're  casting our little demons but when the real shawn   show up when the real demon shows up he's safe  to the church jesus i know i'm poor no who are   you you have no authority you have no authority to  deal with me you have no authority i don't see no   rank on you because the devil understands rank and  authority the devil understands rank and authority   if god given you authority and god gave you a  rank in your kingdom the blood of jesus the god   giving you that the devil understands that this  is the blood of jesus and you have a thought in   christ so the devil knows he has limits with you  [Music] he has limit but so the devil has to you   know what the devil has to do he had the devil has  to that's why we need discernment in the church   we don't have the sermon in the church he said  the summer is gone that means we are spiritually   flying blind oh we're spiritually flying blind  so so when the devil shows up he throw a kind   of heathrow economist a counterfeit fight you jump  in the ring with autonomous fight he wear you out   then the real fight show up and he beat you down  [Music] that's why david was so amazing david was   so made that's what david said david said david  said was amazing david every time he had a fight   he said lord should i pursue is this my fight this  my fact that if you don't go before me i ain't   going to that fight and christian had christians  we have we don't have discernment in the church   anymore we got jezebel sitting in the front seat  we got people that are demonically insane we got   people that are tormented we got we got christians  on on prozac on medication hybrid there was a lady   that came to queens a couple of years ago she said  john she came to the altar and then she said i'm   sick and i'm dying she said to me i said what do  you mean you're sick you're done you're christian   she said no i'm a muslim she said my bones the  doctors say i got less than six months to live   she said so i just came here for my last hope  i said well i said what's muhammad done for you   what a lot done for you she said you just heard  me she said i got a six month less than six months   the doctor said go home and make peace with my  family i said but my jesus can save your soul it   can heal your body you want it i said you want it  i said you just say yes so we can beat this devil   down come on yes i said just say yes so we can  beat this double down she said give me jesus do   you guys say we beat that devil after pinata the  mexican party candy came out of that devil come on listen she went to the doctors  and she said could you check me   one more time doctor said you lady go  home we told you you're going to die let it sink in your head you dying  she said please check me one more time   the doctor said i'll check you one more time you  come back we call the police on you dr checker she   had no traits of cancer come on she said she said  i promote you know what she said to me a year ago   i saw her she said i bring more people to church  than my own pastor come on come on that's real   i mean i sing i say miracles after miracles  after america because you're dealing with demons   when you deal with the demon if you know how to  grab that deep throat you can release that person   from the torment if you know how to break patterns  in cycles you know how to release that person if   you know how to break contracts and covenants from  that person they're made you know how to release   that person from the spirit realm and if you can  reach the person from the spirit in the contracts   that the person made or the tormenting devils or  the generational curses if you can go into the   spirit round in the name of jesus christ in the  power of the holy spirit and you can destroy that   contract and crush it to the root and let it show  up and die that person can walk into the natural   and be free i love it and i think so many people  we've had i know you don't know this but we've had   about 1500 people on 15 to 1700 live this entire  time and i know why it's a testimony to the fact   that so many churches i'm not even gonna say it  but if i said type one in the chat if your church   doesn't talk about spiritual warfare or doesn't  deal with the demonic we would have thousands   of people typing one because this is where  we're at as a body of christ and you know   when you said that you were not threatened by  churches when you were in the satanic kingdom you   were not threatened at all you were not afraid  of all the they were my favorite they were my   favorite because they're the weakest and there's  no prayer happening there's no holiness happening   so so was there actually witches and warlocks  that are going into churches that are being a   part of churches and destroying them from the  inside out tell me a little bit about that   yeah from the inside we got jezebel eating up  eating up the church we got a lot of spirits   seducing spirits in the church today we we have we  have we have chemical warfare the church is asleep   in the book in the book matthew's 25 we talk  about the term virgins right they look the   same they had the same lamp they had the same oil  but when the fight came when the real fight came   they had another fight with that's why they stood  outside the door knocking knocking and then when   jesus took the see the churches look like the  fig tree that's right jesus christ of fig tree   from far they look like christians but when  you get close and examine there's nothing there   wow you see so that's like jesus christ of  fig tree because the victory like a fig tree   they have fruit but when jesus came close and  examined it had nothing to remind him of adam   and eve so we we know we we we have religion you  can cast that religious devil to a certain point   that's why the sons of escapa they have religion  they can cast out a religious devil so they have   the religious devil they can cast out but when the  real devil show up and say who are you they caught   a beat down and the church is catching a beat  down not all churches but the majority church   are catching a beat down the past is lasting the  passage of pornography the past is lusting and i'm   not judging let's say the truth because you know  you know what you know what's crazy about this   savior this is what's crazy if you were to take a  mic i preached this one time testimony's in hell   wow i preach testimonies enough if you were to  take a mic and put it in hell today you will look   for everybody in hell everyone in hell everyone  not including not taking not knowing everyone   in hell if you put a mic in hell everyone would  like to hear the word repent for more time wow   and today you tell the church repent turn from  your ways god is gonna spit you up you you think   that you're prospering but you're spirits you're  naked you see the church thing because they think   they're prospering outside but they're inside  they're deteriorating in the spirit man in the   inner man the church is deteriorating the church  i know to fight with people get listen i've been   to california and demons show up at my altar and  people could testify i'm not saying this by my own   saying people consistently come up to me the demon  confronts me i said listen to me listen to me   come on in the name listen to me sit down i'll  take care of you later you ain't right you're not   gonna mess up my service crazy sit down the demon  goes and he sits down i said i'll come i'll come   for you later but i'm gonna preach first and  you're gonna hear the preaching first come on   you're gonna the preacher first you're gonna  have three i i pray for people that would   so demon possess that their parents took the  parents took a plane and came to houston and   said thank you for god using you to set my son  free okay i pray for i pray for this young man   he came he came up to me and said pray for me i he  had a he had a he had this [ __ ] on your shoulder   any witch you want to come on this show and bring  it on come bring it on i'll show you the power of   god and i will strip it from your authority i  will burn your bangs and scrolls your contracts   and demons i know how to burn them down but the  fire the holy spirit and i know how to make you   spiritually naked for all your demonic arsenal  i know how to strip the witches in your spare   round i know how to destroy them i know how  to cut the civil code when the actual project   the church needs to learn this because if we don't  know spiritual warfare my brother come in the last   that we're not going to make we're not going to  make it we're not going to make it because it's   not god's fault god said it's finished i give you  everything that you need to fight the good fight   paul said paul said in the end of  his life second timothy which is   his will testament paul's world testament and  second timothy that was the last epistle he wrote   paul said he told timothy i fought he said ice  cream come on peanut butter jelly sandwich i i   had a donut i had i had krispy kreme probably  say that paul said i fought the good fight   i ran my race now i go home and get my crown  and those that do the same will get the crown   too powerful paul said i fought the good fight  paul was afflicted paul paul's resume was amazing   what he went through he went through it he never  asked god to take it away only one time about the   dawn in the flesh you guys got to take away three  times god said my grace is sufficient for thee but   the bottom line paul knew how to go through the  fight to call know how to go through the storm   paul know how to go do do the rain do everything  paul knew how to get to the other side because   paul had an anointing he had a relationship he  had a he had an encounter with the living god   he had the holy spirit on him in him and through  him paul knew how to he knew the secrets of having   the strategies in heaven how to dismantle the  kingdom of doctrine even paul listen i want to say   one thing yeah when the witch the slave girl yeah  listen to this i practice i practice this in which   when the slave girl no one knows this in  the bible when the slave girl was saying   to the people they're the son of the most high god  remember that yeah the slave girl was saying all   right yeah follow these men to the son because the  slave that demon knew that they was going to leave   and if the demon would validate them if he  knew he knew he could validate paul and silas   when they leave he they can take over the  people because the people don't say well   the validated dumb that means the  demon that the witchcraft are spirit as   an angel of life is wow you see so i know how  i know how to validate people in the kingdom   of darkness say yeah we serve god we finish  with god we finish we god we stop we god we   finish i will tell people yeah i do the same  thing you do what don't you go to don't you   go to church we go to church too don't you  lay hands on people we lay hands too don't   just do you speak in tongues yes we do i speak in  tongues too you want to hear me speak in tongues   i would say that but people can hear me speak in  tongues and they thought i had the holy spirit   you know why but they had another sermon wow and  that is exactly what it is there is no discernment   right now in the body of christ someone actually  sent me i think they're in the chat they sent me   a video of a famous about five famous pastors  i won't mention them because we all know them   we're on stage i think it was a week or two ago  and this lady and you could youtube this okay if   you want to find this and you do enough research  you'll find it but this was a couple weeks ago   she literally had a staff a witchcraft staff and  she started talking about the lord of the rings   and on stage she said gandalf slammed his staff  and said the enemies can't pass and she had all   the pastors this is a famous church some of  these guys i thought were legit until this   moment she had all the pastors put their hands  on the staff in the church on stage and they   all slam the magic staff down and they're they're  literally on stage doing witchcraft in the church   and people see nothing wrong with it and releasing  the damage releasing those in the church and these   are famous pastors that a lot of us follow a lot  of us read their books their books are in all   the christian bookstores but it just shows the  blindness that has come over the church and i'm   telling you guys god has raised up john ramirez  as an end time watchman he's exposing i know a lot   of you there's been over 8 000 comments tonight i  know a lot of you are just blown away because you   didn't know any of this but this is god opening up  your eyes there's been about 1 500 of you listen   here's the deal i'm gonna sow into him tonight no  matter what you guys give but i'm telling you guys   partner with what god is saying because we  need to get this word out we need more people   getting trained in spiritual warfare boot camp we  need more believers hearing this type of preaching   hearing this type of spiritual warfare because  the time to sound the alarm is now it is time   to blow the trumpet in zion to sound the alarm to  gather the people and to train up for spiritual   warfare now is the time and we were talking  before this not only are we going to do more   live streams together training for spiritual  warfare but i told him i want to bring him on   introduce him to the audience but i really believe  when this all whole ridiculousness of covid   is done we're going to do a event together  me him and alexander pagani i'm speaking it   are going to do a deliverance and a spiritual  boot camp event together i'm telling you guys   what god is doing is unstoppable there's no  demon there's no power there's no principality   that could stop what god is doing right now what  god is saying so get ready guys buckle up this   is only the beginning to what god is doing we are  exposing the enemy i can't even imagine john how   many people you had following you how many witches  were trying to kill you even to this day i bet you   had people trying to follow you because coming  out of that lifestyle i don't know anybody else   but you that has come out of that high level  lifestyle and is now preaching and sharing the   gospel the way you are i mean were you getting  followed when you came out of this lifestyle were   you getting death threats what did that look like  when you came out from this this crazy lifestyle   you know one of the things i i i want to say  is that's why one of one thing i want to say   it's just i'm i'm writing a book uh coming up  next i just want to say something real quick   it's called the it's called the day after  deliverance wow in the book the book is going   to be about and i just want to share it's going to  be on next october i i gotta finish the manuscript   by december by uh bethany house chosen they the  one that uh gonna have the book and release it   but it's about how christians get set free  but six months later back in bondage because   it's like it's like it's like  the storm comes right it's like a   a real storm comes like say puerto rico got hit  by maria right puerto rico got hit by maria by   the storm how do you rebuild after the ashes  how you rebuilt to make your house stronger   your house is you how you make it stronger for  the next storm the next attack the next temptation   the next trial the next tribulation the next test  how you make your house stronger so when the devil   comes he can find nothing in you to build the  body of christ that the brother you might lose   you might lose window but you're not going to lose  the house come on you might lose a you might lose   a uh maybe a tower from the ceiling from the roof  but your house is still standing so i i i want to   teach christians how their ground and bear fruit  in the midst of the storm in the midst of after   the storm you become a stronger more powerful  unshakable immoral christian fearless for jesus   christ you'll be an arrow and his quiver that he  can trust you with in the storm and that's what   i want to teach christians today and and and and  and i said one more thing one more thing with you   that's why i did the e-course the e-course is an  eight weeks training for people to understand how   the demonic works how the spirit works and how how  you got the victory come on and you don't know it   and how is eight weeks of training with  a spiritual warfare book you can download   and then you got arsenal spiritual warfare prayers  to break everything off you and set you free   that's why i tell people you know you know what's  funny about this thing that the people that are   running my e-course and i want to share this quick  testimony that's the reason i bring it up no go   ahead i want to share this testimony before i get  into the other spiritual warfare this is called   a co-audience they're saying e-blast it's called  co-audience they're not believers according to me   non-believers and they're buying an e-course  because they know that they know they need how   to know how to fight they're not even believers  and they're getting saved and they're getting to   spiritual right off the bat they get saved you're  into spiritual affair right off the bat that's   what the e-course and these books that i write  this i don't write books for me i write books from   for the body of christ come on the spiritual  see that one thing about the devil understands   he understands anointing he understands authority  he's scared he he is terrified the word of god   he's terrified the word of god but if you don't  have no anointing and you have no authority   the word of god means nothing you're just like  you probably you could be an atheist like you were   remember your testimony and still talk about the  word of god but it has no power behind it because   you have no authority wow so many christians  are walking around walking around like atheists   carnal christian you know what kind of christian  meaning yeah we know cardinal means caught and i'm   talking to my brother's sister a lot of love  cardinal means we know sin all that stuff but   condom means that you don't have no spiritual eyes  and everything you see you see the natural because   you're carnal cartilage is a natural so instead of  seeing the fight in the spirit around you sitting   natural and that's why you lose because the devil  the devil operates in the spirit then it happens   in the natural and the bible says you worship  jesus christ in spirit and truth and you can't   walk into that then you don't have no you have no  fight to win and this is this is one thing i share   with you whenever when i got saved my 30 days of  me being safe brother they released hell upon me   the witches from miami haiti cuba and new york i'm  talking about it was such a hell that came for me   that if god didn't step in after the 30 days  i would have lost my mind wow it was torment   torment they would pull me out of my bed at night  they would choke me pick me up in the air at night   in my out of my bed they would pull my feet i  mean grab my feet watch your hands grab my feet   and try to yank me off the bed and my room will go  cold my room will go ice cold like the ice box and   they were walking into my room you could hear the  footsteps coming down the hall they were coming   and then jezebel would come around my bed and lay  on my bed and my bed would sink in and she was she   would look over me like this and stare at me all  night and you feel it and your blood goes cold   and your head goes up and then and then and and  then even when i used to i sleep during the day   because i felt if i sleep tonight i could step  by night and try to fight these devils coming   and these are and these are the same demons and  principality that i was out i was i was buddy   buddy with for 25 years buddy buddy for 25 years  they they try to they try to there was there was   several time they tried to disconnect my my spirit  from my body so i can die in the spot i can feel   my spirit trying to come off my body and i would  just try to fight my hands my spirit try to keep   it in because if i felt my spirit coming in  my body i felt that there was disconnecting   me from my body and my spirit man so i can die and  pronounce me dead and after all that went through   for the my mind was going so crazy i  didn't know it was daytime or nighttime   i didn't know with daytime or nighttime anymore  and then on top of that on top of that after   that happened it went away after the 30 days and  then alone i kept praying and praying asking god   why you let them torment me when i gave my life  to you never god never responded because god   talks on his time that's joke chapter 38 that's  john chapter 38 god said put on your parents   i'm going to address you now and god told me god  told the lord the lord to the holy spirit told me   god holy spirit told me john remember the time  you told me why i didn't defend you protected you   and i wasn't there for you when they tormented  you i love that to happen because i wanted to see   how much you love me and how much you trust me and  he's after the 30 days he said he said no no devil   no devil no demon no warlock and no  witch will be able to touch you again   he said because you're my weapon but time is  this no one's gonna touch you yet and and and   god promised me that's right when i was i was in  louisiana 200 people came out of hands on twitter   i was in california we had 250 people i laid hands  on them i said come up to the altar because jacob   19 is an infirmity spirit i got legal right i i  got rights over that from the spirit i ain't got   no glove no mass the last time i checked jesus  christ gave me the immune system and it works   i lay hands on people i started to pray for  people i mean breaking fear the fear has gripped   the church the fear has gripped the church church  don't want to talk anymore church people now we're   doing church online because we're afraid come on  we're doing church online because the government's   because i'm here in new york city cuomo which  which which is the devil himself so the government   is acting like pharaoh and trying to oppress us   and take and take uh uh our god-given rights  away from us listen i've been to church i was   in california got to say only 25 i said let them  all in let them all then in the name of jesus   they won't come arrest me hey what  am i gonna say when i get to heaven   and the chinese church underground church at  church and they put their lives on the line   see so are we having are we gonna have jesus oh  we're gonna have the world make up your mind come   on virtual warfare i tell you i tell you this  my brother we need to just we need to disarm the   enemy we need to put the devil in his place yes  we need to to the devil we coming for him that's   why i wrote the book i'm in dangerous it's called  offense it's called offense and spiritual outfit   the book the mask unmasking the devil is defense  christians are staying too long in the defense and   getting beat up and they got they got spiritual  black eyes broken nose you know dismantle broken   missing teeth spiritually they're getting all beat  up because they and then you're asking why are   you so beat up and you're not fighting back while  i'm waiting on god no guys waiting on you come on   i want to do this first first of all i want  to say thank you thank you thank you thank   you you've gone an hour and 40 minutes and i'm  beyond thankful for you pouring out and just   pouring out and and everyone has stayed on we  still have 1500 right now that are live watching   but i want to have you pray before i let you go  like i said guys there's links the first one is to   give tonight the second one is to become a monthly  partner you'll get tons of info when you become   that and then the third one is the spiritual  warfare boot camp please guys partner there's   1500 people watching if everybody gives a couple  dollars five ten dollars that's more than enough   to provide for what god is doing and i just  told you guys i'm going to sew a love offering   and do john ramirez john romero's did not ask  me for any money he didn't ask me for anything   i literally texted him and he said yes i want to  get on let's do it he didn't ask for nothing so   he didn't ask for no money i'm going to sew  into him and here's why because we need this   in the body of christ i'm going to be sending  this video after i upload it on youtube tonight   to every one of my pastor friends believe me  i'm going to be sending this video because   our eyes need to be open in the supernatural realm  we are sleeping we have eyes that are closed ears   that are shut and i know a lot of you are in  here tonight and you're sharing because you know   this word needs to get out there so i want to do  whatever i can do to help get the word out i told   him before the stream i said look god has given  us all glory to god this massive platform online   you know i believe i have no doubt this video  is going to get 200 000 views this week i i have   zero doubt about that because god is getting the  word out supernaturally and so i told him i want   my followers to start following hidden ministry to  sow and to be a part of what god is doing so we're   going to link up this is just the beginning guys  we're going to partner up but before i let you go   john and we're still going to do a book giveaway  guys don't worry but before i let you off i would   love for you to pray a prayer of deliverance i  know there's a whole bunch of people in the chat   asking for prayer if you just say a corporate  prayer of deliverance um over the people before   i let you go that'd be amazing amen amen this  is what we're gonna do this is let me let the   this is what we have to do we're dealing with  legal rights today we live with demonic we did   we're dealing with demonic legal rights so the  legal rights need to be broken so the blessing   can come blessing me your purpose your destiny  your purpose could flow so you don't have to be   like the christians like in the book of numbers  you're growing old but you're not growing up in   the lord amen so tonight we need to understand  one thing that whatever you're struggling whatever   has you bound whatever has you bonded which is  generational was it's personal was it something   that accidentally opened doors in your life now  now you regret it it's like it's like the young   lion in the book of uh in the psalm 91 the small  sin the small sin i think we think we can control   but an end at least to death i meant so we need  to understand we need to renounce right now what
Channel: IsaiahSaldivar
Views: 1,325,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john ramirez, spiritual warfare, the devil, satanism (religion), palo mayombe, demon possession, witchcraft, armed and dangerous, new york, holy spirit, john ramirez prayer of deliverance, deliverance, revival lifestyle podcast, isaiah saldivar, isaiah saldivar casting out demons, Revival, 700 club, occult, the unseen realm video, church, the bible, hell is real, john ramirez jezebel spirit, john ramirez ministries, fire of god, christianity, spiritual realm, satanic cult
Id: P6ZQ4D7xP2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 45sec (5865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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