Holy Spirit Led Me to a Witch Coven in the Woods…

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>> Hello everyone. My name is Brian Starley, and I want to tell you a story about one of the most incredible encounters with God that I've had in my entire life that has to do with the salvation of a young woman that was saved out of an occult witch coven in the woods in Sparta, Georgia. This was, as I said, one of the most incredible things that I've personally ever seen the Lord do, one of the most sovereign things I've ever seen the Lord do. And I want to give you a bit of context, because just before we dive immediately into the story, it's important that you know the state of my heart in this encounter and the state of my emotions, my mental state leading into this. There's two primary things I want to lead with. The first is that I had absolutely no sense of something supernatural that was about to occur when the Lord opened up this door. It was just a simple invitation from God to say, hey, I want you to listen to worship. Come with me. Go on a walk and pray. I used to primarily spend time with the Lord going on long walks and just listening to worship and praying for hours and hours on end. And so that was just for me, time with God. But it was time with God that was not necessarily intense most of the time. It usually was peaceful. It usually was not leading into something evangelistic or anything of that nature. And I say that because there's something that takes place when God comes and interrupts our routine. And for me, this was this prayer time had become routine, and I think God was doing something in shifting me into a new sense of anticipation and an expectation to say, you can believe that I can come in the midst of the most normal everyday moments for you and do something beyond what you could ever ask, think or imagine. And this was a moment like that for me. The second thing I want to be leading into this story with is the fact that this was probably the most terrifying moment of my life, right up there with, there was one time I almost fell off of a cliff on a bus in Indonesia. That's a whole other story. But next to that, this is the most terrifying moment of my life. And I say that because one of the greatest traps of the enemy for us as the body of Christ, as believers in Jesus, is to come and invade your thought space, invade your heart and cause you to move into hope deferred and say, God, there's something in me that is just too unqualified to do this. And often it's that attack of fear. And what I want to encourage you with in the sharing of this testimony is remember the fact that I was fearful the entire time that never lifted, but God was faithful in the midst of it. I also didn't necessarily feel a very dynamic and active faith in the moment of this encounter for what transpired to take place. But God, in the midst of a state of me feeling weakness, as Paul explains, that's the perfect avenue for his strength to flow through. So with that being said, I want to dive into this story. This took place several years ago when I was visiting my family in my hometown of Sparta, Georgia. It was just a normal family visit. And of course we were talking about the Lord and things of that nature. But mostly we were just spending time with each other and doing a little bit of reading together and watching TV. And I think it was the fourth or fifth day of this visit, and all of a sudden I had this prompting of the Holy Spirit. It was very gentle, but I knew it was the Lord. And he said, I want you to grab your headphones, put them on, go with me on a walk and pray. I said, okay, Lord. I said goodbye to my family. And I said, I'll probably be back in two hours. It was normal for me to pray for 1.5 hours, two hours on these walks. While all of a sudden I walked and I said, you know what? I'm going to try walking into the woods. Now I'm the complete opposite of my younger brother. I'm not a very outdoorsy person. I love looking at nature, but I'm not a very nature, outdoorsy person. My younger brother is the exact opposite. As I said, he loves hunting and everything he owns is camo or neon orange or yellow. And I bring I'm bringing him up because he gave me some advice that was very helpful and plays into the story that I'm going to get into in just a moment. That piece of advice that he gave me. So I decided I'm going to go walk with the Lord in the woods and I'm walking and I'm praying. And as many of you will know, it's very, very easy to lose track of time completely when you're just in that space of, Lord, I love you and you're just in worship and you feel sort of caught up with him, if you will, especially when you begin praying in the spirit and your prayer language, your mind just sort of is is freed up and your spirit is being filled up. And it's easy to lose track of time. So it's very good to be lost in God and lost in spirit. It's not so good when you're literally physically lost. Well, that's what happened to me. And so I'm listening to the worship music. It's getting late and I'm just sort of procrastinating, putting off the time, putting off the time, thinking it's okay, you know, I'm sure I'll find my way back. And I ended up sitting on this little log and praying for another 30 minutes. And before I knew it, my phone died. So I had no flashlight. I couldn't have my phone for a light. And I realized, oh my gosh, I don't even know how many hours I've been praying now. And I'm lost here in the middle of the woods in Sparta. And I started to panic, not because of any spiritual fear, but because we have tons of coyotes. We have tons of wild pigs, we have snakes, We have all sorts of, you know, critters that I didn't want to be bumping into. And so I'm sitting in my hearts kind of beginning to race. I'm panicking. And I remembered the advice that my younger brother Jacob gave me. And he said, Brian, if you ever for any reason in the woods and you find yourself lost, the best thing that you can do if you don't have some equipment or a, you know, a tent, something to keep you warm and and nourished and all of that stuff, you want to get out. And the way you want to get out is find some source of light. And when you find that source of light, it's probably going to be just some campers. Or in our case, we had a few neighbors and I thought, well, I'll find one of them. And they'll throw me on the four wheeler or something and we'll ride back home. And so I wandered around and around for what felt like forever, but probably was not that long. And eventually I saw a light way off in the distance, and it was so far off I couldn't exactly make out whether this was, what type of light this was, whether it was a campfire, etcetera. So I start walking and walking and walking and walking. And eventually I made my way close enough to the light to begin to see the outline of some figures. I got a little bit closer, maybe about 30 or 40 feet away. And when I got there, I stopped dead in my tracks and literally lost my breath for about two seconds because I got close enough to realize that I couldn't see them initially because they were dressed entirely in all black and they were very much blending into the dark, you know, South Georgia woods. And it was this group of ten girls that were encircling this campfire dressed fully in robes, hoods up, and they were chanting. And they actually had made an animal sacrifice. They had killed a cat, thrown it in the middle of the fire. And they still had the knife with the blood on it. Now, even in saying that, it's funny, when you tell these stories, your mind begins to go back and some of the emotions begin to come back up when you're sharing the testimonies. And I can begin to I feel as I'm even sharing that with you all a little bit of that apprehension of, oh my gosh, what's going to happen? And I felt that in the moment. And at first it was sort of like pinching myself, is this even real? And secondly, I'm looking at this animal sacrifice, I'm taking in, oh, my gosh, this is actually happening. I felt like I was on the set of a movie. And as I'm taking this in, the only thing I could think was not, you know, I really want to go and evangelize these ten girls in the cult. No, no, no, no, no. I felt nothing but fear and panic and anxiety and thought, I've got to get out of here. I've got to get out of here. And so I started slowly trying to back up, and I ended up making noise. I don't have any really recollection or I don't even, I probably didn't even stop to look and see whether it was a stick or I crunched something. And so all of them heard me. They all turned and looked directly at me. And one of the girls, the girl who had made the sacrifice, who was holding the knife, points it at me. And she says, what are you doing here? And I kid you not. I was frozen, literally frozen in fear. I could not move and could not speak. And it's funny, this was, looking back, it's hilarious. But at the time, it was not. And I remember before this encounter, I didn't think being frozen with fear was a real thing. I would watch a movie, let's say a superhero movie, an action movie, a piece of a building or skyscrapers falling. And they'll often do camera pans back and forth and you see someone looking up at it over and over for sometimes 20 or 30s, and you're thinking, What are you doing? Run, get out of there. I thought it was just a Hollywood movie trope, and I realized, no, this is a real thing because I was sending with my full mental strength every brain signal to my legs screaming in my mind, run, run, activate, get out of there. And no matter how much I tried to send those signals to my legs, I couldn't move. And she screams this at me two more times. What are you doing here? What are you doing here? And after the third scream, pointing this knife at me, all ten of them gazing right at me, the Lord gave a word of knowledge in that moment. And one of the ways words of knowledge can come is through spontaneous speech. And this can be pretty intimidating as well because it bypasses your intellect completely. So I just blurted out with no plan to say this I'm here because God sent me here to tell you he's real and that he loves you. And I maybe had about one second or two seconds as I was releasing that word where I felt this boldness. That was the boldness of God. It wasn't my human boldness. I felt no boldness in the natural. And as soon as that word came out, instantly that boldness left, and I was just there feeling all of those intense emotions again. Now, honestly, I would have preferred to release that word and say, god bless you and turn and run away. I was that terrified. But I said that word and I was back to being frozen completely in fear. About half a second after that word finished coming out of my mouth, she drops the knife on the ground, pulls back her hood and starts crying, weeping. All nine of the other girls turn. Look around at each other, look confused, and they all just take off and scatter. Now, I wish I could have been able to reach the other nine, but my story with them ends there. And so I'm just left now looking at this girl, sobbing, sobbing so much that she's screaming and shaking and wailing. And I slowly began to think, okay. Obviously God's doing something here. And so I tried to work up what little courage I could. I don't know that I worked up very much, but I slowly worked my way up and up and up. And when I got about 2 or 3 feet in front of her, she jumps out and I thought I was going to be attacked because she just lunged at me. But when she lunged, she just grabs me, embraces me and falls down on her knees, pulls me down with her, and she just weeps. It covers my shirt, weeping. And I was trying to ask her what's going on? What is, obviously this was, I knew it was God speaking, but I didn't know what this meant. I didn't really understand what was happening. And she was crying so hard that her breathing was exacerbated. She was, so she couldn't really speak to me for quite a while without just these big breaths. And when she finally could speak to me, my mind was absolutely blown and is still blown to this day by what God did in this moment that I thought was just circumstantial or an accident. But it wasn't. It was providential. It was a God setup. And I want to encourage you with that as well. And your normal just routine or mundane things of life. Expect providential moments. Look for God setups. When you hear those promptings, listen to the promptings. I think also back in the story and wonder what if I had not listened to the Lord to go on this walk just because it was late and I was tired. So anyway, when she finally could speak again and tell me what was going on, my mind was absolutely blown because I found out that not only was she in this satanic cult, full blown witchcraft, but her mother had raised her as a believer. And not just that, but her mother raised her as a charismatic believer, Pentecostal believer, and she would pray over her and pray in the spirit. And when she began to get into preteens around 11 and 12, her and her group of friends started getting into things like Reiki and therapeutic touch and playing with Ouija boards. And I really want to encourage you guys as well. If you have family members or you yourself, anyone you know are starting to dabble in things like this, new age crystals, etcetera, tarot cards, this is one of the greatest traps of the enemy to bring us fuller and fuller, closer and closer, into the slippery slope of the demonic. So as she started getting into these things, it escalated and escalated until she was now in full blown witchcraft with this group of her nine other friends, and seances, sacrifices, cutting themselves, the whole thing. And I find out that earlier that morning, she, and at this point she's been since 13 years old bound in all of this stuff, and she was 19 when this happened. She was upstairs. She came down from her room, walked down the stairs, and she told me how she would constantly be butting heads and getting into arguments with her mother. So this morning was no different. That same morning, she came down the stairs and when she did, her mother said, sweetie, I'm praying for you. Her name is Katrina. Katrina, I'm praying for you that you would know the love of Jesus, that you'd know the love of God, that he's real and that he loves you. And she snapped back at her mom and said, mom, I wish you would just shut up with all of that stuff. The only way, and this still blows my mind, she says this this morning, hours earlier to her mom, the only way I'm going to believe a word of this stuff that you're telling me is if someone were to come up to me tonight, sent from God to say that he's real and that he loves me, and that pierced my heart when I heard that. And I just started weeping with her there in the ground. And eventually when we were recollected enough, I broke the power of witchcraft off of her. And it was very peaceful. It wasn't it wasn't a very dramatic deliverance like one may expect. It was just the peace of God, which I think was because the Lord knew that's what she needed. Just breathed on her. And after we walked through that stuff and renounced those things, I led her to Jesus, and she helped me get home, actually. And she ended up being the first person that I ever really intentionally discipled. And there are so many things that we could pull from and teach from in that story. But again, I want to go back to telling you the fact that you can trust God when you don't feel up to task. I didn't feel up to task whatsoever in the moment. I didn't feel emboldened in the moment. I didn't feel like I was a good evangelist in the moment. But listen, regardless of how you feel, the Holy Spirit is in you, and He is the best Evangelist. And so with that being said, I want to pray for everybody that's watching that the Lord would just use this to build your faith and to build your expectation. Your anticipation. To rest in his grace, rest in his sovereignty and rest in his goodness. And should you encounter these things and scenarios, people in whatever capacity that may be and you feel this intimidation come, you feel this terror come on you. Remember the story and trust in the Lord. Stand back and declare what He says and watch what God will do. So in the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, I pray for every single man and woman who is going to watch this video and hear this story. Lord, I pray that in sharing it, you would let it be a bridge and not a barrier, or that it wouldn't be a barrier to say, oh, if only I were where someone like this or someone who was bold, someone who was extroverted and fearless that I could do this. The enemy wants testimony to be a barrier. Don't let it be a barrier. Let it be a bridge to say I can step out and walk on that. The testimony is a declaration to say, do it again, God. So, Lord, I pray for them that you would let this be a doing again, a breathing afresh upon your people, filling them, Lord, with expectancy, with renewed faith and renewed fervor and passion for the supernatural, for signs and wonders, and for your kingdom to break into our midst, into their midst on a daily basis. In Jesus name. Amen. God bless you.
Channel: Supernatural Stories
Views: 31,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demons, satan, demonic, demonic encounters, faith, prayer, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, angels, spirit world, spirit realm, spiritual warfare, invisible world, invisible realm, Brian Starley, Supernatural Stories, ISN, It's Supenatural! Network
Id: z2-tSJAVOGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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