Ex- Navy Pilot Who Spotted UFO Gives Harrowing Recount

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retired Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves is here in our studio right now thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me thank you also for your service thank you 10 years in the military you say that the summer of 2014 to March 2015 during training missions off the east coast you and other Pilots began detecting strange objects how do you describe those encounters yeah we describe those ENC Founders as identifying an unknown object in our airspace and we do that through a number of different tools that we have available to us when we first had this issue in 2014 we had just upgraded our radar system and that's really our primary tool that we Ed to look out and see objects in our area and when we upgraded that radar we started seeing objects on our radar displays that we weren't seeing just the day before and that was our first indication that something wasn't quite right in that area okay these were new items new technology I don't pretend to know all of the vernacular you're in the Navy and I'm just sitting here on TV but with new technology can come glitches right you're working out the bumps did you think oh this is just a glitch or something because you're seeing this through your instruments not with your naked eye correct at this point we had only seen it with our instruments and only the radar and to your point our first thought was this was likely some type of radar error or what we would call a false track uh however we eventually got close enough to these objects where some of our other sensors uh one called the clear system which is essentially just a camera uh it was also detecting these objects at the same location that our radar was indicating so two sources of this object are coming into play you said and I heard you this defied anything you'd ever seen absolutely we in what way well we started seeing behaviors as we started to identify these over time we started observing the behaviors that they're exhibiting at first they were stationary which doesn't sound that exciting but stationary objects in the Sky it's typically a hurricane force winds up there at least 40 knots 50 knots maybe 100 knots so when something is perfectly stationary zero air speed above a a location on the ground that's very unusual so it looks like it's hovering right or stationary meaning like hovering correct but with no no thermal exhaust no gas being pushed out of it no propeller systems no wings and it would do that for very long period of time all day now the New York Times as I said we're talking about credible reports here um you told the New York Times that at first you speculated that the objects were a classified drone program that's what I I'm thinking okay this is a drone we've seen a lot of different shapes and sizes of drones drones you thought the same thing but in early 2014 you saw a close friend from the Squadron who was just back from a mission and you said you had he had a look of shock on his face yeah so this is another military personnel and he had a look of shock what had he seen this was a squadron mate that I had been been flying with nearly daily for the past couple years in the Squadron um and to your point he came back to the ready room he canceled the flight and I saw him with his mouth open with the look of shock on his face and he said I almost hit one of those darn things how did he describe it yeah so if I can we we fly essentially in a big Cube outside in in the airspace off the coast of Virginia Beach and all the aircraft they enter and exit that Cube at essentially a doorway and two aircraft from our Squadron were flying out uh essentially through that doorway and one of these objects was completely stationary directly at that doorway and he saw it with his own eye not on the instruments correct it went right between the two aircraft about 50 ft away and what was it what did he describe it as he described it as a dark gray or a black Cube inside of a clear sphere so with his eyes he saw a dark cube in a clear sphere correct have you seen anything in your military service that fit that description not anything that would be able to perform the way it was performing so so we didn't only see these stationary at the entrance to working areas we would also see these objects at about 250 to 300 miles per hour flying in patterns uh we'd also see them supersonic over the speed of sound uh flying straight East to the ocean so Lieutenant I'm gonna be the average person not a member of Congress I see this I land and I'm like ah somebody get the cameras I need to talk to everybody I need to tell the world that this is happening why did it take until this Congressional hearing years later for us to hear this that's a great question and I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that there was a massive stigma around this issue Pilots like myself didn't want to stand up and say hey we don't have an explanation for what we're seeing we were afraid that we were going to look silly or it's going to negatively impact our career you told Politico we have a real UFO problem and it's not balloons when we come back what you meant by that line more of this conversation I know you weren't expecting but we say let's talk about it and I want to talk about this one we'll be right back are there common characteristics to the uaps that have been cited by different pilots and can you describe what the convergence of descriptions is certainly uh we were primarily seeing dark gray or black cubes inside of a clear sphere I'm sorry dark gray or black cubes yes inside of a clear sphere where the Apex or tips of the cube were touching the inside of that sphere and that was primarily what was being reported when we were able to gain a visual tally of these objects that occurred over almost 8 years and as far as I know it's still occurring we are back we're pulling back the curtain on um this conversation that seems to be happening but not loud enough and it is about uaps are unidentified anomalous phenomenon we're with retired Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves so for clarification we grew up IG gr up saying UFO and it changed because of the fact that it can be in air or in in water is that the case bit more of an agnostic term instead of uh saying it must be a flying object um this is you know something that could be underwater it could be in space it's not necessarily flying it could be propelled by other means you said in Politico um we have a real UFO problem and it's not balloons you say your experience is not an isolated incident this summer you testified as we pointed out along with retired Navy pilot Commander David fraver who in 2004 witness a mysterious Tic Tac like object you both are among those who are breaking the silence and there's always criticism that comes with that that's always speculation I'm sure people have dug into everything about you yeah absolutely you know and I I joined the Navy when I was pretty young and I've held a security clearance for quite some time so I think in some sense I've already been vetted by the military for a period of time but even that didn't give me the Comfort to come out and speak my mind on this topic because there was such a risk associated with with speaking about something that's just even loosely associated with the cultural stigma that's around UFOs yeah you um you're so disturbed by the lack of action by our government that you actually started your own organization recruiting some of the brightest Minds on the planet who are committed to investigating these Mysteries um you say that this is a national security threat absolutely uh I started organization Americans for safe Aerospace because we saw our need to better educate the media better educate uh our Representatives on Capitol Hill this is a national security issue when there are objects within our airspace that we don't know where they're from where they're going or what they can do that's a national security issue that we need to take seriously Before I Let You Go in September another big trending story The Mexican government held its own Congressional hearing into UFOs where it was alleged that remains of an alien body were showcase um that's what you're seeing there you were invited by a Mexican Congressman to speak about your experience and you were not happy with what happened here because it turned out not obviously to be real the invitation was to go and speak to various pilots from South America and Central America to be able to speak with the Mexican Congress to convince them that hey we need to have reporting for commercial pilots within Central and South America unfortunately um unbeknownst to me this this stunt was was planned to occur near the end of the hearing and this really sets the conversation back in my mind because it was brought forward with no scientific evidence it was done without um communicating this to any of the other attendant and we need to lead this conversation with data and Science and and not these type of spectacles and this really upset you because you're going there to have a substantive conversation and someone else is pulling a stunt exactly well you are speaking up I know you've assembled a lot of people I appreciate you coming here because I know that it it takes a lot to be on the Forefront of a conversation like this so thank you for your service first of all and thank you for joining us from this thanks Ryan
Channel: Tamron Hall Show
Views: 199,945
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Keywords: Tamron Hall, Tamron Hall Show, Tamron, daytime television, interviews, celebrity, celeb, celebrity interviews, tv, abc, Disney
Id: LY_naHqRBjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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