Ex-Mob Boss REACTS to Mafia 2

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you have any idea who you're talking to I hate that man I can't tell you how many times guys say do you have any idea who you're talking to but do you know who I am a lot of guys did that mostly low-level guys come with me not realistic right there but he's a made guy nobody ever would slap him especially in front of guys a weren't made not allowed to do that never allowed to raise your hand oh everyone welcome back to expert reacts my name is Michael Francis I was an ex-soldier in Kappa regime in the Colombo organized crime family back in New York and we're going to do uh Mafia Two let's get into it I am entitled to a little rest after that last job don't you think they certainly have the right accent they could be back right right home to Brooklyn I went Alberto hears about this he's gonna hit the fan it is always one guy in effect always making noise like that pretty realistic who was that somebody you don't need to know right now you know it's funny back in Brooklyn or back in New York these are the kind of scenes that you saw all the time you know back in the day we had 750 made guys that comprised all five families and it was always something going on we had a lot of social clubs a lot of places where we would meet restaurants places like this uh you always saw this kind of activity going on so pretty realistic I got these phone company uniforms so we can pretend to be fixes so fair enough let's go kind of reminds me of the whole Lufthansa robbery when they were setting that up with Henry Hill and Jimmy Burke way back when two different kind of guys you had the gangsters in the racketeers you know the racketeers were a little bit more able to earn money but the gangsters were the ones that were setting up all these scores always looking for a score a hijacking a store to rob you know someone to extort you know so this is pretty realistic so this is our Heist we got two different Crews battling it out here on the same score [Applause] I'm talking about taking somebody out just because someone points his finger at him and tells you to do it so it would seemed to me that these uh recruits and that they want to get made so obviously the next step in that is you got to be able to kill somebody you got to do a hit well let me tell you something it's it's not unrealistic that you'd have a a botch job like that but killing a person because he didn't listen to warnings that could be possible if you put other guys in Jeopardy and you didn't listen to the warning you could be held accountable for that could get serious and there's a good chance you'll be accepted into the family after you pay the Initiation fee of course five grand a piece I don't know it seems like a setup to maybe so you don't you don't have to pay anybody to get into that life that's for sure don't disappoint me again now come with me not realistic right there if he's a maid guy nobody ever would slap him especially in front of guys that weren't made not allowed to do that never allowed to raise your hands so I assumed that was the boss and they were two made guys and if that was the case not realistic there the guy's been warned but he thinks he's Untouchable basically they're setting up a hit if these two guys can perform they'd probably be proposed for membership in a life to become a made guy you go pick up the machine go to Harry shop in Kingston certainly not unrealistic that a hit could be set up this way you know sometimes you get an order and they tell you exactly how to do it provide the weapons for you if you need it other times they just tell you this is what has to be done and you go out and do it you handle it yourself 250 round belt three quarters of a mile effective range and extremely level I will tell you though in my experience the guns that we used all the time was either a shotgun or a handgun 38 normally but that was you know a couple of years ago I guess now they could progress to other weapons where were you yeah what was it Normandy huh a lot of my uh former Associates a lot of mob guys patriotic many of them fought in the War you know still patriotic doesn't mean that they wouldn't steal here in America take taxes down or whatever but a lot of them were patriotic I was patriotic well listen you know there was always especially back in New York we had so many guys and we were stepping over each other every once in a while that's why you had to put things on record if you were going to do something in a territory you weren't already in you had to go and put it on record and find out if anybody was there because it could be a problem if you're you know infringing on somebody else's territory I don't think he'd get killed for it normally you'd settle it in some way you know you sit down you settle this and resolve it that way but if it gets out of hand Anything Could Happen look that's a that's a tough life people make mistakes there's serious consequences so this this could be realistic you have any idea who you're talking to I hate that man I can't tell you how many times guys say do you have any idea who you're talking to what do you know who I am a lot of guys did that mostly low-level guys but this could happen I mean this like I said you're always stepping over each other but most of these guys would be more low-level guys they'd be you know kind of the thugs the guys that are doing the heavy work on the streets made guys not normally would you get involved in this but stuff like this happened all the time kids gotta learn something okay why are we seeing how realistic these characters look I feel like I know half of them just looking at I can't tell you we didn't use those guns back in the day like I said things could change but not back in the day normally you're not going to be shooting up a place like that it's more movie stuff not really realistic Vito Marty I got some Molotov cocktails in the truck yeah burn a place down Molotov cocktail absolutely machine guns like that probably not yeah I mean you you know shootings happened all the time burning a bar I mean certainly uh realistic that happened you know quite a bit you know when things like this escalate it always ends up in a sit-down you know the higher ups are going to get involved we're going to find out what happened somebody's going to pay the price it was out of hand but this is this is the street life this is what happens now we go to The Foundry gentlemen this is Vito scaletta listen to get into the mob you know to be formally inducted into the mob you got to be a recruit for whatever amount of time it is when I became a maid guy I was recruit for about two and a half years but prior to that from the 50s to the mid 70s they had an expression all over New York that uh was all five families uh were involved in and they said the books were closed meaning they weren't making they weren't bringing any new guys into the family the only way they'd bring somebody in is if somebody died and they were allowed to replace it it was really for security reasons they wanted to keep things small but then in the mid 70s they opened up the books and that's when all five families started to bring in all their recruits when I got made there were guys waiting 20 years to get involved in the life and to take the oath so I just hit it at the right time you know in 1975 but there were guys waiting from the 50s and they were just recruits doing stuff like this trying to prove themselves so it's realistic in that regard well I'll tell you this it certainly brings back memories I mean I took the oath on Halloween night 1975 and there could be variations of it you know the words could be different uh but basically what he said was was pretty correct and yes they do draw some blood they take a knife and cut your finger a little bit you do have a saint in your hands and they burn the saint and they say if you betray this oath you're going to die and burn in hell like the saint is burning in your hands and at the actual event uh only the copper regimes or the captains are allowed to come the soldiers are not allowed in an event like that normally but it's a very solemn ceremony dimly lit room like that late at night and then after it takes place it's the boss that says the words just like here and after it takes place we went inside and we had a banquet we do it you know Italians do all the time you know we have a feast but pretty realistic scene like I said a few variations here and there the family does it a little bit different but this is realistic whatever you do gentlemen stay away from the dope okay a lot of controversy about this all the time because I tell people during my era my era in the 60s 70s and 80s we were not allowed to get involved with drugs that night we were told if we get involved with drugs we'd die there was no drug dealing now not to say that some people weren't doing it on the sly or on the sneak but we were not the major drug dealers we were not cartels and if you got caught I knew a guy that blew his brains out in a in a phone booth because he was caught dealing with drugs and he didn't want to get walked into a room and get whacked on his own so a lot of people who disagree with that they say oh you know it was drug dealing at that time and like I said yes on the sneak on the slide but all five families was hands-off drugs who weren't allowed to deal with it so that statement he made was very realistic for my era in that life you couldn't Buy Dope from anybody and sell it on the streets and if you did it you were doing it on the slide you didn't buy it now look in New York Little Italy is right across the street you know from Chinatown and there was a lot of drug dealing going on in Chinatown but if any guys were getting involved with them they were doing it on the sneak weren't allowed to do it now sometimes you know somebody will look the other way everything in that light is an envelope most of the time so if you're handing somebody some money and they don't ask any questions then you were doing it but if you got caught and you were in the wrong circumstance you can get killed for it so we weren't drug dealers back then you know I think I heard the boss Shadle in that meeting that you're going to get paid for this you don't get paid for becoming a made guy okay we're good now is he a drug dealer already how would he know that it's good you know unless he was already dealing drugs and this is just uh continuing that uh scam whatever he's doing but uh how do you know that it's good so basically they were just told no drug dealing and now they're dealing in drugs so the minute they get involved in the family they're breaking the rules taking a big chance yeah I mean look you know if somebody gets taken out you're going to avenge there's no doubt you don't kill somebody or you don't hurt somebody in a family without suffering the consequences that's not allowed not sure who's beating him up yet I guess we'll find out now there was a time when a bunch of young guys started kidnapping made guys was back in the 60s they were actually kidnapping and holding them for ransom it took 20 years to avenge and find every one of those kidnappers but they eventually got him the families never let it go constantly on the hunt for him finally got him and killed every one of them you don't take out a mid guy you don't beat up a maid guy I had no choice friend was a government Informer even if it's true that Henry was an informant you you don't go and kill him you'd have to go and tell our guys and we would take care of it and no question he'd be dead fine your choice you know a lot of people think that you know mob guys would sit around in their social clubs and plan on you know the next Heist the next job not so normally it was somebody from the inside that would come to you and give you the information that you needed in order to do it and they'd help plan it and it helped carry it out normally there's there's a lot of planning that goes into these things you got to be careful because you know you get caught you you go to prison a lot of planning goes behind these things especially at Jewish store robbery you don't just walk in there and stick people up I mean that's what guys on the street do when we did it you know I mean just regular criminals I guess I would call them when we did it there was always thought behind it always planning and like I said normally an inside job characters are realistic dialect was very realistic it brought me back to my time in that life for more expert reaction go to gameologies Facebook and YouTube channels also visit michaelfrancis.com and you can see me on YouTube and all social media platforms
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,328,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mafia video games, mafia 2, mafia definitive edition, video games, organized crime, mafia boss, mob boss, expert reviews, mafia games real, michael franzese, new york mafia, mafia hitman, the godfather, colombo crime family, the irishman, ex mob boss, Ex-Mob Boss REACT to Mafia 2, mob boss reacts, real mob boss, mafia member reacts, react, reaction video, gamology, experts react, mafia games videos, gameplay, pc gaming, la cosa nostra, gangster reacts, GAMEXRS5E068
Id: hnAPzeOyC-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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