Survival Expert Reacts to Red Dead Redemption 2

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oh now it's dead that bear feels the sensation of pain and it's going to come right at you to ultimately protect itself I would deem everyone as a Potential Threat welcome to another episode of experts react I am Donnie dust I will be answering some questions today people know me as the professional caveman the author of wild wisdom and the guy that so many people say Arthur Morgan was based off of today I'm going to be reacting to Red Dead Redemption 2 we're going to dive into it and see from a survival standpoint how accurate this video game is let's he shooting you shot a bear now the one thing to pay you know pay close attention is it's pretty accurate is if you are hunting bears specifically a big grizzly bear like this and it sense you or it's knows that you're there a bear will charge and a lot of bears will do something called a bluff charge where they're going to run right at you claws snarling it is is super aggressive it is trying to push you off or to get you to run now when you're hunting a bear and you take a shot most bears are going to feel that that that wound they're going to feel that projectile going through its flesh and they're going to run away but there are times when Bear's going to come right at you cuz you made a noise from your shot that bear feels the sensation of pain and it's going to come right at you to ultimately protect itself what I think is where he shot was a horrible shot which caused the bear to react ultimately to come at him and try and take him out because he was the threat fortunately he had a couple follow-up rounds and was able to neutralize that bear but you've got to hit that bear running if anyone's ever shot something running at you as it's coming at you you have to make bigger manipulations of your weapon to hit that Target effectively bears are no joke you know one thing that's kind of showing him shove that knife right into that stomach cavity that's where the internal orans are and you could wind up really compromising any of the meats putting any bile feces any sort of liquids on that hide it could definitely damage it typically if I'm going to take apart an animal if I have the animal's leg and all the hair is kind of aiming downward I want to go with the grain of the hair to avoid putting a lot of hair in the meat I'm going to stand over the top of it slice down one leg slice down another leg slide around that inside pelvis so then I can peel that hide off off after a cut right down the chest and I'm going to use that hide as kind of a clean area if I'm putting meat on it or anything like that it's a process you can do it by yourself this really just shows a very quick removal of a hide it's not the most accurate in all honesty that's impressive drops it one Arrow if you're shooting a deer with a bow I mean you have to hit that thoracic cavity kind of right behind that shoulder blade typically deer are going to jump and move he's got a pistol now what's he shooting with his pistol that looks like some sort of fox it's not dead now it's dead that is a fast skin job of that fox that was probably the fastest skinning I've ever seen that's that's impressive that's for sure typically you know when it comes to something like a fox or some of those fur Bears they're usually trapped as soon as you shoot an animal and you start to compromise it's flesh and it's hide and things to that extent it's starts to deteriorate the Pelt on a fox is the most desirable and you're going to want to take a lot of great care when skinning that fox to really maximize the the fur coverage now you can have hides that have no fur attached and it's just buck skin or you can have something like a uh tanned High that's been tanned with brain with the fur still on it now this process has many different steps once that hide is fully removed off the animal it starts to instantly spoil the air starts to get to it dirt starts to get to it and it can start to rot when you remove a high little pieces of Flesh will stick to the inside of that skin you have to remove that flesh you have to remove the membrane you have to remove the fat so you have to use a a form of a scraper whether it's uh a stone scraper the back of a knife the front edge of a knife another piece of animal bone but you have to scrape all of that material off the hide you're going to eliminate kind of that first phase of deterioration or kind of breakdown or rotting once you have that hide you have to stretch that hide and you have to let it dry skinning an animal is definitely something that takes a little bit of time more importantly based on on that animal every animal is a little bit different but the key thing is you want to get that hide off maximize the coverage of the Hide whether it's going to be turned into mittens or some sort of coat ultimately so you get kind of more bang for your buck if you will so that's kind of fun you can actually peel a the skin off of a rabbit like that requires a little bit more strength you'll get a little bit of fur but that is that is doable all right Gator I peeled some Gators there you go he flipped it over the most important portion of the Gator is that that stomach that belly hide if you will that's where a lot of boots and belts and things come from the top stuff is really hard ideally right here he could Lop off that whole tail he did take the correct portion of the Hide A lot of people usually don't take the back of the alligator cuz it's really tough and it's almost like armor but that belly is where you get all the good sort of watches bands and leathers and sheaths and stuff like [Music] that oh wait time out he's going to all right this is where he's going to kill looks like this Ram with a tomahawk that's not going to happen it is a weapon it is a chopping weapon it is a tool but to throw a tomahawk at some sort of you know big horn sheep or some sort of aspect of of ram that would never happen oh bison there you go one two three shots lever action probably some sort of 3030 that's pretty applicable I mean I've hunted bison it takes a couple shots to bring down a bis especially a big bull like that that's going to require some Firepower or a well-placed arrow shot behind that shoulder now here comes the uh the tricky part he's going to probably skin this out [Music] no you never take your knife jab it into the cavity soon as you do that you're going to puncture the internal organs and potentially spoil all the Beats man that that hide right there that's heavy I've tried lifting a bison hide that's come right off a bison it is wet it is it is soupy it's covered in blood and membrane it's it's a couple hundred pounds it's a lot from a realistic standpoint you could be on Horseback with some sort of repeating rifle lever action rifle and take down a bison the problem is that bison weighs you know 1,500 to 2,000 lb and if you're looking to take meat back well I mean the liver of a bison is the size of like a garbage can lid the tongue the back straps the H quarters all of that weighs a lot now that horse could probably carry some components of it but he's not going to be able to you know take it all with him so what a lot of Trappers what a lot of frontiersmen would do is they would shoot an animal and they would immediately with within the next probably 30 minutes to an hour scrape all the Flesh and membrane and fat off that animal stretch it and put it in that Raw Hide form that is essentially animal hide that's been stretched when wet and then dried and it becomes super super tight so when you're in that raw Heights phase that's a very easy transport phase it decreases a lot of weight the moisture is drawn out and it's very easy to go from point A to point B with that raw height now some of the essential tools that I would definitely carry if it's you know 19th century late 1890s one is is a Tomahawk you know Tomahawk is a good cutting tool it is a defensive tool it is an offensive tool but it is something that gives you the ability to you know chop as far as throwing it and kind of using it as like a hunting weapon not so much but it is a good defensive weapon in case you encounter someone me personally I would like to hunt with a bow now when you do hunt with a bow especially the these primitive bows they a single piece of wood when we compare that to something more modern like a compound bow a compound bow you can shoot 60 to 80 yards pretty accurately with all the bells and whistles and sights and you name it it's designed to be able to shoot far and shoot deadly but knowing that it's the 1890s and some of those modern things aren't available I would probably go with some sort of lever action rifle a repeating rifle that gives me the ability to throw four or five in my loading tube lever it take some shots I know I could take down a deer I could take down a Potential Threat in the human aspect I could actually you know even take down a bison with a couple well- aimed shots but a rifle a good knife a tomahawk those are probably my main kind of hunting and crafting and kind of survival tools more importantly a Good Hat a nice place to carry kind of my Essential supplies probably a little bit of whiskey maybe a little bit of tobacco for trading and a couple good wool blanks you know that I could actually work in some sort of bed roll that I could sleep next to a fire or stay warm with I think anybody I would come across during this 19th century if if I was this character I would deem everyone as a Potential Threat you know yeah I think one of the key things in this is that you do have the game play during day and during night and that's pretty accurate you know a lot of things can happen at night as well as a day but night time is that time for you to ultimately rest refuel and kind of you know kind of heal anything from that day or the previous days but that's when a lot of predators are active that's when potential you know adversaries could be looking to take advantage of you from a survival standpoint the nighttime poses the biggest threats you light a fire at night it's kind of like a homing Beacon to let other folks know where you're at some of the key things when you were looking to establish a camp is ultimately your security and that security comes from threats of animals are you in an area where there's a lot of bears dend up is it a mating season where you know the males are more agitated and could potentially pose a threat to you another aspect of security is weather am I in the bottom of a ravine where a potential flash flood could wipe me out am I high up on a hill where lightning could strike more importantly where I'm camping at am I in an area where there's a population of people that don't want me there all those sort of things can ultimately pose um a threat to you so I kind of focus on my security so I want to be able to isolate myself but I also want to have resources on hand that's fresh water that's fuel wood to make a fire to boil water and coffee to be able to cook food if I have resources on hand then I can ultimately like I said earlier rehydrate and and refu so I guess in the Extreme Survival situation or that survival scenario you are going to die from exposure first what do I mean by exposure is exposure from the sun exposure from the cold the rain the snow a dust storm even a windstorm the natural environment will kill you quicker than you being dehydrated you running out of food or even from some sort of internal kind of U parasite whether you got the runs for a couple days exposure to the elements will ultimately kill you now how you kind of overcome this and how you battle this is kind of knowing the environment you're tracking traveling through if I'm going to be in a winter environment I know I'm going to need thermal layering thermal layering to keep me warm so all the hides I've been taking those are going to become jackets and leggings and boots I'm essentially going to create a snowsuit out of animal Furs to keep me warm the main character in this has the resources that he needs ultimately to survive he has the cutting tools he has the means of travel and it seems like he has a good Awareness on animals and how to shoot them properly take them down and ultimately use the resources I think if I was to give Red Dead Redemption 2 a grade as far as accuracy on the survival ability I would go with a good 7.5 I think some of the things that I struggle with are just the removal of the the high tanning and the processing but there is an authenticity and where he's camped out how he moves around on a horse the animals that he would be hunting all very accurate during that timeline all that is it that is another episode of experts react focused on Red Dead Redemption 2 don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button and leave some comments down below I am Donnie dust feel free to give me a follow on my own channels just go to Donny and you'll find what you need
Channel: Gamology
Views: 121,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, donny dust, experts react, survivalist, red dead redemption 2 react, YTFAMO0004
Id: 8dEHE-l_9EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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