EWTN Live - Fatima - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR - 10-13-2010

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the late Pope John Paul the second said that the Fatima message is more important today than it was in 1917 what was that message and why has it remained timely and urgent we'll talk about it tonight so please stay with us thank you thank you and welcome I'm father Mitch Pacwa and welcome to EWTN live our chance to bring you guests from all over the world now tonight's guest is certainly no stranger to the network nor to me he's the host of Fatima heavens peace plan and he's here to help us better understand the message of Our Lady of Fatima both then and now so please welcome our good friend father Andrew Apostoli it's always a pleasure to be with you and to be on your show well it's a delight having you here too because you do a great job you know it's all you know you have a brand new book that you have coming out on on Fatima right that's right yes been working on it for about a year did a lot of research and trying to cover all the bases but I was asked by Ignatius press to write the book and I was asked please put everything in it so that's try to keep that as my focus give a comprehensive book that would you know one book that a person could read and get part of the the whole story you know just a when is it going to come out hopefully next month next month in November November ok cool we've been working very hard that's as I said took about a year and the doing the research and every time you know you come to a new step in the process the story telling about the children and the apparitions of the angel of peace and then the apparitions of Our Lady each one of them you know you can delve so much into each one of those apparitions and so much that was said by our lady by the angels who really prepared the children for the message Our Lady wanted to give them now first of what's what's going to be the name of the book that's going to be called Fatima for today an urgent Marian mission a message of hope an urgent Marian message of hope okay all right now for a lot of our audience may not know that much about Fatima what is the basic story well the basic story is that during World War one which the Pope at the time who was Pope Benedict the 15th said was really a suicide of Europe he called it a suicide of Europe he tried everything he could to bring about peace between the nations he remained neutral in his dealings with the both warring sides and he attempted to bring peace but he said that they're just not listening so he turned he asked two people to turn to our Blessed lady and so in May of 1917 he began a novena to the Blessed Mother knowing that she could bring peace and it was on the eighth day of that novena May 13th 1917 that the Blessed Mother made her first apparition at Fatima to the three children previously they had what would the children's name the children were there was the oldest one was Lucia the Santos she was 10 and then there was Francisco Marto and his little sister Jacinta Marta Francisco was 9 Jacinta was 7 so they were really little children you know jesus said in the gospel father you have hidden these things from the wise and the learner you know revealed them to Meera's children imagine a message essential to the peace of the world was entrusted to little children and they did respond enormously there with great generosity and see it was not very old either was she she was only ten ten yeah and so and so so the Our Lady came in response to the the the prayer you know for peace and she brought a message of real hope eventually she was to tell the children that the war would end but she did make some predictions about the future saying that if people do not heed her message her call to prayer and penance he said another more terrible war would come and she even gave a sign she said if you see a night lit up by an unknown light know that another war will come she almost you know she told us exactly what was going to happen and it did happen in January of 1938 pope pius xi was still the holy father and they saw but people didn't know what to call it they called it an aurora borealis the sky in Europe all over Europe was red even all the way down to North Africa was it all the way down all the way down to North Africa that I didn't know but I know in the United States there were people who saw this red in the sky and they were assuming that parts of their city with which they couldn't see we're on fire they were calling the fire department and saying it must be this red must be mean caused by a fire at night because it was at night and it was the sign the sister lúcia insisted that was the sign that our lady had said and tragically World War two came and it was said in the Anschluss of Austria was the annexation annexation of Austria happened just a couple months after that in March of 1930 that's correct that's correct and that's why the the well actually there was something else where the had actually begun the I think I'm not sure if the annexation took place before that no it was that after that okay they but there was some other event that was looked upon as the beginning of World War II World War two see she predicted that it would come during the reign of pius xi that's right pi c xi died in 1939 yeah that's right that event took place and at first people were saying well you know the board wasn't declared until after paese 10th and the 11th had died by c 12th was pope but that annexation of austria by the germans was the beginning really yeah I said of course there was the invasion of the Dayton land and then the annexation of basically the conquest of all Czechoslovakia yeah right so so that was cause events right and then war broke out you know the great conflict and you know the price the 12 was to play a very pivotal role in responding to what our lady wanted to us to do for peace you know you know when she when she made the prediction of war that was on the July the apparition the July 13th apparition she had come every month on the 13th she or she told the children to come to the Cova was called the culvert the area the cove apiece or they think it was related to st. irene there who was i martyr i believe in portugal in early centuries when the Blessed Mother came there she asked the children to come every month on the 13th and it was on the July during the July apparition of the Blessed Mother that she came and that's where the so-called three secrets of Fatima came from that particular apparition see today today is October 13th as you know it's the 93rd anniversary of the great miracle of the Sun most people I think look upon this particular the last apparition as the most outstanding and perhaps the greatest but in terms of the message it's not the most important most important is the July apparition right there the so-called three secrets but the the miracle of the Sun was requested by Lucia Lucia asked Our Lady the people one a sign that you're coming here and would they want to know who you are so she said in October I will give a sign that the people will know that I have been appearing here to you and that also that the I would also not only give a sign but I will tell you who I am and remember she revealed her name as Our Lady of the Rosary the one thing that she asked in all the apparitions that she made those six apparitions in the Cova was pray the rosary every day that's the one thing she mentioned in all six of her apparitions and the Rosary of course plays such a prominent part in Mary's playing she said it was the rosary was powerful enough to stop wars several times in the apparitions she asked the children pray the rosary just that the war might end she said it can bring world peace and it can convert sinners so the message of Fatima put a great emphasis on the Rosary all right so but the it was the July apparition father Mitch that really gave us the heart of Mary's message as you know as I mentioned the three the so called three secrets that the children were told to keep to themselves part of it the first part was the vision of Hell children actually saw a vision of hell you might say well why did God let little children see hell well perhaps it affected them in such a way that little Jacinta she used to say I'm going to pray that I don't want anybody to ever go there she said I wish everybody could see that vision and no one would ever go there you know and maybe over you know reminding us after all she came for the salvation of souls and hell is a reality something we don't like to talk about but she was reminding us you know that we must live good lives that we might not end up there and that was the first secret the second secret was about the war ending world war one would end but again she predicted that another more terrible war would come if people did not heed her call to the good Christian lives to do penance and to offer prayer not only for themselves but for the salvation of souls that's a key it keeps coming back just like the praying the rosary the salvation of souls is a very important part of her message because she came as a mother this is what I see the heart of what she wanted she came to prevent Souls from being lost in fact after the little children saw them the vision of hell she said to them with great sadness in her voice she told them she said you have seen hell where poor sinners go and it is to prevent this that God is establishing devotion to my Immaculate Heart say as a means bringing the salvation of souls and she was very concerned especially about those who offended her like their blasphemies against Mary those who would blaspheme her Immaculate Conception her perpetual virginity and the like she was very concerned for their salvation because she said they would be lost if no one prayed for them in fact one time she said to the children pray pray very hard because many souls are lost from God because there's no one to pray for them in or for sacrifices yeah so that that second and now in that second part the second secret as you also mentioned the rise of communism she said an evil will begin in Russia that will spread her errors around the world and these are little peasant kids who don't know anything about world politics absolutely no idea no idea probably not even about the well they knew a little bit about the war they knew the war was going on you know people had going off to the war but it was so remote from their little village you know where they live but Mary told them that this evil would begin and she said and she said that it will provoke wars and of course from lived through Korea and Vietnam and so on she said it will cause famines and we know the famines that happened in the 1930s and so on in Europe she said there will be persecute there will be persecution of the church and the Holy Father will have much to suffer but then she gave a message that she said this can be prevented by two things she said I will come to ask for what we call the five for Saturday's devotion you know where our lady asked she referred to it as the communion of reparation she said I will come back and I will ask for that and she did nor in 1925 she asked for the five for Saturday's devotion in fact there were three apparitions our Lord came as a little child with the Blessed Mother the first time and the children saw the heart of the Blessed Mother pierced with all these stores ruined by a crown of thorns and the Christ child spoke to sister Lucia by that by that time by the way as we know little Francisco and Jacinta had died our lady told them she would take them soon to heaven and she did but when sister Lucia she had become a Dorothy and sister at that time she was living in a place called Ponte Vedra Spain and the Christ child appeared with the Blessed Mother in her room creche I was on a little cloud but sir-- mother and and he spoke to sister Lucia and he said you see the heart of your mother pierced by this crown of thorns thorns put there by evil men who will remove them from your mother's heart and then our lady spoke to her and said to sister Lucia at least you do this for me and tell anyone who would go to confession receive Holy Communion on five first Saturdays in a row of the month in a row pray one rosary and then spend 15 minutes as she said keep me company for 15 minutes meditating on the other mysteries of the rosary all with the intention of making reparation to her Immaculate Heart and sister Lucia insisted this is a very important part of the Fatima message and one of the concerns I had in writing the book was tried to impress people how important it is to fulfill Our Lady's requests for peace in the world you know and Fatima is still very important as Pope Benedict when he was at Fatima back in May this year he said he said the prophetic mission of Fatima is not over it can't be over until we have the complete triumph of the Immaculate Heart and until you know peace is restored in the world you know so but she promised that you know and that's why that little quote you mentioned the beginning of the show when Pope John Paul said phantom is more important now in 1917 and we see it we see that the world could be on the verge of a nuclear holocaust and you know but Mary's message of peace is still very very vital you know word us we don't have the same problem communism communism has fallen and but but we have all the dangers like you know worldwide global terrorism especially from various radical Islamic groups yes and this is one of the things that you know would still be very valid for people to pray for and offer their first five first for their five Saturday's a reparation for the terrorists yeah you know what else to father I feel for the is the secularism yes that's pervading all I mean look at Europe them in the church which was a vital factor in the lives of so many people today is so diminished in influence and participation of people into practicing their faith all right as secularism and a growing religious indifference say that's to me because I see secularism as the byproduct of communism yeah I remember one of his talks Bishop Fulton sheen said he said every five hundred years the world and the church go through big turmoils and he said you know for example he said the first five hundred years the church had all the heresies you know and attacking the divinity of Christ and the Trinity remember they all those Trinitarian heresies and said but in the world he said it was the collapse of the Roman Empire he said then he goes on to trace you know other things another five hundred but he said in our era he said one of the greatest changes occurring in our time is technology you know how we have changed in just in 100 years I mean from a time we didn't have any airplanes that we were sending people to the moon you know but he said the turmoil of our time or the struggle the religious struggle of our time he said is secularism the spirit of the world entering into the church and I see that as Mary what Mary is warning us about because that was really shipped out by by the communists remember that brought government would no God you know how many people say people exactly know one of the things that you hear quite frequently is people will say well there's separation of church and state Constitution that's not in our Constitution but it was in the Soviet Union's Constitution and that and so they bring in something that was part of the marxist system and and people you ask most people i said well of course your separation of church and state not in our constitution all we have is non establishment of a religion by congress and so that's what we have but not separation of church and state so that secularism that brought in from a Marxist perspective has certainly come in to a very popular point of view you know yeah you know it's a little strange incident recently i guess i was selling some of my books and tapes and so on and somebody must have given a $20 bill pay for a book or something and some on the back of the $20 bill of the words In God We Trust you know what someone stamped over that stamped it right on there get God off my money imagine it get God off my money I said you know I think that money came from the Lord I mean all the blessings we have are God's blessings as a matter of fact by having stamped it that way they just broke federal law because you can't to face the the money yeah so but it shows you it shows you the thinking of so many people today to get God out of public life and morality and and of course as you said our constitutions are based you know the beautiful statement there we recognize these rights to be inalienable that the Creator has endowed us with the right to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those are Christian values and pope john paul shortly before he became holy father had given a talk i believe he gave it even at the Eucharistic Congress member in philadelphia in 1967 was it right and he said that he said that we are in a warfare that even many Christians have no idea is going on but it's threatening not one nation or he said it's threatening the whole christian culture that has built up for 2,000 years and i think we saw that you know we've seen signs of that even in our nation one of the ways I've described our cultural situation I did some CDs called a cultural conflict and I look upon the secularism as bringing a rot into the tree of our culture meanwhile the radical Muslim terrorists are coming with hatchets to end if a tree has good health it can take some some hits but if it's rotten on the inside it get falls very quickly and this is one of the things that we have to keep in mind for ourselves are we going to have a tree that has the vitality of our faith and our religion or are we going to have a rot on the inside from secularism right and you know we see so many of our Catholic people uh you know no longer practicing their faith I was at a talk over the weekend in Milwaukee and one of the speakers said he's only 20% of Catholics in the United States now participate in church they go to church you know we need to bring them back we need to recycle we need to recycle our people and then reach out to those who don't know Christ and so that's why Our Lady's message reminds us that we need to have prayer pen and self-denial because we become I think too caught up in our material things yeah I remember when the Holy Father was a cardinal he made a statement he said the materialism of our time is smothering the spiritual values in our world and you can see that you know and that's why our lady our lady's message is so clear we need to do to pray we need to do penance and we will really bring many souls to God and she'll most makes that a condition for the the peace of the world well you know when you were talking before I was going to say that you know in the the period after World War one there was a real flourishing of materialism and the culture became very secular very materialistic and it was there was a great wealth that existed in the 1920s was unprecedented but that precisely is what led to the crash of the 1929 yeah and the global depression you know so that people overspent and you know their own materialism undid themselves that's right and and I fear that something like that may be going on today yeah well I think God is kind of reminding us that these blessings are from him you know when we take them for granted and we we forget him if he got to thank him he is father Benedict used to say it's a word from our sponsor these events that are happening in the world you know remind us that God is still in charge and so many people need that you know it's a it's interesting too that after the Communists took over I had done some reading on this years ago but they had a conference in Dusseldorf Germany in which the Communists plotted how to destroy the West and they were going to you know try to promote immorality especially among the young they targeted the young pornography you know if you went into Russia under the Communists you couldn't take any pornography in there no but they shipped it out as fast as they could to the Western world because they know how it will tear it will pull down the nation and pornography is the number one addiction in the United States today yes it's destroying you know people's Christian lives the vocation to even to married married life is being undermined is very much under barbaric life that's why we need our lady to remind us you know we have my half to live good Christian lives we have to be a counter force you know in the world by bringing the spiritual values and Mary Mary will keep her promise she will she will triumph but we don't ask her now pope john paul ii had a very special relationship to Our Lady of Fatima that's repelled us a little bit about that well of course father Mitch was on May 13 1981 the Holy Father was in his little popemobile in the in the there in st. Peter's he had just picked up a little baby and kiss Geitner give little baby a kiss give it back to her little girl named Sarah give her give little girl back to her parents and all of a sudden a shot rang up then a second shot followed immediately and the holy father fell wounded his secretary and Jovic grabbed him in his arms they rushed him to the Gemelli hospital he lost about four pints of blood and he was very close to death and they had to remove I think 20 inches of his intestine all the all of his you know inner organs not the major ones it's funny but so much internal damage was done to him but it took five and a half hours of operating they saved the life of the Holy Father and I also saved the bullet didn't they that's right and you know that bullet father when it didn't go straight through him it went and it almost made curves it missed every vital organ in his body by fractions of an inch and that's why he said he said later on when he realized the connection between May 13th and then May 13th of Fatima May 13th of his assassination that's he actually didn't recognize that the first time he was in the Gemelli Hospital he was there for about three weeks but he got sick again they had to bring him back - back there he was thinking about the assassination attempt that he really made 13 and that's when he asked that from the Secret Archives where they had kept this hidden he has to see the Third Secret and as he read it it talked about this line of people beginning with a bishop and white who go up this mountain and pray before this cross and as the Pope was praying he was shot he was shot with guns and even arrows and the Pope dies in the dream and as soon as he read that he recognized that's me and he said I should have died in fact the way he put it is not so much the Blessed Mother prevented me from dying she took me back from death hmm and that's that's how much you know how close he was to death and as a result of that he felt so grateful to Mary he wanted to fulfill the request to make the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and you know he wanted to do this out of love for her and of course knowing its importance you know for the peace of the world and that that was a whole part of the history he did it actually twice once while he was still in the hospital he wrote a prayer but it wasn't with all the bishops of the world and the second time which was a year after the assassination attempt he went back on May 13 that's when he took the bullet they found the bullet and they put it into the crown the busts of mother they're in one of the statues at Fatima and he made another attempt at the consecration but he had sent letters out to the bishops but they never got there in time it was too late so he knew that it was not fulfilling all that his request to have the consecration made by the Holy Father with all the bishops of the world see they didn't get the letters on time to do that but he talked to sister Lucia and you know reviewed everything and then he finally sent the letters out on December the 8th in 1983 and on March 25th 1984 he made the consecration there he even had the statue from the Cova from fatima teselle brought to Rome and he was several hundred bishops there and then of course all the bishops around the world had received the letters and as many as chose to do it joined with him and it was a really the majority it was it was a a kind of moral unity of it wasn't 100 percent you know because there was 3,000 bishops you know and I used the example in my book I said you know if if our Lord on Holy Thursday could not get Twelve Apostles to do the right thing you know one of them tonight another one betrayed him nine of them ran away one of them remained and the apostles are the bishops are the successors of the Apostles and how could pop John Paul get 3,000 bishops to do this you know you know but he made every attempt and in Vincents - Lucia said he would do - all that he could and uh later on she said that then haven't had accepted that consecration but he was so grateful for that and he was an extremely courageous man and I write I spend a little bit of time speaking about his life you know you know he lost every member of his immediate family exactly did yet he had nobody yeah nobody yeah he suffered and yet when we see pictures of him the little children and people he certainly had a way of expressing his humanity and loving people and encouraging them yeah well I've got to take a break but we're going to come back in a couple minutes and we want to get your comments and your questions as well as those of our studio audience so please stay with us thank you and welcome back you know father a pasta also has a series called Fatima heavens peace plan and this is available to EWTN religious catalogue you can call them at one eight hundred eight five four six three one six that's one eight hundred eighty five four six three one six or you can also go online to WWE and religious catalog comm and you get information about that and order that series you know what to father made sure I had done a little series on the five a first Saturday's devotion which is also available through religious catalogue oh that's good to know alright good so get that get that as well so important that's very important yeah now also we want to encourage you to come here on pilgrimage we have a number of people here on EWTN religious or CB radio affiliates are here how many of you from a radio see great good because we're having a radio convention here and it's great to have all of you over here it's a delight to have in the audience and I know I really just radio folks are here on pilgrimage but we'd also like to have you come on pilgrimage you're not throwing a radio station to do and if you can come here on pilgrimage on please contact our pilgrimage department at two zero five two seven one two nine six six two zero five two seven one two nine sixty six or you can also go online to WWE wtae.com and they'll help you find places we can stay as well as give you the scheduling for the masses both here and in Hanceville as well as are the tours of the studios and the schedules for the TV shows so you can come and join us because it really makes it a lot more fun to have you in the studio audience so come on down and visit us here in Alabama if you get a chance are you ready for some questions all over any father let's start off with a call we have Connie on the line hello Connie hello good evening we're here Rob Connie oh I a question I was wondering what the secular world with the non-catholics belief about Fadiman do they accept it or do they reject the existence of that ever happening what do you think well I think father Mitch it's a good question Connie the remember Fatima is a private revelation in other words not part of the public revelation made by Christ and that ended with the death of the last apostle which is essential for our Catholic faith it is a private revelation and you can give to that private revelation as much credence as you see evidence for it but I think as Catholics you know the the approval of the app no there's a Church's approval acceptance that Fatima was a true revelation from the Blessed Mother happened so quickly what happened within I think 13 years I think by 1930 it had received approval and that's very very quick and of course with the miracle of the Sun 75,000 people saw that and what was the miracle of the Sun miracle that the Sun was you remember I mentioned that little Lucia said the people one and no she told the bus mother you're really appearing here she told that in in July and busted mother said alright in October I will tell you who I am a lady the Rosary and I will give a sign that the people will know that I'm truly here and what happened was that the October apparition when the Blessed Mother appeared she was talking to the children now it had rained for two days people were soaked and the ground was all mud and so on and when they started the Rosary just be as our lady was just before she came the rain stopped and then Lucia and the children the three children actually we're seeing our lady when Lucia said she wasn't even conscious of saying this she just turned to the Sun and she said look at the Sun because she had said to them as a mother people want a sign and our lady pointed to the Sun and Lucia she said she wasn't even conscious of the crowd behind her 7550 5,000 in the Cova she said she was just spontaneously moved to say look at the Sun and all of a sudden what the people saw was the Sun starting to emerge through clouds and then all of a sudden it started to spin it started to send off colors it started to move in the sky for about 10 to 15 minutes I was in in fátima one time at a hotel and this man showed me a photograph taken by someone of the crowd looking let's say in this direction at the Sun and he told me father the Sun is always over here it's never there that's how far the Sun was they called the dancing in the sky and and that went on for 15 minutes 10 to 15 minutes people saw the colors coming that some of the testimonies which I write about in my book some of the people said that because of the rays that the Sun was giving off people seemed the green and orange and red all these colors were coming off the Sun and then all of a sudden the Sun began to hurtle as if it became detached from the sky and began to hurtle down to the earth the people dogs in the world people were confessing their sins they were screaming for mercy you know they thought it was all over and all of a sudden stopped and back to someone and you know it's hard to say it was a mass hysteria I mean 55,000 people and there were a lot of skeptics there there were a lot of atheists it may say you know the Masons were very strong in their own control of fátima I'm if a Portugal at the time and you know what's also interesting when the children were supposed to go to the cover for their apparition in August they were abducted by the administrator who was a Mason and he was trying to stop the word of these apparitions he wanted the children to confess that they made up the whole story he even threatened to boil them in oil and you know and everything the Blessed Mother told Lucia if that had not happened the miracle would have been far greater but remember even when he was working here he couldn't work any miracles in some places because their lack of faith hindered his power to work this button but could go back to the original question - this is a very powerful sign yet to be a Catholic is it necessary that one must believe not what happened no you don't have to believe that Fatima actually occurred I think it'd be foolish not to there's so much evidence for it you know and it really the message of Mary simply reinforces what we already have in the gospel see but whether non Catholics would believe it well I'll tell you this when the statue of the Blessed Mother of Fatima comes into Muslim countries they go and pray to her because remember Fatima was the name of the the the daughter Muhammad's first and favorite daughter they have a love for Our Lady of Fatima in fact Bishop Sheen in his beautiful book on the bus a mother called the world's first love he has a whole chapter on Our Lady of Fatima and the Muslims and he said it was because the Muslims do believe in the Immaculate Conception of Mary they believe in her virgin birth you know that she gave birth to Christ unfortunately they don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God that's the problem there but they do venerate her she's the only woman mentioned in the Quran by name my name got name and all the women are mentioned but not by name yeah and even Mohammed made the comment he said my daughter Fatima will be the greatest woman in heaven after marry isn't that interesting so because of that love Bishop Sheen said that the Blessed Mother went to the only place in all of Portugal with a Muslim name yeah it was named after a Muslim princess who became a Catholic that's right she was a convent she died she she married this prince and they she died a year later the people loved her the prince had changed her name to I believe on Reema which meant the golden one you know give her Christian name there and then uh she died a year later and he was so sad he entered this disturbance and and then they sent him from that big monastery or a big Cistercian monastery and hub Bala ha something in the city there and it held up by the way nine hundred and ninety nine months and same burner was there when they dedicated that monastery well he was sent from there to a little Hermitage and he asked if he could take the rent the remains of his wife and bury them in that there and that's how the area became known as Fatima say-so the Moslems have a great respect so what non Catholics believe in this iíve seen non Catholic obscene than films on Fatima and some of them are deeply struck you know so I think it a lot depends on where they're at how open they would be to it's not part of the Bible it's you know but for Catholics I think I know for myself growing up I've always had a special love for a lady behind let's have a studio question sir were you from Oregon great good to have you here welcome what's your question question is one of the in praying because of communism or was it because of communist Russia that the the prayer is far because as we know Russia's fallen or color wall is compensable but yes but some has is still in some parts of the world well see I think what we what what you can say is that Russia became sort of the keyword or key name to describe communism you know just to say well Russia is doing this almost implied the Communists are doing this because communism did spread out from Russia to the other place right even the Soviet or the Soviet Union made up of all those nations that they subjugated under their powerful rule okay so so good oh we have a caller on line hello it is Sam there yeah Sam where you from I'm from Montana great and what's your question you know it's my understanding that when the children realized who they were talking to they asked the Blessed Mother if they would be going to heaven and she had said that yes Jacinta and Francisco would be joining her soon but Lucia would remain on earth for a considerable amount of time but what is the stipulations that she had directed towards Francisco that he was going to have to say many rosaries in order to get to heaven and I'm just curious as as to why she would have directed that towards him well you know when the children they used to say the Rosary even before the apparitions came and they said it even with their families but the little children would would say the Rosary together when they were taking care of the sheep see it was common that the youngest children in the family would be shepherding the Sheep so the Cova was a piece of land that belonged to Lucy's family and it was a good grazing ground there were other places that they would bring the sheep also but they would they would so they were cousins remember Lucia was a cousin to Francisco and Jacinta that with every brother and sister so they would get their flocks together they'd love to be together and they would have their lunch and then they would say their rosary but it was the quick rosary our Father Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary and I think I think it was Francisco who sort of instigated the short-form and so I think that's why our lady was saying he's going to have to say a few more rosaries before he can get to heaven but you know what's interesting of the three children all of them saw the Blessed Mother but only Jacinta and Lucia heard her but only Lucia spoke to her then there were times when the the children had to tell they had to tell Francisco things that our lady was saying eventually he began to hear because he became very devout in fact he died within two years almost two years after his death he got that influenza that came through Europe yeah right after World War one there was a bigger lunch tariff on top Lake yeah both of them actually died of that the two little ones and the gentleman who called and said you know see it was in the very first apparition when the Blessed Mother appeared remember they had seen the angels so the angel made such an impression on them they taught them the seek prayer the pardon prayer rather my god I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I beg pardon for those who do not believe do not add or do not hope and do not love you and then you taught them that other beautiful prayer with the called the angel prayers about the Eucharist and reparation well anyway when the busted mother appeared in May 13 1917 she was so beautiful Lucia always spoke and said who are you and she said she no she said where are you from she said I am from heaven she told him do not be afraid she said that's the first thing do not be afraid I'm not here to harm you then Lucia asked where where are you from she said i have come from heaven so but she didn't reveal who she was until the October Revolution when she person when she said I am the Lady of the Rosary see but immediately Lucia said when she heard heaven she said well I go to heaven will Francisco go we'll just in Toccoa the Blessed Mother said yes then in May when the bus mother came I'm sorry in June which came the second time let's see a problem she said what he want from me you know she always that was their opening question what do you want me to what he wanted me and then she said what can I go to heaven soon and Francisco Jacinta and that's when the Blessed Mother said Francisco and Jacinta will come soon but you must remain because God has special mission for you you have to make known the devotion of my to my Immaculate Heart and that's why she stayed on earth about eighty-five years more than her cousin's right she was in her 90s when she died I think she was 97 yeah so must have been a long time I mean you know that was that song long have I waited for your coming that she waited a long time but she did know she was going to heaven and it was but did someone ask a question too about distress that the children seemed distressed or no no that's that that was another question I'm sorry so she did ask to go to heaven and the Blessed Mother Blessed Mother you know told them that they would go and that I think was a comfort to them they said when they saw that vision of hell it was very frightening to them but because they know they were going to heaven that consoled them we have another question of my students ma'am were you from from Oregon great and what's your question my question was was Lucia did she experience any symptoms of PTSD as we know today or that her faith sustained her okay did she have any emotional reactions oh well a very good question very interesting question first of all there is an interesting photograph of the children that was taken after they had the vision of hell if they heard about another possible war in communism and then they saw the vision of the Pope the Third Secret with the Pope being shot and all those bishops and religious men and women and priests there was a photo taken of them and you could see on their faces they were like disturbed it's right in the photograph asked as opposed to the times when they just simply pose the you know with the perfect calm and you know just pose for a picture yeah so you could see the stress that those little children endured because of that particular apparition of July later on I think the stress that Lucia experienced most of all the Blessed Mother had asked them in her first apparition are you willing to accept suffering from God for the salvation of souls and the end of the war and peace in the world they said yes and the suffering of Lucia was the greatest see her family did not believe in the apparitions her mother was dead set against them she said this is a prank you made this all up the people are going to you know really get angry at us you know they had gone through some financial losses apparently the father had a little problem with drinking and then lost some of their property and so on so the mother was I guess Lucy's mother was in distress over all of this and now Lucia comes and says her mother's coming so the mother got so angry would not believe in the apparitions and that was a constant suffering even after the children were abducted you know and they were took taken to this town of about 10 15 miles away from Fatima called om and they were putting the GL remember when they were finally freed and they came home Lucia says my family didn't say anything to me they just told me to go out take care of the sheep it was like a hardness and this was a great suffering for a little girl it was only ten years old and then they were ridiculed by people in the village and mocking them all of us and mothers want to appear over your house and and so on and then of course interrogations by the clergy and others and people constantly telling them please pray for this intention and that so she suffered a great deal and because later on um she went to the Dorothea and sisters in fact a new bishop came in and he said we got to get around a Fatima because everybody's you know especially after her cousins died they were constantly coming to her and you know it was too much for her to deal with so he secretly got her to study with the Dorothea and sisters and she became a Dorothy and nun and then later on in 1948 or so she transferred to the Carmelite she wanted a live a life of prayer repentance and but after that I think toward the end of her life she was distressed by a lot of people have said you know when she had said the consecration was accepted people were saying though it's not that distressed are terribly her superior said that you know even about the Third Secret those things did distress her yeah okay I have another question for our studio sir were you fro most recently from Orlando Florida originally Cincinnati Ohio great what's your question my question is um since the operations of Fatima have there been other operations approved by the church with a similar theme to Fatima prayer and penance the Rosary like our Lady of the nations for example yeah so that's it that's approved isn't it I don't know I think that is I think that is a key de ikita seem to be approved at one time but I think more recently I heard it was not I'm not sure so I I can't I can't answer that a question Opie but waiting to know the church soon say something about magic Oriya and so on but I couldn't quite answer that I wish I could but I don't yeah I don't know of any that have been approved oh and none has had the impact of fátima oh no nothing know that no remember one of the author's I was consulting said no private revelation has ever received so much of a response from the papacy as Fatima I mean three popes went there and as popes and of course Pope John Paul II went there three times and responding to the requests and so on so it was an enormous an enormous message for the church and you know I've done some shows here before about Lord and outside the grotto the grotto Lord is a very beautiful place but outside the ground there's a lot of people selling things and sewers near shops yeah a lot of commercialism but I understand that that's not the case at Fatima well there there are a hotel's building up and so on you're a place you can buy but it's not it's it's not like as soon as you step out of the shrine you're into you know a big cell area of shopping not like not quite like that at all there are little shops along the way people want to get things and so on but I don't think it has quite that commercialism but it's just really built up a lot of hotels people are going there and and it's a little bit spread out to where the children in the village the children lived in is a little hamlet called al gist rel which was part of the village of Fatima you know that's about two mile and a half or two miles from the Cova the Cova is where of course the main chapel is the Catalina they call it the little chapel and then the church now with the beautiful Basilica where the children are buried and that brand-new church they date the huge church with I think it holds about 5,000 people Pope was there recently so that's about a mile a mile and a half have to miles away from where the children up so you you have to kind of move around there okay well I just want to get people to be reminded that you have the series Fatima heavens peace plan that's available to EWTN religious catalogue and you can get it from religious catalogue by going to www.hsn log also the phone number is 1-866-376-8255 is we can't do these series and without your support we can't bring these guests here so we're going to ask you to please keep us 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Channel: EWTN
Views: 35,202
Rating: 4.7306399 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Live, Fatima, Mitch, Pacwa, Andrew, Apostoli, Catholic
Id: uXwndKpvrSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2010
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