Blessed Mother: A Sure Refuge | Ania Rostkowski | Mary My Mother

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[Music] are you searching for fulfillment [Music] discover true happiness stay tuned - Shalom world she was gently pulling me away to something beautiful and I really tried to do it myself and then when I started to just go with her with my hand and harass me she was taking me to something even more beautiful and showing me that it's not mine to carry you've done your part and let me take care of it she takes all of our sufferings and she's given me really sweeter crosses this suffering exists but it's not mine to carry anymore [Music] hi my name is Anya Anya wrist cuffs key I'm polish and I'm at the Little Sisters of the Poor in Chicago right now that's where I work I graduated from a Marion school Ave Maria University the first time I ever did a consecration to Mary that it was my freshman year of college and I had wanted to fix my relationship with with God and a devotion like this 33 days to morning glory consecration journey was being offered through the school and I thought it was a roundabout way to get to God but I gave it a chance and I started to read the book and then I bumped into a gal who said she was also doing it and I had said oh I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep up with it and so we we both decided to meet up every day to do the reading and be each other's accountability buddies and we ended up meeting every day and doing the consecration journey together and so that was beautiful and then we both ended up joining the Legion of Mary together so she is very much a part of my life right now it's wonderful right now we've got a Presidium which is the basic unit of Legion near where I live so that start up and it's a lay apostolate organization founded by Frank Duff and I get to go to a meeting once a week and we do a rosary there it's a very standardized meeting so it is like based off the Roman army so that's rather intense and serious but it's it's beautiful because she's changed my heart through that throughout the years I've done I've done the Legion of Mary so part of the Legion of Mary includes a love for the miraculous metal and the power it has it's the bullet of the Legion so it's neat that I get to like I've access to these miraculous medals and if I'm commuting from work which I'd have a long commute it's like an hour and a half I have the opportunity to an access to give up miraculous medals so I love that and also I've grown to love the rosary the Legion of Mary has given me a lot of knowledge about the power of the rosary it's more powerful than the atomic bomb a saint said that so I love I love to think that even if I'm saying it very imperfectly that it's still very worth it to say it like I like saying the rosary when I'm working out like the decades are a good rep like an like rep spacer so and of course it's beautiful to do it with reverence but I I just love to say it as often as I can because it's because I believe in its power so that's part of my Marian devotion also I would just love to be more like her and I'm consecrated to her [Music] marry I am trust myself totally my buddy my soul my god I mean another maybe [Applause] [Music] maybe [Music] ah geez for Jesus [Music] [Applause] maybe [Music] Oh [Music] please [Music] maybe [Music] I [Music] this is a very special time to be talking about our lady because my church is doing a consecration to her and it's the first time that they're doing a consecration to Mary it's through a father Mychal gate least 33 days to morning glory and we're we're wrapping up the daily readings and the weekly video sessions we've had so Mary Mary's been very much on my mind and heart lately because in a few days we'll be consecrating ourselves to her and it's been such a beautiful journey it's as if I'm doing the consecration for the first time and I've done it a few times already and it's yes so it's just very sweet it's very relaxing to be able to know that our loved ones will be taken care of and that all of our merits are hers because she can disperse of them better than my own will can which is limited my attention is limited and she is the most perfect being and has an infinite is just infinitely powerful and infinitely beautiful so by focusing on her eye and trusting her I can become more beautiful and love others more and trust that everything will be provided for so I think I think that's just lovely like why not why not go with that option to me Mary is very sweet and she's a relief in my life and I love that I have a consecration to her she really sweetens and beautifies my world and the world around me a lot of my temptations and like the messages I've heard growing up from society is that my word comes from utility how much I can work how fish and I can be also how effectively can I love others and then you like there's that there's that feeling of like well you're never enough you're never perfect enough like you've never done enough so focusing on her she how sweet it is to do a consecration to her and to give her everything because it doesn't matter what you do she takes care of she takes care of what you actually do so she takes the merits so if I do do some good works then it's hers anyway and she beautifies it as she beautifies what I do and then if I fall short of loving someone properly which pains me a lot when that happens then she accounts for that and she can just bring a lot of goodness out of it and then what we don't get to if we're tired or Moody then she accounts for that I am NOT a perfect worker and she accounts for that and everything that befall us our circumstances don't really matter if you're consecrated to her because if if we're just trying to please her she makes things happen for us I've seen that in action a lot [Music] for Jesus [Applause] [Music] gives us [Music] [Music] I give you my [Music] maybe I give you my home [Music] my well our fortune [Applause] whenever Jesus [Music] when our 4G [Applause] [Music] I just graduated and I need I needed a job and I was searching really hard for jobs that would like that would bring money in and I know I know my weakness is she gave me this job with the Little Sisters of the Poor and it wasn't something I was searching for the Little Sisters of the Poor was founded by Saint John Geoghan what when she let an elderly person into her home and took care of that elderly woman and from there there was a network that grew of little sisters taking care of the elderly poor and there are over 200 homes all over the world with the purpose to take care of the elderly poor just love them until the end of their lives and uphold their dignity in that way and that is so that's such that's such a beautiful thing to be a part of for me everyone that comes in in which are mostly the employees our lady gives me the opportunity to not just like have calais interactions with them but to like Our Lady has given me her heart so I can a love and serve those that walk into my office so I think that's that's beautiful it's not something that I think about when it's happening like Oh someone's here I'm gonna be like Mary and and just be kind to them it's it's just it comes with the jobs that she's given me a heart so that it's more than just a job that peace I'm such an imperfect person like I really wanted my hair to be done I wanted to get it died a week ago and that didn't work out my pants are not as fancy as I'd like them to be nails are not done one of my like nails got cut off and it's just very imperfect I could have spent time on all of that and I really would have wanted to like have been super prepared and more and have this be more perfect like have my hair be done all of that and thank God that those desires for perfection like our lady was there to kind of help me focus on what's actually important like I couldn't get my nails done because I was you know on my way to work to do really beautiful work in the office and in talking to residents or being able to do the 33 days to morning glory consecration with the church that's beautiful it is so much more fulfilling to listen to her and what does she what does she teach us to love more perfectly if we take her heart on then we can pay attention to like the beautiful things of daily life like the seasons are changing right now and what a joy that is or making making someone smile like a resident who's lost that's so beautiful gaining a friendship with a Dunkin Donuts guy and getting a discount because I've gotten to talk to him like that is beautiful passing out a miraculous medal to someone who well it's not even about the goal of passing the miraculous medal out but just having me that connection that being able to give a gift at the end if they're open to it that's so beautiful and it's okay that my nails aren't done or that my like my hair isn't perfect so thank God for our lady because she helps orient me to what's actually beautiful and what's good and I hope that I can continue to grow to encompass like become a more like her so I can just focus on what's most important which is loving others people stay better becoming more lovely like her [Music] Our Lady of fátima will go down as the greatest of Marian apparitions in history it all began on May 13th in the year 1917 when three separate children Lucia dos Santos her cousins Francisco Marco and Jacinto Marteau witnessed a vision of the Virgin Mary standing in front of them in this fields of Cova diarrhea [Music] they receive messages of peace and a prayer and they even saw a vision of hell [Music] many thousands of people began to gather in that area and they saw the children there seeing the Virgin Mary the Blessed Mother of God these messages were distributed to the faithful made it all around the world making Fatima the greatest of all Marian devotions [Music] the greatest miracle to happen related to Fatima was the great Sun miracle which occurred on October 13th in which the thousands of people there who had been gathered to hear those messages of Our Lady and to witness miracles [Music] we were drenched in a rainstorm and they looked up to the sky and they saw the Sun growing in size and spinning and descending on them was it mass hallucination I'm not quite sure they're the people there who were drenched previously were instantaneously dried and people witnessed this miracle from many miles away [Applause] Our Lady of fátima goes down as one of the greatest apparitions in church history and pope john paul ii beatified two of those visionaries and released the Third Secret of fátima that related to the assassination of a bishop and white he of course relates that to his own assassination attempt on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima taking the bullet from that assassination and placing in the crown of Our Lady of Fatima our Lady Fatima will go down as the greatest Marian apparition in the history of the Catholic Church [Music] Jesus said go out to the whole world and announce the good news and that's what Shalom is doing is bringing the good news of the Holy Spirit in action renewing the face of the earth so that all people may know how good is the Lord how beautiful is the work of salvation Thank You Shalom for all you do reach out to lead the faith forward a may Almighty God bless you the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit [Music]
Channel: Shalom World
Views: 5,390
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Mary My Mother, Ania Rostkowski, Blessed Virgin Mary, devotion, lives
Id: U429GDPRV-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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