"Fatima for Today" Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR

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let me say a word and defensive reason in dialogue with it because faith is that true faith unites us to that substance a reason in order to realize its full potential meets the horizons revealed by and truths contained in the faith and not just any face but the Catholic faith I like to greet thee with a little greeting of Saint Francis and that is may the lord give you his peace you know this I've always been devoted to Our Lady of Fatima all through my life and this book came about through Ignatius press when about two three years ago they put out a DVD they were the distributors of a DVD called the 13th day it was about Fatima I think it was very very well done very simple but got the message across it didn't give the entire events of Fatima didn't have the angel that appeared to the children didn't have all the apparitions of Our Lady didn't have the follow-up in regard to when they were to you know when our lady had said she would come back and ask for the communion of reparation which we call the five for Saturday's devotion and the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Holy Father with the bishops it doesn't have that in there but what it does have is that some of the historical events of sending the apparitions of Our Lady including the miracle of the Sun and so on so I worked with them on that doing a kind of a trailer to that to explain the whole message of Fatima and they said that there was a kind of renewed interest in Fatima and they said to me would you write a book for us on Fatima that would be up-to-date you know put everything in and my friend Toni Ryan who works for them said father put everything in it so people can have one book they could read the whole thing and so that you know I felt a very challenged by that and I I did feel as I wrote this book that our lady wanted me to write it for her you know wasn't my initiative they they asked me to do it and it had its moments of struggle to finally get it done but it tells the story that is so very very important in our times our ladies coming to Fatima just let me preface it with a remark that pope john paul ii even before he became holy fathers right around 1976 when we had the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia that year he made a statement and he said this he said the Catholic Church is involved in the greatest spiritual struggle of her whole 2,000 year history and what's at stake is not one nation or one aspect of the faith but the entire Christian culture that has built up for 2,000 years and he said most Catholics are not aware that this spiritual struggle is going on and at that time he said that and he said but it's been allowed by Providence he never elaborated on that I wish he had said a little bit more about that at that time you know I'm just trying to fix this your mic and you know it's true we are in the greatest spiritual struggle of the churches 2,000 year history and you can see very clearly now the culture Christian culture at stake what are the attacks being made by secularism its attacked on the family which is the key I'm sorry the sanctity of life which is the key foundation of any Catholic culture in other words that each person is recognized as having a dignity hmm sacred dignity for the person and that's been attacked by abortion euthanasia and now you know so many other ways then the family the family as God created the family Adam and Eve and you know their children and every Christian family one man one woman now being attacked as we see not only by same-sex marriages but also people just living together without the benefit of marriage and then the freedom now we see this with the mandates which I call the dictates it was a mandate a mandate is something that a person has authority to command or has been given Authority people you know vote for something this is a mandate from the people no one has authority over your conscience absolutely no one God alone is the only one who has authority to command your countries so it's not a mandate it's a dictate which is given by dictators who don't care about your conscience do you see and that's why this struggle people don't realize with this this issue is so important that if it's if it slides by you know we open our way up to a dictatorship and are they going to force our hospitals to do abortions are they gonna force our Catholic schools to teach almost sexual no same-sex marriages where do you stop if you can violate your conscience on this matter you can violate it on anything that's why the struggle is immense she told us things like this were going to happen we have to listen to her message why because she told us what the evil would be and she told us what the solution would be we're not doing the solution yet in sufficient numbers she said when enough people do what I ask then the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will come and I feel that it's so important for us to to do this when I wrote this book there were four things basically that I wanted to deal with number one was to show Mary's role in salvation history how it is a role that is involved in the continuous struggle between good and evil right where's the first time we hear about Our Lady in Scripture all the way back in Genesis right Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 I will put enmity God said to the serpent the devil I'll put enmity between you and the woman between your offspring his followers and hers her divine son and his followers and the the great text reads and you shall strike at his heel and he shall crush your head what st. Jerome translated that from the Greek into the Latin he changed it he's at a new cell strike at her heel and she shall crush your head so Mary is involved in this constant struggle from the very opening pages of Scripture say she's our mother but she has also the one in this involved immensely in this struggle go to the last book of Scripture right book of Revelation when he read Saint John tells us the heavens open and a great sign appeared a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and the crown of 12 stars on her head one of the brothers in my community told me once he said father we got a 12 star general leading us they don't come that big in the US Army huh so a woman with the crown clothed with the Sun crowned you know standing on them on the moon the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head that's our Lady and what appears immediately after that the Red Dragon and the dragon tries to destroy the woman with her child so Mary is involved deeply in this struggle and we have to go to her - Saints help to prepare us for the struggle and that will my first woman st. Louis de Montfort when he said in his beautiful book on true devotion which inspired you remember pope john paul ii that's where he got his Big M and told us to us which means all yours all yours Mary he got it from Saint Louis de Montfort say and in that book st. Louis de Montfort says in the centuries to follow the Blessed Mother will prepare her sons and daughters for a great struggle and that's what she did I thought about places like Lourdes Lourdes is a place to go and the Spirit of Our Lady is very very powerful their Fatima I don't look at only as a place to go it's a message but no message of our Blessed lady has ever received as much attention from the church from the Holy Fathers as the Fatima Pope Paul the sixth went there as Pope once John Paul went there three times and Pope Benedict has been there already once okay no other place of apparition has ever received quite the same focus and so the Blessed Mother you know she came there to prepare her children for this great spiritual struggle the other Saint it was very significant was a st. John Bosco remember his famous dream when he saw the the church as a great wooden ship that was in very stormy waters and it had all little boats with the faithful all around it but surrounding that the ship of the church was a was an enemy fleet that had cannons and battering rams and everything that were intent on destroying the ship of the church and all of a sudden divine providence came to the rescue remember he saw these two columns come out of the sea the higher column had the Blessed Sacrament the lower column had the Blessed Mother and the Pope who was guiding the ship realized if only I could bring the ship between these two columns I can anchor it safely so he begins to go in that direction if any of the cannonballs or any of the battering rams did any harm to the ship of the church the breezes from those two columns healed it till finally the Pope was ready to bring the ship between the two columns and he was shocked he was shot but he didn't die people picked him up he brings it closer and he was shot the second time and he died okay they believed that that was John Paul the second although he didn't die by shooting you know his the life didn't end that way but he was the Pope who was shot and and remember he was about to bring the ship between the two columns I remember after the year 2000 Pope John Paul gave us two beautiful documents one on the Blessed Mother and the rosary remember that in the year 2002 in which he encouraged us to go back to saying the rosary he called it a prayer of peace a prayer that brings families together remember father Peyton who's up for canonization Oh Patrick Peyton the family that prays together stays together he used to say also that a world that prayer is a world at peace and uh so Pope John Paul gave us the the document on the rose of our lady which is prominent than the Fatima message okay it's the only thing I'm blessed lady asked and all six of her apparitions to the children in the Cova pray the rosary every day are you praying your rosary every day it's such a beautiful prayer Padre Pio used to say is there any prayer more beautiful than the prayer our lady herself gave us than the Rosary he said always pray the rosary and then he said you know Blessed Mother gave us the rosary the devil is always trying to take it away so don't let him take the Rosary away from you he was when he was all he was getting dressed one day and he had the help of some of the brothers to help him and he turned to one of the brothers and he said brother get me my weapon and the brother was startled you might reveal another weapon my rosary see to do good and oppose evil hmm and I have to tell a little story one time this man was sort of breaking a little bit he said the padre pio he said you know Patrick voi I said five rosaries today hundra Pio said that's very good he said he said I said about thirty-five and the man said thirty-five rosaries you've been busy all day long wooden did you have time to say 35 rosaries he said well you do one thing at a time I'd do three or four things at a time I guess if you could appear on bilocation all over the world you could do three or four things at the same time you know so it was a man of the Rosary huh and I rose one of the rosaries are you always carry with me was from Mother Teresa she was another great saint of our time I'm certainly dedicated to the Rosary huh so we have you know we so our lady then you know Pope John Paul I was saying he gave us you know those two documents and because he gave us the Eucharist on the year he died huh and so he wanted to focus on those two things now when the Lord took him Pope Benedict has been continued to promote this message when he was in Fatima on May 4 May 13th year 2010 was the tenth anniversary of the verification of little Jacinta and Francisco when he was there he made the state and he said anyone who thinks that the prophetic message of Fatima is over is clearly mistaken and he said we can hope that within the next seven years we will see the fulfillment of Our Lady's promise the triumph of her Immaculate Heart okay so it's very important this Holy Father is very dedicated to Fatima he said learn the message of Fatima live the message of Fatima and spread the message of Fatima okay and by the way when he was there when he was there in 2010 at his mass at the Cova there were three rows of Russian people and they held up a big sign Mary thank you for what you are doing for our nation so they know the consecration took hold it did I was explained very clearly carefully in the book okay now let me go to the second thing I want to say so I wanted to show Mary's role in Salvation history the second thing is what was happening in the world at the time okay there were many many secular government's coming to power you know there were mostly Masons for example even the poor even the government in Portugal was a Masonic government okay and President there in 1914 said in two generations there won't be any traces of Catholicism left in Portugal mother Teresa used to say you want to make God laugh tell him your plans I bet you God had a big laugh over that he sent his own mother there right to spread that message of Fatima and so the there were many many terrible things happening governments and of course later on 1917 our lady herself predicted the Russian Revolution the Communist revolution of Russia now it was a very difficult time as you know World War one began in 1914 and the Pope at the time was Pope Benedict the 15th and he was a very good man he tried diplomatically to bring the warring factors together but there was such hatred of nation against nation that it was impossible to make any headway so finally in 1917 in May 1917 he said we have to turn to our lady she can obtain this grace of peace for us he began in novena and on the eighth day of the novena in may 13 1917 the bus said mother made her first apparition of Fatima she appeared to the three little children remember Lucia de Santos she was ten little her little cousin Francisco he was nine Francisco Marco and little Francisco's little sister Jacinta Martha was only seven now I want to go back for a moment before I get into the apparitions of Our Lady to remind you that God prepared the way for a lady to come by sending an angel three times to the children okay he called himself the angel of peace the angel of Portugal and he appeared to the children once in the spring of 1916 then in the summer and then in the fall in 1916 in this in the spring he appeared to them and he taught the children he wanted to prepare them he said God had plans for them and he wanted to teach them to be generous in making sacrifices so he taught them a little prayer that we call the pardon prayer my god I believe I adore I hope and I love you and I beg pardon for those who do not believe do not adore do not hope and do not love you and so he left the children with that prayer okay six months later he appeared again in the children were they were having game they're playing some games and everything and he said what are you doing why aren't you praying he said God has special mitten has a special mission for all of you and and that's when they took it very seriously he encouraged them to say the prayer of you know that prayer I just mentioned that's called a part in prayer and they began to say it zealously and he even told them to make sacrifices a little see I said well what's a sacrifice and the angel said you can make a sacrifice of anything you do and offer to God say 4p the world and the conversion of sinners they go together there will be peace when enough people have turned away from their sins let's list our lady told little Jacinta war is the punishment for sin I think we can see that very clearly that's why if we don't turn the abortion and the homosexual stuff around there's going to be a punishment for our sins but we don't want to wait for as a chastisement okay it won't be good it will be nice it would be very terrible so we need to pray and then we need to offer sacrifices now the angel came the third time in the fall okay and this was very special because the angel came with the Eucharist maybe you've seen pictures of it you know I see the angel the host above the the chalice and the hosts were dripping the precious blood into the chalice and you remember that the angel came around and with the three little children they bowed to the ground bowing their head sit around just like the Muslims pray and this is the prayer they said just to get it correct they I have a little appendix here with the prayers at the end Fatima prayers almost Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I adore you profoundly I offer you the most precious body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the Tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages sacrilegious and indifference by which he is offended by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poisonous so the angel brought the Eucharist by the way he gave communion though see I had already received their first communion so she ate she received the host the little chick the other two little ones didn't receive the verse so they drank from the chalice he gave them the Precious Blood and you notice this is where in that going back that I dream of Pope John of us Saint John Bosco this is where the Eucharist comes in C so Fatima connects the Eucharist through the angel apparition who brought the Eucharist to the children and the prayer you notice reparation what is reparation see when people sinned and basically especially with hatred of God they tell god I hate you well who's going to make up for that who's going to tell God I love you to make up for that hatred say who's going to make up for the sins that offend Almighty God someone has to do this and that's what our lady came to ask for reparation for sins intercession for cities for their conversion or they would be lost in fact she said in the October apparition she said and Lucia said when she said this sadness came over her but she said pray pray great deal because many souls are lost from God an office sacrifice as she said because many souls are lost from God because there was no one to pray and offer sacrifices for sinners they're being lost in other words you know and this is why she came to save her children okay so the Eucharist was there through the angel and the little children prayed that and by the way if you are in the practice of making a holy hour or visiting a busted sacrament the pardon prayer and this angel it's called the angels prayer are beautiful prayers to pray before the Blessed Sacrament or anywhere that you are but especially if you pray a holy hour or pray before the Blessed Sacrament now that set the stage and the children became very generous in making sacrifices well finally Our Lady King remember the novena was going on the eighth day of the novena it was a Sunday the children had already gone to Mass and they took their flocks of sheep Lucia was the youngest in her family Francisco and Jacinta with the youngest in their family and it was always the role of the youngest children to take care of the sheep so they would bring them out to graze and the Cova which was owned by Lucy's father and mother and they would bring them there to the Cova to graze the sheep and the winter they stayed a little bit closer the covers about two mile from their house and and so they were watching the sheep and all of a sudden they saw was a stroke of lightning they thought it was gonna rain and our Lady appeared and they asked her who are you where are you from rather they asked her where are you from she's dying from heaven and they kept calling her the beautiful lady from heaven okay and the three children little see it was always concerned about this she said are we going to go to heaven she said yes each one of you okay so she asked them are you willing to accept suffering from God for the salvation of souls the Peace of the world and they said yes ten years old nine years old and seven years old yes we will accept it see they had become very generous with their sacrifices and their prayers so our lady said you will have done to suffer okay the one who suffered the most was Lucia you know why they had agreed not to say anything about this apparition but poor little just sent only seven years she couldn't hold it in she had to blurt it out to her mother mom we saw this beautiful lady in the Cova sea and now the Martos Martha the father of the Marcos he believed immediately you know why he said if my son Francisco said he saw a beautiful lady in the Cova he saw her because he never lies say so the Martos believed but Lucia is family did not the mother see the family was going through a very hard time the father was drinking a lot and he incurred debts and he had to sell off some of his property there's a lot of tension in the family and so on and now if they're little Jacinta got out with the message you know then Lucy his mother confronted her is this true did you see a beautiful and she said yes no I don't believe you I don't believe you you're making up a story you're going to cause trouble for us she said I want to take you to the priest well when she took him to the pre she took a little daughter to the priest and the priest said well I don't think he saw the puzzlement but let her go back there because the mother was saying maybe she shouldn't go and you know but she did you know she continued to go back there but she was so persecuted not only by her faith but even by people in the town oh there's a person saw the bus a month maybe she's above your house over there you know they were mocking her but she accepted this and they went back the next month a lady had asked him for two things come back on the 13th of every month and on and pray the rosary every day that was the pray the rosary every day was in every one of the six apparitions in the Cova now the second month June 13th by the way feast the Saint Anthony's big feast over there in Portugal as you know Saint Anthony was born in Portugal he born in Lisbon but the Italians adopted him that's why he's Anthony of Padua and not Anthony Elizabeth and there's a big fight between them you know when when Pope John the 23rd went there I'm sorry Pope John Paul went there he said to the Portuguese st. Anthony is not Saint Anthony a proud and well they all cheered because they've been saying that for hundreds of years you know and then he said Saint Anthony is not Samantha Lisbon silence yeah and then he said st. Anthony is same Anthony or the whole world then they all cheered you know but the second apparition occurred on the feast of Saint Anthony and there's about 50 people there you know and the children spoke to our lady and our lady asked are you suffering much and Lucia said yes he said well I will be I will be with you I will I will never leave you I will be your consolation and then Lucia brought up the question of heaven again she said are we going to go to heaven our lady said I'm going to take Jacinta and Francisco soon but you must stay a little bit longer she died at the age of 97 you must stay a little bit longer to make known my message and spread devotion to my Immaculate Heart and that's when she told them God is intending to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart as a means of saving the world saving souls so she again told them to pray the rosary every day and Lucia said to her there were two people want to know two things they want to know who you are and they want to know but they want to sign that you are really appearing here she said in October I will tell you who I am and I will give you a sign so that all the people can believe okay let me move on to the July apparition July forms the most important apparition as far as the message okay you herded the Third Secret of fátima okay it all comes from the July apparition see it's one apparition but people had broken it into three parts okay the first part was a our lady allowed the children to see a vision of hell now you might say why would our lady allow these little ones not to scare them and not to frighten them as they may go there because she had already told them they're going to go to heaven but to tell us hell is real see little Jacinta said I wish everybody had seen that that vision then nobody would ever go there they would know how terrible hell is see and I think through these little children our lady wanted us to be reminded hell is real we don't like to talk about it we don't like to think about it but most important let's make sure we don't go there and and that's why the little Jacinta she was the most affected they did Studies on some of the photographs of the you know we think the three children together and so on the photograph taken right after that apparition the children were sold disheveled and you could see they had gone through some kind of some kind of experience that really shook them you know that was the first secret and our lady said you have seen hell we're poor sinners go and it is to prevent this the God is establishing devotion to my Immaculate Heart then the second part of the secret she goes on she goes right on and she says she said the world the war will end okay soon and the soldiers will come back but if people do not heed my message more terrible war will begin she even she even indicated who the Pope would be she named them Paiste eleventh he wasn't Pope yet and she said and if you see a night lit up by an unknown light know that that is assigned to God will punish the world that happened on the night of January 25th 26 1938 okay and that night they didn't know what to call it they called it an aurora borealis that was green and red and in the sky I wasn't alive at the time but I remember talking to a former provincial I had he was a young boy at the time he said it was eerie he said I remember that and sister Lucy said that's the sign and shortly after that Hitler moved his troops into Czechoslovakia and the war began okay now that was the second thing she predicted but then she predicted an evil will begin in Russia that will spread its errors around the world causing Wars we had Korea Vietnam and so on Cuba causing Wars causing famine remembrance Stalin starving the Ukrainians millions of Ukrainians to death by starvation persecution of the church the Holy Father will have much to suffer and many nations will be annihilated in other words they got drawn up into the Soviet Union lost their freedom and independence see and so she said in order to prevent this I will come back and I will ask for two things I will ask the first thing she mentioned was the I will ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart by the Holy Father and the second thing I will ask for is what she called the communion of reparation which we call the five for Saturday's devotion I'll explain that a little bit later okay she did come back in 1925 to ask for the five first Saturday's devotion okay I'll explain that a little bit later on and then she came back in 1929 and asked for the consecration the Pope at the time was pius xi why he didn't do it we don't know but he didn't make the consecration he had eight years of nine years to do it he didn't do it okay later on Pope Pius the 12th who was the next pope in 1942 when they were celebrating the 25th anniversary fatima the bishops in fatima were celebrating and they sent an urgent appeal to the pope to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so as to prevent the spread of communism okay that was the request they had but something interesting had happened in addition to the request from our Blessed lady through sister Lucia for the consecration of just Russia there was another mystic living in Portugal at the time her name was Alexander inna they cost her if you ever go to Portugal you visit Fatima you must go see where alexandrina was there was a cross in the ground there it was the dirt there a very very light dirt there was a cross of dark dirt that had been there for a hundred years and alexandrina became a victim soul she suffered an injury running away from this guy who was trying to attack her and she did it my escape him but she got injured and she became paralyzed and she lying lying in bed for about ten years and then she started having visions even the devil would come and attack her the only time she ever got out of bed was on fridays to suffer the passion for about four years that went on but our lord appeared to her and told her that if the Pope Pius the 12th consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart my mother and he didn't have to do that part with the bishops just the Pope had to do it I will shorten world war two by two years and so you had two requests and by the way the bishops of Portugal know both these saintly women in fact Alexandrian is now blessed okay and so you have the request of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia you have through sister Lucia you have the Consul requested the Sacred Heart of Jesus through alexandrina de Costa another mystic to consecrate the world okay and so what happened 1942 Pius the 12th on October 31st 1942 he attempted to make that consecration I shouldn't say attempted he did make the consecration the consecration of the world took hold okay because it need to do it with the bishops and and in doing that historians point out beginning in 1943 the Allies began to win victories they had never won before it was a turning point in the war right at that point and that's right after the consecration so the consecration of the world took hold however the consecration of Russia the bishops told the Pope just make a special reference to Russia that'll cover it but he had to do it with all the bishops and say the war was going on and so he couldn't contact all the bishops now he didn't mention Russia by name for two reasons number one you know Russia was our ally and if he had condemned Russia well then people would have said well why not Nazi Germany they're just as bad but remembered a little R they didn't ask for Nazi Germany she only asked for Russia say so that was one reason he didn't do it didn't mention it and the second reason is he would turn the whole Russian Church against him you know like our country is evil see so he made this reference he said that cut that nation where your icons were venerated cannot be venerated now but will be venerated again that was the reference to Russia now the and by the way when sister Lucia was asked to present these two requests from our Lady for Russia from the Sacred Heart for the world at first she didn't what she was a little bit reluctant she went to pray before the bus at sacrament and Jesus told her do what the bishops told you to do so she had no problem with the double consecration the world and Russia okay and no problem with it not being named see people will say the reason it didn't take hold it wasn't named they say that about John Paul that's another reason why Pius the 12th consecration didn't work it didn't work because he couldn't get enough bishops it's just some losing told him that you didn't have enough Bishop so the consecration of Russia did not take hold okay but that's very important because that's exactly the same way john paul ii did it but he did have the bishops and that's why his consecration took hold that's the difference okay now so let me get back to the the next apparition on in august Oh at the third part the Third Secret okay what did that consistent it began with an angel holding a flaming sword and he's ready to touch the earth okay the blessing mother put her hand out and there were breezes from her hand that prevented the flames from touching the earth which would have meant if those flames had engulfed the earth we were probably a nuclear war world would have been you know annihilated hmm she prevented I believe she prevented the world war for us atomic war see at that time then the angel said penance penance penance then the next thing they saw was a like a procession of people coming through a burned-out City stepping even over dead bodies those represented all the cities of the last century world war two especially that were destroyed and all the day and led by a pope you know going up the mountain there were bishops behind him religious men and women priests laypeople huge crowded them going up a hill where a crucifix was where Christ was and there was blood coming from the wounds of Christ and the angels were catching the blood and these great big basins and all of a sudden the Pope as he's praying before the crucifix gets shot okay and he dies and all these other martyrs are all these of these were all the martyrs of the night of the 20th century that Pope John Paul was beatified member all the ones he beatified the martyrs in Mexico to 125 priests the martyrs in Spain you know the martyrs all over the world in China and so on those were all those people and that's why he used to say we are going to have a new springtime in the church because of the blood of the martyrs of the last century okay and and so that Pope was shot now when let me get back to I'm gonna hold off for that the last last apparition I'm gonna jump ahead okay now let me explain what happened in terms of that request for the five first Saturday's okay remember our lady said to prevent the spread of Russian communism I will ask for the five for surveys or communion of devotion okay communion of reparation I'm sorry so she came in 1925 she appeared to sister lúcia who was then a postulant with the Dorothea and sisters sisters to say Dorothy she appeared in her little bedroom you know but she appeared with the Christ child he was on a little cloud he was a little boy so he was look Clark and Mary's heart was surrounded by crown of thorns and these thorns were piercing the heart of a lady and the Christ child said to sister lúcia you see the heart of your mother pierced by thorns put there by evil men who will take these thorns out of your mother's heart then Mary spoke to her and said to her system see at least you do it for me and then tell anyone who on five first Saturday's consecutive pfeiffer Saturdays will go to confession receive Holy Communion offer a rosary and then spend 15 more minutes quietly meditating on the mysteries all of these four things to deal with the intention of making reparation for the offenses against my Immaculate Heart that's the devotion of the five percent okay so confession by the way I was with the sister who was in charge of the canonization for Lu Jacinta and Francisco she said that the Vatican has allowed now you can go any day of the month and apply it to that first Saturday of that month confession you must go to communion though on that day now if you don't have any masses with you know let's say Saturday morning masses either get a deacon to do a communion service or go to another parish that has Saturday miss or offer your Saturday night communion but go to Mass on Sunday for Sunday okay you can do it that way all right then say a rosary okay all with the idea of making reparation to her macula taking those thorns out of the heart of Our Lady and finally spend 15 more minutes in personal prayer with her meditating on some of the other mysteries normally on Saturday we say the Joyful Mysteries so use either the Luminous Mysteries the sorrowful mysteries the glorious mystery any number of them for 15 minutes see I think our lady is teaching us to pray I call it in my book at the end I have the whole appendix I talk about the historical events in the regular part of the book at the end I've got an appendix it's so important this devotion because sister lúcia said this is the most neglected part of the message of Fatima this is why the conversions are taking forever because not enough people are doing that devotion and that's why I'm trying to encourage you I encourage you all of you if you're not doing the Pfeiffer Society please do it the conversion of the world means it if we're going to do it rapidly conversion is taking place staking play slowly but when no lady said when enough people do it then my triumph will come like those people who were at Pope Pope Benedict's Mass there in Fatima Mary thank you for what you are doing for our nation the conversion beginning there but now we need it over here don't we mmm I think very important I think Mary holds the key what's happening because well we're suffering now I believe our secularism is nothing but the American form of communism they're just never going to give it that name because Americans will never tolerate the name communism but that's what we've got attacking life attacking the family now attacking our religious freedom you know and it's going to be a real major persecution of the church if we don't turn this around and it's prayer and reparation you know that can do it these are the things all that he said will have the power to convert the world okay and she's asking us as her loyal sons and daughters to do this now what happened then the the last part I mentioned that the third secret okay when sister Lucia when the bishops wanted to canonize Francisco and Jacinta they died long before they died within two years or so after the apparitions when they wanted to canonize Jacinta and Francisco the only one that could go to to get information was Lucia so she began to write her memoirs now our Lord told her and busted mother said keep the the secrets of July do not mention them so she wrote one memoirs would a second a third when it came to the fourth memoir she said I can't tell them any more about the gist said that I mean the Francisco unless I talk about the the July apparition for the the three secrets they said all right mentioned the first two so she wrote about the first two about the vision of hell and the prediction of Russia communism spreading around the world and the ending of World War two and they a beginning of World War two with that sign when you see the night lit up by the unknown light okay so that happened I mean now what about the third part although it said keep that secret no she wrote that third that fourth memoir on 1941 1944 she got very sick and the Bishop of Fatima went to see her he said you know you may die and there's a part of the secret you haven't told us so she said alright I will write it out she wrote it on one sheet of paper one side and the back side that's all it was one sheet of paper and she wrote it all out she put it in an envelope on her own not from the Blessed Mother she wrote 1960 on the outside she said either open it when I die or 1960 okay the Bishop of Fatima held it for a number of years till around 1957 and he finally sent it to unopened he never opened it although sister Lucia said he could look at it but he never did he sent it to the Vatican now the Pope at the time in 1960 was pope john xxiii about three months before 1960 he decided because there was so much hype about 1960 he decided to take a look at the message now the reason as I told you in 1960 was sister lúcia figured by then everybody is going to know everything in this dream that I'm in this country in this vision the Pope getting shot and so on well pope john xxiii around october of 1959 he looks at it and i guess he said who's this Pope that gets shot I don't know that is you know so I said we'd better send it back put it back in the archives this is not the time now it now unfortunately a little confusion here the Vatican said we're not going to release the Third Secret and then somebody added we may never release it well that that sent people ballistic people said the Vatican is hiding something from us a nuclear war that you heard I even heard the devil is going to take over the church jesus said you can't do it the church will the gates of hell can't prevail see all kind of hype started over that and that's where we got all of these things that Pope is hiding this and not wanting to tell us no that's not like okay if the Pope had put that out that a pope was going to get shot any we got a lot of loose cannons out there right somebody would have taken a pot shot and while i'm mother one it's got to do that right we got a lot do you realize the Pope a man of peace is the most guarded person in the world when he travels do you realize that no one has the security that the Pope has when he visits and and here he is a man of peace right so if the Pope had put that word out that if I was gonna get shot any you know crackpot could have taken a shot at the Pope now it was an ex Pope Paul the sixth he looked at it and he said who's his Pope you know they get shot send it back okay alright John Paul what the first did not live long enough one month John Paul the second now he didn't look at it in the beginning no he had his his entanglement right with communism in his own homeland Mehmedi he that city they were building the Communist rebuilding Nova Jota they wouldn't allow a church to be built there he marched the people in there the soldiers had their guns leveled at the Pope but he was unafraid and they built the church he said the people have a right to a church in their City he stood up to them and uh when he became Pope you remember he was May 13 1981 feast of Our Lady of Fatima he was in the st. Peter's Square you know the the Piazza and um he leaned down to a bus a statue of the Blessed Mother that's right when the guy fired the shot the gun he was slightly off balance the Pope from where the guy thought he would be you know when he was aiming because he moved the last moment that bullet went through the Holy Father missed every vital organ by fractions of an inch and that's why the Pope said later on it's not so much that Mary saved me from my life she gave me back my life he lost four and a half pints of blood in the hospital they thought they were gonna lose him you know he was taken that a Gemelli hospital and and you remember his assassin was a man named Aliaga turkish guy they could never prove although the Holy Father had the deep feeling that it was the Russian secret police that hired him but that could never be proven okay so but he went to see Aliaga MIT at the Pope and assume you know what Aliaga said to it how come he's still alive he said I'm an assassin I don't miss he said and this is interesting because it came from his assassin whose feast was it in your church that day that's the one who saved you Oh Lady Fatima no remember when he was in the hospital he was in for about three weeks okay they saved his life he went back to the Vatican and then they had a Russian back to the Gemelli Hospital again when he was there the second time that began to dawn on him May 13th the assassination attempt May 13 feet of Our Lady of Fatima he said bring me the third secret when he read it he instantly recognized that's me the Pope who got shot and I should have died but Our Lady you know gave me back my life that's the way he put it and and so he made the intention I'm going to make the consecration exactly a year later in May 13 1982 he went to Fatima he consecrated he made the consecration he had depended on people in the Vatican to send out the notices to all the bishops they never sent them out on time he was really upset with that so he took things into his own hands 1984 83 on December the 8th he sent out invitations to all the bishops of the Catholic Church even invited the bishops in Russia five five or seven of them joined in that consecration the Russian Orthodox bishops okay and so he sent that out to all the the bishops on December the 8th 1983 he made the consecration on March 25th 1984 ok in in st. Peter's Square he had the statue brought over from Fatima which in the crown you know that's where the bullet that went through him it's in that crown saying so he made the consecration there were eight hundred bishops right there but here were almost three thousand bishops responded to him and said we will make the consecration in our diocese so he had almost all the bishops okay doing it with him so so he made it that day and sister Lucia said that heaven accepted it okay and they said well how will we know she said look to the east now I'll give you a few statistics that you'll find very interesting he made that consecration as I say on March the 25th 1984 now here's an interesting little thing I learned after I wrote the book how many of you remember when pope leo xiii had a vision one day it was after his mass and he had like a vision of toward the tabernacle he saw Christ he saw st. Michael and he saw the devil and the devil was saying to Jesus I can destroy your church I just need more time and more power over my people and Jesus said to him how much time do you need he said a hundred years he said you have a hundred years and you have unlimited power over your people guess what year that was 1884 guess what year - Pope made the consecration which broke the power of shamanism 1984 exactly a hundred years later because I believe that communism was the main tool of Satan and still is that's why we're affected by it here see and what we're going through now this struggle for our freedom now we even see freedom we've seen life we've seen the family under attack Christian culture that John Paul said the whole Christian culture is at stake if we lose this battle in America we are going to lose our the basis that we're going to well you know what we're going to be in a Muslim State that's what I think that's what I think we're heading toward you know because they don't give you a right look at that one guy became a Catholic remember in Afghanistan the whole country was looking for him that the Pope had to plead to let him out of Afghanistan hmm that's not freedom there's no respect for women in Islam radical Islam hmm this is our struggle and you know isn't it interesting that the Blessed Mother appeared in the only place in all of Portugal with a Muslim name you know to Muslims control Portugal for many many years about three hundred years and finally a a Catholic Prince you know he told the King we have to drive them out of our nation which to take our nation back he was afraid to do it but then the prince said well I'll die doing it the king was so encouraged that he what five sheiks each Sheik had an army he defeated them one after the other and drove the Moslems out and when the last Muslim group was leaving Portugal I princess stayed behind her name was Fatima she was very beautiful she married Christian Prince he changed her name to arranged to became a Christian she died a year later he missed her so much the people loved her so much that he became us as durjan monk and then he was sent to a little small monastery because they had a huge monastery there 4,000 monks the the there were the Cistercians like the order of saint bernard you know and there was this small little like prayer house of prayer and that monk whose wife had died was a station there and he asked for permission to bring her remains there and bury her near the monastery there's a little monastery that's fatima that's how it got the name and Bishop Sheen used to say you've got to believe that the Blessed Mother did not come down out of heaven so the only place in all the Portugal with a Muslim name just to convert Russia he said if we don't have the conversions of hundreds of millions of Muslims they'll never be world peace he said that in 1952 do you think he was right I think if you look at the world yes look at the tension in the world know anything predicted that in 1952 so that's why our lady came with the answer he said that our lady chose to come there as a sign of her gratitude to the Muslim people you know they believe in the Immaculate Conception they believe in the virgin birth the only problem is they don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God they believe he's only a prophet say but Bishop Sheen felt that the Muslim you know when the statue of Our Lady of Fatima comes into Muslim countries the the Christians can't get into churches I was in Kazan in Russia when they sent when Pope John Paul sent the icon that he had in his room in the Vatican he had this Russian icon that had been smuggled out when the Communists took over in Russia they and the blue army got it they spent millions of dollars to get it but they kept it in their place in Fatima they have a DOMA spot Jesus or it's a hotel there and they had a Russian Chapel and that icon was there for 30 years then they sent them to pope john paul ii because he wanted to go to Russia and he would take the icon with him see and also for safekeeping there you know the Vatican well the Pope never got there but he sent the icon back and I was in the first international group that went to venerate that icon and there were half the people been reading the icon were Muslims that's the love they have for her and that's why the city of a million people there's no racial tension between the Muslims and Christians it's our lady who they all love her saying so Mary is the key to the peace of the world huh now Lucia said that the third secret was revealed and was revealed at the beatification mass in the year 2000 of May 13th when Pope John Paul was saying master he had Cardinal Sodano read it and copy of that appeared in the inside the Vatican supplement you know you can see the actual facsimile you see the actual thing that's Lucia wrote in fact Cardinal Bertone II took it he went to see her he said to her is this what you wrote she felt this is this is what I wrote this one page now these people will tell you there's documents being hidden nobody's ever seen it it's all fabricated on the idea that this is a possibility this is you know hypothesis but you can't make a hypothesis and become reality it doesn't happen like this most thing I had a hypothesis you know we got elephants in Africa so you know I believe that there are red and yellow and green elephants floating around over Africa now I believe that so you have to take that as a reality because I believe that see does that make a reality hmm you say father you're out of your mind right but that's what's happened all these things are built on hypotheses you know trying to say the Pope didn't make the consecration and saying well the sister lúcia said haven't accepted it all she couldn't speak the truth you think a young girl who was threatened to be boiled in oil if she didn't reveal the secrets and she didn't remember now I didn't get into the August apparition they were abducted by the governor there was a Mason and he had to hit the message out of them and he threatened to boil each of them in oil they were willing to die rather than go against what our lady said to keep the secret you think she's gonna stay in there and say notices that's okay we're faking it she would never do that she was very upset from people who said the secret wasn't all done or the consecration wasn't made now I told you I would give you some statistics the consecration was made on March 25th 1984 in 1985 Gorbachev came to power the Soviet Union he brought what he called gloss nut and the Paris strike a new approach and in 1985 since 1985 to 2011 last year late last year I got these statistics there has been an increase in churches in Russia of 350 percent how much have we increased in America and number of churches maybe I should say decreased right the closing churches were amalgamated three hundred and fifty percent increase the number of monasteries in 1991 which was the year Gorbachev declared the Soviet Union over took down the Russia the Soviet flag over the Kremlin and put up the Russian flag as a free country in that year I did it by the way at Christmas Day in that year there were a hundred and seventeen monasteries in Russia there now are 800 monasteries filled how many of our religious houses are filled with vocations how many have we increased see a conversion is happening there okay and it will affect the world see Bishop Sheen used to say we in the West have Christ but we have no cross no sacrifice no discipline you know our Christ Christ without the cross he says can't save anybody the Russians communists they had the cross they had suffering they had dedication to a cause they had discipline but they had no Christ he said well they find Christ because they already have the cross before we find the cross because we already had Christ they're finding Christ it's happening they do know that they have a celebration national celebration to celebrate the coming of Christianity to Russia imagine if we asked for a national celebration of the coming of Christianity to America you know what we get as a response huh I hate to say it this is why the great signs there are great things happen do you know that before the Communists took over in Russia Russia was the most dedicated country in the world to the bus a moment the reason why the Catholic Church could not have been controlled as they controlled the Russian jury because the Russian Church was kind of coexisting with the country once you control the country control the whole church the Catholic Church is international see that's why Stalin no see Stalin Stalin actually had a plan to destroy the Catholic Church in 1930 I was telling some people at dinner tonight he said the way he was a seminarian you know and he came in read Darwin and Kim the conclusion God didn't exist and he got thrown out of the seminary for reading pornography first thing he did is the premier of Russia he went back to that seminary executed all the priests and all the seminarians they executed an estimated two hundred and forty thousand bishops priests and religious men and women that's how methodical the war on religion was in Russia and and they survived 75 years directly under communist dictatorship they used to have the picture of Stalin in their house you know during the day then that night they flip it around a busted mother's on the outside they kept their faith hmm what an example they've suffered and and I believe we're going to feel the effect of their suffering it was in the mystical body when one member is healthy all the members share in that health and we need the power of their conversions to bring about but our lady said it will happen if we do what you said and the main thing I really encourage you to is to what maybe you can get a copy this at the bookstore they think they're going to get copies of this but to read to understand what the message of the five first Saturdays is do your rosary every day because that's all they said or four little sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and make the five for Saturday's devotion that's the key see all this attention on whether the Pope made the consecration there's no reference to whether we're doing the five Saturdays remember I told you the Blessed Mother did not ask for just one thing not just the consecration she asked for the five for Saturday's devotion that's not being done the more we do it when she said when enough people are doing it my victory would come so that's why I encourage you spread this message like the Pope said he said learn the message of Fatima live the message of Fatima and spread the message but it's the key I believe I'm absolutely convinced the key to what's going on in the world right now even in our country you know because this is the overwhelming victory of Mary you know she's going to crush the head of the serpent you know and and that's as I see it his tool was communism thing so I don't know if you have any questions I would like to try to take any questions that you might have you know oh by the way but as I said Pope Benedict believes very strongly in this message he hopes that he made the statement we can hope that by nineteen by 2017 which is a hundred year anniversary we might see the triumph of Mary he wasn't he said I'm not making a prophecy but I'm expressing a hope would that be great that we could see the triumph of Our Lady but your rosary remember for Padre Pio said is there any prayer well beautiful than the rosary then the prayer she herself taught us always pray through praying every day you'll be surprised what it'll do for your life you know and what it'll do for the world conversion remember she said at Fatima she's there the rosary is powerful enough to stop wars bring world peace and convert sinners and that's of her big thing the conversion of sinners because souls are being lost that's why she came to plead for our prayers and I was like she said many souls are lost from God there's no one to pray and offer sacrifices for them that's part of our mission I was reading a beautiful quote of the little flower she there were many must all become apostles working with Christ for the salvation of souls it's a great part of the mission we have as you
Channel: Franciscan University of Steubenville
Views: 48,966
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Keywords: Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, Catholic, college
Id: 96rJGbqYDGQ
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Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2012
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