I FOUND A RAINBOW SLIME - Slime Rancher Mods

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this is one of the best months I've ever installed honestly that's no hyperbole that's for real all right it's a good good wads of great a minimun spin pile we're back we're playing slime ranch were looking at another buck today this is the colorful slimes mud this one actually isn't brand spanking new this one's prepared for a little while but you can see it changes the colors of the slots these are the black hole forms the singularity ones being completed from color that's weird I thought maybe that was a gold slime Wow did you really need to do that to me chip I'm gonna pick him up I'm gonna put this dude on the slime stage yeah go there on the slime stage he doesn't want to stay on the slime stage that's a little bit rude all right can we pick up the black one yeah we can all right let's get rid of the black hole slime let's just pop him over there and then the white hole slot will disappear oh there you guys see a cheap big boys pinkish ones but they're a different color ah dude look at this one that is an awesome looking pink slime I like that one let me know what you think about this mod in the comments but right if I go oh look at that that is cool that is cool this heaps are these like pink slimes they look like rainbow slime so they they're got a real rainbow look but in this video I want to try combining different slimes together to see what like weed color blah goes we get alright let's do it its morning time I've gone to sleep like a good boy let's go check ahead all the weird slides where's that one a pink pink pink blue vlog oh that's really odd thing dude just blew me out what you have in the corner I think that mosaic quantum slimes let's just have a look at the east guys though there a stack of different colors though they're not all the same colors like that one I hear is great right hey get over here dude I just vacuumed it mom I'm gonna take him over this way and we're gonna fire him there look at the hash that was green that is so awesome he just disappeared that's amazing it's honestly added like completely random colors to all the slimes there's a whole stack load of different slimes that that's a red one that is red one it's cool there's actually been talk of a mod that's gonna be coming out in the near future it's like the shiny slime mod which basically adds like rare shiny versions of slimes to the game which is a very cool mod obviously like a you know a bit of a Pokemon aspect going on there so let's see what happens when we try combining some of these colors so we've got a pink plot right let's get a dervish slime that's the red one that I just picked up let's give him a pink port does he stay red he goes straight up pink awesome look at that even the flowers are different colors as well oh there's a lotta slime take that one too East purple it's a big purple turd hey what about you you want that he's like a weird black gray color okay the thing I like about this is if you find any like kind of rare colors you know what I mean you can take them you can take that slime and keep it cuz just because you like that particular color like this one I think that was an awesome color pink tangle ting tangle bugger that's what it is that one's purple it's the same slime just straight it's different whatever one some of them are a gross car like a weird poo brown you know what I mean like they're there cause playing is like an emoji poo or something which is not great nobody should cosplay is there ever they're not cute despite the cute face on an emoji poo the stench is probably quite aggressive oh it's a gold one dude we'll cover you it's like reading great I stole that gold slime I'm gonna shoot him into the sea see you buddy I want to take this tango plot and I want to give it to something weird something super weird maybe like a quantum slide ah he's all shiny looking all right dudes that is cool dude look at that one that's the coolest looking slump I've ever seen that one's so good tingle quantum swine here we go it's kind of cool he's like a weird purple color there's a stack of tabby slimes that is really good that is I like it I like it I wonder what the red slimes look like oh it's bird slime dude look so weed so weed okay give me that give me that thing someone else eat this are you super pink slime name this guy is just a rock slime but he's like mega pimp all right you eat then show me your colors all right not right not that one way to go what the big one go that's the best there is give me the green one Bank green wants the best one again boom that's the grossest color ever seen it's like a week great why would you do that to me game hey you crazy we're done oh dude that's amazing look at that top that's my favorite time ever I know it is a great one it's a great one get happy Rhett oh man I wish I could like ranch the tie you know what I mean I wish I could keep him and tame them and make them happy you know like cuz they're so grumpy I just don't want them to be grumpy anymore there one looks like he's like it's a regular color but he's got purple hair like he's wearing a wig but that one dog man that one's got something going on I like that one just a pack of colorful dudes all right let's go hey was that a puddle slam oh it is and we've got some of the like the honey slimes as well the royal jelly ones hey dudes you guys they're pretty much the most disgusting colors I've ever seen except for this one that's a really nice color puddle slime I like that one you gross you not gross you slightly less gross you mega-gross he's great that's it's not nice to look at hurts my eyes what is that over there what is that it's like a black slime thing okay that's pretty amazing I can't pick him up I'm full right now all right get out of here purple pink slime can I get this one I want to keep that one this game has now basically become like a game where I get to pick my favorite colors of things like that that is such a nice blue this is the best this is one of the best mods I've ever installed honestly that's no hyperbole that's for reals all right it's a good good boy it's a great it looks bad hook so bad that's also the best bit about this mod it's just some of the abominations you get it's fantastic okay so these ones are green they got red spy Keys hey dudes that's pretty gross all the blue ones are good I like the blue ones I wish that the plots were persistent or like the colors were persistent all right here Mia this is gonna be confusing but imagine right say for example I got this dude he has this cool black tinge to him looks pretty amazing now let's say I wanted to keep that sort of that cool black color right and I wanted to pass it on to other Lagos imagine if I could take the ports from that black one and you know maybe the plots were a little bit like that a black tin to room something like that and then if I gave that port to a regular slime it turned into a black version of that logo that would be cool that way you get up like a whole color theme to like Corral or set of slimes or something let's just put a minion you guys aren't gonna steal any food on you and make some tar you better not are you gonna try and reach for those I mean he eats everything that's a worry hang on let's put him in there some little dervish dudes and then that awesome that is such a cool color man I like that one it's my collection of my favorite color slimes so far okay where's my colorful devil slimes where are those guys oh there they are they are they different they sorta are but sort of not hang on I'm just gonna grab him let's put him out here yeah he's basically he's darker around the edges okay where is that ones like lighter around the edges has a gross sort of yellow tinge to it which isn't quite working okay angry with their mustache man no one believes your man Oh black hole slime where does this one later let's try it whoa okay I just ended up in oh I'm out in in hop no Hobson's we're out in what's his name I forget his name that guy we're out in his branch I can't remember his name I don't know it's irrelevant and it's a yawn so those guys are different colors what colors this guy he's like a pretty awesome pink color look at those chickens they get like pushed away from the White House lawn spawn rocks lime 100 yeah ready watch this come Kenny hit by them stop it dude so that was a hundred rocks lives where did for them guys they've liked raining rocks limes now there is a lot is that 100 it looks less than 100 I think some of them are disappearing yeah they're definitely disappearing okay I'm gonna throw some plots in name just for a bit of fun they go cheats go ahead evolve do it turn into different slimes and then we're gonna get some talk yep just because I want to see the different colored tower as well all they're gonna disappear cuz they're in water the tile is gonna die straightaway there's like a that's another poop brown color alright that's a pretty awesome color I like that one yeah eat that dude oh that one looks cool oh I wonder if the glitch slides of different colors let's try this oh hey totally ah but they fall down like a weed purple color they don't glow anymore they're all purple that's crazy what is that why are they little strange coca-cola and the Quicksilver slimes let's look at these dudes no these dudes are all the same color as well so even though this mod actually worked for the black hole slimes although singularity slimes it doesn't work for the Quicksilver slimes I'm gonna do it I want to see what happens if we give them gold plots alright just regular gold we've got to find a slime that isn't just regular gold let's have a look maybe like a rock slime okay regular gold rock slime what's that Quicksilver slime bag I did it's just a regular gold Quicksilver slime who's to make flips in the water there's nothing weird about that look at he's like he's pad like he's foot it looks like some weird space-age stuff you know what I mean like Alien hieroglyphics or something doesn't it can you stop that now it's gonna be a weed all right what about these guys what about this dirt wait eat this oh cool that looks and that's a really cool looking slime but he doesn't look any different he doesn't look different at all he's got like the same colors as the gold slime normally does that's pretty cool I need to try the lucky slime as well we have to try that lucky slime let's make 10 of them there we go they've got the Guardian skin on at the moment yeah awesome look at him he's like green cool they're all great that is what changed their color it definitely changed their color and what do you guys can eat that go for ya did it did Daleks stats man I like it one of the best things to do ever is to make a gold Guardian slime I'm gonna go and change them to the regular lucky slime skin and we'll see if they're any different all right where are they no now they're all this weird gross sort of green color it's like a gross army green I haven't made things better let me know which slime you thought look the best in the comments and thank you very much for in this video if you liked it give all these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 262,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Gold Slime, Slime Rancher, gold tarr, tarr slime, slime rancher mods, best slime rancher mods, slime rancher videos, new slime rancher video, funny slime rancher, funny gameplay videos 2019, gameplay challenge video, black hole slime, singularity slime
Id: FwR3yNb9FR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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