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hello everybody and welcome to a brand new mini series on stacklands a card based ish survival roguelite-ish game it's a hard game to fully describe but i say those terms kind of get the gist of it down here we're going to be building up a small settlement we're going to be using cards that we get out of booster packs which represent all of the elements of the world be it your villagers your berries your trees your you know or you have to harvest everything like that so in we're gonna go here i have reset my file from the let's try video that i did about a week ago you guys really enjoyed this game as did i so i thought hey let's check it out a little bit further we'll do at least a mini series i don't know we'll probably just do like a handful of episodes until we see what maybe the end of the game looks like or at the very least until we've seen more and feel a little bit more satisfied uh in that way but i had to play a little bit more so let's drag our villager on top of the barry bush here that will make him begin to pick berries from the berry bush as simple as that so we are going to need to make sure we get enough berries two basically two berries per villager per day in order to keep them alive that's the big thing when this timer runs out up here i pause the game right now when the time runs out you're going to have your villagers have to eat food and then you're going to progress on to the next day there's looming threats of like an invasion there is you know a lot of stuff that we're gonna need to prep for things are gonna get very complex there's lots of recipes to learn everything like that but for now let's take these berries let's just put them up here we'll create this stack uh we're gonna get the ability to buy booster packs shortly we're punching a rock there we go we got the ability to buy a booster pack now for three coins we can buy a pack we get coins by just selling things by uh selling things i think that might actually be it now that i think about it uh properly but alas so we can also take this wood we can turn it into sticks which will sell for a little bit more money than the wood so we can get our first pack i feel like it seems like a fine idea to go for sell take the coins drag them to the humble beginnings pack and now we have a booster pack to open all right pause in here we got a a new idea right here we have to punch a tree we don't we do have a tree grow a berry bush uh i don't think i can grow a berry bush until i get a specific card to show up and it is going to be it's going to be random like you get special uh items you can see over here humble beginnings may contain tree rock berry bush wood stone an idea or six more undiscovered cards we got this right here this is an idea so we could stack a berry a soil to grow a berry bush we're going to need to find soil in order to in order to get that we have all of our ideas tracked over here and we can go ahead and just sell that now because it should remain yeah it remains over there for us we we know that one but honestly i knew that one anywho we just don't have any soil that's something i think we're going to need to get from the humble beginnings business over here so we're gonna punch a tree for a little bit there we go three more quests and we will unlock a new pack i think does this say that with soil one of the things that lists or is that one of the things that's gonna be in the random pack time to feed the villagers we actually just got an apple which restores two so that's the thing it needs to be two two points of satiation i i suppose it's not necessarily two food that's slightly misleading but right now okay let's just harvest a little bit more berries um you know what actually we got enough berries to survive we are good for this day and the next let's get another pack here because i need soil like i need soil before i can do anything there is a fair amount of uh a fair amount of luck in what we get but i'll be honest that actually that element kind of intrigues me okay we got a new idea two wood one stone and a villager to build a house uh what is a house a house gives us what again i know that we can perform a two-person alchemic ritual to create a new human in a house um but i don't know that we we don't have another villager yet maybe it attracts other villagers we'll sell that should still be here yep yes sir but i do really want to get that um that soil so i guess we'll chop this wood again here for now unlock all packs that's our big main quest fighting militia explore a forest okay one of these days i'm gonna get some soil and then you'll be sorry and then you'll be sorry we could start to sell some berries i guess we can even sell some stones we have so many um oh my there we go there it is put the berry on the soil so this is going to take a long time and then it's going to grow a berry bush so it's actually like a very good way to uh create more food over the course of time of which we're like incredibly well set to do right now our food is we're more than fine like i could maybe make the house do i i do i care do i care right now i i shouldn't you shouldn't really take stuff off while they're like halfway done with it it just just ruins the the flow of things particularly okay sticks i know we shouldn't just keep selling all the sticks but i'm just trying to whoop see what else we can get so you can get another idea i'll try not to build anything we don't have the idea for just because i know about it from the um the let's try it feels like a logical idea so we have the rock we got some stones i would say that and ended up being pretty good value i think if we get this berry while we're sitting by the berry stack it should just automatically add to it it does it's just nice little quality of life feature why not we have a current card cap of 20 and we have an extreme extremely substantial amount of food at the moment um we're going to grow this berry bush soon do what we can unlock our packs working on it militia sure start a campfire i can't remember how we do that have five ideas have 10 wood i actually don't have anything to do right now i'm gonna it's just important to it's important to get something to do nope stop it okay stick one wood in a villager creates a stick good deal but here we go we're making a whole bunch of wood we can make that house maybe having a house will uh attract another villager i don't know it kind of i had one just sort of show up one day and i don't think i even had an extra house at that point with seeking wisdom pack is now available may contain wood stone stick coin tree rock berry bush so we actually got a stick from the tree which i'm probably just going to go ahead and sell selves straight up right now um shall i what was it it was two wood one stone yeah two wood one stone build a house i mean hey this the next it's the next objective anyways right uh so do i want to have another person here like are we prepped are we ready do we have enough food like we have nine food it's gonna start taking four uh it's gonna be it's gonna be a little tight we're gonna need to make sure we get quite a bit all right building the house here i did not remember how to uh was it tab the toggle between game speeds i mean fine might as well for there nice place to live all right so we have that extra house get a second villager i i believe it kind of just happens i could be entirely wrong on that but it sort of seems like oh god no sort of seems like the thing uh here's the thing i don't know if i wanna what do we wanna sell right now i don't really feel like selling a berry is a good idea when i might be getting another person here so i guess i will humble beginnings and get myself oh oh we got a villager okay we got a villager from the pack okay it came from the pack all right okay okay okay tree rock we got the soil we're gonna need to make another berry thing there oh boy just like that we've got ourself oh we got an apple flint used to start fires is it wood and wooden flint or nope it's probably a stick and flint okay just just to get stuff happening here oh no come on that's too sticky too sticky you jerk too sticky like the stick okay so that just automatically does it when they're they're there together i don't really have anything for you to do right now so i need to just get something for you to do right now okay there we are spend money to get something to do create offspring i don't think i want to right now i don't think that that will actually be a very good idea okay so we got the berry bush put the berry in the soil you son of a gun i was trying to i was trying to pixel perfect speed run get that off there i don't think we need to be as like efficient and tight as it feels like we need to be to me right here start a new moon okay good stick i'll tell you what let's get the seeking wisdom campfire we already gots all right we already got one at quarry three stone one wood and a villager to build a quarry okay i would be very happy to do that i think that a quarry i would imagine if it's based off of the um there's like a logging camp that we made in the uh the let's try which i think just gave us like practically infinite um wood it just took longer than normal so i'm gonna keep the stone we have the campfire i don't have a use for it yet i kind of want to sell this to hopefully get another stone okay there's the stone you're making a brick okay what was the quarry and one would okay we've got that making a quarry then as soon as you're done we'll move you over to smack the rock here smack the rock and when we have this quarry we will have with this you'll have to remove cards at the end of the moon okay that's fine we're going to hopefully get rid of this stack right here which will help us out a decent amount that removes one two three that removes four cards from the mix we're gonna also need like a shed i think a shed is a way where we can um campfire go in the house quarry unlimited resource of stone huge huge huge okay so there's the stone i don't know what to do with it right now we could sell it i just don't have anything to do with you you could can't do that people were yelling at me because i wasn't putting my barry on a villager it looks like i'm not stupid after all all right uh boy i hate that we don't have anything to do with this villager right now while we wait for them to mine in the quarry because like i'd have to start selling berries and in fact i basically might as well because we're gonna have to get rid of stuff anyways i'll sell a berry because we're gonna have to get rid of the berry bush or something in a moment okay are we at we're perfectly at 20. all right good good good good good perfectly at 20 we don't have to get rid of anything you working on the quarry i do think that there is a way okay the reap and so pack is now available uh like i'm happy we have this but we're going to need to get hopefully like a tree or something going a key a rock wood okay can we make out something out of just a simple rock and wood nope or stone and what not not so key i wonder what it's for why does it say put in the campfire i don't know i actually don't know what the key is for no freaking clue man punching rock okay we'll create the rock stack there that stack here i could sell the key i feel like i'm gonna want it though what does it take to make a spear sticks and stones maybe let's try this first this is uh two stones in a wood let's see what that is is you just go in there for a sec okay what about uh nah might be a stick in a stone here's another coin cool hip hip hooray did we get that from the quarry okay a stick and two stones is nothing all right we're gonna need to get a little bit more money here uh or go for then another humble beginnings pack we need more wood a rat oh my god dude come on man come on man okay poop it looks stinky can we put that in the soil maybe maybe we can put that in the soil make it like more effective again i would still like i'm going to sell this key for now and hopefully we'll just get another one uh later when we actually have a little bit more time to to care yeah we're going through our food a little bit faster than i'd uh i'd really like we have the reap and so pack i would like to get the enough money to afford here that would be really nice can i poop the soil i thought maybe we could like fertilize it i could i don't think i could put the apple in there's some flints what do we got in our pack oh just that's just a large sum of berry bushes i mean i'm not against it it's it doesn't i don't hate it but i also like didn't need that right now obscene amount of stones we have some poop i don't know what to do with i don't want to sell the stick yet what can i do with the nothing okay yeah i don't love this um i don't love this setup that we got i'm gonna take three more coins get another pack i'm hoping that we can get a tree okay i'll take the wood wait for this and then we'll see what we can do about making like a spear also wood stick stone was this that yeah that builds a shed okay a shed i believe i think is something that increases our cap which we currently do have okay so two sticks does not make a spear two sticks in a stone does not make a spear uh stick and flint man i don't i don't know how to make a thing how do i make a thing spear just experimenting right now we can create a brick which i i guess i will do i think it's a good way to make a little like a good chunk of change and we have more more food than we really know what to do with for right now so that's fine by me we're gonna have to um oh we don't have the wood we're gonna have to get rid of some stuff uh so we might as well start selling a couple things that we hey do these count as an item we'll see the food should remove four from our uh our little limit thing there at the very least and we have we have to sell two cards can i sell a coin i guess i'll sell the poop right now because i don't i just don't know what to do with it yet and then i'll just sell the stone because we can just get more i'm not happy that we had to do that but so there's the brick it sells for five we couldn't it's a strong building material as well but i think i'd rather just do this for now okay stack lands reap and so booster pack what the hell man lumber camp so we've now officially learned it three wood and a stone and a villager to make a lumber camp it's basically the uh the wood version of the quarry cow i don't know what to do about the cow first of all we can't plant we can plant the apple that's right these are floating away why are these why are these sons of guns floating away should be cooked first i mean cool i i will like i don't want to just kill the cow immediately that feels like that is a stupid idea it was like a very dumb idea stop moving around mr cow you know what give me wisdom bricks we do know about we literally just made some beat cow poop nope one soil two stone two wood and a villager to grow a garden i i do think i'd like to try that soil two stone we don't have yet we will soon to wood all right you know what you break the rock it's gonna go faster for now we have the poop i don't really care about at the moment coin why is that on that stack i don't even know get cow would you stop stop mr man okay let's think here we're about to cook that we got the one we got the garden we can sell that now we're sitting that two coins i guess we need to have our coin stack a little bit closer we're looking for what oh you made milk you just made milk can i like no okay cooked medium rare i mean i have so much food right now it's obscene i need to get um i need to get a tree like i just need a tree or wood i guess keys i i'm sure it'll be useful i'm sure it will be but um for now we're gonna do that that oh this is turning into a mess a rabbit another piece of wood because what is it for the lumber camp it's three wood one stone ah yeah yeah we still don't have enough here's the good news i have infinitely more than enough food like i am i'm so fine on food i have 16 cards too many though sell can i sell a coin i can't sell a coin i don't think coins count sell the poop sell that okay uh i'll sell them milk for now i can sell a rock i don't want to i'd rather sell the stone for sure 11 cards too many still yeah entirely fair this is gonna be a problem the second i do this though i'm gonna i'm gonna regret that we have so much money that is good we need to build a shed in order to do that we're gonna need sticks i think that we maybe prioritize that even above the lumber mill [Music] maybe do we do we prioritize that above the lumber mill i can't sell the rabbit but i also don't think it counts as a card we're definitely not selling those i don't really feel like selling the rocks but again the second we start selling these we're gonna we're gonna freak oh god i hate that i hate that this is gonna suck this is gonna suck all right humble beginnings nope give me that ah give me three okay so we got enough wood here it's it's what is it it's three wood one stone so we can actually do this for now we want the villager in the quarry soil we got the apple tree we will work on that in a sec so there's the stick all right you work on the tree i guess for now i was hoping to get another um so we need a stone and we'll make the wood so it would stick so we got the wood we need there as soon as we get the stone here we can make a shed and then we can make a quarry as well what do we want to make or a lumber mill what do we want to make first you just make a stick you just make a stick in the meantime carrot another soil because i want to make that garden too there's just so much stuff i need to make there's there's the shed one wood one stone one stick that builds a shed that improves how many things we can hold on our field at the time parrot uh bunny want a carrot bunny does not want a carrot okay please be a okay it is it is a stone it's more important we get the shed right now how do you make a spear there it is one would do a stick guy you son of a gun i almost had it one wood two stick can't move when paused okay you just do this right now it's more ah it's more important okay curious cuisine pack is now available exciting okay got these animals pushing everything around shed let's just put that down there increases our card capacity that's handy you need it can we make a freaking stable for this jerk okay so what are we looking for we got the wood there we go and we'll get hopefully another wood here to make a spear oh we got an apple god dang it we got an apple we need i wanted wood there that was going to be very clean because we're going to get approached by monsters soon you have seven cars too many i'm sh i'm sure you're right i shall sell the poop for now i'm sure that we'll get a use for it later but i just don't have one right now i could sell the berries maybe i'll sell them milk you have two cards too many right now ah shoot i don't like that very much but hey imagine how many things we'd have to sell if we uh imagine how many things we'd have to sell if we didn't improve with the shed four more you don't have to imagine it's simple math uh i'm not gonna sell the apple tree i'll sell a single berry traveling cart appeared okay give me five items and i'll give or five coins i'll give you an item logic and reason pack is available give me an iron bar okay what are our quests right now we still have to make an offspring i don't know if i want to right now i don't think i can i don't think i can cook an omelet have 10 wood 10 stones have 30 coins have three houses build a lumber camp sell a card sell a card at the market that's probably not the market though logic and reason pack has a tree rock berry bush brick and okay and 11 undiscovered okay holy moly shiny valuable metal i don't know what to do with it yet though we could try and like iron and stick see what happens okay as soon as this gets going i'm a little worried about our food lumber camp you do that we get the stupid stinking wood do you do anything with this i didn't figure as much uh i'm gonna sell this for now work on getting a logic and reason we currently have seven coins there we have the two sticks we have more than enough sticks i guess we're just getting a bunch of sticks from the trees and not wood iron ore mine to flint one wood one stone to build a mine to flint one wood one stone i still need to build the the freaking garden i still need to build the um the spear the spear is high priority but these guys are working on this right now we got the apple trees i do need to work on maybe we do need a baby maybe i need a baby but boy the food situation is going to be rough for a little bit if we do that this better give me one wood though because if i don't have a spear by the time i'm jumped like it's going to be a disaster oh that doesn't take a person to do that's interesting i thought it would have okay um made a spear stick with the pointy ends i'll train you wait what oh carrot and poop stop growing a berry bush oh what poop is like soil okay gotcha can be turned into iron bars what at a campfire i figured gonna need like a forge this is turning into an absolute nightmare mess here uh we definitely don't really need to be the quarry slower working better at fighting i think that's fine uh and we should probably make a baby tomorrow but we need to make sure we have a good food situation going on after so we probably just i think we just go all in what do we have for food we have enough we have enough i'm taking you out of there right now so we can create offspring pronto we have the soil there we can make this we got we got a lot of food waiting to be created we can also create food out of uh you know a cow through again alchemy okay made baby you go for that uh you're not as good at working um go for the normal tree being said we're gonna need to we're gonna need to work fast on this stuff um okay we have we have enough food there must be milk somewhere or no we just have the apple yeah okay apple poop go ahead get i'm risking it i'm risking we got a lot of stuff that's that's working on it here okay we got this we have you go to the lumber camp we need another wood i'd like another shed i would really like another shed baby is being created all right man you really take forever baby grow up baby grow up you can blame it all on me okay so what was it for the uh the garden i would i'm very curious soil to stone which we do ha have right no we don't to wood we don't have any of that okay it's because we're working on making sure we have the enough food to not die not have our newborn child become big dead give me a simple thing key sell it wood cool build a farm i would like to i don't know what i need for it soil to stone to wood oh god do we have enough yes we do okay that's i was quite worried for a moment there we did not have enough feedback oh my god holy moly you're a hungry baby sell four cards happily uh i'll sell one of these sell them milk berry i think we'll get it i think we'll get enough and i'll sell the iron ore again we'll just get there's the strange portal uh oh explorer's pack has been unlocked oh god three small slimes in a trench coat not the time man you kill this right now are you kidding me how was i supposed to oh my god how is it supposed to get over here how was i supposed to know okay good you've got to be kidding me and then the portal's gonna show up i'm gonna get erect there's a goblin okay we got an onion can we no we can't heal up you go for this right now you gotta destroy him this is gonna suck please you don't you don't you don't kill me oh my god okay all right all right that was this that was terrifying for a second um but we're good okay soil to wood to stone you work on we're missing a stone we have a rock okay baby grow up we need you cook an omelette am i'd like to a person is rumored to still live here may contain coin villager wood iron bar slime milk i don't want your slime milk okay building a garden on the poop do we have enough apparently we do even if we probably sack these uh you're not working on this on anything you work on that oh geez okay baby's a man cause you're a man baby all right what big ideas have we not made yet that we do want to make i would like another shed what do we need for that uh lots of wood simple building for growing food i i'm growing a berry bush okay build grow carrots grow milk grow milk please okay um fine villager go to the quarry i guess i have concerns okay we're fine we're fine there sell three cards happily i will sell them one milk i'm not too jazzed about it um what do we so for another we want these ah this makes a shed so i kind of want to save that but it's really risky to save it it's or it's risky to sell this other stuff right now i can't sell the rabbit i could sell an apple tree but i feel like we're gonna really yeah we have all the apple trees we can sell the berry you go on the apple tree parade should hopefully help us out quite a bit don't know what's going on over there you're doing that okie dokie we need uh we need another stick so you're gonna get hopefully get a wood here i'm afraid to put something there please just would not stick or i'll actually wait it could be thick now it doesn't matter there's the wood okay we got one from here instead okay but yeah another shed would be incredible what increases the size of the map was it the uh the house or the shed i don't well know more wood looking for what looking for what i got the garden business going on with the carrot okay got sticks wood how much we have here ten coins i feel like we haven't opened up one of these logic and reason warehouse stone iron bar villager yeah i don't know how to make uh iron ore into oh shed makes the board bigger good bubble down there okay we've got the cooked meat even for emergencies oh iron bar look at that i don't have a stone we got the iron bar from the old village oh my god this is turning into a freaking visual nightmare how much food we got we got we got just enough just enough there okay we got flint build a warehouse which i sure hope is useful who's the other okay you're working on the apple trees good that's that's big right now we need that another apple huge uh we can sell this we're over limit put something in that soil down there i guess i'm hoping that a garden is better than uh like in the soil it made two carrots warehouse increases your card cap by 14 oh it's a super shed okay it's a lot faster so what was it to make a garden i wouldn't mind getting a second one one soil two stone two wood so yeah oh my god i'm just trying to parse what's going on here how long have you been not doing anything get out get out get out how do i recover you you just hurt until night time okay no more exploring the old village right now okay you hang out you just you just hang we've got 11 coins there um you just get bears temple oh god five plank five brick three iron bar three villager to build a temple well is that how you freaking win or something that end game is that how you win five plank five brick plank has to be the equivalent of how you make uh bricks right three iron bar i could try to start going for that it seems a little spicy i i'm a little bit worried about our food situation right now so that's why i want to make the garden two stone to wood sell that please don't do it and the soil another berry cool yeah why don't you just do this over here all right stone one stone it's the wood you can probably get out of the lumber camp but i guess i don't really know what i what i really would want you to be doing i guess you can go for this this rock instead uh all right so we're good on food we are caught on food there's an argument for making maybe another person but i feel like maybe after i you know what screw this go for it baby uh maybe after i make this other garden it'll be a little bit more logical all right where are we at first some quests anything we want to work on unlock all packs complete three more quests find the catacombs kill a skeleton cook an omelet explore a forest uh have 10 wood or have 10 stone i could work on those have 30 coins like i can i can do those build a farm i i guess i still don't know how to do what do you combine at house in the cow i i i don't know i don't know i'm just happy i'm still alive man humans were fed what are we eight of six okay stone because we're working on this you're not working on anything you did get healed a bit but not enough i don't want to go to the old village yet there's an argument for maybe making another argument for making another freaking person i guess but garden okay there we are okay that should be fine that should be fine what do we got now uh we have the milk we have one villager not doing anything um what would we want them to do right now is the good question i don't really know i'm afraid to have them explore the old village lest they release another slime i guess i'll just have you smack that all on the floor for now sell a card at the market oh that person's gone they only come for one day gotcha i'm still wondering about how i can like i feel like there's a way i can capture this cow like if i put the farm on it or something maybe but i just don't have it i guess i need to do some more seeking wisdom right maybe not offspring planks i mean now we have yeah that's what i was gonna say three wood that does her oh god ah geez oh man we're just gonna play clean up here for a sec just play clean up here for a sec okay the second this is why don't you go up here second this is done we go there we are milk we got the wood here okay we've got lots of stuff stacking up get rid of the poop not not that it's useless it's just i don't really want to waste my time with it right now we're starting to get a real setup going now i think we could create create new baby i think we could yep you'd stock up on that milk everyone knows you need to truly fill yourself up on uh milk and strawberries a romantic fruit for a romantic alchemy ritual uh five coins i'll give you an item yeah i would like that um but just give me a second to figure out what the hell to you know what uh it needs to be precisely five treasure chest ah that's what the key is for gotcha gotcha it's a plank i mean nice okay you've made bab we good for food we're good for food okay all right all right get rid of the poop why do i want to make a bunch of planks i don't know i guess i'm just kind of like confident it'll do something for me right it's gotta do something pop plank oh it's literally plank uh but anyway you know what this is probably a good old place to stop it here for today so alas alas this has been stack lanes we'll be back again tomorrow hopefully we will not die but we've made some pretty solid progress uh and i would keep going if i thought that i was going to be dead in the next 5-10 minutes doesn't look like it we were able to stop that big assault i i wouldn't mind the reason i kind of want to have four uh humans right now is so that i could probably you know i make another spearman keep myself alive just in case danger does befall this one more two militia two villagers sounds nice uh but elias alas that is that that's gonna do to you for today for stack lines there's a link in the description to pick up the game for yourself but my name is retro major indie games every single day typically with an extra specialty in roguelites which this tangentially is it is it is a randomized survival perma-death game so in 2022 really it does cut it it fits the bill like all of it is completely randomized what you're going to get from the packs it's going to be a different experience every time it does have the same goal but hey you know so do all roguelites right now it's kind of a weird one uh it's such a strange game to classify it really is just best probably described as like cult this simulator but approachable and cute and i don't know yeah i like it i like it a lot it's a very uh nice lightweight cheap uh fun game made by sock pop five bucks if you get it on hio or you can get it for i think three bucks if you support them on patreon this month uh if you support them on patreon this month you can get this game and another one of their games if you don't want to stay subscribed i believe you can unsubscribe and you won't have to worry about it you can just get the game for cheaper and get a free game with it if you do it that way i suggest that if you can and wants the game but otherwise five bucks on hio coming to steam shortly ish alas thank you for watching thank you thank you and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 398,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stacklands, let's play stacklands, let's try stacklands, stacklands gameplay, stacklands retromation, stacklands game, stacklands review, stacklands preview, survival card game
Id: cLrolfKBYg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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