EVERYTHING You Need to Know BEFORE Selling on Etsy + Printify

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so maybe you are looking for a way to make extra money online and you keep coming across different side hustle videos talking about how awesome it is to sell print on demand products with the manufacturing partner printify on a place like Etsy you keep hearing how easy it is how low cost it is how simple everything is to start but you still find yourself really confused unsure about how much this actually is going to cost do you need to have money UPF front how to actually integrate your shop and so many of the other choices that you need to make so a lot of times even even though this should be really simple it gets really overwhelming now I do personally love print onand because of all those reasons I mentioned but there are definitely some things that as a new seller you need to know before you start selling on printify so you can really make an informed decision about if this platform is going to be the best for you now let's not waste any more time and just jump into all these things now the first thing I think that is really important to understand when you are going to integrate your Etsy Shop with a manufacturing partner like printer is to understand how this all works now there are some manufacturing Partners who basically fulfill all of the items themsel through that company so there is going to be one type of shirt you can sell there's going to be one type of sweatshirt there's going to be one mug you can sell all fulfilled through that manufacturing partner however on the other hand you have someone like printify who basically is acting more as a middleman so what printify does is it is connecting you to hundreds of different different manufacturers who make over 800 different product types now what makes this really cool is that in the past you would have had to make a bunch of accounts with tons of different companies to be able to sell this wide of a scope of print on demand products but now on a place like printify they have kind of gathered everything for you in one place so you can have one account and seamlessly sell any kind of product you want and pick which manufacturing partner you like best now that's one of the things that I think is really cool about that but that does mean that you're going to have to make some extra choices when it comes to what manufacturer you want to choose what item is going to be the best cost for you so sometimes there are more decisions that come into that but one of the amazing things about having a production partner that is integrated with so many other manufacturers is that say one item goes out of stock so maybe you're selling a bell and canvas t-shirt and then your regular manufacturer is just out of stock of those maybe it's the holiday you can seamlessly just go down to the next manufacturer in the line and start fulfilling those orders that way without having to set up a whole new account and whenever you want to try out a bunch of new product types for your store you already have the account that's integrated to be able to try out whatever you want so that is one of the great things and why I really do love printify but now that we got that out of the way let's talk about one of the things that really needs to be talked about more and that is the true cost of actually getting started in print on demand now if you are a print on deme seller selling on a place like Redbubble or te public you are going to be used to to not having to put any money up front however if you are going to sell on a place like Etsy integrated with printify it's going to be a bit different you are going to have to pay Upfront for every item you sell before you actually receive the profit back for that item so for example if you list a t-shirt for $20 on your Etsy store when a customer makes a purchase printify is going to automatically charge you the wholesale cost of that item which could be around $11 and then it's not going to be until later when Etsy pays you out that you would actually receive that true profit and the reimbursement for the product and in addition to the fees you're going to get by just buying the wholesale items you actually have to think about the fees to sell on Etsy as well so the main one that comes to mind is going to be that 20 C listing fee every single time that you put a new listing out there which definitely can add up if you are posting quite a few items so you want to keep that in mind and Etsy has also mentioned that they might be starting to charge around $15 to some new accounts kind of as a activation fee to get started but this hasn't rolled out across everyone yet but it's something to be aware of but the biggest thing that you need to know is that a lot of times Etsy is going to hold the funds of new sellers for up to a few weeks so for example say you make maybe 10 sales in your first month selling on Etsy you are going to be charged for 10 different items on printify and then you might not get reimbursed until a while after that so you definitely want to make sure that you can afford to purchase a number of items without being reimbursed quickly when you do get started so there's really no true hard and fast roll about how much money you should actually have in your account to get started but typically a couple hundred is going to ensure that you're able to purchase out of pocket at least several different items whale if you do make sales which is something you really should be aiming for now the next thing that you definitely need to know if you are going to be selling on printify is that the profit that you see when you are setting up your item is not going to be exactly what comes back into your pocket so we already talked about the Etsy listing fees you have but there are also other things like you have transaction fees there are fees for ads if you are running those especially off-site ads if Etsy sells this through one of the ads that they set up they are going to automatically take a big chunk of this there is also a bunch of processing fees and things like that so A lot of times you will set up an item and it's going to look like you are going to make $9 of profit on every single sale well A good rule of thumb is to probably cut that in half or subtract at least a few dollars from that and that's going to be a more realistic look about what the profit is for the item you're selling now me personally I like to aim to make at least $5 of true profit on every single item that I'm selling and when I've said that before a lot of people think that I mean set up your items so it says you're making $5 of profit but if you do that you might find that you're making less than a dollar on every single sale so that's definitely not going to cut it now there's a bunch of different profit calculators out there one of the ones that I like is just in the keyword research tool sales Samurai I'll have them linked down below as well as a discount code to get started this is just one of the tools they offer in their whole Suite of different things but it's really important to be calculating all of the different fees and costs that are going to come with selling each item instead of just relying on that profit estimation that print has for you now another thing that I really wish I had a better grasp on when I first got started is which manufacturers on printify should I be going with now there are so many different manufacturers and printify has vetted all of them so it's pretty safe to say that all of them are going to have great quality really good turnaround time but the ones that I like I'm going to mention to you so there's typically kind of three that I use pretty often and the first one that I kind of default to on a lot of my products is going going to be swift pod I just find that they have usually the widest selection of different colors they have really fast turnaround time and a really low cost for their wholesale items now the other manufacturing partners that I do use are going to be Monster Digital and awkward Styles so a lot of times maybe if Swift pod does not have that item or they're out of stock now I will default to one of those other ones or sometimes for certain items those have lower cost than Swift po so sometimes I will just just default to those but really any of those three you couldn't go wrong with but like I said printify has really done their due diligence on all of the people that they partner with on their site so you can be pretty confident in anyone you pick there now the next thing that I do wish I knew that kind of goes hand inand with that last thing is if there ever is a problem with one of the items you received from a manufacturer that's integrated with printify printify is always going to make it right for you so say your customer received the wrong size item the wrong color the print was a little bit messed up printify is always going to make it right so all you're going to have to do is talk to one of your representatives and they are going to help you either get a refund or they are going to print pack and ship a totally new item for your customer at no charge to you so that is something that I do love is just the Peace of Mind knowing that if anything ever goes wrong which it's really rare to go wrong but if it does it's always going to swiftly really be made right so you don't have to ever worry about maybe fighting with a representative trying to prove that there's something wrong the only thing you ever need to do is you want to make sure that you are requesting your customer give you some kind of picture to show what is wrong with the item printify is going to ask for that so that's just one extra step you can cut out of the process if as soon as a customer brings you a complaint you can just say hey thank you so much for bringing this to our attention we are going to make this right for you please just send a picture with either the defect or the problem on there and then when you make your request to printify just attach that photo so they already have it and can go ahead start working on a solution for you now another thing that I really do wish I had thought about a lot more when I first started on printify and something I don't think enough new sellers think about is that yes printify does provide mockups for all of their items that autogenerate every time you make a new listing but these aren't always going to give you the best results for making sales just because so many people do already use printify a lot of these mockups are so common because they're just really easy to go ahead and use in your Etsy listings so if you look up shirts or mugs a lot of times tons of those results are going to have the same generic mockup so that's really why I like to create my own mockups for each listing I make with printify and printify even recommends this too they have also partnered with placet who is a mockup subscription service someone who I have used for years and definitely recommend I'll actually link them below as well but they have a library of thousands of different mockups that you can make for any of your items and just by doing that extra step you are going to make your listings just stand out more and be way more likely to get clicked on cuz they don't just look autom made and really generic just like everybody else is now the next thing I wish that somebody had really laid out for me super well when I first got started is what are the best beginner friendly products that I should definitely be stocking my shop with so if you want my full list of some of the best products you could sell on printify I'm going to link this video next I definitely recommend you watch watch that and if you haven't set up a printify account yet you can set up a totally free account down below and get started and I'll also include a full tutorial of how to actually integrate that with your Etsy store thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 8,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Id: Qb7tAtDf_Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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