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I've been on YouTube for years I've made a video about being a hospital corpsman how to become one everything this is everything I think you should know in 2020 and what's happening in the Hospital Corpsman community to kind of break some of this down what is up guys you're tuning in to Nikki mgtv for another video as always you can hit me up on Instagram snapchat we're telling I can't slow if you have questions make sure you guys hit me up on os-- also I forgot to mention Twitter again I almost have this down guys I really I'm trying I really trying to fit it in there and it's not fitting alright script but anyway but if you guys want to make sure that you shared this video for someone it's gonna be Hospital Corpsman someone that is a hospital woman something that was a hospital corpsman because this field has definitely changed a lot we've been around for a long time so there's been a lot of changes to our names and also there's stuff and how we work but I don't say being in almost 12 years now I'll say that this stuff definitely has changed since I came in so let me break down what it means to become a hospital corpsman the whole path because people are like I am joining tomorrow I'm gonna be a recon ID see them like you're forgetting all these other steps that you have to go through so let's talk about that I know everyone's gonna ask what do I need in order to actually become oz for corn from my vet just do your best see if you meet it if they offer to you cool if not put in what's called a da or to try and switch to it cool now that's done over is could I get that question way too many times alright so say you get the contract there are three different types of contracts that you can get first one regular Hospital Corpsman that is a five-year contract BAM that's it now the next one that you can get is called h-m da which means a dental tech sorry my dog alright so the next one you can get is HM da that is for a dental attack alright so well I people ask about this are you gonna be a regular Kwame or are you gonna specialize in dentistry what is it you are going to be a dental tech that is your primary job you also go to the a school a regular one but you're going to actually go into the dental field that will be your day job the last thing that they're gonna have is hm ATF advanced training field and this is something that's come up recently since I've been on YouTube and the funny thing about it is what I've personally seen they've given these contracts to kind of anybody and I don't understand what the thought process is I'm not saying someone's not doing their job they are doing their job but I'm just gonna tell you from my personal experience my perspective not an official I have seen people that definitely are not going to meet these pipelines but this contract is for search and rescue med techs FMF recon IDC and dive med tech so yes that those three you're gonna require a PST screening and you should be able to get into them now what I mean by this is they've been giving it to anybody is I've seen people have gotten this contract that were definitely not fit to do any of these pipelines but I digress I'm not sure how this process is going or if people were aware that this was something that you needed to have some type of screening I don't know exactly how they're screening these if you do know that please let me know but in my mind unless you are dead set on doing search and rescue or FMF recon stuff or dive medtech it's kind of irrelevant and what I also want to add here is like you can always screen for this later on on their people screening at field medical training battalion I'll get into that later but yes this is a third type of contract that you can get into alright so the first step here for you guys and be ready for my most advanced technological feat I've ever done on this channel amazing editing you're first gonna start off here boot camp you guys are gonna be this a boot you do this eight weeks you get all whoo yet up that's it all right you pass no one cares it's a stepping stone to you finally going to your next place of Duty that includes party school I mean a school I mean high school 2.0 I mean zero effort to study I mean no responsibilities and I mean bad relationships this is actually yeah we'll just we'll skip on this is not relevant I meant to say a school it's in San Antonio it's nineteen weeks so this is where you're gonna forget pretty much everything you learned him very easily because I did and I don't mean that I've liked pride it's just if you don't use it you lose it you know you're gonna learn the basics of being a hospital corpsman and they're trying to capture a very large portion of what you're going to be doing and as a corner or could be doing as a corpsman okay so as you get orders from a school this varies I've talked to my friends our instructors they're like Nicky stop giving these kids hope it jokingly but you know sometimes it's needs of the Navy sometimes you know it's just luck of the draw it is what it is but anyway what I was gonna say is what it looks like is there are some places under current status of what I've heard from people that are graduating from my instructor friends are some see schools and stuff like that are going to be given out that are required spots to be filled okay they may not be what you want for sea school it could also be a location stuff like that but just be ready it's the military welcome to it where you're gonna have an array of places you could end up now this next place I want to talk about is really kind of just fmtb like I can't even put into words it is the most official unofficial sea school there ever will be and some of you guys don't understand this because as you're coming into the military and you're like I want to be a greenside FMF corpsman bra drop guy when I go to fmt because you write a few things on here maybe saw a few videos about fmtb not everybody is guaranteed to lead a school to go to field medical training battalion this is where I meant to add my other notes here they yes eight weeks I forgot to mention that you to wear marine uniforms so you're gonna be stoked on that cuz you're not wearing navy ones anymore but you're probably not gonna wear this for a while but after this but anyway they teach you how to say raw gut kill and it's a motivation of school to say you aren't Navy anymore it really there's teach you how to do marine things that's pretty much it and be accustomed to how they operate that's really it but it's a sea school a nother school but really nobody in the Komen community really calls this a/c school like it's a technical sea school because really as a corpsman going with the Marines is expected this is a prerequisite in order to go with Marines so yeah you gotta pass this some people will embrace it some people avoid it if you're trying to avoid it just suck it up and go it's really not that bad I promise you guys it does suck but the eight weeks will go by it's done and over with and you get to have more operational duty stations that you could go to that are probably cooler than just staying only on the blue side with Navy all right so to continue with this advanced technical editing here this takes you to your first duty station sea school and special people all right so first duty station a lot of you guys are gonna maybe be disappointed or super excited just depends where you end up you could get rid of Spain you can get Groton Connecticut who knows where you're gonna be but I'm gonna say that is typically a short Duty where you're gonna end up for two years is there a chance that you could end up with a operational sea Duty job yes I will give you some advice it's probably not going to be with a ship so if you're really wanting a ship like I was when I first came in just don't expect it they really are not gonna throw brand new people on a ship I don't see that too often I would say expect going with the Marines though if that's what you're gonna do if you will end up on sea duty and so your first short Duty is typically gonna be two years and then your first sea Duty will typically be three years unless you go overseas which it's only two years just it's a lot to cover three and two and all these other things just your orders or what they're gonna be when they pop up I can't tell you exactly what they're gonna be right now you use it to wait until you actually get your orders and see what they are but yeah I just don't want to give you guys definitive dates and things like that because then you're gonna be like well Nikki you lied to me really these things changed and they've been talking about extending overseas ones to be actually longer so there's that now I put on here see schools so like I said before you could be forced into a sea school which makes you it you know pigeon-holed into one specific thing if it's surgical tech lab tech x-ray psych tech all these other types of fields which means if you one of those you're going to be stuck doing that so if you decide to pick one be ready you're not going to have a traditional Corman experience but I want to say for these guys a lot of texts are going to end up on a shore duty and that's because this is a very generality here most will end up on shore duty to learn some their skills for example if you're a farm tech you're probably gonna go to the pharmacy first if your lab tech you go to the lab first this is because some of these places like a forum tech for example what I used to be going straight to a ship is very scary and you running your own pharmacy area can be very overwhelming I would say if you have experience working in a pharmacy first that would be way better than you going straight to it so any sea school typically you're gonna get us some kind of seat some kind of short Duty first I added special people on here because this goes into the dive this goes into the special fibbies for konstanz corpsman this goes into the search from rescue they all have specific pipelines those guys you can pretty much just separate entirely as far as like they are grouped in our corpsman community entirely but you guys as other corpsman likely are not gonna work with as many Recon or dive or stuff like that there's some small billets that do go to those places but just not super common so I'm just not trying to get your hopes up as far as that goes after your first duty station if you picked a shore duty you're likely going to end up on what is called a sea Duty means a deployable duty station or billet and I want to say back to the first you station if you do end up at a shore duty you could go to field medical training battalion after that so do not worry about field medical training battalion you can end up there very easily don't worry about it now what I'm gonna go over though is the sea schoolers as well so if you do pick a sea school people are like can I still go FMF Fleet Marine Force with the Marines technically yes you can is it going to be David Division with the infantry probably not you could end up with MLG Marine Logistics Group or the ACE which is the wing component of the Marine Corps but you can still serve with Marines and you can still get a specialty and be able to actually you know have some kind of skill when you leave the military so what I want to go back to here is after C school like I said you're gonna end up probably at a shorty just like most people leaving ace who are gonna be out of Shore Duty area I will say I have seen some dental text actually do end up on ships and stuff as our first view station there's a lot of what-ifs and just what's available just gonna be honest with you guys so moving forward you can end up at a operational unit as a tech as a regular requirement after your first mutation that's pretty common pretty easy don't worry about it it's going to happen now this is a part where people are like well can i decide to go to sea school later on can i decide to do this or that yes you can you can decide if you're a regular quasi raquan which means no specialty yet or you can have just fmtb under your belt the NEC right you're the sea school that at that point you could decide to go to a sea school after your first command at shore duty you're gonna have to apply for that you could decide to go recon you could decide to go dive you could do it like everything is wide open pretty much now if you already have a sea school though this is where it can be hard to try and transfer to something else unless it goes above and beyond this is where we're getting into the more special things so what I'm saying by this is if you're in something that is incredibly undermanned at 90% or 80% and you're looking to transfer to something that is 95 or 100% you're likely not gonna be able to transfer to that specialty okay that's the way the cookie crumbles so I apologize but if you're looking to do something accelerated beyond that and say you made a 4 and you want to be an independent Duty corpsman that are now eligible to do that are you gonna go Sark or whatever you can go to these more in demand areas and do that just realize that you're going to be at the end of the road of where you can end up right like so for me for example I'll give you my story to give some type of understanding so I went to bootcamp went to a school I went to pharmacy tech sea school then I did two different tours as a pharmacy tech I couldn't change from pharmacy tech I was stuck there I could still go to fmtb to with the Marines but I just that option never came up even though I applied for them and they were very slim it was until my second tour I said oh I want to get out of the pharmacy there's no other C schools that you can really go to because most of them are the same Manning if not they're higher Manning than what the pharmacy was at so like all right so that leaves me with independent Duty corpsman so that's why I went to independent Duty corpsman school to get out of the pharmacy and break free of that and go to see duty after I was at IDC school independent corpsman school they were like hey you're gonna go with the Marines I finally went to field medical training battalion at nine years in so it will happen it's just a matter of time and then eventually now I'm at IDC but the thing about it is now that I'm at this point I can't go from IDC to go be like an x-ray tech or something else because I'm so far deep in the pipeline of where I'm at that I'm going to be stuck here unless I do a commissioning program or something else so not really stuck I should just say like this is now my job for the rest of my career unless I go up for like senior chief and Master Chief type things where you're going much further and you're no longer seeing patients or doing the IDC role as much for example if you're you're doing something big in DC or something like that I did want to add something at the end of this is that the C school that you guys get as far as being whatever you get out of a school say you don't like it that's cool but the thing that you're going to deal with is how can you archive it or get rid of it to not be a tech anymore because there are limitations to being a technician as far as competing for evaluations and things like that that's why I got out of my technical field that is an entirely separate video I don't want to discuss here but this is kind of like the pipeline of being a corpsman and what you can expect moving forward I have to also say on this you do not have to be a tech or a specialty you don't at all you could do zero C schools the entire time and you know go from a short duty to a ship shore duty to a ship and just keep bounced around on the blue side and that'd be it it's possible is it really common not really and to be honest this should not be the tell-all video everything I'm probably gonna miss something in this entire video because I'm summarizing a job which covers everything from physical therapy radiology dermatology services surgical services pharmacy lab you know independent duty stuff diving recon you know I'm trying to summarize all that into this video so I'm trying to show you guys the pathway of how this goes through and I will link down below the ladder that you're gonna see but a lot of you guys don't understand that or can't really read it as a civilian so I'm trying to talk to you guys at this level and summarize this video I just want to say that if you're not one of the specialties that we've discussed that goes to especially see school you don't have to like I said and pretty much what I'm gonna lay into you is if you decide not to do a technical school you're gonna be what we call like quad zero corpsman you can be throwing really anywhere at that point that could be in the CMC the command Master Chief's office making him coffee that could be working in patient Adam and I could be working on a ward doing bedside patient care that could be patient administration it could be dermatology the farms even though you're not a tech you know just kind of doing hands-on on-the-job training stuff so your experience can really vary there are benefits of being quad zero versus being a tech because you can have more locations or more of a larger list to pick from to be able to pick orders later on when you're in your career but overall that's just what I want to add to this hopefully that this will you know bring down some of the questions that a lot of you guys have about being a hospital corpsman because I'm just I'm always flooded with these so I want to make sure I answer them to the best of my ability I hope that this video kind of helps you guys out I do have other videos where you can type in Niki mgtv hospital corpsman I guarantee you you might see some of the information that is reiterated or even more in-depth on other specific parts of this job check that out please I promise you I have probably at least 10 to 15 videos about Hospital Corpsman alone on this channel but as always you guys you have questions you can hit me up on Instagram snapchat or down the comments below or on Twitter when I roll that in there but as always I love you guys I've seen em [Music]
Views: 21,218
Rating: 4.9596467 out of 5
Keywords: U.S. Navy hospital corpsman, u.s. military, u.s. navy, navy videos, navy hospital corpsman, hospital corpsman, how to become a hospital corpsman, hospital corpsman training, hospital corpsman A school, green side corpsman, navy sailor, A school, meps, asvab, air force, marines, army, navy corpsman, deployment, first duty station, field medical training battalion, field med, fmtb, 68W, army medic, army medic training, military medical jobs, military medical mos
Id: JRsokCbxXv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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