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so you're thinking about joining the military when you're older if you want to stay tuned she joined when you were how old 27 so stay tuned is gonna find out what does that badger - men - Nicki mgtv for another military video for all your military video needs as always you can hit me up on Instagram snapchat or down the Khans below if you have questions but as always less we're right to the topic and that is joining the military when you're older so you're doing it 27 let's go a little background you're Nicole she's new we're here in Japan together she watched the videos before boot camp and now she's here stationed with me in Japan so join us 27 now you're here what made you join honestly I just needed something new my life and what did you do so you're a people person okay where did you work out like else Modell's Modell's likes pretty goods on the East Coast I'm from the East but I haven't seen my dog alright I'm you just like dicks Sports Authority it's like that though right yeah okay I'm older scale okay you guys are from New York area I'm sure that they'll know what Modell's is but all right then what enticed you to join the military like just something different like was there commercial was there friend like what happened no cons you know they had I was going off the Navy he's like Oh disturbed life [Music] [Music] [Music] did you finish I'm not trying to hate no cuz your I think you're in a majority and I'm not troubling you know that because I made the five types of people that join the military and if you read the comments there's so many people that were like I started college I didn't like it sorry college I didn't like it I'm not saying college is like a bad thing because obviously I'm in college you know let's talk about the pros and the cons of being older I've made a video I'll link it up there card it's very--it's now since 2017 I made that that's by myself I had no subject matter expert I'm talking to people I was a 20 year old in that video where now you're fresh the military and you can talk more you want to so when I graduate so I'm gonna go out to boot camp boot camp was January 9th 2018 I knew I was going to go there with 17 18 year olds how being more mature gets you somewhere but I'm just like man physically there should be a lot faster than me yeah it's just a battle of like just keeping up a lot physically though it's more motivating when you're a lot older yeah because you want to show not only to a lot of people around you but people see yourself like hey I can still keep up with people half my age yeah at this point I don't think any 17 or 18 [Music] I am active-duty military but at the gym before I am and then and there's a lot of people that don't do that like I could go run a PRT any time when I was 18 and I bet yeah let's go you know and then like as you get older like how I am I have to incorporate the gym ajaan workout light earth into my schedule because I just you keep I mean I can't run up here T but if I want to do as well as I want to do yeah you have to be able to like be in the gym and do what other pros you have as far as not just the working out not just bootcamp but like has you've been in the Navy so far you're so very junior you've been here what eight months since August 2018 okay so you've been here a good while what benefits do you see as far as you being older versus some of us may be newer just of your time management of what you do on your daily basis a lot of the young ones eighteen seventy they're no longer with their parents right yeah so they go out drinking all the time yeah put everything on the back burner but for me I really want to be here you're more today because you're older we'll have more to prove I'm saying because you're your retail manager right so you had to deal with customers that are difficult you had to go you know employees that are difficult or bosses are difficult and now you're taking that experience and you're able to apply it to the military because I want to take the gap between like civilian world and the military because it all comes into like the same common ground you have to talk to people cordate and so was that a benefit as well for you yeah because basically our patients are our customers if you don't know what a nice comment is you will yeah sometime joining when you're older because I know I covered at my last video some of the cons and my mindset if the cons are you're going to be older and you're gonna have to get over some stuff of like your your clump together in the military base on ranked not by age so what's your thought process so I work I'm so I work with a lot of doctors piays nurses officers that are younger than me and I'm I turned 28 of course but in the okuni actually in September and so I have a 25 year old 26 year olds who are officers already and I'm I am following in their footsteps I have to present to them I have to talk with them I have to give them a level of respect that LSD is when it has to deal with an officer I don't have like AI for me the whole age thing there's it doesn't come into work like I just do my job because I like my job it's your old yeah yeah I I it's a hard pill for me to swallow when I can't know the like women they're like your III now yeah I'm sick I'm going to your regular corpsman well I have the same barrier like shoot me and this doctor graduated the same year high school we made different choices now he's making how much more than that you know and yeah shoot that could have been me like I'm 28 see you sweetie I'm turning 28 you're 86 I'm still a little only three it's just one of those things like we all have different paths and that's how what I want to convey in every video I have like it's not about the rank and all that it's hard because money is attached to rank yeah but I guess it's like just pride in your job it's hard you know it's hard to you know put that to the side and be like I'm a professional person whether my rank is like an oh five or whether it's a III you know I think that's a hard thing I think the true testament like for everything that I do is it's me like I want to be a better core man I wouldn't be a better listed and so when new corpsman comes to the clinic I'm always open to being like hey here's how you do it it's gonna take you some time there's a whole realities they want you to get your stuff right yeah but I will give you some leeway like hey this is a lot to take in you've got pee caresses you've got probably providers up your ass make sure I'm doing vitals right here they're gonna scrutinize everything you do because they want to see you as a corpsman yeah yeah at the end of May it's just how you view things I'm so glad you said that because literally there's some people like is this shot good or that job good or you know is the military good choice I'm like man that's like so much perspective that I you know someone like you that comes in and is like I joined later in life but I'm loving this yeah and then there's somebody that's like 22 it's a man I did this and I hate this you know and I'm like dude it's just perspective and it's so hard to portray that in a video all the time because if you're that person is pessimistic then I'm sorry you're gonna have a really bad time comments all the time where there's people that say is it too late because it has a certain point where they're like Nicki have 26-28 and you know like what do you think now your perspective could be has covered that what's your perspective now like is it too late or do you feel like I mean I'm someone in that that's going on 11 years you're your first two years you know so what is your your idea on that now now that you're in perspective that's all I can I can't I can't tell anyone yeah what their life their lives where I can go by experience it's just like it's never too late I keep an active lifestyle because I have to mm-hmm that's that's what I know if you're not see it you breathe it up I can bring up the good point that people think life is over if you don't have a four-year degree by your 22-metre one and one and then like if that doesn't happen the rest of your life is just garbage you are not a success and you don't have some six-figure job by the time you're 25 in a house a car and a kid on the way you know like that's what's frustrating and I'm like but then she's someone like you that you're like no I'm doing very well for myself right now and so it's it's hard for me to like convey that and that's why I like having you on as an example I don't believe it's too late it's whatever you can give yourself some give you can cute give yourself some slack okay cool now what can I do to improve myself that's what yeah I was at that point before I joined the monster League I'm not happy yeah I could be making I could move up the chain become a store manager and make that well that took a lot of self-reflection yeah like and I think you are very scared because you are so you are very comfortable doing the retail at that time so the thing and you're like I'm so scared to jump and realistically now that you look at the jump you're like it wasn't jump to another career but I don't think it is as crazy of a jump as you expect it yeah yeah it was time to preparation when I was I'm making all this money cool money's whatever right yeah but I know I can feel that was cool mom and I was like honesty I just said it if I if I pass that fast if I fail I was what was the worst case scenario you have back to retail oh yeah I told my people above in the K time leave from the military if it works out cool if it doesn't but they're like what I mean I'm sure they they were puzzled because they're like wait how are you like I'm used to like some 20 year old kid going you know that's super military so I listened gobsmacked no that's high school I've always wanted so my own some paper for me she said she said don't tell anybody yeah you expose but that's your mentality of white of people were joining at specific times and I had a roommate that was 34 that joined you know and he was like I knew if I didn't serve my country this year I wasn't ever gonna do it yeah and he ever studied it he had a career in Key West for this but he was like I'm dead I need to do this he doesn't owe him something I need to do this so like now is your mental timeline as well which is kind of interesting because you just eventually there's like some kind of friction inside of you that says something's got to give and go that way or this way what advice would you give to somebody else that is joining around your age maybe even 30s you know what is your advice as a person that showed or shouldn't you know should they go active should think of reserves let them know your ideas because I've already put money on the internet of my thought process but you are having self experience but you having your own experience of journaling your order I think it might be more valuable I mean you'll take more time hesitating on trying to join the military then I should be doing it I would say just go for everybody I think that's working about 18 is long yeah do it just don't if you think about it you're gonna think you're gonna sit on that idea for three years or just like I sometimes I do regret it would be like I should've joined no you don't know how to get what tell me there's no way to join so perfect 18 well maybe I was just too dumb you know like I so naive I just maybe I was gonna join her yes maturity though but if you join a 18 unit your career path would have probably been very different than what it is right now so many changes yeah it's kind of scary it's like I'm I just joined I'm already seeing the changes yeah to a corpsman who got bonuses I'm sure I literally got rated from a school and then all the classes that came out there was I want to make sure I cover this as well said on this is if you are a guy with the family you have a family and you've got a career like not like I work at Bob's Burgers but like you have an actual career where you have a pension some something set up like and you just want to do the active duty or the reserve time that might fulfill your satisfying factor of serving your country what do you think obviously the smart thing to do especially you have a family or if you're a bachelor's degree that's yeah so I do plan to go officer when I I always believed especially more so as a corpsman now he finds that sweet spot yeah it is like you're not you're not you're not a hm3 HM - and you're not agent one like you can go I miss it join join the Chiefs mess or you can just go yeah looking for officer packages always go through instructions I will tell you is they will beat the idea of reading instructions in your head every time you have a question yes funny I tried the other video and people they ask you questions okay google these rugged Google literally like most of it are google videos but I know people want to get the goop they want I know people want the video version because I don't want to read through it they just want something to tell you because I hear he reading through stuff because I want to go it's black and white but that differentiates you understanding an opportunity and are not having opportunity and that's what I want to convey so much you do have questions you can hit up Nicole down the comments do you want yours your on on here hi can we get whatever there so but I hope that you guys got something out of this her being on the channel obviously I know it's going to be for a very niche audience but I appreciate you guys let's see what she has to say give us some good advice and experience but as always guys if you do have questions you can always have everyone it's cram snapchat have done the comics below I love you guys I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Views: 40,695
Rating: 4.9656487 out of 5
Keywords: bootcamp, basic training, joining the military, how to join the military, meps, asvab, enlisted, officer, recruiter, navy 2019, sucky jobs, bad jobs, worst places to work, perspective, gary vee, preparing for the military, air force, marines, army, military benefits, military jobs, military videos, navy seals, special operations, military workouts, military diet, jtsuits, dwkvideos, navathebeast, armando nava, bullyjuice, matt ward
Id: hXuMNfQ-FhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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