Top 5 BEST Jobs in the Navy - NickyMGTV & JTsuits

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okay I said I'm going with Justin the guy showed you this video the one that you said curse a lot you can hear you I'll make sure I'm toning it down yeah hold on it dad promises I promise just for you this video will be rated G alright guys welcome to Nikki mgtv here at JT if you guys have seen my channel you probably seen this channel help me out I wonder I'm never be interesting if there were people that were subscribed to you that haven't seen my channel I'd be very surprised like oh my channel says like Nikki mgtv JT uh-huh and I was like probably like let me get my wit up give them what up man what's up guys welcome back to a 4-1 new the client new videos who bring the Jay Tina's to this video bringing it yeah you got this channel is going to be blowing up so you guys make sure you're liking and subscribing and commenting and I guess now that I hit the belt hit the bell hit the bed you all of it alright guys so we're gonna go over the top five rates in the Navy and if you ever seen the other part video of a five worst race check out JT's channel this is gonna be fun yeah we've I've never seen a video like this everyone's wondering what the best jobs are yeah and I don't want to see you guys get screwed over join the Navy and they'll be like hey I didn't listen to Jay kishi I listen to Nicki and guess what now I'm gonna job I hate and that should be preface this by saying now these are only you know we you know I'm aviation yeah so I've dealt with a lot of the aviation type jobs and your core miss yeah I'm dealing with all the rates surrounding Korman being a gentleman so obviously there's a lot of jobs that we haven't you know experienced but this is just our this is going to be our personal opinions yeah the side roads opinions could be different this is just what we experienced and this is just like we've worked around people in these rates before so we kind of understand that just just like if you work with the co-worker that's different job than you you can say that job is good but this or is you know right you can see what's good and bad about every job yeah we're gonna kick off this with the Burton just get it we're gonna brand new brand new got five dresses pissed yeah spit that's okay that's one don't reach it that's my camera spill okay I just had that yeah you're good right number one and a lot of people think this is but musician the best top my best number one musician I'm sure somebody other like no it's not that's not my job I'm telling you it is yeah we will great man what is it Emmy now very obscure very obscure you're right and the reason I think we're saying this is because they literally get paid the same as video to travel the world and they're experts at their instrument it's not like it's hard for them they love it yeah you know the ins and outs of their little flute yeah but I mean with this the benefit of it is you're doing something you love and when you look at the that compares to the people that are trying to play music like they're making good money to play an instrument oh yeah versus like trying to get a gig or being a band like rancid or slim you're making a good but I've heard a lot of these enemies they're like top of the top that know when you have to apply it to the Navy and you like have to go through this huge process you have to know music theater you can't like Bubba I played a video on youtube check out maybe check out my youtube video yeah no you have to me like a degree I think you have to like a lot of people have degrees as far as knowing I've done a lot of them have degrees a caveat to this is you're gonna play a lot of music you're not going to want to like but like I said if you're playing for a band or something like shatters away any boys you're pretty much straight to the phone so caveat you're playing on music you guys don't want to play but again if you're going to be a professional musician you're gonna play a lot of music you don't want to play so just be ready for that drew the benefit also is you get to make ranked really fast that's a lot of publicity this year and you see that anyway like you'll make it six like writing you sayings yeah they make rain yeah it's open yeah so open tender they get automatic efore be menu they get some automatic right I'm surprised just think it depends on the instrument they play play something upscale like if you're playing the trombone eat you yeah my elbow you say six oh yeah what would be the second-best Navy job we're going with we're going to aircrew man aw aw now the reason why I'm putting in aw as an awesome job is because I worked with aw I worked around them a lot me being aviation part of a squadron there you know we're always around the air crewmen and they got to do some cool stuff yeah stuff see I did not see the SH word I said the stuff work when they're doing you know training constantly when you're not deployed they're jumping out of the helo yeah they're doing you know there's always physically fit you know they always have extra time the PT you all up to this as an air crewmen like they get specific designated time when we're working they just work out yeah I'll tell you this you always know who the air crewmen are you oughta like the award I got the look they got the flight suit yeah glasses it's like the Oakley they have like a little like in a hair that's like just about to be out all right it's not already on the rigs nailed it yeah okay so you know when they're walking that yeah it does you know especially with helo squadrons they're doing cool stuff in anti-submarine warfare they're doing survival and rescue they're doing patrols there it ups yeah it's a very tough training though yeah very very training but if you want to be in a tub it is really awesome job people really like yeah but again anything worth it anything worth it oh yeah Challenge it's going to be a challenge yeah physically and mentally the third rate number tree how do you say 3 in the Navy is tree driver 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 er we worked out a bootcamp yeah are you write capital stuff oh yeah years watch like you're going with with you yeah well you're the passport corpsman hm gotta give it Hospital Corpsman well yeah why do you think might be fun corpsman up here all of your life your quality of life yeah that's good like if your blue side it's pretty nice like ya get ours yeah I said even green side is good the respect you get as a corpsman is way better than like you not just run the mill kind of person well you have their own legacy yeah so what you guys were pretty emotional when they took away the Navy ratings because you're like that's our identity of any getting back with yeah I mean we got back we got is just the fact that like not having because corpsman like everyone says what is a corpsman it's spelt corpsman like people spell it wrong don't know what it is they spell what cor e yeah yeah core man you know is you it is it is a tradition we're the highest decorated rate in the Navy so that's our tradition all those purple hearts yeah all the stars yeah your quality of life especially for Rickon in the hospital you know you're only working what like six you're working a civilian hours yeah six to eight hours a day right I was working at a hospital for four years where I worked like a regular job like suckier City civilian yeah I want to do whatever you might work with more than has before I work with were civilian tank see that's good military there's a lot of interesting opportunities for yes and is allotted people don't know like it's very close some jobs are very close to civilian life yeah are some rates like you're totally opposite you're a total military yeah I was out on the ship and then like it's CBN 72 on the Death Star on the flight deck that's that was Lee hospital just going at it just fill it up big foothills nobody - the thing you choose your rate to defray take your rate pick your fate yeah number plot the fourth where we going for number four logistic special LS LM ooh now that LS life now with LS life you guys got to understand one thing without less life do you deal with Alice's sometimes yeah the hot I mean you can generally have to beat the hospital because they order the orders here the logistics yeah yeah so but as you know in the military to get good stuff you have to know people that have access to the good stuff exactly so the logistics specialist you're in charge of bring stuff on the ship unwrap your rep all that kind of stuff like that also special boots or any equipment that you might want sell bring it this so let's listen yeah unless these are the people to know so pretty much uh the access for LS is being able to get sub the downfall I mean Ellis is a boring job yeah see now OS is four squadrons like I said they're the ones that are getting all the parts they're the ones that you need to know because I had a less friend so it would get on Pizza Hut talk about the video serious all right first squadron working with serious oh you're getting swaps great no baby boy you're quiet so being at LSO four squadrons for me you know they're gonna wants to know like you just said they're getting all the aviation parts and they are the ones that were able to get me Pizza Hut in the middle of the Persian Gulf you know because alice is like you said they have all the connects yeah it's a good it's a cush job you know you're working in a Dallas's for us they worked in an AC room they check out tools yeah that's all I get was checked out in and out tools yeah it's a pretty simple job quality of life is the fact that you can bargain for stuff like I can see the ship kinda like prison you got to have yeah look like you had no bargaining on your emphasize hey I'm JT have a cool dude right so like you got a go to part in a little bit how it so you were on the wet the mercy is on the mercy so you were able to bargain is a corpsman no I'm really Co no bargaining power yeah let's just have all the bargaining power man they like yeah I want the best boots talk to that lesson yes your deck boots like think yeah yeah yeah Ellis's are the judge if you want the hook up look up pretty much yep v right on this mass communication specialist at MCS this goes in with you - that's like because it's just like that'd be cool yeah it'd be awesome because with mass communication specialist all everything that happens in the military it's documented so great while you're doing Bert rep or unwrapped or anything like that you have someone taking a lectures taking videos yeah the MCS on the carrier they were on the flight deck all the time you know take getting right up close and personal take on all the cool shots they get to find the helos they can fly in the aircraft on our humanitarian missions they actually had to come out and take photos over the patients and show what we were doing and that sub got published in certain magazines so that was awesome so they shoot photos they write articles edit video take video things like that on this carrier they were the ones doing all the ship episodes yeah the ship newspaper yeah um and like you said if YouTube is a thing or it's stuff like this that's right up your alley yeah so check out this rate especially since like I'm sending your school for even like radio broadcasting Photoshop ready yeah all that stuff so if you want to get out this is a good job and you want to do YouTube this is it yeah I wish I could see knowing now what I I didn't really know my passions you know going into the Navy at 18 yeah you know I did aviation because I wanted to get better working with my hands you know I got better I learn how to use tools which is awesome I keep that for my whole life but I didn't know my passion now is obviously creating videos youtube so yeah these are you know these are those five these are the top five just for us like I said it it all can vary just from what we've experienced so if you guys think there are any jobs that you want to know about make sure you comment down below and if you think there's any other good jobs yes right down below and let us know let us know thank you 84 Learman on the channel horse man is it knit on the collection Niki mgtv I'm gonna be I'll be back I'll be seeing you guys make sure you check out the five worst rights and babies this channel on my channel so alright guys thanks for everything I'll see you guys next time love you
Views: 395,418
Rating: 4.8135872 out of 5
Keywords: jtsuits, kyle gott, navy, navy 2016, navy 2017, bootcamp, rates, jobs, best jobs, best rates, military, marine corps, army, air force, coast guard, logistics specialist, hospital corpsman, air crew, hull technician, culinary specialist, musician, military bootcamp, navy bootcamp, vlogg, vlog, vlogging
Id: N3EojLucN9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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