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is the job of Corman in the Navy going away stay tuned to find out what I think and explain all the factors of what you need to understand or consider and if you're trying to become a hospital corpsman what is up guys you're tuning in to Nikki mgtv for another military video for all your military vu needs as always you can hit me up on Instagram snapchat organic ons below but as always let's go right into the topic and that is the job of corpsman people are sitting shockwaves trying to understand what is happening because advancements at all-time low and you're hearing so many things about bonuses for this rate and if you're joining it's kind of contradictory when you're here that there's a bonus for but there's not enough space for people to come into it I'm a corpsman is not going away but I will say that we are a contingency force and that's because in the reality of being a corpsman is you're supposed to be on the battlefield with Marines or on a ship treating people that's where we are supposed to be now when I first joined in 2008 we had a lot of people go to Iraq and Afghanistan and deploy with Marine units and that's what we were supporting so we had a lot of people that were out now that contingency force we shot up in numbers we sent people off because that's what we needed now in the rear of those hospitals where everyone else was at dependents everything else where those corpsman you store they need the people so what up happening was they hired a lot of civilians and I remember one of the discussions we had from a lot of people were our jobs are being taken by these civilian people because we left to go find a war go do this or that yet now we come back and we're being told hey there's not enough billets or not enough money to support how many corpsman we have so you either have to you know find someone else or get out of the Navy so I understand this because I've been at this point before in the career there's ebbs and flows of everything but I will say the writing has been on the wall so the first thing that I will say that we noticed was there were all these articles about 6,500 medical jobs go into the wayside and people ask me about it but I was like I'm not you know not at these bigger commands big Navy things to really understand what's going on but now that there are more pieces to the puzzle for me to kind of piece together in speculate I'll do that the next thing that I did not talk about was I received an email just like many other foremen that from the community managers and things like that they were asking for people to go to three different jobs it was MC I believe Ellis and CGI they were offering Corman to get out of the rate so you saw the decrease in the number 6500 medical people you saw the opportunity to cross rate the last nail in the coffin I think to really solidify this that people were shocked by was the 1% advancement and people are looking around like where are we gonna go if we can't move up so that was another coffin I think people brushed off the article they brushed off the ability to cross rate and do with all that other stuff and once we finally saw an actual like tangible number of whoa this is worse than what I thought I think that's when everyone realized what we were up against but it's the function of home we're gonna be in the future from I'll say people that have visited people have stars people that are Master Chief everyone's kind of talked about this and what we're going for with is lethality so is it lethal to keep a corpsman that does vital signs on shore duty at these hospitals stateside not really there's been things through the rumor mill of like oh we're trying to sink one on to their first command shore duty and then their next event will be sea duty that way they have some basic skills but we are going to be trying to push towards Kwan being more deployable and focusing on being deployed versus skill sets at hospitals because how much of a return on investment is the Navy or the military getting on that in regards to having corpsman sit in the rear just an H 1 e 6 I'm trying to talk as far as like over ten years experience and kind of me for my perspectives so it's not totally like don't take this as gossip but I'm just trying to talk intelligently about our community from what's being presented so you will not be greenside all the time and I love you're like I wanna be oh I don't even steer ship I get it man but that's not gonna happen so as of right now you see people bounce around all over the place blue side green side yellow side white side black side it doesn't even matter website just stop asking that question with this decrease of Manning at the hospitals you're gonna see more civilians probably hired because if you look at how much it cost to train somebody in boot camp and pay them for that train somebody an ace won't pay them for that then have them go through all the training at their first command where they're gonna get hands-on training and then on top of that you gotta pay these people healthcare benefits housing GI Bill retirement like you look at all this and then for example a lot of women are doing a medical assistant job just taking vitals and that's been one deployables because we're asking ourselves how much value are we getting out of a corpsman because a lot of Shore Duty is corpsman taking vitals and vital signs vital signs taking a subjective about what the patient's complaining about and then they pass it off to the doctor they passed it off to whoever and that's it where we could hire a lot of medical assistants or other types of civilian career fields to do the similar job next is the reason why everybody is going into a smaller medical field we realized along jet it's not only the military that's facing the cost of what it it is to be a healthcare provider or have a healthcare system and it is very expensive in the corpsman is the largest job and that's because it just takes so many bodies it's in everything that goes into it so if this is going to be a kind of above people's heads but there's talks about what is known as the defense health agency which is trying to encompass everything so that way you're not having dual organizations doing the same task and said kind of bringing them together that way you're not paying for two separate people the way it was explained to me was like being able to order in larger quantities of meds and things like that for the Air Force and the Navy and our and that was kind of like the idea behind this of like bringing it all under one umbrella instead of having each branch that provides medical care have a person do a specific job and that makes a lot of sense because we see a lot of facilities like Fort Belvoir we see Walter Reed or Bethesda you know you're going to start seeing more joint commands I believe where those are shared by the Army and the Navy so we may see more incorporation but it looks like with some of the talks that's been happening as far as the hospitals are going to be more of a platform for people to deploy and maintain skills and training and the focus will be sending people out to deployable units and doing things like that so that's what I've gotten from the gist from people that were a lot of shiny stuff they have discussed this with me and kind of taking what they've said along with news of actual information that's been posted and previously there were a lot of Hospital that were created in areas that didn't have the the ability to handle the population of a base so they would put hospitals there and increase resources that mean they could handle people being stationed there but as you've gone further along through this whole thing places like Naval Hospital more I read an article they were looking at that one specifically because there's now a hospital I guess in the civilian sector there that can support the military people and still it would it be cheaper to just pay them to treat military versus us go to a specific military hospital so I'm - again I'm just giving context to all this so you guys can grasp why corpsman is such a low percentage rate for advancement why you're gonna see a decrease in jobs and why you're going to see changes within our community now what are you gonna do with this information I have told a lot of people to cross rate and that's not because I don't love being a corpsman I like it I'm an independent Duty corpsman I feel lucky to be an agent one right now because seeing the advancement rates I I would be shattered like if I didn't go to ITT school I'd still be in HM to pharmacy tech asking myself would I still be able to make a career in the Navy the reality of that I don't think would have been very good I think I would have taken me much longer to make first class if these quotas continued how they are and honestly I'm just I'm very thankful for the opportunity I've had by changing my course of direction and if you are III below and you're looking to do the military for 20 years looking at 1% advancement can be scary and then also betting on a meritorious advancement can be very scary because obviously that's not as much in your control it is because you choose what you're gonna do that to outrun your peers but you have more control over the studying and stuff like that and what that outcome is off of a test for the navy-wide advancement cycle but I don't want to turn people away from 4-minute I know some people have already selected corpsman if you have and you still want to do it and maybe it's just a stepping-stone job keep it you know I don't want to scare you guys away because these advancement scores as I said in my advancement video actually is they're they're temporary every six months we have a new cycle so you don't know what next six months like what's gonna be every day someone gets out every day someone gets admin cept every day something happens where there's someone getting out and someone getting in so this number is not set in stone of 1% and as much as I preach that to you guys you guys take it as gospel and say it's always gonna be 1% but but I want to make sure that the safety of your military career that's what you want to do go ahead and cross for eight you can change your job it's not a secret as I said in my advancement video as well the jobs that are getting better advancement were not ones that I would think that would transfer well to a civilian sector job and that's okay you know you know I mean there are sacrifices there's probably more deployability there's more stuff like that that you have to consider as well in quality of life so yes Korn is a more Shore centric rate or job where you're at a hospital but that may be changing very soon as well so so I hope that this answered a lot of your guys's questions I know it's very in-depth for some of you but watching these videos even though the desk over your head I think later on it will click for you guys because trust me you may not know about it now or totally understand it but you're gonna look back at this video or my other corn bees or other Navy videos in here and say I now know what he means because there's a different perspective than when you're outside the military than when you're in or even if you're just in a school so so I hope this video helps some of you guys out you guys do you have questions about the military being a corpsman any of that stuff you can always hit me up on Instagram snapchat or down accounts below I love you guys I'll see you next time [Music]
Views: 45,087
Rating: 4.8784809 out of 5
Keywords: hospital corpsman, navy corpsman, green side, enlisted, officer, navy jobs, top 5 navy jobs, jtsuits, military jobs, military pay, A school, recruiter, asvab, navy 2019, army, air force, marines, preparing for the military, military benefits, how to join the military, infantry, 68w, medic, navy seals special forces, special operations, pararescue jumper, kyle gott, bully juice, navathebeast, matt ward, austen alexander, master at arms
Id: gvNZZLihWtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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