PLOT TWIST! Marine That Made Viral Tiktok Drops Bombshell!

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i swore after the last video i was done i was never going to make another video about g watt thought but the plot gets thicker and thicker and thicker so many c's at this point that literally i cannot stop i would like the truth to be out there and i think that's important to present all sides of this as much as possible when i talk about it in a way that you guys can feel that you're getting the truth and also maybe make your own opinions this story goes deeper across various platforms between instagram only fans twitter snapchat all these different platforms facebook actually by the way that you literally would have to do research like i am here and i'm trying to present that in one single solid way ladies and gents i have notes here that's how thick this is we have to start with tldr because this is so big right now that if you didn't watch my first three videos on it this is the fourth one so first things first she posted the viral tock of her getting ready at her little apartment or area that she lives in and saying that she was going to testify everyone rallied around her not much context strength strong no talking just an emotional heart string pool we have an audience now following up throughout that time she's posting various tick tocks not really too relevant other than her just saying she advocates for people women's rights all that kind of stuff people should not be wanting to deal with you know men that are treating women like this awesome we're on board now the tick tock that we all know blows up to the sky and quite literally pulls every heart string in america and across all the news media outlets of what has happened to her where her perpetrator has been set free as a response the u.s marine corps did comment on this actually over at two meth over in camp lejeune and says this is not related to any physical contact or harassment issue but rather it is the improper distribution of photos jiwa thought then makes a sexual misconduct statement we're saying that this was about sexual misconduct and does not really discuss anything else other than she saying she will not discuss her case any further but i'm making this video so that was a lie even her boyfriend does get in touch with this and makes a statement on facebook about everything and i do have to read this because this was never mentioned in the previous videos damien contreras says i absolutely love this picture of my girlfriend it shows a little bit of motivation she had before the last straw that broke the camel's back was piled on story time this is my girlfriend the sergeants face that everywhere if you know me you know i don't poke my nose where i don't belong but i can't stand hearing lies and not speaking up she does not nor did she ever have an only fan so i would absolutely love for someone to show me the proof that they have of this i met my girlfriend on deployment i hardly knew her but could tell something happened i asked her what was wrong and watch her collapse outside her warehouse so it speaks very loudly when some of her so-called friends jump to conclusion and get on the hate train of these nudes getting leaked instead of asking her like grown-ass adult what happened [ __ ] not even for the sake of being a friend but for the sake of looking like a dumbass because you think you know what happened how about you ask instead of being effing coward so f all of you who don't even know what happened that are trying to invalidate what actually happened everyone's getting so lost in what happened that you're all forgetting that ground she's broken across the map for so you're like all right cool so a lot of people were claiming informally this was about and only fans content leak because that would line up with what the marine corps said now we do have to say there has been a major change and i would hope that the boyfriend of this person that had these accusations brought against them that lived with him it does look like i would hope they would have the full story because they don't it was later changed to say this she does not nor did she have an only fans when the event took place she was not physically assaulted in this specific case so let's get that straight but that does not take away from what happened damian i do agree with that it doesn't be physical i think that is important to to take away from this i find it interesting that you're telling people to get their facts straight in your original post then your next post is you actually correcting your own statement because you didn't know so so there are two updates from g about thought as well that are on her story on instagram where she does discuss even more like i said that's why we're here and she says i've reported in october of 2019 people saying i ruined that marine's career as if i forced his hand and anything is incredible three months later for all of two weeks i had an only fans and deleted it received a 6105 for the deleted account and kept it moving this case has had nothing to do with only fans a marine that i trusted decided that he deserved me nothing consensual happened between me and that marine one has nothing to do with the other stop sending me death threats you do not know what happened regardless of what meme pages have shared regardless of what has been said i do not owe that to anybody i'm moving on i deserve to be okay again and to the people who contact my friends family and even my partner in hopes by isolating me i hope you know that the universe gives back 10-fold and she does kind of reiterate this message on tick tock with the following video hey i just want to get this out of the way really quickly and then i think i can move on with my life and move forward um i made a video of me sobbing after i got word that the marine i had a case against was getting retained in the military um and prior to that they had told me he was getting kicked out wasabing was crying it made it all over the media and a lot of people came up in arms reasonably so and then weeks later mysteriously a rumor started that this was all because my only fans got leaked so i'll make this very clear i made my report in 2019 of october i did have an only fans for two weeks three months later so oh no i'm sorry four months later it was for two weeks i signed a 6105. what happened between me and that moraine was not consensual and deserve this this is a very technical way to look at it that um i think that if this was still photos that were shared i do think people are going to find this very still invalid in regards to her case that before this happened before the only fans she had photos that were leaked if the marine corps you know lines up with what she's saying and then a few months later she's like oh i'm gonna start an only fans now everyone can see it and it's like i don't think people are really gonna give her a pass either way because it's like you got someone in trouble for this but now you're okay with people seeing your your photos i do understand that this is still wrong i'm not uh siding with that i'm saying like that is so wrong to share someone's photos without their consent that's not what i'm trying to get here but i'm just letting the other side of this token know i do acknowledge their point do not condone the death threats that's obvious now it's not only the meme pages that she's looking at that are causing these issues to her people in the marine corps as well but now also the people that had her back some of the top military slash veteran or female creators and advocates for people in this situation have actually come and started lashing out against gbot thought and some of the issues that have come from this are some of the information that has been shared to the mean pages where gbot thought that these text messages that were sent or the this information that was sent to these main pages was brought by some of these female members that text message says in the second my car e par comes through it's over for everybody and that's the worst i let him run his mouth for 20 minutes about school of infantry and marine corps recruit depot all i did was left all right yeah you saltier than me lmfao stop dude i did two fast deployments and one to okie granted i did get to do some pretty cool [ __ ] but come on syria jordan bahrain under the lioness program f-e-t deployed with first recon and i was able to be part of patrols house sweeping checkpoints for intelligence with women intelligence aka patting women down at checkpoints god that's dope all i got was bahrain lebanon spain as you see people are coming at her with this message saying that she's acting more tactical than she really is and really flexing on something she really didn't do and talking about deployments and things like that or maybe exaggerating some of those things but i'd rather go into this other aspect where these people are not backing her and they're some of the biggest advocates for essay issues that are in the military and really speaking out about them i also want to say a good thank you to these fine ladies as i was trying to do research for this video to help uh tell all outsiders they blocked me on twitter so i just like to say thank you for for doing that but i want to let you guys know that twitter is a public platform uh airing dirty laundry on there still can be captured other ways um and i would say if you really don't want people to know what's going on in your lives or share this information do not post it to twitter as it could be replicated or spread around like here on youtube so everyone knows f delena since you're such a big girl why don't you go ahead and blame every single one of us for cutting ties with you and leaking all this public info to some meme page lmao okay i didn't speak up for you so now that i am i think you should be more concerned that people are going to see me a big advocate blasting you for your lies i think my word holds some weight don't ever talk about me again and be better better get some tea guys another big advocate that blocked me is because chrissy said so says this to manipulate lie and deceive your group of friends while simultaneously using their traumas for advocacy is effed but to continue to push that narrative that your friends just turned their backs and called you a liar the time you needed us the most is the worst part angelina because i know you're watching if i were to give screenshots to a meme page it would be a [ __ ] sort of things that could be publicly found it would be a shitstorm that showed lies showed the manipulation and showed your extreme effort to gaslight us in private messages wow this is getting spicy and some tweets from other people have actually gotten behind are kind of some constructive criticism in this it really really sucks to see what delena did when she had a really outspoken large group of advocates around her willing to get a lot about essay mst don't do this stuff to us slash him these are the consequences of our own actions it's leviosa says really disappointed that i and others were misled no one is invalidating any trauma she has been through or how the military treat her she doesn't deserve that but why publicly lie to people who went to bat for you i don't have many words for this so ladies and gents that's where we're at that's where the story is unfolding and looks like she's being attacked by even the people that were the biggest advocates for her i think i want this as much as anyone else out there and that is to back women up uh when they do suffer from things like this i want to be an advocate for those women i want to be able to trust what's being said and um it looks like even some of her close friends were not able to obtain that trust from her either some people are going to come out to me and counteract my argument and i know what it's going to be she doesn't have to tell us that i can say that but at the same time the other side token is we have the right to have our beliefs thoughts and opinions what they are if we are missing information and humans as what we do we'll fill in gaps that are not filled in pretty much when you have an audience like this and you've brought them to this destination to say this is what happened to me and we are here for you i would say that is something that when you're on a platform that i've really tried to respect here as well is you build one major thing and that's trust and so when you have that trust it's really a responsibility of the creator and my relationship with my viewers and audience to do my due diligence and just like these people want the same thing i don't think that that's lost across any community as we are here on social media and as things are transparent here we can't change that idea of social media culture and just this one exception here because this really is a human type aspect that is brought to this entire platform and finally we are one step closer to knowing the entire truth at least that we have now had addressed the only fan situation a little bit this situation i just want to say i don't want any harm brought to her harassment or anything like that but i want the truth to be out there as much as possible because this did get so much attention and as you guys know once you get one peak of attention on this initial tick tock to get this following story to keep continuing on to get the total story full circle is almost impossible because people will remember that one tick tock but not watch the past three videos i've made to really discuss this and come along this trail with us to see where this goes and really understand the full situation because it's not great publicity or headlines to move forward this leads me to the question for you guys does this change at all what you think if she's confirming she had an only fans account after this issue where she reported it and if it is a distribution of photos still as always guys if you guys would like to support us we do have a patreon link down below where you can check out some special perks as well to help out the channel also we do have a youtube membership button down below where you get some special perks here on youtube as well but as always if you guys do have questions about this or anything else you can always hit me up on instagram snapchat twitter or down the comments below i love you guys i'll see you next time
Views: 65,525
Rating: 4.8940845 out of 5
Keywords: marines, marines corps, tiktok, tik tok, usmc, news, information, funny, viral, military, u.s. military, u.s marine corps, u.s. army, infantry, nickymgtv, nicky mgtv, gwotthot
Id: 4eBCdU8p5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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