EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Arlecchino! | Complete Kit, Build, Teams Guide & Meta Analysis

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hello everyone with aro's kit finally being revealed in the official genin 4.6 live stream her crazy beta cycle is at its end she had received a lot of drastic changes every week during her beta probably the most that any character has gotten in any beta ever and I've covered and analyzed pretty much all the changes on my channel already however understanding arlino can get quite confusing if you haven't closely followed every change or just haven't gotten up to speed with the latest news so I wanted to make one last updated guide explaining how arino works the best way to build her her potential best teams and analyzing her place in The Meta in terms of overall strength and po value there are a lot of arino guides out there and although I don't personally see myself as a theory crafter I've closely followed theorycrafting communities for years and I wanted to provide a character guide that has simple and practical explanations while also giving more detailed analysis that is backed by TC so with that let's get right into it arino is a five-star pyop poar main DPS that ascends with crit rate the simplest way to describe aro's overall play style is that she is a melee modernized Yu Mia as she is a normal attack Focus character aro's entire kit revolves around the bond of Life mechanic which is shown as a red outline around your health bar all you need to know about this relatively rare mechanic is that normally you want to remove Bond of Life by healing but with arino she wants to maintain Bond of life as it is her main source of damage the more Bond of life she has the more damage she deals to ensure she doesn't heal off her bond of Life her passive Talent makes it so that in combat she cannot be healed by any means other than her own ult in addition to gaining 40% pyro damage bonus with the inability of getting healed by teammates arino has an inherently highrisk High reward play style that rewards players with higher skill to help her with her survivability aro's A4 Talent gives her physical and Elemental resistance based on her attack to reach the cap of 20% resistance you'll need 3,000 attack this makes arino an attack scaler that doesn't build defensive stats pretty much as tanky as a DPS that scales off of a defensive stat like HP such as hutan so a pretty nice passive to help her surviveability aro's entire kit revolves around bond of life so how do you get it to answer this question let let's start with explaining her skill she does a small Dash and cleave hitting nearby enemies it does decent damage but the important thing is that it applies a DOT called blood dep directive onto enemies hit by her skill if arino provides a Charged attack onto an enemy with blood depth directive immediately she removes the dot and gains 65% Bond of life with her A1 Talent however if you wait at least 5 seconds for the blood debt directive to remain on the enemy and then charge attack arino gains 130% Bond of Life instead an enemy dying with the blood death also gives 13 % Bond each skill use can give a maximum of 145% bond making it so that getting two blood directives after 5 seconds from two enemies doesn't give you the 200% cap of bond of life just 145% this skill has a long coold down of 30 seconds but it won't be that long because of her normal Talent there are three key things to know about her normal Talent first when arino has greater than or equal to 30% Bond of life she enters an enhanced State called a mask of the Red Death during this enhanced state arino has a pyro infusion and and her normal attacks not charged or plunged attacks have a buffed multiplier this buffed multiplier scales on the amount of bond of life arino has for instance if arino has 100% Bond of life then 100% multiplied by the mask of the Red Death increase which is 238% at Talent level 10 equals 238% this 238% is added to the motion value to any of the six hits of our normals because of this the normal Tech buff and thus Bond of life is the majority of AR Lino's damage second important thing every time arino hits with an enhanced infused normal attack her bond of Life decreases by 7.5% of her current Bond of Life ultimately this makes her damage very front-loaded which is a good thing here is a sheet I made visualizing exactly how the amount of bond of life and normal attack multiplier buff changes as she hits an enemy at c0 the last important thing is that each enhanced infused normal hit on an enemy reduces the cool down of her skill by 0.8 seconds this means that if you hit an enemy 15 times her skill cool down reduces to 18 seconds which is a much more normal cool down regular rotation in one final tangent if you hold down the charg attack button Arley Kino can fly for 5 seconds very cool the last part of her kit is her ultimate aside from having one of the coolest animations in the game it does three main things first it's a simple nuke second it provides arino with her only source of healing in combat and lastly the ultimate resets her skill cool down absorbs any blood death directives on enemies and clears any bond of Life on arino because of this last Clause you don't want to Al while doing your onfield normal attacks with arino but at the start or end of a rot rotation in addition because the ultimate clears Bond of life you do have the option of just not using your Al and because arinos enhance normal stop at 30% Bond you can start your second rotation with an extra 30% Bond at minimum if you don't Al thus dealing more damage this again fits in her design with highrisk high reward gameplay as not alting means no healing but if you are able to survive and are fine not seeing the beautiful animation you can theoretically get more damage from that alting in normal practice however I think alting every other rotation will be more of the norm with her kit explanations out of the way what does this mean for aro's overall gameplay the general idea in execution is pretty simple we want to start with arino skill apply blood de directive onto enemies and allow 5 Seconds to pass so that arino can get 130% Bond of life if her ultimate is up you can skill into alt into the skill to fit some extra damage healing and energy generation during this waiting time we can switch to our teammates and set up their skills and burst after the teammate set up then we can switch back to arino charge the attack to get the bond of life then go H with her normal attack her best combo will be spamming three normals into a dash attack and 3D but if you just want to spam normals without thinking until her power EV vision is gone that's fine too after her on Fielding is gone you loop back to the start of the rotation next let's go over her constellations overall her constellations are quite strong which seem to be the pattern for newly released characters her C1 adds 100% to the mask of the Red Death multiplier buff on normal attacks along with giving arino some resistance to Interruption while she's attacking with her infused enhanced normals the resistance to Interruption is nice and can help enable Shield the teams but the multiplier buff to normals is what makes this constellation really strong C2 makes it so that you don't have to wait 5 Seconds to get the full Bond of left fromer skills blood D directive it also adds a big nuke when arino consumes the blood Deb and gains Bond of life with C2 you don't have to arino skill then switch to supports to wait 5 Seconds instead you can do your support setup first then just go ham on orino C3 gives her normal attack three levels which is very nice C4 reduces her ultimate cool down by 2 seconds and gives allino 15 energy when she consumes a blood that directed from her skill to Bond of life this is decent but stronger when you consider her C6 C5 gives her Al three levels which is all right but again more potent because of her C6 and lastly C6 makes arino ultimate a super nuke and gives her crit rate and crit damage to her normal attacks and ultimate after she uses her skill for those of you aiming to C6 her she'll pretty much solo anything with her C6 if you're not going to fully wh for her but still want to vertically invest a little bit more into arino in my opinion C1 will give you the biggest value in terms of damage compared to other pulls such as getting her signature weapon speaking of weapons let's cover her best weapon options her signature is still her best It ultimately gives her a crit rate 36% damage bonus and an extra 25% Bond of life and while C1 is technically better her signature gives her the ability to hold a real scythe while attacking so it has the drip factor for other five star options the biggest winner here is the primodial Jade spear giving crit and attack percent however other five star Spears such as H Stafa Scarlet stance Vortex vanquisher and Calamity quer are all fine stat stick options for her fourstar weapon options both battle pass weapons will be her best weapons Deathmatch will be better for General use while ballot of the fiords is only for Vape teams you can also consider dragons ban for Vape teams but it will generally be worse for free topl weapons M windspear and white tassel are fine options for artifacts her best set will be the fragment of harmonic Whimsy the one new artifact set coming to patch 4.6 this set is tailor made for gives 18% attack and 54% damage bonus this set is quite better than other artifact sets so you'll want to farm this set if you want to optimize your AR while you're farming that artifact set or if you don't want to bother farming that domain then four-piece Gladiator will be your best option giving 18% attack and 35% normal attack damage percent and you'll Farm the set normally from killing bosses to level your characters other options include four piece gilded for Vape four piece Crimson witch and twopiece twopiece for artifact stats you'll want to go attack pyrro crit for General use or em pyrit for Vape teams you can also consider attack goblet for benit list teams substep priority is the same for any attack scaling damage dealer as for energy recharge I would recommend not going out of your way to build ER on arino and just be fine alting every other rotation ER Subs are perfectly fine to get remember you can't choose your artifact substats but I wouldn't specifically build for them unless you want to see her pretty old every rotation now let's go over her potential teams two main factors affect aro's team building first as a pyro attack scaler with no inherent attack Buffs in her kit she really appreciates Bennett's attack buff from his burst along with pyro resonance even though he doesn't heal and causes Circle Impact gameplay the attack buff alone significantly boosts aro's damage is he 100% needed definitely not arino has a lot of teams without him that will still perform well however Benet strength with arino is definitely something to consider when optimizing her teams second aro's inability to heal heavily incentivized defensive utility in her teams to make her gameplay more comfortable and less risky for the majority of players for this reason shielders such as jangi or Toma or characters to provide damage reduction and resistance to Interruption such as DEA shincho and B are great characters to slot in now if you're a more hardcore player looking to optimize aro's damage then based on team DPS sheet calculations her best teams use Bennett and won't have any defensive utility and if you're up to the challenge you'll be rewarded with theoretically more damage for the majority of players however I think slotting in defensive utility will be the best option for that gameplay comfort and these teams damage are still top tier in my perspective arino has three main team archetypes monop pyro vape and overload with chevis yes you can experiment with teams like melt and buron but I don't think they are as strong or consistent as the other teams I will cover most of our possible options here but I highly suggest checking out the team section of Zess arino pre-release video if you want even more details on character options for monop pyro the theoretical highest damage team would be arino Bennett Shang Ling and kazua this has no defensive utility though so you can slot in someone like jangi to replace either Shang Ling or kazwa another great option is replacing both Shang Ling and Kaza with the double Geo core of Jang Le and chiori in terms of Vape teams there are a lot of options you can choose from you can go for an over Vape team with the fourstar squad of Bennett shinel and fishell you can go double Hydro with a shielder just like Hut you can go VV Vape with no defensive utility at all for her theoretical best vape team on paper or you can forget about the VV and replace kazwa with a shielder for a more comfortable and practical Bennett Vape team that is still very solid you can also consider finina Vape teams as well either with normal attacks or plunging with Shen Yin these teams will be fine since each character's individual strengths can Brute Force anything however I personally wouldn't recommend pairing arino with finina since arino can't be healed by the team wide healer there is less initial generation of fanfair stacks and Fin's constant HP drain will make on feeling with arino quite dangerous as she will be at 50% HP for most of the time until the end where you could potentially use aro's Al to heal still a workable team to Brute Force content but Fino will have better Synergy with other characters lastly overload teams with Chev synergize quite well with arino as chevis can provide Kaza level buff at C6 with an additional attack buff with very easy uptime and even with only czo chevis these overload teams can be quite good you can slot and Bennett with a single strong Electro character like fishal or you can forget about Bennett and go double Electro allowing you to slot in the offishal B pairing allowing you to have defensive utility from B's burst along with plenty of energy one valid concern is the knockback of overload but with the boss focus of Abyss floor 12 and arino being able to easily weave in dashes with her normal attacks allowing her to chase enemies in my opinion the knockback shouldn't be too annoying to deal with to conclude this guide on arino I wanted to share my analysis on her place in The Meta in terms of overall strength and pool value in the most General sense arino is just another main DPS who wants to be on field and there are a lot of characters like that in genin already compared to five-star supports my view on limited fivestar DPSS is quite simple pretty much all main DPSS especially the more newly released ones have strong teams that can clear floor 12 of Abyss just fine sure some of them may have some upsid such as ease of play but realistically all of them fulfill the same role and can do the job just fine this is why I always recommend people to pick a character they like and build around them first is pulling strictly for quote meta reasons arino is another one of these main DPS characters but she does have a higher floor in terms of power because she is a more recently released character now if we zoom in more on aro's role then she'll be competing with the other top limited five-star pyro on fielders huta and Linny and in my opinion all of them carve out their own niches by being the best in one of the main Pyro Team archetypes Hut is the queen of Vape Linny is the king of mon pyro and arino is the queen of overload teams we don't have many pyro on fielders that can utilize chevis well at the moment but as I said already arino synergizes very well with chev's buff making her probably the best pyro main DPS in overload Focus teams arino monop pyro teams are fine but Lenny's kit is just made for monop pyro since he gets so many Buffs for it making him the top of that Niche and lastly in terms of Vape I think Hut is generally the better Vape carry compared to arino huto is the charged attack carry and since charged attacks have no ICD she has more big hits that can be Vaped compared to aro's normal attacks that have standard ICD in addition Hut synergizes extremely well with double hydro and finina based Vape teams which are the most popular Vape teams at the moment arino is good in these comps but her Vape strength comes more into play in Vape teams with Bennett but I think these comparisons with Hut and Linny actually reveal oro's biggest strength as a character sure alino is the best at overload but technically not as good as Linny and monop Pyro and not as good as Hut and vape but arino monop pyro and Vape teams are still competitive with them and quite strong she's not a carry that is focused on one team archetype but works well in all three giving her a lot of Team options that are all strong and you can't really say the same for the other two for instance huta in monop pyro or Linny in overload and I think this versatility in teams is what makes arino a strong and valuable character so is she a good unit to pull she doesn't completely power creep anyone and is by no means a must pull but arino is one of the top DPS as you can get and if you're looking for a solid main DPS with a lot of viable different teams she can give you some good value out of your Primo gems and that's everything I wanted to cover about arino I hope this guide and Analysis was helpful to you all in giving you a better understanding about everything related to arlino if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments like And subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video and want to see more guys like this on future characters and I wish you all the best of luck on your arino pools
Channel: Anddad
Views: 17,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gi, genshin, genshin impact, arlecchino, knave, father, pyro, dps, thoughts, theorycrafting, builds, teams, guide, analysis, full, team, meta, pre-release, release, 4.6, kit, constellations, abilities, weapons, artifacts, best, build
Id: QTf_q2tm2fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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