Lyney's Big Changes & the Problem With Pyro

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Lenny is getting his first rerun so we're going to talk about everything new that's changed with him from his new best and Slot artifact sets how he works with Chev Verina I'm also going to give you my new secret favorite Linny team that you might not have even heard about and after we talk about everything that's changed with Linny I'm going to give you my rant on the state of pyro at the moment which I think is especially relevant given that natland the Pyro region is coming up very soon welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for build I also want to give a big thank you to all of you who are supporting me on patreon it really helps especially during the slower parts of genion where interest just isn't as high so the views aren't as high thank you all very much I will be adding new patreon exclusive content coming very soon there's going to be some very long and very in-depth videos that should be pretty fun to watch but I think they're just going to be too long to be regular YouTube content so keep an eye out for that and I'll let you know as soon as the first one is ready let's get into it I did want to start off with Lenny's new best and Slot changes so jimie if you guys don't know he's a great Theory crafter and content creator he makes tons of great content we don't always agree on everything but I think it's very important that you watch content creators that are not afraid to have an opinion and Jamie and I are both contact creers that aren't afraid to have an opinion and often times we end up on different sides of an opinion and I think it's very valuable for you to listen to to people like that and he made a very very good point in one of his recent videos where the way Len's damage stacking works is you're often going to get more damage out of a two-piece two-piece artifact set rather than a four-piece and that's because well there's a few reasons for that but the main one or one of the more important ones is that the way marishi say hunter works is his skill or his Grim malan hat snapshots the Buffs that are currently in place and the Maria say is a ramping crit rate buff so your skill which is a very large part of your damage might not actually get the four-piece effect fully stacked and as such there's a chance that you'll actually have just better damage overall with your regular set now if you are using a finina team obviously marish is going to be the best in slot set but if you're not then two-piece twopiece is probably your best now personally I didn't incre I didn't notice like some big increase in damage of any kind going from Mar say to 2piece twopiece but my mar say just happens to be really really good and also happens to have a lot of quer rates so my damage increase was you know not particularly noticeable to me they feel about the same but I think this is really good to know that a two-piece two-piece can feel about the same as an artifact set that gives insane stats such as these so if you're someone who you know if if if your best set is mariay that I think you can still go for it just make sure just be aware that it might not be your best and if you have better stats on a two-piece two-piece that's what you should almost definitely be going with I also just want to give an overview of artifact of of weapons obviously his his five star is his best in slot you know naturally but thundering pulse Aqua simulakra Well Aqua simulakra being second thundering pulse Skyward harp Amos B are also very good options and finale of the deep is his best Forester option that's the Fontaine craftable so just as a just as a quick refresher in case you don't want to watch my entire other guide uh for talents you want to focus on his normal attack and skill and a lot of people wanted to know constellations versus like C1 or weapon now I would definitely in general recommend his C1 it's less average pulls this current weapon Banner is much worse and there's a chance that you already have Aqua simulakra thundering pulse Amos bow or Skyward heart but if you have one of those weapons do I I think I have a Skyward harp that I haven't leveled oh no I don't but anyways if you have one of those weapons then the damage increase from his C1 is going to be bigger than his weapon there are situations where his weapon is a bigger increase in general though I'd recommend his C1 it also gives you a bit more front load which is really really good um that means you're going to be doing more damage early in your in your rotation so generally I recommend a C1 but there is a very nice case to be made by how drippy his bow is to me Lenny just doesn't look like a complete character with like looks wise doesn't look like a complete character without his bow for me his bow is like a part of his kit like a part of his look um a really big part of his luck for me so I would personally go for his his bow over over his C1 even though for damage I would recommend his C1 um but as usual Lenn is a good enough character that you don't need either to get good clears so don't feel pressured but yeah just something to think about next thing going to be is teams I've gotten the peak fastest clears with finina teams and I I think it's important well before I even talk about the specific teams I do want to talk a little bit about what kind of Linny player I am so I am not a filthy Lin minmaxer if you are a filthy Lin minmaxer and you like to speedrun and you like to do all that stuff I think I still have valuable information to share but I think that the weight of your I think watching someone like Jamie or someone like jern will have better things to share with how to min max his damage how to do proper rotations how to do all this for me I'm a bit more of a casual I'm a bit more of a Masher you guys know that war Mashers at heart here so even though I do sometimes reset for good clears it's not something I really enjoy doing I prefer just to run a good comfy team that does great damage and that feels fun and comfy to play now finina Lin is not that finina Lin is reset impact uh at least for most people so you have the trifecta of no Shield or Linny with standing in benett Circle which applies power to you which makes you more susceptible to being damaged and you know Elemental reacted on and you also have finina draining your HP so you're very very susceptible to just being one shot or just dying but I do think that finina has Peak clears here if you're able to do a double swirl with Kaza and finina which you definitely can um you're able to just get insane insane damage to be honest so I do recommend keeping this in your back pocket if you're a Lin Main and having this available but I do not think that it is so far in way his best team that I would recommend playing it's definitely not the Linny team that I would play if I was just have trying to have a good time now we've got his traditional teams which with mono pyro with Shang Ling Bennett I think this team is still very good in AOE I think the frean team is slightly better um it has a better ceiling but I do think that this team is still very very good and it's what Contender for his best AOE team um I think as soon as you start putting defensive utility into this team I sto liking it as much maybe because you lose the AOE from Shang Lang and you lose a lot of damage potential so I'm not the biggest fan of the Lin monop pyro with a shielder whether that' be DEA or sh Le Jang Le both of them are not my favorite they're both good they're both fine they're both serviceable but neither of them are my favorite um and how do they compare to overload so there's two ways you can do overload you can do Bennett with shevo or you can actually do DEA now this this I actually do like because if you and I will caveat with this if you have C6 shus if you don't have C6 this is going to be a bit harder to pull off it's still good but it's a bit harder to pull off but I really like this this team I would say that if you don't have C6 Chev this is going to be at least to me it feels a bit worse than monop pyro but if you do have C6 Chev then it's going to feel a bit better now this is more single Target oriented cuz you don't run kazwa if if the if the enemies are good for kazwa then then the any team with Cosa is going to be better but I really do like this and when you have C6 trus when you have our built properly giving the attack buff DEA isn't as much of a loss from Bennett as you might think it's still a loss but because you're generally if your skill issue like me you're able to get more stacks on Lenny you're going to get more damage so I like it and you also don't have to play Within benit Circle you also not affected by a pyro you have you're much more you're much more tanky on this team um it's just a very very comfy team it's the second comfest Lenny team the reason why I use yiko by the way is because if you're using fishell on a team like this if you're running with Bennett I think actually there's a couple reasons first of all Fishel Fishel has more Synergy with Bennett and if you're running with Bennett cuz she snapshots Bennett's buff so if you're running with Bennett you want to start with official charge attack then do Shu stuff then go to Bennett and then use your official skill to snapshot it because you need the overload to proc Chev Us's abilities but you also want to snapshot Fishel with Bennett so it's an annoying rotation I don't like using a charge attack with Fel it not a big deal after the first rotation so it's fine um but also the fact that since she does since she does Snapshot um and she also doesn't like Lin doesn't take full advantage of C6 ficial because he doesn't normal attack um so with with DEA because doesn't charge attack I have a bit better results with yiko but both are going to be just as good you don't have to get yiko you know just use fishall if you don't have yaiko and if you have yiko then you can try them both and see which one you like better the most comfiest Lenny team and my favorite Lenny team is actually this one and I know that I sound ridiculous uh recommending double gool Lin but hear me out Jong Le and chiori are are really good core I know people don't like chori right now and I know a lot of people don't have chori so you know it's not like I'm saying that this is so far Lin's best team that you have to get chiori this is my favorite Linny team when you attach comfortability to doing damage this team in single Target gets close to my fastest clears while also being insanely comfy jangi and chiori allow each other to you get GE residence you get chori's two dolls and you also get maximum Ben at up time cuz you can use him last in the rotation meaning you're going to get Max Lenny St you're getting some shred from Jang Le um pyro shred you're getting tenacity set from jeang Lee you're getting lots of damage from chiori this is is it's a very strong team it does very very good reliable damage I don't by any means think this is Lenny's ceiling team you can do a lot better if you m Max with the other teams but for the average player this is what I would recommend it's also a relatively free-to-play friendly team if you happen to have chori because most players will have Jang Lee so this is definitely something if you have these units this is definitely something I would recommend commend I think that Lenny is actually in a really really good spot nowadays in terms of Team flexibility I think that previously he was very limited to monop pyro at the beginning of Fontaine but now he has a bunch of options that are much much better and he has good AOE options he has good single target options he has good glass can options and he has good comfy options I I um I will say if you're on the fence of getting Lenny I just want you to know it's very hard to play Linny and like his it's very hard to play Lenny without a shielder or without a without some form of interruption resistance because it takes so long for his um his normal attack to charge up now this isn't like I should I shouldn't have done that first um because this is like you're you're charging it up and it's just so easy to be interrupted it doesn't always happen like there I was able to get all my all my attacks off but it happens so often that I'm not able to get all of my attacks off because cuz he gets interrupted when charging it's most common with bosses but you see it happened right there and it's not like you need to get all of his attacks off all the time I just feel like most players are not are are not going to be able to play Lenny very well without a shielder you're just not and I just want you to be aware of how frustrating it can be to try and get good stacks on your Lenny without um without a shielder it's a pain it's a pain in the absolute butt like we're charging up and then we get interrupted we're charging up this time we got one off now we got two off oh we got all three off there you go completely you know completely uh negated my my point that I was trying to make there let's try again we're charging up we're get we get knocked out we're charging up we get knocked out we're charging up we got we got it okay we got it that time so it's not impossible like you can imagine imagine me being a better player and being able to know these attack patterns but the way genin is designed is there's a lot of enemies that don't they have if there was only one enemy you could always Dodge their attack pattern but because there's two enemies sometimes you often really can't and so that maybe wasn't the best demonstration because there were times where I got it off but you can see I mean it's a it's a good representation cuz you don't always get knocked out but sometimes you do and when you do it's really annoying and so I just prefer to run Linny with a shielder because if you just think about it he takes a bunch of time to get set up to do his thing and if you don't do that thing all that time charging up was wasted this is different than a character like like alyam where if you have to Dodge in the middle of your combo you barely lose any damage it's different than a character like huta who do who dashes as part of her combo anyways it's even different than a character like Yia whereas yes she has to do her five hit combo to get Max damage but if you have to end your C combo after three hits you still get the damage from 1 to three hits um fortunately plenty of people do play without a shielder so if you're good at playing without a shielder especially bow characters you know I use a controller so people who use keyboard and mouse and people are sweaty players they're good they're fine with it but for a lot of players it's going to be hard so I recommend you know a team like this or a team like this or whatever so I do want to talk about Lenny's value and power level as usual for pyro DPS as usual for DPS in general he has pretty good value if first of all if you if you can get past his play style downsides he has pretty good value I think for power level a lot of people like like to compare him with the other best pyro DPS Hut I think I would say this and I'm pretty confident about this I would say Linny without a shield is strongest then Hut without a shield is the next strongest then Hut with a shield then Lenny with a shield um that is what I would say about Len's power level but I think that at least for me it's very impractical to use Lenny without a shield not just because of skill issue but also because of how enemies attack you and the way that the enemy attack patterns are they're often longer like your animations are longer than the time between when the enemy starts to use their attack and when you're supposed to dodge so you end up losing damage and eh it just reset it's just reset impact to me so I would say that Linny but Linny still is very strong like even with a shielder it's it's strong enough and yeah for Value it's it's like it's as much it's as much value as any as any pyro and that's where I actually want to talk about the problem with pyro right now I talked about this a little bit in my arino pre-release but I I want to talk about it again because he is rerunning with arino right and there's a couple problems with pyro DPS number one is you don't need a pyro DPS in the first place like having pyro as an element is is useful because there's you know cryo Shields and things like that but Bennett kazwa pretty much takes care of your need for pyron or if not Bennett Bennett kazwa Shang Ling takes care of your need for pyrinus and if not shev takes care shev Shang Ling you know Ryden or shiver Chang Lang yiko takes care of your need for Pyon there's no like intrinsic need for a pyro DPS just like there's no intrinsic need for any any DPS and what I would like is for pyro DPSS to open up new and different team comps whereas the only new and different team comps we've gotten from pyro lately has been shus and I think shus was a great addition to that so I think it's really really cool that Chev has opened up new Pyro Team comps but the Pyro DPS slot is sort of just pick your favorite and go to town you can pick Linny you can pick yo you can pick huta and I think based on what we're seeing for AR Lino she's also going to be in the same box you can also do duuke plus changling you can do CLE you can do Yan you can do Yim Mia pyro has the most I talked about this in my other video has the most DPS is of any type by a by a lot we have and because we just got gaming as well so it's one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight onfield pyro GPS's nine if you count Amber and the second most every other element has something like four onfield DPSS so eight it's kind of like pyro is like the the main DPS element but I feel like like being an on being a main DPS like it's something that they're not even the best at because you know you look at novet he's the best DPS you know you have ayam as the second best DPS and then maybe you have you know it's sort of between Linny or Navia utau one of those is probably the next the next best DPS maybe now with shivu C6 it's maybe it's Ryden or maybe she's a contender anyways with with them I feel like they're all pretty much on the same level so I think that the I think that the issue is once you have a pyate DPS you kind of just don't need another one and is that really an issue kind of because they keep releasing pyate DPSS so you end up just with multiple characters like when do I ever play Yo Mia these days what what drives me to build my on Fe why build ging or duuk or Hut or CLE or Lenny or arino when I already have one of the other characters pretty much all of them can do vape especially with finina even CLE does Vape now it's just it's just VAP it's just Fin's vaping instead of CLE you know Linny also has a vape team you know Linny has a double goo team they all have a chevo team they all have a vape team they all have uh you know all the ones that can plunge Linny can't plunge so you can't use shenen but they all have a whatever whatever teams you can pretty much do all the things with all the character characters like sure hut Vapes differently than Linny but they both still Vape so I feel like this is sort of my problem with pyro in that they all do the same things in in different ways and is this a problem per se no but I like it when new team comps are around and I think that it's just the fact that there's so many it's if you happen to like yoia and Hut and arlino and you pull for all three of them it doesn't actually progress your account because you just are getting more different options that end up doing the same thing and that doesn't help you clear the abyss faster it doesn't even give you more options or ways to clear the abyss and so it punishes people who want to build multiple of these characters it's fine for people who don't who don't care right that's not a problem but it's sort of like for people who want to build multiple characters you don't have as many options and this is also you know you could look at this from the other direction and say you know what it's actually great that Linny that all the teams that Pyro can do Linny can pretty much do all the teams that pyro can do arino can pretty much do all the teams that pyro can do Hut can do Yia can do they all do all the things so just pick your favorite and invest into one and it's free toplay friendly in that sense that you just need one pyro DPS and you can do all the things I think that there's an argument made made that that's a great thing and that you have lots of options for it but I do think that it's a little bit boring that they can all do all the things but then again some of them are a bit better and you might feel that this is Wishy but I think it is important to give a a more Nuance take with all the different sides like I'm kind of debating myself right where do I land on all of this my official opinion is that I'm just sad that yo Mia doesn't have a real Niche that's that's my official opinion my official opinion is that no my actual official opinion is that I do think overall that this is fine especially because they all sort of have their their niches they all sort of have their pros and cons and even though they all do the same thing they all do different things better or worse or a little bit differently and I think that's pretty cool so I think if you sort of take a simplistic approach which I kind of was at the beginning I guess I'll say this I started off making this this section of the video thinking that I was going to talk about how much of a problem this is that they all do the same thing and that they're all whatever but now after just vocalizing my opinions and thinking about it more I've kind of decided that they actually are pretty different like yeah they all do the same things but they all have their own Niche like utau is a little bit better in her specific Niche Linny is a little bit better in his specific Niche so is gaming so is duuk and we'll see what AR Lino ends up being um the only one is I got to I got to play more yo Mia and farm more for yo Mia cuz I feel like yo Mia is the one that's kind of left out and that is just a little bit undertuned compared to the other characters but I but there is still a pro and I think the problem is that now we're getting arlino it's another character how could she not overlap with one of these niches we're going to find out I'm going to be testing her as soon as I get access to her early I'm going to be testing her with every single character that it makes sense to test her with so make sure you subscribe for that and then of course we have to consider that nlin is coming up really really soon and I feel like they struck gold with the hydro Sovereign concept cuz now they have two big characters like we've got the hydro archon and the hydro Sovereign and I just feel like they're going to want to play up this idea and do pyro archon and Pyro Sovereign and are they really not going to introduce one of them as a pyro DPS like pyro Sony DPS is people people like like there's a reason why there's Sony DPSS people like DPSS because if that's your favorite character you want to see them on field I feel like there's no way both the Pyro archon and the Pyro Sovereign are off Field characters only because people are going to sim for them they're going to want to play them and I feel like the Pyro problem is that the more DPS as we get the less special each of them is and yes they're amazingly finding these different niches but I just feel like at some point people are going to be like ah I already have a pyro DPS and I think we might be there with arlino but people are so hyped for arlino that it almost doesn't matter and we'll have to see we'll have to see how arino ends up really being and we'll have to see if this becomes more of a problem because I think although they've done a solid job up till now there definitely are some casualties like Yim Mia and Yan Fe are characters that don't really have their specific Niche and they've kind of been forced out because of the amount of pyro DPSS like if Hut didn't exist Yu Mia could have more of a niche kind of thing so overall this is what I see the biggest problem being with arino coming out and with the future multiple pyro characters that we're likely going to have coming out what are they going to do with pyro um just like I tested Lenny with all his all his new teams to make sure that I gave you my best opinion on everything I'm going to do the same with arlino so let me know your thoughts um should you get Lenny or should you get arlino you'll really have to wait for my arlino guide because I haven't played arino yet so that's what it all come down to so let me know your thoughts take care bye for now [Music]
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 50,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: onmBBI3A1eg
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Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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