Arlecchino FULL Guide - Best Weapons, Artifacts & Team, Kit, Constellations Analysis

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guys arino Kate has been officialized so I can finally make a conclusive video on her maybe but yeah today I'll go over my thoughts on her play style builds themes and blah blah blah and my thoughts on whether or not you should pull for her so regarding her play style and Kate the theory around it can make it sound very complex but in my opinion in practice she'll be quite easy to play her rotations will all start from her Elemental skill which on cast will deal damage to the opponent heads and mark them the Mark is the crucial part of it all because when you use aino charge attack you will claim this Mark and gain a specific amount of bond of Life which varies depending on how much time has passed since the moment you applied it with elemental skill and the moment you claimed it with the charge attack Bond of life is not something exclusive to our deino but it affects her kit in a very unique way in fact when she has over 30% Bond of Life all of her attacks will gain pyro infusion and the multipliers over normal attacks only will get massively increased each normal attack from our leino will decrease the current Bond of life she has so essentially the rotation with our Lino will be something like use Elemental skill to start it then after a few seconds claim The Mark with the charge attack and then spam normal attacks until the rotation ends it's worth mentioning that this app time with arino is Solly determined by how much Bond of life she has specifically it has no duration limit so a rotations will be pretty flexible especially considering she can even swap out and in pretty freely now the other crucial part is that she can't be healed by other characters on the team or weapons as it stands the only way of healing she has is her Elemental burst which will consume the bond of life she has fully and heal her based on her current attack and that Bond of life unfortunately based on the tees where a calculated ear in this amount of healing is not very impressive it will fuel a HP bar by around half of it every rotation which is considerably below characters that can actually bring healers on team the 20% damage reduction she gets to all types of damage taken make it a tiny bit better but not considerably so I think she will honestly be one of the most fragile characters in the game this could be seen in a more positive light if it indicated a super offensive play style where you bring four offensive units in arino team to maximize the damage deal but the problem here is that their top offensive options like Shabu Bennet can also heal her so it just feels like a waste at the moment basically I can see the direction here sort of but considering she will have to bring heers on theme steel most of the time I don't really see the point of this handicap anyway on top of healing the burst will also reset the elemental skill cool down this is needed because her Elemental skill is a Whole 30 seconds long cool down now her cool down situation is pretty tricky because your normal attacks also reduce the cool down of the elemental skill this makes it so that even if you don't use the burst in the rotation for whatever reason if the rotation is 20 seconds long you should be able to recover the elemental skill by the start of the next one but having the full reset on the elemental burst makes it more flexible because it practically allows you to use the elemental skill twice a rotation so just to visualize how she should play in practice on most themes again you start the rotation with the elemental skill then you claim The Mark with the charge attack a few seconds later then you spam normal attacks and then you end the rotation with elemental burst this can be modified at bait for example you can squeeze the second Elemental skill right before you use the pur if the cool Downs allow it to generate more particles with aino and also more Bond of life since the burst on cast will also claim the mark from opponents practically this means that you will be able to heal more with arino alternatively if you're on a team where you don't need healing on arino for example teams with shielders like a jungly you can also avoid using the burst alternatively if you're on a team that can allow very long rotations I'm talking around the 30 seconds long rotations you can abuse the cool down reset from the elemental Pur to set up a second window with our Lino with this second Elemental skill I get that in theory this can sound kind of intimidating I guess but realistically this makes her kit more flexible like she can structure rotations in many different ways so I think this will make her feel very smooth in practice before I jump to something else I want to talk about a few technicalities first the damage multipliers increase she gets from the bond of Life mechanic partially depend on how much Bond of life she has at that specific moment since each normal attack from her will decrease the bond of life she has this means that Earth damage will be at its peak at the start of her window and then will progressively get smaller this makes her damage profile quite front loaded which is unique for such a character like a auto attack damage dealing characters if you think of a Shia numet Hut Alam they're all characters that deal damage in a sustained way they don't have much front load while for arino it's a bit different in terms of talent level investment the normal attack Talent is pretty much the only thing you need to care about since that's where all damage is coming from pretty much her Elementos skill and burst are decently strong hits but honestly not really that not worthy compared to the normal attacks plus her eating doesn't even depend on Elemental burst Talent level so overall it's pretty convenient for a character that is only receiving a weekly materials in this patch basically with the few materials you will get weekly you should only invest on a normal attack Talent then when you max it you can think about leveling up the elemental skill one the burst one but it's not a must let me remind you that if you enjoy my channel but you haven't subed yet please consider doing so because it really helps me notice your support now let's talk about team building but first a few basics in terms of Team Construction she's quite versatile because she's pretty much mainly UIA this is because she's a normal attack damage dealer and compared to somebody like Hut for example with a CH attack damage dealer she benefits less from vaporizes or male tees the reason is kind of obvious Hut can Vape all over Chach attacks while AR leino can't Vape all over normal attacks so the benefit she gets is smaller as a result her team situation looks pretty vared like uh the monopo teams the shus teams The Vape teams all are pretty great and there is no single one that I would call the best on the flip side she can't be healed and there's no interruption resistance on normal attacks at constellation Zer know so a Reliance on defensive options like a shielders can definitely be seen on the hike side also the fact she can be healed by other characters creates some anti- Synergy with furina but even in terms of damage the team can deal because arino finina teams do look pretty good in terms of overall damage output but just in terms of durability it seems kind of a suass to me because arino can't be healed and if on top of that you add the fact that she will lose HP due to finina Elemental skill then she starts looking even more fragile which is not ideal the same issues can kind of apply with somebody like Benet for example this is because it's Elemental burst that play Pyro on the character that is currently on the circle of the burst this will allow enemies to trigger reactions like a melt vaporit overload burning and as a result youro will receive much more damage than usual again not ideal for a character that can't heal so just to summarit if you're kind of like a pro player that doesn't care about the defensive drawbacks or Lino will have then she will have a lot of theme options for you on the flip side if you're somebody that finds it hard to read and Dodge enemy attacks then that will definitely put a restriction on how many teams she can realistically be played in for you basically you will be restricted to play on teams that include defensive options so for example jungi DEA toua shincho in this scenario her Vape teams look the best because they can seamlessly integrate defensive options like Sho and jungi that can also be pretty good offensively as opposed to this the shabus teams are kind of worse because they can only bring characters like B Tuma DEA defensively that are nice but aren't quite as good as Sha and jungi offensively or defensively then you have teams like a double GI with jungi like chiori and jungi Yin and jungl monop Pyro teams with jungly all all these teams are nice in terms of overall damage output and durability but definitely not on the high end overall her outlook on teams that include defensive options is pretty good definitely it's not bad but also it's not really that impressive I guess I guess her best shielded teams can effortly compete in terms of damage with other shielded teams for example HUD double Hydro with the jungly but the thing is hudo doesn't have to use a shielder and while arino technically doesn't either she definitely relies on defensive options more than somebody like hudo does or nuet does what I'm trying to say is that if you're forced to use her with shielders her seiling will be nice but not incredibly impressive if you look at more offensive options so teams without shoers then their team situation gets better as a whole for example her monop pyro teams definitely get a lot better by replacing jungi with one between Kazu and shelling especially in terms of AOE potential the Shu double electr teams with Y and fishal is the only composition I can see taking advantage of aro's long rotation potential and this is mostly because Yaya and Fishel are sub DPS that can keep their damage active even in Long rotations The Vape teams also get better in theory like if you play Yan kazua Bennett the full offensive lineup it gets better in terms of damage also shun plch teams with arino andina do seem pretty good in terms of damage so that's pretty nice overall in this scenario she competes with the top of the meta pretty nicely like maybe not somebody like nuet but if you pick somebody like alham she doesn't look worse in any way to be in terms of Team damage output in general comparing her to a character like Alita makes a lot of sense to me because she's pretty similar if you think about it like she's a quick swap character she's a Mele character that has no interruption resistance she can be played in a wide array of thems so uh I think she will be in that range so a flexible offensive character that will compete with the top tier DPS that aren Nam numet realistically but again this is only if you're okay with the idea of not playing her with a shielder because if you aren't then her team flexib ability definitely takes a hit and her overall damage output does as well in terms of building she has a new artifact set and it goes without saying it's her best it gives her 18% attack bonus and a total damage bonus that can reach 54% so it's pretty nice however it's not much better than a very accessible alternative which is the Gladiator set she's a normal attack damage dealer so the Gladiator set should Ser very well and considering this is a set that's been around ever since the game came out I expect people to have very good pieces of this this is important because since our new set is just coming out obviously it will take a while for you to get good pieces of that so having an accessible option like the Gladiator set being one of her best is definitely pretty nice in terms of stat building she's pretty regular she likes attack percent for the Sands pyro damage bonus for the Goblet and crate for the ciret her energy requirements of course depend on the theme where she's used in so I put her specific energy requirements for for every team I calculated in the infographics I made so go check that anyway to finish this segment her builds can change a bit on VAP teams where Elemental Mastery gets more valuable and pretty much even with attack weapons wise she has a signature weapon that is honestly one of the best signatures in the game if not the best this weapon will give her extra Bond of life so it directly affects her kit and on top of that damage bonuses honestly this is pretty funny because why it's not unusual for oers to make signature weapons whose passive specifically prioritize the character they're meant for it's never quite been this specific like there is no other character in the game that can benefit from Bond of life so clearly this is just for our Lino this weapon is a full 20% better than other five star options so it's pretty crazy like not crazy in the sense that she's a Pay to Win character that needs her signature weapon because her cheap investment potential still looks pretty nice to me but she definitely benefits a lot from investment of this kind this is also supported by the fact that her constellations are honestly massive specifically her constellation one increases her normal attack multipliers by 100% And also gives her partial Interruption resistance this Interruption resistance is not fless but it's pretty much as close to a shield as you can get since it's comparable to shinos rain swords in terms of interruption resistance you get if you combine that with the fact that she's also getting around a 25% damage increase from it it starts look looking pretty absurd like one of the best constellations once in the game if not the best so why like constellation zero with that match or white tassel is pretty good in theory a constellation one leino with her signature is something completely different in my opinion like she will feel like a completely different character so overall is she worth pulling or not in my opinion if you pull her with intention of playing her with shielders then she won't be something completely revolutionary for your box not in the sense that she's bad in that scenario but just that a constellation zero freeto player leino won't be a seiling Razer for your box most likely in that scenario meanwhile if you plan to use her on her most offensive teams then she starts looking more interesting especially if you plan to pull her constellation one her signatures or even more constellations then she starts looking like quite the offensive Jugger now of course if you just want to P for her because you like her character or animations then go ahead by all means she's a very nice unit but just in terms of meta I got a lot of questions like is she better than HUD is she better than L isi net level and in that sense like um in terms of meta she's only very interesting to me when she's played on her most offensive tees her Shi thems not so much
Channel: TGS
Views: 106,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arlecchino, Genshin, genshin Impact Arlecchino, arlecchino gameplay, arlecchino builds, arlecchino weapons, arlecchino artifacts
Id: DQrid4-qsFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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