GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy X

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[Music] Final Fantasy 10 is what I believe sex with a robot would be like sure it might have been satisfying and you may even remember it fondly for being a new king after you had your feel a traditional final fantasy but it definitely warped something and once something is corrupted it's a damn hard time to give back to normal this is the game after all that would set up more linear final fantasy RPGs like Final Fantasy 13 and its sequels games full of narrow hallway level design legions of color swamped enemies and annoying to unlikable characters that's almost two decades worth of games we practically took Final Fantasy 10 to the prom knocked it up and were stuck raising the unwanted children while the kids are off to college now on the Ness is empty so let's put on some music and see if sleeping with this robot was worth it listen to my story I paid for the game and booted it up my butt already signed up for the experience but I suppose when the first thing you see is titus and all of his asymmetrical outfit glory the game might be feeling a bit self-conscious and figures it needs to plead with you that was for you okay what seat considering how awkward Titus's score poses i hope the ladies he's flirting with gave him the wrong seat numbers [Music] you can't tonight I mean tomorrow I can't possibly attend to my fans the weird little kid who looks like he belongs to a religious cult told me I can't unless this faith is mind controlling him I don't see how Titus's reaction could be anything other besides who are you and what do you mean this four-lane overpass has in a single car using it in fact it seems it is solely for pedestrian use for a city as technologically advanced as a darkened someone here has to be seeing this on the radar and declaring an emergency right yet the Blitz ballgame doesn't stop blitz ball as underwater rugby but simple physics make it impossible an air-filled ball will float back to the surface and awaited one will sink so kicking and passing would be impossible even more so when you take into account drag from the ball passing through water you wouldn't be able to throw it more than a few feet then there is a matter of the players lets ball players can hold their breath for long periods of time but this is also a full context more what people collide with each other knocking any air out of their lungs they would be holding on to I think that counts as a foul Titus knocked the other player out of the arena and into the stands this should also be a foul Titus jumps out of the water Ward to kick the ball which is outside the playing field sin destroys the stadium and titus falls toward the playing field yet awakens outside of the stadium look hard to believe Titus missed that since he was running in this direction to catch up with Oren the mocap actor must have been recorded when he was swatting at a mosquito in the studio judging by the way Titus pathetically swats at the sin spawn you two just killed everyone inside that building you knocked over how does lightning a gas leak knock over a building that big and when a building collapses it doesn't normally fall to the sign like a domino is there any particular reason they're running over the exploding building they just knocked over it doesn't look like there is any problem behind them there is something that is profoundly off-putting about Titus's CG face it's like the devs couldn't decide on whether he should look white or Japanese and came up with what looks like the results of a badly created deep fake not only that but a CG face doesn't resemble his in-game face this game keeps reminding you of this like it's some strange new concept I kind of expected it to be tight as a story he's on the cover and this is also something no one would say outside of a story since for all Lauren knows Titus will refuse to do anything later or fail making for one sorry story then again it is one sorry story Japanese writers later refined the idea of spiriting away the protagonists to another world by running them over with a truck in the first minute in the early 2000s it required massive setup with sky portals after dragging titus supposedly 1,000 years into the future sin dropped him inside of a flooded temple full of monsters in the middle of the ocean with no food must have been confident that someone would eventually come along and rescue Titus before he starved to death or was eaten throughout the game you find translation guides for the al bhed language I would think that's a neat detail if not for the fact that it means in your first playthrough of the game you will have no idea what the al bhed are saying and the translation primers you find are also nonsense what kind of translation guy teaches you only one letter of the alphabet Riku is introduced as first she's 15 by the way holding titus captive on the deck of a ship isn't going to work he swims like a dolphin and can stay underwater for a long time the L bed were not aware that titus is a blitz ball player that can hold his breath underwater for a long time but still expected him to swim down and salvage of the sunken airship all of these computers and monitors are still working despite being submerged in the ocean for a thousand years hello there what is your name Rico no one will ever ask Titus what his name is you go through the entire game without anyone ever mentioning him by name the reason for this is because you can name titus whatever you want but what's the point of naming him when it doesn't even matter riku's ass isn't even impressive enough for this much attention it was ps2 graphics after all [Music] don't worry you'll be better in no time they say your head gets funny when sin is near no one believes Titus when he tells him he came from Zhen organ instead believing he was poisoned by sins toxin Titus even starts using this excuse as a way of explaining why doesn't know anything about Spira and everyone buys it so a lot of people must be affected by sins toxin for this excuse to be accepted except there isn't a single other person in the game who is poisoned by sin despite the multiple times sin attacks large groups of people like right after this when sin attacks the ship and washes Titus overboard would they really be that concerned with Titus falling into the water the guy can hold his breath for indefinite stretches of time Titus already had one cliche hero origin by being pulled through time now he gets a washed up on a tropical beach walk his first priority when finding a person lying face down in the ocean unconscious is it throw a blitzball at them a major blitz tournaments coming up all the teams it's Pyrrha be there it's so huge I'm sure someone there will recognize you considering there are only six blitzball teams in Spira you would think waka would already know all the players on those teams and would need to take Titus to the tournament to see if anyone recognizes him how do you even get hair to do what walk is is doing and I'm not talking about the giant cowlick I'm talking about the hair sphincter at the top of his head if a blitz ball is so deadly that waka can use one as a weapon shouldn't there be multiple deaths per game Titus's pet issue is his dad checked i can't really blame him for having an inferiority complex I would rather be playing his jek - also these flashbacks to his childhood show that Titus is dyeing his hair blonde Nell which is at odds with a kid version of Titus from Kingdom Hearts which came out a year later why don't you go in and help there's already Guardians in there besides it's forbidden hey but what if something happens what if the Summoner dies a precepts must be obeyed like I care you only disrespect an entire cultures religion when you know the Summoner is an attractive single woman that would be the perfect love interest for you what if Kumari had been the Summoner what then Titus this wasn't just the first final fantasy to use full three-dimensional graphics and voice acting it also introduced some of the most tedious block pushing and switch puzzles outside a vagrant story am I to believe this is actually considered a holy practice also Yoona and her Guardians already passed this trial on their way to the chamber of the faith why would all these puzzles be reset while they're still inside they wouldn't have been able to get out I think the faith need to give you some speech therapy you know tens a you's a pregnant pause between every word more than Enterprise captain's only in Titus's dreams is he a ladies man I've had some weird dreams in my life but never one were my own dad cooked me out of two different women I would consider Lulu to be the real like Andi in this game but for some strange reason they constantly focus on the ass of the 15 year old girl who acts like she's 10 that's the sword you gave Chaput well I think there was a good reason your brother chose not to use this sword turning grandma snowglobe into a weapon isn't the smartest choice [Music] every party member has a type of monster they specialize in fighting on paper this idea is fine but in action it leads to battles a play out the same every time and enemies that feel like nothing more than a stronger version of the same monsters you fought in the last zone you will fight so many battles that are the same variation of rock beats paper paper beats rock that the only real fights are the boss battles where this mechanic is mostly irrelevant the leveling up system is just an illusion of freedom and developing your character until near the end of the game you were locked into following a strict path along the sphere grid with only a few tiny branches you can go down ironically it's the same illusion as the game's level design which is completely linear with only short hallways Oh deviate from your path here and there komari is the odd one out of the party he rarely isn't all that interesting isn't that great in combat and has a weak backstory he's so inconsequential that they use the same voice actor behind waka to do his line since you were not likely to notice imagine of Titus wasn't a pretty boy sports star do you think he would get away with doing a handstand on a complete stranger before stealing the guy's binoculars as spy on girls who are just a few feet away first okey Lika Island then we changed boats and hid felucca Wonka says they will change boats at Killick ah but then they get right back on this boat to go to lucca the wind it's nice these two are like a stock photo brought to life laughing about nothing oh man he died ten years ago off the coast of Zanarkand how would jet even die at sea he was a blitz ball player meaning he can practically sleep underwater shooting sin with a harpoon seems like a bad idea it kind of plays out like a bad idea too because ultimately it drags the ship around until it breaks free and attacks kill again anyway oh no the guy who can hold his breath all day long went overboard if kids are using blitz balls like this you would think soccer would have already caught on if I were a civilization that lives in fear of a giant sea creature descending upon me and laying waste of all I know and love at any moment I think I would build a bit more inland but for whatever reason every village and city is located on the coast so blitz balls do float in the water that makes the sport of blitz ball impossible if there is no other salmon are here please allow me to perform the sending when people in spirit die they have to be sent by a summoner to the farplane or else their souls turn into a Fein and attack the living but the thing is there are not that many summoners and they spend most of their time on a pilgrimage days in arc and where they die so they wouldn't exactly be on call for funeral rites people die every day you couldn't possibly send them all in time all we can do is protect her along the way until the end until the end what's the end because the game wants to hide the twist for a while no one will ever tell Titus that defeating sin means Yuna has to sacrifice herself over and over again he brings up what they'll do after defeating sin and none of them will ever pull him aside to let him know the truth I'm not sure what repairs they're performing on that clearly totaled boat but damn if they aren't giving it a shot I want to ask you to be my guardian you know what there's no time for jokes yeah he may be a blitzball whiz kid but up against fiends he's a newbie he helped you fight off sin just the other day and you use a ball as a weapon that alone makes him a better Guardian then walk up pray for victory too us right who needs to pray the Lukic goers always win blitzball is the only entertainment people have to take their minds off the constant death and sorrow send places upon them so it's a bit strange at the Luca goers act like the villain team in a kid sports movie you would think they would act with a bit more humility so your high summer nebraska's daughter that's quite a name to live up to my my and all these people are your Guardians just like the attitude with the Luca goers the other Summoner donna has a chip on her shoulder over yuna summoners are on a sacred pilgrimage that culminates with him sacrificing their life to bring about the calm I don't think you have the time or care about petty rivalries since there was already a summoner here on Killa Co why do the villagers think they're dead loved ones would turn into fiends until you know arrived why didn't Donna just do her duty and send the dead where's you know then why are you here hey I'm not a guardian so I'm not supposed to go in right why exactly did Donna and her guardian come back into the cloister of trials she had already prayed to the faith here and they didn't know Titus wasn't a guardian until they asked can't Titus just go back up the elevator this is the way out once a summoner is finished Yuna and the rest of the party would have already solved these puzzles after they left Titus at the entrance just like back in visaed they would have been trapped inside or these things do reset and no one solves him from the outside also these puzzles are built around placing spheres into the walls they wouldn't even be puzzles of Titus could hold a sphere in each hand but the game forbids it for no reason forcing Titus to hold only one sphere at a time and of a summoner and her Guardians were doing them together you could just take all the spheres at once the faith are people who gave their lives to battle sin heaven took their souls willingly given from their still living bodies huh now forever trapped in statues but when a summoner beckons the souls of the faith emerge once again since an a on is the soul of one of the humans who gave their life fighting sin what happens if another summoner Inspira has already summoned Eifert and then you know tries to summon at the same time is there a summoning queue what do you want to do to scream real loud when most people say they want to scream real loud because they're frustrated they also had the consideration to find a pillow or an empty room first [Music] Tidus hates jecht so he became a blitz ball player just like his dad which is a weird way of expressing that hatred because it's kept him in Jack's shadow ever since I can tell that blitz ball is really popular in Spira there's a whole dozen people on this dog to greet the team's at least in Zen arcane people showed up for this there were like five people on the dog right now Titus no one cares I am sommore I'm honored to receive the title of maester a man named Seymour serves as the main antagonist for most of the adventure in a Final Fantasy game and he looks like this that's good stuff don't judge Seymour's desire is to put a ring on that finger Final Fantasy 10 is essentially a nice Akai NTR story yeah I'd react that way too if Titus walked through my door we're playing the outfit sites first if we win we're in the finals that's right we got seated that's how you make up for all those years of humiliation by being seated into the best possible position to win by a random chance this camera angle in Titus's moaning make me uncomfortable someone said they saw Sir Orin in a cafe Orin Titus has never once mentioned Oren to Yuna and she's never mentioned him to Titus so why would unit think Titus would be excited to hear this news Yuna has never heard of whistling you can't whistle like that while wearing gloves you try it to put your fingers tightest starts mumbling before his fingers ever reaches mouths deserve to win the cup today this tournament is being overseen by the maesters of Yavin including Meister Micah the Albert are considered heretics for their use of machina so I doubt they would be allowed to play in the tournament it would be really hard to watch a blitz ballgame watered if racks light and would warp while you were seeing and with such a large volume of water it would be dark towards the center Kumari also has some third-rate bullies for some added drama when you get right down to the core of Kimora's character he's just a blue red 13 Yuna has been kidnapped by the Al Bhed Sykes Titus and Kumari were so distracted by the two of the ronzo trash-talking Kumari but they fail to notice you know being grabbed by the al bhed I'm not sure what Lulu was doing at the time but why wouldn't you to cry out for help or fight back if she was being attacked this is a crowded bar people would notice how bed dragging a famous summoner away in exchange for her safe return they want the aurochs to lose that's an out of nowhere demand especially given that the Alba and actually have a completely different reason for kidnapping Yuna and walk his team is considered the worst in the world so you wouldn't need to go to such a length to win notice that you don't see Lulu jumping onto that L bed ship in the cutscene but she's there on the ship anyway I hope you hurt them why did you let them capture you in the first place if you could easily deal with him on your own they got you on their ship and they were leaving before you ever fought back there was no Al Bhed slumped against the hall as the door opened as you nags it's appears wait so that means you're all bed too you know on my mother's side yes don't tell wakka about Yunus lineage the thing about Wacha he never had much love for the out bed you know his half I'll bet on her mother's side they asked Titus to keep this fact hidden from Wacha since he hates the Al Bhed and blames him for the death of his brother but everyone knows Yoona is Lord Braska 's daughter so Yoona's mother should be well known meaning Yoona's al bhed heritage should be common knowledge also walk is hatred of the Al Bhed stems from the death of his brother which was only a year or two ago wakka has known and been friends with Yuna since they were children were they hiding this fact from him back then for no reason it's a miracle that wakka sees Liu Liu signal that Yuna is safe he's inside a water sphere and that flare went off during daylight I've given blitzball plenty of sins but I'll give it one more it just plain sucks to play and all of Walker's OverDrive's are tied to it so you have to play it if you want those skills there is no way Titus heard the crowd cheering for wakka to take the field from inside that ball of water and Wonka was seriously injured in the last game he should not be returning to the field how do the players even get on the field it's a giant ball of water suspended in the air there's nothing connecting to it how do a bunch of fiends get into a filled Stadium and into a blitzball field these are fish monsters it's not like they could walk through the entrance notice how the crowd is still cheering despite the fact that monsters are trying to kill the players Oren is the most redeeming thing about this game no complaints other than the game isn't about him this is Seymour's a on enema it's a real surprise so the characters later when they find out that he's evil the Blitz season just started the season just started with the championship game everything everything when you stop and think about it Oren is kind of a dick he went to Zen Arkin to bring tide as a spear I went Ines had no desire to leave and wasn't given a choice he destroyed Titus's entire life just to fulfill Chuck's wish also since titus knows that Oren is capable of traveling to zan Arkin from Spira you would think it would occur to him to ask how Oren does that but he never does then I went to zan Arkin where I watched over you so that one day I could bring you to spera how did Oren ever become close to Titus anyway Lauren would have been a complete stranger to Titus and a little kid would hardly have any interest in a weird guy with a giant sword coming around after his parents died jacked rasca and I together we defeated sin 10 years ago the only reason that Warren's voice actor can deliver such a good performance is because his mouth is hidden most of the time by his collar while all the other actors had to match mouth flaps back during a time when that was still new for games which leads to a lot of altering line ratings sin is checked Horan does share with Titus eject his sin but he doesn't bother explaining the contest of hell jug became sin Horan could get us right to the finale right now if he just bothered with the details in fact the group keeping secrets from each other for no reason is really the only source of drama no one will tell Titus a unit will die at the end of her pilgrimage even though he keeps tripping over that fact Titus and Oran know that sin is eject and Orin knows of the act of sacrificing summoner's is a sham along with their entire religion fine then comer don't come it's your decision you don't get to say that after you dragged him away from Xen organ without offering in the choice [Music] [Laughter] [Music] when you experience this level of cringe you know some dark prophecy has been fulfilled but I believe humans are the only ones capable of defeating sin kumari stairs in silence what's the calm the calm is a time of peace it comes after a seminar defeats in and lasts until sin reappears since everyone knows sin will return a few years after being defeated why isn't there more preparation for his return during the calm just have a bunch of summoners complete their pilgrimage during the calm so they can be ready as soon as sin returns I wish I could live in a place like this peaceful living with a smile on my face every day you can once you beat sin right of all the people who keep that information from Titus it wouldn't be Yuna since she has already come to terms with her choice I would be most interested in hearing what you've been doing these past 10 years I've got nothing to say about it good to see you Oren 10 years is it Lauren was brassicas Guardian along with jekt so he knows very well that the teachings of Yemen are a lie and that the maesters know it and the maesters would have to know that he knows since he met with yunalesca yet that is something the plot completely overlooks this plan won't work you know that we'll just let them dream a little if you know this attack is bound to fell why let the Crusaders in the Al Bhed throw their lives away supposedly the masers allow this to happen to strengthen the faith in Yemen as those who turn from Yemen's teachings die on this day but everyone Inspira besides the Al Bhed or devalue the Knights there is no competing religion this is completely pointless one thing that doesn't really come across in the game's plot is that Final Fantasy 10 is basically a post-apocalypse story the entire theme of the game is supposed to be a cycle of never ending death and loss but for most of the game you encounter vibrant locations and happy people despite the big deal made over sin the people seem to be getting by just fine operation Mihan is the biggest downer moment in the game and this was a fight that people were asking for not once in shows since there was nothing for the party to do during operation meet on one of the since Vaughn the Crusader is captured to lure sin to the beach breaks free and you have to defeat it I have no idea how Titus wound up unconscious on the beach after the battle I swear the ocean just rejects Titus he swam after his sin and somehow fell unconscious and washed up back on the beach when will it stop Yuna won't stop dancing not until sin is gone people will still die even if sin is stopped so summoners would still be needed to perform thus ending actually who sent the dead before summoners became a thing a thousand years ago Yuna is sending the dead on the beach in Oran is standing just a few feet away seeing as he is a dead person the sending should have also sent him to the farplane since it doesn't seem you get the choice if you were in the presence of a summoner performing the ritual hey how much longer till Zanarkand still aways first down the moon flow to the guado city of goddess alam then we cross the Thunder plains to the temple of Makkah Lamia the pilgrimage is an orican is actually pretty short when you look at the journey it's only due to special circumstances that yuna's is even difficult don't tell Yuna you know about sin inject it would have been smart to tell Titus that when you told him ejectives sinned back and look up he might have mentioned that to Yuna at any moment between then and L did I really have to know about jecht what about my feelings better than you finding out at a critical moment becoming emotional and not Yuna she's also kind of important in all this she's more important than Titus even in fact when you look at how this story plays out Titus is completely unnecessary so perhaps should race to see who can defeat sin first know even with the solemn duty of sacrificing themselves for the good of Spira weighing on their backs summoners can be super competitive / it seems that summoners have been going out on pilgrimage and just disappearing asaru mentions other summoners have already gone missing but later we see where summoners are taken and the only summoners there are as Saru and donna both the which are taken after Jo's a temple who were the other summoners Albert kidnapped that asaro heard about asaru just finished praying inside Jo's a temple yet the cloister of trials is already ready again for Yuna and then Donna shows up while Yuna is still praying to the faith did she have to go through the trials you know just went through how would it reset while Yuna and her Guardians are still inside once again they would have been trapped I actually looked up how old Warren is in this game he's only 35 I guess those are in anime years so he's closer to 50 it was only later that I realized the only one really laughing then was me laughing must have been the only thing keeping them going titus is narrating this pilgrimage while he in the group rest outside of zen are again after he already learned the truth of the pilgrimage yet even in his own narration he skirts around the truth of Yunus fate so what kind of machina may we not use then remember operation Meehan that kind war will rage again I understand the logic but how our machina any worse than magic Lulu can call down the elements and eunuch and seminarians the al bhed grab Yuna and pull her into the water I don't see how it was a mystery who was taking summoners if they were this brazen riku's first priority upon washing up on the shore after her machina was destroyed as a take off her clothes I guess she had planned ahead for this because she was wearing non Elbit clothing underneath of it she's 15 game Riku doesn't need this mini ass shots yeah you look so good what happened you beat me up remember oh that machina that was you Tidus never bothers to ask why Riku in the Al Bhed or kidnapping summoners I would like Riku to be my guardian despite just trying to kidnap Yuna and everyone but walk in knowing this they all agreed or Riku becoming a guardian open your eyes for someone who truly despises the al bhed like wakka there is no way he wouldn't pick up on Riku spiral pupils he also misses the fact that Riku is good at fighting machina I was wondering why Seymour looks the way he does judging by the food on the table Watto hardcore vegans somehow Seymour transforms the room into a giant holodeck of Zen organ which doesn't seem likely given that this is a dining hall where there is standing right now should be where the table is Seymour is so skilled at the pronoun game he doesn't even give an answer when someone takes the bait lady yunalesca she was the first person to defeat sin the church of yemen is pretty lacks on how holy women dress and you have inherited her name it was my father who named me yo that's not very surprising you know he asked me to marry him you serious hey you know what Yuna must do or a knows that the teachings of Yemen are alive and that the maesters know it yet he never speaks up about it after Seymour proposes to Yuna in fact he's fine with you know marrying Seymour as long as she continues her pilgrimage even knowing that if Seymour became her guardian to Xen Arkin he would become the next sin not to mention Jack's plan to stop sin for good would fail the guado control a portal to the afterlife when you can actually visit and confirm the paradise that awaits you after death I don't see why everyone is so wound up over sin this guy like you Titus is supposed to resemble walk his brother Chaput that's why walk out warmed up to him so fast I'm not seeing the resemblance he would think Titus would be curious about how Yoona's father died considering he defeated sin [Music] just a sec dear whenever my old man was around my mother wouldn't even look at me maybe that's when I started to resent him even hate him all of Titus's hatred for his father is tied up at him being a mama's boy who didn't like that his mother paid attention to Jack whenever he was home his backstory is just a need of us complex he should have been hating his mother for neglecting him Seymour's father jiss Cole was killed by Seymour so he could take over his position as Meister somehow after death disco recorded a video revealing the truth rather than just tell someone why it was still alive he does not belong here Yuna send him since Orrin is an unsent as well if you know performs ascending with him right there he should be sent to the flower plain as well they say Seymour went to Macarena temple ma Kalani at Temple I even by the time this game released in 2001 the Macarena meme was old the camera is glued to riku's ass how come Riku doesn't freak out every time Lulu casts a lightning spell her fear of thunder comes from her brother accidentally hitting her with a thunder spell after all I've decided to marry after watching just Gold's fear you know decides to marry Seymour instead of marrying a murderer hoping to convince him to turn himself in why not reveal the truth you have the evidence at least reveal it to your Guardians who were there to protect you a man who murders his father would have no problems murdering his fiancee Titus and the others don't think the question Riku about Donna going missing this old don't know if you can't play it back recording video in spyro's left on spheres that naturally occur how could you not play it back and how is it an old model it's literally like growing DVDs on a tree Jack was standing in freezing weather wearing no shirt or shoes how did Jack get to spear in the first place Titus was brought here when sin attacks at our kin and Oran was here to help why would a completely different sin shop inside dreams and Arkan and drag Jack top Aspira well better be a lot more colorful when we come back a parade for Braska thank we're sure of sin apparently Braska and Oran never bothered telling Jack what happens to a summoner after defeating sin either just like Jack Titus in the group are not dressed for cold weather but no one is affected by it back when Titus awoken Spira he complained of how cold the ruins he found himself in were and needed a light of fire we must follow guató tradition I'll have to ask you to wait here guano tradition the ceremony isn't today Yuna is just giving seymour her answer there's no reason her Guardians would need to wait at the end the guado Butler leads you now out onto the frozen lake ma colonia temple is the other way that anti magic field would have been really useful back when the all bad fought sin on the beach and given that sin himself as a summon a machina that stops summoning would be all you need to bring about the end of sin and the one who controls it all so titus is a dream of the faith that is summit along with dreams n arc and so this anti magic field should also cause him to disappear Rico's intentions don't make a lot of sense she was done with taking yuna by force until Titus and wakka beter then she decided to become Yuna's guardian knowing that wouldn't prevent Yuna from dying at the end of her pilgrimage and she clearly doesn't want Yuna to marry Seymour either she should help her brothers succeed in taking you know away [Music] this is coming from a ginger with a ten other than kidnap you know that one time a sphere in lady unis belongings I don't recall you know carrying anything with her so where was she keeping the sphere and why would she leave it lying around in the temple Seymour's in charge of is not stuffed he will surely bring destruction and chaos disappear maybe Jessica could have shared this info about his son before he died instead of making a sphere recording his ghost would have to hand over to someone ma colonia temples cloister of trials is the one time when the trials remain solved by the time titus reaches it seymour and yuna having already passed it however it does reset on their way out and you have to solve it in Reverse to leave looking at the trial though it would be impossible to solve when entering since the puzzle was about creating this ice hallway which means you couldn't even reach the trials if it wasn't here to start and if it were here to start off then the chamber of the faith can be accessed without going through the trial I came to stop you and you couldn't include your Guardians in this dangerous plan why seymour struck first he's a bad guy you could have just said he had a stroke or he fell yuna send him I'm pretty certain they could just push the guado to the side so you know can send seymour after they killed him they didn't keep the only piece of evidence with them when they went to confront seymour when a lake freezes over the water just below the ice doesn't go anywhere but once the yeti breaks the ice and sends him down to the bottom it's just an empty area when they should have fallen into freezing water and a fall like this would have killed them together I guess I guess given how often the Devas point the camera riku's but I get the feeling they prefer riku's less-developed figure / Lulu's a mature one I wanted to convince him to turn himself in to Yemen's judgement in exchange for marriage yes I'll marry you if you turn yourself in for murdering your father sounds like a winning argument to me so what did Seymour say he didn't say anything so you told him that you knew he murdered his father he said nothing then you still went through the temples trial together the faiths are the ones that give power to the seminars not the temples or the teachings if the temples try to stop us then we will defy even if we must or a nose of the next temple uni is to visit on our pilgrimages in bevelle the seat of power and Spira I don't think they can take on a whole city even during a serious scene like this the camera will focus on Lulu's assets when they fell down here they actually landed on top of sin who is just below the ankle deep water but the water sin is shown floating in is clearly under the sky not a sheet of ice none knowing how to get the pilgrimage out of the frozen lake sin knocks them all out and transports them to Bicknell island the AL beds home for no reason if jecht had a reason for wanting them there the game never reveals it this game is in love with scene transitions that have Titus waking up in the water we're supposed to stay in one place if we get split up Lulu's advice of them all staying in place so they get split up is actually terrible advice if they take it someone has to be the one to go find everyone I will take you there if you promise that you won't tell anyone about it especially not Yemenites okay Riku swears them to secrecy about the island in home it's such a secret that as soon as they arrived at home it's under attack by the guado who apparently already knew about it and managed to cross the ocean and desert somehow without an airship how would the guado know Yoona was here she along with the rest of the group was dropped here randomly by sin Seymour in the guado she'd have no idea where she ended up well I sure don't get it wakka they might get hurt on their pilgrimage so you kidnapped them I mean if the summoners don't do their job then who will beat sin even Riku who has no reason to hide the truth from Titus is refusing to tell him what happens if summoners at the end of their pilgrimage she and her people are trying to stop the pilgrimages from happening for that very reason sacrificed they all been said summoners were being sacrificed that summoners shouldn't have to do a pilgrimage people were willing to talk about the summoner's sacrifice around a little kid like pase but not Titus that tells you a lot about what people think of Titus why were you hiding it why didn't I know we weren't hiding it it was just too hard to say for a society that is used to death and loss due to sin I can't buy the idea that they simply couldn't bring themselves to mention Yunus future death the Al Bhed were keeping the summoner's in an unlocked room right next to the airship dozens of Al Bhed died protecting Donna and asaru when they could have just taken them to the airship there's really no reason to destroy home the guado aren't going to occupy it their religion forbids machina those missiles cause a nuclear sized detonation of home how come the al bhed didn't use those during Operation me on prejudice sure is adorable when it tries on empathy for the first time would you seek to stop her pilgrimage Warren as secretly an agreement was Sid on the pilgrimage in the sacrifice since he's the only one who knows the truth but someone has to argue at this point so the game can continue along this very stupid path the game doesn't even try to explain how Yuna ended up in Bevelle the last time she was seen was under the ice by ma colonia temple and she was brought to home once the al bhed found her on the island then the guado attacked and took her somehow reaching Bevelle with no airship and with time to prepare a wedding why would Bevelle have air defenses when this is the first airship to fly in a thousand years sin is the only enemy that exists in their air defenses and flying dragon would do nothing against sin after their attack on bab el cid and his airship will disappear until the pilgrimage is over since they could just fly to zen orokin and save a lot of time yuna made the same mistake she made the last time agreeing to marry seymour hoping to stop him granted that means seymour made the same mistake as well trying to marry someone he knows wants to stop him I don't see how he can build a relationship with Yuna so he can become the next sin at this point did they train for this kind of assault this isn't normally something you would be able to pull off on the first time that was a waste of a rockstar entrance crash the wedding then immediately be overwhelmed and forced to surrender where was Yuna hiding her staff for sending Seymour in her wedding dress do you not value your friends you could probably just force Yoona to stop the sending with force as well this isn't even worthy of a Jojo meme throw down your weapons let them go or else Yoona may have stopped the soldiers from executing them by threatening suicide but her friends are still surrounded by the soldiers by jumping off those soldiers would just take aim and fire Yoona is one in a long line of final fantasy heroines that stretch out their arms toward the camera a shot I'm now naming the waifu catch you know what still die even after landing on her Aeon she fell for a long time impacting a bird would be no different than impacting the ground why didn't you throw the flash bang before the bell palace is temple únicos to one place only instead of fleeing the city Yoona headed to the one place inside it everyone would guess she would go to another macchina man so this is heavens true face they betray their own teachings Warren shouldn't be surprised by all the machina here he was brassicas guardian rasca would have prayed to the faith here as well and Orin would have accompanied him and seen it how did the heaven church ever keep its use in machina secret when bevelle temple is nothing but machina every summoner would have to come here and see it during their pilgrimage did all those soldiers also go through the trial to get here because that would have taken time for so many only one person can stand on those platforms at a time so what was the point of the elaborate wedding ceremony if the next step was a try Yuna for heresy then sentence her to death the real traitor is master Seymour he killed his father just go with his own hands haven't you heard well I have the one honorable maester of Yavin preside over the trial and then confirm the defendants claim during said trial you could easily slip through those bars summoners challenged the bringer of death sinned and died doing so now that the secret about Yuna dying if you find sin is on the open no one finds it too painful to talk about just execute them why stick them inside a maze that actually has a way out they even get to keep their weapons a death sentence isn't supposed to have the same odds as betting on black this game is a retelling of the story from Titus's point of view while they rest outside of zen ark and so how did Titus relate the scene of the masers talking when he wasn't present for it no one thrown into the via purificatory yes that is always a small chance that they might he not points out that no one has ever survived via pur if ago and Myka worries about the small chance they might because the point cannot be driven home hard enough they have guns they could use those guns like they were planning to during the wedding why are you here we rode the airship to the calm lands then came to but Val that would make the Al Bhed taking him kind of pointless since asaru has the Bahama day on that means he prayed here at the Babel temple meaning he saw all the heretical machina yet he still believes the maesters when they call Yuna a traitor that soldiers arms had to be tired carrying mace Turkey knock here out in front of him like that if all life were to end in spirit all suffering it's pretty normal for every Final Fantasy game to have a central theme Final Fantasy tens is death but Final Fantasy 9 steam was also death and it did such a better job with it than this game damn did it do a better job I will take from you your strength your life and become the next Seymour wants to become the next sin but if he did a future summoner would simply complete the pilgrimage and destroy him turning someone else into sin how does he not account for that Seymour plan to marry Yuna and with their relationship be chosen to become the faith for the final Aeon allowing him to become the next sin but as we will see jack simply volunteered to become the final Aeon no romance required with braska instead of this marriage plan he could I just offered to become yuna's guardian then volunteer to become the faith once they register Ark and this is the point where Seymour stops being relevant to the plot but the game has spent so much time on him as a villain and will throw him at you two more times he does nothing from here on out but follow you know around and serve as a tough boss fight they all end up fighting Seymour but not until Kumari tells them all to run while he holds Seymour off then they stop and run back to help him fight why not since seymour nel he's already come back once after escaping Bevelle the group hides in ma colonia forest which is right beside ma colonia temple I'm not even sure how they got here from Bevelle there's no road I guess I shouldn't stop her now that Riku has discovered the Yemen Church is far more corrupt than her wildest imagination she's changed her mind about stopping the pilgrimage it's a nice moment but you ruin it for yourself the moment you realize Yuna is locking lips with a guy she's never bothered learning the name of normally you have to be white girl wasted before that problem rears his head now water got deep all of a sudden they were just standing in it I think Yuna might be in danger of drowning Titas can hold his breath for a long time but can Yuna think of all the pond water getting in their mouths while making out underwater I could never forget I think we all have experienced some painful rejections but not once have I had a girl choose a death march over me I guess they weren't embarrassed with Kumari watching sort of like how you don't care when your cat watches you go to the restroom they might as well play the Cosmo Canyon music from Final Fantasy 7 here I hope the remake keeps red 13 walking on all fours [Music] maybe Brosco shouldn't have left this sphere on the mountainside the only reason you know whatever come here is on her own pilgrimage jack is walking around barefoot and topless on a freezing mountainside in this recording and again no one in the current party is dressed for extremely cold weather in that regard either let's go to zanarkand we'll find something there it'll all come together you'll find something in zen argan that will help you save you know what a plan every summoner has to travel to zen organ and they have never found anything like that the only thing they ever find is a final Aeon in their own death yuna Sindhi so soon yes send him why he monologues you have a method of instantly dealing with Seymour instead of fighting him it's like throwing a Phoenix down on an undead enemy which when you think about it that should actually work against Seymour I can see more even still become the next sin now that he's dead from what we learn about the process it seems to require a living person to become the faith of the final Aeon that sounds like BS when you were staring at dreams in Oregon which was a city of incredibly advanced technology and not to mention had summoner's which Bevelle didn't Xen Arkin should have crushed any war with Bevelle the dreams they summoned all the buildings all the people who lived there I don't think Xen organ understood how war works instead of preserving a version of Xen Arkin as a summon dreamworld while letting the real one be destroyed they could have started peace talks or surrendered if they knew the war was lost we've been dreaming so long we're tired would you and your father would you give us rest you are so tired from dreaming that you want to rest I get why you're implying but your choice of words make it sound dumb so you yebin's plan was first turn all the citizens into a giant faith that would summon dream zanarkand to preserve something of their civilization then he created sin to protect it and sin was so strong that it destroyed the real Zen arc in bevelle and the rest of civilization if you yeven could create sin and give it orders who needs dream Zen arkin he should have just created sin and sent it after Bevelle to win the war did you get all that Titus and his dad are dream people from the dream Zen arkin being dreamed into existence by the faith and once sent in the faith are destroyed dreams then arkin and its inhabitants will disappear links awakening to this plot way better also the game is now contradicting itself up until now it's been you know that would have to be sacrificed to stop sin with the rest of the characters longing for another way or anew even despises himself for allowing Braska to sacrifice himself inject for a sham but he had no issue bringing Titus as spirit ultimately sacrifice himself in the same way a summoner would do to stop sin how do you accidentally drop something as big as a recording sphere and not realize it listen to my story did that already it was inconsistent you will soon be freed of worry and pain for once you call forth the final Aeon your life will end since it's well established now that dying Inspira isn't exactly the end of someone couldn't summoners who defeats in stay on spear as unsent afterall yunalesca is the first summoner to do it and she's still around might ask something first will sin come back even should I use the final summoning to defeat it sin is eternal every a on that defeats it becomes in in its place how strange is it that yunalesca is more forthcoming with the truth than any of the heroes even when revealing that truth could undermine Rowan side of the argument and her desire or an attacking Alaska after brassicas death and was struck a mortal blow somehow he managed to walk all the way from zen arc into Bevelle before dying also since Orin is an unsent why did he age so much in the past ten years he was 25 when he died now is the time to shape your stories this moment almost makes the entire game worth it I guess that's why Orin kept it a secret had to prepare for his big damn speech moment they've been done since seymour twice now and he's still around you know let's go takes a beating and is gone for good destroy sin so it won't come back and without the final Aeon what a plan we'll beat sin without the final Aeon that's what they tried during operation me han and you saw how that went take care of my son but how am I supposed to go to sanic and hey you said it yourself there must be a way to get there right why would Jack tasks Orin to do that when Jack himself gave up on ever going home he couldn't exactly know that after becoming sin Orin would die and become an unsent which would enable him to ride send his NRG and sin waited outside of Zen ark and like he was expecting them to come out and kill him with a final Aeon which would mean the cycle would just continue when you think about it this really worked how well for ejecting Orin they needed Titus for this for some reason but the way they brought him to spear I didn't exactly place him in a position where he would end up as summoners Guardian yet alone unis CID shouldn't be flying the airship that close to sin he has no idea that it won't attack Serge X likes the hem of the faith correct if we attack sin head-on with little chance of winning however if he hears the hymn of the face he will become docile there is no actual proof that the hymn of the faith would loss in into a docile state just because you saw him listening to it in mah Colonia also this is just the start of a plan it's been established that normal attacks do nothing to send with that fact is dropped now and regular attacks will prove enough will come through my song who is this you yeven guy yu yevon is the suddenly introduced villain of the eleventh hour that final fantasy has a history of pulling at least cloud of darkness and Necron were interesting boss lights even if you defeat sin with the final summoning you yevon will live yu yevon will join with the final aeon he will transform it into a new sin had the spirit of the faith in Orin just been upfront with everything they could have already been done with this a long time ago the faith went to rest and stop the dreaming of Zen Argand and Orin wanted to stop the sacrificing of summoners and Guardians both held on to all this information and waited until yuna and titus learned everything firsthand you're hiding something I'm not have you learned nothing Titus was kept in the dark for most of the game about Yuna's pilgrimage but now that the shoe was on the other foot and he's the one that has to die he chooses to keep it a secret from Yuna as many people as you can what should I tell them a ship in the sky will sing the hymn of the faith when they hear it we need everyone to sing along messages travel pretty slowly in spirit due to the ban on machina social in don't be able to tell many people and since the signal to sing the hymn of the faith is at ship in the sky only the people in bevelle will know the battle is happening anyone that's over the horizon will have no idea also a bunch of people singing on the ground wouldn't be loud enough to reach sin up in the sky all right we're going in how are we gonna get inside the easy way how else I possess does it have one of those this is supposed to be sin who was lulled into a stupor by the hem of the faith he cuts multiple trenches through the planet abort no one has ever noticed all these obvious weak points all over sins body before what happened to that force field sin projected back during Operation Mihan that wiped out everything that would stop this assault cold and thus they all jumped to their death and died the end the entire sin fight is pretty boring to be honest despite all the build-up it all amounts to attacking pieces of sin until it's beaten part of this is probably due to Final Fantasy 10 originally being a ps2 game which limited its scope which is also probably why you fly inside it to eventually find a tiny tick for the actual final boss fight if the tech wasn't there to do the fight you imagine justice then you shouldn't have tried to tell a story about a giant monster here's Seymour again for no real reason that I can find beat him and move on dope fight music though what stopped you know from sending Seymour the previous two times they defeated him and Oran is standing right behind you know again why is he the exception to sendings you're late orin orin had to wait ten years for your son to grow up and it can be argued that he never did give the guy a break when it starts I won't be myself anymore I won't be able to hold myself back why don't you just let them kill you as you are right now instead of transforming into the final Aeon I will give the game this it's got a damn good soundtrack and all in all this is a pretty good boss fight which is then of course followed by a very bad boss fight where a unit has to summon Oliver eons allow them to be possessed by yu yevon which are then easily defeated after which you fight you you haven't himself and for some reason you can't even die during the fight since you have permanent auto revive on the whole party all of the faith's turn to stone which they already were hmm there is no way the people back in beside can see what's happening above Bevelle they are several thousand miles away despite how silly and poorly executed this game is I still really enjoy the ending with Oran finally passing on and Titus disappearing now that the summoning of Dreams n organ is finished it's one of the better bittersweet endings out there even if it had to trip all over itself to reach it of course it's ruined by the sequel where Titus gets to come back to life for some reason [Laughter]
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 634,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game sins, final fantasy x, everything wrong with final fantasy x, ffx, cinema sins, gaming sins, ff10, final fantasy 10 2, review, cutscenes, movie, ending, soundtrack, explained, dartigan, rpg, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy XIII, final fantasy XV, hahahahaha, jecht, auron, tidus, yuna, blitzball, wakka, lulu, final boss, sin, cg, opening, rock music, omega, seymour
Id: MWg-GrYX5qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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