Everything Wrong With Get Out In 15 Minutes Or Less

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I think we can all agree this movie blew us away.

Also, wow, you pronounced Rafael Nadal in the weirdest way I've ever heard.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ROBOT_B9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

For the initial question as to why Jeremy was driving trough the neighborhood: Rose led Andre there knowing he would get lost for Jeremy to take him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i_like_frootloops πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The use of Bradley whitfords aw cmon from cabin in the woods as an outtake was inspired. Bravo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrclassy527 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the one I've been waiting for, this is my absolute favorite movie!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coltbolt4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The scene where Walter is sprinting through the yard makes since once you hear from Rose's dad that his father was super salty about losing to Jessie Owens in the Olympics. Walter is pretty built and Rose's grandfather was old... of course he's sprinting through the yard whenever he can.

The scene where the houseguests go silent once Chris goes upstairs was more about them putting up an act about the house party when they were actually there to check out Chris. He leaves the room and now they can stop pretending to mingle and probably whisper about it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhySheHateMe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember someone making a point that the cop/deer scene want rose do much as trying to earn the main guys trust but instead to make sure the cop isn't able to see his ID and remember his name once the missing persons report is up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/polite-1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else watch this just to see if Jeremy would say "that's racist" for 5 minutes straight?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/megatape4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah immediately regret watching this. I shoulda watched the movie lol I heard them talk about how amazing it is. Oh well, a great movie is a great movie and I'll go check it out! Also, Hollywood please keep creating these Twilight Zone esque movies for the remnant of us that still love that type of thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Markman_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This movie was great, but you kinda contradict yourself. "... expertly navigates the façade of going out of one's way to not appear racist." You took sins off for things you would most certainly pass over or even sin in other movies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catapolana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
50 seconds of logos the hell is this a marble moving Comcast left own uh peacock Andre is all the way out the suburbs which means he either drove uber tour camp it here for some reason doesn't stop right in front of his destination you know I'd like to do tomorrow and why are you crossing the street instead of running in the direction you were already going knowing what we know later was pure me driving around this neighborhood on the off chance that somebody like Andre would be walking around here tonight if so what a lucky break this is an orgy of evidence that this is a hipster apartment patent leather furniture check exposed brick wall section yep old black and white art hell yeah manicured kitchen with probably organic herb growing of course tiny hipster dog on an orthopedic bed you got it goddamn this movie is already lamping the [ __ ] out of some lamps there are five of those in this tiny studio apartment didn't know him black yeah why would Rose say no to this having Chris believed that her parents don't know he's black immediately raises his suspicions which is totally antithetical to their plan sube conjures up horrible Rinku memories within its first 10 minutes stuff the deer came across the street from the left to the right so there's no way it could dislodge the passenger-side mirror apparently the magical deer also briefly took control of the AC in the car considering it went from off to on then back to off within a matter of seconds nearly a full minute of chris slowly walking towards a dead deer so in the future the number to call is animal control services and seriously they had a wreck on a public road that might have affected traffic this [ __ ] cop seriously has too much to do in the sleepy town to be annoyed by automobile accidents he wasn't driving I didn't ask who was driving I asked to see his ID I'm going to go ahead and remove a sin for the scene because well it's easy to think this is just a typical horror movie protagonist hit a deer cliche that offers the opportunity for a scene with incredible subtext yeah why that doesn't make any sense you find out later this is a ruse to ensure Rose has Chris's complete trust but those Rose really need this moment to endear herself to Chris and she's been working him for several months by now but I'm telling ya I do not like the deer I'm sick of it some I see a dead deer on the side of the road I think to myself that's a start you're shadowing also discount Cubs manager drill matin Jeremy this res is no brother fairy stories expositional photography my mother loved her kitchens we keep a piece of her in here Jesus Jordan Peele so expertly dropped subtle hints about the overall reveal that you think he's a seasoned veteran director but this is his first movie for that I'm definitely taking a cinema also having said that this line makes no sense considering Dean doesn't go on to say which actual piece of his mom that they keep in here so damn it I got to give that sin right back we hired Georgina and Walter to help care for my parents funny thing is they are my parents but we thought the best use for them was to keep them around the house and amp up the creepy factor for all potential guests and kidnap ease sent to this pun rated their liquid cannon Oh tell me this isn't true I feel lik about us as water okay is this a made-up story because it doesn't sound like one not Jeremy and Rose get away with killing the liquor bottles with water without anyone noticing after all these years are the bottles still here is the entrance to the tiny closet open we later know that it contains secrets about Rose's past so she wouldn't leave it open and if Georgina did it when the hell did she slip in since Chris hasn't fallen asleep the closet door thing is an interesting detail in this movie but it doesn't make any goddamn sense the first time it's open movie is playing on our expectations of horror movies with these someone walks by quickly in the background complete with a music stinger trope but in the end it's still that same trope an unnecessary jump-scare moment in a movie that is already plenty creepy this is a precast part of the movie and a great shot but why would grandpa Walter be running in the dark woods at night directly toward the house in full groundskeeper clothing I know he's a runner and wants to get some exercise and all but this is when and how you do it she realized how dangerous smoking is character that was sitting in the dark turn on the light as the protagonist walks in cliche sit with me please so this is the crux of the movie if Chris doesn't go out for a late night smoke he doesn't run into Missy and she doesn't gain hypnotic control of it the problem is what would they have done if this didn't happen even that they suspected he would they couldn't have known he was going to sneak out that night I mean the party's tomorrow what if he avoided Missy for the next 12 to 15 hours a key focal point sometimes to guide someone to a state of heightened suggestibility I know this is a movie and all but this movie's portrayal of how hypnosis actually works like II can but I don't mean to go through a movie and keep removing sins and all that but Daniel Kaluga Catherine Keener and Jordan Peele are killing the scene I'm removing three here probably would remove more but on an [ __ ] now you're in this [ __ ] place it's like the further but it gets high-definition TV from a distance also the best way to keep your hypnotized subject relaxed and suggestible is to terrify the [ __ ] out of them [Music] in addition to being a housekeeper or Georgina's other job is to provide the movie 75% of its jump scares Walter's Ben presumably chopping for a while given the pile of wood beside him but Chris doesn't hear him until its plot convenient also yep it's a horror movie so wood is chopped despite a few rebels this is still essentially the all the bad guys driving black SUVs cliche so all these people coming in at the same time did they coordinate their arrival to the party that's great super Gordon loves Tigers Oh best I've ever seen ever hands down will be expertly navigate to the facade of going out of one's way to not appear racist as still being racist you didn't think you'd see this at a fairly low-budget horror movie did you this is a fancy party with rich people at a fancy estate but they're serving early times as the whiskey you can buy that for $3 in a you scratch off ticket this was just telling me how he felt much more comfortable with my being nude why is this couple even here obviously since Chris is a man there is no need for this couple to even bother with the auction since this woman's husband already had the surgery now they could just be friends coming to mingle at a party and watch the auction but considering that Logan act so strangely wouldn't the Armitage's want to keep him away for a couple reasons they've made the irony of being a blind dog together isn't lost on me Steven root playing a blind dude and a movie cliche this is a legitimately creepy moment but why'd they stop talking so quickly he's not even at the top of the stairs and could easily hear everything get completely quiet these are the most obvious evil rich Body Snatcher II [ __ ] ever also what exactly makes them stop laughing and talking right now they looking to hear something that will give them more information before they did on him this is like the actors in The Truman Show only Chris isn't being broadcast live to millions of people find out later Georgina is unplugging Chris's phone but why didn't she just take the charger the whole point is to make sure his phone dies is this somehow subtler also a movie wants me to believe that Chris a millennial hipster has gone all day without access to his phone also also he plugged in the phone right when he got up and it was still charging until right before the party so how has the battery run all the way down over the course of the get-together was Georgina here using up all the Jews by posting constant instagrams she closed my phone Chris plays the pronoun game so that rules will have to ask what the hell she means I think then mom it's good nearby in a trance and she finished that up damn it movie stop giving me excellent performances that make me want to remove since Joel credits so the secret weapon against the body-snatching is a camera flash but why wouldn't the Armitage's already know that it's doing this for a while right and if they did know that why didn't they put up a big sign saying no flash photography also why the hell is Chris's camera using a flash outside in the middle of a day anyway also it's nice that Andres concerned about Chris '''l but if he had a moment of clarity wouldn't it be better to say I was kidnapped and they forced an old white dude inside me instead although I guess that doesn't make a snappy movie title and it's gonna sound weird but when he came at me it felt like I knew so luckily Chris needs to go talk about some things with Rose after that incident with Logan because Dean Arbutus conducts the auction out in the open a place we saw Chris stumble upon about 15 minutes ago why are they certain he won't see this even if Rose is supposed to keep it busy Monica what happening whatever you want how does Marnie know how long she needs to distract Chris so the rich [ __ ] can do their [ __ ] bingo auction I mean they've got his picture out there and everything so if he actually left when he said he was going to he catch them almost immediately I guess they've already laid the hypnosis trap at everything but seems like they went to a lot of work to make this a secret plan that can be easily discovered hey how did he get full battery power again he plugged the phone in then after talking to Rod and Georgina he took it with him so he could snap the picture of Logan then they came back inside for a second before taking a walk so the phone both charges immediately and goes dead in less than a couple of hours and is thus both magic and an [ __ ] who's that goal right now can you go get my magic Chris opens the door and finds a box and even though he knows he needs to get the hell out of there fast he has overwhelming curiosity about the box and amazingly enough he gets through four innocuous pictures before finding the one photo the calls roses honesty into question also Chris ignored this tiny closets open door earlier when he couldn't sleep but now when he needs to immediately leave he decides to explore and whatever happened that these guys if the Armitage azar selling these guys to their rich buddies why aren't they also at the auction today we lead actually really why something wrong why even bother with the act at this point there's no way he's going to get the leaf and we know Rose is in on it what's the point this teacup has some pretty amazing acoustics not only is mom standing on the other side of the room Chris isn't a physical scrum shouldn't be able to hear much of anything let alone a couple taps with a spoon I absolutely love the parallel between Chris and rock Chris's main guilt in his life is not calling someone when his mom didn't come home on time rod is doing the exact same thing Chris was doing the day his mom died Rob might even know all the details of that story and even subliminally Chris's story is working on him now I could probably remove all the sins of this movie for being so much more than what's on its surface I'm only going to remove three because yeah I'm a dick rod you just being repeating the mistake Peter Parker makes in the amazing spider-man this is a pretty comprehensive review of Andres disappearance and everything listed in related searches makes sense except the way too convenient family outrage search canceled who the hell would use those specific search terms also Andre Hayworth brings up over 50 million results for comparison if you googled George Clooney right now you'd get a little more than 35 million also under this how to report missing persons page the article is about how to feed a dog and words are in bold like those are the words Ron typed but he didn't movie or Bing but mainly movie hoping to save on space the Armitage's combine their game room with their expositional hypnosis room the Armitage's go with the tie down method of keeping captives in place rather than using Mississip gnosis which works so perfectly super old timey TV is somehow programmed to come on as soon as chris wakes up even though it's super old timing be home back on by the way this video explained nothing Broadway TSA yes-man no art is a issue should be brought up with the authorizing officer did Ron go to the police station and start telling everyone he was from the TSA if he's reporting a missing person then why would he make it seem like he was here on TSA business see that's Andre anywhere he's been missing for six months and some affluent suburb and he don't look so missing rod shows this woman a picture of Andre Logan but doesn't show her the many websites looking for this guy and showing that he is indeed missing may not a work but still you'll be able to see and hear when your body is doing but your existence will be as a passenger hmm this movie just got very Being John Malkovich also and Catherine Keener is in it too let's let people some people want to be stronger cooler come on you're high man so most of these people just want to be black because they think it's cool and that's fun and this guy just wants Chris's eyes and couldn't care less about the skin color but why hasn't the market expanded to white people or any other kind of race as well surely there's somebody who wants to be Zac Efron or Rafael Nadal and by acting so strangely they're not getting the cool benefits from being black either so I'm having a little trouble understanding why one would spend millions of dollars on this process also Jim's appreciation of Chris's I was in the context of how it was interpreted by his brain and almost all that was about to go so Jim for being an [ __ ] Body Snatcher participant but an extra for his faulty logic a plain neurosurgeon Dean Armitage practices brain surgery by in candlelight why would you start any part of the extremely delicate and expensive procedure before getting the other subject in here everything about Jeremy putting Chris into this wheelchair allows Chris to get a surprise attack on Jeremy and holy SH this is exactly the scenario by which cinemasins writes scripts great reveal but put that back in man that cup spoon thing is like your only weakness hmm tyranny also this guy is running with deer antlers straight towards you and you didn't hear that look I know Chris is in a rough head space right now but he's literally watching all the evidence about these people burn in front of it his character's been shown as much too smart to let that happen [ __ ] jeremy is somehow not dead after getting bludgeoned and his head leaked a huge pool of oil or evil or whatever passes for that dude's blood also awesome movie nearly tries to self at the end by using a bad guy that's definitely already dead comes back to try to kill a protagonist cliche being overload this is how Rose Scouts the next candidates how did she find Chris chris is a photographer or some note I guess but not someone you probably be able to goog I mean being easily Plus unless the entire auction was rigged so that Jim Hudson could win it there's no real point in getting Chris unless it was specifically for his eyes five-second repeater ready alright Rose can hear Chris hit Georgina way the hell down at the end of the goddamn driveway outside but missed all that was happening just downstairs did you say that for was it not subtly explained in that video and through context clues that the two grandparents were twerking and Walter this actually might be the worst part of the movie which is a great testament to its quality this was just desperately calling 911 when he hit Georgina and got interrupted a few seconds ago why isn't he calling them again just so we can get a last hurrah from the queen of this movies jump scares Chris survives this I guess Rose decided to run down the road on the off chance that Chris would wreck the car why didn't she get in her own car in the first place try and track them down rather than heading for cover in the dark woods Chris recalls his training at the Prometheus school of running away from things damn grandpa god dammit also why why do you need grandpa to run him down when you have a king loaded weapon Rose definitely sees this flash and knows what flashes do to the subjects who have undergone this procedure and even though Walter says let me do it in that totally not old white guy way that totally tells us he's not Walter anymore Rose doesn't see any reason to take caution man Rose sure does have a killin boner II I mean she could be calling for help instead of trying to finish Chris off considering she's dying and all holy Sh I'm taking a sin off of this too you know what would actually make a great prequel the story of this kid how you found me I'm TS mother Hey haha that's hilarious I'm laughing but I'm also giving soon to the TSA being able to find somebody out in the middle of nowhere with no clue to this situation can handle I love this line and this ending so much but they're leaving all the dead people there call somebody protect some evidence you've been smart this whole movie keep smarting she crying hurry up and get in the closet hey she's all ready for this I asked for my tie and they brought to you pina colada and I said no sauce no so now all of us of all dynamic ears if you can't think enough of it oh no no well most of the world is caught and one day we will do the cleaning oh come on
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 8,914,773
Rating: 4.7521396 out of 5
Keywords: mistake, cinemasins, cars 2, wave jockey job, eww, pixar, review, disney, cars, movie, cinema sins, everything wrong with
Id: Wf6r_YC9dhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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